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Dungeons & Dragons 3.

5 Edition Index – Monsters – sorted by Subtype
Collected by Chet Erez (
October 1, 2007

Table of Contents Page

Element .............................................................................................. 2 Rilmani .......................................................................................................49
Air .................................................................................................................2 Slaad ...........................................................................................................49
Cold...............................................................................................................8 Tanar’ri .......................................................................................................50
Earth ............................................................................................................12 Varrangoin..................................................................................................51
Fire ..............................................................................................................18 Windblade...................................................................................................51
Water...........................................................................................................24 Yugoloth .....................................................................................................52
Alignment......................................................................................... 29 Other Species ................................................................................... 53
Chaos...........................................................................................................29 Dragonblood ...............................................................................................53
Evil..............................................................................................................33 Living Construct.........................................................................................53
Good............................................................................................................40 Living Spell ................................................................................................54
Law .............................................................................................................42 Marruspawn................................................................................................56
Extraplanar Species .......................................................................... 45 Magebred Animals .....................................................................................56
Angel...........................................................................................................45 Reptilian .....................................................................................................56
Archon.........................................................................................................45 Misc. ................................................................................................ 57
Baatezu........................................................................................................46 Aquatic .......................................................................................................57
Demodand ...................................................................................................47 Incorporeal..................................................................................................62
Eladrin.........................................................................................................47 Psionic ........................................................................................................64
Ethergaunt...................................................................................................47 Shapechanger..............................................................................................65
Formian .......................................................................................................47 Swarm.........................................................................................................66
Guardinal ....................................................................................................48 Mob.............................................................................................................67
Inveitable ....................................................................................................48 Symbiont.....................................................................................................68
Loumara ......................................................................................................48 Appendix.......................................................................................... 69
Nerra ...........................................................................................................48 Revision History.........................................................................................69
Obyrith ........................................................................................................48 Key to Sourcebooks ...................................................................................69
Quori ...........................................................................................................49
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Monsters – sorted by Subtype, then by CR, then by Name October 1, 2007

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.
Air Gen (DR315 p082) Outsider Air Tiny2 1 0.5 Plane of Air —
Windraptor (DU111 p097) Elemental Air 3 Small 1 0.5 Plane of Air Dark Sun
Air Elemental, Small 3
(MM p096) Elemental Air 3 Small 2 1 Plane of Air —
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Lamannia
Cloudscout (DU110 p086) Elemental Air 3 Small 1 1 Plane of Air Dark Sun
Ice Para-Elemental, Small 3
(MotP p181) Plane of Air
Elemental Air, Cold Small 2 1 Plane of Water

(3.5up p28)+

(Eb p97)+ Plane of Risia

Smoke Para-Elemental, Combo
Small Plane of Air
Elemental Air, Fire Small 2 1 Plane of Fire

(MotP p184)

(3.5up p28)+ Plane of Lamannia

Squid, Air Element (MotP p191) Combo
Template –
(3.5up p26)+ Elemental Air Med. 3 1 Plane of Air
Element, Air

(Eb p97)+ Plane of Lamannia

Grue, Air (aka “Ildriss”) (CArc p155) Elemental Air, Evil 4 Med. 3 2 Plane of Air —
Steel Dragon, Wyrmling
(DoF p140) Dragon Air Tiny
2 4 2 Temp Plains Lvl +2
Storm Elemental, Small 3
Elemental Air 3 Small 2 2 Plane of Air —
(MM3 p049) Plane of Kythri
Air Elemental, Medium 4
(MM p096) Elemental Air 4 Med. 4 3 Plane of Air —
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Lamannia
Arrowhawk, Juvenile
(MM p019) Outsider Air 3 Small 3 3 Plane of Air —
(Ebp97)+ Plane of Lamannia
Cobalt Dragon, Wyrmling 0
Dragon Air 2 Tiny 5 3 Warm Forest Lvl +4
(DR356 p025) Temp Forest
Crystal Dragon, Wyrmling 0
Plane of Air
Dragon Air Small 5 3 Temp Mountains
Lvl +5
(MM2 p081)

(3.5up p32)+ Cold Mountains

Dust Twister Combo
Elemental Air 4 Med. 4 3 Plane of Air —
(Sand p162) Warm Deserts
Emerald Dragon, Combo
Wyrmling (MM2 p082) Dragon Air 3 Small 6 3 Plane of Air Lvl +4
(3.5up p32)+ Underground

Green Dragon, Wyrmling 0

(MM p074) Dragon Air 3 Small 5 3 Temp Forests Lvl +5
Ice Para-Elemental, Combo
Medium (MotP p181) Plane of Air
Elemental Air, Cold Med. 4 3 Plane of Water

(3.5up p28)+

(Eb p97)+ Plane of Risia

Mephit, Air Combo
(MM p181) Outsider Air 3 Small 3 3 Plane of Air Cohort +3
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Lamannia
Mephit, Dust Combo
(MM p181) Outsider Air 3 Small 3 3 Plane of Air Cohort +3
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Lamannia
Mephit, Ice Combo
(MM p182) Outsider Air, Cold 3 Small 3 3 Plane of Air Cohort +3
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Risia
Mephit, Sulfur Combo
Outsider Air, Earth 3 Small 3 3 Plane of Air Cohort +3
(Sand p176) Plane of Earth
Smoke Para-Elemental, Combo
Medium Plane of Air
Elemental Air, Fire Med. 4 3 Plane of Fire

(MotP p184)

(3.5up p28)+ Plane of Lamannia

Tome Dragon, Wyrmling Combo

(DR343 p042) Dragon Air 2 Tiny 3 3 Any Mountain

Lvl +5
Air Elementite Swarm (Planar p114) Elemental Swarm, Air 2 Tiny 7 4 Plane of Air —
Crystal Dragon, Very 1
Young Plane of Air
Dragon Air Med. 8 4 Temp Mountains
Lvl +5
(MM2 p081)

(3.5up p32)+ Cold Mountains

Dzalmus Dragon, Combo
Wyrmling Dragon Air 3 Small 4 4 Warm Plains —
(DR349 p062) Temp Plains

Air subtype Page 2

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Monsters – sorted by Subtype, then by CR, then by Name October 1, 2007

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.

Grayhawk Dragon, Any
Dragon Air Small 4 4 (city only)
Lvl +3

0 (DR339 p051)
Green Dragon, Very
Dragon Air Med. 8 4 Temp Forests Lvl +5


(MM p074)
Steel Dragon, Very Young
(DoF p140) Dragon Air 3 Small 7 4 Temp Plains Lvl +3
Steel Dragon, Young
(DoF p140) Dragon Air Med.
4 10 4 Temp Plains Lvl +4
Storm Elemental, Medium 4
Elemental Air 4 Med. 4 4 Plane of Air —
(MM3 p049) Plane of Kythri
Wind Warrior (DU124 p047) Elemental Air 4 Med. 6 4 Plane of Air —
Air Elemental, Large 5
(MM p096) Elemental Air 5 Large 8 5 Plane of Air —
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Lamannia
Arrowhawk, Adult
(MM p019) Outsider Air 4 Med. 7 5 Plane of Air —
(Ebp97)+ Plane of Lamannia
Cobalt Dragon, Very 1
Young Dragon Air 4 Med. 8 5 Warm Forest Lvl +4
(DR356 p025) Temp Forest
Crystal Dragon, Young 2
Plane of Air
Dragon Air Med. 11 5 Temp Mountains
Lvl +5
(MM2 p081)

(3.5up p32)+ Cold Mountains

Dzalmus Dragon, Very 1
Young Dragon Air 3 Small 7 5 Warm Plains —
(DR349 p062) Temp Plains
Emerald Dragon, Very 1
Young (MM2 p082) Dragon Air 4 Med. 9 5 Plane of Air Lvl +4
(3.5up p32)+ Underground
Genie, Djinni Combo
(MM p114) Outsider Air 5 Large 7 5 Plane of Air Lvl +6
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Lamannia
Grayhawk Dragon, Very Any
Dragon Air Small 7 5 Lvl +4

Young (city only)


(DR339 p051)
Ice Para-Elemental, Large 5
(MotP p181) Plane of Air
Elemental Air, Cold Large 8 5 Plane of Water

(3.5up p28)+

(Eb p97)+ Plane of Risia

Slyph Combo
Plane of Air
(MM2 p192) Outsider Air 3 Small 3 5 Temp Mountains Lvl +5
(3.5up p36)+ Warm Mountains
(Eb p99)+ Plane of Thelanis
Smoke Para-Elemental, Combo
Large Plane of Air
Elemental Air, Fire Large 8 5 Plane of Fire

(MotP p184)

(3.5up p28)+ Plane of Lamannia

Steel Dragon, Juvenile
(DoF p140) Dragon Air 4 Med. 13 5 Temp Plains Lvl +4
Tome Dragon, Very Combo
Dragon Air Small 6 5 Lvl +5

Young Any Mountain


(DR343 p042)
Weird, Air, Lesser (DR347 p070) Elemental Air 4 Med. 8 5 Plane of Air —
Belker Combo
(MM p027) Elemental Air 5 Large 7 6 Plane of Air —
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Lamannia
Drake, Air (Dcn p152) Dragon Air 5 Large 8 6 Temp Deserts Lvl +3
Dzalmus Dragon, Young 2
Dragon Air 4 Med. 10 6 Warm Plains —
(DR349 p062) Temp Plains
Grayhawk Dragon, Young Any

(DR339 p051) Dragon Air 4 Med. 10 6 (city only)

Lvl +5
Green Dragon, Young 2
(MM p074) Dragon Air 4 Med. 11 6 Temp Forests Lvl +5
Storm Elemental, Large 5
Elemental Air 5 Large 8 6 Plane of Air —
(MM3 p049) Plane of Kythri
Thunder (DR317 p065) Outsider Air Med.
4 7 6 Any Lvl +4
Voidwraith (LM p131) Undead Air, Incorporeal Med.
4 6 6 Any —
Will-O’-Wisp (MM p255) Aberration Air 3 Small 9 6 Temp Marshes —
Air Elemental, Huge 6
(MM p096) Elemental Air 6 Huge 16 7 Plane of Air —
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Lamannia
Breathdrinker (MM2 p039)
(3.5up p31)+ Elemental Air 4 Med. 8 7 Plane of Air Lvl +7

Air subtype Page 3

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Monsters – sorted by Subtype, then by CR, then by Name October 1, 2007

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.

Cobalt Dragon, Young 2
Dragon Air 4 Med. 11 7 Warm Forest Lvl +6
(DR356 p025) Temp Forest
Drake, Ice (Dcn p154) Dragon Air, Cold 5 Large 8 7 Cold Deserts Lvl +3
Emerald Dragon, Young 2
(MM2 p082) Dragon Air 4 Med. 12 7 Plane of Air Lvl +6
(3.5up p32)+ Underground
Ice Para-Elemental, Huge 6
(MotP p181) Plane of Air
Elemental Air, Cold Huge 16 7 Plane of Water

(3.5up p28)+

(Eb p97)+ Plane of Risia

Invisible Stalker Combo
(MM p160) Elemental Air 5 Large 8 7 Plane of Air —
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Lamannia
Smoke Para-Elemental, Combo
Huge Plane of Air
Elemental Air, Fire Huge 16 7 Plane of Fire

(MotP p184)

(3.5up p28)+ Plane of Lamannia

Steel Dragon, Young
Dragon Air Med. 16 7 Temp Plains —


(DoF p140)
Tome Dragon, Young Combo

(DR343 p042) Dragon Air 4 Med. 9 7 Any Mountain

Lvl +6
Arrowhawk, Elder
(MM p019) Outsider Air 5 Large 15 8 Plane of Air —
(Ebp97)+ Plane of Lamannia
Crystal Dragon, Juvenile 3
Plane of Air
Dragon Air Large 14 8 Temp Mountains

(MM2 p081)

(3.5up p32)+ Cold Mountains

Dzalmus Dragon, Juvenile 3
Dragon Air 4 Med. 13 8 Warm Plains —
(DR349 p062) Temp Plains
Genie, Djinni Noble Combo
(MM p114) Outsider Air 5 Large 10 8 Plane of Air Advanced
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Lamannia
Grayhawk Dragon, Any
Dragon Air Med. 13 8 —
Juvenile (city only)

(DR339 p051)
Green Dragon, Juvenile 3
(MM p074) Dragon Air 5 Large 14 8 Temp Forests Lvl +6
Steel Dragon, Adult
(DoF p140) Dragon Air 5 Large 19 8 Temp Plains —
Storm Elemental, Huge 6
Elemental Air 6 Huge 16 8 Plane of Air —
(MM3 p049) Plane of Kythri
Air Elemental, Greater
(MM p096) Elemental Air 6 Huge 21 9 Plane of Air —
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Lamannia
Cobalt Dragon, Juvenile 3
Dragon Air 5 Large 14 9 Warm Forest —
(DR356 p025) Temp Forest
Dragonne, Smoke Element Combo
Plane of Air Template –
Elemental Air, Fire Large 9 9 Plane of Fire
(DR347 p062) Element, Smoke

(Eb p97)+ Plane of Lamannia

Drake, Smoke (Dcn p157) Dragon Air, Fire 5 Large 12 9 Underground Lvl +3
Emerald Dragon, Juvenile 3
(MM2 p082) Dragon Air 5 Large 15 9 Plane of Air —
(3.5up p32)+ Underground
Ice Para-Elemental, Combo
Greater (MotP p181) Plane of Air
Elemental Air, Cold Huge 21 9 Plane of Water

(3.5up p28)+

(Eb p97)+ Plane of Risia

Immoth Combo
Any Cold
(MM2 p127) Elemental Air, Cold, Water 5 Large 10 9 Plane of Air Lvl +6
(3.5up p34)+ Plane of Water
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Risia
Smoke Para-Elemental, Combo
Greater Plane of Air
Elemental Air, Fire Huge 21 9 Plane of Fire

(MotP p184)

(3.5up p28)+ Plane of Lamannia

Dzalmus Dragon, Young 4
Adult Dragon Air 4 Med. 16 10 Warm Plains —
(DR349 p062) Temp Plains
Grayhawk Dragon, Young Any
Dragon Air Med. 16 10 —

Adult (city only)


(DR339 p051)
Storm Elemental, Greater C
Elemental Air 6 Huge 21 10 Plane of Air —
(MM3 p049) Plane of Kythri

Air subtype Page 4

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Monsters – sorted by Subtype, then by CR, then by Name October 1, 2007

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.

Tome Dragon, Juvenile Combo

(DR343 p042) Dragon Air 4 Med. 12 10 Any Mountain

Lvl +7
Air Elemental, Elder
(MM p096) Elemental Air 6 Huge 24 11 Plane of Air —
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Lamannia
Cobalt Dragon, Young 4
Adult Dragon Air 5 Large 17 11 Warm Forest —
(DR356 p025) Temp Forest
Crystal Dragon, Young 4
Adult Plane of Air
Dragon Air Large 17 11 Temp Mountains

(MM2 p081)

(3.5up p32)+ Cold Mountains

Giant, Cloud (MM p120) Giant Air 6 Huge 17 11 Temp Mountains —
Green Dragon, Young
Dragon Air Large 17 11 Temp Forests —


(MM p074)
Ice Para-Elemental, Elder D
(MotP p181) Plane of Air
Elemental Air, Cold Huge 24 11 Plane of Water

(3.5up p28)+

(Eb p97)+ Plane of Risia

Smoke Para-Elemental, Combo
Elder Plane of Air
Elemental Air, Fire Huge 24 11 Plane of Fire

(MotP p184)

(3.5up p28)+ Plane of Lamannia

Spirit of the Air (FF p160)
(3.5up p24)+ Magical Beast Air 5 Large 11 11 Any —
Squid, Giant, Ice Element Combo
Aquatic, Air, Cold, Plane of Air Template –
Elemental Water
Huge 12 11 Plane of Water Element, Ice

(DR347 p058) Plane of Risia

Steel Dragon, Mature
Dragon Air Large 22 11 Temp Plains —


(DoF p140)
Dzalmus Dragon, Adult 5
Dragon Air 5 Large 19 12 Warm Plains —
(DR349 p062) Temp Plains
Emerald Dragon, Young 4
Adult (MM2 p082) Dragon Air 5 Large 18 12 Plane of Air —
(3.5up p32)+ Underground
Grayhawk Dragon, Adult Any

(DR339 p051) Dragon Air 5 Large 19 12 (city only)

Steel Dragon, Old
(DoF p140) Dragon Air 5 Large 25 12 Temp Plains —
Storm Elemental, Elder D
Elemental Air 6 Huge 24 12 Plane of Air —
(MM3 p049) Plane of Kythri
Weird, Air Combo
Plane of Air
Elemental Air Large 15 12 Any Land

(MM2 p091)

(3.5up p33)+ Underground

Crystal Dragon, Adult 5
Plane of Air
Dragon Air Huge 20 13 Temp Mountains

(MM2 p081)

(3.5up p32)+ Cold Mountains

Green Dragon, Adult 5
(MM p074) Dragon Air 6 Huge 20 13 Temp Forests —
Ken-Sun Combo
Giant Air 5 Large 17 13 Temp Hills —
(MM5 p049) Cold Hills
Living Holocaust (FF p117)
(3.5up p24)+ Elemental Air, Fire 3 Small 15 13 Plane of Abyss —
Steel Dragon, Very Old
(DoF p140) Dragon Air 6 Huge 28 13 Temp Plains —
Tome Dragon, Young Combo
Dragon Air Large 15 13 —

Adult Any Mountain


(DR343 p042)
Cobalt Dragon, Adult 5
Dragon Air 6 Huge 20 14 Warm Forest —
(DR356 p025) Temp Forest
Ruin Chanter Any
(MM5 p132) Fey Air, Earth 4 Med. 20 14 (ruins)

Cyclonic Ravager (MM4 p010) Elemental Air 5 Large 26 15 Plane of Air —
Dzalmus Dragon, Mature 6
Adult Dragon Air 5 Large 22 15 Warm Plains —
(DR349 p062) Temp Plains
Emerald Dragon, Adult 5
(MM2 p082) Dragon Air 6 Huge 21 15 Plane of Air —
(3.5up p32)+ Underground
Grayhawk Dragon, Mature Any
Dragon Air Large 22 15 —

Adult (city only)


(DR339 p051)
Omnimental (MM3 p118)
(MM3Errata)+ Elemental Air, Earth, Fire, Water 7 Garg. 32 15 Plane of Fire —

Air subtype Page 5

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Monsters – sorted by Subtype, then by CR, then by Name October 1, 2007

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.

Steel Dragon, Ancient
9 (DoF p140) Dragon Air Huge
6 31 15 Temp Plains —
Weird, Snow (Frost p126) Elemental Air, Cold 5 Large 15 15 Plane of Air —
Cobalt Dragon, Mature 6
Adult Dragon Air 6 Huge 23 16 Warm Forest —
(DR356 p025) Temp Forest
Crystal Dragon, Mature 6
Adult Plane of Air
Dragon Air Huge 23 16 Temp Mountains

(MM2 p081)

(3.5up p32)+ Cold Mountains

Green Dragon, Mature
Dragon Air Huge 23 16 Temp Forests —


(MM p074)
Steel Dragon, Wyrm
(DoF p140) Dragon Air 7 Garg. 34 16 Temp Plains —
Tempest Combo
Plane of Air
Elemental Air, Earth, Fire, Water 7 Garg. 24 16 Plane of Earth —
(MM2 p193) Plane of Fire
(3.5up p37)+ Plane of Water
Tome Dragon, Adult Combo

(DR343 p042) Dragon Air 5 Large 18 16 Any Mountain

Air Monolith Combo
Elemental Air 7 Garg. 36 17 Plane of Air —
(CArc p156) Plane of Lamannia
Drake, Storm (Dcn p194) Dragon Air 7 Garg. 30 17 Cold Hills —
Dzalmus Dragon, Old 7
Dragon Air 5 Large 25 17 Warm Plains —
(DR349 p062) Temp Plains
Emerald Dragon, Mature 6
Adult (MM2 p082) Dragon Air 6 Huge 24 17 Plane of Air —
(3.5up p32)+ Underground
Grayhawk Dragon, Old Any

(DR339 p051) Dragon Air 5 Large 25 17 (city only)

Ice Monolith Combo
Plane of Air
Elemental Air, Cold 7 Garg. 35 17 Plane of Water

(DR347 p054) Plane of Risia
Smoke Monolith Combo
Plane of Air
Elemental Air, Fire 7 Garg. 36 17 Plane of Fire

(DR347 p056) Plane of Lamannia
Tome Dragon, Mature Combo
Dragon Air Huge 21 17 —

Adult Any Mountain


(DR343 p042)
Crystal Dragon, Old 7
Plane of Air
Dragon Air Huge 26 18 Temp Mountains

(MM2 p081)

(3.5up p32)+ Cold Mountains

Green Dragon, Old 7
(MM p074) Dragon Air Huge
6 26 18 Temp Forests —
Steel Dragon, Great Wyrm
(DoF p140) Dragon Air 7 Garg. 37 18 Temp Plains —
Cobalt Dragon, Old 7
Dragon Air 6 Huge 26 19 Warm Forest —
(DR356 p025) Temp Forest
Crystal Dragon, Very Old 8
Plane of Air
Dragon Air Huge 29 19 Temp Mountains

(MM2 p081)

(3.5up p32)+ Cold Mountains

Dzalmus Dragon, Very 8
Old Dragon Air 6 Huge 28 19 Warm Plains —
(DR349 p062) Temp Plains
Emerald Dragon, Old 7
(MM2 p082) Dragon Air 6 Huge 27 19 Plane of Air —
(3.5up p32)+ Underground
Grayhawk Dragon, Very Any
Dragon Air Huge 28 19 —

Old (city only)


(DR339 p051)
Green Dragon, Very Old 8
(MM p074) Dragon Air 6 Huge 29 19 Temp Forests —
Cobalt Dragon, Very Old 8
Dragon Air 6 Huge 29 20 Warm Forest —
(DR356 p025) Temp Forest
Dzalmus Dragon, Ancient 9
Dragon Air 6 Huge 31 20 Warm Plains —
(DR349 p062) Temp Plains
Emerald Dragon, Very Old 8
(MM2 p082) Dragon Air 6 Huge 30 20 Plane of Air —
(3.5up p32)+ Underground
Grayhawk Dragon, Any
Dragon Air Huge 31 20 —
Ancient (city only)

(DR339 p051)
Tome Dragon, Old Combo

(DR343 p042) Dragon Air 6 Huge 24 20 Any Mountain

Air subtype Page 6

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Monsters – sorted by Subtype, then by CR, then by Name October 1, 2007

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.

Crystal Dragon, Ancient 9
Plane of Air
Dragon Air Garg. 32 21 Temp Mountains

(MM2 p081)

(3.5up p32)+ Cold Mountains

Dzalmus Dragon, Wyrm A
Dragon Air 6 Huge 34 21 Warm Plains —
(DR349 p062) Temp Plains
Grayhawk Dragon, Wyrm Any

(DR339 p051) Dragon Air 6 Huge 34 21 (city only)

Green Dragon, Ancient
(MM p074) Dragon Air 7 Garg. 32 21 Temp Forests —
Cobalt Dragon, Ancient9
Dragon Air 7 Garg. 32 22 Warm Forest —
(DR356 p025) Temp Forest
Crystal Dragon, Wyrm A
Plane of Air
Dragon Air Garg. 35 22 Temp Mountains

(MM2 p081)

(3.5up p32)+ Cold Mountains

Emerald Dragon, Ancient 9
(MM2 p082) Dragon Air 7 Garg. 33 22 Plane of Air —
(3.5up p32)+ Underground
Green Dragon, WyrmA
(MM p074) Dragon Air 7 Garg. 35 22 Temp Forests —
Tome Dragon, Very Old Combo

(DR343 p042) Dragon Air 6 Huge 27 22 Any Mountain

Cobalt Dragon, Wyrm A
Dragon Air 7 Garg. 35 23 Warm Forest —
(DR356 p025) Temp Forest
Dzalmus Dragon, Great B
Wyrm Dragon Air 6 Huge 37 23 Warm Plains —
(DR349 p062) Temp Plains
Grayhawk Dragon, Great Any
Dragon Air Huge 37 23 —

Wyrm (city only)


(DR339 p051)
Tome Dragon, Ancient Combo

(DR343 p042) Dragon Air 6 Huge 30 23 Any Mountain

Crystal Dragon, Great B
Wyrm Plane of Air
Dragon Air Garg. 38 24 Temp Mountains

(MM2 p081)

(3.5up p32)+ Cold Mountains

Emerald Dragon, Wyrm A
(MM2 p082) Dragon Air 7 Garg. 36 24 Plane of Air —
(3.5up p32)+ Underground
Green Dragon, Great
Dragon Air Garg. 38 24 Temp Forests —


(MM p074)
Cobalt Dragon, Great B
Wyrm Dragon Air 7 Garg. 38 25 Warm Forest —
(DR356 p025) Temp Forest
Emerald Dragon, Great B
Wyrm (MM2 p082) Dragon Air 7 Garg. 39 25 Plane of Air —
(3.5up p32)+ Underground
Tome Dragon, Wyrm Combo

(DR343 p042) Dragon Air 7 Garg. 33 25 Any Mountain

Tome Dragon, Great Combo
Dragon Air Garg. 36 26 —

Wyrm Any Mountain


(DR343 p042)

Air subtype Page 7

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Monsters – sorted by Subtype, then by CR, then by Name October 1, 2007

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.
Ice Para-Elemental, Small
(MotP p181) Plane of Air
Elemental Air, Cold Small 2 1 Plane of Water

(3.5up p28)+

(Eb p97)+ Plane of Risia

Whitespawn Hordeling Monstrous Combo
Dragonblood, Cold Small 2 1 —
Humanoid Any Cold

(MM4 p156)
Branta (Frost p113) Magical Beast Cold 5 Large 3 2 Cold Forests —
Frost Folk Monstrous
Cold Med. 4 2 Cold Mountains Lvl +1

(Frost p130)
White Dragon, Wyrmling
(MM p077) Dragon Cold 2 Tiny 3 2 Cold Mountains Lvl +4
Chromium Dragon, Combo
Wyrmling Cold Mountain
Dragon Cold Small 6 3 Cold Hills Lvl +2

Cold Plains
(DR356 p023) Underground
Gargoyle, Ice Beast Template –
Construct Cold Med. 4 3 Any
(Frost p139) Ice Beast

Ice Para-Elemental, Combo

Medium (MotP p181) Plane of Air
Elemental Air, Cold Med. 4 3 Plane of Water

(3.5up p28)+

(Eb p97)+ Plane of Risia

Ice Toad (Frost p140) Magical Beast Cold 5 Large 4 3 Cold Marshes —
Mephit, Ice Combo
(MM p182) Outsider Air, Cold 3 Small 3 3 Plane of Air Cohort +3
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Risia
Vazalka Combo
Magical Beast Cold 4 Med. 3 3 Cold Forests —
(MM3 p122) Plane of Risia
White Dragon, Very
Dragon Cold Small 6 3 Cold Mountains Lvl +5


(MM p077)
Yeti Monstrous
Cold Large 4 3 Cold Mountains Lvl +3

(Frost p162)
Asperi (MM2 p025) Combo
(3.5up p30)+ Magical Beast Cold 5 Large 4 4 Any Mountain

Silver Dragon, Wyrmling
(MM p086) Dragon Cold 3 Small 7 4 Temp Mountains Lvl +4
Snowcloak (Frost p153) Aberration Cold 5 Large 4 4 Cold Hills —
Steaming Soldier Combo
(DR324 p060) Undead Cold 4 Med. 4 4 Any Cold

White Dragon, Young
(MM p077) Dragon Cold 4 Med. 9 4 Cold Mountains Lvl +6
Whitespawn Hunter Monstrous
Dragonblood, Cold Med. 6 4 Cold Plains —

(MM4 p158)
Yuki-On-Na (Frost p164) Fey Cold 4 Med. 8 4 Cold Forests Lvl +4
Chromium Dragon, Very 1
Young Cold Mountain
Dragon Cold 3 Small 9 5 Cold Hills Lvl +3
Cold Plains
(DR356 p023) Underground
Energon, Xor-Yost (Planar p122) Outsider Incorporeal, Cold 4 Med. 5 5 Plane of Hell —
Ice Para-Elemental, Large
(MotP p181) Plane of Air
Elemental Air, Cold Large 8 5 Plane of Water

(3.5up p28)+

(Eb p97)+ Plane of Risia

Icy Prisoner (DR324 p059) Undead Cold 4 Med. 7 5 Cold Aquatic —
Ooze, Snowflake Combo
(MM3 p161) Ooze Cold 4 Med. 6 5 Cold Mountains —
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Risia
Rejkar Combo
(MM3 p140) Outsider Cold 5 Large 5 5 Plane of Hell Lvl +6
(Eb p98)+ Plane of Risia
Silver Dragon, Very
Dragon Cold Med. 10 5 Temp Mountains Lvl +4


(MM p086)
Urskan (Frost p159) Magical Beast Cold 5 Large 5 5 Cold Hills Lvl +4
Winter Wolf (MM p256) Magical Beast Cold 5 Large 6 5 Cold Forests Cohort +3
Winterling Combo
Fey Cold 3 Small 7 5 Cold Hills Lvl +5
(DR324 p061) Cold Mountains
Chraal Combo
(MM3 p028) Elemental Cold 5 Large 9 6 Plane of Water —
(Eb p98)+ Plane of Risia

Cold subtype Page 8

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Monsters – sorted by Subtype, then by CR, then by Name October 1, 2007

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.

Genie, Qorrashi (Frost p131) Outsider Cold, Law 5 Large 7 6 Plane of Air Lvl +5
Hydra, 5 Headed Cryo (MM p156) Magical Beast Cold Huge
6 5 6 Cold Marshes —
Icegaunt (Frost p141) Undead Cold Med.
4 10 6 Cold Mountains —
Marzanna Monstrous
Cold Med. 8 6 Cold Forest —

(Frost p144)
Vazalkyon Combo
Cold Med. 7 6 Cold Forests Lvl +5

(MM3 p122) Plane of Risia

Wendigo Template –
(FF p187) Fey Cold 4 Med. 4 6 Cold Forests Wendigo
(3.5up p24)+ Lvl +4
White Dragon, Juvenile
(MM p077) Dragon Cold 4 Med. 12 6 Cold Mountains —
Whitespawn Hunter, Monstrous
Dragonblood, Cold Med. 8 6 Cold Plains Leveled Up
Barbarian 2nd Humanoid

(MM4 p158)
Whitespawn Iceskidder Combo
Magical Beast Dragonblood, Cold 5 Large 9 6 Cold Marshes —
(MM4 p162) Cold Plains
Chromium Dragon, Young
Cold Mountain
Dragon Cold 4 Med. 12 7 Cold Hills Lvl +4
Cold Plains
(DR356 p023) Underground
Drake, Ice (Dcn p154) Dragon Air, Cold 5 Large 8 7 Cold Deserts Lvl +3
Frost Salamander Combo
(MM2 p107) Any Cold
Magical Beast Cold Med. 12 7 Underground
Lvl +3
(3.5up p33)+

(Eb p97)+ Plane of Risia

Hydra, 6 Headed Cryo (MM p156) Magical Beast Cold 6 Huge 6 7 Cold Marshes —
Ice Para-Elemental, Huge
(MotP p181) Plane of Air
Elemental Air, Cold Huge 16 7 Plane of Water

(3.5up p28)+

(Eb p97)+ Plane of Risia

Malasynep (Frost p142) Aberration Aquatic, Cold 6 Huge 8 7 Cold Aquatic —
Silver Dragon, Young
(MM p086) Dragon Cold 4 Med. 13 7 Temp Mountains Lvl +5
Slow Shadow Incorporeal, Cold,
(DU112 p104) Outsider Evil, Chaos
4 Med. 14 7 Plane of Negative —
Yeti, Abominable Monstrous
Cold Huge 10 7 Cold Mountains Advanced

(Frost p163)
Hydra, 7 Headed Cryo (MM p156) Magical Beast Cold 6 Huge 7 8 Cold Marshes —
Shambling Mound, Cold Combo
Element (aka “Thundra Plane of Air Template –
Elemental Cold Large 8 8 Plane of Water
(MotP p195) Element, Cold

Shambler”) (3.5up p26)+ Plane of Risia

White Dragon, Young
Dragon Cold Large 15 8 Cold Mountains —


(MM p077)
Chromium Dragon, Combo
Juvenile Cold Mountain
Dragon Cold Med. 15 9 Cold Hills Lvl +4

Cold Plains
(DR356 p023) Underground
Demon, Mavawhan Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos,
(DR345 p032) Outsider Cold
4 Med. 10 9 Plane of Abyss —
Giant, Frost (MM p122) Giant Cold 5 Large 14 9 Cold Mountains Lvl +4
Golem, Ice (Frost p137) Construct Cold 5 Large 12 9 Any —
Hydra, 8 Headed Cryo (MM p157) Magical Beast Cold Huge
6 8 9 Cold Marshes —
Ice Para-Elemental, Combo
Greater (MotP p181) Plane of Air
Elemental Air, Cold Huge 21 9 Plane of Water

(3.5up p28)+

(Eb p97)+ Plane of Risia

Immoth Combo
Any Cold
(MM2 p127) Elemental Air, Cold, Water 5 Large 10 9 Plane of Air Lvl +6
(3.5up p34)+ Plane of Water
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Risia
Rimefire Eidolon (Frost p149) Fey Cold Med.
4 12 9 Cold Aquatic —
Entombed (Frost p128) Undead Cold 5 Large 16 10 Cold Mountains —
Giant, Frost Spiritspeaker (Frost p134) Giant Cold 5 Large 14 10 Cold Mountains Lvl +5
Giant, Frost Tundra Scout (Frost p135) Giant Cold 5 Large 14 10 Cold Mountains Lvl +4
Hydra, 9 Headed Cryo (MM p157) Magical Beast Cold Huge
6 9 10 Cold Marshes —

Cold subtype Page 9

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Monsters – sorted by Subtype, then by CR, then by Name October 1, 2007

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.

