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MODULE 1: Getting Started with Scratch

Schedule: Tuesday and Thursday 9:00-12:00 am Time Frame: 1 week

By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

 Know Scratch
 Explore the scratch environment
 Know sprites
 Identify the different kind of scratch blocks
 Learn the value of organization


 Answer “Let Ask Ourselves”
Refer to your book – page 11
Direction: Answer the following questions. Write your answer on Activity Answer Sheet given in
the last page of this module.


Let’s Discover
 Read about “Scratch”
See on pages 11

 Download and Installation – pages 12

 Scratch Environment – page 12
 Scratch Basics – pages 12
 Main Panes – pages 13 -18

Using un Cellphone QR Scanner

 Scan the two (2) QR code to review the lesson about the scratch.
See it on page 21 on your text book.

Let us scan the two (2) QR codes to review the lesson about Scratch – page 21.

1 Computer 10
Let’s Try This

Activity 1
 Identify the Term
Refer to your text book on page 18

Activity 2
 Know the Block Category
Refer to you text book on pages 19

Let’s Level Up

Performance task
 Create a Program with Ten Blocks (send this PT via messenger, Gmail or Google Class)
Open a new Scratch program. Using the default cat sprite, create a program using only the
blocks on the right. Follow the following details on page 20 of your textbook.

3 2 1 0

Completely original idea Some ideas taken from Most ideas taken from All ideas taken from
another project another project another project

Very creative Somewhat creative Very little creativity No creativity at all

Used backgrounds that enhance

project; Used an appropriate Used a background that Used no background
Created own or edited existing background without does not fit well with (blank white stage)
backgrounds editing project

Used multiple sprites that enhance

the project; Used more than one Only used one sprite Used no sprites
Created own sprites or edited sprite
sprites’ costumes

Let’s test ourselves

 Answer “Identify the kinds of block” on page 21 of your textbook

Note: you don’t need to answer the activities on your textbook. Activity answer sheet will be provided at
the last page of this module.

2 Computer 10
 Activities Answer Sheet

Name: _________________________________________________ Date: _____________

Grade/Section: _____________________________________

Write your all answers here.

(answers only)
You can send this Activities answer sheet via “Messenger, Gmail or Google Class”

Pre-Assessment (page 11)


Let’s Try This

Activity 1. (page 18)

Activity 2. (page 19)

1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.

Let’s Test Ourselves

(Page 21)

3 Computer 10

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