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Video Review #1

a) Brenda Angeles

b) Demonstrating Self-Regulation With Tone of Voice


d) The video discusses how teachers who self-regulate their tone of voice can make a positive

impact rather than always being positive as there is a chance where your tone could be happy to

mad or distressed. The voice that teachers develop has three parts to this type of tone in the

classroom: calm, neutral, and assertive. If teachers use this type of tone in their voice, it can help

students regulate and reflect their own behavior. I think that this type of voice should be

implemented in all classrooms as it can control negative behaviors from teachers such as getting

mad, irritated or upset unintentionally towards the students.

e) By using this type of tone, do you think this will influence students to not show emotion in the


Do you think schools should look for this type of quality in future teachers?

Does an energetic/happy tone create the same effect as a calm and neutral tone?
Video Review #2

a) Brenda Angeles

b) Tap-In / Tap-Out: Giving Teachers Time to Recharge


d) At Fall-Hamilton Elementary school, they provide social and emotional support for teachers.

Teachers can sometimes fall into so much pressure when you take into account that so many kids

rely on you to teach them and look up to you as their role model outside of their houses.

Teachers sometimes need to take a breather for a minute or two. Teachers will text support staff

to cover their class for a minute or two for them to step out for a second. I somewhat agree with

this method of care in the school as it shows that they not care only about the students but of the

staff as well. I think if a teacher needs a breather so constantly, there might be more questioning

to do with the teacher.

e) Do you feel like this support system is a fast process or long process of time? Explain.

Discuss whether or not teachers should learn how to self control emotions without a breather.

Describe how this breather might affect the students' education.Will it make students question a

teachers emotions?
Video Review #3

a) Brenda Angeles

b) ​No Series: Caring and Control Create a Safe, Positive Classroom


d) Ms. Sinclair is a teacher being observed by the camera crew. In the beginning of each day she

encourages her students to show their emotions from a 1 to 5 scale where 1 is happy and 5 is not

happy. She lets the students explain why they feel the way to feel so they don’t feel to stuck to

put on pressure on a student where they might not pay attention to some lectures but did not have

enough sleep the night prior. I think that this is a good way in order to make students feel

accepted by everyone else and by the teacher. Ms. Sinclair also likes to give positive feedback

instead of negative. If she needed to correct a student she would do so accordingly by giving an

example why its wrong and how the student could do better.

e) List ways how Ms. Sinclairs uses classroom organization to her advantage in classroom


Compare your thoughts to the criticism that Ms.Sinclair received by the interviewer. Are there

ways to justify why Ms.Sinclair structures her procedures a certain way?

Ms.Sinclar mentions to practice procedures over the first 20 days to set student expectations and

to save time. Do you think that she will need to alter procedures later in the year? Explain.
Video Review #4

a) Brenda Angeles

b) Check-In/Check-Out:Providing a Daily Support System for Students


d) At Fall-Hamilton Elementary school will help students who might be struggling in the

classroom by having a private meeting with an adult that is not their teacher. Their support

buddy could be another teacher or a staff member at the school. Students are paired with their

buddy for two minutes where they can discuss their goals that can help students work and

motivate them. The teachers will be aware of the students goals and will reinforce the goals with

positive feedback at the end of the day with their check out. Students will be awarded with prizes

and show progression of their work ethic.

e) Should all students have a buddy system like this? Explain.

Is it possible to implement this system with their very own teacher or is it better to have another

adult as the students' buddy? Explain.

By looking at the worksheets that are given at the description of the video, are there any ways

that this worksheet could be more improved?

Video Review #5

a) Brenda Angeles

b) Learning Walks:Structured Observation for Teachers


d) At the University of Wyoming Lab school, teachers are able to rotate to different classrooms

in order to learn how their peers control and manage their classroom to build a better school

community. Since teachers are always in their own classroom, the learning walks that they

conduct is a great way to show teachers and future teachers to watch people teach on a first hand

experience. The observations have a general protocol which includes: Orientation of learning

walk team, classroom visits with note taking on observation forms, have an individual reflection

(includes notes and a worksheet), and a shared reflection of the learning walk with the other team

members.I think that this method would give me so much more confidence in the first year of me

teaching to know what others do in order to succeed in their classroom.

e) Do you think that the learning walk may be implemented in every school other than the one in

video because it is partnered with a university?

Do you think that the learning walk should be changed in a certain way? Such as video captures

of a lecture or limiting the amount of teachers that should go on this walk.