Malasynep Mindmage,
Aberration Aquatic, Cold Huge 14 10 Cold Aquatic Leveled Up
Sorerer 6th

(Frost p143)
Silver Dragon, Juvenile
(MM p086) Dragon Cold 5 Large 16 10 Temp Mountains —
White Dragon, Adult
(MM p077) Dragon Cold 5 Large 18 10 Cold Mountains —
Giant, Frost, Barbarian 2nd Leveled Up
Giant Cold Large 16 11 Cold Mountains
(Frost p134) Lvl +4

Hydra, 10 Headed Cryo

(MM p157) Magical Beast Cold 6 Huge 10 11 Cold Marshes —
Ice Para-Elemental, Elder
(MotP p181) Plane of Air
Elemental Air, Cold Huge 24 11 Plane of Water

(3.5up p28)+

(Eb p97)+ Plane of Risia

Squid, Giant, Ice Element Combo
Aquatic, Air, Cold, Plane of Air Template –
Elemental Water
Huge 12 11 Plane of Water Element, Ice

(DR347 p058) Plane of Risia

Tlalusk (Frost p157) Magical Beast Cold 6 Huge 16 11 Cold Plains —
Chromium Dragon, Young
Adult Cold Mountain
Dragon Cold 5 Large 18 12 Cold Hills —
Cold Plains
(DR356 p023) Underground
Frost Worm (MM p111) Magical Beast Cold Huge
6 14 12 Cold Plains —
Golem, Ice Advanced (DR319 p074) Construct Cold 5 Large 24 12 Any Advanced
Hydra, 11 Headed Cryo
(MM p157) Magical Beast Cold Huge
6 11 12 Cold Marshes —
White Dragon, Mature
Dragon Cold Huge 21 12 Cold Mountains —


(MM p077)
Hydra, 12 Headed Cryo
(MM p157) Magical Beast Cold 6 Huge 12 13 Cold Marshes —
Silver Dragon, Young
Dragon Cold Large 19 13 Temp Mountains —


(MM p086)
Golem, Black Ice Combo
(DR324 p059) Construct Cold 6 Huge 22 14 Any Cold

Chromium Dragon, Adult
Cold Mountain
Dragon Cold 5 Large 21 15 Cold Hills —
Cold Plains
(DR356 p023) Underground
Hound of Kostchtchie (DR345 p029) Outsider Cold Huge
6 18 15 Plane of Abyss Advanced
Silver Dragon, Adult
(MM p086) Dragon Cold Huge
6 22 15 Temp Mountains —
Weird, Ice (Frost p126) Elemental Cold, Water 5 Large 15 15 Plane of Water —
Weird, Snow (Frost p126) Elemental Air, Cold 5 Large 15 15 Plane of Air —
White Dragon, Old
(MM p077) Dragon Cold Huge
6 24 15 Cold Mountains —
Chromium Dragon, Combo
Mature Adult Cold Mountain
Dragon Cold Huge 24 17 Cold Hills —

Cold Plains
(DR356 p023) Underground
Giant Frost, Jarl,
Giant Cold Large 22 17 Cold Mountains Leveled Up
Blackguard 8th

(MM p122)
Ice Monolith Combo
Plane of Air
Elemental Air, Cold 7 Garg. 35 17 Plane of Water

(DR347 p054) Plane of Risia
White Dragon, Very Old
(MM p077) Dragon Cold Huge
6 27 17 Cold Mountains —
Chilblain (Frost p114) Aberration Cold 5 Large 20 18 Cold Plains —
Silver Dragon, Mature
Dragon Cold Huge 25 18 Temp Mountains —


(MM p086)
White Dragon, Ancient
(MM p077) Dragon Cold 6 Huge 30 18 Cold Mountains —
Chromium Dragon, Old 7
Cold Mountain
Dragon Cold 6 Huge 27 19 Cold Hills —
Cold Plains
(DR356 p023) Underground
Giant, Ocean (MM2 p111) Combo
(3.5up p33)+ Giant Aquatic, Cold 6 Huge 18 19 Any Aquatic

White Dragon, Wyrm
(MM p077) Dragon Cold 7 Garg. 33 19 Cold Mountains —
Chromium Dragon, Very8
Old Cold Mountain
Dragon Cold 6 Huge 30 20 Cold Hills —
Cold Plains
(DR356 p023) Underground

Cold subtype Page 10

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Monsters – sorted by Subtype, then by CR, then by Name October 1, 2007

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.

Silver Dragon, Old
7 (MM p086) Dragon Cold 6 Huge 28 20 Temp Mountains —
Shivhad (Frost p152) Aberration Cold 7 Garg. 24 21 Cold Mountains —
Silver Dragon, Very Old
(MM p086) Dragon Cold 6 Huge 31 21 Temp Mountains —
White Dragon, Great
Dragon Cold Garg. 36 21 Cold Mountains —


(MM p077)
Chromium Dragon, Combo
Ancient Cold Mountain
Dragon Cold Huge 33 22 Cold Hills —

Cold Plains
(DR356 p023) Underground
Chromium Dragon, Wyrm
Cold Mountain
Dragon Cold 7 Garg. 36 23 Cold Hills —
Cold Plains
(DR356 p023) Underground
Silver Dragon, Ancient
(MM p086) Dragon Cold 7 Garg. 34 23 Temp Mountains —
Silver Dragon, Wyrm
(MM p086) Dragon Cold 7 Garg. 37 24 Temp Mountains —
Chromium Dragon, Great
Wyrm Cold Mountain
Dragon Cold 7 Garg. 39 25 Cold Hills —
Cold Plains
(DR356 p023) Underground
Silver Dragon, Great
Dragon Cold Col. 40 26 Temp Mountains —


(MM p086)

Cold subtype Page 11

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Monsters – sorted by Subtype, then by CR, then by Name October 1, 2007

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.
Earth Gen (DR315 p082) Outsider Earth Tiny2 1 0.5 Plane of Earth —
Earthdelver (DU111 p090) Elemental Earth 3 Small 1 0.5 Plane of Earth Dark Sun
Earth Elemental, Small 3
(MM p097) Elemental Earth 3 Small 2 1 Plane of Earth —
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Lamannia
Magma Para-Elemental, Combo
Small (MotP p181) Plane of Earth
Elemental Earth, Fire Small 2 1 Plane of Fire

(3.5up p28)+

(Eb p95)+ Plane of Fernia

Ooze Para-Elemental, Combo
Small (MotP p182) Plane of Earth
Elemental Earth, Water Small 2 1 Plane of Water

(3.5up p28)+

(Eb p97)+ Plane of Lamannia

Sandknight (DU110 p095) Elemental Earth 3 Small 1 1 Plane of Earth Dark Sun
Grue, Earth
Elemental Earth, Evil Med. 3 2 Plane of Earth —
(aka “Chaggrin”)

(CArc p153)
Grue, Mud (DU138 p060) Elemental Earth, Water, Evil 4 Med. 3 2 Plane of Earth —
Sand Dragon, Wyrmling 0
(Sand p152) Dragon Earth Tiny
2 3 2 Warm Deserts Lvl +2
Stone Spike (MM2 p191)
(3.5up p36)+ Elemental Earth 4 Med. 3 2 Plane of Earth Lvl +2
Thoqqua Combo
(MM p242) Elemental Earth, Fire 4 Med. 3 2 Plane of Fire —
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Lamannia
Blue Dragon, Wyrmling
(MM p072) Dragon Earth 3 Small 6 3 Temp Deserts Lvl +4
Bluespawn Stoneglider Monstrous
Dragonblood, Earth Med. 5 3 Underground —

(DoF p105)
Copper Dragon, Wyrmling 0
(MM p082) Dragon Earth 2 Tiny 5 3 Warm Hills Lvl +2
Earth Elemental, Medium 4
(MM p097) Elemental Earth 4 Med. 4 3 Plane of Earth —
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Lamannia
Hex Dragon, Wyrmling
Any Forest,
Dragon Earth 3 Small 4 3 Any Marsh
Lvl +4
(DR343 p039) Underground
Magma Hurler (Mini p065) Elemental Earth, Fire 4 Med. 4 3 Plane of Fire —
Magma Para-Elemental, Combo
Medium (MotP p181) Plane of Earth
Elemental Earth, Fire Med. 4 3 Plane of Fire

(3.5up p28)+

(Eb p95)+ Plane of Fernia

Mephit, Earth Combo
(MM p182) Outsider Earth 3 Small 3 3 Plane of Earth Cohort +3
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Lamannia
Mephit, Glass Combo
Outsider Earth, Fire 3 Small 3 3 Plane of Earth Cohort +3
(Sand p175) Plane of Fire
Mephit, Salt Combo
(MM p184) Outsider Earth 3 Small 3 3 Plane of Earth Cohort +3
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Lamannia
Mephit, Sulfur Combo
Outsider Air, Earth 3 Small 3 3 Plane of Air Cohort +3
(Sand p176) Plane of Earth
Ooze Para-Elemental, Combo
Medium (MotP p182) Plane of Earth
Elemental Earth, Water Med. 4 3 Plane of Water

(3.5up p28)+

(Eb p97)+ Plane of Lamannia

Sand Dragon, Very Young1
(Sand p152) Dragon Earth 3 Small 6 3 Warm Deserts Lvl +2
Sapphire Dragon, Combo
Wyrmling (MM2 p084) Dragon Earth 2 Tiny 5 3 Plane of Earth Lvl +2
(3.5up p32)+ Underground

Stone Flyer (Und p099) Magical Beast Earth, Extraplanar 5 Large 5 3 Underground Cohort +5
Wingwyrd Monstrous
Earth Med. 3 3 Any —

(5Nat p156)
Xorn, Juvenile
(MM p260) Outsider Earth 3 Small 3 3 Plane of Earth —
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Lamannia
Amethyst Dragon, Combo
Wyrmling (MM2 p079) Dragon Earth 3 Small 6 4 Plane of Earth Lvl +4
(3.5up p32)+ Underground

Blue Dragon, Very Young

(MM p072) Dragon Earth 4 Med. 9 4 Temp Deserts Lvl +4
Brainstealer Dragon,
Dragon Earth Med. 7 4 Underground Lvl +4

(DR337 p025)

Earth subtype Page 12

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Monsters – sorted by Subtype, then by CR, then by Name October 1, 2007

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.

Drake, Stone (RoS p189) Dragon Earth 4 Med. 6 4 Underground Lvl +4
Earth Elementite Swarm (Planar p115) Elemental Swarm, Earth Tiny
2 7 4 Plane of Earth —
Gargoyle Monstrous
Earth Med. 4 4 Any Lvl +5

(MM p113)
Hex Dragon, Very Young
Any Forest,
Dragon Earth 4 Med. 7 4 Any Marsh
Lvl +5
(DR343 p039) Underground
Kapocinth Monstrous Combo
Aquatic, Earth Med. 4 4 Lvl +5
Humanoid Any Aquatic

(MM p113)
Amethyst Dragon, Very 1
Young (MM2 p079) Dragon Earth 4 Med. 9 5 Plane of Earth Lvl +4
(3.5up p32)+ Underground
Avalancher (MM3 p013) Combo
(MM3Errata)+ Magical Beast Earth 5 Large 6 5 Cold Mountains —
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Lamannia
Copper Dragon, Very
Dragon Earth Small 8 5 Warm Hills Lvl +3


(MM p082)
Earth Elemental, Large 5
(MM p097) Elemental Earth 5 Large 8 5 Plane of Earth —
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Lamannia
Earth Whisper (RoS p187) Elemental Earth, Incorporeal 4 Med. 4 5 Underground —
Magma Para-Elemental, Combo
Large (MotP p181) Plane of Earth
Elemental Earth, Fire Large 8 5 Plane of Fire

(3.5up p28)+

(Eb p95)+ Plane of Fernia

Ooze Para-Elemental, Combo
Large (MotP p182) Plane of Earth
Elemental Earth, Water Large 8 5 Plane of Water

(3.5up p28)+

(Eb p97)+ Plane of Lamannia

Sand Dragon, Young 2
(Sand p152) Dragon Earth 4 Med. 9 5 Warm Deserts Lvl +3
Sapphire Dragon, Very 1
Young (MM2 p084) Dragon Earth 3 Small 8 5 Plane of Earth Lvl +3
(3.5up p32)+ Underground
Weird, Earth, Lesser (DR347 p070) Elemental Earth 4 Med. 8 5 Plane of Earth —
Blue Dragon, Young 2
(MM p072) Dragon Earth 4 Med. 12 6 Temp Deserts Lvl +5
Brainstealer Dragon, Very
Dragon Earth Large 10 6 Underground Lvl +5


(DR337 p025)
Creeping Stone (DR314 p030) Ooze Earth, Extraplanar 5 Large 6 6 Plane of Earth —
Hex Dragon, Young
Any Forest,
Dragon Earth 4 Med. 10 6 Any Marsh
Lvl +5
(DR343 p039) Underground
Minotaur, Half-Earth Template –
Elemental (MotP p189) Outsider Earth 5 Large 6 6 Plane of Earth Half-Earth
(3.5up p26)+ Element
Necromental, Large Earth Earth, Extraplanar,
Template –
Undead Augmented Large 8 6 Plane of Earth

(LM p113) Elemental

Rhinoceros, Earth Element Combo
Template –
(MotP p192) Elemental Earth Large 8 6 Plane of Earth
Element, Earth

(3.5up p26)+ Plane of Lamannia

Xorn, Adult
(MM p260) Outsider Earth 4 Med. 7 6 Plane of Earth —
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Lamannia
Amethyst Dragon, Young 2
(MM2 p079) Dragon Earth 4 Med. 12 7 Plane of Earth Lvl +5
(3.5up p32)+ Underground
Copper Dragon, Young 2
(MM p082) Dragon Earth 4 Med. 11 7 Warm Hills Lvl +4
Dust Wight Combo
(MM3 p047) Undead Earth 4 Med. 16 7 Any —
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Lamannia
Earth Elemental, Huge 6
(MM p097) Elemental Earth 6 Huge 16 7 Plane of Earth —
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Lamannia
Genie, Dao (MotP p173) Combo
(3.5up p28)+ Outsider Earth, Evil 5 Large 8 7 Plane of Earth —
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Lamannia
Magma Para-Elemental, Combo
Huge (MotP p182) Plane of Earth
Elemental Earth, Fire Huge 16 7 Plane of Fire

(3.5up p28)+

(Eb p95)+ Plane of Fernia

Minotaur, Greathorn Monstrous
Earth Large 11 7 Underground —

(MM4 p100)

Earth subtype Page 13

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Monsters – sorted by Subtype, then by CR, then by Name October 1, 2007

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.

Ooze Para-Elemental, Combo
Huge (MotP p182) Plane of Earth
Elemental Earth, Water Huge 16 7 Plane of Water

(3.5up p28)+

(Eb p97)+ Plane of Lamannia

Oread (FF p134) Combo
(3.5up p24)+ Fey Earth 4 Med. 7 7 Any Mountains

Sand Dragon, Juvenile 3
(Sand p152) Dragon Earth 4 Med. 12 7 Warm Deserts Lvl +3
Sapphire Dragon, Young 2
(MM2 p084) Dragon Earth 4 Med. 11 7 Plane of Earth Lvl +4
(3.5up p32)+ Underground
Stonesinger (MM3 p168) Aberration Earth 5 Large 9 7 Underground —
Blue Dragon, Juvenile
(MM p072) Dragon Earth 5 Large 15 8 Temp Deserts —
Giant, Stone (MM p124) Giant Earth 5 Large 14 8 Temp Mountains Lvl +4
Hex Dragon, Juvenile
Any Forest,
Dragon Earth 5 Large 13 8 Any Marsh
Lvl +6
(DR343 p039) Underground
Ken-Kuni Combo
Giant Earth 5 Large 8 8 Temp Hills —
(MM5 p048) Cold Hills
Rhinoceros, Magma Combo
Element Plane of Earth Template –
Elemental Earth, Fire Large 6 8 Plane of Fire
(DR347 p060) Element, Magma

(Eb p95)+ Plane of Fernia

Xorn, Elder
(MM p260) Outsider Earth 5 Large 15 8 Plane of Earth —
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Lamannia
Amethyst Dragon, Combo
Juvenile (MM2 p079) Dragon Earth 5 Large 15 9 Plane of Earth —
(3.5up p32)+ Underground

Archon, Hammer Archon, Good, Law,

(RoS p188) Outsider Earth
5 Large 10 9 Plane of Celestia —
Brainstealer Dragon,
Dragon Earth Large 13 9 Underground Lvl +6

(DR337 p025)
Copper Dragon, Juvenile 3
(MM p082) Dragon Earth 4 Med. 14 9 Warm Hills Lvl +4
Dune Stalker Combo
(MM2 p088) Outsider Earth 4 Med. 6 9 Plane of Earth Lvl +5
(3.5up p32)+ Plane of Hades
Earth Elemental, Greater C
(MM p097) Elemental Earth 6 Huge 21 9 Plane of Earth —
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Lamannia
Galeb Duhr Combo
(MM2 p107) Elemental Earth 4 Med. 8 9 Any Mountain Lvl +5
(3.5up p33)+ Plane of Earth
Giant, Stone Elder Advanced
Giant Earth Large 14 9 Temp Mountains
(MM p124) Lvl +6

Gulgar Combo
(MM3 p078) Earth Large 10 9 Temp Mountains Lvl +5

(Eb p97)+ Plane of Lamannia

Magma Para-Elemental, Combo
Greater (MotP p182) Plane of Earth
Elemental Earth, Fire Huge 21 9 Plane of Fire

(3.5up p28)+

(Eb p95)+ Plane of Fernia

Ooze Para-Elemental, Combo
Greater (MotP p182) Plane of Earth
Elemental Earth, Water Huge 21 9 Plane of Water

(3.5up p28)+

(Eb p97)+ Plane of Lamannia

Sand Dragon, Young
Dragon Earth Large 15 9 Warm Deserts Lvl +4


(Sand p152)
Sapphire Dragon, Juvenile 3
(MM2 p084) Dragon Earth 4 Med. 14 9 Plane of Earth Lvl +4
(3.5up p32)+ Underground
Behir, Ooze Element Combo
Plane of Earth Template –
Elemental Earth, Water Huge 9 10 Plane of Water
(DR347 p061) Element, Ooze

(Eb p97) Plane of Lamannia

Brainstealer Dragon,
Dragon Earth Large 16 10 Underground —

(DR337 p025)
Giant, Craa’ghoran Combo
(MM4 p060) Giant Earth 6 Huge 15 10 Any Mountain

Giant, Sand (MM3 p058)
(MM3Errata)+ Giant Earth, Fire 5 Large 15 10 Warm Deserts Lvl +4
Hex Dragon, Young Adult
Any Forest,
Dragon Earth 5 Large 16 10 Any Marsh

(DR343 p039) Underground

Earth subtype Page 14

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Monsters – sorted by Subtype, then by CR, then by Name October 1, 2007

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.

Ruin Elemental Any
(MM5 p134) Elemental Earth 5 Large 14 10 (ruins)

Sickstone Elemental (DU132 p052) Elemental Earth Huge
6 16 10 Plane of Earth —
Asag (DR334 p037) Outsider Earth, Evil Huge
6 17 11 Any —
Blue Dragon, Young Adult
(MM p072) Dragon Earth 5 Large 18 11 Temp Deserts —
Copper Dragon, Young
Dragon Earth Large 17 11 Warm Hills —


(MM p082)
Drake, Earth (Dcn p153) Dragon Earth 5 Large 12 11 Temp Mountains Lvl +3
Earth Elemental, Elder D
(MM p097) Elemental Earth 6 Huge 24 11 Plane of Earth —
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Lamannia
Magma Para-Elemental, Combo
Elder (MotP p182) Plane of Earth
Elemental Earth, Fire Huge 24 11 Plane of Fire

(3.5up p28)+

(Eb p95)+ Plane of Fernia

Maur (Und p095) Giant Earth 5 Large 12 11 Underground Lvl +5
Ooze Para-Elemental, Combo
Elder (MotP p182) Plane of Earth
Elemental Earth, Water Huge 24 11 Plane of Water

(3.5up p28)+

(Eb p97)+ Plane of Lamannia

Sapphire Dragon, Young 4
Adult (MM2 p084) Dragon Earth 5 Large 17 11 Plane of Earth —
(3.5up p32)+ Underground
Amethyst Dragon, Young 4
Adult (MM2 p079) Dragon Earth 5 Large 18 12 Plane of Earth —
(3.5up p32)+ Underground
Brainstealer Dragon,
Dragon Earth Huge 19 12 Underground —
Young Adult

(DR337 p025)
Devil, Barbed, Mineral
Baatezu, Evil, Law, Template –
Warrior Outsider Med. 12 12 Plane of Hell
Earth Mineral Warrior

(aka “Devil, Stoney”) (Und p096)

Drake, Ooze Earth, Water,
(Dcn p156) Dragon Aquatic
5 Large 12 12 Cold Marshes Lvl +3
Earth Glider (Und p084) Outsider Earth, Evil 5 Large 15 12 Underground —
Hex Dragon, Adult
Any Forest,
Dragon Earth 6 Huge 19 12 Any Marsh

(DR343 p039) Underground
Sand Dragon, Adult 5
(Sand p152) Dragon Earth 5 Large 18 12 Warm Deserts —
Slaughterstone Eviscerator (MM3 p160)
(MM3Errata)+ Construct Earth 5 Large 15 12 Underground —
Weird, Earth Combo
Plane of Earth
Elemental Earth Large 15 12 Any Land

(MM2 p091)

(3.5up p33)+ Underground

Drake, Magma (Dcn p155) Dragon Earth, Fire 5 Large 16 13 Warm Mountains Lvl +3
Blue Dragon, Adult 5
(MM p072) Dragon Earth Huge
6 21 14 Temp Deserts —
Brainstealer Dragon, Adult 5
(DR337 p025) Dragon Earth Huge
6 22 14 Underground —
Copper Dragon, Adult 5
(MM p082) Dragon Earth 5 Large 20 14 Warm Hills —
Ruin Chanter Any
(MM5 p132) Fey Air, Earth 4 Med. 20 14 (ruins)

Rukarazyll (MM2 p181) Combo
(3.5up p36)+ Outsider Earth, Evil 5 Large 12 14 Plane of Earth —
(Eb p99)+ Plane of Xoriat
Sand Dragon, Mature
Dragon Earth Huge 21 14 Warm Deserts —


(Sand p152)
Sapphire Dragon, Adult 5
(MM2 p084) Dragon Earth 5 Large 20 14 Plane of Earth —
(3.5up p32)+ Underground
Amethyst Dragon, Adult 5
(MM2 p079) Dragon Earth 6 Huge 21 15 Plane of Earth —
(3.5up p32)+ Underground
Giant, Sand, Fighter 5th (MM3 p058) Leveled Up
Giant Earth, Fire Large 20 15 Warm Deserts
(MM3Errata)+ Lvl +4

Hex Dragon, Mature Adult

Any Forest,
Dragon Earth 6 Huge 22 15 Any Marsh

(DR343 p039) Underground
Omnimental (MM3 p118)
(MM3Errata)+ Elemental Air, Earth, Fire, Water 7 Garg. 32 15 Plane of Fire —
Slaughterstone Behemoth (MM3 p159)
(MM3Errata)+ Construct Earth 8 Col. 29 15 Underground —

Earth subtype Page 15

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Monsters – sorted by Subtype, then by CR, then by Name October 1, 2007

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.

Blue Dragon, Mature
Dragon Earth Huge 24 16 Temp Deserts —


(MM p072)
Brainstealer Dragon,
Dragon Earth Huge 25 16 Underground —
Mature Adult

(DR337 p025)
Copper Dragon, Mature
Dragon Earth Huge 23 16 Warm Hills —


(MM p082)
Gravecrawler (MM2 p118)
(3.5up p34)+ Undead Earth 3 Small 25 16 Any —
Sand Dragon, Old 7
(Sand p152) Dragon Earth 6 Huge 24 16 Warm Deserts —
Sapphire Dragon, Mature 6
Adult (MM2 p084) Dragon Earth 6 Huge 23 16 Plane of Earth —
(3.5up p32)+ Underground
Tempest Combo
Plane of Air
Elemental Air, Earth, Fire, Water 7 Garg. 24 16 Plane of Earth —
(MM2 p193) Plane of Fire
(3.5up p37)+ Plane of Water
Amethyst Dragon, Mature 6
Adult (MM2 p079) Dragon Earth 6 Huge 24 17 Plane of Earth —
(3.5up p32)+ Underground
Brainstealer Dragon, Old 7
(DR337 p025) Dragon Earth 6 Huge 28 17 Underground —
Earth Monolith Combo
Elemental Earth 7 Garg. 36 17 Plane of Earth —
(CArc p157) Plane of Lamannia
Hex Dragon, Old7
Any Forest,
Dragon Earth 6 Huge 25 17 Any Marsh

(DR343 p039) Underground
Magma Monolith Combo
Plane of Earth
Elemental Earth, Fire Garg. 36 17 Plane of Fire

(DR347 p055)

(Eb p95)+ Plane of Fernia

Maulgoth (FF p123)
(3.5up p24)+ Aberration Earth 6 Huge 20 17 Underground —
Ooze Monolith Combo
Plane of Earth
Elemental Earth, Water 7 Garg. 36 17 Plane of Water

(DR347 p055) Plane of Lamannia
Black Rock Triskelion (MM4 p008) Elemental Earth 5 Large 26 18 Plane of Earth —
Blue Dragon, Old 7
(MM p072) Dragon Earth Huge
6 27 18 Temp Deserts —
Sand Dragon, Very Old 8
(Sand p152) Dragon Earth Huge
6 27 18 Warm Deserts —
Amethyst Dragon, Old 7
(MM2 p079) Dragon Earth 6 Huge 27 19 Plane of Earth —
(3.5up p32)+ Underground
Blue Dragon, Very Old
(MM p072) Dragon Earth 6 Huge 30 19 Temp Deserts —
Copper Dragon, Old 7
(MM p082) Dragon Earth 6 Huge 26 19 Warm Hills —
Hex Dragon, Very Old
Any Forest,
Dragon Earth 6 Huge 28 19 Any Marsh

(DR343 p039) Underground
Sapphire Dragon, Old 7
(MM2 p084) Dragon Earth 6 Huge 26 19 Plane of Earth —
(3.5up p32)+ Underground
Amethyst Dragon, Very 8
Old (MM2 p079) Dragon Earth 6 Huge 30 20 Plane of Earth —
(3.5up p32)+ Underground
Brainstealer Dragon, Very
Dragon Earth Garg. 31 20 Underground —


(DR337 p025)
Magical Beast Earth Col. 42 20 Underground —
(aka “World Lizard”)

(DR317 p063)
Copper Dragon, Very Old 8
(MM p082) Dragon Earth 6 Huge 29 20 Warm Hills —
Hex Dragon, Ancient
Any Forest,
Dragon Earth 7 Garg. 31 20 Any Marsh

(DR343 p039) Underground
Sapphire Dragon, Very 8
Old (MM2 p084) Dragon Earth 6 Huge 29 20 Plane of Earth —
(3.5up p32)+ Underground
Blue Dragon, Ancient
(MM p072) Dragon Earth 7 Garg. 33 21 Temp Deserts —
Brainstealer Dragon,
Dragon Earth Garg. 34 21 Underground —

(DR337 p025)

Earth subtype Page 16

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Monsters – sorted by Subtype, then by CR, then by Name October 1, 2007

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.

Drake, Magma, Advanced Template –
Fiendish Dragon Earth, Fire 7 Garg. 30 21 Plane of Abyss Fiendish
(DU147 p068) Advanced
Hex Dragon, Wyrm
Any Forest,
Dragon Earth 7 Garg. 34 21 Any Marsh

(DR343 p039) Underground
Sand Dragon, Ancient 9
(Sand p152) Dragon Earth 6 Huge 30 21 Warm Deserts —
Amethyst Dragon, Ancient 9
(MM2 p079) Dragon Earth 7 Garg. 33 22 Plane of Earth —
(3.5up p32)+ Underground
Copper Dragon, Ancient 9
(MM p082) Dragon Earth 6 Huge 32 22 Warm Hills —
Sapphire Dragon, Ancient 9
(MM2 p084) Dragon Earth 6 Huge 32 22 Plane of Earth —
(3.5up p32)+ Underground
Blue Dragon, Wyrm A
(MM p072) Dragon Earth 7 Garg. 36 23 Temp Deserts —
Brainstealer Dragon, Wyrm A
(DR337 p025) Dragon Earth 7 Garg. 37 23 Underground —
Copper Dragon, Wyrm A
(MM p082) Dragon Earth 7 Garg. 35 23 Warm Hills —
Sapphire Dragon, Wyrm A
(MM2 p084) Dragon Earth 7 Garg. 35 23 Plane of Earth —
(3.5up p32)+ Underground
Amethyst Dragon, Wyrm A
(MM2 p079) Dragon Earth 7 Garg. 36 24 Plane of Earth —
(3.5up p32)+ Underground
Hex Dragon, Great Wyrm
Any Forest,
Dragon Earth 7 Garg. 37 24 Any Marsh

(DR343 p039) Underground
Sand Dragon, Wyrm A
(Sand p152) Dragon Earth 7 Garg. 33 24 Warm Deserts —
Blue Dragon, Great Wyrm
(MM p072) Dragon Earth 7 Garg. 39 25 Temp Deserts —
Brainstealer Dragon, Great
Dragon Earth Col. 40 25 Underground —


(DR337 p025)
Copper Dragon, Great
Dragon Earth Garg. 38 25 Warm Hills —


(MM p082)
Sapphire Dragon, Great B
Wyrm (MM2 p084) Dragon Earth 7 Garg. 38 25 Plane of Earth —
(3.5up p32)+ Underground
Amethyst Dragon, Great B
Wyrm (MM2 p079) Dragon Earth 7 Garg. 39 26 Plane of Earth —
(3.5up p32)+ Underground
Giant, Mountain (MM2 p112) Combo
(3.5up p33)+ Giant Earth 8 Col. 30 26 Any Mountain

Sand Dragon, Great WyrmB
(Sand p152) Dragon Earth 7 Garg. 36 27 Warm Deserts —

Earth subtype Page 17

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Monsters – sorted by Subtype, then by CR, then by Name October 1, 2007

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.
Fire Gen (DR315 p083) Outsider Fire Tiny2 1 0.5 Plane of Fire —
Firesnake (DU111 p091) Elemental Fire 3 Small 1 0.5 Plane of Fire Dark Sun
Salamander, Flamebrother
Outsider Fire Tiny 1 0.5 Plane of Fire —


(DR314 p050)
Ash Rat (MM2 p024) Combo
(3.5up p30)+ Magical Beast Fire 3 Small 1 1 any Warm Land

Cinderbrute (DU110 p086) Elemental Fire 3 Small 1 1 Plane of Fire Dark Sun
Domovoi (Frost p121) Fey Fire 3 Small 2 1 Cold Plains Lvl +4
Fire Elemental, Small 3
(MM p099) Elemental Fire 3 Small 2 1 Plane of Fire —
(Eb p95)+ Plane of Fernia
Flame Snake, Minor (FF p073) Magical Beast Fire 3 Small 1 1 Any —
Magma Para-Elemental, Combo
Small (MotP p181) Plane of Earth
Elemental Earth, Fire Small 2 1 Plane of Fire

(3.5up p28)+

(Eb p95)+ Plane of Fernia

Salamander, Average
Outsider Fire Small 3 1 Plane of Fire —


(DR314 p049)
Smoke Para-Elemental, Combo
Small Plane of Air
Elemental Air, Fire Small 2 1 Plane of Fire

(MotP p184)

(3.5up p28)+ Plane of Lamannia

Azer Combo
(MM p021) Outsider Fire 4 Med. 2 2 Plane of Fire Lvl +4
(Eb p95)+ Plane of Fernia
Grue, Fire (aka “Harginn”) (CArc p154) Elemental Fire, Evil 4 Med. 3 2 Plane of Fire —
Thoqqua Combo
(MM p242) Elemental Earth, Fire 4 Med. 3 2 Plane of Fire —
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Lamannia
Ape, Fire Element (MotP p193) Combo
Template –
(3.5up p26)+ Elemental Fire Large 4 3 Plane of Fire
Element, Fire

(Eb p97)+ Plane of Fernia

Brass Dragon, Wyrmling
(MM p079) Dragon Fire 2 Tiny 4 3 Warm Deserts Lvl +2
Fire Bat (MM2 p102)
(3.5up p33)+ Elemental Fire 3 Small 6 3 Plane of Fire —
Fire Elemental, Medium 4
(MM p099) Elemental Fire 4 Med. 4 3 Plane of Fire —
(Eb p95)+ Plane of Fernia
Hell Hound Combo
(MM p151) Outsider Fire, Evil, Law 4 Med. 4 3 Plane of Hell Cohort +3
(Eb p95)+ Plane of Fernia
Magma Hurler (Mini p065) Elemental Earth, Fire 4 Med. 4 3 Plane of Fire —
Magma Para-Elemental, Combo
Medium (MotP p181) Plane of Earth
Elemental Earth, Fire Med. 4 3 Plane of Fire

(3.5up p28)+

(Eb p95)+ Plane of Fernia

Magmin Combo
(MM p179) Elemental Fire 3 Small 2 3 Plane of Fire —
(Eb p95)+ Plane of Fernia
Mephit, Fire Combo
(MM p182) Outsider Fire 3 Small 3 3 Plane of Fire Cohort +3
(Eb p95)+ Plane of Fernia
Mephit, Glass Combo
Outsider Earth, Fire 3 Small 3 3 Plane of Earth Cohort +3
(Sand p175) Plane of Fire
Mephit, Magma Combo
(MM p183) Outsider Fire 3 Small 3 3 Plane of Fire Cohort +3
(Eb p95)+ Plane of Fernia
Mephit, Steam Combo
(MM p184) Outsider Fire 3 Small 3 3 Plane of Fire Cohort +3
(Eb p95)+ Plane of Fernia
Mercury Dragon,
Dragon Fire Tiny 3 3 Temp Mountains Lvl +2

(DoF p138)
Phoera (MM3 p122) Combo
(MM3Errata)+ Magical Beast Fire 4 Med. 3 3 Temp Forests —
(Eb p96)+ Plane of Fernia
Salamander, Flamebrother
4 (MM p219) Combo
(Eb p95)+ Outsider Fire 3 Small 4 3 Plane of Fire Lvl +4
(DR314 p049)+ Plane of Fernia
Smoke Para-Elemental, Combo
Medium Plane of Air
Elemental Air, Fire Med. 4 3 Plane of Fire

(MotP p184)

(3.5up p28)+ Plane of Lamannia

Fire subtype Page 18

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Monsters – sorted by Subtype, then by CR, then by Name October 1, 2007

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.

