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EgyE 201 GWU


1.1. Ocean Energy refers to the energy carried by ocean waves, tides, salinity, and ocean
temperature differences. The movement of water in the world's oceans creates a vast store
of kinetic energy, or energy in motion. Some of this energy can be harnessed to generate
electricity to power homes, transport, and industries.
1.2. Tidal and wave power were used to power some of the oldest technologies. Ocean energy was
discovered in 1966, La Rance, France. The man who discovered this energy was M. Jannaschii
he did so by just watching the tides and waves and realized that the force that pushed them
created power.
1.3. The first known patent to use energy from ocean waves dates back to 1799 and was filed in
Paris by Girard and his son. An early application of wave power was a device constructed
around 1910 by Bochaux-Praceique to light and power his house at Royan, near Bordeaux in
1.4. Generally, ocean can produce two types of energy: thermal energy from the sun’s heat and
mechanical energy from the tides and waves.


2.1. Marine Current Power

2.1.1. Marine currents can carry large amounts of water, largely driven by the tides, which are
a consequence of the gravitational effects of the planetary motion of the Earth, the
Moon and the Sun. Augmented flow velocities can be found where the underwater
topography in straits between islands and the mainland or in shallows around headlands
plays a major role in enhancing the flow velocities, resulting in appreciable kinetic
2.1.2. Technologies in Marine Current Power Vertical Axis Turbine – this are turbines that operate in marine currents based on
the same principle as the land-based Darrieus machines. Oscillating Hydrofoil – lift and drag forces cause the arm to oscillate, and
hydraulic cylinder attached to the main are subsequently extends and retracts
pumping high-pressure oil to a generator. This oil passes through a hydraulic
turbine which drives a generator to produce electricity. Horizontal Axis Turbine – the blades turn in a tidal stream and the higher density
of water means that although blades are smaller and turn more slowly, they still
deliver a significant amount of power. Axial flow rotors are used to drive a
generator via a gearbox similar to a hydro-electric or wind turbine.

2.2. Osmotic Power

2.2.1. Reverse Electrodialysis - (RED) is the salinity gradient energy retrieved from the
difference in the salt concentration between seawater and river water. In reverse

EgyE 201 GWU

electrodialysis a salt solution and fresh water are let through a stack of alternating
cation and anion exchange membranes.
2.2.2. Pressure Retarded Osmosis – (PRO) is a technique to separate a solvent (for example,
fresh water) from a solution that is more concentrated (e.g. sea water) and pressurized.
A semipermeable membrane allows the solvent to pass to the concentrated solution
side by osmosis. The technique can be used to generate power from the salinity
gradient energy resulting from the difference in the salt concentration between sea and
river water.

2.3. Ocean Thermal Energy

2.3.1. Ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) produces energy from temperature
differences in ocean waters. OTEC is a process producing energy by harnessing the
temperature differences (thermal gradients) between ocean surface waters and deep
ocean waters. The temperature difference is due to the radiant energy of the sun as the
surface water absorbs and convert it to thermal energy.
2.3.2. Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) systems use a temperature difference (of at
least 77 Fahrenheit) to power a turbine to produce electricity.
2.3.3. Warm surface water is pumped through an evaporator containing a working fluid. The
vaporized fluid drives a turbine/generator. The vaporized fluid is turned back to a liquid
in a condenser cooled with cold ocean water pumped from deeper in the ocean. OTEC
systems using seawater as the working fluid can use the condensed water to produce
desalinated water.
2.3.4. Different systems of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Closed-cycle systems – Closed cycle systems use fluid with a low boiling point,
such as ammonia (having a boiling point around 33 C at atmospheric pressure), to
power a turbine to generate electricity. Warm surface seawater is pumped
through a heat exchanger to vaporize the fluid. The expanding vapor turns the
turbo generator. Cold water, pumped through a second heat exchanger,
condenses the vapor into a liquid, which is then recycled through the system.

EgyE 201 GWU

DIAGRAM OF A CLOSED-SYSTEM OTEC Open-cycle system - uses warm surface water directly to make electricity. The
warm seawater is first pumped into a low-pressure container, which causes it to
boil. In some schemes, the expanding vapor drives a low-pressure turbine
attached to an electrical generator. The vapor, which has left its salt and other
contaminants in the low-pressure container, is pure fresh water. It is condensed
into a liquid by exposure to cold temperatures from deep ocean water.

