Arts Assessment 1

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GE 6 Art Appreciation
Assessment 1
1. What are the purposes of art?
In my own opinion, art is something that is created through the application of imagination
of the human mind or real experience partnered with one’s skill and the use of literally any
material or thing as to what one desires to use.
One creates or does art for various reasons. It could be a result of one’s yearning for
pleasure, recreation, or fun. Doing any kind of art entertains the artist or the person
creating the artwork. Another reason is art used as a medium of expression of one’s
emotions, feelings, and ideas. Feelings of happiness, sadness, madness, or sorrow could be
interpreted by the audience watching the artwork through the kind and colors of the
materials used on the piece. Artists, or people who create or do arts, use their art pieces as
the representation of reality, to depict what kind of person they are, making themselves
known, not for popularity, but to reveal who they are, their attitude, personality, and also,
reflect the current situations happening around the world. Art is done for giving (as for the
artist) and taking information (as for the audience).
Art is mainly for the purpose of communication. Communicating and interacting to the
audience or other people through artworks. The artist sends a message or information just
like the aforementioned examples and the audience in return, comprehends the message
and gives response in the form of reactions like happy, sad, mad, and the like and
comments stating their opinions and views about the message.

2. How is art connected to human emotions?

Artists do and create art to appeal to, and connect with, human emotion. Art as a medium
of expression gives the audience stimulus of evoked emotions as to how the artist
portrayed his message or mixed emotions in his artwork. As I define, art is something that is
created through the application of imagination of the human mind or real experience
partnered with one’s skill. One’s art piece leaves the audience, or people looking at the
work, a relatable sense as if they get what the artist is trying to convey or on the other
hand, leaves them a question which sparks human emotion. For example, there’s a painting
and portrayed on the painting were harsh killings of the masses, it leaves people emotions
of sadness and madness and at the same time, they get to ask “why did it happen?”

3. How is art connected to beauty?

An artist creates art. The popular quote that has the people all over the world believed in
for a very long time, “beauty is in the eye of the beholder,” happens to be true to anything a
person beholds even art. The quote literally means that beauty is perceived subjectively.
Subjective in a way where opinions vary from person to person. As Benjamin Franklin
wrote: “Beauty, like supreme dominion; is but supported by opinion.” Also, David Hume
said, “Beauty in things exists merely in the mind which contemplates them." It is simply
based on personal beliefs.
As defined in Wikipedia, beauty is the ascription of a property or characteristic to a person,
object, animal, place or idea that provides a perceptual experience of pleasure or
satisfaction. Which directly translates that beauty has no standards, it is acknowledging
something the way it is. So in art, there is beauty. Anyone can do art and beauty is
subjective or merely exists in one’s mind.
Quotes from:

4. Do you think anyone can become an artist without formal training/experience? Reasons.
I do think anyone can become an artist without formal training or experience. An artist is
defined as someone engaged in an activity related to creating art, practicing the arts, or
demonstrating an art. As the context of the word “artist” has transformed over time, an
artist is now anyone who calls himself or herself an artist.
With all the random things and tools around, anyone can directly do art. As the definition,
anyone engaged in art is an artist. Even a kindergarten can be called an artist, he or she
doesn’t even have formal training but could fill a piece of paper with colorful scribbles on it
and still be called an art. I can be an artist and I do not have professional or formal training
about arts but if I claim to be one then, I am an artist.

5. Describe how art can become a therapeutic solution.

Art is mainly for the purpose of communication. Communicating and interacting to the
audience or other people through artworks. It is therapeutic in function as it is rooted in the
idea that creative expression can foster healing and mental well-being with the use of art
media. Creating art or viewing others' art, is used to help people explore emotions, develop
self-awareness, cope with stress, boost self-esteem, and work on social skills (Cherry, 2020).
The feelings, emotions, ideas, and message evoked in art pieces have the ability to spark
human emotion, inspire people, and help them see things from a different point of view.
Through this, people are able to communicate thoughts, ideas, concerns or fears in a way
that verbal communication is not capable of.
Cherry, K. (2020, May 11). ​verywellmind: How Art Therapy Is Used to Help People Heal.​ Retrieved from

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