Tungsten Dragon, Combo
Wyrmling Dragon Fire 2 Tiny 4 3 Warm Plains Lvl +2
(DR356 p033) Temp Plains

Brass Dragon, Very Young 1

(MM p079) Dragon Fire 3 Small 7 4 Warm Deserts Lvl +3
Fire Elementite Swarm (Planar p116) Elemental Swarm, Fire Tiny2 7 4 Plane of Fire —
Harssaf (MM3 p082) Combo
(MM3Errata)+ Fire Med. 6 4 Warm Deserts Lvl +4

(Eb p96)+ Plane of Fernia

Iron Dragon, Wyrmling
Temp Mountain
Temp Hill
Dragon Fire 4 Med. 7 4 Warm Mountain
Lvl +4
Warm Hill
(DR356 p029) Underground
Mercury Dragon, Very
Dragon Fire Small 6 4 Temp Mountains Lvl +3


(DoF p138)
Red Dragon, Wyrmling
(MM p075) Dragon Fire 4 Med. 7 4 Warm Mountains Lvl +4
Tungsten Dragon, Very 1
Young Dragon Fire 3 Small 7 4 Warm Plains Lvl +3
(DR356 p033) Temp Plains
Brass Man (DU126 p060) Construct Fire 4 Med. 7 5 Any —
Canomorph, Haraknin Fire, Evil, Law, Combo
(FF p026) Outsider Shapechanger
4 Med. 6 5 Any Lower Plane
Lvl +3
Energon, Xac-Yel (Planar p119) Outsider Incorporeal, Fire 4 Med. 5 5 Plane of Gehenna —
Fire Elemental, Large 5
(MM p099) Elemental Fire 5 Large 8 5 Plane of Fire —
(Eb p95)+ Plane of Fernia
Gold Dragon, Wyrmling 0
(MM p084) Dragon Fire 4 Med. 8 5 Warm Plains Lvl +4
Hetfish (DU112 p100) Magical Beast Swarm, Aquatic, Fire Tiny
2 10 5 Warm Aquatic —
Iron Dragon, Very Young
Temp Mountain
Temp Hill
Dragon Fire 5 Large 10 5 Warm Mountain
Lvl +5
Warm Hill
(DR356 p029) Underground
Magma Para-Elemental, Combo
Large (MotP p181) Plane of Earth
Elemental Earth, Fire Large 8 5 Plane of Fire

(3.5up p28)+

(Eb p95)+ Plane of Fernia

Mercury Dragon, Young 2
(DoF p138) Dragon Fire Med.
4 9 5 Temp Mountains Lvl +3
Ooze, Lava (Sand p178) Ooze Fire 5 Large 8 5 Underground —
Rast Combo
(MM p213) Outsider Fire 4 Med. 4 5 Plane of Fire —
(Eb p95)+ Plane of Fernia
Red Dragon, Very Young
(MM p075) Dragon Fire 5 Large 10 5 Warm Mountains Lvl +5
Smoke Para-Elemental, Combo
Large Plane of Air
Elemental Air, Fire Large 8 5 Plane of Fire

(MotP p184)

(3.5up p28)+ Plane of Lamannia

Weird, Fire, Lesser (DR347 p070) Elemental Fire Med.
4 8 5 Plane of Fire —
Brass Dragon, Young 2
(MM p079) Dragon Fire Med.
4 10 6 Warm Deserts Lvl +4
Cinderspawn (LM p091) Undead Fire 5 Large 10 6 Any Lvl +4
Hydra, 5 Headed Pyro (MM p156) Magical Beast Fire Huge
6 5 6 Warm Marshes —
Mercury Dragon, Juvenile 3
(DoF p138) Dragon Fire Med.
4 12 6 Temp Mountains Lvl +4
Phoelarch Combo
(MM3 p120) Fire Med. 7 6 Temp Forests Lvl +5

(Eb p96)+ Plane of Fernia

Redspawn Arcaniss Monstrous
Dragonblood, Fire Med. 8 6 Any —

(MM4 p152)
Redspawn Firebelcher Combo
Magical Beast Dragonblood, Fire 5 Large 8 6 Warm Hills —
(MM4 p154) Warm Mountains
Salamander, Average
9 (MM p219) Combo
(Eb p95)+ Outsider Fire 4 Med. 9 6 Plane of Fire Lvl +5
(DR314 p049)+ Plane of Fernia
Sanctified Young Red Template –
Dragon Dragon Fire 5 Large 10 6 Warm Mountains Sanctified
(BoED p186) Lvl +7
Tungsten Dragon, Young 2
Dragon Fire 4 Med. 10 6 Warm Plains Lvl +4
(DR356 p033) Temp Plains

Fire subtype Page 19

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Monsters – sorted by Subtype, then by CR, then by Name October 1, 2007

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.

Zezir (MM3 p205) Combo
(MM3Errata)+ Magical Beast Fire 4 Med. 9 6 Warm Deserts —
(Eb p96)+ Plane of Fernia
Ettin, Fire-Souled Template –
Giant Fire Large 10 7 Cold Hills
(DR314 p022) Fire-Souled

Fire Elemental, Huge 6

(MM p099) Elemental Fire 6 Huge 16 7 Plane of Fire —
(Eb p95)+ Plane of Fernia
Flame Snake, Lesser (FF p074) Magical Beast Fire Med.
4 8 7 Any —
Gold Dragon, Very Young
(MM p084) Dragon Fire 5 Large 11 7 Warm Plains Lvl +5
Hydra, 6 Headed Pyro (MM p156) Magical Beast Fire Huge
6 6 7 Warm Marshes —
Iron Dragon, Young
Temp Mountain
Temp Hill
Dragon Fire 5 Large 13 7 Warm Mountain
Lvl +6
Warm Hill
(DR356 p029) Underground
Magma Para-Elemental, Combo
Huge (MotP p182) Plane of Earth
Elemental Earth, Fire Huge 16 7 Plane of Fire

(3.5up p28)+

(Eb p95)+ Plane of Fernia

Ooze, Bloodfire (MM4 p018) Ooze Fire 6 Huge 12 7 Underground —
Ooze, Conflagration (MM3 p030) Combo
(MM3Errata)+ Ooze Fire 5 Large 7 7 Underground —
(Eb p96)+ Plane of Fernia
Red Dragon, Young
(MM p075) Dragon Fire 5 Large 13 7 Warm Mountains Lvl +6
Smoke Para-Elemental, Combo
Huge Plane of Air
Elemental Air, Fire Huge 16 7 Plane of Fire

(MotP p184)

(3.5up p28)+ Plane of Lamannia

Yuan-Ti Ignan Monstrous
Fire Large 11 7 Warm Forests —

(MM4 p188)
Brass Dragon, Juvenile3
(MM p079) Dragon Fire 4 Med. 13 8 Warm Deserts Lvl +4
Demon, Palrethee (MM2 p059) Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos,
(3.5up p31)+ Outsider Fire
4 Med. 8 8 Plane of Abyss Lvl +6
Genie, Efreeti Combo
(MM p114) Outsider Fire 5 Large 10 8 Plane of Fire —
(Eb p95)+ Plane of Fernia
Hydra, 7 Headed Pyro (MM p156) Magical Beast Fire 6 Huge 7 8 Warm Marshes —
Inferno Spider Combo
Elemental Fire 5 Large 14 8 Plane of Fire —
(MM4 p076) Plane of Fernia
Mercury Dragon, Young
Dragon Fire Large 15 8 Temp Mountains —


(DoF p138)
Ooze, Conflagration with (MM3 p030) Combo
Death Throes (MM3Errata)+ Ooze Fire 5 Large 7 8 Underground Variant
(Eb p96)+ Plane of Fernia
Rhinoceros, Magma Combo
Element Plane of Earth Template –
Elemental Earth, Fire Large 6 8 Plane of Fire
(DR347 p060) Element, Magma

(Eb p95)+ Plane of Fernia

Skeleton, Young Adult
Undead Fire Huge 19 8 Warm Mountains —
Red Dragon

(MM p227)
Tungsten Dragon, Juvenile 3
Dragon Fire 4 Med. 13 8 Warm Plains Lvl +4
(DR356 p033) Temp Plains
Abyssal Drake (Dcn p145) Outsider Evil, Chaos, Fire 6 Huge 10 9 Plane of Abyss Lvl +5
Dragonne, Smoke Element Combo
Plane of Air Template –
Elemental Air, Fire Large 9 9 Plane of Fire
(DR347 p062) Element, Smoke

(Eb p97)+ Plane of Lamannia

Drake, Smoke (Dcn p157) Dragon Air, Fire 5 Large 12 9 Underground Lvl +3
Fire Elemental, Greater C
(MM p099) Elemental Fire 6 Huge 21 9 Plane of Fire —
(Eb p95)+ Plane of Fernia
Forgewraith (Sharn p179) Undead Fire, Incorporeal Med.
4 12 9 Any —
Gold Dragon, Young2
(MM p084) Dragon Fire 5 Large 14 9 Warm Plains Lvl +6
Hell Hound, Advanced Combo
Cohort +4
(aka “Nessian Warhound”) (MM p151) Outsider Fire, Evil, Law Large 12 9 Plane of Hell

(Eb p95)+ Plane of Fernia

Hydra, 8 Headed Pyro (MM p157) Magical Beast Fire 6 Huge 8 9 Warm Marshes —

Fire subtype Page 20

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Monsters – sorted by Subtype, then by CR, then by Name October 1, 2007

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.

Magma Para-Elemental, Combo
Greater (MotP p182) Plane of Earth
Elemental Earth, Fire Huge 21 9 Plane of Fire

(3.5up p28)+

(Eb p95)+ Plane of Fernia

Smoke Para-Elemental, Combo
Greater Plane of Air
Elemental Air, Fire Huge 21 9 Plane of Fire

(MotP p184)

(3.5up p28)+ Plane of Lamannia

Brass Dragon, Young
Dragon Fire Large 16 10 Warm Deserts —


(MM p079)
Drake, Fire (Dcn p154) Dragon Fire 5 Large 14 10 Warm Hills Lvl +3
Giant, Fire (MM p121) Giant Fire 5 Large 15 10 Warm Mountains Lvl +5
Giant, Sand (MM3 p058)
(MM3Errata)+ Giant Earth, Fire 5 Large 15 10 Warm Deserts Lvl +4
Hydra, 9 Headed Pyro (MM p157) Magical Beast Fire 6 Huge 9 10 Warm Marshes —
Iron Dragon, Juvenile
Temp Mountain
Temp Hill
Dragon Fire 5 Large 16 10 Warm Mountain

Warm Hill
(DR356 p029) Underground
Ken-Li Combo
Giant Fire 5 Large 12 10 Temp Hills —
(MM5 p048) Cold Hills
Mercury Dragon, Adult 5
(DoF p138) Dragon Fire 5 Large 18 10 Temp Mountains —
Red Dragon, Juvenile
(MM p075) Dragon Fire 5 Large 16 10 Warm Mountains —
Salamander, Noble
A (MM p219) Combo
(Eb p95)+ Outsider Fire 5 Large 15 10 Plane of Fire —
(DR314 p049)+ Plane of Fernia
Tungsten Dragon, Young 4
Adult Dragon Fire 5 Large 16 10 Warm Plains —
(DR356 p033) Temp Plains
Demon, Palrethee, Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos,
Outsider Med. 12 11 Plane of Abyss Advanced
Advanced Fire

(DU147 p054)
Fire Elemental, Elder D
(MM p099) Elemental Fire 6 Huge 24 11 Plane of Fire —
(Eb p95)+ Plane of Fernia
Giant, Fire, Draconic Template –
Giant Fire Large 15 11 Warm Mountains
(Dcn p149) Draconic

Gold Dragon, Juvenile 3

(MM p084) Dragon Fire 5 Large 17 11 Warm Plains —
Hydra, 10 Headed Pyro
(MM p157) Magical Beast Fire Huge
6 10 11 Warm Marshes —
Magma Para-Elemental, Combo
Elder (MotP p182) Plane of Earth
Elemental Earth, Fire Huge 24 11 Plane of Fire

(3.5up p28)+

(Eb p95)+ Plane of Fernia

Redspawn Birther (DoF p108) Magical Beast Dragonblood, Fire 5 Large 16 11 Underground —
Smoke Para-Elemental, Combo
Elder Plane of Air
Elemental Air, Fire Huge 24 11 Plane of Fire

(MotP p184)

(3.5up p28)+ Plane of Lamannia

Blighted Bloodfire Combo Template –
(MM4 p018) Ooze Fire 6 Huge 12 12 Underground Pseudo-Natural &
(Eb p99)+ Plane of Xoriat Entropic
Brass Dragon, Adult 5
(MM p079) Dragon Fire 5 Large 19 12 Warm Deserts —
Giant, Sun Combo
(MM2 p110) Giant Fire 6 Huge 13 12 Warm Deserts Lvl +4
(3.5up p33)+ Temp Deserts
Hydra, 11 Headed Pyro
(MM p157) Magical Beast Fire 6 Huge 11 12 Warm Marshes —
Mercury Dragon, Mature
Dragon Fire Huge 21 12 Temp Mountains —


(DoF p138)
Tungsten Dragon, Adult 5
Dragon Fire 5 Large 19 12 Warm Plains —
(DR356 p033) Temp Plains
Weird, Fire Combo
Plane of Fire
Elemental Fire Large 15 12 Any Land

(MM2 p091)

(3.5up p33)+ Underground

Cinder Swarm Combo
(MM3 p029) Elemental Swarm, Fire 0 Fine 16 13 Plane of Fire —
(Eb p96)+ Plane of Fernia
Drake, Magma (Dcn p155) Dragon Earth, Fire 5 Large 16 13 Warm Mountains Lvl +3
Ember Guard Combo
Outsider Fire, Evil, Law 6 Huge 13 13 Plane of Fire —
(MM5 p052) Plane of Fernia

Fire subtype Page 21

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Monsters – sorted by Subtype, then by CR, then by Name October 1, 2007

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.

Hydra, 12 Headed Pyro
C (MM p157) Magical Beast Fire 6 Huge 12 13 Warm Marshes —
Iron Dragon, Young Adult
Temp Mountain
Temp Hill
Dragon Fire 6 Huge 19 13 Warm Mountain

Warm Hill
(DR356 p029) Underground
Living Holocaust (FF p117)
(3.5up p24)+ Elemental Air, Fire 3 Small 15 13 Plane of Abyss —
Ooze, Infernal (MM3 p030) Combo
Fire, Evil, Template –
Conflagration (MM3Errata)+ Ooze Extraplanar
Huge 15 13 Plane of Hell

(Eb p96)+ Plane of Fernia

Red Dragon, Young Adult
(MM p075) Dragon Fire 6 Huge 19 13 Warm Mountains —
Gold Dragon, Young
Dragon Fire Huge 20 14 Warm Plains —


(MM p084)
Ooze, Infernal Combo Template –
(MM3 p030) Fire, Evil,
Conflagration with Death (MM3Errata)+ Ooze Extraplanar
6 Huge 15 14 Plane of Hell Advanced
Throes (Eb p96)+ Plane of Fernia Variant
Brass Dragon, Mature
Dragon Fire Huge 22 15 Warm Deserts —


(MM p079)
Giant, Sand, Fighter 5th (MM3 p058) Leveled Up
Giant Earth, Fire Large 20 15 Warm Deserts
(MM3Errata)+ Lvl +4

Holocaust Disciple (MM4 p011) Elemental Fire 5 Large 26 15 Plane of Fire —

Iron Dragon, Adult
Temp Mountain
Temp Hill
Dragon Fire 6 Huge 22 15 Warm Mountain

Warm Hill
(DR356 p029) Underground
Mercury Dragon, Old 7
(DoF p138) Dragon Fire 6 Huge 24 15 Temp Mountains —
Omnimental (MM3 p118)
(MM3Errata)+ Elemental Air, Earth, Fire, Water 7 Garg. 32 15 Plane of Fire —
Red Dragon, Adult
(MM p075) Dragon Fire 6 Huge 22 15 Warm Mountains —
Tungsten Dragon, Mature 6
Adult Dragon Fire 6 Huge 22 15 Warm Plains —
(DR356 p033) Temp Plains
Flame Snake, Greater (FF p075)
(3.5up p24)+ Magical Beast Fire 6 Huge 17 16 Any —
Gold Dragon, Adult5
(MM p084) Dragon Fire 6 Huge 23 16 Warm Plains —
Hell Hound, Advanced+
Outsider Fire, Evil, Law Huge 25 16 Plane of Hell Advanced
(aka “Canian Pit Hound”)

(DU140 p074)
Tempest Combo
Plane of Air
Elemental Air, Earth, Fire, Water 7 Garg. 24 16 Plane of Earth —
(MM2 p193) Plane of Fire
(3.5up p37)+ Plane of Water
Brass Dragon, Old 7
(MM p079) Dragon Fire 6 Huge 25 17 Warm Deserts —
Effigy (MM2 p089)
(3.5up p32)+ Undead Fire, Incorporeal 4 Med. 27 17 Any —
(DR336 p40)+
Fire Monolith Combo
Elemental Fire 7 Garg. 36 17 Plane of Fire —
(CArc p158) Plane of Fernia
Magma Monolith Combo
Plane of Earth
Elemental Earth, Fire Garg. 36 17 Plane of Fire

(DR347 p055)

(Eb p95)+ Plane of Fernia

Mercury Dragon, Very Old 8
(DoF p138) Dragon Fire 6 Huge 27 17 Temp Mountains —
Smoke Monolith Combo
Plane of Air
Elemental Air, Fire 7 Garg. 36 17 Plane of Fire

(DR347 p056) Plane of Lamannia
Tungsten Dragon, Old 7
Dragon Fire 6 Huge 25 17 Warm Plains —
(DR356 p033) Temp Plains
Iron Dragon, Mature Adult
Temp Mountain
Temp Hill
Dragon Fire 6 Huge 25 18 Warm Mountain

Warm Hill
(DR356 p029) Underground
Mercury Dragon, Ancient 9
(DoF p138) Dragon Fire 6 Huge 30 18 Temp Mountains —
Red Dragon, Mature Adult
(MM p075) Dragon Fire 6 Huge 25 18 Warm Mountains —
Brass Dragon, Very Old8
(MM p079) Dragon Fire 6 Huge 28 19 Warm Deserts —

Fire subtype Page 22

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Monsters – sorted by Subtype, then by CR, then by Name October 1, 2007

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.

Gold Dragon, Mature
Dragon Fire Huge 26 19 Warm Plains —


(MM p084)
Mercury Dragon, Wyrm A
(DoF p138) Dragon Fire 7 Garg. 33 19 Temp Mountains —
Tungsten Dragon, Very 8
Old Dragon Fire 6 Huge 28 19 Warm Plains —
(DR356 p033) Temp Plains
Brass Dragon, Ancient 9
(MM p079) Dragon Fire 6 Huge 31 20 Warm Deserts —
Drake, Fire’ Combo
Dragon Fire 7 Garg. 28 20 Cold Mountains —
(DR329 p028) Underground
Fire Monolith, Half-Fiend Augmented Template –
Outsider Garg. 36 20 Plane of Fire
(aka “The Burning Soul”) Elemental, Fire Half-Fiend

(DU140 p076)
Iron Dragon, Old
Temp Mountain
Temp Hill
Dragon Fire 7 Garg. 28 20 Warm Mountain

Warm Hill
(DR356 p029) Underground
Red Dragon, Old
(MM p075) Dragon Fire 6 Huge 28 20 Warm Mountains —
Tungsten Dragon, Ancient 9
Dragon Fire 6 Huge 31 20 Warm Plains —
(DR356 p033) Temp Plains
Brass Dragon, Wyrm A
(MM p079) Dragon Fire 7 Garg. 34 21 Warm Deserts —
Drake, Magma, Advanced Template –
Fiendish Dragon Earth, Fire 7 Garg. 30 21 Plane of Abyss Fiendish
(DU147 p068) Advanced
Gold Dragon, Old 7
(MM p084) Dragon Fire 7 Garg. 29 21 Warm Plains —
Iron Dragon, Very Old
Temp Mountain
Temp Hill
Dragon Fire 7 Garg. 31 21 Warm Mountain

Warm Hill
(DR356 p029) Underground
Mercury Dragon, Great
Dragon Fire Garg. 36 21 Temp Mountains —


(DoF p138)
Red Dragon, Very Old
(MM p075) Dragon Fire 7 Garg. 31 21 Warm Mountains —
Tungsten Dragon, Wyrm A
Dragon Fire 7 Garg. 34 21 Warm Plains —
(DR356 p033) Temp Plains
Gold Dragon, Very Old
(MM p084) Dragon Fire 7 Garg. 32 22 Warm Plains —
Brass Dragon, Great
Dragon Fire Garg. 37 23 Warm Deserts —


(MM p079)
Iron Dragon, Ancient
Temp Mountain
Temp Hill
Dragon Fire 7 Garg. 34 23 Warm Mountain

Warm Hill
(DR356 p029) Underground
Red Dragon, Ancient
(MM p075) Dragon Fire 7 Garg. 34 23 Warm Mountains —
Tungsten Dragon, Great B
Wyrm Dragon Fire 7 Garg. 37 23 Warm Plains —
(DR356 p033) Temp Plains
Gold Dragon, Ancient
(MM p084) Dragon Fire 7 Garg. 35 24 Warm Plains —
Iron Dragon, Wyrm
Temp Mountain
Temp Hill
Dragon Fire 7 Garg. 37 24 Warm Mountain

Warm Hill
(DR356 p029) Underground
Red Dragon, Wyrm
(MM p075) Dragon Fire 7 Garg. 37 24 Warm Mountains —
Gold Dragon, Wyrm A
(MM p084) Dragon Fire Col.
8 38 25 Warm Plains —
Hellfire Wyrm (MM2 p125)
(3.5up p34)+ Dragon Fire 6 Huge 23 26 Any —
Iron Dragon, Great Wyrm
Temp Mountain
Temp Hill
Dragon Fire 8 Col. 40 26 Warm Mountain

Warm Hill
(DR356 p029) Underground
Red Dragon, Great Wyrm
(MM p075) Dragon Fire 8 Col. 40 26 Warm Mountains —
Gold Dragon, Great Wyrm
(MM p084) Dragon Fire 8 Col. 41 27 Warm Plains —

Fire subtype Page 23

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Monsters – sorted by Subtype, then by CR, then by Name October 1, 2007

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.
Rainrunner (DU111 p095) Elemental Water 3 Small 1 0.3 Plane of Water Dark Sun
Water Gen (DR315 p083) Outsider Water Tiny2 1 0.5 Plane of Water —
Ooze Para-Elemental, Combo
Small (MotP p182) Plane of Earth
Elemental Earth, Water Small 2 1 Plane of Water

(3.5up p28)+

(Eb p97)+ Plane of Lamannia

Water Elemental, Small 3
(MM p099) Elemental Water 3 Small 2 1 Plane of Water —
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Lamannia
Wave Archer (DU110 p098) Elemental Water 3 Small 1 1 Plane of Water Dark Sun
Desiccator (LM p094) Undead Water Med.
4 4 2 Any Lvl +3
Grue, Mud (DU138 p060) Elemental Earth, Water, Evil Med.
4 3 2 Plane of Earth —
Grue, Water (aka
Elemental Water, Evil Med. 3 2 Plane of Water —

(CArc p155)
Spiked Sea Serpent,
Dragon Water Small 4 2 Temp Aquatic Lvl +4

(DR345 p061)
Triton Combo
(MM p245) Outsider Water, Native 4 Med. 3 2 Temp Aquatic Lvl +2
(Eb p99)+ Plane of Thelanis
Black Dragon, Wyrmling
(MM p070) Dragon Water Tiny2 4 3 Warm Marshes Lvl +3
Bronze Dragon, Wyrmling 0
(MM p080) Dragon Water 3 Small 6 3 Temp Hills Lvl +4
Crested Sea Serpent,
Dragon Water Small 5 3 Temp Aquatic Lvl +3

(DR345 p056)
Mephit, Ooze Combo
(MM p183) Outsider Water 3 Small 3 3 Plane of Water Cohort +3
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Lamannia
Mephit, Water Combo
(MM p185) Outsider Water 3 Small 3 3 Plane of Water Cohort +3
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Lamannia
Mist Dragon, Wyrmling
Temp Aquatic
Temp Forest
Dragon Aquatic, Water 2 Tiny 3 3 Warm Aquatic
Lvl +2
Warm Forest
(DoF p142) Underground
Nickel Dragon, Wyrmling Combo

(DR356 p031) Dragon Water 2 Tiny 4 3 Any Marsh

Lvl +3
Ooze Para-Elemental, Combo
Medium (MotP p182) Plane of Earth
Elemental Earth, Water Med. 4 3 Plane of Water

(3.5up p28)+

(Eb p97)+ Plane of Lamannia

Tojanida, Juvenile
(MM p244) Outsider Water 3 Small 3 3 Plane of Water —
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Lamannia
Water Elemental, Medium 4
(MM p099) Elemental Water 4 Med. 4 3 Plane of Water —
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Lamannia
Black Dragon, Very
Dragon Water Small 7 4 Warm Marshes Lvl +3


(MM p070)
Crested Sea Serpent, Very
Dragon Water Med. 8 4 Temp Aquatic Lvl +3


(DR345 p056)
Lantern Sea Serpent,
Dragon Water Med. 6 4 Temp Aquatic Lvl +4

(DR345 p058)
Mist Dragon, Very Young
Temp Aquatic
Temp Forest
Dragon Aquatic, Water 3 Small 6 4 Warm Aquatic
Lvl +3
Warm Forest
(DoF p142) Underground
Nickel Dragon, Very Combo
Dragon Water Small 7 4 Lvl +3

Young Any Marsh


(DR356 p031)
Spiked Sea Serpent, Very
Dragon Water Med. 7 4 Temp Aquatic Lvl +4


(DR345 p061)
Tiger, Water Element (MotP p194) Combo
Template –
(3.5up p26)+ Elemental Water Large 6 4 Plane of Water
Element, Water

(Eb p97)+ Plane of Lamannia

Topaz Dragon, Wyrmling
(MM2 p085) Dragon Water 3 Small 7 4 Plane of Water Lvl +4
(3.5up p32)+ Any Aquatic
Water Elementite Swarm (Planar p116) Elemental Swarm, Water 2 Tiny 7 4 Plane of Water —

Water subtype Page 24

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Monsters – sorted by Subtype, then by CR, then by Name October 1, 2007

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.

Black Dragon, Young
2 (MM p070) Dragon Water 4 Med. 10 5 Warm Marshes Lvl +3
Bronze Dragon, Very
Dragon Water Med. 9 5 Temp Hills Lvl +4


(MM p080)
Crested Sea Serpent,
Dragon Water Large 11 5 Temp Aquatic Lvl +3

(DR345 p056)
Drowned One, Human Water, Augmented Combo Template –
Undead Med. 4 5
Monk 4th Humanoid Any Water or Costal Drowned One

(DU106 p049)
Lantern Sea Serpent, Very
Dragon Water Med. 9 5 Temp Aquatic Lvl +4


(DR345 p058)
Mist Dragon, Young
Temp Aquatic
Temp Forest
Dragon Aquatic, Water 4 Med. 9 5 Warm Aquatic
Lvl +3
Warm Forest
(DoF p142) Underground
Nickel Dragon, Young Combo

(DR356 p031) Dragon Water 4 Med. 10 5 Any Marsh

Lvl +3
Ooze Para-Elemental, Combo
Large (MotP p182) Plane of Earth
Elemental Earth, Water Large 8 5 Plane of Water

(3.5up p28)+

(Eb p97)+ Plane of Lamannia

Spiked Sea Serpent,
Dragon Water Med. 10 5 Temp Aquatic Lvl +5

(DR345 p061)
Tojanida, Adult
(MM p244) Outsider Water 4 Med. 7 5 Plane of Water —
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Lamannia
Topaz Dragon, Very 1
Young (MM2 p085) Dragon Water 4 Med. 10 5 Plane of Water Lvl +4
(3.5up p32)+ Any Aquatic
Water Elemental, Large 5
(MM p099) Elemental Water 5 Large 8 5 Plane of Water —
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Lamannia
Weird, Water, Lesser (DR347 p070) Elemental Water 4 Med. 8 5 Plane of Water —
Mist Dragon, Juvenile
Temp Aquatic
Temp Forest
Dragon Aquatic, Water 4 Med. 12 6 Warm Aquatic
Lvl +4
Warm Forest
(DoF p142) Underground
Spawn of Juiblex, Lesser Combo
Elemental Water 5 Large 8 6 Plane of Water —
(MM5 p162) Plane of Filth
Black Dragon, Juvenile
(MM p070) Dragon Water 4 Med. 13 7 Warm Marshes Lvl +4
Bronze Dragon, Young 2
(MM p080) Dragon Water 4 Med. 12 7 Temp Hills Lvl +6
Crested Sea Serpent,
Dragon Water Large 14 7 Temp Aquatic Lvl +4

(DR345 p056)
Lantern Sea Serpent,
Dragon Water Large 12 7 Temp Aquatic Lvl +5

(DR345 p058)
Nickel Dragon, Juvenile Combo

(DR356 p031) Dragon Water 4 Med. 13 7 Any Marsh

Lvl +4
Ooze Para-Elemental, Combo
Huge (MotP p182) Plane of Earth
Elemental Earth, Water Huge 16 7 Plane of Water

(3.5up p28)+

(Eb p97)+ Plane of Lamannia

Spiked Sea Serpent,
Dragon Water Large 13 7 Temp Aquatic Lvl +5

(DR345 p061)
Topaz Dragon, Young 2
(MM2 p085) Dragon Water 4 Med. 13 7 Plane of Water Lvl +5
(3.5up p32)+ Any Aquatic
Water Elemental, Huge 6
(MM p099) Elemental Water 6 Huge 16 7 Plane of Water —
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Lamannia
Crested Sea Serpent,
Dragon Water Large 17 8 Temp Aquatic —
Young Adult

(DR345 p056)
Drake, Water (Dcn p157) Dragon Water, Aquatic 5 Large 10 8 Temp Aquatic Lvl +3
Lantern Sea Serpent,
Dragon Water Large 15 8 Temp Aquatic Lvl +5

(DR345 p058)
Mist Dragon, Young Adult
Temp Aquatic
Temp Forest
Dragon Aquatic, Water 5 Large 15 8 Warm Aquatic

Warm Forest
(DoF p142) Underground

Water subtype Page 25

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Monsters – sorted by Subtype, then by CR, then by Name October 1, 2007

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.

Black Dragon, Young
Dragon Water Large 16 9 Warm Marshes —


(MM p070)
Bronze Dragon, Juvenile 3
(MM p080) Dragon Water 5 Large 15 9 Temp Hills —
Caller from the Deeps Combo
(Storm p140) Elemental Water, Native 6 Huge 9 9 Any Aquatic

Genie, Marid (MotP p173) Combo
(3.5up p28)+ Outsider Water, Chaos 5 Large 11 9 Plane of Water —
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Lamannia
Immoth Combo
Any Cold
(MM2 p127) Elemental Air, Cold, Water 5 Large 10 9 Plane of Air Lvl +6
(3.5up p34)+ Plane of Water
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Risia
Nickel Dragon, Young Combo
Dragon Water Large 16 9 —

Adult Any Marsh


(DR356 p031)
Ooze Para-Elemental, Combo
Greater (MotP p182) Plane of Earth
Elemental Earth, Water Huge 21 9 Plane of Water

(3.5up p28)+

(Eb p97)+ Plane of Lamannia

Spiked Sea Serpent,
Dragon Water Large 16 9 Temp Aquatic —
Young Adult

(DR345 p061)
Tojanida, Elder
(MM p244) Outsider Water 5 Large 15 9 Plane of Water —
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Lamannia
Water Elemental, Greater C
(MM p099) Elemental Water 6 Huge 21 9 Plane of Water —
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Lamannia
Behir, Ooze Element Combo
Plane of Earth Template –
Elemental Earth, Water Huge 9 10 Plane of Water
(DR347 p061) Element, Ooze

(Eb p97) Plane of Lamannia

Lantern Sea Serpent,
Dragon Water Large 18 10 Temp Aquatic —
Young Adult

(DR345 p058)
Mist Dragon, Adult
Temp Aquatic
Temp Forest
Dragon Aquatic, Water 5 Large 18 10 Warm Aquatic

Warm Forest
(DoF p142) Underground
Spawn of Juiblex, Greater Combo
Elemental Water 6 Huge 11 10 Plane of Water —
(MM5 p162) Plane of Filth
Topaz Dragon, Juvenile 3
(MM2 p085) Dragon Water 5 Large 16 10 Plane of Water —
(3.5up p32)+ Any Aquatic
Black Dragon, Adult5
(MM p070) Dragon Water 5 Large 19 11 Warm Marshes —
Crested Sea Serpent, Adult 5
(DR345 p056) Dragon Water Huge
6 20 11 Temp Aquatic —
Nickel Dragon, Adult Combo

(DR356 p031) Dragon Water 5 Large 19 11 Any Marsh

Ooze Para-Elemental, Combo
Elder (MotP p182) Plane of Earth
Elemental Earth, Water Huge 24 11 Plane of Water

(3.5up p28)+

(Eb p97)+ Plane of Lamannia

Spiked Sea Serpent, Adult 5
(DR345 p061) Dragon Water 5 Large 19 11 Temp Aquatic —
Squid, Giant, Ice Element Combo
Aquatic, Air, Cold, Plane of Air Template –
Elemental Water
Huge 12 11 Plane of Water Element, Ice

(DR347 p058) Plane of Risia

Water Elemental, Elder D
(MM p099) Elemental Water 6 Huge 24 11 Plane of Water —
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Lamannia
Bronze Dragon, Young
Dragon Water Large 18 12 Temp Hills —


(MM p080)
Drake, Ooze Earth, Water,
(Dcn p156) Dragon Aquatic
5 Large 12 12 Cold Marshes Lvl +3
Lantern Sea Serpent, Adult 5
(DR345 p058) Dragon Water 6 Huge 21 12 Temp Aquatic —
Mist Dragon, Mature
Adult Temp Aquatic
Temp Forest
Dragon Aquatic, Water 6 Huge 21 12 Warm Aquatic

Warm Forest
(DoF p142) Underground
Weird, Water Combo
Plane of Water
Elemental Water Large 15 12 Any Land

(MM2 p091)

(3.5up p33)+ Underground

Water subtype Page 26

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Monsters – sorted by Subtype, then by CR, then by Name October 1, 2007

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.

