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Criteria D: Applying mathematics in real-life contexts Name: ___________________________________

Student Teacher Level descriptor Task Specific descriptor

0 0
1-2 1-2 The student is able to: Identify the relevant elements of the betting game.

i. identify some of the elements of the authentic real-life situation Select appropriate mathematical strategies to model the
ii. apply mathematical strategies to find a solution to the authentic real-life situation, with probabilities associated with the betting game.
limited success.
3-4 3-4 The student is able to: Apply the selected mathematical strategies to correctly
i. identify the relevant elements of the authentic real-life situation
reach solutions for the probability questions.
ii. apply mathematical strategies to reach a solution to the authentic real- life situation
iii. state, but not always correctly, whether the solution makes sense in the context of the Justify the degree of accuracy of your solution.
authentic real-life situation.
5-6 5-6 Justify whether the solution makes sense in the context
The student is able to: of the authentic real-life situation.
i. identify the relevant elements of the authentic real-life situation
ii. select adequate mathematical strategies to model the authentic real-life situation
iii. apply the selected mathematical strategies to reach a valid solution to the authentic
real-life situation
iii. describe the degree of accuracy of the solution
iv. State correctly whether the solution makes sense in the context of the authentic real-life
7-8 7-8 The student is able to:

i. identify the relevant elements of the authentic real-life situation

ii. select adequate mathematical strategies to model the authentic real-life situation
iii. apply the selected mathematical strategies to reach a correct solution to the authentic
real-life situation
iv. explain the degree of accuracy of the solution
v. Describe correctly whether the solution makes sense in the context of the authentic
real-life situation.

Teacher Comments:

Student Teacher Level Descriptor Task specific Descriptor

0 0 The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptor
1-2 1-2 Consistently use appropriate mathematical
The student is able to:
language to explain the process of calculating the
i. use limited mathematical language
ii. use limited forms of mathematical representation to present information Use appropriate forms of mathematical
iii. communicate through lines of reasoning that are difficult to understand.
representation to support your explanation and
3-4 3-4 The student is able to: present information correctly.
i. use some appropriate mathematical language
Move effectively between your diagram and your
ii. use different forms of mathematical representation to present information
mathematical calculations.
iii. communicate through lines of reasoning that are able to be understood, although these are not Communicate through lines of reasoning that are
always coherent
complete, coherent and concise.
iv. adequately organize information using a logical structure.
5-6 5-6 The student is able to: Present work that is consistently organized using
a logical structure.
i. usually use appropriate mathematical language
ii. usually use different forms of mathematical representation to present information correctly .
iv. communicate through lines of reasoning that are usually coherent
v. present work that is usually organized using a logical structure.
7-8 7-8 The student is able to:

i. consistently use appropriate mathematical language

ii. consistently use different forms of mathematical representation to present information
iii. communicate clearly through coherent lines of reasoning
iv. present work that is consistently organized using a logical structure.

Teacher Comments:
Even o

Your goal is to develop a game based on chance which is in your favour.

You are an entrepreneur who is proposing to set up a stall for an upcoming DIS Fair as a fund-raising event for the SRC.

Your audience is the Fair’s organizers.

DIS Fair is coming up and everybody is excited about being part of it. However, there are limited stalls and there is a lot of competition to get a spot.
Therefore, the organizing team has announced that only games with smallest margin of profit will be accepted.

Your task is to design a game which will make a marginal profit. You can use coins, cards, dice, spinners and/or other fair probability tools (but requiring at
least two actions to win) and you will need to think carefully about how to make sure the odds are in your favour, while making your game enticing for
players. (Also refer to task specific descriptors).

Part 1:
You need to state your aim, rules of the game (keep it simple), select a mathematical strategy to model all possible results in your sample space, determine
the probabilities of winning or losing, awards given, costs and profits, the profit you will make if 100 people play the game and a reflection on whether
your results are accurate and make sense in the context of a real-life situation. [ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS IN THE SPACE BELOW]

Roll up, roll up, the fair is coming to town, and it needs YOU!

1. What is the aim of your game?

2. What are the rules of the game (keep it simple),

3. Select a mathematical strategy to model all possible results in your sample space,

4. Determine the probabilities of winning or losing,

5. What awards would you give to those who win?

6. What are the costs and profits you will make if 100 people play the game (Calculate the expected value for one win, and then you can determine
the expected value of 100)
Part 2: Complete this section after running the game.
1. How accurately did your calculations correspond with the outcome of the game?

2. Describe your game in the context of real-life situations… in other words: do you see yourself playing this game? Do you think anyone would use

your game to make money?

3. Would a similar calculation be useful for designing a lottery game? Why?

Extension - LOTTERY
Calculate the probability (in percentage) of winning a lottery ticket with the following winning numbers, where three numbers are drawn with

replacement. Note: the numbers are from 0 to 9 and each time a number is selected, it is replaced again into the selection basket. To win, a player

must get all numbers to match up in any order.

2, 7, 4

Recalculate this probability, if four numbers are to be drawn without replacement but you could still win if you get the three numbers above in any

order of the four.

Compare the chance in winning this lottery to the game which you created.

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