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Module Dashboard Name

Fixed Assets Capitalization of Fixed Assets

Fixed Assets Depreciation of Fixed Assets

Fixed Assets Depreciation of Fixed Assets

O2C Invoicing and Dispatch

O2C Invoicing and Dispatch

O2C Invoicing and Dispatch

O2C Invoicing and Dispatch

O2C Invoicing and Dispatch

O2C Invoicing and Dispatch

O2C Invoicing and Dispatch

O2C Sales Return & Adjustment

O2C Sales Return & Adjustment

O2C Collections

O2C Collections

O2C Collections

O2C Collections

O2C Collections

O2C Bad Debts

O2C Bad Debts

O2C Bad Debts

O2C Receivables Management








P2P Invoice Processing

P2P Invoice Processing

P2P Debit Notes

P2P Debit Notes

P2P Debit Notes

P2P Trade Payables

P2P Trade Payables

P2P Vendor Payments

P2P Vendor Payments

P2P Vendor Payments

P2P Vendor Payments

P2P Vendor Payments

P2P Vendor Payments

P2P Vendor Payments

P2P Vendor Payments

P2P Vendor Payments

P2P Vendor Payments

P2P Vendor Payments

P2P Vendor Payments

P2P Vendor Payments

P2P Logistics Management

P2P Logistics Management

P2P Logistics Management

P2P Logistics Management

P2P Commission Payment & Others

P2P Commission Payment & Others

R2R Management of Chart of A/C

R2R Management of Chart of A/C

R2R Management of Chart of A/C

R2R Management of Chart of A/C

R2R Book Closure Procedure - F&A

R2R Book Closure Procedure - F&A

R2R Book Closure Procedure - F&A

O2C Quotation conversion Rates

O2C Sales Volume Predictions

O2C Predicted Delivery delay

O2C Customer EDI invoice output issue

O2C Optimization of manufacturing quantities and use of warehouse

O2C Price Optimization

R2R Cash Forecasting

R2R Risk Management

R2R Receivable ageing

Cross(O2C & APO) Demand Planning

R2R Tracking of expense reports

MDG Analysis of change requests

P2P Stock in transit analysis

R2R Profit and loss analysis

PS Forecasting project cost

PP Improved production planning

QM Real time quality forecasts

HCM,Successfactor Employee headcount and voluntary termination

O2C Delivery document created and PGI'ed but no invoicing is done

O2C Check the trend of historical data for duplicate customer invoices

O2C Check the trend of customer invoices which have been cancelled multiple times
O2C Invoices cancelled but not rebilled

O2C Open sales order analysis

PTP Prediction of future purchases

R2R Arrangement of funds for fixed expenses

PTP Maintenance of average stock

R2R Provision of unexpected expenses

PTP LD deduction due in future

PTP Tolerance limits of PO

PTP Tracking of discounts

PTP Prediction of goods delivery date

PTP Prediction of debit notes

PTP Prediction of purchase rates

PTP Prediction of Late delivery deduction

PTP Prediction of Payments to vendors

PTP Identification of Stock ageing report

O2C Pattern of users buying same products

O2C Identify customer buying trends

O2C Prediction of roadblocks in sales

O2C Predict open sales numbers

O2C Predict new products sold

O2C Predict percentage and number of target customers
O2C Check trend of pricing based on previous discounts
O2C Prediction of current vs target sales
O2C Prediction of future customer overdues
O2C Prediction of defaulted customers
CFA-1.2 CWIP Accounts & Project Stock Ageing - beyond expiry of

DFA-2.6 Depreciation is greater than asset value

DFA-2.5 Assets with value but no depreciation

IGD-3.2 Total sales & Total Debit notes issued to customer – above
IGD-3.5 Excess dispatch of goods to cash customers.