Crested Sea Serpent,
Dragon Water Huge 23 13 Temp Aquatic —
Mature Adult

6 (DR345 p056)
Topaz Dragon, Young 4
Adult (MM2 p085) Dragon Water 5 Large 19 13 Plane of Water —
(3.5up p32)+ Any Aquatic
Black Dragon, Mature
Dragon Water Huge 22 14 Warm Marshes —


(MM p070)
Lantern Sea Serpent,
Dragon Water Huge 24 14 Temp Aquatic —
Mature Adult

(DR345 p058)
Nickel Dragon, Mature Combo
Dragon Water Huge 22 14 —

Adult Any Marsh


(DR356 p031)
Spawn of Juiblex, Elder Combo
Elemental Water 7 Garg. 16 14 Plane of Water —
(MM5 p163) Plane of Filth
Spiked Sea Serpent,
Dragon Water Huge 22 14 Temp Aquatic —
Mature Adult

(DR345 p061)
Bronze Dragon, Adult 5
(MM p080) Dragon Water 6 Huge 21 15 Temp Hills —
Crested Sea Serpent, Old 7
(DR345 p056) Dragon Water 6 Huge 26 15 Temp Aquatic —
Mist Dragon, Old
Temp Aquatic
Temp Forest
Dragon Aquatic, Water 6 Huge 24 15 Warm Aquatic

Warm Forest
(DoF p142) Underground
Omnimental (MM3 p118)
(MM3Errata)+ Elemental Air, Earth, Fire, Water 7 Garg. 32 15 Plane of Fire —
Topaz Dragon, Adult 5
(MM2 p085) Dragon Water 6 Huge 22 15 Plane of Water —
(3.5up p32)+ Any Aquatic
Waterveilded Assassin (MM4 p013) Elemental Water 5 Large 26 15 Plane of Water —
Weird, Ice (Frost p126) Elemental Cold, Water 5 Large 15 15 Plane of Water —
Acidwraith Combo
(DU131 p078) Undead Incorporeal, Water 5 Large 22 16 Any Aquatic

Black Dragon, Old7
(MM p070) Dragon Water 6 Huge 25 16 Warm Marshes —
Lantern Sea Serpent, Old 7
(DR345 p058) Dragon Water 6 Huge 27 16 Temp Aquatic —
Nickel Dragon, Old Combo

(DR356 p031) Dragon Water 6 Huge 25 16 Any Marsh

Spiked Sea Serpent, Old 7
(DR345 p061) Dragon Water 6 Huge 25 16 Temp Aquatic —
Tempest Combo
Plane of Air
Elemental Air, Earth, Fire, Water 7 Garg. 24 16 Plane of Earth —
(MM2 p193) Plane of Fire
(3.5up p37)+ Plane of Water
Bronze Dragon, Mature
Dragon Water Huge 24 17 Temp Hills —


(MM p080)
Mist Dragon, Very Old
Temp Aquatic
Temp Forest
Dragon Aquatic, Water 6 Huge 27 17 Warm Aquatic

Warm Forest
(DoF p142) Underground
Ooze Monolith Combo
Plane of Earth
Elemental Earth, Water 7 Garg. 36 17 Plane of Water

(DR347 p055) Plane of Lamannia
Water Monolith Combo
Elemental Water 7 Garg. 36 17 Plane of Water —
(CArc p159) Plane of Lamannia
Black Dragon, Very Old
(MM p070) Dragon Water 6 Huge 28 18 Warm Marshes —
Crested Sea Serpent, Very
Dragon Water Garg. 29 18 Temp Aquatic —


(DR345 p056)
Mist Dragon, Ancient
Temp Aquatic
Temp Forest
Dragon Aquatic, Water 6 Huge 30 18 Warm Aquatic

Warm Forest
(DoF p142) Underground
Nickel Dragon, Very Old Combo

(DR356 p031) Dragon Water 6 Huge 28 18 Any Marsh

Spiked Sea Serpent, Very
Dragon Water Huge 28 18 Temp Aquatic —


(DR345 p061)

Water subtype Page 27

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Monsters – sorted by Subtype, then by CR, then by Name October 1, 2007

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.

Topaz Dragon, Mature 6
Adult (MM2 p085) Dragon Water 6 Huge 25 18 Plane of Water —
(3.5up p32)+ Any Aquatic
Black Dragon, Ancient
(MM p070) Dragon Water 6 Huge 31 19 Warm Marshes —
Bronze Dragon, Old 7
(MM p080) Dragon Water 6 Huge 27 19 Temp Hills —
Lantern Sea Serpent, Very
Dragon Water Garg. 30 19 Temp Aquatic —


(DR345 p058)
Mist Dragon, Wyrm
Temp Aquatic
Temp Forest
Dragon Aquatic, Water 7 Garg. 33 19 Warm Aquatic

Warm Forest
(DoF p142) Underground
Nickel Dragon, Ancient Combo

(DR356 p031) Dragon Water 6 Huge 31 19 Any Marsh

Black Dragon, Wyrm
(MM p070) Dragon Water 7 Garg. 34 20 Warm Marshes —
Bronze Dragon, Very Old 8
(MM p080) Dragon Water 6 Huge 30 20 Temp Hills —
Crested Sea Serpent,
Dragon Water Garg. 32 20 Temp Aquatic —

(DR345 p056)
Nickel Dragon, Wyrm Combo

(DR356 p031) Dragon Water 7 Garg. 34 20 Any Marsh

Spiked Sea Serpent,
Dragon Water Garg. 31 20 Temp Aquatic —

(DR345 p061)
Topaz Dragon, Old 7
(MM2 p085) Dragon Water 6 Huge 28 20 Plane of Water —
(3.5up p32)+ Any Aquatic
Lantern Sea Serpent,
Dragon Water Garg. 33 21 Temp Aquatic —

(DR345 p058)
Mist Dragon, Great Wyrm
Temp Aquatic
Temp Forest
Dragon Aquatic, Water 7 Garg. 36 21 Warm Aquatic

Warm Forest
(DoF p142) Underground
Spiked Sea Serpent, Wyrm A
(DR345 p061) Dragon Water 7 Garg. 34 21 Temp Aquatic —
Topaz Dragon, Very Old
(MM2 p085) Dragon Water 6 Huge 31 21 Plane of Water —
(3.5up p32)+ Any Aquatic
Black Dragon, Great
Dragon Water Garg. 37 22 Warm Marshes —


(MM p070)
Bronze Dragon, Ancient 9
(MM p080) Dragon Water 7 Garg. 33 22 Temp Hills —
Crested Sea Serpent,
Dragon Water Garg. 35 22 Temp Aquatic —

(DR345 p056)
Nickel Dragon, Great Combo
Dragon Water Garg. 37 22 —

Wyrm Any Marsh


(DR356 p031)
Bronze Dragon, Wyrm A
(MM p080) Dragon Water 7 Garg. 36 23 Temp Hills —
Lantern Sea Serpent,
Dragon Water Garg. 36 23 Temp Aquatic —

(DR345 p058)
Spiked Sea Serpent, Great
Dragon Water Garg. 37 23 Temp Aquatic —


(DR345 p061)
Topaz Dragon, Ancient9
(MM2 p085) Dragon Water 7 Garg. 34 23 Plane of Water —
(3.5up p32)+ Any Aquatic
Crested Sea Serpent, Great
Dragon Water Col. 38 24 Temp Aquatic —


(DR345 p056)
Topaz Dragon, Wyrm A
(MM2 p085) Dragon Water 7 Garg. 37 24 Plane of Water —
(3.5up p32)+ Any Aquatic
Bronze Dragon, Great
Dragon Water Garg. 39 25 Temp Hills —


(MM p080)
Lantern Sea Serpent, Great
Dragon Water Col. 39 25 Temp Aquatic —


(DR345 p058)
Topaz Dragon, Great B
Wyrm (MM2 p085) Dragon Water 8 Col. 40 26 Plane of Water —
(3.5up p32)+ Any Aquatic

Water subtype Page 28

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Monsters – sorted by Subtype, then by CR, then by Name October 1, 2007

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.
Gutworm Symbiont, Evil, Host +1
Outsider Chaos
Tiny 1 0.12 Plane of Abyss
(FF p220) Fiendish

Demon, Mane (HotA p045) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 3 Small 1 1 Plane of Abyss —
Monkey, Savage Template –
Animal Chaos Tiny 1 1 Warm Forests
(DU140 p016) Savage

Demon, Abyssal Maw (MM2 p056)

(3.5up p31)+ Outsider Evil, Chaos 4 Med. 2 2 Plane of Abyss Lvl +2
Demon, Abyssal Skulker (MM2 p056)
(3.5up p31)+ Outsider Evil, Chaos 3 Small 2 2 Plane of Abyss Lvl +2
Demon, Dretch Combo
(MM p042) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 3 Small 2 2 Plane of Abyss Lvl +2
(Eb p98)+ Plane of Shavarath
Demon, Nashrou Combo
Outsider Evil, Chaos 5 Large 4 2 Plane of Abyss —
(MM4 p044) Plane of Shavarath
Demon, Quasit Combo
(MM p046) Outsider Evil, Chaos 2 Tiny 3 2 Plane of Abyss —
(Eb p98)+ Plane of Shavarath
Eladrin, Coure (BoED p168) Outsider Eladrin, Good, Chaos 2 Tiny 2 2 Plane of Arborea Lvl +5
Krenshar, Savage Template –
Magical Beast Chaos Med. 2 2 Temp Forests
(DU140 p024) Savage

Bariaur (BoED p165) Lvl +2

(DR312 p54)+ Outsider Good, Chaos Large 3 3 Plane of Ysgard
Class(DR312 p54)

(MotP p161)
Demon, Gadacro Combo
Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 3 Small 4 3 Plane of Abyss —
(MM5 p026) Plane of Savarath
Demon, Rutterkin (HotA p051) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 4 Med. 5 3 Plane of Abyss —
Howler Combo
(MM p154) Outsider Evil, Chaos 5 Large 6 3 Plane of Pandemonium Cohort +3
(Eb p96)+ Plane of Kythri
Incubus (DR353 p033) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 4 Med. 4 3 Plane of Abyss —
Wrackspawn Combo
Outsider Evil, Chaos 4 Med. 4 3 Plane of Abyss —
(MM4 p182) Plane of Xoriat
Abyssal Eviscerator (Mini p045) Outsider Evil, Chaos 4 Med. 4 4 Plane of Abyss —
Demon, Carnage Combo
Outsider Evil, Chaos 4 Med. 3 4 Plane of Abyss —
(MM5 p022) Plane of Shavarath
Demon, Ekolid (HotA p038) Outsider Obyrith, Evil, Chaos 3 Small 6 4 Plane of Abyss —
Demon, Guecubu Loumara, Evil,
(HotA p041) Outsider Chaos, Incorporeal
4 Med. 4 4 Plane of Abyss —
Demon, Skulvyn (FF p054) Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos,
(3.5up p24)+ Outsider Aquatic
5 Large 4 4 Plane of Abyss —
Demon, Vorr (FF p186) Outsider Evil, Chaos 4 Med. 3 4 Plane of Abyss —
Dinosaur, Deinonychus, Template –
Animal Chaos Large 4 4 Warm Forests
Savage Savage

(DU140 p023)
Celestial, Sliver (DR353 p067) Outsider Good, Chaos 4 Med. 3 5 Plane of Arborea —
Chokesnake Symbiont, Tannar’ri,
(DU148 p082) Outsider Evil, Chaos
2 Tiny 6 5 Plane of Abyss Host +1
Demon, Abyssal Ravager (MM2 p056)
(3.5up p31)+ Outsider Evil, Chaos 5 Large 3 5 Plane of Abyss Lvl +5
Demon, Bar-Lgura (HotA p029) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 5 Large 6 5 Plane of Abyss —
Demon, Jovoc (MM2 p058)
(3.5up p31)+ Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 3 Small 4 5 Plane of Abyss Lvl +5
Demon, Nabassu, Juvenile (HotA p048)
(DU112 p098) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 4 Med. 5 5 Plane of Abyss —
Demon, Skurchur (DR333 p035) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 3 Small 6 5 Plane of Abyss Lvl +5
Hordling Combo
Plane of Hades
Outsider Evil, Chaos 4 Med. 6 5 Plane of Carceri —
Plane of Pandemonium
(DU124 p097) Plane of Abyss
Spellshadow (DR324 p047) Outsider Chaos, Incorporeal 4 Med. 6 5 Plane of Dal Quor —
Demon, Babau Combo
(MM p040) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 4 Med. 7 6 Plane of Abyss —
(Eb p98)+ Plane of Shavarath
Demon, Broodswarm Swarm, Tanar’ri,
(HotA p031) Outsider Evil, Chaos
2 Tiny 8 6 Plane of Abyss —

Chaos subtype Page 29

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Monsters – sorted by Subtype, then by CR, then by Name October 1, 2007

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.

Demon, Uridezu (MotP p164)
(3.5up p28)+ Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 4 Med. 7 6 Plane of Abyss —
Eladrin, Bralani Combo
(MM p093) Outsider Eladrin, Good, Chaos 4 Med. 6 6 Plane of Arborea Lvl +5
(Eb p99)+ Plane of Thelanis
Malfera Combo
Outsider Evil, Chaos 5 Large 9 6 Plane of Chaotic —
(DR343 p051) Plane of Dream
Slaad, Mud Combo
(FF p157) Outsider Slaad, Chaos 4 Med. 6 6 Plane of Limbo —
(Eb p96)+ Plane of Kythri
Spirit of the Wild (DU148 p024) Outsider Chaos 5 Large 7 6 Plane of Beastlands —
Chaos Beast Combo
(MM p032) Outsider Chaos 4 Med. 8 7 Plane of Limbo —
(Eb p96)+ Plane of Kythri
Demon, Armanite (HotA p028)
(MotP p164) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 4 Med. 9 7 Plane of Abyss —
(3.5up p28)+
Demon, Arrow Combo
(MM3 p034) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 4 Med. 10 7 Plane of Abyss Lvl +8
(Eb p98)+ Plane of Shavarath
Demon, Colchiln (DU112 p096) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 3 Small 8 7 Plane of Abyss Lvl +8
Demon, Succubus Combo
(MM p047) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 4 Med. 6 7 Plane of Abyss Lvl +6
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Mabar
Krathbairn Combo
Dragonblood, Evil,
Outsider Chaos, Native
4 Med. 7 7 Warm Desert —
(DoF p106) Underground
Lillend Combo
(MM p168) Outsider Good, Chaos 5 Large 7 7 Plane of Ysgard Lvl +6
(Eb p99)+ Plane of Thelanis
Slaad, Red Combo
(MM p228) Outsider Slaad, Chaos 5 Large 7 7 Plane of Limbo Lvl +6
(Eb p96)+ Plane of Kythri
Slow Shadow Incorporeal, Cold,
(DU112 p104) Outsider Evil, Chaos
4 Med. 14 7 Plane of Negative —
Asura (BoED p164) Combo Lvl +6
Outsider Good, Chaos Med. 8 8 Upper Planes
(DR312 p52)+ Class(DR312 p52)

Demon, Ankshar (DR341 p027) Outsider Evil, Chaos 6 Huge 12 8 Plane of Abyss —
Demon, Dybbuk Loumara, Evil,
(HotA p036) Outsider Chaos, Incorporeal
4 Med. 10 8 Plane of Abyss —
Demon, Palrethee (MM2 p059) Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos,
(3.5up p31)+ Outsider Fire
4 Med. 8 8 Plane of Abyss Lvl +6
Demon, Solamith Combo
Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 5 Large 11 8 Plane of Abyss —
(MM5 p028) Plane of Shavarath
Demon, Yochlol Evil, Chaos,
(HotA p054) Outsider Shapechanger
4 Med. 10 8 Plane of Abyss —
Hob (DR324 p046) Outsider Chaos 3 Small 8 8 Plane of Dal Quor —
Limbo Stalker (Planar p126) Magical Beast Chaos, Extraplanar 5 Large 8 8 Plane of Limbo —
Slaad, Blue Combo
(MM p229) Outsider Slaad, Chaos 5 Large 8 8 Plane of Limbo Lvl +6
(Eb p96)+ Plane of Kythri
Abyssal Drake (Dcn p145) Outsider Evil, Chaos, Fire 6 Huge 10 9 Plane of Abyss Lvl +5
Bariaur Defender of (BoED p165) Outsider Good, Chaos Large 9 9 Plane of Ysgard Lvl +2
Ysgard, Ranger 6th

(MotP p161)
Canomorph, Vultivor Shapechanger, Evil, Combo
(FF p028) Outsider Chaos
4 Med. 16 9 Any Lower Plane
Lvl +4
Demon, Bulezau (HotA p033)
(DR341 p27) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 5 Large 10 9 Plane of Abyss —
Demon, Maurezhi (FF p050)
(3.5up p24)+ Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 4 Med. 5 9 Plane of Abyss —
Demon, Mavawhan Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos,
(DR345 p032) Outsider Cold
4 Med. 10 9 Plane of Abyss —
Demon, Vrock (MM p048) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 5 Large 10 9 Plane of Abyss Lvl +8
Demon, Whisper Combo
Incorporeal, Evil,
Outsider Chaos
4 Med. 12 9 Plane of Abyss —
(MM4 p046) Plane of Xoriat
Demon, Zovvut (MM2 p060)
(3.5up p31)+ Outsider Evil, Chaos 4 Med. 10 9 Plane of Abyss —
Genie, Marid (MotP p173) Combo
(3.5up p28)+ Outsider Water, Chaos 5 Large 11 9 Plane of Water —
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Lamannia
Slaad, Green Combo
(MM p230) Outsider Slaad, Chaos 5 Large 9 9 Plane of Limbo Lvl +7
(Eb p96)+ Plane of Kythri

Chaos subtype Page 30

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Monsters – sorted by Subtype, then by CR, then by Name October 1, 2007

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.

Visage Evil, Chaos,
(LM p130) Undead Extraplanar
4 Med. 12 9 Plane of Abyss —
Demon, Adaru Combo
Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 4 Med. 13 10 Plane of Abyss —
(MM5 p020) Plane of Xoriat
Demon, Bebilith Combo
(MM p042) Outsider Evil, Chaos 6 Huge 12 10 Plane of Abyss —
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Lamannia
Demon, Chasme (HotA p034) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 5 Large 9 10 Plane of Abyss —
Demon, Draudnu Combo
Outsider Obyrith, Evil, Chaos 4 Med. 14 10 Plane of Abyss —
(MM5 p024) Plane of Xoriat
Eladrin, Firre (BoED p169) Combo
(Eb p95)+ Outsider Eladrin, Good, Chaos 4 Med. 8 10 Plane of Arborea Lvl +10
(MotP p162) Plane of Fernia
Slaad, Gray Combo
(MM p231) Outsider Slaad, Chaos 4 Med. 10 10 Plane of Limbo Lvl +6
(Eb p96)+ Plane of Kythri
Demon, Bebilith, Loth- Combo
Template –
Touched (MM4 p092) Outsider Evil, Chaos Huge 12 11 Plane of Abyss

(Eb p97)+ Plane of Lamannia

Demon, Hezrou Combo
(MM p044) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 5 Large 10 11 Plane of Abyss Lvl +9
(Eb p98)+ Plane of Shavarath
Demon, Kastighur Combo
Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 6 Huge 16 11 Plane of Abyss —
(MM4 p042) Plane of Mabar
Demon, Palrethee, Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos,
Outsider Med. 12 11 Plane of Abyss Advanced
Advanced Fire

(DU147 p054)
Hordling, Spittlemaw Combo
Plane of Hades
Outsider Evil, Chaos 4 Med. 12 11 Plane of Carceri —
Plane of Pandemonium
(DU124 p100) Plane of Abyss
Mivilorn Combo
(MM3 p106) Magical Beast Chaos, Extraplanar 6 Huge 24 11 Plane of Pandemonium —
(Eb p98)+ Plane of Shavarath
Demon, Lilitu (HotA p043) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 4 Med. 14 12 Plane of Abyss —
Demon, Manitou Loumara, Evil,
(DR359 p043) Outsider Chaos, Incorporeal
6 Huge 15 12 Plane of Abyss —
Demon, Vathugu (DR337 p052) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 5 Large 12 12 Plane of Abyss —
Entropic Reaper (LM p098) Undead Chaos, Extraplanar Med.
4 19 12 Plane of Limbo —
Demon, Glabrezu Combo
(MM p043) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 6 Huge 12 13 Plane of Abyss —
(Eb p98)+ Plane of Shavarath
Demon, Jarilith (MM2 p061)
(3.5up p31)+ Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 5 Large 10 13 Plane of Abyss —
Demon, Oculus (DU129 p063) Outsider Evil, Chaos 4 Med. 15 13 Plane of Abyss —
Eladrin, Ghaele Combo
(MM p094) Outsider Eladrin, Good, Chaos 4 Med. 10 13 Plane of Arborea —
(Eb p99)+ Plane of Thelanis
Hordling, Dread Gnasher Combo
Plane of Hades
Outsider Evil, Chaos 4 Med. 14 13 Plane of Carceri —
Plane of Pandemonium
(DU124 p100) Plane of Abyss
Living Spell, Word of Template –
Chaos Ooze Chaos 6 Huge 13 13 Any Living Spell
(MM3 p094) Word of Chaos
Slaad, Death Combo
(MM p231) Outsider Slaad, Chaos 4 Med. 15 13 Plane of Limbo —
(Eb p96)+ Plane of Kythri
Black Beast of Bedlam Combo
Outsider Evil, Chaos 5 Large 15 14 Any Plane of Evil

(DR355 p033) and Chaos
Demon, Alkilith (FF p046)
(3.5up p24)+ Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 4 Med. 11 14 Plane of Abyss —
Demon, Filth
Outsider Evil, Chaos Large 21 14 Plane of Abyss —
(aka “Belairon”)

(DU147 p084)
Demon, Nalfeshnee Combo
(MM p045) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 6 Huge 14 14 Plane of Abyss —
(Eb p95)+ Plane of Dolurrh
Demon, Soul (DU139 p086) Outsider Evil, Chaos Med.
4 14 14 Plane of Abyss —
Demon, Verakia (DR357 p031) Outsider Obyrith, Evil, Chaos 7 Garg. 16 14 Plane of Abyss —
Eladrin, Shiradi (BoED p170) Outsider Eladrin, Good, Chaos 5 Large 12 14 Plane of Arborea Lvl +12

Chaos subtype Page 31

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Monsters – sorted by Subtype, then by CR, then by Name October 1, 2007

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.

Necronaut (MM3 p108) Combo
Evil, Chaos,
(MM3Errata)+ Undead Extraplanar
7 Garg. 32 14 Plane of Abyss —
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Mabar
Odopi Combo
Evil, Chaos,
(MM3 p114) Aberration Extraplanar
6 Huge 20 14 Plane of Carceri —
(Eb p99)+ Plane of Xoriat
Demon, Anzu (DR329 p064) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 6 Huge 16 15 Plane of Abyss —
Demon, Nabassu, Mature (HotA p049)
(DU112 p098) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 4 Med. 15 15 Plane of Abyss —
Demon, Orlath Evil, Chaos,
(DU146 p075) Outsider Shaechanger
5 Large 16 15 Plane of Abyss —
Demon, Sibriex (HotA p052) Outsider Obyrith, Evil, Chaos Huge
6 15 15 Plane of Abyss —
Weaver (DR352 p059) Outsider Chaos 5 Large 18 15 Plane of Limbo Bas-Lag
Demon, Goristro (HotA p040)
(MotP p164) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 6 Huge 24 16 Plane of Abyss —
(3.5up p28)+
Hordling, Vultrewretch Combo
Plane of Hades
Outsider Evil, Chaos 4 Med. 15 16 Plane of Carceri —
Plane of Pandemonium
(DU124 p101) Plane of Abyss
Mivilorn, Elite Demon (MM3 p106) Combo
War Mount (MM3Errata)+ Magical Beast Chaos, Extraplanar 6 Huge 30 16 Plane of Pandemonium Advanced
(Eb p98)+ Plane of Shavarath
Uzollru Obyrith, Aquatic,
(DR349 p041) Outsider Chaos, Evil
8 Col. 20 16 Plane of Abyss —
Dalmosh (MM5 p016) Outsider Evil, Chaos 7 Garg. 26 17 Plane of Abyss —
Demon, Marilith Combo
(MM p044) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 5 Large 16 17 Plane of Abyss —
(Eb p98)+ Plane of Shavarath
Demon, Sorrowsworn (MM3 p036) Combo
(MM3Errata)+ Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 5 Large 18 17 Plane of Abyss —
(Ebp95)+ Plane of Dolurrh
Demon, Wastrilith (FF p054) Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos,
(3.5up p24)+ Outsider Aquatic
6 Huge 15 17 Plane of Abyss —
Hordling, Skullreaver Combo
Plane of Hades
Outsider Evil, Chaos 4 Med. 18 17 Plane of Carceri —
Plane of Pandemonium
(DU124 p101) Plane of Abyss
Demon, Deathdrinker Combo
Outsider Evil, Chaos 6 Huge 27 18 Plane of Abyss —
(MM4 p040) Plane of Dolurrh
Demon, Kelvezu (MM2 p061)
(3.5up p31)+ Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 4 Med. 12 18 Plane of Abyss —
Eladrin, Tulani (BoED p171) Outsider Eladrin, Good, Chaos 4 Med. 18 18 Plane of Arborea Lvl +10
Odopi, Elder (MM3 p115) Combo
Evil, Chaos,
(MM3Errata)+ Aberration Extraplanar
7 Garg. 30 18 Plane of Carceri Advanced
(Eb p99)+ Plane of Xoriat
Demon, Molydeus (HotA p046) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 5 Large 19 19 Plane of Abyss —
Demon, Balor Combo
(MM p040) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 5 Large 20 20 Plane of Abyss —
(Eb p95)+ Plane of Fernia
Demon, Myrmyxicus (FF p052) Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos,
(3.5up p24)+ Outsider Aquatic
6 Huge 18 21 Plane of Abyss —
Titan Combo
(MM p242) Outsider Chaos 6 Huge 20 21 Plane of Arborea —
(Eb p96)+ Plane of Kythri
Titan, Iconoclast (DR357 p062) Combo
(MM p242)+ Outsider Chaos 6 Huge 20 21 Plane of Arborea Variant
(Eb p96)+ Plane of Kythri
Titan, Strombringer (DR357 p062) Combo
(MM p242)+ Outsider Chaos 6 Huge 20 21 Plane of Arborea Variant
(Eb p96)+ Plane of Kythri
Demon, Klurichir (FF p048)
(3.5up p24)+ Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 6 Huge 20 25 Plane of Abyss —

Chaos subtype Page 32

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Monsters – sorted by Subtype, then by CR, then by Name October 1, 2007

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.
Fiendish Familiar Combo Host +0
Outsider Symbiont, Evil Dimin. 0.5 0.12 Lower Planes
(FF p219) Fiendish

Gutworm Symbiont, Evil, Host +1

Outsider Chaos
Tiny 1 0.12 Plane of Abyss
(FF p220) Fiendish

Soul Tick Host +1

Outsider Symbiont, Evil, Law Fine 0.5 0.12 Plane of Hell
(FF p220) Fiendish

Kalabon (Tot9H p120) Outsider Evil, Law 3 Small 1 0.5 Plane of Hell —
Demon, Mane (HotA p045) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 3 Small 1 1 Plane of Abyss —
Devil, Lemure Combo
(MM p057) Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law 4 Med. 2 1 Plane of Hell —
(Eb p95)+ Plane of Dolurrh
Kaorti (FF p108) Combo
(DR358 p60)+ Outsider Evil 4 Med. 2 1 Plane of Far Realm Lvl +2
(Eb p99)+ Plane of Xoriat
Demon, Abyssal Maw (MM2 p056)
(3.5up p31)+ Outsider Evil, Chaos 4 Med. 2 2 Plane of Abyss Lvl +2
Demon, Abyssal Skulker (MM2 p056)
(3.5up p31)+ Outsider Evil, Chaos 3 Small 2 2 Plane of Abyss Lvl +2
Demon, Dretch Combo
(MM p042) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 3 Small 2 2 Plane of Abyss Lvl +2
(Eb p98)+ Plane of Shavarath
Demon, Nashrou Combo
Outsider Evil, Chaos 5 Large 4 2 Plane of Abyss —
(MM4 p044) Plane of Shavarath
Demon, Quasit Combo
(MM p046) Outsider Evil, Chaos 2 Tiny 3 2 Plane of Abyss —
(Eb p98)+ Plane of Shavarath
Demonhive Attendant Combo
Plane of Abyss
Warm Forests
Outsider Evil 3 Small 3 2 Warm Jungle —
Temp Forests
Temp Jungle
(MM4 p048) Plane of Mabar
Demonhive Swarm Combo
Plane of Abyss
Warm Forests
Outsider Swarm, Evil 2 Tiny 3 2 Warm Jungle —
Temp Forests
Temp Jungle
(MM4 p048) Plane of Mabar
Devil, Imp Combo
(MM p056) Outsider Evil, Law 2 Tiny 3 2 Plane of Hell —
(Eb p98)+ Plane of Shavarath
Devil, Nupperibo (Tot9H p127) Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law 4 Med. 2 2 Plane of Hell —
Grue, Air (aka “Ildriss”) (CArc p155) Elemental Air, Evil 4 Med. 3 2 Plane of Air —
Grue, Earth
Elemental Earth, Evil Med. 3 2 Plane of Earth —
(aka “Chaggrin”)

(CArc p153)
Grue, Fire (aka “Harginn”) (CArc p154) Elemental Fire, Evil 4 Med. 3 2 Plane of Fire —
Grue, Mud (DU138 p060) Elemental Earth, Water, Evil 4 Med. 3 2 Plane of Earth —
Grue, Water (aka
Elemental Water, Evil Med. 3 2 Plane of Water —

(CArc p155)
Vargouille Combo
(MM p254) Outsider Evil 3 Small 1 2 Plane of Carceri —
(Eb p98)+ Plane of Shavarath
Demon, Gadacro Combo
Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 3 Small 4 3 Plane of Abyss —
(MM5 p026) Plane of Savarath
Demon, Rutterkin (HotA p051) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 4 Med. 5 3 Plane of Abyss —
Devil, Advespa (MM2 p067)
(3.5up p32)+ Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law 5 Large 4 3 Plane of Hell Lvl +4
Devil, Legion
Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law Med. 3 3 Plane of Hell —
(aka “Merregon”)

(Tot9H p122)
Half-Fiend Durzagon (MM2 p124)
(3.5up p34)+ Outsider Evil, Law 4 Med. 5 3 Underground Lvl +3
Hell Hound Combo
(MM p151) Outsider Fire, Evil, Law 4 Med. 4 3 Plane of Hell Cohort +3
(Eb p95)+ Plane of Fernia
Hell Louse (Tot9H p064) Vermin Extraplanar, Evil 5 Large 6 3 Plane of Hell —
Howler Combo
(MM p154) Outsider Evil, Chaos 5 Large 6 3 Plane of Pandemonium Cohort +3
(Eb p96)+ Plane of Kythri

Evil subtype Page 33

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Monsters – sorted by Subtype, then by CR, then by Name October 1, 2007

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.

Imp, Bloodbag (FF p098)
(3.5up p24)+ Outsider Evil, Law 2 Tiny 4 3 Plane of Hell —
Imp, Choleric Combo
(DR338 p033) Outsider Evil 3 Small 3 3 Any Evil Plane

Imp, Euphoric (FF p099)
(3.5up p24)+ Outsider Evil, Law 2 Tiny 4 3 Plane of Hell —
Imp, Filth (FF p100)
(3.5up p24)+ Outsider Evil, Law 2 Tiny 4 3 Plane of Hell —
Imp, Melancholic Combo
(DR338 p034) Outsider Evil 3 Small 3 3 Any Evil Plane

Imp, Phlegmatic Combo
(DR338 p034) Outsider Evil 3 Small 3 3 Any Evil Plane

Imp, Sanguine Combo
(DR338 p035) Outsider Evil 3 Small 3 3 Any Evil Plane

Incubus (DR353 p033) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 4 Med. 4 3 Plane of Abyss —
Wrackspawn Combo
Outsider Evil, Chaos 4 Med. 4 3 Plane of Abyss —
(MM4 p182) Plane of Xoriat
Yeth Hound Combo
(MM p260) Outsider Evil 4 Med. 3 3 Plane of Hades Cohort +3
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Lamannia
Yugoloth, Skeroloth Combo
(FF p197) Outsider Yugoloth, Evil 3 Small 4 3 Plane of Gehenna —
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Mabar
Abishai, White (Tot9H p110) Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law 4 Med. 4 4 Plane of Hell —
Abyssal Eviscerator (Mini p045) Outsider Evil, Chaos 4 Med. 4 4 Plane of Abyss —
Barghest Combo
Shapechanger, Evil,
(MM p022) Outsider Law
4 Med. 6 4 Plane of Gehenna —
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Mabar
Demon, Carnage Combo
Outsider Evil, Chaos 4 Med. 3 4 Plane of Abyss —
(MM5 p022) Plane of Shavarath
Demon, Ekolid (HotA p038) Outsider Obyrith, Evil, Chaos 3 Small 6 4 Plane of Abyss —
Demon, Guecubu Loumara, Evil,
(HotA p041) Outsider Chaos, Incorporeal
4 Med. 4 4 Plane of Abyss —
Demon, Skulvyn (FF p054) Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos,
(3.5up p24)+ Outsider Aquatic
5 Large 4 4 Plane of Abyss —
Demon, Vorr (FF p186) Outsider Evil, Chaos 4 Med. 3 4 Plane of Abyss —
Devil, Spined (Tot9H p136)
(aka “Spinagon”)
(MotP p167) Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law 3 Small 3 4 Plane of Hell —
(3.5up p28)+
Nightmare, Lesser (Planar p127) Outsider Evil 5 Large 6 4 Plane of Hades Cohort +4
Yugoloth, Voor Combo
(MM4 p193) Outsider Yugoloth, Evil 5 Large 5 4 Plane of Gehenna —
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Mabar
Abishai, Black (Tot9H p109) Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law 4 Med. 5 5 Plane of Hell —
Achaierai Combo
(MM p009) Outsider Evil, Law 5 Large 6 5 Plane of Acheron —
(Ebp97)+ Plane of Lamannia
Barghest, Greater Combo
Shapechanger, Evil,
(MM p022) Outsider Law
5 Large 9 5 Plane of Gehenna —
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Mabar
Canomorph, Haraknin Fire, Evil, Law, Combo
(FF p026) Outsider Shapechanger
4 Med. 6 5 Any Lower Plane
Lvl +3
Chokesnake Symbiont, Tannar’ri,
(DU148 p082) Outsider Evil, Chaos
2 Tiny 6 5 Plane of Abyss Host +1
Demon, Abyssal Ravager (MM2 p056)
(3.5up p31)+ Outsider Evil, Chaos 5 Large 3 5 Plane of Abyss Lvl +5
Demon, Bar-Lgura (HotA p029) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 5 Large 6 5 Plane of Abyss —
Demon, Jovoc (MM2 p058)
(3.5up p31)+ Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 3 Small 4 5 Plane of Abyss Lvl +5
Demon, Nabassu, Juvenile (HotA p048)
(DU112 p098) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 4 Med. 5 5 Plane of Abyss —
Demon, Skurchur (DR333 p035) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 3 Small 6 5 Plane of Abyss Lvl +5
Devil, Bearded Combo
(aka “Barbazu”) (MM p052) Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law 4 Med. 6 5 Plane of Hell Lvl +6
(Eb p98)+ Plane of Shavarath
Devil, Narzugon (Tot9H p125)
(MotP p167) Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law 4 Med. 7 5 Plane of Hell —
(3.5up p28)+
Hordling Combo
Plane of Hades
Outsider Evil, Chaos 4 Med. 6 5 Plane of Carceri —
Plane of Pandemonium
(DU124 p097) Plane of Abyss
Marrash (MM2 p145)
(3.5up p35)+ Outsider Evil, Law 4 Med. 7 5 Plane of Hell Lvl +6

Evil subtype Page 34

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Monsters – sorted by Subtype, then by CR, then by Name October 1, 2007

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.

