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Group 1

Gisti Dila Kaswari (2183121002)

Palito Manalu (2183321007)
Rizky Prasetyo (2183121052)

Link video :


Material : Descriptive Text

Topic : Idol

K13 curriculum aims to encourage students or students to be better at observing,

asking, reasoning, and presenting what they get or know after receiving learning material.
Based on the video that we analyzed, the learning model used by the teacher in the video is
discovery learning. The learning that is carried out is also in accordance with a scientific
approach, this is marked by the existence of various activities in the learning process such as
observation, questioning, associate, experiment and communication.


 Greeting
In the 7th grade English learning model video that we analyzed, When entering the
classroom the teacher greet students and asked about their conditition and after that
the teacher asked one student to lead a pray in Islamic.

 Roll
Before starting lessons the teacher checks student attendance. That way the teacher
will know the problems faced by students, such as illness or truancy. As in the video,
there is 1 student who is absent due to illness, so the teacher knows the reason why
the student is not attending.
Furthermore, to start the lesson the teacher ask the class leader to lead the prayer. In
the video, the prayer is read in Islam. Praying activities are carried out to familiarize
students with the creator.

 Apperception
Based on the video we have observed, the teacher did not review the lesson at the
previous meeting. It would be better, if before starting a new lesson topic the teacher
repeats a little about the last lesson topic to ensure that students correctly understand
the material that has been taught and can continue the next material.

 Observing
When starting the lesson, the teacher tells us what topics will be studied today. There
are English textbooks. In the video that we observed, the teacher gives descriptive text
material on the topic of idols. Where later students will be asked to describe their idol.
In the video, Firstly the teacher explain what an idol is, and everyone has an idol,
including himself.

 Questioning
Then, students are introduced to learning topics through question and answer
activities about idols, in the video the teacher points to several students and asks who
their idol is and why the student idolizes this person. After the teacher knows some of
the students' idols, the teacher then displays pictures of their idols. Where these
pictures become a form of teaching material. Through the pictures displayed by the
teacher, then the teacher asks several other students to describe the idols in 1 sentence.

 Associating
At this stage, the teacher asks students to discuss with each other about the idols of
each student. This is so that students can actively express their opinions and other
students become active listeners as well. At this stage, the teacher acts as a facilitator,
where the teacher supervises each group discussing.

 Experiment
Before giving the assignment, the teacher asks students to open the textbook to see
some of the pictures available in the book. In the video, students are seen actively
answering verbally when the teacher asks about what is in the garden / rice field,
which is one of the pictures in the textbook.
Next, the teacher asks students to make groups of 4-5 students and asks students to
choose one of the 3 pictures in the textbook to describe the picture they chose
completely and work in groups. Each student plays an active role in giving their ideas
about the picture they selected and during the assignment the teacher guides and
supervises students, from group to group.

 Communicating
In this part, students are directed to be able to explain what they have learned to
others. The ability to explain again is the most accurate indicator to determine the
level of student understanding of what they had learnt. Apart from that, it also trains
how to think, talk, and express ideas. In the video students are asked to present what
the students had learnt and disscussed. This activity is useful for training students'
communication skills and self-confidence.

At the end of the lesson the teacher gives homework for the next meeting on the topics that
have been studied, namely the descriptive text material. This assignment aims to increase
their understanding of the material that has been taught.

 Reflection.

In this activity, the teacher explained that in this chapter they had finished describing animals,
family and idols. This activity aims to train students to think reflective.

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