Candy Rain 1

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.~ :Table of Contents: ~.

Chapter 1- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

-page Chapter 2- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - -page Chapter 3- - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - -page Chapter 4- - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - -page Chapter 5- - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - -page
~ Dedicated to my mother who bought a book with a story
about ~ ~ candy falling from the sky. ~
Chapter 1
The girls go to Candy Land

One sunny day, people were doing their chores and went to
school. When they came home, the first thing they did was to turn
on the telly and and check the weather. The weather forecast
announced that a mysterious pastel-pink cloud was floating in the
center of the vast azure sky.
The next day the sky became light pink, like a sunset. A few
minutes later a enormous variety of sweets came tumbling out of
the cloud furiously like a prisoner who just got let out of prison.
Children rushed outside, hands clenching bags. The dumbfounded
adults could only stare at the still coming in-but also spreading on
the ground candy rush. Two little girls, aged nine and four ran out
of their tiny house, holding tiny bags, while trying to catch a piece
of sweet milk chocolate candy. Their names were Rebecca and
Anna. One child grabbed two candies, and the other girl grabbed
three, devouring two multi-colored chocolates. In the ones that had
not been eaten out of, were two teeny weeny fairies. The fairies
were on a mission to find two children to preform the ten
impossible tasks for the salty beast whom had taken away their
lovely city, for that was the only way to get the city back. They had
only ten days to complete them.
After they had all packed their stuffed backpacks, it was time to
leave. “Take care my dears,” cried the mother wiping her eyes
with a strawberry hankie, “I don’t want you to get lost!” Waaa!
Their sister named Esther also started crying and soon started
bawling. After they said goodbye, wiping their tears, the girls and
the fairies climbed into the candy carriage which would bring them
to Candy Land. When the got there, a ferocious beast roared the
first task loudly.
Jump on the pink and white mushrooms labeled one to twenty-
five. After he yelled it out he brought them to the mushroom patch.
As they stepped carefully onto the first mushroom, they looked
down and saw two steely eyes glancing up at them.
“Alligators,” shrieked Anna at the top of her lungs, “they’ll rip you
up and eat you for dinner!”
Uh oh! Thought Rebecca a worried expression pasted across her
face. Alligators. Thinking of not being eaten, they sprinted across
not paying attention to any of the things even the most peculiar
ones. At the end, some candy dangled from a vine, and a
resident of Candy Land smiled
at them. Anna picked a purple grape-flavored hard candy and
popped it into the mouth.
They had passed the “impossible” task!
The next “impossible” task was to lead goats back to the grassy
green pasture.
You might think this was easy because there were only two goats,
but the goats loved the plain they were on so much, it seemed as
they were slaves for the plain. The beast gave them some useful
supplies and watched them try to lead the reluctant goats with
“goat food”. Rebecca noticed the beast had also gave them a
supply of rope, enough to tug and pull them back to the grassy
pasture. So they tugged and pulled, and tugged and pulled, and
finally managed to pull them onto the green grass. Reluctantly,
the beast put a check next to the “goat task”.
The third task was to fetch a shiny gold pot from the beasts prized
Swan Pond. He led them to a beautiful garden with candied
flowers, all colors of the rainbow, a alabaster white marble bench,
some trees, mushrooms, and of course, Swan Pond. It was
covered in snowy white feathers, and
in the center was a medium sized swan made out of marble. The
first thing they did was to reach their hands into the cool and
clear water. Nothing hard. Anna dived in but didn’t see anything.
A beam of light shot through the nearby leafy tree, making the
pot easier to see. Could
the pot possibly be hiding in the tree? Using her monkey skills,
Rebecca climbed up the tree and reached inside. Something
smooth was under her hand. She grabbed the smooth object and
jumped down the tree landing in a pile of bright green leaves. She
set the object down and realized it was the pot! “Anna,” she cried,
“I found it!” Together, they strolled down the grassy path towards
the beast’s castle. When the beast saw the pot, he opened his
mouth in shock, but they did indeed pass the third task.
After a meal of ham and cheese sandwiches, small chocolate
cakes with sprinkles on them, and glasses of lightly sweetened
strawberry juice, the beast announced the fourth task. It was to get
past the Deadly Salty Swamp.
There was a oak bridge, but on the bridge were red tiles with
strange images on them. Unfortunately, the beast did not tell
them anything about the pictures or the tiles. He led them to a
flaming red portal and they stepped in. When they entered the
creepy looking portal, the girls noticed they were in a red cave
with a bridge leading to a pink colored portal. It looked like
“Demon’s Heaven” or maybe it would make more sense like
“Demon’s Hell”
This must be it, thought Rebecca, the beast did mention a oak
bridge leading to a portal.
As they got closer to the bridge, the girls saw a trail of pictures with
darker backgrounds. The other pictures had a light red ones
instead of dark red ones. They carefully and quickly ran over the
dark red squares onto the other side. There was a ditch connected
to the glowing portal so they had to cautiously jump into it.
They slid down the slippery-slip connected to the palace. Seeing
they were still alive, the beast sighed a heavy sigh and put a red
check next to the fourth task.
Chapter 2
Half-way through