Nightmare Combo
(MM p194) Outsider Evil 5 Large 6 5 Plane of Hades Cohort +4
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Lamannia
Quori, Tsoreva Quori, Psionic, Evil,
(MoE p147) Outsider Law
4 Med. 5 5 Plane of Dal Quor —
Yugoloth, Canoloth (MM3 p200) Combo
(Eb p97)+ Outsider Yugoloth, Evil 4 Med. 6 5 Plane of Gehenna Lvl +5
(MotP p185) Plane of Mabar
Yugoloth, Corruptor of Combo
Fate Plane of Gehenna
Outsider Yugoloth, Evil 4 Med. 7 5 Plane of Mabar —
(MM4 p190) Plane of Dolurrh
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Shavarath
Abishai, Green (Tot9H p109) Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law 4 Med. 6 6 Plane of Hell —
Demon, Babau Combo
(MM p040) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 4 Med. 7 6 Plane of Abyss —
(Eb p98)+ Plane of Shavarath
Demon, Broodswarm Swarm, Tanar’ri,
(HotA p031) Outsider Evil, Chaos
2 Tiny 8 6 Plane of Abyss —
Demon, Uridezu (MotP p164)
(3.5up p28)+ Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 4 Med. 7 6 Plane of Abyss —
Demonhive Queen Combo
Plane of Abyss
Warm Forests
Outsider Evil 5 Large 8 6 Warm Jungle —
Temp Forests
Temp Jungle
(MM4 p050) Plane of Mabar
Devil, Chain (aka “Kyton”) Combo
(MM p053) Outsider Evil, Law 4 Med. 8 6 Plane of Hell Lvl +6
(Eb p98)+ Plane of Shavarath
Devil, Desert
Outsider Evil, Law Med. 8 6 Plane of Hell Lvl +6
(aka “Araton”)

(Sand p147)
Devil, Gulthir (MM5 p032) Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law 5 Large 6 6 Plane of Hell —
Devil, Steel
Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law Med. 6 6 Plane of Hell —
(aka “Bueroza”)

(Tot9H p137)
Ebon Aspect Adventure
(DU125 p047) Outsider Evil 5 Large 10 6 (kyuss)

Malfera Combo
Outsider Evil, Chaos 5 Large 9 6 Plane of Chaotic —
(DR343 p051) Plane of Dream
Plague Blight (LM p115) Undead Evil 4 Med. 6 6 Any —
Quori, Hashalaq Quori, Psionic, Evil,
Outsider Med. 8 6 Plane of Dal Quor —
(aka “Dreamstealer”) Law

(DR324 p051)
Yugoloth, Mezzoloth (MM3 p201) Combo
(Eb p97)+ Outsider Yugoloth, Evil 4 Med. 10 6 Plane of Gehenna Lvl +5
(MotP p185) Plane of Mabar
Abishai, Blue (Tot9H p109)
(RedHand p117) Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law 4 Med. 7 7 Plane of Hell —
Bezekira (aka “Hellcat”) Combo
(MM p054) Outsider Evil, Law 5 Large 8 7 Plane of Hell —
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Lamannia
Demon, Armanite (HotA p028)
(MotP p164) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 4 Med. 9 7 Plane of Abyss —
(3.5up p28)+
Demon, Arrow Combo
(MM3 p034) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 4 Med. 10 7 Plane of Abyss Lvl +8
(Eb p98)+ Plane of Shavarath
Demon, Colchiln (DU112 p096) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 3 Small 8 7 Plane of Abyss Lvl +8
Demon, Succubus Combo
(MM p047) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 4 Med. 6 7 Plane of Abyss Lvl +6
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Mabar
Dergholoth Combo
Plane of Hades
Outsider Yugoloth, Evil 5 Large 8 7 Plane of Gehenna

(DU150 p124) Plane of Carceri
Devil, Amnizu (Tot9H p112)
(MM2 p067) Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law 4 Med. 9 7 Plane of Hell —
(3.5up p32)+
Devil, Harvester
Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law Med. 9 7 Plane of Hell —
(aka “Falxugon”)

(Tot9H p117)
Devil, Pain
Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law Med. 8 7 Plane of Hell —
(aka “Excruciarch”)

(Tot9H p132)

Evil subtype Page 35

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Monsters – sorted by Subtype, then by CR, then by Name October 1, 2007

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.

Genie, Dao (MotP p173) Combo
(3.5up p28)+ Outsider Earth, Evil 5 Large 8 7 Plane of Earth —
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Lamannia
Golem, Gloom (MM3 p068) Combo
(MM3Errata)+ Construct Evil, Extraplanar 5 Large 8 7 Plane of Hades —
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Mabar
Krathbairn Combo
Dragonblood, Evil,
Outsider Chaos, Native
4 Med. 7 7 Warm Desert —
(DoF p106) Underground
Quori, Tsucora Quori, Psionic, Evil,
(Eb p296) Outsider Law
4 Med. 6 7 Plane of Dal Quor —
Slow Shadow Incorporeal, Cold,
(DU112 p104) Outsider Evil, Chaos
4 Med. 14 7 Plane of Negative —
Abishai, Red (Tot9H p110) Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law 4 Med. 8 8 Plane of Hell —
Akleu (DR348 p050) Outsider Evil 4 Med. 10 8 Plane of Xoriat —
Demon, Ankshar (DR341 p027) Outsider Evil, Chaos 6 Huge 12 8 Plane of Abyss —
Demon, Dybbuk Loumara, Evil,
(HotA p036) Outsider Chaos, Incorporeal
4 Med. 10 8 Plane of Abyss —
Demon, Palrethee (MM2 p059) Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos,
(3.5up p31)+ Outsider Fire
4 Med. 8 8 Plane of Abyss Lvl +6
Demon, Solamith Combo
Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 5 Large 11 8 Plane of Abyss —
(MM5 p028) Plane of Shavarath
Demon, Yochlol Evil, Chaos,
(HotA p054) Outsider Shapechanger
4 Med. 10 8 Plane of Abyss —
Devil, Erinyes Combo
(MM p054) Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law 4 Med. 9 8 Plane of Hell Lvl +7
(Eb p98)+ Plane of Shavarath
Devil, Orthon (Tot9H p128) Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law 5 Large 7 8 Plane of Hell —
Fiend, Pack (Planar p128) Magical Beast Evil, Extraplanar 5 Large 8 8 Plane of Hades —
Quori, Du’Lora Quori, Psionic, Evil,
Outsider Large 10 8 Plane of Dal Quor —
(aka “Dark Fury”) Law

(DR324 p049)
Yugoloth, Echinoloth Combo
Yugoloth, Evil,
(Storm p164) Outsider Aquatic
5 Large 8 8 Plane of Gehenna —
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Mabar
Abyssal Drake (Dcn p145) Outsider Evil, Chaos, Fire 6 Huge 10 9 Plane of Abyss Lvl +5
Canomorph, Vultivor Shapechanger, Evil, Combo
(FF p028) Outsider Chaos
4 Med. 16 9 Any Lower Plane
Lvl +4
Demon, Bulezau (HotA p033)
(DR341 p27) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 5 Large 10 9 Plane of Abyss —
Demon, Maurezhi (FF p050)
(3.5up p24)+ Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 4 Med. 5 9 Plane of Abyss —
Demon, Mavawhan Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos,
(DR345 p032) Outsider Cold
4 Med. 10 9 Plane of Abyss —
Demon, Vrock (MM p048) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 5 Large 10 9 Plane of Abyss Lvl +8
Demon, Whisper Combo
Incorporeal, Evil,
Outsider Chaos
4 Med. 12 9 Plane of Abyss —
(MM4 p046) Plane of Xoriat
Demon, Zovvut (MM2 p060)
(3.5up p31)+ Outsider Evil, Chaos 4 Med. 10 9 Plane of Abyss —
Devil, Bone Combo
(aka “Osyluth”) (MM p052) Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law 5 Large 10 9 Plane of Hell —
(Eb p98)+ Plane of Shavarath
Devil, Stitched (MM5 p036) Outsider Evil, Law 5 Large 8 9 Plane of Hades —
Hell Hound, Advanced Combo
Cohort +4
(aka “Nessian Warhound”) (MM p151) Outsider Fire, Evil, Law Large 12 9 Plane of Hell

(Eb p95)+ Plane of Fernia

Night Hag (MM p193)
(DR324 p066)+ Outsider Evil 4 Med. 8 9 Plane of Hades —
Vaporighu (MM2 p197)
(3.5up p37)+ Outsider Evil 4 Med. 10 9 Plane of Gehenna —
Visage Evil, Chaos,
(LM p130) Undead Extraplanar
4 Med. 12 9 Plane of Abyss —
Yugoloth, Piscoloth (FF p196) Combo
(3.5up p24)+ Outsider Yugoloth, Evil 4 Med. 9 9 Plane of Gehenna —
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Mabar
Yugoloth, Voor, Dreadful Combo
Lasher (MM4 p193) Outsider Yugoloth, Evil 6 Huge 15 9 Plane of Gehenna Advanced
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Mabar
Demon, Adaru Combo
Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 4 Med. 13 10 Plane of Abyss —
(MM5 p020) Plane of Xoriat
Demon, Bebilith Combo
(MM p042) Outsider Evil, Chaos 6 Huge 12 10 Plane of Abyss —
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Lamannia
Demon, Chasme (HotA p034) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 5 Large 9 10 Plane of Abyss —

Evil subtype Page 36

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Monsters – sorted by Subtype, then by CR, then by Name October 1, 2007

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.

Demon, Draudnu Combo
Outsider Obyrith, Evil, Chaos 4 Med. 14 10 Plane of Abyss —
(MM5 p024) Plane of Xoriat
Maelephant (FF p120) Outsider Evil, Law 5 Large 8 10 Plane of Hell —
Yugoloth, Corruptor of Combo
Fate, Assassin 5th Plane of Gehenna
Outsider Yugoloth, Evil 4 Med. 12 10 Plane of Mabar Leveled Up
(MM4 p190) Plane of Dolurrh
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Shavarath
Yugoloth, Marraenoloth (MM2 p202) Combo
(3.5up p37)+ Outsider Yugoloth, Evil 4 Med. 10 10 Plane of Gehenna Lvl +5
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Mabar
Yugoloth, Nycaloth (MM3 p202) Combo
(Eb p97)+ Outsider Yugoloth, Evil 5 Large 14 10 Plane of Gehenna Lvl +5
(MotP p185) Plane of Mabar
Yugoloth, Yagnoloth (MM2 p204) Combo
(3.5up p37)+ Outsider Yugoloth, Evil 5 Large 10 10 Plane of Gehenna Lvl +6
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Mabar
Asag (DR334 p037) Outsider Earth, Evil 6 Huge 17 11 Any —
Canomorph, Shadurakul Combo
(FF p027) Outsider Shapechanger, Evil 4 Med. 10 11 Any Lower Plane
Lvl +4
Demodand, Farastu (FF p042)
(3.5up p24)+ Outsider Demodand, Evil 4 Med. 11 11 Plane of Carceri —
Demon, Bebilith, Loth- Combo
Template –
Touched (MM4 p092) Outsider Evil, Chaos Huge 12 11 Plane of Abyss

(Eb p97)+ Plane of Lamannia

Demon, Hezrou Combo
(MM p044) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 5 Large 10 11 Plane of Abyss Lvl +9
(Eb p98)+ Plane of Shavarath
Demon, Kastighur Combo
Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 6 Huge 16 11 Plane of Abyss —
(MM4 p042) Plane of Mabar
Demon, Palrethee, Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos,
Outsider Med. 12 11 Plane of Abyss Advanced
Advanced Fire

(DU147 p054)
Devil, Assassin
Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law Med. 14 11 Plane of Hell —
(aka “Dogal”)

(Tot9H p114)
Devil, Barbed Combo
(aka “Hamatuala”) (MM p051) Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law 4 Med. 12 11 Plane of Hell —
(Eb p98)+ Plane of Shavarath
Devil, Pleasure
Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law Med. 12 11 Plane of Hell —
(aka “Brachina”)

(Tot9H p134)
Fiend, Death Devil
Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law Large 10 11 Plane of Hell —
(aka “Jerul”)

(DR353 p069)
Fiend, Umbral Gloom (DR353 p070) Outsider Evil 5 Large 10 11 Plane of Shadow —
Hordling, Spittlemaw Combo
Plane of Hades
Outsider Evil, Chaos 4 Med. 12 11 Plane of Carceri —
Plane of Pandemonium
(DU124 p100) Plane of Abyss
Kyra Combo
Outsider Evil 6 Huge 12 11 Underground —
(DR348 p052) Plane of Xoriat
Nightmare, Cauchemar Combo
Cohort +4
(MM p194) Outsider Evil Huge 15 11 Plane of Hades

(Eb p97)+ Plane of Lamannia

Quori, Dream Master Quori, Psionic, Evil,
(MoE p148) Outsider Law
5 Large 12 11 Plane of Dal Quor —
Ayperobos Swarm Swarm, Baatezu,
(Tot9H p115) Outsider Evil, Law
1 Dimin. 13 12 Plane of Hell —
Demon, Lilitu (HotA p043) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 4 Med. 14 12 Plane of Abyss —
Demon, Manitou Loumara, Evil,
(DR359 p043) Outsider Chaos, Incorporeal
6 Huge 15 12 Plane of Abyss —
Demon, Vathugu (DR337 p052) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 5 Large 12 12 Plane of Abyss —
Devil, Barbed, Mineral
Baatezu, Evil, Law, Template –
Warrior Outsider Med. 12 12 Plane of Hell
Earth Mineral Warrior

(aka “Devil, Stoney”) (Und p096)

Earth Glider (Und p084) Outsider Earth, Evil 5 Large 15 12 Underground —
Demodand, Kelubar (FF p044)
(3.5up p24)+ Outsider Demodand, Evil 4 Med. 13 13 Plane of Carceri —
Demon, Glabrezu Combo
(MM p043) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 6 Huge 12 13 Plane of Abyss —
(Eb p98)+ Plane of Shavarath
Demon, Jarilith (MM2 p061)
(3.5up p31)+ Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 5 Large 10 13 Plane of Abyss —

Evil subtype Page 37

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Monsters – sorted by Subtype, then by CR, then by Name October 1, 2007

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.

Demon, Oculus (DU129 p063) Outsider Evil, Chaos 4 Med. 15 13 Plane of Abyss —
Devil, Ice (aka “Gelugon”) Combo
(MM p056) Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law 5 Large 14 13 Plane of Hell —
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Risia
Ember Guard Combo
Outsider Fire, Evil, Law 6 Huge 13 13 Plane of Fire —
(MM5 p052) Plane of Fernia
Hellchain Weaver (DR343 p047) Outsider Evil, Law 7 Garg. 13 13 Plane of Hell —
Hordling, Dread Gnasher Combo
Plane of Hades
Outsider Evil, Chaos 4 Med. 14 13 Plane of Carceri —
Plane of Pandemonium
(DU124 p100) Plane of Abyss
Living Spell, Blasphemy Template –
Ooze Evil 6 Huge 13 13 Any Living Spell
(MM3 p093) Blasphemy
Ooze, Infernal (MM3 p030) Combo
Fire, Evil, Template –
Conflagration (MM3Errata)+ Ooze Extraplanar
Huge 15 13 Plane of Hell

(Eb p96)+ Plane of Fernia

Yugoloth, Ultroloth (MM3 p204) Combo
(Eb p97)+ Outsider Yugoloth, Evil 4 Med. 18 13 Plane of Gehenna Lvl +5
(MotP p185) Plane of Mabar
Black Beast of Bedlam Combo
Outsider Evil, Chaos 5 Large 15 14 Any Plane of Evil

(DR355 p033) and Chaos
Demon, Alkilith (FF p046)
(3.5up p24)+ Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 4 Med. 11 14 Plane of Abyss —
Demon, Filth
Outsider Evil, Chaos Large 21 14 Plane of Abyss —
(aka “Belairon”)

(DU147 p084)
Demon, Nalfeshnee Combo
(MM p045) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 6 Huge 14 14 Plane of Abyss —
(Eb p95)+ Plane of Dolurrh
Demon, Soul (DU139 p086) Outsider Evil, Chaos Med.
4 14 14 Plane of Abyss —
Demon, Verakia (DR357 p031) Outsider Obyrith, Evil, Chaos 7 Garg. 16 14 Plane of Abyss —
Devil, Malebranche (Tot9H p124)
(MM2 p067) Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law 6 Huge 16 14 Plane of Hell —
(3.5up p32)+
Necronaut (MM3 p108) Combo
Evil, Chaos,
(MM3Errata)+ Undead Extraplanar
7 Garg. 32 14 Plane of Abyss —
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Mabar
Odopi Combo
Evil, Chaos,
(MM3 p114) Aberration Extraplanar
6 Huge 20 14 Plane of Carceri —
(Eb p99)+ Plane of Xoriat
Ooze, Infernal Combo Template –
(MM3 p030) Fire, Evil,
Conflagration with Death (MM3Errata)+ Ooze Extraplanar
6 Huge 15 14 Plane of Hell Advanced
Throes (Eb p96)+ Plane of Fernia Variant
Rukarazyll (MM2 p181) Combo
(3.5up p36)+ Outsider Earth, Evil 5 Large 12 14 Plane of Earth —
(Eb p99)+ Plane of Xoriat
Demon, Anzu (DR329 p064) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 6 Huge 16 15 Plane of Abyss —
Demon, Nabassu, Mature (HotA p049)
(DU112 p098) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 4 Med. 15 15 Plane of Abyss —
Demon, Orlath Evil, Chaos,
(DU146 p075) Outsider Shaechanger
5 Large 16 15 Plane of Abyss —
Demon, Sibriex (HotA p052) Outsider Obyrith, Evil, Chaos 6 Huge 15 15 Plane of Abyss —
Devil, Remmanon (MM5 p034) Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law 4 Med. 18 15 Plane of Hell —
Devil, Xerfilstyx (Tot9H p138)
(FF p059) Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law 5 Large 15 15 Plane of Styx —
(3.5up p24)+
Illurien (MM5 p090) Outsider Evil 5 Large 20 15 Plane of Outlands —
Quori, Kalaraq Quori, Psionic, Evil,
Outsider Med. 18 15 Plane of Dal Quor —
(aka “Eyebinder”) Law

(DR324 p053)
Demodand, Shator (FF p045)
(3.5up p24)+ Outsider Demodand, Evil 5 Large 15 16 Plane of Carceri —
Demon, Goristro (HotA p040)
(MotP p164) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 6 Huge 24 16 Plane of Abyss —
(3.5up p28)+
Devil, Horned Combo
(aka “Cornugon”) (MM p055) Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law 5 Large 15 16 Plane of Hell —
(Eb p98)+ Plane of Shavarath
Hell Hound, Advanced+
Outsider Fire, Evil, Law Huge 25 16 Plane of Hell Advanced
(aka “Canian Pit Hound”)

(DU140 p074)

Evil subtype Page 38

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Monsters – sorted by Subtype, then by CR, then by Name October 1, 2007

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.

Hordling, Vultrewretch Combo
Plane of Hades
Outsider Evil, Chaos 4 Med. 15 16 Plane of Carceri —
Plane of Pandemonium
(DU124 p101) Plane of Abyss
Uzollru Obyrith, Aquatic,
(DR349 p041) Outsider Chaos, Evil
8 Col. 20 16 Plane of Abyss —
Dalmosh (MM5 p016) Outsider Evil, Chaos 7 Garg. 26 17 Plane of Abyss —
Demon, Marilith Combo
(MM p044) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 5 Large 16 17 Plane of Abyss —
(Eb p98)+ Plane of Shavarath
Demon, Sorrowsworn (MM3 p036) Combo
(MM3Errata)+ Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 5 Large 18 17 Plane of Abyss —
(Ebp95)+ Plane of Dolurrh
Demon, Wastrilith (FF p054) Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos,
(3.5up p24)+ Outsider Aquatic
6 Huge 15 17 Plane of Abyss —
Hordling, Skullreaver Combo
Plane of Hades
Outsider Evil, Chaos 4 Med. 18 17 Plane of Carceri —
Plane of Pandemonium
(DU124 p101) Plane of Abyss
Yugoloth, Arcanaloth (MM2 p203) Combo
(3.5up p37)+ Outsider Yugoloth, Evil 4 Med. 12 17 Plane of Gehenna Lvl +7
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Mabar
Yugoloth, Nycaloth (MM3 p202) Combo
Commander (MM3Errata)+ Outsider Yugoloth, Evil Huge 25 17 Plane of Gehenna
Lvl +5

(Eb p97)+ Plane of Mabar

Demodand, Shator,
Outsider Demodand, Evil Large 20 18 Plane of Carceri Advanced

(DU147 p070)
Demon, Deathdrinker Combo
Outsider Evil, Chaos 6 Huge 27 18 Plane of Abyss —
(MM4 p040) Plane of Dolurrh
Demon, Kelvezu (MM2 p061)
(3.5up p31)+ Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 4 Med. 12 18 Plane of Abyss —
Devil, Paeliryon (Tot9H p130)
(FF p058) Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law 5 Large 18 18 Plane of Hell —
Odopi, Elder (MM3 p115) Combo
Evil, Chaos,
(MM3Errata)+ Aberration Extraplanar
7 Garg. 30 18 Plane of Carceri Advanced
(Eb p99)+ Plane of Xoriat
Yugoloth, Yagnoloth, Combo
Advanced (DU146 p071) Outsider Yugoloth, Evil 5 Large 26 18 Plane of Gehenna Advanced
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Mabar
Demon, Molydeus (HotA p046) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 5 Large 19 19 Plane of Abyss —
Yugoloth, Ultroloth, Combo
Advanced (DU141 p084) Outsider Yugoloth, Evil 4 Med. 30 19 Plane of Gehenna Advanced
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Mabar
Broodfiend (DU135 p083) Outsider Evil 6 Huge 22 20 Adventure —
Daelkyr (Eb p278)
(EbEratta)+ Outsider Evil 4 Med. 20 20 Plane of Xoriat —
Demon, Balor Combo
(MM p040) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 5 Large 20 20 Plane of Abyss —
(Eb p95)+ Plane of Fernia
Devil, Pit Fiend Combo
(MM p057) Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law 5 Large 18 20 Plane of Hell —
(Eb p95)+ Plane of Fernia
Demon, Myrmyxicus (FF p052) Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos,
(3.5up p24)+ Outsider Aquatic
6 Huge 18 21 Plane of Abyss —
Demon, Klurichir (FF p048)
(3.5up p24)+ Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 6 Huge 20 25 Plane of Abyss —

Evil subtype Page 39

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Monsters – sorted by Subtype, then by CR, then by Name October 1, 2007

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.
Elysian Thrush (Planar p118) Magical Beast Good, Extraplanar 2 Tiny 1 0.25 Plane of Elysian —
Archon, Lantern Combo
(MM p016) Outsider Archon, Good, Law 3 Small 1 2 Plane of Celestia —
(Eb p96)+ Plane of Irian
Eladrin, Coure (BoED p168) Outsider Eladrin, Good, Chaos 2 Tiny 2 2 Plane of Arborea Lvl +5
Guardinal, Musteval (BoED p174) Outsider Guardinal, Good 2 Tiny 2 2 Plane of Elysian Lvl +5
Protectar Combo
(Mini p066) Outsider Good 4 Med. 2 2 Any Plane of Good

Bariaur (BoED p165) Lvl +2
(DR312 p54)+ Outsider Good, Chaos Large 3 3 Plane of Ysgard
Class(DR312 p54)

(MotP p161)
Guardinal, Cervidal (MM2 p042)
(3.5up p31)+ Outsider Guardinal, Good 4 Med. 4 3 Plane of Elysian Lvl +5
Archon, Hound Combo
(MM p016) Outsider Archon, Good, Law 4 Med. 6 4 Plane of Celestia Lvl +5
(Eb p98)+ Plane of Shavarath
Barghest Combo
Shapechanger, Evil,
(MM p022) Outsider Law
4 Med. 6 4 Plane of Gehenna —
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Mabar
Ramadeen (Mini p067) Outsider Good, Law 5 Large 4 4 Plane of Celestia —
Barghest, Greater Combo
Shapechanger, Evil,
(MM p022) Outsider Law
5 Large 9 5 Plane of Gehenna —
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Mabar
Celestial, Sliver (DR353 p067) Outsider Good, Chaos 4 Med. 3 5 Plane of Arborea —
Guardinal, Lupinal (MM2 p043)
(3.5up p31)+ Outsider Guardinal, Good 4 Med. 8 5 Plane of Elysian Lvl +7
Arcadian Avenger Combo
Outsider Good, Law 4 Med. 8 6 Plane of Arcadia —
(MM5 p008) Plane of Daanvi
Archon, Justice Combo
Outsider Archon, Good, Law 4 Med. 6 6 Plane of Celestia —
(MM4 p080) Plane of Shavarath
Eladrin, Bralani Combo
(MM p093) Outsider Eladrin, Good, Chaos 4 Med. 6 6 Plane of Arborea Lvl +5
(Eb p99)+ Plane of Thelanis
Guardinal, Equinal (BoED p173) Outsider Guardinal, Good 5 Large 6 6 Plane of Elysian Lvl +7
Lillend Combo
(MM p168) Outsider Good, Chaos 5 Large 7 7 Plane of Ysgard Lvl +6
(Eb p99)+ Plane of Thelanis
Archon, Warden (BoED p163) Outsider Archon, Good, Law 5 Large 8 8 Plane of Celestia Lvl +7
Asura (BoED p164) Combo Lvl +6
Outsider Good, Chaos Med. 8 8 Upper Planes
(DR312 p52)+ Class(DR312 p52)

Hollyphant (BoED p176) Small / Lvl +9

Outsider Good 6 8 Plane of Beastlands

(DR312 p55)+ Large

5 Class(DR312 p55)
Archon, Hammer Archon, Good, Law,
(RoS p188) Outsider Earth
5 Large 10 9 Plane of Celestia —
Bariaur Defender of (BoED p165) Outsider Good, Chaos Large 9 9 Plane of Ysgard Lvl +2
Ysgard, Ranger 6th

(MotP p161)
Deva, Movanic (FF p057) Combo
(3.5up p24)+ Outsider Good 4 Med. 6 9 Upper Plane

Guardinal, Avoral Combo
(MM p141) Outsider Guardinal, Good 4 Med. 7 9 Plane of Elysian —
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Lamannia
Eladrin, Firre (BoED p169) Combo
(Eb p95)+ Outsider Eladrin, Good, Chaos 4 Med. 8 10 Plane of Arborea Lvl +10
(MotP p162) Plane of Fernia
Guardinal, Ursinal (BoED p174) Outsider Guardinal, Good Large
5 10 10 Plane of Elysian Lvl +8
Sunfly Swarm (BoED p190) Outsider Swarm, Good 1 Dimin. 9 10 Any —
Archon, Owl (BoED p159) Outsider Archon, Good, Law Large
5 10 11 Plane of Celestia Lvl +8
Archon, Sword (BoED p160) Outsider Archon, Good, Law Large
5 11 11 Plane of Celestia Lvl +9
Deva, Monadic (FF p056) Combo
(3.5up p24)+ Outsider Good 4 Med. 10 12 Upper Plane

Guardinal, Leonal (MM p142) Combo
(Eb p97)+ Outsider Guardinal, Good 4 Med. 12 12 Plane of Elysian —
(MotP p162) Plane of Lamannia
Hormonious Choir of the
Outsider Good, Incorporeal Small 10 12 Plane of Arborea —

(DR353 p064)
Moon Dog (BoED p179) Lvl +8
Outsider Good Med. 9 12 Plane of Elysian
(DR312 p57)+ Class(DR312 p57)

Good subtype Page 40

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Monsters – sorted by Subtype, then by CR, then by Name October 1, 2007

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.

Eladrin, Ghaele Combo
(MM p094) Outsider Eladrin, Good, Chaos 4 Med. 10 13 Plane of Arborea —
(Eb p99)+ Plane of Thelanis
Living Spell, Holy Word Template –
Ooze Good 6 Huge 13 13 Any Living Spell
(MM3 p094) Holy Word
Archon, Trumpet Combo
(MM p016) Outsider Archon, Good, Law 4 Med. 12 14 Plane of Celestia Lvl +8
(Eb p98)+ Plane of Shavarath
Deva, Astral Combo
(MM p010) Outsider Angel, Good 4 Med. 12 14 Plane of any Good Lvl +8
(Eb p98)+ Plane of Syrania
Eladrin, Shiradi (BoED p170) Outsider Eladrin, Good, Chaos 5 Large 12 14 Plane of Arborea Lvl +12
Archon, Hound, Hero, Combo
Leveled Up
Paladin 11th Outsider Archon, Good, Law Med. 17 15 Plane of Celestia
Lvl +5

(MM p016) Plane of Shavarath

Archon, Throne (BoED p162) Outsider Archon, Good, Law 5 Large 14 15 Plane of Celestia Lvl +10
Planetar Combo
(MM p011) Outsider Angel, Good 5 Large 14 16 Plane of any Good —
(Eb p98)+ Plane of Syrania
Eladrin, Tulani (BoED p171) Outsider Eladrin, Good, Chaos 4 Med. 18 18 Plane of Arborea Lvl +10
Golem, Prismatic (MM3 p071) Combo
Incorporeal, Good,
(MM3Errata)+ Construct Extraplanar
5 Large 20 18 Plane of Elysian —
(Eb p98)+ Plane of Syrania
Solar Combo
(MM p012) Outsider Angel, Good 5 Large 22 23 Plane of any Good —
(Eb p98)+ Plane of Syrania

Good subtype Page 41

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Monsters – sorted by Subtype, then by CR, then by Name October 1, 2007

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.
Soul Tick Host +1
Outsider Symbiont, Evil, Law Fine 0.5 0.12 Plane of Hell
(FF p220) Fiendish

Clockwork Mender (MM4 p030) Construct Law, Extraplanar 2 Tiny 1 0.5 Plane of Mechanus —
Formian, Worker Combo
(MM p108) Outsider Formian, Law 3 Small 1 0.5 Plane of Mechanus —
(Eb p94)+ Plane of Daanvi
Kalabon (Tot9H p120) Outsider Evil, Law 3 Small 1 0.5 Plane of Hell —
Modron, Monodrone
(DR354 p044) Construct Law, Extraplanar 3 Small 1 0.5 Plane of Mechanus —
Modron, Monodrone,
Construct Law, Extraplanar Small 1 0.5 Plane of Mechanus —


(DR354 p044)
Bladeling (MM2 p031) Combo
(3.5up p30)+ Outsider Law 4 Med. 1 1 Plane of Acheron Lvl +2
(Eb p98)+ Plane of Shavarath
Devil, Lemure Combo
(MM p057) Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law 4 Med. 2 1 Plane of Hell —
(Eb p95)+ Plane of Dolurrh
Modron, Duodrone
(DR354 p045) Construct Law, Extraplanar 3 Small 2 1 Plane of Mechanus —
Archon, Lantern Combo
(MM p016) Outsider Archon, Good, Law 3 Small 1 2 Plane of Celestia —
(Eb p96)+ Plane of Irian
Devil, Imp Combo
(MM p056) Outsider Evil, Law 2 Tiny 3 2 Plane of Hell —
(Eb p98)+ Plane of Shavarath
Devil, Nupperibo (Tot9H p127) Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law 4 Med. 2 2 Plane of Hell —
Clockwork Mender Swarm Swarm, Law,
(MM4 p030) Construct Extraplanar
2 Tiny 4 3 Plane of Mechanus —
Devil, Advespa (MM2 p067)
(3.5up p32)+ Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law 5 Large 4 3 Plane of Hell Lvl +4
Devil, Legion
Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law Med. 3 3 Plane of Hell —
(aka “Merregon”)

(Tot9H p122)
Formian, Warrior Combo
(MM p109) Outsider Formian, Law 4 Med. 4 3 Plane of Mechanus —
(Eb p94)+ Plane of Daanvi
Half-Fiend Durzagon (MM2 p124)
(3.5up p34)+ Outsider Evil, Law 4 Med. 5 3 Underground Lvl +3
Hell Hound Combo
(MM p151) Outsider Fire, Evil, Law 4 Med. 4 3 Plane of Hell Cohort +3
(Eb p95)+ Plane of Fernia
Imp, Bloodbag (FF p098)
(3.5up p24)+ Outsider Evil, Law 2 Tiny 4 3 Plane of Hell —
Imp, Euphoric (FF p099)
(3.5up p24)+ Outsider Evil, Law 2 Tiny 4 3 Plane of Hell —
Imp, Filth (FF p100)
(3.5up p24)+ Outsider Evil, Law 2 Tiny 4 3 Plane of Hell —
Modron, Tridrone
(DR354 p045) Construct Law, Extraplanar 4 Med. 3 3 Plane of Mechanus Lvl +3
Abishai, White (Tot9H p110) Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law 4 Med. 4 4 Plane of Hell —
Archon, Hound Combo
(MM p016) Outsider Archon, Good, Law 4 Med. 6 4 Plane of Celestia Lvl +5
(Eb p98)+ Plane of Shavarath
Devil, Spined (Tot9H p136)
(aka “Spinagon”)
(MotP p167) Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law 3 Small 3 4 Plane of Hell —
(3.5up p28)+
Modron, Quadrone
(DR354 p045) Construct Law, Extraplanar Med.
4 5 4 Plane of Mechanus Lvl +3
Modron, Quadrone, Winged
(DR354 p046) Construct Law, Extraplanar Med.
4 5 4 Plane of Mechanus Lvl +4
Ramadeen (Mini p067) Outsider Good, Law 5 Large 4 4 Plane of Celestia —
Abishai, Black (Tot9H p109) Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law Med.
4 5 5 Plane of Hell —
Achaierai Combo
(MM p009) Outsider Evil, Law 5 Large 6 5 Plane of Acheron —
(Ebp97)+ Plane of Lamannia
Canomorph, Haraknin Fire, Evil, Law, Combo
(FF p026) Outsider Shapechanger
4 Med. 6 5 Any Lower Plane
Lvl +3
Devil, Bearded Combo
(aka “Barbazu”) (MM p052) Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law 4 Med. 6 5 Plane of Hell Lvl +6
(Eb p98)+ Plane of Shavarath
Devil, Narzugon (Tot9H p125)
(MotP p167) Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law 4 Med. 7 5 Plane of Hell —
(3.5up p28)+
Marrash (MM2 p145)
(3.5up p35)+ Outsider Evil, Law 4 Med. 7 5 Plane of Hell Lvl +6
Mercane (MotP p179) Combo
(3.5up p28)+ Outsider Law 5 Large 7 5 Any Plane

Modron, Pentadrone
(DR354 p046) Construct Law, Extraplanar 4 Med. 6 5 Plane of Mechanus Lvl +5

Law subtype Page 42

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Monsters – sorted by Subtype, then by CR, then by Name October 1, 2007

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.

