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Digital Marketing Strategy


Measurement Buyer Personas

Budget Content

Timelines Channels

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is the marketing of products or services using digital technologies via the internet,
social media, mobile phones, or any other digital medium.

It is also an umbrella term that encompasses different marketing strategies such as Social Media
Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, and Email Marketing.

Compared to traditional marketing methods such as print, billboards, and TV, digital marketing is
primarily data-driven. Many popular digital advertising platforms today provide access to campaign
reports for comprehensive data analysis.

Why Digital Marketing?

Unlike traditional marketing, digital marketing claims the following benefits:

Trackable and Measurable

Technological advancements have made it fairly easy to measure the efficacy of marketing campaigns
through digital analytics dashboards such as Google Analytics, Google Data Studio, and Adobe Analytics.
Through the deployment of digital analytics, the data collected over a period of time are right at our
fingertips. Each and every user interaction (touchpoint) with our business produces its own set of data,
allowing us to segment the data and understand how each touchpoint contributes to our bottom line
(sales or conversions).

A conversion can be any action a user takes such as downloading a white paper, submitting an enquiry
form, or making an online purchase.

From here, we can find out which touchpoints resonate with our target audience i.e. contributed the
most conversions, and reproduce this success on future campaigns.

Efficiency in Optimization

The emergence of media buying platforms has allowed marketers to purchase ad spaces across various
websites and mobile apps and review live reports within hours.

This allows marketers to review ad campaign performance and make tweaks on the fly such as
optimizing ad creatives to improve audience engagement.

Broad and Targeted Reach

With billions of users on social media platforms like Facebook, YouTube, and LinkedIn, your reach is
primarily limited by our budget. Many of these social media platforms also allow us to target our ads to
specific audiences e.g. by demographics, and interests, and behavioral patterns e.g. retargeting.

Retargeting is a form of marketing that enables us to show relevant ads to users who have visited
certain pages of our website. For example, if a user visited an online shop selling groceries and navigated
to a product page selling apples, the grocery shop could target the user with ads related to apples after
the user leaves the site and browses other websites, social media platforms, and mobile apps.
The purpose of this document is to establish the overall Digital Marketing Strategy for Medic

The contents of this plan includes:

1. Objective / Goals
What do you want?
 Branding (Metric: Impressions, Reach, Frequency)
 Performance (Metric: Conversion Rate, Number of Conversions, Cost per Conversion,

2. Target Audience / Buyer Personas (3 to 5 different Buyer Personas)

 Who (Age, Gender, Location, Job Title, Responsibility, Education)
 What (Goals, Pain Points, Passion Points, Touch Points)
 Why (Why will he buy Your Product or Service, Elevator Pitch)

We can also get above information from following Sources: Google Analytics, Facebook Page
Insights, LinkedIn Demographics Tags, Data Management Platforms, and Online Surveys.

3. Content Strategy
Which medium we will prefer to spread our message to target audience?
 Articles,
 Videos,
 Images,
 Infographics,
 EBooks,
 Games,
 Educational Content

4. Channel Strategy
 Google,
 Facebook,
 Tumblr,
 Twitter,
 Linkedin,
 Pinterest,
 Quora,
 Taboola,
 Outbrain,
 Emails

5. Timelines
Create realistic Timelines for Digital Marketing Project
 Monthly
 Quarterly
 Half Yearly
 Yearly

6. Budget
Place separate budget for each channel, start with minimum and increase it weekly, bi-weekly or
monthly basis.

7. Measurement / Monitoring

We will measure our ROI or monitor our KPI’s using following tools

 Google search console

 Google Keyword Planner
 Google Trends
 Google Analytics
 Ubersuggest
 Keyword Surfer
 Fan Page Karma
 Twitonomy
 Followerwonk
 Heat Map

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