The fifth task was to find the Elf of Strawberries. She was
almost impossible to find because she was a shapeshifter.
The only way to identify her was to look closely at her eyes. If
you looked closely enough, you would see strawberries and
smell them to. The girls decided to disguise themselves as
strawberry girls and pack only strawberry related items.
Then the beast led them to Jelly Drop Island where the portal to
Strawberry Land was. When they jumped into the portal, the
smelled a delicious scent of strawberries.
They landed in a strawberry meadow, filled with sweet-smelling
strawberries all shades of pink and red. A strawberry girl, who was
planting some seeds, turned around and looked at them. She had
short red hair and was wearing a pink shirt and red overalls. “I
haven’t seen you before,” she remarked looking at them curiously,
“are you new to this town?”
“Yes,” replied Rebecca, “We’re trying to find the Elf of
Strawberries. Does she live near this town?”
“Well,” began the girl, “near this farm is a beautiful path leading
to Strawberry Hill. On Strawberry Hill is her palace. It is called
‘Strawberry Wonderland’. Inside you can see rare strawberry
plants. The strawberries almost look like rubies dangling of
dainty stalks. Unfortunately, she might not be there. The path is
there,” she said pointing at a light red path up ahead, “good

They waved goodbye and then jogged to the road. They carefully
walked along the path looking at the things around them. Realizing
that it was past dinner time in Candy Land, Rebecca picked some
of the
fresh strawberries and put them into a jar. She then told Anna that
they needed to have some strawberry jelly and strawberry frosting
sandwiches, or else they would be starving in a few hours. So the
sat down on the pink colored grass beneath them which was
perfectly set like a carpet. After they finished their sandwiches,
they got up walked on the rosy red path. The moon was shining
brightly-a sign that it was time to rest. Ahead was a Inn, made with
light pink logs. They trotted over to the Inn and opened the door. A
old lady greeted them warmly. She was wearing a light pink dress
and red shoes.
“Welcome to The Strawberry Inn,” she said leading them to a
wooden door, “You can stay here for the night.”
As she walked away the opened the door. Inside were two twin
sized beds, (all with wool sheets with strawberries printed on and
three soft rosy red pillows), a mirror, a bathroom with one toilet, a
sink, and a pink marble shower. They changed in the pajamas they
had packed. Both had red and white stripes on them. Then they
went to bed. The next day they woke up feeling refreshed. The
girls left of after changing their clothes into pink overalls. While
unwrapping her pancake, Rebecca also opened the jar of fresh
strawberries. Mmm... she thought as she bit into one. After
breakfast they continued on their journey. After few minutes of
walking, they were there! They saw the strawberries the girl had
mentioned earlier. They had a warm rosy glow around them and
passed a sweet strawberry scent. Two guards stood by wearing
ruby armor.
“Who are you,” roared one guard. “I’m Rebecca and this is Anna,”
said Rebecca gesturing towards Anna. The guards let them in the
castle. Strawberry Wonderland had a rosy pink staircase, a long
wooden dining table, crystal chandeliers, and a lot of other castle
themed items. They saw a throne with a Pink Pygmy Puff sitting
on it. They stared deeply into her eyes and saw strawberries in
them she was the Elf! A portal appeared in front of them and they
were back at Candy Castle. When the beast saw they had come
back home, he was surprised. But, the had passed the fifth task.
They had finished five tasks, which was halfway until they had
finished all the tasks!
It was the afternoon now, because there was a time change
between the two lands, but were ready for the next task. It was to
find the golden apple, but they only had ten days to find it. It was
supposed to be shiny, with a stem hanging on the Faraway Tree.
The Faraway Tree was mentioned in a book, and they were pretty
sure they would see the rising toadstools and Mr. Whiskers, as
mentioned in the book. The unfortunate thing was that if they were
going there, they would get yelled at by the Angry Pixie and
possibly get soaked. The girls took off their strawberry disguise,
and put on regular clothes. Then they packed two blue and yellow
water bottles, two jumbo trail mixes, the fresh strawberries from the
last task, a tooth brush, a non-molding cheese and-lettuce
sandwich, and a suitcase to put everything into. After that, they
were lead to Jelly Drop Island again, because there was a forest
with lots of portals in it. It was called “Candy Land Portal Forest.”
The jumped through a bright green portal with a wooden sign
pinned on it which said “Faraway Tree.”
They landed on the ground, and spotted a circle of toadstools. A
ditch was blocking the way so the girls had to be cautious about
crossing it. They jumped over the ditch and walked towards the
ring of red and white toadstools. Near it they spotted a thick and
large tree with colorful leaves on it. As they neared the tree, it
looked very similar to the one in the book. They rushed to the tree
and started to climb onto it. They saw some peculiar horse berries
and blackberries. As they climbed up they saw a golden bit
hanging on the branch near the girls heads.
Anna slowly pulled open the leafy bush and found a golden apple
shiny and solid. Anna put it in her backpack and the girls climbed
down the tree. They crossed the ditch and jumped through the
portal, and landed in the slippery slip.
Then, the beast checked the sixth task.
In a few more days I’ll have to go back to Monster Land, the beast
thought. “The seventh task is to go to the tippy-top of Mount
Everest and make it back alive,”
said the beast with a sigh. He led them to the portal to Mount
