Pre Regular 03

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THIRD EDITION a) ay UT PONT Lc} FUNDAMENTALS JOAN SASLOW MeN Sena PEARSON TCU eT 1. Giveand accept a compliment. 2 Ask or colors and sizes ve Pana Clothes Hil COAL Give and accept a compliment EES "285 | BBM VOCABULARY * Clothes Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat. Neos ae a Ain * ° 1 ashirt Zasweater 3 ate 9 ablouse 4 ajacket 5 askirt 6 shoes 7 adress 8 asuit 10 pants * Pants sa plural noun. Use are, nots, with pants {GEL 2 GE PRONUNCIATION + Plural nouns Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat. shirts = shirt/s/ 2(z) shoes = shoe/z/ 3 blouses = blouse/1z/ jackets = jacket/s/ sweaters = sweater/2/ dresses = dress/tz/ GRAWIMAR * Demonstratives this, that, these, those this sweater that sweater these ties those ties 4 VOCABULARY / GRAMMAR PRACTICE Look at the pictures. Write this, that, these, or those and the name of the clothes. AUD es Sida, | RiySiice i datas QDI ive ant accept a compliment 5. GRANIMAR * The simple present tense: affirmative statements with like, wont, need, and have like want » | | +A = Sara and Jim | have Tina likes these shoes. She wants that shirt. those sweaters. He tikes. | she | wants | & cat | NAME | those sweaters too, & an ait wan | has | r and i, add it Doone om oA Rob noeds a book: Now he has a book. wd 3 eer Teed -> needs BUT: have > has 6 GRAMMAR PRACTICE Complete each statement with the correct form of the verb. Vesccejeseeee Your He. 4 Peter that jacket. Iie ike ave as 2 My friends . this suit. SW ion OU Aresses. 6 Sue and Tara... those suits 1 P39 CONVERSATION MODEL Read and listen. A; [really like that dress. B: Really? A: Yes, And I ike those shoes, too! B: Thank you! A: You're welcome. 2 HO: RHYTHM AND INTONATION Listen again and repeat. Then practice the Conversation Model with a partner. 3 CONVERSATION ACTIVATOR Personalize the conversation. ‘Compliment your partner on his or her clothes and shoes. Then change roles. A: Ireally like B: Really? DONT STOP! Talk about other clothes. A; You're welcome. 4 CHANGE PARTNERS Compliment other classmates’ clothes. EI tm ss “ONE 1 PRAM VOCABULARY * Colors and sizes Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat. CO or Oe 1 white 2 gray 3 black 4red 5 orange 13 large 6 yellow 7 green 8 blue 9 purple 10 brown M1 small 14 extra large 2 PAIRWORK Make wo statements about 44 My shoes ae own. 9 | your clothes. Shirts medium. 7 3. GRAMMAR + The simple present tense: negative statements and yes / no questions ‘with ke, want, need, and have. ‘Negative statements = 1 | don’t want He | doesn't like ‘Contractions You | don't need | extralarge. Ge doesn't need | red shirts donot > don't They! don'thave | | doesn't have does not > dover’ Yes / no questions | you | want gece i Do | YOU need the suit in arge? Yes,| we | do. No,| we | don't | they | have | they | I they the | tke he he voee| | nea muestra? Yeu | BM | down | ME | dna 4 GRAMMAR PRACTICE Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb. Use contractions. , but my son ..deesn't . B: Actually, no, |... ss a black tie? 5A: We .. the clothes in this store, dees, your husband ... two black ties, B: Really? That's too bad. We .. you See yay YOU - this black jacket in 58 B: No, I'm sorry. We . 46 UNTS 5 BHA! LISTENING COMPREHENSION Listen to the conversations about clothes. Check each statement T (true) or F (false). Then listen again and circle the color. Tr TF Ot Theylikethedres. i WE O04 Heneedsatie. JE igh iE 002 Henceds shoes. fF i #f GDS She needs the sweater in small. zn 1103 Matt needs asuitforwork fF jf ff 206 theydon'thavehis size. PB ip CUDNEY asi tor cotors and sizes 1 PRRHBI CONVERSATION MODEL Read and listen. ‘A: Do you have this sweater in green? ¢ Great. And my husband needs a shie. Renee da Do you have that shit in large? B: No, I'm sorry. We don’t. A: That’s too bad 2. HHI RHYTHM AND INTONATION Listen again and repeat. Then practice the Conversation Model with a partner. 