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Background of the Study

Entering Senior High brings excitement mixed with nervousness as they will have

new environment to adapt with. In relation to that, students nowadays have to adjust and

have their own ways of acquiring new learning`s and information and become competent.

Study habits as well as planned and deliberate patterns of study which has

attained a form of consistency on the part of students towards understanding academic

subject and passing examinations (Acheaw,2004). Awareness in good and an effective

study habits is an advantage most especially in standing when it comes to academic

performance. It is an important part of acquiring new learning, because it will basically

reflect on what will be the outcome by means of application.

Studying is not all about reading different kinds of reading materials that has

different content inside of it, studying is beyond thinking, beyond memorizing things or

information that we are receiving or learning. In general, we can say that studying has its

own role by means of disseminating data which possess of reading, thinking and


Southeast Asian countries did an analysis thoroughly on what factors enables

students achieve a better academic performance in their studies. Rasul (1968) and Shafiq

91978) as cited by Silverrajoo, P., & Hassan, A. (2018) estated that good study habits

results an overwhelming outcome especially in accomplishing during exam. The

relationship of good study habits and academic performance is important.

In Malaysia their education system is still based on merits that leave their students

no choice, but to study on their own and memorize such as formulas used in math-solving

activities and during exam. Students doesn`t fail not because of lacking of enough

ability, but because of they don`t practice good study skills.

It is not just that because it also involves some mechanical drill in the attainment

of knowledge. In regards to her investigation among the students of Northwestern

University, study habits engaged with majority of the students from the population

sample (50%) are focuses on the important information and points of the lesson,

reviewing the previous lesson (36%), setting a time on which lesson to study (31%),

questions to be asked (30%), rereading all over the assignment or take-home activity

(22%) and doing an outline on their notes (18%) Roch (1932).

It describes the study habits wherein it is the way and considered manner of a

student plans in his private readings, classroom learning so that he`s able to attain

mastery of the subject. It is a good asset of students to have good study habits, because it

assesses the students to achieve mastery in areas of their own specialization where it

results into an excellent performance (Azikiwe, 1998). Practicing good study habits will

show an effective learning of student being aware of practicing good study habits is an

advantage and tool to become one of the effective students. This means learning in an

efficient manner. Good and effective study habits will be considered as materials in

building your successful future someday. Majority of the achiever students have set their

study habits that they are practicing like a part of their lives now.

The acquisition and application of knowledge is a part of collective societal

endeavor (UNESCO, 2015). It also refers to the fact that every person has his or her own

method or set of strategies when learning (Gokalp, 2013). Ebele and Olofu (2017) found

out that there is significant relationship between study habits and students` academic

performance. Hence, this study wants to determine the study habits being practice by the

students and what is the impact of it to their academic performance.

Theoretical Framework

In order to become productive and competent, students should be practicing and

applying good study habit. Cognitive learning is a way of learning that helps students use

their brains more effectively. This method of learning is active, constructive, and long-

lasting. It encourages students to fully engage in the learning process so learning,

thinking, and remembering get easier.

Willis (2017) study habits are regular practices a person performs to maximize

their productivity, efficiency and retention in preparation for a particular evaluation.

This theory wants to show the significance of practicing and applying study habit

for the students so that they will have a commendable performance and good grades in

school. These theories will serve as pathway to achieve and have a good study habit.

Cognitive Learning Theory (CLT) is about understanding how the human mind

works while people learn. The theory focuses on how information is processed by the

brain, and how learning occurs through that internal processing of information. The

theory used to explain the mental processes and how they are influenced by both internal

and external factors in order to produce learning in an individual. This theory is credited

to Educational psychologist Jean Piaget.

In addition, being motivated in doing a task is necessary and important as it will

result to a good outcome.

It was observed that students with structured and organized study habits

performed well during examinations. We must consider studying as an important


And being aware of good study habits will serve as your material in building a

bridge towards successful life (Okon, 2005). Learning theories are essential for effective

teaching in that they shed light on different aspects of the learning process. The spectrum

of learning theories can be categorized into three main areas: behaviorism, cognitivism,

and constructivism. Behaviorism as a teacher-centered instructional framework for a long

time dominated educational settings, shaping every aspect of curriculum and instruction.

