K. Subramanya - Engineering Hy-Hill Education (India) (2009) 108 PDF

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Abstractions from Precipitation 91

(i) In the first 0.5 hour

0.5 0.5
Fp1 =
ò (3.0 + e -2 t ) dt = éê 3.0 t - e -2 t ùú
ë 2 û0
= [(3.0 ´ 0.5) – (1/2)(e–(2 ´ 0.5)] – [–(1/2)] = (1.5 – 0.184) + 0.5
= 1.816 cm
(ii) In the second 0.5 hour
1.0 1.0
Fp2 =
ò (3.0 + e -2 t ) dt = éê 3.0 t - e -2 t ùú
ë 2 û 0.5
= [(3.0 ´ 1.0) – (1/2)(e–2)] – [(3.0 ´ 0.5) – (l/2)(e–(2 ´ 0.5))]
= (3.0 – 0.0677) – (1.5 – 0.184) = 1.616 cm
EXAMPLE 3.9 The infiltration capacity of soil in a small watershed was found to be
6 cm/h before a rainfall event. It was found to be 1.2 cm/h at the end of 8 hours of storm.
If the total infiltration during the 8 hours period of storm was 15 cm, estimate the value of
the decay coefficient Kh in Horton’s infiltration capacity equation.
- Kh t
SOLUTION: Horton’s equation is fp = fc + (f0 – fc) e
t t

and Fp =
p (t ) ò
dt = f c t + ( f 0 - f c ) e - K h t dt
As t ® ¥, e - K h t dt ®
. Hence for large t values

( f0 - fc )
Fp = fct +
Here Fp = 15.0 cm, f0 = 6.0 cm, fc = 1.2 cm and t = 8 hours.
15.0 = (1.2 ´ 8) + (6.0 – 1.2)/Kh
Kh = 4.8/5.4 = 0.888 h–1


For purposes of runoff volume classification in small watersheds, one of the widely
used methods is the SCS–CN method described in detail in Chapter 5. In this method,
the soils are considered divided into four groups known as hydrologic soil groups.
The steady state infiltration capacity, being one of the main parameters in this soil
classification, is divided into four infiltration classes as mentioned below.

Table 3.11 Classification of Infiltration Capacities

Infiltration Infiltration Capacity Remarks

Class (mm/h)
Very Low < 2.5 Highly clayey soils
Low 2.5 to 25.0 Shallow soils, Clay soils, Soils low in
organic matter
Medium 12.5 to 25.0 Sandy loam, Silt
High >25.0 Deep sands, well drained aggregated soils

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