Quori, Tsoreva Quori, Psionic, Evil,
(MoE p147) Outsider Law
4 Med. 5 5 Plane of Dal Quor —
Visilight Combo
Outsider Law 4 Med. 5 5 Plane of Mechanus —
(MM3 p186) Plane of Daanvi
Abishai, Green (Tot9H p109) Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law 4 Med. 6 6 Plane of Hell —
Arcadian Avenger Combo
Outsider Good, Law 4 Med. 8 6 Plane of Arcadia —
(MM5 p008) Plane of Daanvi
Archon, Justice Combo
Outsider Archon, Good, Law 4 Med. 6 6 Plane of Celestia —
(MM4 p080) Plane of Shavarath
Devil, Chain (aka “Kyton”) Combo
(MM p053) Outsider Evil, Law 4 Med. 8 6 Plane of Hell Lvl +6
(Eb p98)+ Plane of Shavarath
Devil, Desert
Outsider Evil, Law Med. 8 6 Plane of Hell Lvl +6
(aka “Araton”)

(Sand p147)
Devil, Gulthir (MM5 p032) Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law 5 Large 6 6 Plane of Hell —
Devil, Steel
Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law Med. 6 6 Plane of Hell —
(aka “Bueroza”)

(Tot9H p137)
Formian, Winged Warrior Combo
(FF p078) Outsider Formian, Law 4 Med. 6 6 Plane of Mechanus —
(Eb p94)+ Plane of Daanvi
Genie, Qorrashi (Frost p131) Outsider Cold, Law 5 Large 7 6 Plane of Air Lvl +5
Quori, Hashalaq Quori, Psionic, Evil,
Outsider Med. 8 6 Plane of Dal Quor —
(aka “Dreamstealer”) Law

(DR324 p051)
Abishai, Blue (Tot9H p109)
(RedHand p117) Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law 4 Med. 7 7 Plane of Hell —
Bezekira (aka “Hellcat”) Combo
(MM p054) Outsider Evil, Law 5 Large 8 7 Plane of Hell —
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Lamannia
Devil, Amnizu (Tot9H p112)
(MM2 p067) Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law 4 Med. 9 7 Plane of Hell —
(3.5up p32)+
Devil, Harvester
Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law Med. 9 7 Plane of Hell —
(aka “Falxugon”)

(Tot9H p117)
Devil, Pain
Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law Med. 8 7 Plane of Hell —
(aka “Excruciarch”)

(Tot9H p132)
Formian, Taskmaster Combo
(MM p109) Outsider Formian, Law 4 Med. 6 7 Plane of Mechanus —
(Eb p94)+ Plane of Daanvi
Quori, Tsucora Quori, Psionic, Evil,
(Eb p296) Outsider Law
4 Med. 6 7 Plane of Dal Quor —
Abishai, Red (Tot9H p110) Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law Med.
4 8 8 Plane of Hell —
Archon, Warden (BoED p163) Outsider Archon, Good, Law 5 Large 8 8 Plane of Celestia Lvl +7
Devil, Erinyes Combo
(MM p054) Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law 4 Med. 9 8 Plane of Hell Lvl +7
(Eb p98)+ Plane of Shavarath
Devil, Orthon (Tot9H p128) Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law 5 Large 7 8 Plane of Hell —
Formian, Armadon Combo
(FF p077) Outsider Formian, Law 5 Large 8 8 Plane of Mechanus —
(Eb p94)+ Plane of Daanvi
Quori, Du’Lora Quori, Psionic, Evil,
Outsider Large 10 8 Plane of Dal Quor —
(aka “Dark Fury”) Law

(DR324 p049)
Archon, Hammer Archon, Good, Law,
(RoS p188) Outsider Earth
5 Large 10 9 Plane of Celestia —
Devil, Bone Combo
(aka “Osyluth”) (MM p052) Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law 5 Large 10 9 Plane of Hell —
(Eb p98)+ Plane of Shavarath
Devil, Stitched (MM5 p036) Outsider Evil, Law 5 Large 8 9 Plane of Hades —
Hell Hound, Advanced Combo
Cohort +4
(aka “Nessian Warhound”) (MM p151) Outsider Fire, Evil, Law Large 12 9 Plane of Hell

(Eb p95)+ Plane of Fernia

Inevitable, Zelekhut (MM p160) Inevitable, Law,
(MotP p177) Construct Extraplanar
5 Large 8 9 Plane of Mechanus Lvl +7
Unraveler Combo
(Planar p130) Outsider Incorporeal, Law 5 Large 8 9 Inner Planes

Waste Crawler
Construct Law, Extraplanar Large 8 9 Plane of Mechanus —
(aka “Anhydrut”)

(Sand p191)
Formian, Myrmarch Combo
(MM p110) Outsider Formian, Law 5 Large 12 10 Plane of Mechanus —
(Eb p94)+ Plane of Daanvi
Maelephant (FF p120) Outsider Evil, Law 5 Large 8 10 Plane of Hell —

Law subtype Page 43

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Monsters – sorted by Subtype, then by CR, then by Name October 1, 2007

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.

Archon, Owl (BoED p159) Outsider Archon, Good, Law 5 Large 10 11 Plane of Celestia Lvl +8
Archon, Sword (BoED p160) Outsider Archon, Good, Law 5 Large 11 11 Plane of Celestia Lvl +9
Devil, Assassin
Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law Med. 14 11 Plane of Hell —
(aka “Dogal”)

(Tot9H p114)
Devil, Barbed Combo
(aka “Hamatuala”) (MM p051) Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law 4 Med. 12 11 Plane of Hell —
(Eb p98)+ Plane of Shavarath
Devil, Pleasure
Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law Med. 12 11 Plane of Hell —
(aka “Brachina”)

(Tot9H p134)
Fiend, Death Devil
Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law Large 10 11 Plane of Hell —
(aka “Jerul”)

(DR353 p069)
Formian, Observer Combo
(FF p077) Outsider Formian, Law 4 Med. 9 11 Plane of Mechanus —
(Eb p94)+ Plane of Daanvi
Quori, Dream Master Quori, Psionic, Evil,
(MoE p148) Outsider Law
5 Large 12 11 Plane of Dal Quor —
Ayperobos Swarm Swarm, Baatezu,
(Tot9H p115) Outsider Evil, Law
1 Dimin. 13 12 Plane of Hell —
Devil, Barbed, Mineral Baatezu, Evil, Law, Template –
Outsider Med. 12 12 Plane of Hell
Warrior (aka “Devil, Stoney”) Earth Mineral Warrior

(Und p096)
Inevitable, Kolyarut (MM p158) Combo
Inevitable, Law,
(Eb p94)+ Construct Extraplanar
4 Med. 13 12 Plane of Mechanus —
(MotP p177) Plane of Daanvi
Devil, Ice (aka “Gelugon”) Combo
(MM p056) Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law 5 Large 14 13 Plane of Hell —
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Risia
Ember Guard Combo
Outsider Fire, Evil, Law 6 Huge 13 13 Plane of Fire —
(MM5 p052) Plane of Fernia
Hellchain Weaver (DR343 p047) Outsider Evil, Law 7 Garg. 13 13 Plane of Hell —
Justicator Combo
Plane of Acheron
Outsider Law Large 17 13 Plane of Daanvi

(MM3 p085)

(MM3Errata)+ Plane of Shavarath

Living Spell, Dictum Template –
Ooze Law 6 Huge 13 13 Any Living Spell
(MM3 p093) Dictum
Archon, Trumpet Combo
(MM p016) Outsider Archon, Good, Law 4 Med. 12 14 Plane of Celestia Lvl +8
(Eb p98)+ Plane of Shavarath
Devil, Malebranche (Tot9H p124)
(MM2 p067) Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law 6 Huge 16 14 Plane of Hell —
(3.5up p32)+
Archon, Hound, Hero, Combo
Leveled Up
Paladin 11th Outsider Archon, Good, Law Med. 17 15 Plane of Celestia
Lvl +5

(MM p016) Plane of Shavarath

Archon, Throne (BoED p162) Outsider Archon, Good, Law 5 Large 14 15 Plane of Celestia Lvl +10
Devil, Remmanon (MM5 p034) Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law Med.
4 18 15 Plane of Hell —
Devil, Xerfilstyx (Tot9H p138)
(FF p059) Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law 5 Large 15 15 Plane of Styx —
(3.5up p24)+
Inevitable, Marut (MM p159) Combo
Inevitable, Law,
(Eb p94)+ Construct Extraplanar
5 Large 15 15 Plane of Mechanus —
(MotP p177) Plane of Daanvi
Quori, Kalaraq Quori, Psionic, Evil,
Outsider Med. 18 15 Plane of Dal Quor —
(aka “Eyebinder”) Law

(DR324 p053)
Devil, Horned Combo
(aka “Cornugon”) (MM p055) Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law 5 Large 15 16 Plane of Hell —
(Eb p98)+ Plane of Shavarath
Hell Hound, Advanced+
Outsider Fire, Evil, Law Huge 25 16 Plane of Hell Advanced
(aka “Canian Pit Hound”)

(DU140 p074)
Formian, Queen Combo
(MM p110) Outsider Formian, Law 5 Large 20 17 Plane of Mechanus —
(Eb p94)+ Plane of Daanvi
Inevitable, Quarut (FF p102) Inevitable, Law,
(3.5up p24)+ Construct Extraplanar
4 Med. 18 17 Plane of Mechanus —
Devil, Paeliryon (Tot9H p130)
(FF p058) Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law 5 Large 18 18 Plane of Hell —
Inevitable, Varakhut (FF p102) Inevitable, Law,
(3.5up p24)+ Construct Extraplanar
5 Large 22 19 Plane of Mechanus —
Devil, Pit Fiend Combo
(MM p057) Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law 5 Large 18 20 Plane of Hell —
(Eb p95)+ Plane of Fernia
Inevitable, Marut, Advanced Inevitable, Law,
Construct Huge 43 22 Plane of Mechanus Advanced
(aka “Gantrenacht”) Extraplanar

(DR341 p057)

Law subtype Page 44

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Monsters – sorted by Subtype, then by CR, then by Name October 1, 2007

Extraplanar Species

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.
Deva, Astral Combo
(MM p010) Outsider Angel, Good 4 Med. 12 14 Plane of any Good Lvl +8
(Eb p98)+ Plane of Syrania
Planetar Combo
(MM p011) Outsider Angel, Good 5 Large 14 16 Plane of any Good —
(Eb p98)+ Plane of Syrania
Solar Combo
(MM p012) Outsider Angel, Good 5 Large 22 23 Plane of any Good —
(Eb p98)+ Plane of Syrania

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.
Archon, Lantern Combo
(MM p016) Outsider Archon, Good, Law 3 Small 1 2 Plane of Celestia —
(Eb p96)+ Plane of Irian
Archon, Hound Combo
(MM p016) Outsider Archon, Good, Law 4 Med. 6 4 Plane of Celestia Lvl +5
(Eb p98)+ Plane of Shavarath
Archon, Justice Combo
Outsider Archon, Good, Law 4 Med. 6 6 Plane of Celestia —
(MM4 p080) Plane of Shavarath
Archon, Warden (BoED p163) Outsider Archon, Good, Law 5 Large 8 8 Plane of Celestia Lvl +7
Archon, Hammer Archon, Good, Law,
(RoS p188) Outsider Earth
5 Large 10 9 Plane of Celestia —
Archon, Owl (BoED p159) Outsider Archon, Good, Law 5 Large 10 11 Plane of Celestia Lvl +8
Archon, Sword (BoED p160) Outsider Archon, Good, Law 5 Large 11 11 Plane of Celestia Lvl +9
Archon, Trumpet Combo
(MM p016) Outsider Archon, Good, Law 4 Med. 12 14 Plane of Celestia Lvl +8
(Eb p98)+ Plane of Shavarath
Archon, Hound, Hero, Combo
Leveled Up
Paladin 11th Outsider Archon, Good, Law Med. 17 15 Plane of Celestia
Lvl +5

(MM p016) Plane of Shavarath

Archon, Throne (BoED p162) Outsider Archon, Good, Law 5 Large 14 15 Plane of Celestia Lvl +10

Angels & Archons Page 45

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Monsters – sorted by Subtype, then by CR, then by Name October 1, 2007

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.
Devil, Lemure Combo
(MM p057) Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law 4 Med. 2 1 Plane of Hell —
(Eb p95)+ Plane of Dolurrh
Devil, Nupperibo (Tot9H p127) Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law 4 Med. 2 2 Plane of Hell —
Devil, Advespa (MM2 p067)
(3.5up p32)+ Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law 5 Large 4 3 Plane of Hell Lvl +4
Devil, Legion
Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law Med. 3 3 Plane of Hell —
(aka “Merregon”)

(Tot9H p122)
Abishai, White (Tot9H p110) Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law 4 Med. 4 4 Plane of Hell —
Devil, Spined (Tot9H p136)
(aka “Spinagon”)
(MotP p167) Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law 3 Small 3 4 Plane of Hell —
(3.5up p28)+
Abishai, Black (Tot9H p109) Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law 4 Med. 5 5 Plane of Hell —
Devil, Bearded Combo
(aka “Barbazu”) (MM p052) Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law 4 Med. 6 5 Plane of Hell Lvl +6
(Eb p98)+ Plane of Shavarath
Devil, Narzugon (Tot9H p125)
(MotP p167) Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law 4 Med. 7 5 Plane of Hell —
(3.5up p28)+
Abishai, Green (Tot9H p109) Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law Med.
4 6 6 Plane of Hell —
Devil, Gulthir (MM5 p032) Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law 5 Large 6 6 Plane of Hell —
Devil, Steel
Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law Med. 6 6 Plane of Hell —
(aka “Bueroza”)

(Tot9H p137)
Abishai, Blue (Tot9H p109)
(RedHand p117) Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law 4 Med. 7 7 Plane of Hell —
Devil, Amnizu (Tot9H p112)
(MM2 p067) Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law 4 Med. 9 7 Plane of Hell —
(3.5up p32)+
Devil, Harvester
Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law Med. 9 7 Plane of Hell —
(aka “Falxugon”)

(Tot9H p117)
Devil, Pain
Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law Med. 8 7 Plane of Hell —
(aka “Excruciarch”)

(Tot9H p132)
Abishai, Red (Tot9H p110) Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law 4 Med. 8 8 Plane of Hell —
Devil, Erinyes Combo
(MM p054) Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law 4 Med. 9 8 Plane of Hell Lvl +7
(Eb p98)+ Plane of Shavarath
Devil, Orthon (Tot9H p128) Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law 5 Large 7 8 Plane of Hell —
Devil, Bone Combo
(aka “Osyluth”) (MM p052) Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law 5 Large 10 9 Plane of Hell —
(Eb p98)+ Plane of Shavarath
Devil, Assassin
Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law Med. 14 11 Plane of Hell —
(aka “Dogal”)

(Tot9H p114)
Devil, Barbed Combo
(aka “Hamatuala”) (MM p051) Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law 4 Med. 12 11 Plane of Hell —
(Eb p98)+ Plane of Shavarath
Devil, Pleasure
Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law Med. 12 11 Plane of Hell —
(aka “Brachina”)

(Tot9H p134)
Fiend, Death Devil
Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law Large 10 11 Plane of Hell —
(aka “Jerul”)

(DR353 p069)
Ayperobos Swarm Swarm, Baatezu,
(Tot9H p115) Outsider Evil, Law
1 Dimin. 13 12 Plane of Hell —
Devil, Barbed, Mineral
Baatezu, Evil, Law, Template –
Warrior Outsider Med. 12 12 Plane of Hell
Earth Mineral Warrior

(aka “Devil, Stoney”) (Und p096)

Devil, Ice (aka “Gelugon”) Combo
(MM p056) Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law 5 Large 14 13 Plane of Hell —
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Risia
Devil, Malebranche (Tot9H p124)
(MM2 p067) Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law 6 Huge 16 14 Plane of Hell —
(3.5up p32)+
Devil, Remmanon (MM5 p034) Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law 4 Med. 18 15 Plane of Hell —
Devil, Xerfilstyx (Tot9H p138)
(FF p059) Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law 5 Large 15 15 Plane of Styx —
(3.5up p24)+
Devil, Horned Combo
(aka “Cornugon”) (MM p055) Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law 5 Large 15 16 Plane of Hell —
(Eb p98)+ Plane of Shavarath
Devil, Paeliryon (Tot9H p130)
(FF p058) Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law 5 Large 18 18 Plane of Hell —
Devil, Pit Fiend Combo
(MM p057) Outsider Baatezu, Evil, Law 5 Large 18 20 Plane of Hell —
(Eb p95)+ Plane of Fernia

Baatezu Page 46
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Monsters – sorted by Subtype, then by CR, then by Name October 1, 2007

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.
Demodand, Farastu (FF p042)
(3.5up p24)+ Outsider Demodand, Evil 4 Med. 11 11 Plane of Carceri —
Demodand, Kelubar (FF p044)
(3.5up p24)+ Outsider Demodand, Evil 4 Med. 13 13 Plane of Carceri —
Demodand, Shator (FF p045)
(3.5up p24)+ Outsider Demodand, Evil 5 Large 15 16 Plane of Carceri —
Demodand, Shator,
Outsider Demodand, Evil Large 20 18 Plane of Carceri Advanced

(DU147 p070)

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.
Eladrin, Bralani Combo
(MM p093) Outsider Eladrin, Good, Chaos 4 Med. 6 6 Plane of Arborea Lvl +5
(Eb p99)+ Plane of Thelanis
Eladrin, Coure (BoED p168) Outsider Eladrin, Good, Chaos 2 Tiny 2 2 Plane of Arborea Lvl +5
Eladrin, Firre (BoED p169) Combo
(Eb p95)+ Outsider Eladrin, Good, Chaos 4 Med. 8 10 Plane of Arborea Lvl +10
(MotP p162) Plane of Fernia
Eladrin, Ghaele Combo
(MM p094) Outsider Eladrin, Good, Chaos 4 Med. 10 13 Plane of Arborea —
(Eb p99)+ Plane of Thelanis
Eladrin, Shiradi (BoED p170) Outsider Eladrin, Good, Chaos 5 Large 12 14 Plane of Arborea Lvl +12
Eladrin, Tulani (BoED p171) Outsider Eladrin, Good, Chaos Med.
4 18 18 Plane of Arborea Lvl +10

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.
Ethergaunt, Red Ethergaunt,
(FF p066) Aberration Extraplanar
4 Med. 5 9 Plane of Ethereal Lvl +7
Ethergaunt, White Ethergaunt,
(FF p067) Aberration Extraplanar
4 Med. 11 13 Plane of Ethereal Lvl +5
Ethergaunt, Black Ethergaunt,
(FF p065) Aberration Extraplanar
4 Med. 16 17 Plane of Ethereal Lvl +4

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.
Formian, Worker Combo
(MM p108) Outsider Formian, Law 3 Small 1 0.5 Plane of Mechanus —
(Eb p94)+ Plane of Daanvi
Formian, Warrior Combo
(MM p109) Outsider Formian, Law 4 Med. 4 3 Plane of Mechanus —
(Eb p94)+ Plane of Daanvi
Formian, Winged Warrior Combo
(FF p078) Outsider Formian, Law 4 Med. 6 6 Plane of Mechanus —
(Eb p94)+ Plane of Daanvi
Formian, Taskmaster Combo
(MM p109) Outsider Formian, Law 4 Med. 6 7 Plane of Mechanus —
(Eb p94)+ Plane of Daanvi
Formian, Armadon Combo
(FF p077) Outsider Formian, Law 5 Large 8 8 Plane of Mechanus —
(Eb p94)+ Plane of Daanvi
Formian, Myrmarch Combo
(MM p110) Outsider Formian, Law 5 Large 12 10 Plane of Mechanus —
(Eb p94)+ Plane of Daanvi
Formian, Observer Combo
(FF p077) Outsider Formian, Law 4 Med. 9 11 Plane of Mechanus —
(Eb p94)+ Plane of Daanvi
Formian, Queen Combo
(MM p110) Outsider Formian, Law 5 Large 20 17 Plane of Mechanus —
(Eb p94)+ Plane of Daanvi

Demodan, Eladrin, Ethergaunt, & Formian Page 47

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Monsters – sorted by Subtype, then by CR, then by Name October 1, 2007

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.
Guardinal, Musteval (BoED p174) Outsider Guardinal, Good 2 Tiny 2 2 Plane of Elysian Lvl +5
Guardinal, Cervidal (MM2 p042)
(3.5up p31)+ Outsider Guardinal, Good 4 Med. 4 3 Plane of Elysian Lvl +5
Guardinal, Lupinal (MM2 p043)
(3.5up p31)+ Outsider Guardinal, Good 4 Med. 8 5 Plane of Elysian Lvl +7
Guardinal, Equinal (BoED p173) Outsider Guardinal, Good 5 Large 6 6 Plane of Elysian Lvl +7
Guardinal, Avoral Combo
(MM p141) Outsider Guardinal, Good 4 Med. 7 9 Plane of Elysian —
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Lamannia
Guardinal, Ursinal (BoED p174) Outsider Guardinal, Good 5 Large 10 10 Plane of Elysian Lvl +8
Guardinal, Leonal (MM p142) Combo
(Eb p97)+ Outsider Guardinal, Good 4 Med. 12 12 Plane of Elysian —
(MotP p162) Plane of Lamannia

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.
Inevitable, Zelekhut (MM p160) Inevitable, Law,
(MotP p177) Construct Extraplanar
5 Large 8 9 Plane of Mechanus Lvl +7
Inevitable, Kolyarut (MM p158) Combo
Inevitable, Law,
(Eb p94)+ Construct Extraplanar
4 Med. 13 12 Plane of Mechanus —
(MotP p177) Plane of Daanvi
Inevitable, Marut (MM p159) Combo
Inevitable, Law,
(Eb p94)+ Construct Extraplanar
5 Large 15 15 Plane of Mechanus —
(MotP p177) Plane of Daanvi
Inevitable, Quarut (FF p102) Inevitable, Law,
(3.5up p24)+ Construct Extraplanar
4 Med. 18 17 Plane of Mechanus —
Inevitable, Varakhut (FF p102) Inevitable, Law,
(3.5up p24)+ Construct Extraplanar
5 Large 22 19 Plane of Mechanus —
Inevitable, Marut,
Inevitable, Law,
Advanced (aka Construct Extraplanar
6 Huge 43 22 Plane of Mechanus Advanced
“Gantrenacht”) (DR341 p057)

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.
Demon, Guecubu Loumara, Evil,
(HotA p041) Outsider Chaos, Incorporeal
4 Med. 4 4 Plane of Abyss —
Demon, Dybbuk Loumara, Evil,
(HotA p036) Outsider Chaos, Incorporeal
4 Med. 10 8 Plane of Abyss —
Demon, Manitou Loumara, Evil,
(DR359 p043) Outsider Chaos, Incorporeal
6 Huge 15 12 Plane of Abyss —

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.
Nerra, Varoot (FF p130) Outsider Nerra 4 Med. 1 1 Plane of Mirrors Lvl +3
Nerra, Kalareem (FF p128) Outsider Nerra 4 Med. 3 3 Plane of Mirrors Lvl +6
Nerra, Sillit (FF p129) Outsider Nerra 4 Med. 7 6 Plane of Mirrors Lvl +8

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.
Demon, Ekolid (HotA p038) Outsider Obyrith, Evil, Chaos 3 Small 6 4 Plane of Abyss —
Demon, Draudnu Combo
Outsider Obyrith, Evil, Chaos 4 Med. 14 10 Plane of Abyss —
(MM5 p024) Plane of Xoriat
Demon, Verakia (DR357 p031) Outsider Obyrith, Evil, Chaos 7 Garg. 16 14 Plane of Abyss —
Demon, Sibriex (HotA p052) Outsider Obyrith, Evil, Chaos Huge
6 15 15 Plane of Abyss —
Demon, Uzollru Obyrith, Aquatic,
(DR349 p041) Outsider Chaos, Evil
8 Col. 20 16 Plane of Abyss —

Guardenal, Inevitable, Loumara, Nerra, & Obyrith Page 48

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Monsters – sorted by Subtype, then by CR, then by Name October 1, 2007

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.
Quori, Tsoreva Quori, Psionic, Evil,
(MoE p147) Outsider Law
4 Med. 5 5 Plane of Dal Quor —
Quori, Hashalaq Quori, Psionic, Evil,
Outsider Med. 8 6 Plane of Dal Quor —
(aka “Dreamstealer”) Law

(DR324 p051)
Quori, Tsucora Quori, Psionic, Evil,
(Eb p296) Outsider Law
4 Med. 6 7 Plane of Dal Quor —
Quori, Du’Lora Quori, Psionic, Evil,
Outsider Large 10 8 Plane of Dal Quor —
(aka “Dark Fury”) Law

(DR324 p049)
Quori, Dream Master Quori, Psionic, Evil,
(MoE p148) Outsider Law
5 Large 12 11 Plane of Dal Quor —
Quori, Kalaraq Quori, Psionic, Evil,
Outsider Med. 18 15 Plane of Dal Quor —
(aka “Eyebinder”) Law

(DR324 p053)

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.
Rilmani, Ferrumach (FF p143)
(3.5up p24)+ Outsider Rilmani 4 Med. 8 9 Plane of Outlands Lvl +5
Rilmani, Cuprilach (FF p142)
(3.5up p24)+ Outsider Rilmani 4 Med. 12 12 Plane of Outlands Lvl +5
Rilmani, Aurumach (FF p141)
(3.5up p24)+ Outsider Rilmani 5 Large 16 17 Plane of Outlands Lvl +9

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.
Slaad, Mud Combo
(FF p157) Outsider Slaad, Chaos 4 Med. 6 6 Plane of Limbo —
(Eb p96)+ Plane of Kythri
Slaad, Red Combo
(MM p228) Outsider Slaad, Chaos 5 Large 7 7 Plane of Limbo Lvl +6
(Eb p96)+ Plane of Kythri
Slaad, Blue Combo
(MM p229) Outsider Slaad, Chaos 5 Large 8 8 Plane of Limbo Lvl +6
(Eb p96)+ Plane of Kythri
Slaad, Green Combo
(MM p230) Outsider Slaad, Chaos 5 Large 9 9 Plane of Limbo Lvl +7
(Eb p96)+ Plane of Kythri
Slaad, Gray Combo
(MM p231) Outsider Slaad, Chaos 4 Med. 10 10 Plane of Limbo Lvl +6
(Eb p96)+ Plane of Kythri
Slaad, Death Combo
(MM p231) Outsider Slaad, Chaos 4 Med. 15 13 Plane of Limbo —
(Eb p96)+ Plane of Kythri

Quori, Rilmani, & Slaad Page 49

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Monsters – sorted by Subtype, then by CR, then by Name October 1, 2007

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.
Demon, Mane (HotA p045) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 3 Small 1 1 Plane of Abyss —
Demon, Dretch Combo
(MM p042) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 3 Small 2 2 Plane of Abyss Lvl +2
(Eb p98)+ Plane of Shavarath
Demon, Gadacro Combo
Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 3 Small 4 3 Plane of Abyss —
(MM5 p026) Plane of Savarath
Demon, Rutterkin (HotA p051) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 4 Med. 5 3 Plane of Abyss —
Incubus (DR353 p033) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 4 Med. 4 3 Plane of Abyss —
Demon, Skulvyn (FF p054) Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos,
(3.5up p24)+ Outsider Aquatic
5 Large 4 4 Plane of Abyss —
Chokesnake Symbiont, Tannar’ri,
(DU148 p082) Outsider Evil, Chaos
2 Tiny 6 5 Plane of Abyss Host +1
Demon, Bar-Lgura (HotA p029) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 5 Large 6 5 Plane of Abyss —
Demon, Jovoc (MM2 p058)
(3.5up p31)+ Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 3 Small 4 5 Plane of Abyss Lvl +5
Demon, Nabassu, Juvenile (HotA p048)
(DU112 p098) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 4 Med. 5 5 Plane of Abyss —
Demon, Skurchur (DR333 p035) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 3 Small 6 5 Plane of Abyss Lvl +5
Demon, Babau Combo
(MM p040) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 4 Med. 7 6 Plane of Abyss —
(Eb p98)+ Plane of Shavarath
Demon, Broodswarm Swarm, Tanar’ri,
(HotA p031) Outsider Evil, Chaos
2 Tiny 8 6 Plane of Abyss —
Demon, Uridezu (MotP p164)
(3.5up p28)+ Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 4 Med. 7 6 Plane of Abyss —
Demon, Armanite (HotA p028)
(MotP p164) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 4 Med. 9 7 Plane of Abyss —
(3.5up p28)+
Demon, Arrow Combo
(MM3 p034) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 4 Med. 10 7 Plane of Abyss Lvl +8
(Eb p98)+ Plane of Shavarath
Demon, Colchiln (DU112 p096) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 3 Small 8 7 Plane of Abyss Lvl +8
Demon, Succubus Combo
(MM p047) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 4 Med. 6 7 Plane of Abyss Lvl +6
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Mabar
Demon, Palrethee (MM2 p059) Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos,
(3.5up p31)+ Outsider Fire
4 Med. 8 8 Plane of Abyss Lvl +6
Demon, Solamith Combo
Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 5 Large 11 8 Plane of Abyss —
(MM5 p028) Plane of Shavarath
Demon, Bulezau (HotA p033)
(DR341 p27) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 5 Large 10 9 Plane of Abyss —
Demon, Maurezhi (FF p050)
(3.5up p24)+ Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 4 Med. 5 9 Plane of Abyss —
Demon, Mavawhan Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos,
(DR345 p032) Outsider Cold
4 Med. 10 9 Plane of Abyss —
Demon, Vrock (MM p048) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 5 Large 10 9 Plane of Abyss Lvl +8
Demon, Adaru Combo
Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 4 Med. 13 10 Plane of Abyss —
(MM5 p020) Plane of Xoriat
Demon, Chasme (HotA p034) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 5 Large 9 10 Plane of Abyss —
Demon, Hezrou Combo
(MM p044) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 5 Large 10 11 Plane of Abyss Lvl +9
(Eb p98)+ Plane of Shavarath
Demon, Kastighur Combo
Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 6 Huge 16 11 Plane of Abyss —
(MM4 p042) Plane of Mabar
Demon, Palrethee, Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos,
Outsider Med. 12 11 Plane of Abyss Advanced
Advanced Fire

(DU147 p054)
Demon, Lilitu (HotA p043) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos Med.
4 14 12 Plane of Abyss —
Demon, Vathugu (DR337 p052) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 5 Large 12 12 Plane of Abyss —
Demon, Glabrezu Combo
(MM p043) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 6 Huge 12 13 Plane of Abyss —
(Eb p98)+ Plane of Shavarath
Demon, Jarilith (MM2 p061)
(3.5up p31)+ Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 5 Large 10 13 Plane of Abyss —
Demon, Alkilith (FF p046)
(3.5up p24)+ Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 4 Med. 11 14 Plane of Abyss —
Demon, Nalfeshnee Combo
(MM p045) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 6 Huge 14 14 Plane of Abyss —
(Eb p95)+ Plane of Dolurrh
Demon, Anzu (DR329 p064) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 6 Huge 16 15 Plane of Abyss —

Tanar’ri Page 50
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Monsters – sorted by Subtype, then by CR, then by Name October 1, 2007

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.