3 CONVERSATION ACTIVATOR With a partner, ‘change the conversation. Ask for colors and sizes of clothes for you and a relative Use the pictures. Then change roles. A: Doyouhave «. aa. A connon ANG MY sense needs Bo youhave 7 Aoasoras 4 CHANGE PARTNERS Practice the ‘conversation again. Ask about other clothes, wre 47 e Tones | "EST 1 RWS! VOCABULARY Opposite adjectives to describe clothes w Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat. > —tnew old | 3dity clean g r 9 long 10 short 5 loose 6 tight ae cheap 8 expensive 3. PAIR WORK Look at your classmates. 2 GRAMMAR * Adjective placement Take tums describing their clothes. Adjectives come before the nouns they descr alongskirt tight shoes a red and black tie 46 Alen has new shocs_#Y 64 Joe's shoes are old, Adjectives don't change. 4 clean shirt /clean shirts NOT leans shirts k He needs new shoes. 77 Place very before adjectives, areata The skirt is very long. It long skit Ina shirt fe skirt is vory long. It's a very long s ies along 4 GRAMMAR PRACTICE Write two descriptions for each picture. Follow the model 1 The They're 48 UNITS 5. GRAMMAR + Tho simple presen tonse: questions with What, What color, What size, Why, and Which / One and ons Use a question word and do or does to ask information questions in the simple present tense, What do you need? (A blue and white tie.) What does she want? (New shoes.) Use because to answer questions with Why. Why do they wantthat sui? (Because i'snice) Why does he lke this tie? (Because it's green) Use What color and What size to ask about color and size. What color do you want? (Black) What size does he neod? (Extra large) Use Which to ask about choice. Answer with one or ones. Which sweater do you want? (The blue one.) Which shoes does she like? (The black ones) 6 GRAMMAR PRACTICE Complete the conversations in your own words. Then practice with a partner. 1A: Which skirt ? 4A: Why new shoes? ea eu Fa B: The one. 8: 2 A: What 2 5 A: Which shirts ? i iad ed wie B B: the ones. 3A: What color shoes < 6 A: What size shoes: ? sezus ‘aie i a B: COTTE bescribe clothes | RHE! CONVERSATION MODEL Read and listen. ‘A: What do you think ofthis jacket? B: | think t's nice. What about you? A: Well its nice, butts a litte tight. B: Let’s keep looking. 2. RAMl RHYTHM AND INTONATION Listen again ‘and repeat. Then practice the Conversation Model with a partner. 4 3. CONVERSATION ACTVATOR With partner, ariel coetesaton lise hae ©. sre oanee ne taatoe ‘A: What do you think of ? Kite eae Wal tt et AWeh ete rac eee Levee ck Qn Clothes Probleme shirt pants] exponsiva sweater Set | tight dress jacket} looso tis shoes | long short 4. CHANGE PARTNERS Talk about different clothes and problems. unre 49 11 Ri READING. Read the advertisement from today's newspaper. Which clothes do you like? Smith Daan ron d Tet] TT eoea oc: 1ahy eI} A Great Clothes Store! Men's and Women’s Clothes All stores open until midnight ilo nh & SS * White not available at South Many more shoe styles ‘Street Station location. avallablo, Cre ac nance hi Ries arene A a a are De eS eo “Blue at Main Street store only. 2 READING COMPREHENSION pead the statements about the advertisement. Check True or Ealse. True False 1 The saleis every day thisweek, O O 2 The store has three locations. O| O 3 Smith and Company is a oo oe clothes store. True False 4 White blouses areonsaleat =O O ‘two locations. 5 Allocations have blue sweaters, OO 6 Smith and Company doesn’t §=Q have children’s shoes. 