In contrast to behaviorism, cognitivism is a relatively recent learning theory and its

features are not well known or are confused with constructivism by teachers. This article

aims to provide an overview of the core characteristics of cognitivism, its philosophical

and theoretical basis, its implications for classroom practices, and its illustrative teaching

methods. Cognitive apprenticeship, reciprocal teaching, anchored instruction, inquiry

learning, discovery learning, and problem-based learning are explicated as the most

distinctive methods of the cognitive perspective on learning. Cognitive Learning is a type

of learning that is active, constructive, and long-lasting. It engages students in the

learning processes, teaching them to use their brains more effectively to make

connections when learning new things.

Unfortunately, if bad study habits are being practiced it will result to poor

academic performance. On the contrary, there are ways to improve our performance in

academic field.

Variable: Variable:
*Profile of
Study Habits

Figure 1. Paradigm of the Study

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine what are the study habits being practice by the

Grade 12 learners. Specifically, it will answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the Grade 12 Learners in terms of;

a. Sex

b. Academic Performance

c. Strand

2. What is the level of study habits among the Grade 12 Learners?

3. Is there significant relationship of the level of study habits to the demographic

profile of Grade 12 Learners?

Research Hypothesis

- There is significant relationship of the impact of study habits to the demographic

profile of Grade 12 learners.


This study will be conducted primarily for the purpose of determining the study

habits of Senior High Learners and its impact on their academic performance. Other

factors will be determined to help improve and practice an individual`s study habits.

This study, centers only on the study habits that are being practiced by the Senior

High Learners of Artacho National High School. But due to money and other factors, it

will be limited only to the Grade 12 learners within the three strands: ABM, HUMSS and


This study will not include other problems that are not related to study habits.

Junior High Learners will not be included. The study would be done through the use of

questionnaire that will distribute by researchers to the students as a survey and reference.


The essence of this study is to determine the study habits and academic

performance of grade 12 learners. It will also elaborate of how to improve academic

performance by means of study habits and to determine the different techniques and ways

in studying. With these it will benefit the following:

Teachers. Teachers will benefit from this study wherein they can be a guide or

will serve as guide of their students in improving their study habit, to have an exchange

of insights and developing individual`s good practice in study habit.

Students. Through this study, a student will have an idea and awareness about the

effect of a good study habit when it comes to academic performance.

Future Researchers. They can use as basis or reference if they will conduct the

same study to support and strengthen the reliability of their study.


Academic –of relating to schooling or learning especially at an advanced level

Academic Performance – is the extent to which a student, teacher or institution

has attained their short- or long-term educational goals.

Acquire –to come to have as a new or added characteristics, trait, or Ability (as

sustained effort or natural selection)

Awareness –the quality or state of being aware: knowledge and understanding

that something is happening

Benefit –something that produces good or helpful results or effects or that

promotes well-being

Consistency –agreement or harmony of parts or features as a whole

Competent –having requisite or adequate ability

Disseminating – to disperse throughout

Deliberate –to think about or discuss issues and decisions carefully

Effects –something that inevitably follows an antecedent (such as a cause or


General Average - The general average in all subjects for the current semester

Grade –degree of excellence

Impact –the force of impression of one thing on another: a significant or major


Lack –to be short or have needs something

Learning –the act or experience of one that learns

-knowledge or skill acquired by instruction or study

Performance –the execution of an action

-something accomplished

Significance –something that is conveyed as a meaning often obscurely or


Subject –a department of knowledge or learning



A good study habit is a significant factor in an easy and effective study. In other

words, a good study habit helps you to reach high scores


They key to becoming an effective student is learning how to study smarter, not

harder. This becomes more and truer as you advance in your education. An hour or two

of studying a day is usually sufficient to make it through high school with satisfactory

grades, but when college arrives, there aren`t enough hours in the day you get all your

studying in if you don`t know how to study smarter. Becton, L. (2019).

Developing effective study habits will pave way into the success of students.

Studying is not only having a skill, but in order to be successful most especially in

school, you must have a high level of study skills. A student must possess these skills,

practice and develop an effective skill that includes having time management, self-

discipline, concentration, memorization, organization, and effort. It is recognized as part

of Good study habits.

A study about Significant Correlation between Study Habits and Academic

Achievement it was determined that through reading notes and note-taking habits, habits

of concentration and preparation for an examination had a significant correlation with

academic achievement (Nuthana and Yenagi, 2009).

