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Evaluation of Organic Coatings with

Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy

Part 2: Application of EIS to Coatings

David Loveday, Pete Peterson, and Bob Rodgers—Gamry Instruments*

Part 1 of this series (August 2004 JCT ASTM (D01.27.32) and ISO useful to think of the frequency as a
CoatingsTech, page 46) described Elec- (TC35/SC9/WG29) will publish a camera shutter that can be very fast
trochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Standard Practice for Electrochemical (high frequency) for fast reactions and
(EIS) in general terms. In Part 2, the fo- Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) on High very slow (low frequency) for slow reac-
cus is on painted metal substrates and Impedance Coated Samples in late tions. This is the technical feature that
how their specific characteristics affect 2004. This Standard will provide guide- allows EIS to gather so much informa-
the EIS measurement and interpretation. lines for the collection of EIS data from tion on an electrochemical reaction in
Part 3 will address experimental protocols high impedance samples. It will include one experiment. And this is why EIS is
using EIS to test the performance of paints. round robin results on high impedance more useful for coatings than DC elec-
dummy cells, which simulate a coated trochemical techniques.
metal. As was said in Part 1, EIS can quanti-
WHAT CAN EIS TELL US tatively measure both resistances and
ABOUT PAINTS? capacitances in the electrochemical cell.
AN ELECTROCHEMICAL A resistance corresponds to electron-
EIS can generate quantitative data that DESCRIPTION OF AN transfer reactions such as corrosion.
relates to the quality of a coating on a The capacitance of a metal electrode in
metal substrate. EIS is a very sensitive
ORGANIC COATING ON A contact with an electrolyte is important
detector of the condition of a coated METAL SUBSTRATE information for any electrochemical
metal, so the EIS response can indicate system. For organic coatings, the capaci-
changes in the coating long before any Electrochemical techniques are typically tance measurement is particularly re-
visible damage occurs. EIS is not an ab- used on conductive materials such as vealing. As the organic coating deterio-
solute measurement. An EIS spectrum metals, batteries, etc. Applying an elec- rates with time during exposure to an
only tells us something when we com- trochemical technique to a painted electrolyte, EIS can track changes in the
pare it to another EIS spectrum. Any ex- sample, which is inherently nonconduc- capacitance of the coating. The capaci-
periment designed to measure coating tive, is somewhat non-intuitive. tance will change as the coating swells
quality must include a mechanism to However, when you consider that elec- or absorbs water, for example. In addi-
stress the coating and induce its failure. trochemistry is very commonly used to tion, we can measure changes in the
By making periodic EIS measurements study corrosion of metals and that porosity of the coating. EIS can also si-
during the stress process, a rate of coat- paints are employed to control corro- multaneously monitor the rate of corro-
ing failure can be estimated. EIS is a sion on metals in industrial and marine sion of the metallic substrate which
nondestructive measurement, so we can environments, then you can begin to generally increases as the protective
use EIS to track the condition of a imagine some interesting possibilities. coating fails, allowing the electrolyte to
coated metal sample as it changes. In Why is EIS so useful for paints? It is contact the substrate.
most cases, it is possible to identify the useful because using EIS to characterize To quantify these physical and chem-
cause of coating failure. a painted metal substrate simultane- ical processes with EIS, we need an ap-
In almost every experiment, the ously measures two phenomena: (1) propriate equivalent circuit. Even more
coated metal is exposed to an elec- the deterioration of the organic coating frightening, we need to actually start
trolyte, a solution chosen to either sim- caused by exposure to an electrolyte thinking of the coated sample as a col-
ulate a specific environment or to con- and (2) the increase in corrosion rate of lection of electrical elements. As noted
duct a standardized test (ASTM B 117, the underlying substrate due to the de- in Part 1, each element of the equiva-
for example). In almost all cases, the terioration of the coating and subse- lent circuit should model a specific
electrolyte contains dissolved salts so it quent attack by the electrolyte. function of the sample. The equivalent
is nicely suited for electrochemical ex- In EIS, an AC voltage of varying fre- circuit that is most commonly used to
periments. quency is applied to the sample. It is describe an organic coating on a metal-