3 PAIR WORK Discuss the sale at Smith and Company. Use the advertisement. 44 mato you need? 77 © Ineed a white blouse, and my sister ‘needs shoes for school Lets go to Smith 4nd Company. They have a great sale. 77 eat eres Do you wa (Do you ike this / that — Do you nood [aay Ride you hose want / has? Which do you _? Why 86 yon these / those Es oe ‘Unit 6 raviow p, 139 Te HITS 1 Talk about morning and evening activites. 2 Describe what you doin your re time. Tne 3. Discuss household chores. Activities Hil (EILTE talk about morning and evening activities AEE 1 HORI VOCABULARY « Dally activities at home Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat. 3 brush my teeth 4 comb/ brush my hair 7 cat breakfast 8 come home 9 make dinner we LE 12 get undressed 13 take a shower /a bath 14 goto bed 2 PAIR WORK Tell your partner about your daily activities. 44 yeatlunch at 12.00. 77 3505 Meats —breaitast 3 GRAMMAR * The simple present tense: spelling rules with he, she, and it ae Remember: —— ‘Add -s to the base form of most verbs. do > doos gets shaves combs 50 > goes have > has ‘Add -9s to verbs that end ins, -sh, -oh, or =x, study > studies P brushes watches UNIT? a ae STEMI tak about morning and evening activities 1 VOCABULARY / GRAMMAR PRACTICE Complete the statements. Use the simple present tense. Ved sone UP at 6:00, but his 5 Amy to bed at 10:00 rm, Wife, Amy, sna fp a 7:0, ut Ed nnn tbe a 17:00, cy ae 2 AMY sonsnngsenes DReaHtast at 7:30 A.M, 6 AMY sorugzszzunne diner on weekdays, DULEG cnn breakfast at 6:30, and Ed area diner on weekends, 3 Alter brealas, Ed non ad AY 7 EB sooo a Shower in the morning, gees ON MakeUP but Amy cng & bath. 4 Ed and Amy a TVin the evening. 8 They both. «their teeth in the wwateg ‘an ‘morning and the evening, GRAMMAR + The simple presont tonse: questions with Whon and What timo ‘When do you take a shower? (In the morning) What time does she getup? Before 70, ay rer BD GRAMMAR PRACTICE Write five questions sbouttdand amy. Answeryourparmers | !'hen docs Edshove? __ Adesso ‘questions aloud, 530] CONVERSATION MODEL Read and listen. A: Are you a moming person or an evening person? B: Me? I'm definitely an evening person. A: And why do you say that? Br Well, [get up after ten in the morning. And | go to bed after two. What about you? A: I'm a morning person. | get up before six. 2°08 RHYTHM AND INTONATION Listen again and repeat. Then practice the Conversation Model with a partner. CONVERSATION ACTIVATOR With a partner, personalize the conversation. Use your own information. A: Are you a morning person or an evening person? pa fein sma Re ae pee iors RECYCLE THIS LANGUAGE. CHANGE PARTNERS Personalize ‘When do you ¥ Peon caoea el What time dovou _? ‘What about your [parents]? CLASS SURVEY Find out how many students are morning people and how many are evening people. uN? &3 [AINE Describe what you do in your free ti ‘GEL 1 PI VOCABULARY + Leisure activities Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat. 2 takea nap yi 5 play soccer 6 check email, 7 gooutfor dinner ae 18 gota the movies 9 go dancing 10 visit friends 2 VOCABULARY / GRAMMAR PRACTICE Write six questions for a classmate about his or her leisure activities. Use Neen dayne fiends? When or What time and the simple present tense. 1 4 A 5 3 6 ‘3 GRAWIAR * The simple present tense: frequency adverbs Bo carol! 100% fp | always play soccer on Saturday. Plage the frequency adverb before the ‘usually check e-mail inthe evening. verb nthe simple preset tense, | sometimes go dancing on weekends. Don't sae pla ays aoa. Iever take a nap in the afternoon. He checker eral 4 PAIR WORK Now use your questions from Exercise 2 to ask a, Your partner about leisure activities. Use frequency adverbs {4 Whendo you vitirends? 