A good study habit is a concern that should be developed and improved. When we

say reading habits it pertains to behaviour that shows the likeness in reading, individual

types of reading and taste of reading. (Busayo, 2011 cited in Sangkaeo, 1999). Hence, the

potential of a good students may disregard and can`t achieve better without applying

good study habits (Vanita, 2011). Good study habits should be acquainted on students.

In relation to this, good study habits will lead students to have a better performance

compare to those students that are struggling without the good study habits being applied

(Escobar, 2011).

Escobar listed good study habits:

1. Do your homework

2. Prioritize your tasks

3. Involve yourself in sports/arts

4. Prepare tests ahead of time

5. Clutter free study place

Also, Fleming (2010) listed and highlighted great study habits which are:

1. Write down every assignment

2. Communicate with your teacher

3. Establish a study zone at home

4. Know your dominant learning style

5. Take fabulous note

Moreover, which determined the usefulness of assimilating the students study

habits, as a means of improving their academic performance, it showed a high

correlation between study habits and students` academic performance will be

improved if a proper study habits will be applied and practiced continuously over the

time of studying (Osa-edoh and Alutu, 2012). Majority of the students fail not

because they do not possess ability to acquire learning and information, but rather

they do not possess and practice proper study skills (M.J.N, 2013 as cited by Rasa and

Kausar, 2011). Taking notes effectively and time managing in studying hadn`t

learned by many students how to apply and practice it effectively (Cited by Mutsoto

S.N and Abenga E.S, 2010) Also, a study determined that students doesn`t pay an

attention and enough time to their studies and proper study habits are rarely (Naraju,



The study of Torres and Fajardo (2006), 63.25% of the respondents spend their

time in studying than playing, where 79.14% of the respondents considered

themselves doesn`t get easily sick or ill wherein it doesn`t affects their studying.

The studies of some school learners depend in their inability to adapt with the

daily obstacles and even demands in school. A lot of factors are listed to be the cause

of such thing as failure, but the most identified one and considered worst is the lack

of good study habits among learners. On the other hand, poor identification of

learner`s preferences in studying can affect the students` academic performance.

(Villa, 2009)

It was stressed that the point of having study habits is to be effective and efficient.

Effective: retainers, understanding and having a good grasp of the subject matter.

Efficiency: maximizing the time you study in order to spend as little of it as possible.

(Manila Bulletin, 2011) In schooling, studying is one of the important parts that

should be noted regardless of what and where the learners pursuing their programs

whether in Philippines or specifically in best schools around and outside manila.

Efforts of learners will lead them into success (Mapua, 2016).




This chapter presented a description of the research design, sampling, local of the

study, research instrument, data gathering and statistical and ethical consideration.

This study used descriptive research design wherein the purpose of this design

was depicted the status of an identified variable like an events, people or subjects as they



Complete enumeration or the total population sampling was used as a sampling

technique in order to determine our respondent. Total population sampling is a type of

purposive sampling that involves examining the entire population, in this case, the total

population of the Grade 12 Learners of Artacho National High School.


The instrument that was used in this study was a structured questionnaire wherein

the chosen instrument was used in gathering and collecting data to test the validity of the

research study that was conducted.

The standardized questionnaire is composed of ten (10) items projecting a sample

of study habits formulated by Sakirudeen (2017) which suits the choices of the

respondents. Wherein the respondents will rate the different study habits using a four-

point scale to measure the mean of the data.


Structured questionnaire by Abisola Oladeni Sakirudeen and Dr. Kudirat Bimbo

Sanni was used in data collection. It is already standardized prepared form with a

question designed to get and produce responses from the respondents.


The data was collected and treated with descriptive inferential statistics thru the

SPSS version 16.0. To determine the level of study habits, the Average Weighted Mean

was used in order to interpret the results.

Scale of Interpretation

Weighted Mean Interpretation

3.26 – 4.00 Always

2.51 – 3.25 Often
1.76 – 2.50 Seldom
1.00 - 1.75


The researcher that conducted a research and distributed a survey form to the

respondents has an informed consent from the respondents. Researchers did not force or

pressure the respondent to answer the questionnaire if he desired not to participate.



This chapter presented the data gathered, the results of the statistical analysis done

and interpretation of findings. These are presented in tables following the sequence of the

specific research regarding the Study Habits of Grade 12 SHS Learners and their

Relationships to Certain Profile.

Table 1.