Everest but little did he know that it actually teleported them to the
top. If they were at the top they would be teleported back
immediately! The girls hopped through the portal, but just as the
cold air blew Rebecca’s hat away, they were teleported back in
the forest. The beast was stunned at the sight of this, but came up
with another task.
The “redo” seventh task was to clean all the poop out of the never
stopping-to-not-poop cows. He led them to the stable and gave
them a big shovel. The stable was filthy and was covered in putrid
smelling poop. How disgusting it was! The girls tried to scoop the
poop out, but the poop kept coming in faster than they could
shovel it out. Rebecca decided they poop somewhere else so
they could clean it and not have poop coming in and blocking their
So they removed the cows from the stable and led them to
another stable. Then, they went back and cleaned the stable
with a bucket of water Anna found.
Soon, the stable was as clean as new. When the beast came to
check on them, he was astonished at the sight of the clean stable,
and reluctantly checked of the task, which was written on a piece
of thin candy paper. -~~~+~~~-
The eighth task was to get the Siren’s Charm, which was
guarded by the Seven Siren Sisters. This was very dangerous
because they could hypnotize you with their singing, and you
probably would be trapped there forever.
The good thing was, in Aquamarina (the place where the Sirens
lived), you could breath underwater. They changed into the
protective wet suits the fairies had provided them and the beast
led them to the cavern which was the entrance to Aquamarina.
The girls dove in and gaped at the sight of Aquamarina. There
were lovely coral reefs; all colors and shapes, sea sponges that
looked like a
soft ruffly fabric, fishes all colors of the rainbow, and lots more.
The most beautiful thing was the Sparkling Waterway. It was a
aquamarine blue color with rays of light shining on it like sparkles.
No wonder it was called the Sparkling Waterway. It led them to
the Aqua Village. Over there they saw all animals, skittering
across the sand, and mermaids and mermen, who were all
dressed in exquisite apparel and all had aqua colored tails.
On the map the beast had provided was a drawing of a path. In
pencil it said “The Shell Path to the Sirens.” Where the path ended
was a drawing of a aquamarine castle marked “Siren Castle.” It
seemed like the sirens lived at the end of the path, so the girls
swam to the path and followed the trail of shells. At the end stood a
enormous aquamarine castle. The jewels on the castle glittered as
the knocked on the door. Quickly, Rebecca and Anna put on
invisible earplugs.
“Hello,” sang a voice, “come in.”
Rebecca and Anna knew how to lip read so they entered the
castle and examined the crystal furniture. On a seaweed couch
lay a auburn haired siren braiding another golden haired siren’s
hair. Next to them was a charm labeled Siren’s Charm.
“Can I have the Charm,” asked Anna, “My sister will dance with
you if you give it to us.”
Okay came the reply.
They led the girls to a aquamarine throne. On it sat a siren with
long flowing hair.
“I see these girls want our charm,” she said. “You’ll have to dance
with me to get the prize.”
“Yes,” said Rebecca reading her lips. The girls danced and when
it was over Rebecca was still alive!
“Fine,” said the siren pouting, “You can have it.” The girls happily
retrieved their prize and headed over towards the path. A azure
blue portal appeared letting them go home. The beast was
amazed at them both coming home alive, so he planned a
harder task.
This ninth task had a time limit of only two minutes, and was a
math challenge.
The beast set up a whiteboard with the question on it. On the
whiteboard was a big triangle with nine equilateral triangle
splitting it up. The question was to figure out the least amount of
toothpicks the you could take away so there would be no more
triangles (any size or shape), on the diagram. If they had extra
time, the beast challenged them to figure out how many
equilateral triangles there were in the original triangle.
After the beast had finished setting the task up, he led the girls
to the math lab, which was located in the heart of the palace. It
had pink candy walls and non-sticking wobbly jello chairs, along
with hard candy flavored blue raspberry tables, sugar candy
lights, and pencils and markers. When they got there he told
them the instructions and turned on the jelly stopwatch/timer.
“Ready... Set... ,” he cried, “Go!”
The girls looked at the triangle and scribbled hard on their
paper. “The smallest possibility is six,” cried Rebecca “I tried
ten times and only got it to six!”
The girls tried for another thirty seconds and agreed it was six.
The girls scribbled six on their papers and looked at the timer.
One minute left.
The girls counted the triangles. Thirteen equilateral triangles. They
scribbled the answer on the paper and waited until the timer was
up. When the beast saw the answers, he was astonished at them
completing both questions under two minutes, and even more
stunned at them getting both of the questions right.
The next task was an impossible task that the girls would surely
fail. If they failed, they would have to do another two tasks and
accomplish them correctly or they would have to do another two
tasks. It was to build the impossible eye-twister or was it called
the brain-teaser, out of dice. Plain old strawberry jelly-cube dice,
labeled one to six. The girls
were confident they would pass this test because the had passed
all the other tasks. Little did they know it was impossible to make
this triangle not eye twister, but brain-teaser. The beast gave them
dice and glue, and set a teeny-weeny teensy topped with sugar
jelly cube timer for one minute. The girls had one minute to
accomplish the task. They tried very hard but did not accomplish
the task.
Chapter 3
More tasks

