Ing. de Minas - Ingles Ii - Grupo-A: La Respuesta Correcta Es: Construction

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Comenzado el Friday, 9 de October de 2020, 09:46
Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en Friday, 9 de October de 2020, 09:53
Tiempo empleado 6 minutos 36 segundos
Calificación 20,00 de 20,00 (100%)

Pregunta 1 Complete with the correct form of the noun using the suitable sufix:

Puntúa 1,00
sobre 1,00

The construction of this house will be finished soon.

La respuesta correcta es: construction

Pregunta 2
Complete with the correct form of the noun using the suitable sufix:

Puntúa 1,00
sobre 1,00

Tom thinks about his education at the university.

La respuesta correcta es: education

Pregunta 3
Complete with the correct form of the noun using the suitable sufix: : Answer: xxxtion / yyyytion

Puntúa 1,00
sobre 1,00

I’ve found this .......... in the Internet, Tv and the radio.

Thank you for your .........., I will be there.

information / invitation

La respuesta correcta es: information / invitation

Pregunta 4
1Which noun best completes each sentence?

Puntúa 5,00
sobre 5,00

As it was so cold, I decided to wear a ……………….. coat

A baby dog is called a ……………………. puppy

Drops of water that fall from clouds are called…………………. . rain

An …………………….is a type of fruit. apple

The United States ………………… has 50 stars on it. flag

A book of maps is called an …………………….. atlas

Respuesta correcta

La respuesta correcta es: As it was so cold, I decided to wear a ……………….. → coat, A baby dog is called a ……………………. →
puppy, Drops of water that fall from clouds are called…………………. . → rain, An …………………….is a type of fruit. → apple, The United
States ………………… has 50 stars on it. → flag, A book of maps is called an …………………….. → atlas

Pregunta 5
Match the type of noun:
Common noun: woman
Puntúa 5,00
sobre 5,00 Proper noun: Saturday

Collective noun: army

Plural Noun: children

Conpound Noun: toothpaste

abstract noun: emotion

happy read


Respuesta correcta
La respuesta correcta es:
Match the type of noun:
Common noun: [woman]
Proper noun:[Saturday]
Collective noun:[army]
Plural Noun:[children]
Conpound Noun:[toothpaste]
abstract noun:[emotion]

Pregunta 6
Choose the correct and appropriate name and complete it in the space.

Puntúa 6,00
sobre 6,00

The………………….. ate all the pieces of cheese. mouse

We filled the…………….. with water. bottle

A …………………can climb trees quickly. monkey

We get ……………………..from cows and goats. milk

The present was for………… Jose

A beautiful flower is a …………… .


Alex can cross the ………. lake. Tanganyka

Respuesta correcta
La respuesta correcta es:
The………………….. ate all the pieces of cheese. → mouse,
We filled the…………….. with water. → bottle,
A …………………can climb trees quickly. → monkey,
We get ……………………..from cows and goats. → milk,
The present was for………… → Jose, A beautiful flower is a …………… . → rose,
Alex can cross the ………. lake. → Tanganyka

Pregunta 7 Complete with the correct form of the noun using the suitable sufix: Answer: xxxx / yyyy

Puntúa 1,00
sobre 1,00

They took part in the ............. of the new product in the company.

The students discussed the problem of .............

presentation / discrimination

La respuesta correcta es: demonstration / discrimination

◄ Attendance: Oct. 9th.

Countable Nouns. ►

Volver a: 5. Nouns Gramma... 

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