*734 Louis Dr., Warminster, PA 18974; Voice: 215.682.9330; Fax: 215.682.9331; Email:

88 October 2004 JCT CoatingsTech

Analytical Series

lic substrate is shown in Figure 1. Not ized because it is electrode area depend-
surprisingly, this equivalent circuit is ent. Capacitive Drift of Eoc
more complex than the Randles cell
from Part 1. Each of the circuit ele- CDL: DOUBLE LAYER CAPACITANCE—The DC potential control is always
ments describes a “portion” of the sam- coating is not the only “structural” fea- used with impedance measure-
ple that is in contact with an electrolyte. ture of the sample that gives rise to a ca- ments to control the electrochemi-
In Figure 1, the equivalent circuit is pacitance. There is a charge on the cal reactions at the surface of the
overlaid on a schematic of a coated metal electrode and a charge in the elec- electrode while performing the im-
metal substrate. trolyte that are separated by the metal- pedance measurement. The DC
electrolyte interface. Since this interface potential applied during an EIS
RU: UNCOMPENSATED RESISTANCE—The is commonly known as the “double measurement on a coating is al-
resistance of the electrolyte between the layer” in electrochemical theory, the ca- most always the open-circuit po-
working electrode and reference elec- pacitance is called the Double Layer tential. For a coated metal sample
trode. For studies of organic coatings, Capacitance and abbreviated Cdl. The that is in excellent condition, it is
the electrolyte is very conductive, so Ru value of Cdl is usually in the range of difficult to obtain a stable value of
is usually very low (1-50 ohms) and 10–40 µF/cm2. This capacitance is much the open-circuit potential. The
can be ignored. higher than Ccoating (~ 1 nF/ cm2, or nonelectroactive nature of the
10–9 F/cm2), so the Cdl of even a small coatings causes the sample to be-
holiday will be apparent in the EIS re- have like a capacitor, for which an
capacitance of the organic coating is an
sponse. A scratch or holiday that ex- open-circuit potential is undefined.
important parameter to measure during
poses only 0.005% of the total sample
coating failure. Because most coatings The electrometer that is built
area to the electrolyte has the same ca-
are relatively thick, the coating capaci- into a potentiostat measures the
pacitance (20 µF * 0.005% ) as the en-
tance tends to be rather low—in the voltage of the sample. The elec-
tire intact area of the coating (1 nF). A
range of 1 nF/cm2. The physical and trometer is a very high impedance
coating that is adhering strongly to the
chemical properties of the coating that device. The ideal electrometer has
metal surface does not allow metal-elec-
affect the capacitance are: a zero input current, but a real-
trolyte contact, so Cdl can sometimes
be related to delamination of the coat- world electrometer is not so perfect
Ccoating = (ε)(εo)(A)/t (1)
ing. Cdl must be normalized because it and exhibits an input current of
where ε is the dielectric constant of the is electrode area dependent. several tens of picoamps. This low
coating, εo is 8.85 x 10–14 Farads/cm, A current is applied to the sample’s
The two circuit elements that ini- capacitive coating and charges the
is the area (cm2), and t is the thickness
tially dominate the impedance are the capacitor. The result is an appar-
Coating Capacitance and the Pore ent open-circuit potential that
The capacitance is related to the
Resistance. The capacitance of a typical steadily increases until it reaches
magnitude of the impedance (|Z|) by
undamaged coating with good barrier the limit of the potentiostat (8–30
|Z| = 1 / (2πfCcoating) (2) properties is about 1 nF/cm2. From volts).
equation (2), the impedance of 1 cm2
where f is the frequency of the applied of this coating at 1 Hz is about 109 To circumvent this problem, the
AC voltage. ohms and increases at lower frequen- EIS experiment on good intact
cies. The Pore Resistance of this coating coatings should be performed at
RPORE: PORE RESISTANCE—The resist- the open-circuit voltage of the
ance of the coating changes during ex- is exceedingly high (>1012 ohm), so that
the sample behaves as a near-perfect ca- bare, uncoated substrate in the
posure due to the penetration of elec- electrolyte. The open-circuit volt-
trolyte into the micropores of the pacitor. The impedance is high because
there is no low impedance path through age of the substrate should be
coating. Upon immersion, the Pore measured in the electrolyte in a
Resistance can be very high (>1010 ohm) the sample.
separate experiment. The value of
and usually decreases with time of ex- Finally, the equivalent circuit in the open-circuit potential is then
posure to the electrolyte. However, it is Figure 1 is for the general case. For a used during the EIS measurement
not unusual for Rpore to increase after coating that is under attack by an elec- and specified “versus the reference
long exposure times; the increase is trolyte, the values of the circuit ele- electrode.” The open-circuit poten-
commonly attributed to corrosion ments will change (sometimes dramati- tial of most common metals is be-
products from the metal substrate cally) as attack proceeds, which leads to tween –1.0 and 0.5 volts.
blocking the pores. changes in the EIS response.
As the coating deteriorates
RP: POLARIZATION RESISTANCE—The upon exposure to the electrolyte,
corrosion rate of the metal substrate be- the sample will assume more resis-
neath the coating is described by the
ELECTROCHEMICAL tive characteristics. This condition
Polarization Resistance. For a metal in INSTRUMENTATION FOR EIS can be recognized by a more sta-
the absence of a coating, the corrosion ble value for the open-circuit po-
rate can be determined from the
OF COATINGS tential. When this occurs, the DC
Polarization Resistance. The Polariza- Because of the nonconductive nature potential during the EIS measure-
tion Resistance is inversely proportional of an organic coating, coated metal ment may be defined with respect
to the corrosion rate. A typical samples typically exhibit very high im- to the stable open-circuit potential
Polarization Resistance for a bare metal pedances. The barrier properties of a for convenience.
is 5000 ohm-cm2. Rp must be normal- coating prohibit contact between the October 2004 89