Profile of Respondents according to Sex


Frequency Percent
Male 25 29.8
Female 59 70.2
Total 84 100.0

From table 1 it is reflected on the table that 29.8% (N=25) of the respondent of

Grade 12 learners are males and 70.2% (N=59) are males.

An update from PSA from fourth quarter of the year 2017, both sexes have

combined population of 104, 921,400 wherein male has a number of populations of 52,

927,400 (50.4%) while female has a number of populations of 51, 994,000 (29.6%). If

we`re going to compare in the year 2016 of the population of male and female, male

dominated over female. With both combined population of both sexes it was

103,242,900, wherein male has a number of populations of 52,081,400 (50.4%) while

female has a number of populations of 51,161,500 (49.6%).

Hence, from the table above, the total respondents participated in the study was

overall 84 respondents. The numbers of respondents were dominated by females having a

70.2% compared to the male having a 29.8% percent only. It indicated that the population

of Grade 12 learners are dominated by females within the three strands of Artacho

National High School.

Table 2.

Profile of Respondents according to Strand


Frequency Percent
18 21.4

30 34.6

36 44.0

84 100.0

From the table 2 above, of the 84 respondents participated in this study, 44%

(N=36) were from GAS (General Academic Strand).

Among the academic strands, GAS strand received most of the stigma. GAS

strand is for those students that are still confused of what track they`re going to take.

Reality is, GAS strand is considered one of the best strands because it has specialized

subject like the other strands too (Tan, 2017). As we can see in the table 2 above GAS

(General Academic Strand) has higher % than those two strands mentioned. Most of the

Grade 12 Learners are from GAS (General Academic Strand). The General Academic

Strand is perfect for those students that are still undecided on which track they are going

to take, but might pursue college. Followed by 34.6% (N=30) were from HUMSS

(Humanities and Social Sciences). It is designed for those who want to explore and excel

in the field of journalism, education, communication arts, law, and other social science-

related courses in college. Lastly with 21.4% (N=18) were from the strand Accounting,

Business and Management. This strand`s focal point is on the basic concepts of financial

management, business management, corporate operations.

Table 3.

Profile of Respondents according to General Average for the 1st Semester


Academic Descriptive Frequency Percent

Performance Proficiency
90-99 Advance 33 39.3%
85-89 Proficient 26 31.0%
80-84 Approaching 16 19.0%


75-79 Developing 9 10.7%
74-below Beginner

(Source: Level of Proficiency, DepEd Order 31, s. 2012)

Table 3 shows the Academic Performance of the Grade 12 Learners for the 1 st

Semester. Of the 84 respondents participated in this study, 39.3% (N=36) has an

academic performance of 90-99 considered as an Advance.

31% (N=26) has an academic performance of 85-89 considered as Proficient.

19% (N=16) has an academic performance of 80-84 considered as Approaching

Proficiency. Lastly, 10.7% (N=9) has an academic performance of 75-79 considered as

Developing according to the Level of Proficiency, DepEd Order 31, s. 2012.

Grade 12 Learners can be considered as college students now, K-12 program is a

pre-requisite before stepping into college/university life to pursue chosen career inclined

to the strand preference that has been chosen by the learners.

But imagine what will happen to the Grade 12 learners having low and high general

academic average? Lindsay (2018) It is one of the most important factors of learners to

have a high general average most especially in Senior High it serves as a gate pass or

passport for college admission.

As what can be seen in the table 3, an academic performance ranging from 90-99 got the

highest percent that was 39.3 % compare to the academic performance ranging from 75-

79 got the lowest which was 10.7% only. It indicated that learners who have an academic

performance that that was not below 75-79 has still a good study habits that was being

practice not always, but more often. Subjects from different strand can affect their

general average, learners may have encountered difficulties throughout the discussion,

but was able to cope up to have an average most especially 90 and above. Furthermore,

the term level of proficiency with the numerical value reflects the description per general

average of each the subject in the different learning areas (DepEd, 2012).

Table 4.