77 | ‘and time expressions in your answers. 46 ‘usually vse frends on Saturday. PP exza write sentences about your partner from your esl conversation in Exercise 4 5. GRAMMAR PRACTICE On a separate sheet of paper, 6 GROUP WORK Tell the class about your partner's activities. [TOTTI vescrite what you doin your free time 11 M87! CONVERSATION MODEL Read and listen. ‘A: What's your typical day lke? B: Well, | usually go to work at 9:00, andi come home at 6:00. ‘A: And what do you do in your free time? B: | sometimes read or watch TV. What about you? A: Pretty much the same. 2 PBB RHYTHM AND INTONATION Listen again ‘and repeat. Then practice the Conversation Model with a parther 3. CONVERSATION ACTIVATOR On the notepad, write your typical daily activities. Then, with 2 partner, personalize the conversation ‘A: What's your typical day lke? Br Wel, |. A: And what do you do in your free time? B: ‘What about you? A DONT STOP! sk about other times and days QE ‘on Friday) inthe maring inthe afternoon inthe evening at night 4. CHANGE PARTNERS Personalize the conversation again. UNIT? 55 FEY ors 3 do the laundry 4 take out the garbage 2. GRAWIMAR * The simple present tonse: questions with How often / Other time expressions How often do you take out the garbage? -M TW TF § ake out the garbage every day. [aa MIWTESS How often does she go shopping? m ‘She goes shopping on Saturdays. iv] a Other time expressions MT WTF SS © once a year once aweek | ea fie a week three times a week: CII IeIz1 Bei 3. PAIR WORK Askand answer questions about chores. Use How ofien. 44 tow often do you go shopping? 77.) ~-EE_ 4 Bg) PRONUNCIATION + Third-porson singular vorb endings Read and listen. 44 Twice aweek, 77 ‘Then listen again and repeat. = ~ ‘VOCABULARY / GRAMMAR PRACTICE Tell your class how often your partner from Exercise 3 does household chotes. Practice pronunciation of third-person verb endings. Fiske socshsiin twice a week. 77 © GRAWIAR * The simple present tense: questions with Who as subject _ Who washes the dishes in your fi? | 10,/ Mysto ds cod aon aos oer va tee se Deine dew ig ee deen 7. SIMI LISTENING COMPREHENSION Listen to the conversations and the questions with Who. Check the chores each person does. 46 In Conversation 1, who 8 GRAMMAR PRACTICE With a partner, ask and answer Ripe aten 3 ‘questions about the people in Exercise 7. 2 “66 Her husband does. 77 LUMLEY Discuss household chores | PiBHA! CONVERSATION MODEL Read and listen. A: So how often do you do the laundry? B: About twice a week. How about you? ‘A: Me? I never do the laundry. Could | ask another question?_ B: Sure. ‘A: Who cleans the house? ‘Oh, that’s my brother's job. 2 DEBI RHYTHM AND INTONATION Listen again and repeat. ‘Then practice the Conversation Model with a partner. ‘G34 3. CONVERSATION ACTIVATOR With a partner, personalize the ies A: Sohow often do yOU sn? How about you? [As Me? samen.» Could 1 ask another question? AE WHO sons? ‘DONT STOP! 4” CHANGE PARTNERS Ask another classmate B: Oh that's um job, AK AOU thor chore about household chores. 5 GROUP WORK Tell your classmates about ‘your partner’s household chores. wr7 67 PUES 1 SR READING Read the atl. Do you lie housework? el Mm Cm eau Mil cre ae) ‘ow offen do you clean your house? Once a week? Twice a month? Never? Wel, these two robots clean the hhouse for you. The iRobot Roomba® turns right or let, and ims while you watch TV or exercise, Take a nap, and the hhouseis clean when you get up. And if you want to wash the floor, the iRobot Scooba* washes the floor for you.'The Scooba moves around corners and washes the floor while you listen to