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ABC Community School


Genesis Hernandez
As our technology world continues to grow we are forced to either grow with it or be left

behind. Technology is used in our everyday lives, from getting directions to ordering food.

Everything continues to get faster and “easier” by the use of technology. It’s very important that

our education system incorporates technology and encourages our students to include technology

into their learning and everyday lives.

The use of technology is important because it makes an impact on the students learning

and interest in the subject. Kids these days learn to use a technology device before they fully

speak in full sentences. Most of the time kids begin their education journey on an iPad or cell-

phone by playing educational games. They’re starting with technology from the very beginning

so it only makes sense to continue it when they begin school. Using technology will make the

students for interested in learning because it’s what they’re used to and what’s fun for them. An

article written by Walden University states that “You may think technology is just a distraction,

but it can help encourage active participation in your classroom. Using devices like a computer,

tablet, or other type of technology in your classroom can help turn traditionally dull subjects into

interactive and fun activities.” (Walden University, 2020) Technology will only to continue to

grow and grow. It’s already become a huge part in the workforce. Not only will keeping

technology in our classrooms ensure that students will be more interactive, it will also allow

them to become prepared to one day be in the work place. The better we prepare our children

now the better the next generation will be as adults in our society. It’s our jobs as educators to

ensure that our students are getting the best opportunities possible.

Technology also is a huge part of how students with learning disabilities are able to learn.

Eliminating Technology will affect they can progress in their education. I hope technology can

continue to be a part of our curriculum and I hope we incorporate it even more.

Work Cited

Top-five-benefits-of-technology-in-the-classroom. (2020). Walden University Education for


Identification of Standards

As I read through both the Nevada and the National technology standards for students I

found they were very similar. Both the standards focused on a lot of the same things. They both

focused on wanting to use technology to help children with their creativity. This is very

important because at such a young age allowing the students to develop their creativity more

then it already is can help tremendously as they grow up. Another part that both focused on was

on helping students become digital citizens when they grow up. It made me really happy to see

that both the state of Nevada and the National standards focused on this, because it’s helping our

future generation. Teaching students how to incorporate technology into ways where they can be

highly benefited is the main goal. Another part I saw that both had similar is was working in

teams. Both standards had teams as a part of their goal. Using team work in order to help them

achieve their goal while using technology as well. I love this because with technology always

advancing it’s important to learn from each other. Working in teams can allow students who are

more familiar with the technology world help others who aren’t as comfortable with it yet. One

standard that the Nevada standards included was research and information fluency. This

standard is great because in the work place it’s one of the major ways technology is used. This

standard will show students how to research when uncertain of something or research new ideas

for a project or piece of work. Both standards list focus on the student using technology all

around. They make sure that not only is technology being used as a form to engage the students

but also to help them for when they’re out of school and out in society. I will be using the

standard from the Nevada State Standards that states creativity and innovation. With my lesson

plan students will have to be creative and think out of the box while working in a group setting.
Lesson Plan

Creating our own City

Grade level- 8th grade

Technology Content Standard- Creativity and innovation: Students demonstrate creative

thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology.

Other Content Standard- Common core standard research and evidence based

Objective- Students will use a drawing tool on the computer to create the own little city in order

to understand the development and thought it takes to create a livable city.

Materials needed- Drawing software provided on computer, pencil, paper, colored pencils and


Group size- 2 -3 students per group


1. Students will join into assigned groups of either two or three

2. Begin writing down ideas of what makes a good functioning city

a. Ex. How the communities are separated, How far apart streets are, how many

streets there are, giving the city a good flow.

3. Sketch a rough draft of what the city will look like

4. Begin drawing out their city on the computer drawing tool software

a. There will need to be street names

b. At least 2 communities
c. Any other things students will determine to be necessary to make a

functioning city.

d. Make the city vibrant and as fun as possible

Assessment- This project will be graded every step of the way to create the grand total of 100

points. Students will need to turn in their

list of ideas 15 points

Sketch of city 20

Final product 65 points

 I will be grading on individuality

 Creativity

 Neatness

 Functionality of the city

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