Figure 1—Equivalent circuit of an organic coating on a metal sample. In most cases, pathway to coatings failure is moni-
metal substrate overlaid on a schematic of a painted metal the cell is unstirred. tored by making periodic EIS measure-
surface. The electrolyte is gener- ments on the sample as it is stressed.
ally chosen to reflect service Changes in the Coatings Capacitance,
conditions. Exposing the Pore Resistance, Polarization Resistance,
painted metal to the exact and Double Layer Capacitance can be
environment it will en- measured and related to the rate of fail-
counter in the field is the ure of the coating. These concepts will
best way to verify acceptable be discussed in Part 3 of this series.
performance. Coating degradation proceeds
The electrode area of the through a number of stages,1 described
paint sample should be below. This proposed degradation route
10–30 cm2. This is a rela- is a useful platform to describe the
tively large sample area, equivalent circuit diagrams and the EIS
which has two benefits: (1) results expected at each stage. This is a
statistically, a large area has very general case and all coatings will
a high probability of ex- not show the same behavior. The degra-
hibiting a defect in the coat- dation steps are described below and
ing, and (2) a large electrode shown in Figure 3 with (1) an example
area will exhibit higher cur- of the appropriate equivalent circuit
rents than a smaller area. with typical values for the electrical ele-
electrolyte and the conductive metal ments, (2) a Bode plot, and (3) a
The reference electrode in the elec-
substrate. This is especially true when Nyquist plot. It is wise (and with mod-
trochemical cell should be properly
the sample is initially immersed in the ern software, easy) to examine EIS data
maintained. The junction material
electrolyte. It is not unusual for the im- in both the Bode and Nyquist formats.
should be kept moist and the internal
pedance of a fresh, intact coating to ex- solution in the electrode should never PURELY CAPACITIVE (Figure 3A): Upon
ceed 1010 ohms. During an EIS experi- be allowed to dry out. It is important to initial exposure to an electrolyte, a high-
ment, the current with this sample may employ a low impedance junction ma- performance coating with excellent bar-
be as low as 10 pA. (Remember that I = terial. The junction material is the con- rier properties will act as an almost-per-
E/Z.) Because of these low currents, EIS tact to the cell and a high impedance at fect capacitor. At this stage, Rpore is
measurements on coatings are not triv- this point will enhance noise pick-up extremely high. The Bode plot shows a
ial and require special consideration. and may cause other instrumental prob- straight line of slope –1 with high im-
An electrochemical impedance in- lems. Follow the guidelines of the po- pedance at low frequency and a phase
strument consists of a potentiostat to tentiostat’s manufacturer. angle of –90° throughout the entire fre-
apply the AC voltage and measure the Remember that the measured cell quency range, characteristic of a pure
current, associated electronics to meas- currents will be low, so a Faraday Cage capacitor. The capacitance value is de-
ure the impedance, and an electrochem- should always be used. A Faraday Cage pendent on the thickness of the coating
ical cell to contain the sample. The po- is a grounded conductive enclosure (i.e., and its dielectric constant [see equation
tentiostat is the key component to a steel box) that is continuous and
address the high impedance of the completely surrounds the cell and all
coated sample. The potentiostat must the electrodes. It reduces current noise
have sufficient sensitivity to measure picked up by the working electrode and Figure 2—An electrochemical cell to perform
the low currents with suitable accuracy. voltage noise picked up by the reference EIS on a coated metal sample.
The details of potentiostat performance electrode. The instrument itself need not
in this regard were addressed in Part 1. be placed inside the Faraday Cage. In
This is very important; some EIS instru- most cases, the Faraday Cage is con-
ments will not have sufficient sensitivity nected to an earth ground. For coated
to characterize a coating with good bar- samples, a Faraday Cage is indispensable.
rier properties.
It is also possible to make EIS meas-
urements on samples in the field, such
as pipelines, offshore platforms, or air-
CELLS AND SAMPLES craft. Clearly, the cell in Figure 2 cannot
An electrochemical cell designed for be used in a field application.
EIS of coated metals is shown in Figure
2. The sample is clamped to the cell
body and fixed in a horizontal position. DATA ANALYSIS OF
The cell body contains an O-ring to
form a leak-proof seal. The cell also
contains a Saturated Calomel Reference An experimental protocol that em-
Electrode and a graphite counter elec- ploys EIS to evaluate coating quality
trode. The electrolyte of choice is placed must include a stressing mechanism to
in the cell body and contacts the coated induce the failure of the coating. The