music or check your e-mail. Now that’s hhelp with household chores! ‘And who is this? Meet ASIMO, a robot from the Honda Motor Company. ASIMO doesn't the house. It doesn’t wash dishes or take out the garbage. But ASIMO walks, limbs stairs, carries things, and pushes things. ASIMO talks, answers questions, and follows directions. Ask, “What's your name?” and ASIMO says, “Tim ASIMO.” Say “turn ” oF “turn right,” and ASIMO turns. ASIMO also greets people. Some peopl think ASIMO is very cute. ASIMO cartes a tray. Eos ASIMO climbs stairs 2 READING COMPREHENSION Complete each statement. Circle the correct verb. 1 The Roomba (washes / vacuums / carries things). _$ASIMO doesn’t (clean things / carry things / talk). 2 The Scooba (washes / vacuums / carries things). 6 ASIMO also (vacuums / takes out the garbage / 3 The Roomba and the Scooba (answer questions / climbs stairs). talk turn, 7 ASIMO (ass / answers / repeals) questions em 4 ASIMO (cleans / washes the floor / greets people). 8 (The Roomba / The Scooba / ASIMO) pushes os things. 3 DISCUSSION which robots do you ke? ° Do you want any of them? Why? Uni? roviow « p.139 44 {wpocine Roomba becuse | Fr scone ngage pace | eee ere © se 52-10 Onto Vou se unr? i eer ey die a CONTEST Study the photos for one minute. Then close your books. Who remembers alljack’s activities? PAIR WORK Create a conversation for Jack and a friend. Start like this: Jack, are you a morning person or fan evening person? OR What's your typical day like? ‘TRUE OR FALSE? Make statements about Jack’s activities. Your partner says True or False, Take turns. For example: A: Jack usvelly takes @ shower in ‘the evening B: False. He takes a shower in the morning. WRITING Write about your typical week. Use adverbs of frequency and time expressions. For example: In the merning, 1 usually eat —| breakfast at 7:00. ThenT CONSE ps2 (Guidance tor tis wring exercise ~~ HOM Se (Ec sheh ert esi nchtin Describe what do tn my free time = Ti diseuss house chores uML7 59 || PIBHFI LISTENING COMPREHENSION Listen to the conversations. Check each statement T (true) or F (false). Then listen again and check your work. Tr TF 1.0.1 The woman is a manager. 01D 4 His brother's a student. D2 His father is a doctor. 10S Her grandparents are artists. 1103 Hersisteris an architect. 10.0 6 The woman in the photo is his neighbor. 2. PAIRWORK Askand answer questions about places on the maps. 4 Where's_? 7764 ws__. 77 3 GRAMMAR PRACTICE Complete each sentence with in, on, or at. 1 The movie is 3 The party is 2 The meeting is 4 The dinner is the moming. 5 The dance is 4 GRAMMAR PRACTICE Complete the sentences with this, that, these, or those. 1 Iwant pants. jackets. 5 PAIR WORK Partner A: Ask these questions. Partner B: Ask these questions. Partner B: Read the correct response to each. Partner A: Read the correct response to each question aloud. question aloud. 1 Does he have grandchildren? 4 When's the dance? a Yes, he has two sons. a On Saturday. b Yes, he does. b Atthe school. 2 Where's the pharmacy? 5 Do you like this suit? a Don’t walk. Take the bus. a Yes, itis. b It’s around the corner. b Yes, Ido. 3 Are we late? 6 How do you go to work? a Yes. it’s 10:00. a twalk, b Yes, you're early. b Walk. UNITS 1-7 REVIEW 6 PAIR WORK Write your own response to each person. Then practice your conversations with a partner. 1 Wells tothebank. 2 . to the bookstore. restaurant. 8 CONVERSATION PRACTICE With a partner, exchange real information about your families. Start like this: 44 Telmeaboutyourfaniy, 77 Ideas Ask about names. Ask albout aceupations Ask about ages. Describe peopl 6 9 PSHE LISTENING COMPREHENSION Listen to the conversations. Answer the questions, Then listen again and check your work. 2 What's his last name? === 4 What's the address? W's —__ West 12" Street. 