Demon, Nabassu, Mature (HotA p049)
(DU112 p098) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 4 Med. 15 15 Plane of Abyss —
Demon, Goristro (HotA p040)
(MotP p164) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 6 Huge 24 16 Plane of Abyss —
(3.5up p28)+
Demon, Marilith Combo
(MM p044) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 5 Large 16 17 Plane of Abyss —
(Eb p98)+ Plane of Shavarath
Demon, Sorrowsworn (MM3 p036) Combo
(MM3Errata)+ Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 5 Large 18 17 Plane of Abyss —
(Ebp95)+ Plane of Dolurrh
Demon, Wastrilith (FF p054) Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos,
(3.5up p24)+ Outsider Aquatic
6 Huge 15 17 Plane of Abyss —
Demon, Kelvezu (MM2 p061)
(3.5up p31)+ Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 4 Med. 12 18 Plane of Abyss —
Demon, Molydeus (HotA p046) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 5 Large 19 19 Plane of Abyss —
Demon, Balor Combo
(MM p040) Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 5 Large 20 20 Plane of Abyss —
(Eb p95)+ Plane of Fernia
Demon, Myrmyxicus (FF p052) Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos,
(3.5up p24)+ Outsider Aquatic
6 Huge 18 21 Plane of Abyss —
Demon, Klurichir (FF p048)
(3.5up p24)+ Outsider Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos 6 Huge 20 25 Plane of Abyss —

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.
Varrangoin, Rager (FF p184) Varrangoin,
(3.5up p24)+ Magical Beast Extraplanar
4 Med. 8 10 Plane of Abyss —
Varrangoin, Arcanist (FF p182) Varrangoin,
(3.5up p24)+ Magical Beast Extraplanar
4 Med. 8 11 Plane of Abyss —

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.
Windrazor Combo
Outsider Windblade 3 Small 2 1 Plane of Pandemonium —
(MM4 p176) Plane of Kythri
Windscythe Combo
Outsider Windblade 5 Large 8 4 Plane of Pandemonium —
(MM4 p177) Plane of Kythri

Tanar’ri Page 51
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Monsters – sorted by Subtype, then by CR, then by Name October 1, 2007

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.
Yugoloth, Skeroloth Combo
(FF p197) Outsider Yugoloth, Evil 3 Small 4 3 Plane of Gehenna —
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Mabar
Yugoloth, Voor Combo
(MM4 p193) Outsider Yugoloth, Evil 5 Large 5 4 Plane of Gehenna —
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Mabar
Yugoloth, Canoloth (MM3 p200) Combo
(Eb p97)+ Outsider Yugoloth, Evil 4 Med. 6 5 Plane of Gehenna Lvl +5
(MotP p185) Plane of Mabar
Yugoloth, Corruptor of Combo
Fate Plane of Gehenna
Outsider Yugoloth, Evil 4 Med. 7 5 Plane of Mabar —
(MM4 p190) Plane of Dolurrh
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Shavarath
Yugoloth, Mezzoloth (MM3 p201) Combo
(Eb p97)+ Outsider Yugoloth, Evil 4 Med. 10 6 Plane of Gehenna Lvl +5
(MotP p185) Plane of Mabar
Dergholoth Combo
Plane of Hades
Outsider Yugoloth, Evil 5 Large 8 7 Plane of Gehenna

(DU150 p124) Plane of Carceri
Yugoloth, Echinoloth Combo
Yugoloth, Evil,
(Storm p164) Outsider Aquatic
5 Large 8 8 Plane of Gehenna —
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Mabar
Yugoloth, Piscoloth (FF p196) Combo
(3.5up p24)+ Outsider Yugoloth, Evil 4 Med. 9 9 Plane of Gehenna —
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Mabar
Yugoloth, Voor, Dreadful Combo
Lasher (MM4 p193) Outsider Yugoloth, Evil 6 Huge 15 9 Plane of Gehenna Advanced
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Mabar
Yugoloth, Corruptor of Combo
Fate, Assassin 5th Plane of Gehenna
Outsider Yugoloth, Evil 4 Med. 12 10 Plane of Mabar Leveled Up
(MM4 p190) Plane of Dolurrh
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Shavarath
Yugoloth, Marraenoloth (MM2 p202) Combo
(3.5up p37)+ Outsider Yugoloth, Evil 4 Med. 10 10 Plane of Gehenna Lvl +5
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Mabar
Yugoloth, Nycaloth (MM3 p202) Combo
(Eb p97)+ Outsider Yugoloth, Evil 5 Large 14 10 Plane of Gehenna Lvl +5
(MotP p185) Plane of Mabar
Yugoloth, Yagnoloth (MM2 p204) Combo
(3.5up p37)+ Outsider Yugoloth, Evil 5 Large 10 10 Plane of Gehenna Lvl +6
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Mabar
Yugoloth, Ultroloth (MM3 p204) Combo
(Eb p97)+ Outsider Yugoloth, Evil 4 Med. 18 13 Plane of Gehenna Lvl +5
(MotP p185) Plane of Mabar
Yugoloth, Arcanaloth (MM2 p203) Combo
(3.5up p37)+ Outsider Yugoloth, Evil 4 Med. 12 17 Plane of Gehenna Lvl +7
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Mabar
Yugoloth, Nycaloth (MM3 p202) Combo
Commander (MM3Errata)+ Outsider Yugoloth, Evil Huge 25 17 Plane of Gehenna
Lvl +5

(Eb p97)+ Plane of Mabar

Yugoloth, Yagnoloth, Combo
Advanced (DU146 p071) Outsider Yugoloth, Evil 5 Large 26 18 Plane of Gehenna Advanced
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Mabar
Yugoloth, Ultroloth, Combo
Advanced (DU141 p084) Outsider Yugoloth, Evil 4 Med. 30 19 Plane of Gehenna Advanced
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Mabar

Yugoloth Page 52
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Monsters – sorted by Subtype, then by CR, then by Name October 1, 2007

Other Species
Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.
Kobold (MM p161) Humanoid Dragonblood, Reptilian 3 Small 1 0.25 Temp Forests Lvl +0
Whitespawn Hordeling Monstrous Combo
Dragonblood, Cold Small 2 1 —
Humanoid Any Cold

(MM4 p156)
Greenspawn Leaper Combo
Magical Beast Dragonblood 4 Med. 3 2 Warm Forests —
(MM4 p144) Temp Forests
Greenspawn Sneak Combo
Warm Forests
Dragonblood Small 2 2 Temp Forests Warm —

(MM4 p148) Temp Swamps
Bluespawn Stoneglider Monstrous
Dragonblood, Earth Med. 5 3 Underground —

(DoF p105)
Blackspawn Raider Monstrous
Dragonblood Med. 8 4 Warm Marshes —

(MM4 p130)
Bluespawn Ambusher (MM4 p136) Magical Beast Dragonblood 5 Large 4 4 Warm Deserts —
Whitespawn Hunter Monstrous
Dragonblood, Cold Med. 6 4 Cold Plains —

(MM4 p158)
Greenspawn Zealot Monstrous
Dragonblood Med. 6 5 Any —

(MM5 p074)
Bluespawn Stormlizard Combo
(MM4 p142) Magical Beast Dragonblood 5 Large 6 6 Any Warm

Redspawn Arcaniss Monstrous
Dragonblood, Fire Med. 8 6 Any —

(MM4 p152)
Redspawn Firebelcher Combo
Magical Beast Dragonblood, Fire 5 Large 8 6 Warm Hills —
(MM4 p154) Warm Mountains
Whitespawn Hunter, Monstrous
Dragonblood, Cold Med. 8 6 Cold Plains Leveled Up
Barbarian 2nd Humanoid

(MM4 p158)
Whitespawn Iceskidder Combo
Magical Beast Dragonblood, Cold 5 Large 9 6 Cold Marshes —
(MM4 p162) Cold Plains
Greenspawn Razorfiend Combo
Warm Forests
Magical Beast Dragonblood 5 Large 10 7 Temp Forests Warm —
(MM4 p146) Temp Swamps
Krathbairn Combo
Dragonblood, Evil,
Outsider Chaos, Native
4 Med. 7 7 Warm Desert —
(DoF p106) Underground
Blackspawn Stalker Combo
Magical Beast Dragonblood 5 Large 10 9 Warm Swamps —
(MM4 p134) Temp Swamps
Bluespawn Burrower Combo
(MM4 p138) Magical Beast Dragonblood 5 Large 12 9 Any Deserts

Blackspawn Exterminator, Monstrous
Dragonblood Med. 14 10 Warm Marshes Leveled Up
Ninja 6th Humanoid

(MM4 p131)
Bluespawn Godslayer Combo
Dragonblood Huge 12 10 Temp Deserts —

(MM4 p140) Warm Deserts

Redspawn Birther (DoF p108) Magical Beast Dragonblood, Fire 5 Large 16 11 Underground —

Living Construct
Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.
Exiled Modron (DR354 p043) Construct Living Construct Med.
4 1 0.5 Any Lvl +0
Warforged (MM3 p190) Construct Living Construct Med.
4 1 0.5 Any Lvl +0
Warforged Scout (MM3 p193) Construct Living Construct 3 Small 1 0.5 Any Lvl +0
Warforged Charger (MM3 p191) Construct Living Construct 5 Large 4 5 Any Lvl +4
Merchurion Combo
Construct Living Construct 6 Huge 22 17 Warm Mountains —
(MM5 p102) Underground

Dragonblood & Living Construct Page 53

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Monsters – sorted by Subtype, then by CR, then by Name October 1, 2007

Living Spell
Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.
Living Spell, Burning Template –
Hands Ooze — 4 Med. 1 1 Any Living Spell
(Eb p293) Burning Hands
Living Spell, Color Spray Template –
(SotLW p30) Ooze — 4 Med. 3 2 Any Living Spell
(SotLWErrata)+ Color Spray
Living Spell, Sickening Template –
Sleep Living Spell
Ooze — 4 Med. 1 2 Underground Ray of
(MM3 p094) Sleep
Living Spell, Flaming Template –
Sphere Ooze — 4 Med. 3 3 Any Living Spell
(SotLW p26) Flaming Sphere
Living Spell, Fireball Template –
Ooze — 4 Med. 5 4 Any Living Spell
(DR329 p080) Fireball
Living Spell, Glitterdust Template –
Living Spell
Ooze — Med. 4 4 Any

(wLivingSpell2) at 4th level

Living Spell, Web Template –
Ooze — 4 Med. 4 4 Any Living Spell
(wLivingSpell4) Web at 4th level
Living Spell, Acid Arrow Template –
Living Spell
Ooze — Med. 6 5 Any
Melf’s Acid Arrow

(wLivingSpell1) at 6th level

Living Spell, Deep Slumber Template –
Living Spell
Ooze — Large 8 6 Any
Deep Slumber

(wLivingSpell1) at 8th level

Living Spell, Glitterfire Template –
Living Spell
Ooze — Med. 5 6 Any

(MM3 p093)
(MM3Errata)+ Fireball
Living Spell, Cloudkill Template –
Ooze — 5 Large 10 7 Any Living Spell
(Eb p293) Cloudkill
Living Spell, Confusion Template –
Living Spell
Ooze — Large 8 8 Any

(wLivingSpell2) at 8th level

Living Spell, Ice Storm Template –
Ooze — 5 Large 8 8 Any Living Spell
(wLivingSpell2) Ice Storm
Living Spell, Chaos Blight Template –
Living Spell
Ooze — Large 7 9 Any
Chaos Hammer

(DU132 p053) Unholy Blight

Living Spell, Chilling Fog Template –
Ooze — 5 Large 9 9 Cold Marshes Living Spell
(MM3 p092) Cone of Cold
Living Spell, Antimagic Template –
Field Living Spell
Ooze — Large 12 12 Any
Antimagic Field

(wLivingSpell3) at 12th level

Living Spell, Disintegrate Template –
Living Spell
Ooze — Large 12 12 Any

(wLivingSpell3) at 12th level

Living Spell, Flesh to Stone Template –
Living Spell
Ooze — Large 12 12 Any
Stone to Flesh

(wLivingSpell1) at 8th level

Living Spell, Freezing Fog Template –
Ooze — 4 Med. 12 12 Any Living Spell
(DR358 p076) Freezing Fog

Living Spell Page 54

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Monsters – sorted by Subtype, then by CR, then by Name October 1, 2007

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.

Living Spell, Blasphemy Template –
Ooze Evil 6 Huge 13 13 Any Living Spell
(MM3 p093) Blasphemy
Living Spell, Dictum Template –
Ooze Law 6 Huge 13 13 Any Living Spell
(MM3 p093) Dictum
Living Spell, Holy Word Template –
Ooze Good 6 Huge 13 13 Any Living Spell
(MM3 p094) Holy Word
Living Spell, Word of Template –
Chaos Ooze Chaos 6 Huge 13 13 Any Living Spell
(MM3 p094) Word of Chaos
Living Spell, Prismatic Template –
Spray Living Spell
Ooze — Huge 14 14 Any
Prismatic Spray

(wLivingSpell4) at 14th level

Living Spell, Reverse Template –
Gravity Living Spell
Ooze — Huge 16 15 Any
Reverse Gravity

(wLivingSpell4) at 16th level

Living Spell, Shroud of Template –
Death and Despair Living Spell
Ooze — 6 Huge 13 15 Any Finger of Death
Crushing Despair
(5Nat p092) at 13th
Living Spell, Whirlwind Template –
Living Spell
Ooze — Huge 16 16 Any

(wLivingSpell3) at 16th level

Living Spell Page 55

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Monsters – sorted by Subtype, then by CR, then by Name October 1, 2007

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.
Marruspawn, Marrulurk Monstrous
Marruspawn Small 3 4 Warm Deserts Lvl +1

(Sand p170)
Marruspawn, Marrusult Monstrous
Marruspawn Large 6 5 Warm Deserts Lvl +2

(Sand p171)
Marruspawn, Marrutact Monstrous
Marruspawn Med. 7 5 Warm Deserts Lvl +3

(Sand p171)
Marruspawn Abomination (Sand p172) Outsider Marruspawn, Native 4 Med. 20 19 Warm Deserts —

Magebred Animals
Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.
Horse, Heavy Magebred Template –
Animal — Large 3 1 Temp Plains
(Eb p295) Magebred

Snake, Viper, Medium, Template –

Animal — Med. 2 1 Temp Marshes

Magebred Magebred

(SoX p068)
Bear, Black, Magebred Template –
Animal — Med. 3 2 Temp Forests
(DU147 p022) Magebred

Bear, Brown, Magebred Template –

Animal — Large 6 4 Cold Forests
(5Nat p074) Magebred

Tiger, Magebred (aka Template –

Animal — Large 6 4 Warm Forests
“Magebred Ghost Tiger”) Magebred

(5Nat p075)

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.
Kobold (MM p161) Humanoid Dragonblood, Reptilian 3 Small 1 0.25 Temp Forests Lvl +0
Lizardfolk (MM p169) Humanoid Reptilian Med.
4 2 1 Temp Marshes Lvl +1
Lizardfolk, Poison Dusk (MM3 p096)
(MM3Errata)+ Humanoid Reptilian 3 Small 1 1 Temp Marshes Lvl +1
Troglodyte (MM p246) Humanoid Reptilian 4 Med. 2 1 Underground Lvl +2
Ophidian Combo
Reptilian Med. 3 2 Warm Forest —

(FF p133) Underground

Phaerlock (Und p097) Humanoid Reptilian 4 Med. 2 2 Underground Lvl +2
Bugbear, Chameleon Template –
Humanoid Goblinoid, Reptilian Med. 3 3 Underground
(Und p083) Chameleon

Dragonkin Monstrous
Reptilian Large 7 3 Warm Hills Lvl +2

(Dcn p150)
Khaasta Monstrous Reptilian,
Med. 3 3 Plane of Outlands Lvl +3
Humanoid Extraplanar

(FF p115)
Lizardfolk, Blackscale (MM3 p095) Humanoid Reptilian 5 Large 4 3 Temp Forests Lvl +3
Half-Illithid Lizardfolk (FF p090) Aberration Reptilian Med.
4 2 4 Underground Lvl +6
Lizardfolk, Poison Dusk, Leveled Up
(MM3 p096) Humanoid Reptilian Small 4 4 Temp Marshes
Ranger 4th Lvl +1


Marruspawn, Magebred Animals, & Reptilian Page 56

Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Monsters – sorted by Subtype, then by CR, then by Name October 1, 2007

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.
Leech, Giant (Storm p154) Vermin Aquatic 3 Small 1 0.3 Warm Marsh —
Stingray (Storm p168) Animal Aquatic 3 Small 1 0.3 Warm Aquatic —
Aventi (Storm p138) Humanoid Aquatic, Human Med.
4 1 0.5 Temp Aquatic Lvl +0
Barracuda (Storm p166) Animal Aquatic Med.
4 2 0.5 Warm Aquatic —
Eel (Storm p166) Animal Aquatic Med.
4 2 0.5 Warm Aquatic —
Elf, Aquatic (MM p103)
(Storm p148) Humanoid Elf, Aquatic 4 Med. 1 0.5 Temp Aquatic Lvl +0
Locathah (MM p169) Humanoid Aquatic Med.
4 2 0.5 Warm Aquatic Lvl +1
Merfolk (MM p185) Humanoid Aquatic Med.
4 1 0.5 Temp Aquatic Lvl +1
Monstrous Crab, Small
(Storm p141) Vermin Aquatic 3 Small 1 0.5 Temp Aquatic —
Bloodbloater Combo
(FF p016) Ooze Swarm, Aquatic 1 Dimin. 2 1 Any Water

Ixitxachitl (MM2 p128)
(3.5up p34)+ Aberration Aquatic 3 Small 1 1 Warm Aquatic —
Kyuss Spawnling Adventure
(DU126 p040) Undead Aquatic 2 Tiny 1 1 (kyuss)

Lacedon Combo
(MM p119) Undead Aquatic 4 Med. 2 1 Any Aquatic

Leech Swarm (Storm p162) Vermin Swarm, Aquatic Fine0 2 1 Warm Marsh —
Manta Ray (MM p275) Animal Aquatic Med.
4 4 1 Warm Aquatic —
Moray Eel (DR328 p084) Animal Aquatic Med.
4 2 1 Warm Aquatic —
Octopus (MM p276) Animal Aquatic 3 Small 2 1 Warm Aquatic —
Rusalka (Frost p150) Fey Aquatic Med.
4 2 1 Cold Aquatic —
Seahorse, Giant (DR327 p087) Animal Aquatic 5 Large 3 1 Warm Aquatic —
Selkie Shapechanger,
(FF p148) Humanoid Aquatic
4 Med. 3 1 Cold Aquatic Lvl +1
Shark, Medium
(MM p279) Animal Aquatic 4 Med. 3 1 Cold Aquatic —
Sprite, Nixie Combo
(MM p235) Fey Aquatic 3 Small 1 1 Temp Aquatic Lvl +3
(Eb p99)+ Plane of Thelanis
Squid (MM p281) Animal Aquatic 4 Med. 3 1 Temp Aquatic —
Yurian Combo
Aquatic Med. 3 1 Temp Aquatic Lvl +4

(FF p198) Warm Aquatic

Zombie, Skum (LM p171) Undead Aquatic Med.
4 4 1 Any —
Anguillian (Storm p136) Aberration Aquatic Med.
4 3 2 Cold Aquatic Lvl +2
Hippocampus (Storm p153) Magical Beast Aquatic 5 Large 3 2 Temp Aquatic —
Kuo-Toa Monstrous
Aquatic Med. 2 2 Temp Aquatic Lvl +3

(MM p163)
Malenti Monstrous
Aquatic Med. 1 2 Warm Aquatic Lvl +3

(MM p218)
Monstrous Crab, Medium
(Storm p141) Vermin Aquatic 4 Med. 3 2 Temp Aquatic —
Ooze, Flotsam Combo
Any Water
Ooze Aquatic 4 Med. 2 2 Shorline

(FF p017) Underground
Opabiania (DR348 p056) Aberration Aquatic 4 Med. 3 2 Warm Marshes —
Sahuagin Monstrous
Aquatic Med. 1 2 Warm Aquatic Lvl +2

(MM p217)
Sahuagin Mutant Monstrous
Aquatic Med. 1 2 Warm Aquatic Lvl +3

(MM p217)
Shark, Large
(MM p279) Animal Aquatic 5 Large 7 2 Cold Aquatic —
Skum (MM p228) Aberration Aquatic Med.
4 2 2 Underground Lvl +3
Aventi Sergeant, Fighter Leveled Up
Humanoid Aquatic, Human Med. 3 3 Temp Aquatic
3rd Lvl +0

(Storm p138)
Blindheim Combo
Aquatic Small 4 3 Any Swamp —

(DR339 p047) Underground

Crayfight, Giant (DR321 p060) Vermin Aquatic 5 Large 4 3 Warm Aquatic —
Dinosaur, Cryptoclidus (MM2 p070)
(aka “Fintail”)
(3.5up p32)+ Animal Aquatic 5 Large 3 3 Warm Aquatic —
(Eb p280)+

Aquatic Page 57
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Monsters – sorted by Subtype, then by CR, then by Name October 1, 2007

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.

Dire Eel (Storm p148) Animal Aquatic 5 Large 6 3 Warm Aquatic —
Elf, Aquatic Dolphin Rider, Leveled Up
Humanoid Elf, Aquatic Med. 3 3 Temp Aquatic
Druid 1st / Fighter 2nd Lvl +0

(Storm p148)
Ixitxachitl, Vampiric (MM2 p129)
(3.5up p34)+ Aberration Aquatic 3 Small 2 3 Warm Aquatic —
Kuo-Toa, Crazed Monstrous Variant
Aquatic Med. 4 3 Temp Aquatic
Humanoid Lvl +3

(MM5 p094)
Merrow (MM p199) Giant Aquatic 5 Large 4 3 Temp Aquatic Lvl +2
Mist Dragon, Wyrmling
Temp Aquatic
Temp Forest
Dragon Aquatic, Water 2 Tiny 3 3 Warm Aquatic
Lvl +2
Warm Forest
(DoF p142) Underground
Styx Dragon, Wyrmling Combo

(Dcn p187) Dragon Aquatic, Extraplanar 3 Small 5 3 Lower Planes

Lvl +5
Vodyanoi (Frost p160) Fey Aquatic 4 Med. 5 3 Cold Aquatic Lvl +5
Blackskate Combo
(Storm p139) Undead Aquatic 5 Large 4 4 Any Aquatic

Demon, Skulvyn (FF p054) Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos,
(3.5up p24)+ Outsider Aquatic
5 Large 4 4 Plane of Abyss —
Dire Barracuda (Storm p147) Animal Aquatic 5 Large 8 4 Warm Aquatic —
Hag, Sea Monstrous
Aquatic Med. 3 4 Temp Aquatic —

(MM p144)
Hammerclaw (Storm p152) Magical Beast Aquatic 5 Large 6 4 Temp Aquatic —
Kapocinth Monstrous Combo
Aquatic, Earth Med. 4 4 Lvl +5
Humanoid Any Aquatic

(MM p113)
Mist Dragon, Very Young
Temp Aquatic
Temp Forest
Dragon Aquatic, Water 3 Small 6 4 Warm Aquatic
Lvl +3
Warm Forest
(DoF p142) Underground
Monstrous Crab, Large
(Storm p142) Vermin Aquatic 5 Large 6 4 Temp Aquatic —
Nereid Combo
Fey Aquatic, Extraplanar 4 Med. 3 4 Plane of Water Lvl +3
(Storm p155) Temp Aquatic
Oceanus Dragon, Combo
Dragon Aquatic, Extraplanar Small 7 4 Lvl +4
Wyrmling Upper Planes

(Dcn p181)
Piranha Swarm (Storm p162) Animal Swarm, Aquatic Tiny
2 8 4 Warm Aquatic —
Shark, Huge
(MM p279) Animal Aquatic 6 Huge 10 4 Cold Aquatic —
Styx Dragon, Very Young Combo

(Dcn p187) Dragon Aquatic, Extraplanar 4 Med. 8 4 Lower Planes

Lvl +5
Vine Horror (DU141 p044) Combo
(FF p185) Plant Aquatic 4 Med. 5 4 Any Marsh —
(3.5up p24)+ Any Aquatic
War Turtle (DR343 p055) Magical Beast Aquatic 5 Large 6 4 Warm Aquatic —
Dinosaur, Helicoprion Combo
(DR318 p066) Animal Aquatic 5 Large 8 5 Any Aquatic

Fossergrim (FF p079)
(3.5up p24)+ Fey Aquatic 4 Med. 5 5 Any —
Gar, Giant Combo
Animal Aquatic 6 Huge 5 5 Temp Aquatic —
(DR321 p060) Warm Aquatic
Hetfish (DU112 p100) Magical Beast Swarm, Aquatic, Fire Tiny 2 10 5 Warm Aquatic —
Jellyfish Swarm (Storm p161) Vermin Swarm, Aquatic 1 Dimin. 12 5 Warm Aquatic —
Mist Dragon, Young
Temp Aquatic
Temp Forest
Dragon Aquatic, Water 4 Med. 9 5 Warm Aquatic
Lvl +3
Warm Forest
(DoF p142) Underground
Morkoth (MM2 p152) Combo
(3.5up p35)+ Aberration Aquatic 4 Med. 7 5 Any Aquatic
Lvl +3
Oceanus Dragon, Very Combo
Dragon Aquatic, Extraplanar Med. 10 5 Lvl +5

Young Upper Planes


(Dcn p181)
Scrag (MM p248) Giant Aquatic 5 Large 6 5 Cold Aquatic Lvl +5
Sirine Combo
(MM2 p185) Fey Aquatic 4 Med. 4 5 Temp Aquatic Lvl +4
(3.5up p36)+ Warm Aquatic
Ahuizotl Combo
(FF p014) Aberration Aquatic 5 Large 7 6 Any Warm Freshwater

Aquatic Page 58
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Monsters – sorted by Subtype, then by CR, then by Name October 1, 2007

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.

Chuul, Slime
Aberration Aquatic Large 11 6 Underground —
(aka “Uchuulon”)

(Storm p163)
Giant, Bog Combo
(FF p081) Giant Aquatic 5 Large 8 6 Any Marsh

Grindylow (DR352 p053) Aberration Aquatic 5 Large 10 6 Cold Aquatic Bas-Lag
Kopru Combo
(MM2 p134) Aquatic Med. 8 6 Warm Aquatic Lvl +4

(3.5up p34)+ Warm Marshes

Kopru, Amphibious Combo
Aquatic Med. 8 6 Warm Aquatic Variant

(DR354 p061) Warm Marshes

Masher Warm Aquatic
(DU141 p046) Animal Aquatic 6 Huge 8 6 (coral freefs)

Mist Dragon, Juvenile
Temp Aquatic
Temp Forest
Dragon Aquatic, Water 4 Med. 12 6 Warm Aquatic
Lvl +4
Warm Forest
(DoF p142) Underground
Nuckalavee Combo
Aquatic Large 11 6 Cold Aquatic —

(DR343 p054) Temparate Aquatic

Oceanus Dragon, Young Combo

(Dcn p181) Dragon Aquatic, Extraplanar 4 Med. 13 6 Upper Planes

Ooze, Flotsam, Enormous Combo
Any Water
Ooze Aquatic 6 Huge 7 6 Shorline
(DU141 p030) Underground
Reekmurk (FF p018) Ooze Aquatic 6 Huge 5 6 Cold Aquatic —
Shark, Huge Fiendish Combo Template –

Magical Beast Aquatic, Extraplanar Huge 10 6 Lower Plane

(Storm p192) Fiendish

Styx Dragon, Young Combo


(Dcn p187) Dragon Aquatic, Extraplanar 4 Med. 11 6 Lower Planes

Lvl +5
Aboleth (MM p008) Aberration Aquatic Huge
6 8 7 Underground —
Chuul (MM p035) Aberration Aquatic 5 Large 11 7 Temp Marshes —
Kuo-Toa, Whip Monstrous Variant
Aquatic Med. 10 7 Temp Aquatic
Humanoid Lvl +4

(MM5 p095)
Malasynep (Frost p142) Aberration Aquatic, Cold 6 Huge 8 7 Cold Aquatic —
Medusa, Amphibious Monstrous Template –
Aquatic Med. 6 7 Temp Aquatic
Humanoid Amphibious

(Storm p135)
Monstrous Crab, Huge6
(Storm p142) Vermin Aquatic Huge
6 12 7 Temp Aquatic —
Naga, Water (MM p193) Aberration Aquatic 5 Large 7 7 Temp Aquatic —
Ramfish (Storm p156) Magical Beast Aquatic 5 Large 10 7 Temp Aquatic —
Seryulin (MM3 p148) Combo
(MM3Errata)+ Aberration Aquatic 5 Large 10 7 Any Aquatic
Cohort +4
Zombie, Giant Squid (DU125 p066) Undead Aquatic Huge
6 25 7 Temp Aquatic —
Drake, Water (Dcn p157) Dragon Water, Aquatic 5 Large 10 8 Temp Aquatic Lvl +3
Mist Dragon, Young Adult
Temp Aquatic
Temp Forest
Dragon Aquatic, Water 5 Large 15 8 Warm Aquatic

Warm Forest
(DoF p142) Underground
Mother of All Combo
Plant Aquatic 6 Huge 10 8 Any Aquatic —
(DU141 p047) (ocean)
Octopus, Giant (MM p276) Animal Aquatic 5 Large 8 8 Warm Aquatic —
Sisiutl (Storm p159) Magical Beast Aquatic Huge
6 10 8 Temp Aquatic —
Steel Kraken (5Nat p093) Construct Aquatic Huge
6 12 8 Any —
Styx Dragon, Juvenile Combo

(Dcn p187) Dragon Aquatic, Extraplanar 5 Large 14 8 Lower Planes

Lvl +6
Yugoloth, Echinoloth Combo
Yugoloth, Evil,
(Storm p164) Outsider Aquatic
5 Large 8 8 Plane of Gehenna —
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Mabar
Bilge Eel (DU138 p053) Animal Aquatic 6 Huge 12 9 Temp Aquatic —
Corrupture (MM4 p036) Ooze Aquatic 6 Huge 11 9 Any —
Dire Shark (MM p064) Animal Aquatic 6 Huge 18 9 Cold Aquatic —
Dragon Turtle (MM p088) Dragon Aquatic 6 Huge 12 9 Temp Aquatic —
Golem, Coral (Storm p150) Construct Aquatic 6 Huge 16 9 Warm Aquatic —
Kelp Angler Combo
(FF p112) Plant Aquatic 5 Large 11 9 Any Aquatic

Aquatic Page 59
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Monsters – sorted by Subtype, then by CR, then by Name October 1, 2007

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.

Kopru, High Skull Combo
Aquatic Large 12 9 Warm Aquatic Variant

(DR354 p060) Warm Marshes

Oceanus Dragon, Juvenile Combo

(Dcn p181) Dragon Aquatic, Extraplanar 5 Large 16 9 Upper Planes

Squid, Giant (MM p281) Animal Aquatic 6 Huge 12 9 Temp Aquatic —
Kelpie (FF p114)
(3.5up p24)+ Fey Aquatic 5 Large 10 10 Any —
Legendary Shark (MM2 p139) Combo
(3.5up p34)+ Animal Aquatic 6 Huge 30 10 Any Aquatic

Malasynep Mindmage,
Aberration Aquatic, Cold Huge 14 10 Cold Aquatic Leveled Up
Sorerer 6th

(Frost p143)
Mist Dragon, Adult
Temp Aquatic
Temp Forest
Dragon Aquatic, Water 5 Large 18 10 Warm Aquatic

Warm Forest
(DoF p142) Underground
Monstrous Crab,
Vermin Aquatic Garg. 24 10 Temp Aquatic —

(Storm p142)
Seryulin, Greater (MM3 p148) Combo Cohort +4
Aberration Aquatic Huge 21 10 Any Aquatic
(MM3Errata)+ Advanced

Styx Dragon, Young Adult Combo


(Dcn p187) Dragon Aquatic, Extraplanar 5 Large 17 10 Lower Planes

Zombie, Dire Shark (DU125 p066) Undead Aquatic Huge
6 36 10 Cold Aquatic —
Dragon Eel (MM3 p044) Dragon Aquatic 5 Large 14 11 Temp Aquatic —
Megalodon (MM2 p147) Combo
(3.5up p35)+ Animal Aquatic 7 Garg. 24 11 Any Aquatic

Squid, Giant, Ice Element Combo
Aquatic, Air, Cold, Plane of Air Template –
Elemental Water
Huge 12 11 Plane of Water Element, Ice

(DR347 p058) Plane of Risia

Drake, Ooze Earth, Water,
(Dcn p156) Dragon Aquatic
5 Large 12 12 Cold Marshes Lvl +3
Kraken (MM p162) Magical Beast Aquatic 7 Garg. 20 12 Temp Aquatic —
Mist Dragon, Mature
Adult Temp Aquatic
Temp Forest
Dragon Aquatic, Water 6 Huge 21 12 Warm Aquatic

Warm Forest
(DoF p142) Underground
Oceanus Dragon, Young Combo
Dragon Aquatic, Extraplanar Large 19 12 —

Adult Upper Planes


(Dcn p181)
Styx Dragon, Adult Combo

(Dcn p187) Dragon Aquatic, Extraplanar 6 Huge 20 12 Lower Planes

Froghemoth (DU128 p061) Aberration Aquatic 6 Huge 20 13 Temp Swamp —
Kraken, Half-Fiend Template –
Outsider Aquatic Garg. 20 13 Temp Aquatic
(Storm p116) Half-Fiend

Monstrous Crab, Colossal

(Storm p142) Vermin Aquatic 8 Col. 48 13 Temp Aquatic —
Oceanus Dragon, Adult Combo

(Dcn p181) Dragon Aquatic, Extraplanar 6 Huge 22 13 Upper Planes

Scyllan Combo
Outsider Aquatic, Native 6 Huge 16 13 Plane of Hell —
(Storm p157) Cold Aquatic
Siege Crab (MM3 p156)
(MM3Errata)+ Vermin Aquatic 7 Garg. 20 14 Warm Aquatic —
Styx Dragon, Mature Combo
Dragon Aquatic, Extraplanar Huge 23 14 —

Adult Lower Planes


(Dcn p187)
Drake, Sea Combo
(FF p147) Dragon Aquatic 7 Garg. 12 15 Any Aquatic

Kraken, Corpse Creature Template –
Undead Aquatic Garg. 26 15 Temp Aquatic
(DU125 p073) Corpse Creature

Kuo-Toa Leviathan Monstrous

Aquatic Huge 15 15 Temp Aquatic —

(Und p092)
Mist Dragon, Old
Temp Aquatic
Temp Forest
Dragon Aquatic, Water 6 Huge 24 15 Warm Aquatic

Warm Forest
(DoF p142) Underground
Eye of the Deep, Advanced Template –
Elite Fiendish Aberration Aquatic, Extraplanar 6 Huge 24 16 Aquatic Fiendish
(DU146 p065) Advanced

Aquatic Page 60
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Monsters – sorted by Subtype, then by CR, then by Name October 1, 2007

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.