90 October 2004 JCT CoatingsTech

Analytical Series

Figure 3A—Equivalent circuit of an intact

paint film.

Figure 3B—Equivalent circuit for an undam-

aged coating with absorbed water.

Figure 3C—Equivalent circuit for a coating

that is developing a low Pore Resistance.

Figure 3D—Equivalent circuit for a freely cor-

roding metal substrate.

Figure 3E—Equivalent circuit for a painted metal

substrate that has suffered major damage.

Figure 3—Degradation of an organic coating on a metal substrate. Equivalent circuit, Bode plot, and Nyquist plot for the five stages of coating
failure. October 2004 91

(1)]. The initial capacitance of the coat- the Pore Resistance is much lower than cept is equal to the sum of the Pore
ing is in the range 0.1 nF/cm² to 1 nF/ when initially immersed. The Pore Resistance and Polarization Resistance.
cm², depending on the coating material Resistance results in a frequency-inde- With some coatings, the degradation
and thickness. pendent plateau at low frequencies in process becomes diffusion-controlled as
The Nyquist plot for an undamaged the Bode plot. The phase angle is no the system progresses toward active cor-
coating lacks significant information. longer constant with frequency and the rosion. Diffusion control is a very com-
The intercept on the real axis is the un- value is 90° only at high frequencies. At mon process in electrochemistry and,
compensated resistance (10 ohms), this stage, there is no significant corro- since the coating impedes the move-
which is indistinguishable on this plot. sion of the metal substrate. ment of chemical species, not unex-
You will recall that the response of a ca- With the development of the lower pected with coatings. The chemical
pacitor to an AC waveform is phase- Pore Resistance, the Nyquist plot ex- species associated with diffusion in
shifted by 90°. For this reason, the real hibits the characteristic semi-circle of a coatings is oxygen and cations (from
component of the impedance is zero Randles-like cell. The x-intercept at low the electrolyte) diffusing toward the
and the total impedance is equal to the frequency (to the left) is the metal and corrosion products diffusing
imaginary impedance. Uncompensated Resistance and the x- away from the metal. When the electro-
intercept at high frequencies is the sum chemical process is diffusion controlled,
ABSORPTION OF WATER (Figure 3B): of the Uncompensated and Pore it is relatively easy to recognize from a
The impedance from the Bode plot de- Resistance. In this instance, the imagi- Nyquist plot.3
creases when the coating absorbs water, nary impedance was not zero at the
but maintains a linear relationship with MAJOR COATING DAMAGE (Figure 3E):
lowest frequency employed during the
frequency. The slope does not change During this final stage, the impedance is
EIS experiment. Extending the lower fre-
and the phase angle remains at –90°. dominated by the general corrosion of
quency range would result in better def-
Water has a higher dielectric constant the substrate. The total impedance at
inition of the semi-circle. However,
(80) than that of the typical organic low frequencies in the Bode plot has de-
since the answers from EIS are deter-
coating (2 to 5), so the capacitance of creased to an even lower value. It is not
mined from the modeling, a pretty
the coating with absorbed water is uncommon for the total impedance to
semi-circle will not improve the quality
higher than that of the dry coating [see change by 5–6 orders of magnitude be-
of the results at all.
equation (1)]. The coating may also tween the initial immersion and de-
swell during this stage, which would INITIATION OF CORROSION OF THE struction of the coating. In most cases,