They had to four more tasks. The “eleventh” task was to find the
rare Pandaisy. It was like a panda, except it had peculiar petals
growing out of its head like a mane and a stem to hold it up.
Fortunately, it was planted on the ground so it could no walk or
run away. The girls would be teleported to Scranimal Island so
they could find the Pandaisy. The beast let the to the forest and
the girls jumped through the portal marked Scranimal Island.
When they got there a aroma of tropical leaves filled the air. There
was a pool of water and three coconut trees with lush green
leaves, which twinkled like emeralds. The water sparked as a ray
of light passed through the sky. It shone on a parrotter, swimming
happily in the cool water. In the distance were flower Scranimals.
A Bearose was dancing in a garden of roses, with a
Daffodileopard watching her. The girls saw bamboo forest nearby,
and wondered if that was the habitat of a Pandaisy. They scurried
across the grass and went to the bamboo forest. As they neared
it, they realized the bamboo went in a circle, making a patch of
grass. As the entered the ring of bamboo, some pollen bits flew in
the air creating a circle of white dust. The only Pandaisy swept
through the air and flew away, because of the pollen wind. It
created a blur of white, black, and light yellow. Using her
buttercup yellow camera, Rebecca took a photo of the amazing
sight and hurried to catch the Pandaisy. It swept in the air
gracefully and landed in a daffodil yellow daffodil cup.
The Daffodileopard roared or was is a Gruff!
The girls ran towards the cup but the pollen wind came back and
swept into it The Garden of Roses, where the Bearose lived. The
girls sprinted
towards the garden, hoping the pollen wind would not come back
in a minute. Anna grabbed the Pandaisy and Rebecca took a
picture as proof they had found it.
They had found it and rescued the Pandaisy, so a swirling cotton-
candy colored portal appeared in front of them. They leaped
through and landed on the ground near the dining table, which was
made of a jumbo jelly cube. The beast was surprised at them
actually finding it, but they did so the beast had no right to argue.
The beast came up with another task. It was to find the Golden
Seastar. It was of course, a golden color. The beautiful Seastar
was topped with exquisite sparkling jewels, all colors of the
rainbow. It was located in the beautiful Aquamarina where the girls
had gotten the Sirens Charm. The beast teleported them into the
sapphire blue portal to Aquamarina. Aquamarina’s Sparked
Waterways looked even more glamorous in the lighted afternoon.
The precious Seastar was guarded by the Starry Soldiers in Pink
Pearl Castle.
The castle was located in the Pearl zone, where all royalty lived. It
was in the middle of the exquisite waterways. The girls headed
towards the waterways examining everything around them. The
alabaster-white sea
sponge that stuck to a piece of coral caught Anna’s eye. It looked
like the perfect fabric for her mattress. She reached out to touch it,
but a sticky yellow foamy liquid sprayed out of a hole. Anna tried to
free herself from it but she couldn’t. When Rebecca tried to pull
her out, she also was pulled in. The foam became bigger blinding
the girls. The effortfully tried to swim away, but the foam’s grasp
on them became bigger and bigger. “Who are you” roared a voice.
A tentacle pulled the girls out of the foam.
Rebecca pulled herself into the presence “We’re here to retrieve
the Golden Seastar.” “Then come with us” the tentacle said. The
tentacle dragged them to The Pink Pearl Castle. A golden gate
surrounded the castle and the dark-pink stinging coral. The
tentacle turned out to be
one of the Starry Soldiers. He was a maroon color, with a yellow
star pasted on his forehead. He kind of looked like Lumpy Space
Prince in Adventure Time.
The soldiers led them to a secret room in the castle. Inside were
three mirrors and a glass case, which had a sand floor and ocean
water. On the sand was a golden thing. The girls leaned closer
and realized it was the Seastar! The jewels looked more exquisite
than ever. Emeralds, diamonds, rose quartz, rubies, topaz,
sapphires, amber, pearls, and lots more topped the beautiful
Golden Seastar. The soldier touched one mirror with his tentacle
and a message appeared on the mirror. It said; how many
jellyfish are there in the group of iridescent dancers? “That’ll take
forever to find out,” cried Anna,
“ there are only one group of jellyfish in the whole group of
jellyfishes,” said the soldier, “But they move pretty fast.”
The soldier touched another mirror. Another message appeared
an it said;
how old is the Pearl the sea nymph?
“Sea nymphs never tell their age,” he told them, “so don’t be
over confident.”
He touched the last mirror and another message appeared. It
said; What color is the Golden Flower of the Mermaids of the
“They guard their treasure protectively,” warned the soldier. Now
go find out about these things and I’ll give you the Seastar. The
girls set off to go a minute later. The map the soldier had given
them showed them where the creatures were. The girls decided to
go in order from the jellyfishes to the Nymph, and to the flower.
The jellyfishes floated by a rock every two PM every day. It was
one-thirty PM right now, so the girls still had time to get there. The
Silver Path lead to the rock. The path was shiny, like how the
jellyfish looked. The girls took fifteen minutes to swim to the rock. It
was a grey color like all rocks and had a peculiar hole and spike at
the top. The girls waited ten minutes until the jellyfishes came.
They counted each one as they passed and eventually
finished counting them. There were three hundred dancers in
all. -~~~+~~~-
The girls swam back to where they started swimming. Rebecca