DIAGRAM OF AN OPEN SYSTEM OTEC Hybrid cycle – An OTEC system that combines the features of a closed-cycle and
open-cycle systems. In a hybrid, warm seawater enters a vacuum chamber and is
flash evaporated, similar to the open cycle evaporation process. The steam
vaporizes the ammonia working fluid of a closed cycle loop on the other side of an
ammonia vaporizer. The vaporized fluid then drives a turbine to produce
electricity. The steam condenses within the heat exchanger and provides
desalinated water.

2.4. Tidal Power

2.4.1. Tidal streams are created by the constantly changing gravitational pull of the moon and
sun on Earth’s ocean. This gravitational pull creates kinetic energy over a large moving

EgyE 201 GWU

water body. Tidal stream technologies capture the kinetic energy of the currents flowing
in and out of the tidal areas. turbine during low tide. To capture sufficient power from
the tidal energy potential, the height of high tide must be at least seven (7) meters.
2.4.2. Since the relative positions of the sun and moon can be predicted with complete
accuracy, so can the resultant tide. Its predictability makes tidal energy such a valuable
resource. Largest tides are called spring tides and happen every two weeks when the
sun and moon are lined up in a row. Smallest tides are called neap tides and happened
when the when the sun and moon form a right angle to each other. This causes the sun
and moon to pull water in two different directions.
2.4.3. TYPES OF TIDAL ENERGY Tidal Range - Tidal range devices make use of the vertical difference in the water
level between a high tide and a low tide. They do this by trapping or impounding
the sea water within a flooded basin behind a large tidal barrage before releasing
it back to the sea via turbines. By opening and closing slice gates, sea water is
allowed to enter into the basin or estuary before being trapped on one side
creating a static head of water across it due to the cyclic movement of the tides. Tidal Stream - Tidal stream devices are generally designed for deep water
operation where it is too deep to mount tidal turbines directly to the seabed. Tidal
stream technologies use large turbines to extract the energy from the moving
tides and are similar in operation to wind turbines. Like their wind turbine, tidal
turbines use axial shaped turbine blades that operate according to the principles
of aerodynamic lift. Dynamic tidal power (DTP) - Dynamic tidal power (or DTP) is a theoretical
technology that would exploit an interaction between potential and kinetic
energies in tidal flows. It proposes that very long dams (for example: 30 50 km
length) be built from coasts straight out into the sea or ocean, without enclosing
an area.
2.4.4. DIFFERENT TIDAL RANGE TECHNOLOGY Tidal Barrage – This make use of the potential energy in the difference in height
(or hydraulic head) between high and low tides. When using tidal barrages to
generate power, the potential energy from a tide is seized through the strategic
placement of specialized dams. When the sea level rises and the tide begins to
come in, the temporary increase in tidal power is channeled into a large basin
behind the dam, holding a large amount of potential energy.

Flood Generation Tidal Barrage Ebb Generation Barrage

EgyE 201 GWU Tidal Lagoon - A tidal lagoon is a power station that generates electricity from the
natural rise and fall of the tides. It is designed to construct circular retaining walls
embedded with turbines that can capture the potential energy of the tides. Tidal
lagoons work in a similar way to tidal barrages by capturing a large volume of
water behind a man-made structure which is then released to drive turbines and
generate electricity. The lagoons can also be in double or triple format with or
without pumping that will flatten out the power output.
2.4.5. DIFFERENT TIDAL STREAM TECHNOLOGY Offshore/Undersea Tidal Turbines - Horizontal turbine generators called “tidal
turbines” or “marine current turbines” are placed on the ocean floor, the stream
currents flow across the turbine blades powering a generator much like how wind
turns the blades of wind power turbines. Tidal Fence - is another form of tidal stream technology, which directly exploits
fast flowing underwater ocean currents for energy generation. Tidal fences are
composed of individual vertical axis turbines that are mounted together within a
single fence like structure. The purpose of a tidal fence, also known as a “caisson”,
is to harness the kinetic energy of the underwater tides.


2.5. Wave Power

2.5.1. Waves are formed by winds blowing over the surface of the sea. The size of the waves
generated will depend upon the wind speed, its duration, and the distance of water
over which it blows (the fetch), bathymetry of the seafloor (which can focus or disperse
the energy of the waves) and currents. The resultant movement of water carries kinetic
energy which can be harnessed by wave energy devices.
2.5.2. Wave conversion devices that float on the surface have joints hinged together that bend
with the waves. This kinetic energy pumps fluid through turbines and creates electric
2.5.3. Stationary wave energy conversion devices use pressure fluctuations produced in long
tubes from the waves swelling up and down. This bobbing motion drives a turbine when
critical pressure is reached.