have the effect of decreasing the capaci- METAL SUBSTRATE (Figure 3D): As the two time constants are apparent in the
tance. Because of the high dielectric electrolyte penetrates the coating, an Bode plot of impedance magnitude.
constant of water, the effect of water ab- ever-increasing area of the metal sub- Note that the frequency range on the x-
sorption usually overwhelms the effect strate is contacted and corrosion is initi- axis is different in this figure. Because of
of swelling and the capacitance in- ated. The Polarization Resistance and the lower impedances, the coating ca-
creases. Double Layer Capacitance are area de- pacitance is only evident at higher fre-
The initial effect of water absorption pendent. As the exposed area increases, quencies. Active corrosion at the metal
is to change the “value” of the capacitor, the observed Rp decreases (Rp~1/area) surface is often accompanied by delami-
so the shape of the Nyquist plot does and the observed Cdl increases nation of the coating and formation of
not change. The Nyquist plot is and will (Cdl~area). It is important to note that blisters. This is signaled by an increase
remain uninteresting until we begin to we are observing the corrosion reaction in the Double Layer Capacitance and a
see resistive elements develop in the on a very small fraction of the total slight decrease in the Coating
coating. coated electrode area, a tribute to the Capacitance. Clogging of the pores by
sensitivity of EIS. At this stage, there is the corrosion products from the surface
It may be useful to measure the rate usually no visible evidence of corrosion. of the metal sometimes causes the Pore
of absorption of water by the coating in Resistance to increase.
the early stages of exposure. The The magnitude of the total imped-
Brasher-Kingsbury equation2 provides a ance at low frequency in the Bode plot The Nyquist plot usually exhibits
convenient estimate of water uptake. continues to drop. The effects of two time constants and the semi-circles
Polarization Resistance and the Double are often better defined than earlier in
Volume Fraction H2O = (log Ct/Co)/log εw (3) Layer Capacitance are now impacting the deterioration process.
the Bode plot. This is signaled by a With a little experience, it is possible
where Ct is the coatings capacitance at
more complex Bode plot, which now to quickly glean qualitative information
time t, Co is the initial coatings capaci-
exhibits two breaks, or, in the language on the coating from a visual inspection
tance, and εw is 80, the dielectric con-
of Impedance Spectroscopists, “two of the EIS curve. For example, the total
stant of water.
time constants.” The use of “time con- impedance at low frequency is the sum
The Coating Capacitance can be stants” implies a kinetic phenomenon of the Polarization Resistance, Pore
quickly measured at any time by fitting and, indeed, that is the case. Resistance, and Uncompensated
the equivalent circuit to the EIS data.
The Nyquist plot shows two semi-cir- Resistance, while the impedance at the
DEVELOPMENT OF PORE RESISTANCE cles, corresponding to the two time con- break in a “two time constant” Bode
(Figure 3C): The next significant change stants. The smaller semi-circle at high plot is due to the Pore Resistance and
is the decrease in Pore Resistance that frequency (to the left) is due to the Uncompensated Resistance. For paint
occurs as the electrolyte penetrates the Coatings Capacitance and the semi-cir- studies, the Uncompensated Resistance
coating and creates a path to the surface cle at lower frequency is due to the can usually be ignored. The high fre-
of the underlying metal. The value of Double Layer Capacitance. The x-inter- quency “capacitive” region (so-called