pulled out the map and put a green check next to the test. The
next one was to find out how old the nymph was. The nymphs
lived in a village in the cooking zone because they were such good
cooks. The buildings in Pastry village (the nymphs lived there), all
had thin pearly windows, coral walls, and seaweed curtains. The
nymphs lived in the beautiful mansion “Pearl Nymph Mansion”,
which was located in the heart of the village. Beautiful paintings
covered the pearl walls, a wooden table was placed in the center
of the glamorous dining hall; a crystal chandelier lighting the room
The living room had leather sofas, satin pillows, and a glass coffee
table. A vase of golden sun leaves stood on a golden pedestal
near the coffee table. The kitchen was located in the heart of the
house because food and cooking was so precious to them. A silver
oven stood near the wall, a fridge next to it, shelves full of
ingredients, and a couple sea paintings lined the walls.
Pearl the sea nymph’s bedroom had a aquamarine made bed;
which had a heart carved into it, a golden nightstand, satin sheets,
sea-silk pillows, a dresser full of sea-silk garments, a soft
carpeting, a restroom containing one pearl toilet, one marble sink,
a pearl wallpaper, lavender perfume (it produced a lovely lavender
scent), a circular mirror with a golden border, and a shelf along
with light rimmed with gold. There was a water fountain outside of
the mansion spraying sea water into a bowl rimmed with gold.
There was a special little house that contained all the birthdates of
the nymphs which was located in a garden near the mansion. The
girls swam up to the mansion and knocked on the door. “Hello,” a
sweet voice called out.
A nymph wearing a white blouse, and a irredentist long skirt with
long blond hair emerged from the house.
“Hello my name is Pearl,” she said, “what can I do for you?” “We
would like to see the House of Birthdays,” Rebecca answered, “can
you show us where it is?”
“Sure” she replied with a smile.
The nymph led them to the aquamarine-made cottage. Some sea
grass waved at them in the waves like it was saying “hello.”
When the girls went in, it seemed like the space in the shed a
increased a whole lot. “This is my birthday,” she said with a
smile, “you can also see more starting with my sister Abby’s.”
The girls looked at where the nymph had gestured to. The round
silver plate that hung on the wall was engraved with a message.
It said; Peal Seastar, born on November 28th, 1998.
“Let’s do some math,” cried Anna.
It’s 2019, so nineteen plus two. Nineteen plus two equals twenty-
one. “She’s twenty-one years old,” cried Rebecca, “now we only
have to see what color is the Golden Flower.”
“The mermaids of the sun live in a flaming castle. It’s made out of
sea fire. That’s also a substance that will not burn you or do any
harm,” said Rebecca reading the map, “It is very pretty with jewels
decorating it and a garden where the flower is.” When the girls got
to the palace and stepped in, they heard a sad and mad, grumpy
grumbling sound in the upstairs Fire Library. A book fell onto the
ground where the girls were standing so Anna picked it up. She
realized it had its cover was labeled in golden cursive handwriting;
The Golden Flower: a encyclopedia to the Golden Flower of the
Mermaids of the Sun.
The girls flipped open to the table of contents. A content was
called; The Changing Color of the Flower, page fifty-five.
Rebecca flipped to page fifty-five.
“The color of the flower is always changing. You can determine the
color by looking at the mermaids faces. Their expressions change
the color of the flower for example; red for angry and yellow for
happy,” said Anna looking at the wrinkled paper written in very
nice handwriting,
“Sometimes it has two colors meaning it is double that emotion.
Blue and black both mean sad or negative feelings, and yellow
and orange are both meaning cheerful and happy. (If the petals
are like that, the mermaid is probably very mad, sad, happy, etc.)”
“Let’s go to the soldier now,” said Rebecca, “We have collected
enough information to answer the question.”
The girls swam back to the castle and went to the room
where the soldier was waiting for them. The mirrors were
now empty silver polished mirrors, reflecting the Starry
“All right,” said the Starry Soldier, “how many jellyfishes were
there?” “Three hundred in all,” replied Anna with a smile.
The soldier looked stunned but asked the next
question. “How old was Pearl the sea nymph?”
“Twenty-one years old,” replied Rebecca confidently.
“What color was the flower,” the soldier asked.
“It changes color by the mood of the mermaid,” answered Anna.
The soldier then reluctantly handed them over the case.
“This is yours,” he said with a heavy sigh.
The girls happily swam outside, avoiding the stinging coral. A portal
appeared and they stepped in. They landed with a thump on the
hard candy floor. Yum, thought Anna licking the candy floor. It was
nighttime, so it was time for lunch. The candy fairy made them a
meal of spaghetti, sparking cider, a bowl of fresh fruit, and double
chocolate chip cookies. The girls devoured the spaghetti in a gulp
and sipped their cider while nibbling on the fruit. The girls chomped
on the cookies and sipped on the cider joyfully wondering what the
next task would be. -~~~+~~~-
The beast announced the next task with a heavy sigh. Tomorrow
he would be gone for good. He made them do a math task. It
was about triangles and math, and was a true or false
challenge.This was a timed question. They had three minutes to
solve the challenges, (there were seventeen in all). He moved
the pink timer to three minutes. Go! He shouted, and the girls
started the challenge. On each of papers were three questions.
They looked something like this:

1. I have three sticks length 3,3, and 5. Can they make a triangle?
Yes or No
“The two small sides added together have to equal more than the
long side,” said Rebecca quietly scribbling furiously on her
cream colored paper.
“So the answer to question no.1 is ‘yes’,” said Anna, circling the
“yes.” They used this tip to answer the rest of the question which
were based on the first one. The girls were very close to not
finishing but made it at the last second.
“Phew,” cried Anna,“that was close!”
This was the last task:
Pull open the rock on the table in one second.
It was a really absurd task but they had to do it. The beast was
very weird. They tried to rip it but only could make a crack. The
beast let out a laugh.
Ha ha! I’ll give them two more tasks since they failed this awesome
task, thought the beast.
Chapter 4
Even more tasks

The fifteenth task was to find and listen to the Magic Flute. It was
silver like any other flute, but decorated with jewels. There were
many jewels, but only one of them could be pressed and make the
flute play. The button was only visible to the Elf Queen and her
royal family. The flute was stored in a special case made of red
velvet, silk, and polished oak wood with a silver handle. The girls
packed their backpacks for it probably would be a two days
journey. The beast handed them a map and they set off in the the
portal to the Elf woods. They jumped through the grassy green
portal and landed with a “thump” on the forest floor. They were
surrounded by approximately ten or eleven more trees, all oak.
The trees all had wooden doors with a gold handle. In the middle
was a very big tree, with green leaves and a humongous trunk.
There was a crescent-shaped double door with a silver handle
with a label above reading “Elf Castle” in silver letters. The girls
knocked on the door, hoping that someone would answer. A child
with pointy ears, pale skin, and bluish-black hair wearing a
flowered dress and whom was covered in mud appeared.
“Hello,” she said with a grin, “what can I do for you? I’m the
queens daughter Flora.”
Rebecca thought for a second, “Can we come in?”
“Sure,” she said.
She led them inside the what seemed like a castle. Inside was a
chandelier and a staircase (also made of gold). A polished oak-
wood dining table was set under a vast chandelier, which was
made of gold, and crystals. Two golden thrones were placed in the
center of the dome. On the throne sat two elves who looked very
similar to the girl whom had disappeared into a door marked
“Hello,” said the female elf, who had a golden crown placed on
her head, “I’m Esmeralda, Flora’s mother and this is Emerald,
her father. She also has a twin sister named Jade. We are the
royal family of the Elf Woods.”
“Can we go see the flute,” asked Anna, “We want to see you play
it.” “Conveniently,” Emerald said, “Flora and Jade’s birthday is in a
couple of days, and Esmeralda will play on the magic flute for
everyone that day. Since you are here, would you like to help
prepare for the big party?”
“We would love to,” said Rebecca nodding her head.
“We can start tomorrow by going to the bakery and getting the
ingredients for the two enormous birthday cakes. You girls can also
pick out what designs and decorations you want and choose the
color of the frosting,” informed Esmeralda, “we have a wonderful
baker so don’t worry about making the cake. You girls can
decorate the cakes, cookies, and choose what snacks you might