10 GRANIMAR PRACTICE Circle the correct word or words to complete each statement or question. 1 Ishe (your / you) husband? 2 Is she (their J they) granddaughter? 3 (Her / His) name is Mr. Grant. 4 (Our / We) birthdays are in May. 5 How do you spell (her / she) name? 6 I'm (Ms. Bell / Ms. Bell’s) student. 111 VOCABULARY / GRAMMAR PRACTICE Write a question for each response. 1A: B: No, She’s a student. BA aeehutsasiy B: I'man architect, 3A: B: The bank is across the street. 4A: B: It's 9:45, 12 PAIRWORK Partner A: Ask these questions. Partner B: Read the correct response to each question aloud. 1 Does Jack have a large family? a Yes, Ido. b Yes, he does. 2 Does her father shave every morning? a Yes, heis. b No, he doesn’t. 3 Is Ms. Wang his English teacher? a Yes, heis.. b Yes, she B: It’s 34 Bank Street. 6 AS vee : The newsstand is around the corner. B: My birthday? In February. B: They're my sisters. Partner B: Ask these questions. Partner A: Read the correct response to each question aloud. 4 Does she like red shoes? a No, she doesn’t. b Yes, Ido. 5 Does he need a new tie? a Yes, he does. b Yes, Ido. 6 Does she always clean the house on Sunday? a Yes, she is. b Yes, she does. 13 GRAMMAR PRACTICE Circle the correct verb to complete each sentence. 1 We (am / are) friends. 2 They (has / have) two children. 3 Who (has / have) a blue suit? 62 UNITS 1-7 REVIEW 4 (Do / Does) she (want / wants) new shoes? 5 Why (do / does) they (need / needs) new shoes? 6 (Is / Are) we on time? 114 GRAMIWAR PRACTICE Complete the statements with verbs in the simple present tense. 1 Lusually Win the evening, but my brother snsninnennene 10 MUS. 2 We sometimes the house and the laundry in the morning. 3 After dinner, | always the dishes, and my wife . out the garbage. 4 My neighbors never snsunemnee Shopping on weekdays. 5 My sister always to bed before 10:00 p.m, but | usually sacsne email at 10:00. 6 My grandfather always .. anap in the afternoon. 15 VOCABULARY / GRAMMAR PRACTICE Answer the questions. Use frequency adverbs or time expressions, Then tell your classmates about your activities. ear ee Tusvally go shopping on weekends. 2 What do you do after breakfast? 3 What do you do after work or school? 4 What do you do at night before you go to bed? 16 CONVERSATION PRACTICE With a partner, talk about the times of events. Use the pictures or your own ideas. Start lke this: 66 took There's a What time? Lot's go! Good idea, across tho str ‘Sow the strat, ‘around the comer Rees ae aoa nae cane oe) Tue Toxyo Staines ws 1-7 REMEW 1 Describe your neighborhood. 2. Askabout someone's home. ts 3 Tall about furiture and appliances Home and Neighborhood Hl Describe your neighborhood G2 1 PII VOCABULARY + Buildings Read and listen, Then listen again and repeat. 1 AHOUSE 2. AN APARTMENT BUILDING 3 AN OFFICE BUILDING hes I CEL lees 2 GRAWIAR * The simple present tense: questions with Where / Prepositions of place ‘Questions with Where Where do you live? Where does he work? ‘Where do your parents live? Where does your mother work? Prepositions of place in at on She lives inan apartment, live at 50 Main Street, Her house is on Bank Street, “They lve ina house, He works at a bookstore. We go ta school on 34th Avenue. work in an office. They study atthe Brooke School, I wotk on the tenth floor. 3 GRAWIMAR PRACTICE Complete the conversations. Use the simple present tense and prepositions of place. your sister ? 3. A: Where . ‘your neighbor =. an apartment. B: She works a bookstore. you English? 4A: Where Your parents on. em B: We study the school around. B: They live 58 Gray Street. ‘ita the comer. RIE 4 S29. PRONUNCIATION + Liking sounds. Read and listen. Then listen and repeat. 