92 October 2004 JCT CoatingsTech

Analytical Series

because the impedance is dependent on Polarization Resistance and Double SUMMARY

frequency) of the Bode plot is due to Layer Capacitance may relate to the ad-
the Coating Capacitance. The second hesion of the film to the surface. Rp and The focus of this article was electro-
capacitive region is due to the Double Cdl, which are characteristics of the chemical impedance measurements on
Layer Capacitance. The same is true in a bare metal, will not become apparent in coatings. We introduced the electro-
Nyquist plot, but may not be as visibly the EIS measurement until the elec- chemical description of an organic
apparent as in the Bode plot. These re- trolyte traverses the coating and con- coated metal surface and a general
gions are labeled in Figure 3E. tacts the metal. The resulting under-film equivalent circuit model of this surface
Despite these qualitative short cuts, corrosion may cause loss of adhesion of was proposed. Some of the pitfalls of
we advise the EIS newcomer to trust in the paint film to the substrate. the actual measurement were noted and
equivalent circuit modeling to calculate However, it is possible for the char- then the five stages of coatings degrada-
the quantitative data. As the coating de- acteristics of the paint film to compli- tion were described.
teriorates, the changes in the EIS curve cate the measurement of Rp and Cdl. If In the final article, we will discuss
can be very subtle and easy to overlook. the barrier properties of the coating are how coating scientists use the various
The mathematics of the curve-fitting al- good (despite the presence of under- methods available to get an understand-
gorithm is rigorous and will easily iden- film corrosion), then the high value of ing of failures modes of coatings. These
tify the equivalent circuit elements and Rpore may cloak the presence of Rp and protocols include methods of stressing
their values that are necessary to de- Cdl. Rp and Cdl will only be apparent the coating, such as cabinet tests, used
scribe the condition of the coating and in the EIS measurement if their imped- in conjunction with electrochemical im-
the metal substrate. ance is of the same order of magnitude pedance measurements. CT
as Rpore. In effect, the EIS characteris-
tics of a coating with excellent barrier
properties may mask under-film corro- References
PREDICTING DELAMINATION sion. (1) Murray, J., Prog. Org. Coat., 31, 375 (1997)
and references therein.
FROM EIS MEASUREMENTS Therefore, in the case where the bar-
(2) Brasher, D.M. and Kingsbury, A.H., J. Appl.
rier properties remain good, the use of
Chem., 4, 62 (1954).
Adhesion of a paint film to the Rp and Cdl to predict delamination
(3) Macdonald, J.R., Impedance Spectroscopy;
metal substrate is a key measure of per- may be questionable. If Rp and Cdl can- Emphasizing Solid Materials and Systems,
formance. Adhesion has both chemical not be measured, then EIS will not Wiley-Interscience Publications (1987).
and physical aspects. Adhesion is typi- work. If Rp and Cdl can be measured, (4) Electrochemical Impedance: Analysis and
cally measured semi-quantitatively by a EIS may be useful. Interpretation, ASTM Special Technical
Publication 1188, Scully, J.R., Silverman,
simple physical test such as ASTM D610, EIS cannot be used to measure the D.C., and Kendig, M.W. (Eds.), ASTM
D714, D1654, D3359, and D6677. loss of adhesion that results from the (1993).
EIS may provide information on the physical properties of the coating and (5) Cottis, R. and Turgoose, S., Electrochemical
loss of adhesion. Specifically, the the substrate. Impedance and Noise, NACE International. October 2004 93

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