want such as cherries, strawberries, chocolates and more.
Some maids led the girls to the bedroom where they could sleep.
“Be free to wear whatever clothes you’d like,” said a servant with a
jolly grin pasted on her face.
The girls unpacked their toothbrushes and toothpaste, then headed
into the bathroom to wash up. A modern wooden bathtub stood
close to the marble wall. A glass shower was attached to a wall
and a sink stood close by. The toilet was on the left side of the
room and the shower was on the other because who would shower
in a shower with a toilet in the center of it? The girls showered and
then brushed their teeth and finally put on clean pajamas. Rebecca
put on buttercup yellow pajamas, and Anna put on a cotton candy
pink nightgown. Then, they snuggled under the sheets and went to
The next day, the girls went to the bakery as planned. They first
dressed in flowered dresses, then they headed to the bakery. Flour
lined the shelves, salt and sugar were placed on counters, packets
of coca
powder were stacked on shelves, and whipped cream stood on
birch wood table near the window.
The maid with them asked; “would you prefer a vanilla cake
or a chocolate cake?”
“I’ll have vanilla and Jade would like chocolate,” answered Flora.
They bought the ingredients and headed to the “decorations for
your cake” section of the store. They bought some candy yellow
stars, pearls, leaves, and little pink hearts. The twins picked some
yellow, green, and blue food dye for the buttercream frosting.
“So that we don’t have to think for a long time,” said Jade, “I have a
list of snacks we will serve at the party. They read the paper
together and it looked something like this;
- Candy (fruit kind)
- Fruit
- Cookies
- Cheese
“We might think of more ideas though,” said Anna, “but we can
just do them.”
“Actually, we can give this list to a servant and they can buy it for
us,” said Flora.
When everything was prepared, it was time to decorate. Anna and
Rebecca decorated the cookies while Flora and Jade decorated
and frosted the cake. Anna and Rebecca used edible markers,
sprinkles, and white fondue frosting. The princesses frosted their
cakes green and yellow.
Soon, it was time for the party to begin. Platters of chocolates,
sugary candies, crackers of all kinds, cheese, flower patterned
fruit, mini sandwiches, and more filled the rows of small tables. On
two vast tables with lace tablecloths stood the cakes. The cakes
looked delicious, and very exquisite. The fresh aroma of cake and
buttercream frosting wafted through the hall. Three horns blew and
a song began. The orchestra accompanied Esmeralda playing the
flute. She was dressed in a beautiful dress lace, jewels and all, but
the music was even more exquisite. Rebecca filmed all of it not
missing even a picosecond of the
music. The flute created a beautiful glow around the queen and
the orchestra. After the music was over it was time for snacks
and cake. Anna and Rebecca each had a slice of cake, some
chocolates, some candies, fruits, and cheese & crackers. When
the party was over it was time to leave. The girls packed their
backpacks with some snacks, said bye bye, and then, walked
outside and jumped through the portal to Candy Land.
When the beast saw the video, he was very surprised. Since they
did see the flute and hear it they had one more task. One more
impossible task till he’d go home. One. It was a math task and
looked like this;

