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Vache’ Blair


Process Paper
How I Chose My Topic:
I chose my topic by first saying I wanted my project to be on Egypt but
then a list of topics was posted and Egypt wasn’t on there also it had to
be on something that happened in the 1400-1700 and I didn’t want to
have to grow through a lot just to pick one event that happened, so I
changed my mind and decided to do the black death because that was
the first thing that I saw when looking at the list Also I already knew a
little about the Black Death but never paid no mind to it. I didn’t find
interest in the other topics because this disease does a lot to the body
and I’m always interested in what happens or goes on in the body.

How I Conducted My Research:

I conducted my research by using the Internet, watching videos on the
Internet and one book. I started my research about a week ago because
I wanted to be finished early so I started writing down things from the
internet that related to my topic. I sectioned all my research into parts
according to their websites and videos and made sense of it all. The
next day I did research I didn’t plan on researching. I was in my medical
class reading something in our book when I saw a section titled
“Bubonic Plague” out of instinct I started to read it because I realized
that it was what I was doing a project on and memorized some of the
stuff that was said. The videos that I watched for research I found on
the websites that I was researching from or on YouTube because I
wanted as much information as I could possibly get. Today I did
research as I was doing my project because I wanted to make sure it all
was valid. I didn’t use all my research though because some of it just
Vache’ Blair

repeated and I didn’t want my project to be repetitive. Lastly, I used

myself because I already knew a little about the Black Death.

How I Formatted and Created My Project:

The format for my project was already chosen which was to do a
website, but I chose to section my website into small sections because
the Black Death didn’t have a lot of information because it was a Global
Epidemic so all of its information was repetitive and I couldn’t. I also
wanted to make sure that my website wasn’t boring to the point where
my teacher wouldn’t want to read it and I had to do it over. This was
also the first time I created a website so I wanted it to be as creative as
I could possibly get it as a beginner, so that when I create a website for
myself or school again I would know what to do.

How My Project Related To The Theme:

My Project relates to the theme because my Project was to be on The
Black Death and all my research was specifically on the black death and
it’s even titled “All about the black death”.

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