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Learning Delivery Modalities 2

For Teachers
Course Guide/ Study Schedule

Module 1 – Course Orientation

Activity 1- Reflection on Course Overview
Lesson 1 -Course
Activity 2- Describing your context
Overview Activity 3- Sharing
Lesson 2 -Organizing Activity 1- Reflection on DO 35 s. 2016 September 18, 2020
your LAC Activity 2- Conducting your First LAC Session
Activity 3- Taking Note of your LAC Group
Module 2 – Most Essential Learning Competencies
Activity 1- Reflection on learning continuity &
congested curriculum
Lesson 1 -Background, Activity 2- Familiarizing on the Design and
Rationale, & Dev’nt of Development of MELCs
MELCs Activity 3- Comparing the K to 12 Competencies and
Activity 4- Discussing answer to Activities 1-3 + LAC September 18, 2020
Activity 1- Identifying considerations in unpacking and
Lesson 2 -Unpacking of combining the MELCS
MELCs into Learning Activity 2- Unpacking and combining learning
Objectives objectives +LAC
Activity 3- Submitting Activity 2 outputs to LAC Leader
Module 3a – Designing Instruction in Different Learning Delivery Modalities
Activity 1- Defining the modalities prescribed in the September 22, 2020
Activity 2- Deep diving into distance learning + LAC
Lesson 1 -Understanding
Activity 3- Ranking the types of distance learning +
the Different LDMs LAC
Activity 4- Identifying targeted interventions for learners
with special concerns + LAC*
Activity 1- Identifying vital components of a well-
designed lesson
Activity 2- Sequencing learning tasks
Lesson 2 -Designing Activity 3- Reflecting on how to improve one’s lesson
Lessons and Assessments Activity 4- Using and supplementing SLMs +LAC
in the Different LDMs Activity 5- Identifying the similarities and differences
between formative and summative assessments
Activity 6- Adapting assessment methods in distance
learning LAC
Activity 7- Building a learner’s portfolio
Lesson 3 - Guiding and Activity 1- Understanding the Weekly Home Learning
Activity 2- Creating a Weekly Home Learning Plan +LAC
Monitoring Learners in Activity 3- Differentiating the Weekly Home Learning Plan
the Different LDMs from the Individual Learning Monitoring Plan
Activity 4- Creating an Individual Learning Monitoring
Plan +LAC
Module 3b – Learning Resources
Lesson 1 - Learning Activity 1- Answering questions about the Learning
Resource Maps for Resources map
Distance Learning Activity 2- Discussing answers to Activity 1 +LAC
Lesson 2 - Accessing Activity 1- Accessing and exploring LR Portal & DepEd
Learning Resources from Commons
DepEd Portals Activity 2- Discussing answers to Activity 1 +LAC
Activity 1- Using the LR Rapid Assessment tool to assess a September 22, 2020
DepEd material
Lesson 3- Assessing the Activity 2- Assessing LR materials from non-DepEd LR
LR Materials portals/platforms
Activity 3- Assessing one’s own LR
Activity 4- Discussing answers to Activities 1, 2 and 3
Module 4 – Planning for Continuing Professional Development and LAC Planning
Activity 1- Filling out the Professional Self-Assessment
Lesson 1 - Reflecting on
Professional Life and
Activity 2- Identifying PPST indicators
Activity 3- Setting LDM-related PD goals
Activity 1- Accomplishing the Individual Professional
September 24, 2020
Lesson 2 - Planning for the
Continuing Professional Development Plan Template
Development and Activity 2- Discussing answers to Lesson 1 Activity 3
Participation in the LAC and Lesson 2 Activities 1 and 2 +LAC
Module 5 – Building the Teaching Portfolio-related to the Implementation of the
Activity 1- Checking completion of Modules 1-4
Activity 2- Reflecting on Building My Portfolio
Activity 3- Reflecting on varied evidences to complete
Lesson 1 - The Teaching my portfolio
Portfolio and Its Contents
Activity 4- Discussing answers from Activities 2 and 3
+LAC September 24, 2020
Activity 5- Submitting the finalized list of suggested
evidence form to assigned LAC Leader
Lesson 2 - The Evaluation Activity 1- Understanding the LDM2 Teachers
Rubric Evaluation Rubric
Activity 2- Discussing the rubric and presenting next steps

MODULE 1: 1. No outputs for submission
Course Orientation
MODULE 2: 1. Presentation of LAC Group on Unpacking of a Sample MELC
MODULE 3A: 1. List of targeted learner interventions
Lesson Design and 2. Learning tasks for DL
Assessment in the 3. Assessment methods in DL
Modalities 4. Weekly Home Learning Plan for one (1) subject
5. Individual Learning Monitoring Plan for a student who lags behind in
completing the learning tasks
6. LAC 3 Teacher Engagement Report
7. LAC 3 Session Report
MODULE 3B: 1. Two (2) accomplished LR Rapid Assessment Tools with reflections
Learning Resources
MODULE 4: 1. Finalized LDM Individual Development Plan (produced after discussion
Planning for Continuing during LAC)
Development and LAC
MODULE 5: 1. Portfolio
Building Your LDM TA

Deadline of Study Notebook and E-Portfolio

September 25-27, 2020

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