Introduction Part of Teacher As A Guidance Counselor Mode

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Situated at Monte Vista, Poblacion Taytay Palawan, Central Taytay National

High School serves as the second home for the Junior High School students of La

Estrella Del Norte. The said school started its operation on July 2003, with four sections

in first year with a total of two hundred twenty (220) students, four (4) teachers headed

by Miss Juanich. On year 2006, upon closure of the well-known semi-private High

School in Poblacion; the Northern Palawan Institute, tremendous increase in the

population of CTNHS was recorded. The teachers as well as the students have many

sacrifices during this transition.

From two hundred twenty (220) students on 2003, the student’s population of

Central Taytay National High School at present, have reach into one thousand nine

hundred sixty two (1962). The teacher’s population also increase from four (4) to fifty

(50) teachers in 2018. Before the end of the service of the first principal, Ms. Juanich on

2013, a plantilla position for a Guidance Counselor was given to CTNHS thus having

Mrs.Trinidad as the first Guidance Counselor of the Centralians. Before her, the school

principal addressed the issues and concerns of the students. The frequent issues

addressed by acting guidance designate were absenteeism and truancy while the more

serious ones such as teenage pregnancy involves not only the school but also the

Municipality of Taytay in general. .

As recommended by American School Counselor Association and American

Counseling Association the ideal ratio of guidance counselor to number of students is

1:250. However it should be noted that long before the licensure exam, an individual

aspiring to become a Registered Guidance Counselor needs to pursue a Graduate

Studies and finished a Master’s Degree with a major in Guidance and Counseling.

Unlike the other professions that allows the person to take licensure examination right

after finishing a four-year course in college, professionals practicing in Guidance and

Counseling needs to extend his/her studies for another two (2) years or more.

Thus, only 3,220 RGC’s nationwide as of July 2017 is existing to cater the needs

of Guidance and Counseling Services in the Philippines (Valdez, 2018). A shortage of

43, 739 Registered Guidance Counselor in the Education Sector Alone. Under the

DepEd Staffing Standard, a school is required to hire one (1) counselor for every five

hundred (500) students, a ratio that is impossible to meet (Valdez, 2018).

The Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers in the Philippines, under Article VIII

Section 9, states that the teacher always assures that the conditions/situations are

adequate for the maximum development of the learners and that they fully commit

themselves to extend assistance in the prevention or solution of the learner’s problem

and difficulties. This suggest that it is not only the delivery of successful instruction the

teacher is ought to fulfill but as well as addressing barriers on to student’s success in

education. This is reflected in the role performed by the teacher as the Adviser of a

block or a section most specifically observed in primary and secondary level in which
they were assigned to monitor their advisory’s status in academics and even with their

personal issues and concerns in life.

Accordingly, a teacher who is the focal person of any educational institution is

challenge to witness the evolution of their roles from simple to a more complex one with

the mark of 21st century. Inclusive with the label of being the architecture of the next

generation is the task of honing the students to become successful professionals in the

future through helping them develop skills not only in academics but as well as those

which are useful to their personal beings. According to Craig (as cited by Dimkpa,

2015), along with the considerations for knowledge and skills beneficial for the 21st

century learners are ethical values that needs to be demonstrated by the teacher such

as respect, care, integrity and trust.

In connection to this, this study entitled Teacher as a Guidance Counselor Model

aims to aid teachers in fulfilling guidance role by assessing and strengthening a list of

attributes/traits of a Guidance Counselor, which they also possess. In-Service about the

services provided by the Guidance and Counseling office, which a teacher could legally

render, is also included on the output of this research.

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