Oceanus Dragon, Mature Combo
Dragon Aquatic, Extraplanar Huge 25 16 —

Adult Upper Planes


(Dcn p181)
Uzollru Obyrith, Aquatic,
(DR349 p041) Outsider Chaos, Evil
8 Col. 20 16 Plane of Abyss —
Aboleth Mage, Wizard 10th (MM p008) Aberration Aquatic 6 Huge 18 17 Underground Level Up
Demon, Wastrilith (FF p054) Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos,
(3.5up p24)+ Outsider Aquatic
6 Huge 15 17 Plane of Abyss —
Mind Worm Combo
Aberration Aquatic 6 Huge 25 17 Any Aquatic —
(DR337 p029) Underground
Mist Dragon, Very Old
Temp Aquatic
Temp Forest
Dragon Aquatic, Water 6 Huge 27 17 Warm Aquatic

Warm Forest
(DoF p142) Underground
Styx Dragon, Old Combo

(Dcn p187) Dragon Aquatic, Extraplanar 6 Huge 26 17 Lower Planes

Living Shipwreck Combo
(DU141 p094) Magical Beast Aquatic 8 Col. 24 18 Any Aquatic

Mist Dragon, Ancient
Temp Aquatic
Temp Forest
Dragon Aquatic, Water 6 Huge 30 18 Warm Aquatic

Warm Forest
(DoF p142) Underground
Ocean Strider (MM2 p163) Combo
(3.5up p35)+ Fey Aquatic 6 Huge 30 18 Any Aquatic

Oceanus Dragon, Old Combo

(Dcn p181) Dragon Aquatic, Extraplanar 6 Huge 28 18 Upper Planes

Siege Crab, Greater (MM3 p156)
(MM3Errata)+ Vermin Aquatic 8 Col. 32 18 Warm Aquatic Advanced
Styx Dragon, Very Old Combo

(Dcn p187) Dragon Aquatic, Extraplanar 6 Huge 29 18 Lower Planes

Giant, Ocean (MM2 p111) Combo
(3.5up p33)+ Giant Aquatic, Cold 6 Huge 18 19 Any Aquatic

Mist Dragon, Wyrm
Temp Aquatic
Temp Forest
Dragon Aquatic, Water 7 Garg. 33 19 Warm Aquatic

Warm Forest
(DoF p142) Underground
Oceanus Dragon, Very Old Combo

(Dcn p181) Dragon Aquatic, Extraplanar 6 Huge 31 19 Upper Planes

Styx Dragon, Ancient Combo

(Dcn p187) Dragon Aquatic, Extraplanar 7 Garg. 32 19 Lower Planes

Oceanus Dragon, Ancient Combo

(Dcn p181) Dragon Aquatic, Extraplanar 7 Garg. 34 20 Upper Planes

Styx Dragon, Wyrm Combo

(Dcn p187) Dragon Aquatic, Extraplanar 7 Garg. 35 20 Lower Planes

Demon, Myrmyxicus (FF p052) Tanar’ri, Evil, Chaos,
(3.5up p24)+ Outsider Aquatic
6 Huge 18 21 Plane of Abyss —
Mist Dragon, Great Wyrm
Temp Aquatic
Temp Forest
Dragon Aquatic, Water 7 Garg. 36 21 Warm Aquatic

Warm Forest
(DoF p142) Underground
Oceanus Dragon, Wyrm Combo

(Dcn p181) Dragon Aquatic, Extraplanar 7 Garg. 37 21 Upper Planes

Sea Linnorm Combo
(DR346 p065) Dragon Aquatic 7 Garg. 26 21 Any Aquatic

Oceanus Dragon, Great Combo
Dragon Aquatic, Extraplanar Garg. 40 22 —

Wyrm Upper Planes


(Dcn p181)
Styx Dragon, Great Wyrm Combo

(Dcn p187) Dragon Aquatic, Extraplanar 7 Garg. 38 22 Lower Planes

Aquatic Page 61
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Monsters – sorted by Subtype, then by CR, then by Name October 1, 2007

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.
Ghostly Visage Symbiont, Host +1
Undead Incorporeal
Tiny 1 2 Any
(FF p221) Undead

Wolf, Spirit Incorporeal, Template –

Fey Augmented Animal
Med. 2 2 Temp Forests
(Frost p155) Spirit Animal

Allip (MM p010)

(DR336 p037)+ Undead Incorporeal 4 Med. 4 3 Any —
Beastwraith (DR357 p044) Undead Incorporeal 3 Small 5 3 Any —
Cursed Spirit (Mini p060) Undead Incorporeal Med.
4 3 3 Any —
Darkness, Pseudo-
Elemental Incorporeal Small 2 3 Plane of Shadow —
Elemental, Small

(DR322 p066)
Dreamstealer Spawn Incorporeal, Aug. Combo Template –
Undead Med. 1 3
Hobgoblin Warrior 1st Humanoid Any Land Dreamstealger

(DU106 p093)
Hound, Ghost Brute Incorporeal, Template –
Undead Augmented Animal
Med. 2 3 Any
(LM p101) Ghost Brute

Murk (LM p112) Undead Incorporeal 4 Med. 3 3 Any —

Quell (LM p116) Undead Incorporeal 4 Med. 5 3 Any —
Shadow (MM p221) Combo
(DR336 p045)+ Undead Incorporeal 4 Med. 3 3 Any —
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Mabar
Demon, Guecubu Loumara, Evil,
(HotA p041) Outsider Chaos, Incorporeal
4 Med. 4 4 Plane of Abyss —
Energon, Xag-Ya (MotP p169) Combo
(3.5up p28)+ Outsider Incorporeal 4 Med. 5 4 Plane of Positive —
(Eb p96)+ Plane of Irian
Haunt, Taunting (MM5 p082) Undead Incorporeal Med.
4 6 4 Any —
Rainbow Dweller (DR321 p075) Outsider Incorporeal Med.
4 4 4 Plane of Radiance —
Spectral Lyrist (LM p123) Undead Incorporeal Med.
4 6 4 Any —
Urdark (MoE p149) Undead Incorporeal 3 Small 6 4 Any —
Darkness, Pseudo-
Elemental Incorporeal Med. 4 5 Plane of Shadow —
Elemental, Medium

(DR322 p066)
Dreamstealer Combo
(DU106 p092) Undead Incorporeal 4 Med. 6 5 Any Land

Earth Whisper (RoS p187) Elemental Earth, Incorporeal 4 Med. 4 5 Underground —
Energon, Xac-Yel (Planar p119) Outsider Incorporeal, Fire 4 Med. 5 5 Plane of Gehenna —
Energon, Xac-Yij (Planar p120) Outsider Incorporeal 4 Med. 5 5 Plane of Limbo —
Energon, Xap-Yaup (Planar p121) Outsider Incorporeal 4 Med. 5 5 Plane of Beastlands —
Energon, Xeg-Yi (MotP p169) Combo
(3.5up p28)+ Outsider Incorporeal 4 Med. 5 5 Plane of Negative —
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Mabar
Energon, Xong-Yong (Planar p121) Outsider Incorporeal 4 Med. 5 5 Plane of Acheron —
Energon, Xor-Yost (Planar p122) Outsider Incorporeal, Cold 4 Med. 5 5 Plane of Hell —
Ephemeral Swarm Combo
(MM3 p050) Undead Swarm, Incorporeal 2 Tiny 12 5 Plane of Ethereal —
(Eb p95)+ Plane of Dolurrh
Felldrake, Spitting, Combo
Spectral Temp Plains
Incorporeal, Template –
Undead Augmented Dragon
Med. 3 5 Temp Forests

Temp Hills
(DoF p109) Underground
Ghost, Frostfell, Human Template –
Sorcerer 3rd Undead Incoporeal 4 Med. 3 5 Any Cold
Frostfell Ghost
(Frost p132) Lvl +5
Joystealer (MM4 p078) Fey Incorporeal 4 Med. 6 5 Plane of Ethereal —
Lion, Ghost Brute Incorporeal, Template –
Undead Augmented Animal
Large 5 5 Any
(RedHand p121) Ghost Brute

Spellshadow (DR324 p047) Outsider Chaos, Incorporeal 4 Med. 6 5 Plane of Dal Quor —
Wraith (MM p257)
(DR336 p047)+ Undead Incorporeal 4 Med. 5 5 Any —
Deadwood Revenant (DR357 p048) Undead Incorporeal 4 Med. 6 6 Temp Forests —
Displacer Beast, Umbral Incorporeal, Aug. Template –
Undead Magical Beast
Large 6 6 Any
(LM p128) Umbral

Dungeon Phantom (DR355 p038) Undead Incorporeal 4 Med. 8 6 Underground —

Voidwraith (LM p131) Undead Air, Incorporeal 4 Med. 6 6 Any —
Wraith, Evolved Template –
Undead Incorporeal Med. 5 6 Any
(LM p099) Evolved

Crypt Changer (LM p093) Undead Incorporeal 4 Med. 7 7 Any —

Incorporeal Page 62
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Monsters – sorted by Subtype, then by CR, then by Name October 1, 2007

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.

Darkness, Pseudo-
Elemental Incorporeal Large 8 7 Plane of Shadow —
Elemental, Large

5 (DR322 p066)
Dire Lion, Ghost Brute Incorporeal, Template –
Undead Augmented Animal
Large 8 7 Any
(RedHand p121) Ghost Brute

Ghost, Human Fighter 5th Template –

Undead Aug. Humanoid
4 Med. 5 7 Any Ghost
(MM p117) Lvl +5
Haunt, Bridge (MM5 p078) Undead Incorporeal 4 Med. 12 7 Any —
Slow Shadow Incorporeal, Cold,
(DU112 p104) Outsider Evil, Chaos
4 Med. 14 7 Plane of Negative —
Spectre Combo
(MM p232) Undead Incorporeal 4 Med. 7 7 Any Land —
DR336 p046)+ Underground
Demon, Dybbuk Loumara, Evil,
(HotA p036) Outsider Chaos, Incorporeal
4 Med. 10 8 Plane of Abyss —
Glimmerskin (MM2 p114)
(3.5up p33)+ Outsider Incorporeal 4 Med. 12 8 Plane of Positive —
Shadow, Greater (MM p221) Combo
(DR336 p045)+ Undead Incorporeal 4 Med. 9 8 Any —
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Mabar
Bhut (FF p020) Undead Incorporeal 4 Med. 8 9 Any —
Darkness, Pseudo-
Elemental Incorporeal Huge 16 9 Plane of Shadow —
Elemental, Huge

(DR322 p068)
Demon, Whisper Combo
Incorporeal, Evil,
Outsider Chaos
4 Med. 12 9 Plane of Abyss —
(MM4 p046) Plane of Xoriat
Forgewraith (Sharn p179) Undead Fire, Incorporeal 4 Med. 12 9 Any —
Unraveler Combo
(Planar p130) Outsider Incorporeal, Law 5 Large 8 9 Inner Planes

Haunt, Forest (MM5 p080) Undead Incorporeal 6 Huge 12 10 Any —
Ooze, Ethereal (FF p063) Ooze Incorporeal, Extraplan 6 Huge 12 10 Plane of Ethereal —
Crimson Death (MM2 p053)
(3.5up p31)+ Undead Incorporeal 4 Med. 13 11 Any Marsh

(DR336 p39)+
Darkness, Pseudo-
Elemental Incorporeal Huge 21 11 Plane of Shadow —
Elemental, Greater

(DR322 p068)
Dire Tiger, Vivacious Incorporeal, Template –
Outsider Augmented Animal
Large 16 11 Plane of Positive
(Planar p132) Vivacious

Wraith, Dread (MM p258) Undead Incorporeal 5 Large 16 11 Any Advanced

Demon, Manitou Loumara, Evil,
(DR359 p043) Outsider Chaos, Incorporeal
6 Huge 15 12 Plane of Abyss —
Hormonious Choir of the
Outsider Good, Incorporeal Small 10 12 Plane of Arborea —

(DR353 p064)
Darkness, Pseudo-
Elemental Incorporeal Huge 24 13 Plane of Shadow —
Elemental, Elder

(DR322 p068)
Ghostly Adult Green
Undead Incorporeal Huge 20 14 Temp Forests —

(Dcn p161)
Deathshrieker (MM3 p033) Combo
(MM3Errata)+ Undead Incorporeal 4 Med. 18 15 Any —
(Eb p98)+ Plane of Shavarath
Acidwraith Combo
(DU131 p078) Undead Incorporeal, Water 5 Large 22 16 Any Aquatic

Dream Vestige (LM p096) Undead Incorporeal 6 Huge 17 16 Any —
Jahi (MM2 p130)
(3.5up p34)+ Undead Incorporeal 2 Tiny 25 16 Any —
Banshee (MM2 p030)
(3.5up p30)+ Undead Incorporeal 4 Med. 26 17 Any —
Effigy (MM2 p089)
(3.5up p32)+ Undead Fire, Incorporeal 4 Med. 27 17 Any —
(DR336 p40)+
Spectral Lurker (FF p158)
(3.5up p24)+ Aberration Incorporeal 6 Huge 16 17 Any —
Suel Lich Incorporeal, Aug. Template –
Undead Humanoid
Med. 15 17 Any
(DR339 p058) Lich, Suel

Golem, Prismatic (MM3 p071) Combo

Incorporeal, Good,
(MM3Errata)+ Construct Extraplanar
5 Large 20 18 Plane of Elysian —
(Eb p98)+ Plane of Syrania
Deathshrieker, Advanced (MM3 p033) Combo
(MM3Errata)+ Undead Incorporeal 4 Med. 25 19 Any Advanced
(Eb p98)+ Plane of Shavarath
Thunder Worm Combo
(FF p176) Magical Beast Incorporeal 8 Col. 48 21 any Temp

Spirit of the Land (MM2 p189)
(3.5up p36)+ Fey Incorporeal 6 Huge 20 23 Any —

Incorporeal Page 63
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Monsters – sorted by Subtype, then by CR, then by Name October 1, 2007

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.
Hurrum, Speckled (DU110 p089) Vermin Psionic Tiny2 0.5 0.16 Warm Deserts Dark Sun
Critic Lizard (DU110 p087) Animal Psionic Tiny2 0.5 0.25 Warm Deserts Dark Sun
Floater (DU110 p088) Magical Beast Psionic Tiny2 1 0.5 Warm Deserts Dark Sun
Zhackal (DU111 p098) Magical Beast Psionic 3 Small 1 1 Warm Deserts Dark Sun
Belgoi (DU111 p088) Humanoid Psionic, Belgoi Med.
4 4 2 Warm Deserts Dark Sun
Spinewyrm, Wyrmling
(DU110 p095) Dragon Psionic Tiny2 3 2 Warm Deserts Dark Sun
Cranial Encyster (DR330 p034) Magical Beast Psionic, Extraplanar Tiny2 1 3 Plane of Far Realm —
Pterrax (DU110 p093) Animal Psionic 5 Large 6 3 Warm Deserts Dark Sun
Rasclinn (DU111 p096) Magical Beast Psionic Med.
4 3 3 Warm Deserts Dark Sun
Spinewyrm, Very Young
(DU110 p095) Dragon Psionic 3 Small 6 3 Warm Deserts Dark Sun
Chekryan (Sand p142) Magical Beast Psionic 5 Large 3 4 Warm Deserts —
Fordorran (DU111 p091) Magical Beast Psionic 5 Large 6 4 Warm Deserts Dark Sun
Razorwing (DU111 p096) Animal Psionic 5 Large 4 4 Warm Deserts Dark Sun
Cilops (DU110 p085) Animal Psionic 5 Large 8 5 Warm Deserts Dark Sun
Cranium Rat Swarm, Swarm, Extraplanar, Combo
(FF p168) Magical Beast Dimin. 12 5 —
Average Pack Psionic Any Outer Plane

(3.5up p25)+
Inspired (Eb p290)
(EbEratta)+ Humanoid Psionic, Human 4 Med. 4 5 Any Template –
Quori, Tsoreva Quori, Psionic, Evil,
(MoE p147) Outsider Law
4 Med. 5 5 Plane of Dal Quor —
Spinewyrm, Young
(DU110 p095) Dragon Psionic 4 Med. 9 5 Warm Deserts Dark Sun
Lith (Und p093) Magical Beast Earth, Psionic 4 Med. 4 6 Underground Lvl +5
Quori, Hashalaq Quori, Psionic, Evil,
Outsider Med. 8 6 Plane of Dal Quor —
(aka “Dreamstealer”) Law

(DR324 p051)
Orangeseer Monstrous
Psionic Large 8 7 Any —

(DR325 p033)
Quori, Tsucora Quori, Psionic, Evil,
(Eb p296) Outsider Law
4 Med. 6 7 Plane of Dal Quor —
Ogre Mage, Psionic Variant
(DR349 p071) Giant Psionic Large 5 8 Cold Hills
(aka “Cereborg”) Lvl +7

(MM p200)+
Quori, Du’Lora Quori, Psionic, Evil,
Outsider Large 10 8 Plane of Dal Quor —
(aka “Dark Fury”) Law

(DR324 p049)
Spinewyrm, Juvenile
(DU110 p095) Dragon Psionic Med.
4 12 8 Warm Deserts Dark Sun
Dune Reaper, Warrior (DU111 p088) Magical Beast Psionic 5 Large 12 9 Warm Deserts Dark Sun
Spinewyrm, Young Adult
(DU110 p095) Dragon Psionic 5 Large 15 9 Warm Deserts Dark Sun
Ssvaklor (MM3 p166) Dragon Psionic Med.
4 15 10 Temp Marshes —
Cranium Rat Swarm, Swarm, Extraplanar, Combo
(FF p168) Magical Beast Dimin. 24 11 —
Greater Pack Psionic Any Outer Plane

(3.5up p25)+
Gaj (DU111 p092) Aberration Psionic 5 Large 11 11 Warm Deserts Dark Sun
Quori, Dream Master Quori, Psionic, Evil,
(MoE p148) Outsider Law
5 Large 12 11 Plane of Dal Quor —
Spinewyrm, Adult
(DU110 p095) Dragon Psionic 5 Large 18 11 Warm Deserts Dark Sun
Spinewyrm, Mature Adult
(DU110 p095) Dragon Psionic Huge
6 21 13 Warm Deserts Dark Sun
Quori, Kalaraq Quori, Psionic, Evil,
Outsider Med. 18 15 Plane of Dal Quor —
(aka “Eyebinder”) Law

(DR324 p053)
Spinewyrm, Old
(DU110 p095) Dragon Psionic Huge
6 24 15 Warm Deserts Dark Sun
Spinewyrm, Very Old
(DU110 p095) Dragon Psionic Huge
6 27 17 Warm Deserts Dark Sun
Spinewyrm, Ancient
(DU110 p095) Dragon Psionic Huge
6 30 19 Warm Deserts Dark Sun
Spinewyrm, Wyrm
(DU110 p095) Dragon Psionic 7 Garg. 33 20 Warm Deserts Dark Sun
Ssvaklor, Greater (MM3 p166)
(MM3Errata)+ Dragon Psionic 5 Large 30 20 Temp Marshes Advanced
Spinewyrm, Great Wyrm
(DU110 p095) Dragon Psionic 7 Garg. 36 22 Warm Deserts Dark Sun
Elder Brain (Und p084) Aberration Psionic 5 Large 26 25 Underground —

Psionic Page 64
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Monsters – sorted by Subtype, then by CR, then by Name October 1, 2007

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.
Changeling (MM3 p025) Humanoid Shapechanger 4 Med. 1 0.5 Any Lvl +0
Shifter (MM3 p150) Humanoid Shapechanger 4 Med. 1 0.5 Temp Plains Lvl +0
Selkie (FF p148) Humanoid Shapechanger, Aquatic 4 Med. 3 1 Cold Aquatic Lvl +1
Worghest, Warrior 1st Combo
Native, Goblinoid,
Outsider Shapechanger
4 Med. 1 1 Temp Plains —
(DR350 p056) Temp Hills
Grimalkin (MM2 p122)
(3.5up p34)+ Magical Beast Shapechanger 4 Med. 4 2 Temp Plains —
Jackalwere (FF p106) Combo
(3.5up p24)+ Magical Beast Shapechanger 4 Med. 4 2 Temp Land

Lycanthrope, Wererat / Template –
Human Humanoid Shapechanger
4 Med. 2 2 Any Lycanthrope
(MM p173) Lvl +3
Changeling Spy, Rogue 3rd Leveled Up
Humanoid Shapechanger Med. 3 3 Any
(MM3 p025) Lvl +0

Doppelganger Monstrous
Shapechanger Med. 4 3 Any Lvl +4

(MM p067)
Lycanthrope, Werewolf / Human,
Humanoid Med. 3 3 Temp Forests Lvl +3
Human Shapechanger

(MM p175)
Seawolf (Storm p158) Magical Beast Shapechanger 4 Med. 4 3 Temp Aquatic Lvl +2
Barghest Combo
Shapechanger, Evil,
(MM p022) Outsider Law
4 Med. 6 4 Plane of Gehenna —
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Mabar
Lycanthrope, Wereboar / Template –
Human Humanoid Shapechanger
4 Med. 4 4 Temp Forests Lycanthrope
(MM p172) Lvl +3
Lycanthrope, Template –
Werecrocodile / Human Humanoid Human
4 Med. 4 4 Warm Marshes Lycanthrope
(Sand p167) Lvl +3
Mimic (MM p186) Aberration Shapechanger 5 Large 7 4 Underground —
Barghest, Greater Combo
Shapechanger, Evil,
(MM p022) Outsider Law
5 Large 9 5 Plane of Gehenna —
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Mabar
Canomorph, Haraknin Fire, Evil, Law, Combo
(FF p026) Outsider Shapechanger
4 Med. 6 5 Any Lower Plane
Lvl +3
Lycanthrope, Werebear / Template –
Human Humanoid Shapechanger
4 Med. 7 5 Cold Forests Lycanthrope
(MM p171) Lvl +3
Lycanthrope, Weretiger / Template –
Human Humanoid Shapechanger
4 Med. 7 5 Warm Forests Lycanthrope
(MM p174) Lvl +3
Phasm (MM p208) Aberration Shapechanger 4 Med. 15 7 Underground —
Demon, Yochlol Evil, Chaos,
(HotA p054) Outsider Shapechanger
4 Med. 10 8 Plane of Abyss —
Canomorph, Vultivor Shapechanger, Evil, Combo
(FF p028) Outsider Chaos
4 Med. 16 9 Any Lower Plane
Lvl +4
Doppelganger, Greater Monstrous
Shapechanger Med. 9 9 Any Lvl +6

(DU127 p058)
Black Willow (DU149 p095) Plant Shapechanger 6 Huge 12 10 Any —
Canomorph, Shadurakul Combo
(FF p027) Outsider Shapechanger, Evil 4 Med. 10 11 Any Lower Plane
Lvl +4
Lycanthrope, Were-Dire Template –
Boar / Hill Giant Giant Shapechanger 5 Large 19 11 Temp Hills Lycanthrope
(MM p177) Lvl +7
Protean Scourge Monstrous
Shapechanger Med. 13 12 Temp Plains —

(MM3 p126)
Lycanthrope, Werewolf / Template –
Human Fighter 10th Human, Lycanthrope
Humanoid Med. 16 14 Temp Forests
(aka “Werewolf Lord”) Shapechanger Advanced

(MM p176) Lvl +3

Demon, Orlath Evil, Chaos,
(DU146 p075) Outsider Shaechanger
5 Large 16 15 Plane of Abyss —
Doppelganger, Ethereal Monstrous
(MM2 p095) Shapechanger Med. 20 15 Plane of Ethereal —

(3.5up p33)+
Protean Scourge Arcanist, Monstrous
Shapechanger Med. 17 16 Temp Plains Leveled Up
Sorcerer 4th Humanoid

(MM3 p127)
Swarm-Shifter, Mummy Template –
Undead Shapechanger Med. 21 16 Any
King Druid 13th Swarm-Shifter

(LM p124)

Shapechanger Page 65
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Monsters – sorted by Subtype, then by CR, then by Name October 1, 2007

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.
Acid Beetle Swarm (DU124 p026) Vermin Swarm 1 Dimin. 2 1 Adventure —
Bloodbloater Combo
(FF p016) Ooze Swarm, Aquatic 1 Dimin. 2 1 Any Water

Leech Swarm (Storm p162) Vermin Swarm, Aquatic 0Fine 2 1 Warm Marsh —
Mummy Mites (DR324 p057) Vermin Swarm 0Fine 2 1 Any —
Spider Swarm (MM p239) Vermin Swarm 1 Dimin. 2 1 Warm Forests —
Bat Swarm (MM p237) Animal Swarm 1 Dimin. 3 2 Temp Deserts —
Beetle Swarm (Eb p314) Vermin Swarm 1 Dimin. 4 2 Underground —
Cranium Rat Swarm, Combo
(FF p167) Magical Beast Swarm, Extraplanar Dimin. 6 2 —
Lesser Pack Any Outer Plane

(3.5up p25)+
Demonhive Swarm Combo
Plane of Abyss
Warm Forests
Outsider Swarm, Evil 2 Tiny 3 2 Warm Jungle —
Temp Forests
Temp Jungle
(MM4 p048) Plane of Mabar
Rat Swarm (MM p239) Animal Swarm 2 Tiny 4 2 Any —
Tomb Spider Broodswarm Combo
Magical Beast Swarm 2 Tiny 3 2 Temp Forests —
(MM4 p164) Underground
Wasp Swarm (FF p172) Combo
(3.5up p25)+ Vermin Swarm 0 Fine 4 2 Any Temp Land

Bone Rat Swarm (LM p088) Undead Swarm 2 Tiny 4 3 Any —
Clockwork Mender Swarm Swarm, Law,
(MM4 p030) Construct Extraplanar
2 Tiny 4 3 Plane of Mechanus —
Flying Fingers (DU127 p087) Construct Swarm 1 Dimin. 7 3 Underground —
Locust Swarm (MM p239) Vermin Swarm 1 Dimin. 6 3 Temp Plains —
Viper Swarm Combo
(FF p172) Animal Swarm 1 Dimin. 5 3 Any Warm Land —
(3.5up p25)+ Underground
Air Elementite Swarm (Planar p114) Elemental Swarm, Air 2Tiny 7 4 Plane of Air —
Apocalypse Frog Swarm (BoED p188) Magical Beast Swarm 1 Dimin. 5 4 Any —
Centipede Swarm (MM p238) Vermin Swarm 1 Dimin. 9 4 Underground —
Corpse Rat Swarm (LM p092) Undead Swarm 2Tiny 8 4 Any —
Earth Elementite Swarm (Planar p115) Elemental Swarm, Earth 2Tiny 7 4 Plane of Earth —
Fire Elementite Swarm (Planar p116) Elemental Swarm, Fire 2Tiny 7 4 Plane of Fire —
Necromancer Knuckles (DU127 p088) Construct Swarm 1 Dimin. 7 4 Underground —
Piranha Swarm (Storm p162) Animal Swarm, Aquatic 2Tiny 8 4 Warm Aquatic —
Rylkspawn Swarm (MM5 p138) Magical Beast Swarm 2Tiny 7 4 Underground —
Water Elementite Swarm (Planar p116) Elemental Swarm, Water 2Tiny 7 4 Plane of Water —
Cranium Rat Swarm, Swarm, Extraplanar, Combo
(FF p168) Magical Beast Dimin. 12 5 —
Average Pack Psionic Any Outer Plane

(3.5up p25)+
Ephemeral Swarm Combo
(MM3 p050) Undead Swarm, Incorporeal 2 Tiny 12 5 Plane of Ethereal —
(Eb p95)+ Plane of Dolurrh
Hetfish (DU112 p100) Magical Beast Swarm, Aquatic, Fire 2Tiny 10 5 Warm Aquatic —
Hoard Scarab Swarm (Dcn p167) Vermin Swarm 0Fine 6 5 Warm Deserts —
Jellyfish Swarm (Storm p161) Vermin Swarm, Aquatic 1 Dimin. 12 5 Warm Aquatic —
Plague Ant Swarm Combo
(FF p167) Vermin Swarm 0 Fine 10 5 Any Warm —
(3.5up p25)+ Underground
Scorpion Swarm (Sand p185) Vermin Swarm 1 Dimin. 9 5 Warm Deserts —
Swamp Strider Swarm (MM3 p171)
(MM3Errata)+ Vermin Swarm 1 Dimin. 9 5 Warm Marshes —
Tool Swarm (DU147 p029) Construct Swarm 2 Tiny 10 5 Any —
Bloodmote Cloud (LM p088) Undead Swarm 0 Fine 10 6 Any —
Demon, Broodswarm Swarm, Tanar’ri,
(HotA p031) Outsider Evil, Chaos
2 Tiny 8 6 Plane of Abyss —
Dread Blossom Swarm Combo
(MM3 p045) Plant Swarm, Extraplanar 2 Tiny 7 6 Plane of Beastlands —
(MM3Errata)+ Plane of Lamannia
Feral Spirit (Sharn p178) Undead Swarm 2 Tiny 8 6 Underground —
Locust Swarm, Rapture (FF p170)
(3.5up p25)+ Vermin Swarm, Extraplanar 0 Fine 10 6 Plane of Hades —

Swarm Page 66
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Monsters – sorted by Subtype, then by CR, then by Name October 1, 2007

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.

Mageripper Swarm Combo
(MM4 p098) Aberration Swarm 2 Tiny 10 6 Any Temperate

Needletooth Swarm (MM3 p109) Animal Swarm Tiny 2 11 6 Warm Forests —
Prismfly Swarm (DR321 p072) Magical Beast Swarm, Extraplanar Fine 0 10 6 Plane of Radiance —
Rancid Beetle Swarm (Sharn p182) Vermin Swarm Fine 0 10 6 Any Warm —
Death Scarab Swarm (Sand p184) Undead Swarm 1 Dimin. 12 7 Warm Deserts —
Seedroach Swarm Combo
(DR355 p052) Plant Swarm 2 Tiny 14 7 Any Plains

All-Consuming Hunger (Und p078) Undead Swarm 1 Dimin. 16 8 Underground —
Hellwasp Swarm Combo
(MM p238) Magical Beast Swarm 1 Dimin. 12 8 Plane of Gehenna —
(Eb p97)+ Plane of Lamannia
Locust Swarm, Bloodfiend (FF p170)
(3.5up p25)+ Vermin Swarm, Extraplanar 0 Fine 14 8 Plane of Abyss —
Shimmerling Swarm Combo
(MM3 p152) Fey Swarm 0 Fine 11 8 Temp Forests —
(Eb p99)+ Plane of Thelanis
Shredstorm (MM3 p153) Combo
(MM3Errata)+ Construct Swarm 0 Fine 14 8 Any —
(Eb p98)+ Plane of Shavarath
Bonespider Swarm (DU119 p078) Outsider Swarm 1 Dimin. 16 9 Plane of Negative —
Golem, Swarm (DR309 p028) Construct Swarm Tiny 2 12 9 Any —
Hastendeath Spider Swarm (DU138 p054) Vermin Swarm 1 Dimin. 10 10 Underground —
Nerve Swimmers (DR337 p031) Aberration Swarm Fine 0 12 10 Any —
Scarab Beetle Swarm Combo
(FF p171) Vermin Swarm 0 Fine 15 10 Any Desert —
(3.5up p25)+ Underground
Sunfly Swarm (BoED p190) Outsider Swarm, Good 1 Dimin. 9 10 Any —
Wormswarm (DR343 p078) Adventure
(DU130 p089) Vermin Swarm 1 Dimin. 12 10 (kyuss)

Cranium Rat Swarm, Swarm, Extraplanar, Combo
(FF p168) Magical Beast Dimin. 24 11 —
Greater Pack Psionic Any Outer Plane

(3.5up p25)+
Ayperobos Swarm Swarm, Baatezu,
(Tot9H p115) Outsider Evil, Law
1 Dimin. 13 12 Plane of Hell —
Brood Keeper Larva
Magical Beast Swarm Tiny 22 12 Warm Plains —

(MM3 p021)
Cinder Swarm Combo
(MM3 p029) Elemental Swarm, Fire 0 Fine 16 13 Plane of Fire —
(Eb p96)+ Plane of Fernia
Abyssal Ant Swarm (FF p166)
(3.5up p25)+ Aberration Swarm, Extraplanar 1 Dimin. 20 16 Plane of Abyss —
(DR329 p59)
Bronze Locust Swarm (BoED p188) Construct Swarm 0 Fine 15 17 Any —
Deathraven Swarm (BoED p189) Magical Beast Swarm 2 Tiny 18 20 Any —
Ruin Swarm (3.5up p18) Vermin Swarm 2 Tiny 50 23 Any —

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.
Mob of Humans Template –
Humanoid Mob Med. 30 8 Any
(aka “Riot”) Mob

(DMG2 p061)
Mob of Light Horses Template –
Animal Mob Garg. 30 8 Temp Plains
(aka “Stampede”) Mob

(DMG2 p061)

Swarm Page 67
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Monsters – sorted by Subtype, then by CR, then by Name October 1, 2007

Name Reference Type Subtype Size HD CR Environment Misc.
Fiendish Familiar Combo Host +0
Outsider Symbiont, Evil Dimin. 0.5 0.12 Lower Planes
(FF p219) Fiendish

Gutworm Symbiont, Evil, Host +1

Outsider Chaos
Tiny 1 0.12 Plane of Abyss
(FF p220) Fiendish

Mind Leach Host +2

Aberration Symbiont Fine 1 0.12 Underground
(FF p217) Cerebral

Psionic Sinew Host +1

Aberration Symbiont Tiny 2 0.12 Underground
(FF p218) Cerebral

Soul Tick Host +1

Outsider Symbiont, Evil, Law Fine 0.5 0.12 Plane of Hell
(FF p220) Fiendish

Cerebral Hood Host +1

Aberration Symbiont Tiny 2 0.5 Underground
(FF p216) Cerebral

Living Breastplate Host +1

Aberration Symbiont Tiny 2 1 Underground
(Eb p299) Daelkyr

Tentacle Whip Host +1

Aberration Symbiont Tiny 2 1 Underground
(Eb p300) Daelkyr

Tongueworm Host +1
Aberration Symbiont Tiny 1 1 Underground
(Eb p300) Daelkyr

Ghostly Visage Symbiont, Host +1

Undead Incorporeal
Tiny 1 2 Any
(FF p221) Undead

Handlinger (DR352 p054) Aberration Symbiont 2 Tiny 6 3 Any Bas-Lag

Chokesnake Symbiont, Tannar’ri,
(DU148 p082) Outsider Evil, Chaos
2 Tiny 6 5 Plane of Abyss Host +1

Symbiont Page 68
Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition Index – Monsters – sorted by Subtype, then by CR, then by Name October 1, 2007

Revision History
April 14, 2006 – Includes Monster Manual, Monster Manual 2, Book of Exalted Deeds, Complete Adventurer, Complete Arcane, Eberron Campaign
Setting, Fiend Folio (up to Crypt Thing), Libris Motis, Races of Stone, Races of the Wild, Underdark, & Shadow of the Last War.
August 31, 2006 – Finished the Fiend Folio.
Added Monster Manual 3, Monster Manual 4, Manual of the Planes, Planar Handbook, Draconomicon, Hoards of the Abyss, Frostburn,
Sandstorm, Stormwrack, & Dragons of Faerûn.
Added Dragon #309 – #346.
Added Dungeon #106 – #138.
October 1, 2007 – Added Monster Manual 5 & Tyrants of the 9 Hells.
Added Dragon #347 – #359.
Added Dungeon #139 – #150.

Key to Sourcebooks
PH – Player’s Handbook v.3.5 BoED – Book of Exalted Deeds
PH2 – Player’s Handbook 2 FF – Fiend Folio
DMG – Dungeon Master’s Guide v.3.5 UA – Unearthed Arcana
DMG2 – Dungeon Master’s Guide 2
Frost – Frostburn
MM – Monster Manual v.3.5
Storm – Stormwrack
MM2 – Monster Manual II
Sand – Sandstorm
MM3 – Monster Manual III
MM4 – Monster Manual IV FR – Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting
MM5 – Monster Manual V MoF – Magic of Faerûn
LoD – Lords of Darkness
CWar – Complete Warrior
RoF – Races of Faerûn
CDiv – Complete Divine
SM – Silver Marches
CArc – Complete Arcane
Und – Underdark
CAdv – Complete Adventurer
PGF – Player’s Guide to Faerûn
CSco – Complete Scoundrel
Eb – Eberron Campaign Setting
RoS – Races of Stone
PGE – Player’s Guide to Eberron
RoD – Races of Destiny
FoE – Faiths of Eberron
RotW – Races of the Wild
RoE – Races of Eberron
RoE – Races of Eberron
SoX – Secrets of Xen’drik
RotD – Races of the Dragon
5Nat – Five Nations
Dcn – Draconomicon
Dragon Magazine (with issue number)
LM – Libris Mortis DR### –
(e.g., DR343 is Dragon Magazine #343)
LoM – Lords of Madness
DU## – Dungeon Magazine (with issue number)
HotA – Fiendish Codex 1: Hoards of the Abyss
Tot9H – Fiendish Codex 2: Tyrants of the 9 Hells
Drow – Drow of the Underdark

3.5up – D&D v.3.5 Accessory Update –

PH3.5e – Player’s Handbook v.3.5 Errata –
MM3Errata – Monster Manual III Errata –
PGFe – Player’s Guide to Faerûn Errata –
CDivErrata – Complete Divine Errata –
CArcErrata – Complete Arcane Errata –
CAdvErrata – Complete Adventurer Errata –
DR334Errata – Dragon 344 Errata –
EbErrata – Eberron Errata –
wCity1 – Cityscape Web Enhancement #1 –
wCity3 – Cityscape Web Enhancement #3 –
wRotD1 – Races of the Dragon Web Enhancement #1 –
wRotD2 – Races of the Dragon Web Enhancement #2 –
wLivingSpell1 – WotC Living Spells, part 1 of 4 –
wLivingSpell2 – WotC Living Spells, part 2 of 4 –
wLivingSpell3 – WotC Living Spells, part 3 of 4 –
wLivingSpell4 – WotC Living Spells, part 4 of 4 –
wWarforged – Dragonshards – The Warforged –
wWaterdeep – Waterdeep Web Enhancement –
wTot9H – Tyrants of the 9 Hell’s Web Enhancement –

Note: If a Key reference is followed by a “+”, then it is partially superseded the entry above it.

Appendix Page 69

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