1 EBB the second floor. 3. He IVER an apartment. 2 She ORRSIB an office. 4 My apartment fi balcony. 64 unTa 5 VOCABULARY / GRAMMAR PRACTICE With a partner, ask and answer Where do you live? questions with Where. Use the simple present tense. = EEE 6 PERRI! VOCABULARY * Places in the neighborhood Read and listen, 46 ive on Main Street. 77 Then listen again and repeat. 322 Preposition near = The tai sa neath bus sition rsh the street, = 4 apark 5 amall 6 amuseum 7 anairport 8 ahospital a Describe your neighborhood 1 8231 CONVERSATION MODEL Read and listen. A: Do you live far from here? B: No. About fifteen minutes by bus. A: Andis the neighborhood nice? B: Yes, itis. My apartment is near a park and a mall A: Really? My apartment Is next to an airport. 2 a4) RHYTHM AND INTONATION Listen again and repeat. Then practice the Conversation Model with a partner. 3 CONVERSATION ACTIVATOR With a partner, personalize the conversation. A: Do you live far from here? B: A; And is the neighborhood nice? Bae iit A: Really? My Ask more questions ne. ites [good Ugited Mi a iy A 4 CHANGE PARTNERS Ask about another _—*iet to yeu en shonnne/g classmate’s neighborhood, [= 2. PAR WORK Telyour parte about the roms inyourhome, 4 Mygpatinmt ne aetens yy 3 GRAWIAR + There is and There are / Questions with How many ‘There is and There are Use There is with singular nouns. Use There are with plural nouns. There's a smal bedroom dost. There are three large bedraoms upstairs There's large closet and two windows, There are two widows anda Trg close. There's no kitchon. Thera are no olovatos. 2 | Yes, there is. | Yes, there are. Isthereatacon? | HSH pre there cet? | Ye: | Be corfu een BUT Yes, ovo NOT Yom, hee. ee eae “hiro are NOT Thee Ask questions about quantity with How many. Always tse a plural noun with How many. How many bathrooms are there? (There are two) | How many bedrooms do you have? (We have three.) 4 GRAMMAR PRACTICE Complete the sentences. Use there's, there are, s there, or are there. 1 How many closets in the house? 5 ‘a garden next to her house. Bin 4 simall bedroom downstairs. sw two bedrooms upstaits. balcony on the second floor? ‘a park near my apartment. an elevator and two stairways. 8 How many windows COATT sk about someone’s home 5 GRAWIMAR PRACTICE Write ten sentences about your house or apartment. Use There is and There are, Ideas | There's a small bathroom next to my bedroom. pura * locaton af coms 6 pias LISTENING COMPREHENSION Listen to the conversations. ‘Check the best house or apartment for each person. QO GC Bi [hpziwmernomeawayirombomecom =e pe (rMaimsacreEucay OES SmI Citi CA two-bedroom house with a large kitchen C1A one-bedroom apartment with a large kitchen, Cl Acne-bedroom apartment wha smal ktchen (CA one-bedroom apartment wih a large claset 2. Buenos Aires 4. Montreal CO A two-bedroom house with three bathrooms: CA two-bedroom house with a small garcen Lietacttencantetee nineteen la seterecren eres ete coker 27! CONVERSATION MODEL Read and listen. ‘A: Do you live in a house or an apartment? ‘An apartment. ‘A: What'sit ike? B: Well, there are three large bedrooms, and ithasa large kitchen, ‘A: Sounds nice! 2. 3198 RHYTHIM AND INTONATION Listen again and repeat. Then practice the Conversation Model vith a partner. 3. CONVERSATION ACTIVATOR With a partner, personalize the conversation. Describe your hhouse or apartment. Then change roles. ‘A: Do you live in a house or an apartment? heen torso B: Well, ee ape [As Sounds nice! fener: Conte Does your nous] have [a garage]? 4 CHANGE PARTNERS Talk about another

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