1. I have zero groups of one hundred cookies. How many

cookies do l have? ___ cookies
2. f+ 1oo x o = o f=___
There was only two questions but they had to solve them in under
one minute. The beast started the timer and they started writing.
“The first answer is zero because anything times zero is zero,”
said Anna.
Rebecca jotted the answer to number one down, and thought for a
moment, “the answer to question number two is ‘any number’
because there is a zero and anything times zero is zero, so it
doesn’t matter what is in front of it.”
It was correct and they did pass all the tasks but the beast wasn’t
content. Because of that, he asked a few riddles. These were the
riddles; What goes up when it rains and closes when it isn’t
What gets wetter when it dries?
A cowboy rode on Friday to a hotel, stayed for two days, and left on
Friday. How is that possible.
Three giant women were walking under a teensy umbrella. How
did they not get wet?
After he told them, Rebecca shouted, “the first answer is
umbrella, the next one is towel, the next answer is that he rode
on a horse named Friday, followed by the answer ‘it was sunny’.”
“Hmph,” said the beast in a demanding tone of voice, “no fair!
You need more riddles!”
So the beast gave them more riddles and these were the
riddles; Yellow house, red tent, a white fatty lives in it.
What is this food? What is the biggest ant called?
Why is nine wishing she was seven?
They seemed more like jokes than riddles and were pretty silly, but
they had to answer them anyway.
“The first one is peanut, followed by Antarctica, and nine wishes
that because seven ‘ate’ nine,” cried Anna.
Chapter 5
The Celebration

They had completed all the tasks! The beast very reluctantly
packed his stuff and left for Monster Land. The celebration was to
be held tomorrow so the girls could invite their parents and their
little sister, Esther. They also got an invitation to live on Candy
Land! The girls hopped through the portal to earth and dragged
their parents and their little sister Esther who was 3 years old to
Candy Land. -~~~+~~~-
When their parents saw the school and the luxurious candy castle,
they agreed to live there.
The next day, the castle was filled with a big grand cake, snacks of
all kinds, drinks (lemonades, juices, smoothies etc.), candy
lanterns, streamers, candy balloons, and lots more. A “thank you”
banner made of edible rice paper which was hung above the
snacks billowed in the warm breeze. A orchestra played a familiar
piece similar to the music at the princesses birthday party. The
lovely sound went out the window and went through all the portals
and went into every things ears. After the music, the girls mother
sliced the grand cake and gave a slice to everyone who came.
After sampling the delicious snacks and eating the delectable
cake, it was time for bed when all the guests left, a fairy escorted
them to a vast room with one king sized bed, two queen sized
beds, a grand bathroom, nightstands, a enormous chandelier, and
two big closets. They washed up and went to bed. The girls fell
asleep with a smile on their face, wondering what would happen
tomorrow. The next day, the pink sun came out and they were
going to the best school in Candy Land which was called “Candy
Land’s Marvelous School” . They put on the uniforms which were
dark pink and white. After a scrumptious breakfast they drove the
boiled-pink-pastry car to school.
After school, the girls did their homework and then went outside
to play. The girls found peculiar hole and went down it with
their little sister.
When they went in, they saw a golden door. The peeked inside and
then went in.

One day, candy falls from the sky.

Two little girls rush outside holding bags. They
catch some candy, but in the wrapper is not
candy but two fairies.
Suddenly, the girls are whisked of into a
adventure to save Candy Land from a salty
beast. They have to preform ten tasks for him
and the cannot fail or else they will have to
complete four more. There is
also a limit of ten days to complete them.
Will they save Candy Land or will it be gone
for good?

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