Study Habits of the Grade 12 Learners

Mean Interpretation
I listen attentively while taking down notes in the class 3.24 O
I pay attention during class hour to take down notes 3.31 A
I am applying skills for effective note taking in every lesson 3.07 O
I take down notes to preserve new knowledge 3.25 O
I am staying in my room to study 2.93 O
I use symbols to remember easily what my teacher`s discussing during O
I set my schedule to cover all the subjects and outputs to be passed 2.93 O
I extend my time to thoroughly learn a certain subject in my class 2.74 O
I use alarm clock to set my time when to wake up and review a note 2.62 O
I set time for other social activities so that they won`t interfere with my O

Legend: Always 3.26 – 4.00, Often 2.51 – 3.25, Seldom 1.26 – 2.50 and 1.00 – 1.75

Table 4 presents the Study Habits of Grade 12 Learners. As shown in the data,

majority in the preference is Often with an overall mean of 2.97. This shows that Grade

12 learners often practice the study habits indicated. Adeninyi (2011) as cited by Elebe

and Olofu (2017) maintains that good study habits allow students to study independently

at home and aspire for higher educational career.

On the other side, it can be seen in the table 4 that, “I pay attention during class

hour to take down notes” the interpretation resulted from having a mean of 3.31 that was

interpreted to Always. Lombardi (2019) Taking note is very essential to the learners

where it serves as a physical copy of an important keywords, ideas and concepts being

discussed most especially during class. Students may find it boring and tiring to take

notes, but having a jotted note is indispensable that you can use. Hence, lack of study

habits can put students into disadvantage situations like remedial classes, doing

backloads, and worst drop out.

Table 5.

Relationship of the Study Habits in terms of Sex

Study Habits t Sig. Interpretation

I listen attentively while taking down notes in the class NS
.315 .576
I pay attention during class hour to take down notes .165 .686 NS
I am applying skills for effective note taking in every .604 NS
lesson .271
I take down notes to preserve new knowledge .743 .391 NS
I use symbols to remember easily what my teacher`s NS
discussing during class .421 .518
I am staying in my room to study .027 .869 NS
I set my schedule to cover all the subjects and outputs to NS
be passed .004 .952
I extend my time to thoroughly learn a certain subject in NS
my class .773 .382
I use alarm clock to set my time when to wake up and NS
review a note .381 .539
I set time for other social activities so that they won`t NS
interfere with my studies .713 .401

Significant at the level of ≤ 0.05 level

From the study of Salami (2013) about the impact of biological gender of study

habits, it was found out in the study that that was conducted, females in general cared

more ethical consideration compared to the male. They showed more concern on their

lessons, taking their time to jot down some notes, having skills to effectively have an

accessible note and so on. Hence, the table 5 above showed the significance of study

habits of grade 12 learners in terms of sex, the outcome interpretations showed no

significance at all. Study habits such as listening attentively, paying attention, applying

skills for effective note taking and others has nothing to do to the sex preference of Grade

12 learners.

Table 6.

Relationship of the Study Habits in terms of Strand

` T Sig. Interpretation
I listen attentively while taking down notes in the class NS
.789 .458

I pay attention during class hour to take down notes NS

1.333 .269

I am applying skills for effective note taking in every NS

lesson 2.620 .079

I take down notes to preserve new knowledge 3.817 .026 S

I use symbols to remember easily what my teacher`s S
discussing during class 5.465 .006

I am staying in my room to study .361 .698 NS

I set my schedule to cover all the subjects and outputs to NS
be passed 2.432 .094

I extend my time to thoroughly learn a certain subject in S

my class 3.731 .028

I use alarm clock to set my time when to wake up and NS

review a note 2.189 .119

I set time for other social activities so that they won`t NS
interfere with my studies 1.320 .273

Significant at the level of ≤ 0.05 level

Table 6 presents the Relationship of the Study Habits in terms of Strand. As

shown in the data gathered, study habits: taking down notes to preserve knowledge, use

of symbols to remember easily of what the teacher`s discussing during class, and

extending time to thoroughly learn a certain subject in class turned out that there`s a

significance in terms of strand. Blackbourn (2018) Note taking help us remember an

important detail that shas been discussed during class wherein you can have your notes to

be scanned. It is a specialist form of writing. From the Irish Times, time was considered

as the most valuable resource that a learner can possess towards exam, learning a certain

subject, searching additional information to the topic being discussed and so on. A good

time management is important as having a realistic schedule to cover up or learn more

about the subject you`re having difficulties with. Use of symbol sometimes most

especially during discussion and presentation helps the learners to be more familiarized.

