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‘til when? word’s next journey

The following contents of “Words Are You” are based and extracted from

the movie “The Words”. All are been reflected shortly but concise in accordance

to what the author’s creative and philosophical mind without the total retelling of

the story from the movie. The author of this reflection wants to greet you for

reading and having this until the end, hope that you will support the continuation

of word’s journey through my first novel ‘til when? via wattpad stories and series.

Nourishing a story of a person whose beginning is his ending and his ends is his

true beginning. I want to thank you Mrs. Gerlie Tansiongco Caspe Ogatis for this

opportunity, it opens the limitless window, spreading and relating to people

through words. Also I acknowledge the movie “The Words” for pulling the

trigger to pursue what I want and unveiling a story of anyone. All is done, all is


About the author:

Ravann Codera Nanola is a 19 year
old student of Polytechnic University of the Published and Designed by:
Philippines currently enrolled in Bachelor
of Science in Management Accounting, an
analyst of truth and observer of reality. “It’s
not about who you are and what you can’t
be, it’s about what you could be without Layouts.
thinking who you are and through words Ravann C. Nanola
you could be anything or anyone” his
truthful words as reminder for all.

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