Is this walk more beneficial for newer teachers or veteran teachers?

Video Review #6

a) Brenda Angeles

b) Morning Meetings: Building Community in the Classroom


d) Ms. Valerie Gallagher implements the procedure of morning meetings which focuses to

transition a students mind from home to school. The four main components to these morning

meetings go as followed: greeting, sharing, activity, and schedule review. Students will greet

each other until everyone was individually greeted. They then all get to answer the question of

the day such as what's on their mind or what they did the weekend. Other students can also ask

questions to the speaker which can show that others care about that certain person. They then

have a small activity such as playing four corners or heads up seven up. Then finally, they are

explained what the agenda of that day is. I personally like this idea and it is very similar to the

3rd video review. I think it’s important to know how a student feels in order to understand why

something might be bothering them that could be affecting their work.

e) Do you think teachers would not like this certain idea because it's time consuming? Explain.

Compare this video to “​No Series: Caring and Control Create a Safe, Positive Classroom.”

Compare the similarities and differences between their morning meetings with the students.

Do you think the activity part of the morning meetings be removed? Discuss.
Video Review #7

a) Brenda Angeles

b) Station Rotation: Differentiating Instruction to Reach All Students


d) Ms. Valarie Gallagher has rotations stations which each table has different ranges of

modalities related to the lesson. The teacher separates the students by their skill level which

avoids stigmatization. Each group will have 20 minutes to spend at each three stations. The first

station that there is the computer station: students can work independently using visual and

auditory content. The second station is the sort station where they have a hands on activity such

as cut and paste tables or practicing writing. The last station is the teacher station which can be

more in depth between the lesson and the teacher as students can ask questions. I think there

might be certain problems when doing this type of activity especially when students have

different learning levels.

e) Should rotation stations be a more regular activity? Explain.

Explain if this method will work on other subjects other than just literature and writing.

Should students who are underachieving in the class require more time than students who

Video Review #8

a) Brenda Angeles

b) Series Reading: Tracking, Rewarding, and Encouraging Literacy


d) The series reading program that Walter Bracken Elementary has implemented has achieved

100% grade-level literacy. Teachers realized that students would not finish their reading logs or

can't comprehend what they are reading. Students are encouraged to finish a series of books of

their choice. Each book series that they finish will get a charm on their necklace and additional

prizes such as a rubber duck and trophies for classrooms. I think that this is a method I will

totally implement in my classroom. Especially if I want to help children who are bilingual. I also

feel like some teachers in the district don’t really encourage reading big chapter books but


e) Explain if series reading program could cause a hierarchy between students.

Will there be more of these programs throughout the CCSD district? Why or why not.

State a program similar to this that involves math instead of reading.

Video Review #9

a) Brenda Angeles

b) Tech Buddies: Building Technology Skills Through Peer Teaching


d) Tech buddies is a program that has 1:1 ratio for student to computer. Older grades and

younger grades will pair up so that the older grade students can teach technology skills to

younger students in order for them to become more comfortable and aware of how to use

computers when they get older. Students will rotate to different stations so they aren't doing the

same repetitive things. Students are learning how to make their own documents on google docs

or other online applications. With students having more friendships outside of their grade, they

are able to build an emotional bond while still learning something new. I think that as the digital

age is influencing more of society, students should learn how to do certain thing earlier because

of technology that will be present in the classroom.

e) Explain if the tech buddies program should be used in all grades.

Is there a certain grade they should teach technology skills to? Explain.

Are there certain criteria that students should be achieving when learning new technology? How?
Video Review #10

a) Brenda Angeles

b) Building Cross-Cultural Connections in Two Languages


d) A school in Chicago is implementing a dual language program that gives students and

teachers a cultural connection. Bilingual teachers will teach their class a few words in mandarin

but as the students get older, there will be more difficulty in vocabulary. Classrooms have a

general education teacher and a language teacher. Teachers will swap classrooms two times each

week for 30 minutes. While watching the video, I don’t think that any students is being left

behind in the lesson especially when there is a rotation of teachers that happens so the class is not

strictly mandarin.

e) Should there be more mandarin implemented in the program than just two days each week?

Observe how the program is set up. Should the general education teacher already know the

language in order to teach with english and the foreign language?

It is predicted that the latino community will continuously grow meaning more latino students

will enter CCSD schools. Do you think there should be more dual language schools? Why or

why not?

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