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Situation Expressions of Expressions of Response

Congratulations Compliment
12. Getting married I’m very happy of you! You will definitely be I’m glad you think
I’m getting married very charming that so.
next week. day.
13. New job Good for you! It’s suitable with your Thank you.
What do you think of hobby.
my new job?
14. Successful business I must congratulate i believe your business Thanks, I can’t
I make my business you on your success! will develop even forget your help
successful. faster. to me.
15. New book Congratulations! The book is perfect for Thank you very
I bought a new book you. much.
16. Talented singer That’s great! Your voice is so Oh, I have a lot to
My aunt says I’m a beautiful. learn yet.
talented singer.
17. Best model Wow, well done! You look gorgeous in How nice of you
I was crowned the photos. to say so.
best model at the
national level.
18. Drawing competition Best of luck! I’m sure you’ll win the Thank you, your
I made it through to competition. support means a
enter the drawing lot.
19. Create new robots Fantastic job! Your new robots are It’s very kind of
I have create new very cool! you to say that.
robots with futuristic
20. Best wriiter Please accept my Your books have been Thanks for
I was nominated for warmest in great demand this mentioning that.
best writer of the congratulations. year.
21. Best teacher It was great to hear The way our teacher I’m glad you
Our teacher is about it. teach is so though the same
awarded the best comfortable. way as me.
teacher in school.

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