Study habits contribute significantly in the development of knowledge and

perceptual capacities. Study habits tell a person that how much he will learn and how far

he wants to go, and how much he wants to earn. These all could be decided with the help

of one’s study habits, throughout the life. Therefore, it is assumed that study habits are

correlates of scholastic or academic achievement. In this study, the association between

study habits and academic performance of students is examined. Sample of 270 students

were taken from two colleges Govt. Allama Iqbal College for Women, Sialkot and Govt.

Technical College for boys, Sialkot. The association between study habits and academic

performance was checked by using chi-square test. The results showed that there is

significant relationship between study habits and academic performance of the students.

Table 7.

Relationship of the Study Habits in terms of General Average

Study Habits T Sig. Interpretation

I listen attentively while taking down notes in the 1.325 .268 NS
I pay attention during class hour to take down notes 1.186 .323 NS

I am applying skills for effective note taking in every 1.391 .245 NS

I take down notes to preserve new knowledge 2.096 .089 NS
I use symbols to remember easily what my teacher`s .316 .866 NS
discussing during class
I am staying in my room to study 1.704 .157 NS
I set my schedule to cover all the subjects and outputs 4.846 .002 S
to be passed
I extend my time to thoroughly learn a certain subject 1.105 .360 NS
in my class
I use alarm clock to set my time when to wake up and 2.253 .071 NS
review a note
I set time for other social activities so that they won`t 2.529 .047 S
interfere with my studies
Significant at the level of ≤ 0.05 level

Table 7 represents the relationship of Study Habits in terms of General Average in

the 1st semester. Among the study habits above, setting a schedule to cover all the

subjects and outputs to be passed has a significant level of (.002). This mean when you

have a schedule your mind is already set because you have an activity to be done.

It acts as a filter against distractions. Minors (2016) it allows you to focus to get

things done within a specific time. If you fail to cover all your subjects and outputs, it can

affect your grades for the semester and so with your general average. Aside, from that

one of the study habits that have significance is the setting time for other social activities

to avoid interference while studying with significant level of (.047).

We can define Social Activity as an activity or event wherein it brings people

together-to interact it could be in dancing, playing online games, participating a parties or

street parties and so on. (N., Pam M.S., 2013).

Just like in scheduling, it is important to know what we should prioritize first.

Joining extracurricular activities within the school and outside is good to have an

exposure as a student and to enhance your skills, but sometimes with this extracurricular

it consumes our time and we only focus on it leaving behind our academics. That`s why

having your time for this kind of stuff is important.



This chapter presents the summary of the findings, and so with conclusions, findings

and the corresponding recommendations.


This study determined the study habits of grade 12 learners of Artacho National

High School, Municipality of Sison, and Province of Pangasinan during the school year

2019-2020. This study involved 84 respondents and the researchers made use of survey-

questionnaire as the main data-gathering tool for the study. Frequency counts,

percentages, mean were used to quantify the data gathering.

The following were the salient findings in the study:

1. Majority of the Grade 12 Learners are dominated by female.

2. Among the three strands, GAS strand has the most numbers of learners. Next is

the HUMMS strand and last is the ABM strand.

3. From the Academic Performance of the Grade 12 Learners during the first

semester, 39.3% (N=36) got an average of 90-99 and 10.7% (N=9) got an

academic performance of 75-79.

4. Grade 12 Learners often practice good study habits

5. When it comes to sex of Grade 12 Learners the study habits, they are practicing

has nothing to do with it.

6. Grade 12 Learners` strand has nothing to do with their study habits, but note-

taking, using of symbols and extending time to thoroughly learn a certain subject

has significance.

7. Grade 12 Learners` study habits have nothing to do with their general average.

Although, by means of extending time to thoroughly learn a certain subject in

class and setting time for other social activities to avoid interference has a



Based on the findings, the following conclusions were derived:

1. Grade 12 learners are dominated by females and GAS strand has the most

numbers of learners.

2. Grade 12 Learners often practice good study habits

3. Grade 12 Learners` in terms of Sex, Strand and Academic Performance majority

of the computed mean, significance, mean and outcome interpretation has no



The following recommendations were offered:

1. The school administrators may put up a flyer or pin a flyer on a bulletin board

about list of good study habits that a learner can practice.

2. Encourage learners to have a good study habit.

3. To help the learners, adviser can give an evaluation so that learners will determine

or understand their learning style inside and even outside the classroom.

4. Introduce to the learners the POMODORO METHOD (Pomodoro Method is a

technique about time management system that encourages people to work with

the time they have –rather than against it. Using this method, you break your

workday into 25 –minute chunks separated by five-minute breaks.)