EgyE 201 GWU Attenuator - a floating device which operates parallel to the wave direction and
effectively rides the waves. These devices capture energy from the relative motion
of the two arms as the wave passes them. Point Absorber - a floating structure which absorbs energy from all directions
through its movements at/near the water surface. It converts the motion of the
buoyant top relative to the base into electrical power. The power taken off system
may take in a number of forms, depending on the configuration of
displacers/reactors. Oscillating Wave Surge Converter - converters extract energy from wave surges
and the movement of water particles within them. The arm oscillates as a
pendulum mounted on a pivoted joint in response to the movement of water in
the waves. Oscillating Water Column – It is a partially submerged, hollow structure open to
the sea below the water line, enclosing a column of air on top of a column of
water. Waves cause the water column to rise and fall, which in turn compresses
and decompresses the air column. This trapped air is allowed to flow to and from
the atmosphere via a turbine, which usually has the ability to rotate regardless of
the direction of the airflow. The rotation of the turbine is used to generate
electricity. Overtopping/Terminator Device – This device can capture water as waves break
into a storage reservoir. The water is then returned to the sea passing through a
conventional low-head turbine which generates power. Submerged Pressure Differential – a device typically located near shore and
attached to the seabed. The motion of the wave causes the sea level to rise and
fall above the devise, inducing a pressure differential in the device. The alternating
pressure pumps fluid through a system to generate electricity. Bulge Wave – This technology comprises of a rubber tube with water, moored to
the seabed heading into the waves. The water enters a stern and the passing
waves causes pressure variations along the length of the tube, creating a bulge.
Said bulge travels along the tube, gathering energy which can be used to drive a
low-head turbine. Rotating Mass - Two forms of rotation are used to capture energy by the
movement of the device heaving and swaying in the waves. This motion drives
either an eccentric weight or a gyroscope causes precession. In both cases the
movement is attached to an electric generator inside the device.

3.1. Wave Energy
3.1.1. Wave height
3.1.2. Wave energy period
3.1.3. Mean wave direction
3.2. Osmotic Power
3.2.1. Fluid physical properties
3.2.2. Membrane microstructural parameters

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3.3. Ocean Thermal Energy

3.3.1. Mass flow rate of warm water
3.3.2. Mass flow rate of cold water
3.3.3. Vacuum compressor inlet pressure
3.3.4. Warm water temperature
3.3.5. Cold water temperature
3.4. Tidal Energy
3.4.1. Tidal range
3.4.2. Tidal stream velocity


4.1. Global Potential of Ocean Energy


Tidal Energy > 300 TWh
Marine Current Power > 800 TWh
Osmotic Power 2,000 TWh
Ocean Thermal Energy 10,000 TWh
Wave Energy 8,000-80-000 TWh

4.2. Ocean Energy in the Philippines


Capul, Samar Tidal Power 5 Megawatts
Sta. Ana, Cagayan Tidal Power 5 Megawatts
Zambales Region Ocean Thermal Energy 10 Megawatts*
*Under project and further studies


5.1. In Marine Current Power, energy, the impacts of removing current energy on the farfield
environment may be a significant environmental concern. The typical turbine issues with blade
strike, entanglement of marine organisms, and acoustic effects still exists; however, these may
be magnified due to the presence of more diverse populations of marine organisms using ocean
currents for migration purposes.
5.2. In Osmotic Power, the main waste product of salinity gradient technology is brackish water. The
discharge of brackish water into the surrounding waters, if done in large quantities and with
any regularity, will cause salinity fluctuations. While some variation in salinity is usual,
particularly where fresh water (rivers) empties into an ocean or sea anyway, these variations
become less important for both bodies of water with the addition of brackish waste waters.
Extreme salinity changes in an aquatic environment may result in findings of low densities of
both animals and plants due to intolerance of sudden severe salinity drops or spikes.
5.3. Carbon dioxide dissolved in deep cold and high-pressure layers is brought up to the surface
and released as the water warms. Mixing of deep ocean water with shallower water brings
up nutrients and makes them available to shallow water life. This may be an advantage for
aquaculture of commercially important species but may also unbalance the ecological
system around the power plant.

EgyE 201 GWU

5.4. Tidal power can have effects on marine life. The turbines can accidentally kill swimming sea
life with the rotating blades. Some fish may no longer utilize the area if threatened with a
constant rotating or noise-making object.
5.5. The risk of marine mammals and fish being struck by tidal turbine blades; The effects of
electromagnetic fields and underwater noise emitted from operating marine energy devices.
The physical presence of marine energy projects and their potential to alter the behavior of
marine mammals, fish, and seabirds with attraction or avoidance; The potential effect on
nearfield and far field marine environment and processes such as sediment transport and water

References:› ocean-energy-tech

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