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8454 landing
AUD 6402.22 7832 AUD 0.81 page views
cost sessions cost per visit
8454 12 AUD 511.52
EOFY pageviews Enquiries cost per conversion 0.14% conv. rate

The EOFY campaign spent AUD 6402.22 (93.7% of the planned) throughout its duration among Display on
Google and LinkedIn, being LinkedIn the main responsible for the unspent budget (low performance).

LinkedIn proved to be a channel for reach, but not to drive traffic to the website or generate conversions.
It generated only 55 sessions, whereas reached 13383 people. For a next campaign the Lead Generation
campaign type could be tried, to capture the leads within the LinkedIn platform.

83.3% (10) of the leads were generated by the Search Ads (BAU campaigns with EOFY ad copy) and the
GDN efforts generated the 2 remaining conversions.

Google Ads (Display GDN + BAU Search Conversions)

AUD 5427.94 AUD 0.70 7777

cost avg. CPC sessions

AUD 0.70 12* AUD 452.33

cost per visit Enquiries cost per conversion
** 10 conversions were generated
through Paid Search and 2 by GDN.

Sessions x avg. CPC

500 1.6
450 1.4
300 1
250 0.8
200 0.6
50 0.2
0 0

Sessions CPC

Additional Conversion touch points

58 0 0 51
logins enquiry new application click to call

3 0 2
click to apply contact form submission lead

LinkedIn Ads

AUD 974.28 13383 1.59 AUD 72.80

cost per 1000
cost reach frequency
people reached

55 AUD 17.71 0 AUD -

sessions Cost per visit conversions cost per conversion

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