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Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences.

UNESCO. (2015). Retrieved from



Instruction: Put check ( / ) as appropriate to suit your choice of option and level of

agreement or disagreement with the statements.

Demographic Profile

Sex: ( ) Male ( ) Female

Strand: ( ) ABM ( ) HUMSS ( ) GAS

Academic Performance: ( ) 90-99 ( ) 85– 89 ( ) 80-84

( ) 75-79 ( ) 74 Below

S/N STUDY HABITS Always Often Seldom Never

1. I listen attentively while taking down notes

in the class.
2. I pay attention during class hour to take

down notes
3. I am applying skills for effective note taking

in every lesson
4. I take down notes to preserve new

5. I use symbols to remember easily what my

teacher`s discussing during class

6. I am staying at my room to study
7. I set my schedule to cover all the subjects

and outputs to be passed

8. I extend my time to thoroughly learn a

certain subject in my class

9. I use alarm clock to set my time when to

wake up and review a note

10. I set time for other social activities so that

they won`t interfere with my studies



Agat, Sison, Pangasinan
Mobile +639369307833



Date of birth: May 17, 2002

Place of birth: Brgy. Tugatog, Meycauayan City, Bulacan

Age: 17

Nationality: Filipino

Sex: Female

Religion: Christian

Civil Status: Single

Father`s Name: Antonio R. Soriano Sr.

Mother`s Name: Anastacia L. Mina


PRIMARY: Agat Elementary School

Agat, Sison, Pangasinan

S.Y 2013-2014


Junior High School Artacho National High School

Artacho, Sison Pangasinan

S.Y 2017-2018

Senior High Artacho National High School

Artacho, Sison, Pangasinan

S.Y 2019-2020

Agat, Sison, Pangasinan

Mobile+ 639562975140


Date of birth: March 02, 2002

Place of birth: Urdaneta City

Age: 17

Nationality: Filipino

Sex: Filipino

Religion: Christian

Civil Status: Single

Father`s Name: Mark Neil Q. Alicna

Mother`s Name: Glenda Servito


PRIMARY: Artacho Elementary School

Artacho Sison, Pangasinan

S.Y 2013-2014


Junior High School Artacho National High School

Artacho, Sison Pangasinan

S.Y 2017-2018

Senior High Artacho National High School

Artacho, Sison, Pangasinan

S.Y 2019-2020

Agat, Sison, Pangasinan


Mobile +639613667747



Date of birth: May 11, 2001

Place of birth: Tayug Hospital

Age: 18

Nationality: Filipino

Sex: Male

Religion: Christian

Civil Status: Single

Father`s Name: Robert A. Libed

Mother`s Name: Myla Iniego


PRIMARY: Agat Elementary School

Agat, Sison, Pangasinan

S.Y 2013-2014


Junior High School Artacho National High School

Artacho, Sison Pangasinan

S.Y 2017-2018

Senior High Artacho National High School

Artacho, Sison, Pangasinan

S.Y 2019-2020

Agat, Sison, Pangasinan

Mobile +639468343599


Date of birth: March 15, 2002

Place of birth: Agat, Sison, Pangasinan

Age: 17

Nationality: Filipino

Sex: Female

Religion: Christian

Civil Status: Single

Father`s Name: Lucio F. Dasap

Mother`s Name: Brenilda Dawi


PRIMARY: Agat Elementary School

Agat, Sison, Pangasinan

S.Y 2013-2014


Junior High School Artacho National High School

Artacho, Sison Pangasinan

S.Y 2017-2018

Senior High Artacho National High School

Artacho, Sison, Pangasinan

S.Y 2019-2020

Agat, Sison, Pangasinan

Mobile +639090665847



Date of birth: January 25, 2002

Place of birth: Udiao, Rosario, La Union

Age: 18

Nationality: Filipino

Sex: Male

Religion: Christian

Civil Status: Single

Father`s Name: Gabriel Ballatong

Mother`s Name: Viola Rabor


PRIMARY: Udiao Elementary School

Udiao, Rosario, La Union

S.Y 2013-2014


Junior High School Artacho National High School

Artacho, Sison Pangasinan

S.Y 2017-2018

Senior High Artacho National High School

Artacho, Sison, Pangasinan

S.Y 2019-2020


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