IGD-3.7 Invoices excluding incoterms

IGD-3.10 Sales over and above credit limits or cash in ledger

IGD-3.11 Open delivery orders in system with ageing

IGD-3.15 PGI done but accounting document not posted

IGD-3.17 Sales Invoicing done accounting document not


SRA-10.2 Open debit /credit notes request (> 6 month)

SRA-10.3 Credit/debit memo issued Vs adjustments

CLL-2.3 Customer to customer knock offs/transfers

CLL-2.9 Additional sales to customer between money receipt date

and cheque realization date for cash customer only
CLL-2.11 Average Payment terms vs Individual Payment

CLL-2.14 Overdue customers with EPD credit

CLL-2.20 Cheque MR made Vs Actual realization of cheque

BDT-1.2 Open sales order for customers with Bad-debts

BDT-1.9 Write-off & write-back entries to customer accounts

BDT-1.3 Variance % between actual bad debt expense and provision

for bad debt

RMT-4.2 Customer to customer debit transfers without same

GRI-1.1 Exceptions to 3 way match - beyond tolerance limits
(+/- 10%)

GRI-1.2 Open GR/IR balances >1 year pending

GRI-1.3 Debit entries/balance in GRIR account – profiling

GRI-1.7 Cancelled GRN post invoice posting and Debit note not done

GRI-1.8 LD deduction for late delivery against GRN / service

GRI-1.11 No. of rate revision (positive and negative) -

Transactions that happens between vendor contract expires
and new contract yet to be created)
GRI-1.12 Advances vs. GRN

GRI-1.15 Use of multiple currencies for Vendor during PO creation to

identify anomalies

IVP-2.1 Duplicate/Over payments. Fuzzy invoice numbers, same

invoice number, invoices paid before services rendered

IVP-2.6 Direct FI entries posted to PO vendor accounts - Non PO

invoice analysis

DN-3.1 “Total amount of Procurement" vs "Amount of Debit Notes


DN-3.6 Material rejected and no debit notes raised

DN-3.7 Frequent changes to Delivery dates (restrict this for cases
where LD is present)

TRP-5.1 Days payables outstanding analysis - DPO

TRP-5.2 Payment Trending - Due Date Analysis (Ageing)

VPT-6.2 Adjustment of Advances - trend of advance paid and its

subsequent adjustment

VPT-6.3 Advance vs PO Terms Analysis

VPT-6.5 Advance % of total PO value

VPT-6.6 Vendor Payment Term Analysis - payment term changed in


VPT-6.7 Early Payments made without appropriate discounts


VPT-6.8 Delayed Payments (Time lag) - Payment Due Date vs Actual

Payment Date

VPT-6.9 Time Lag - GRN PO Date to Payment Date

VPT-6.10 Change & Change-back analysis - vendor account details -

Critical Fields e.g Vendor Code, Name, Pan No., GSTIN & Address

VPT-6.11 Analysis of payments made to one time vendors analysis

VPT-6.12 Invoices processed for employees who are also listed as

VPT-6.13 List of payment made through other than RTGS (e.g.

VPT-6.14 Receivables vs Payables for same Business Partner Code

VPT-6.15 Monitoring of unadjusted advances

LOG-7.2 Variation in freight rates - same/diff vendor, same

route, same/diff material applicable to road freight, available
for ocean freight
LOG-7.4 Trending of freight liability - same/diff vendor, same route,
same/diff material - for roads

LOG-7.5 Trending of freight payments - same/diff vendor,

same route, same/diff material code

LOG-7.7 Revision in freight rates - same/diff vendor,same

route/location, same/diff material

OTH-12.1 Duplicate commissions paid to CHA agents

OTH-12.3 Invoices vs Payments - Time lag

COA-1.1 Dormant GL Account Postings

COA-1.4 Pre-dated and back-dated entries posted to GL accounts

(only for debtors)

COA-1.5 Entries in the prior period - open past period and


COA-1.6 Review of OB52 Log - period opening trend

BCP-1.1 Manual entries posted during the last 7 days of the month
and reversed subsequently

BCP-1.11 Manual entries posted to inventory GL accounts

BCP-1.12 Manual entries posted to logistics GL accounts

QCR-1.1 Probability of customer sales quotations getting converted

into sales orders

SVP-1.1 Forecasting achievable sales volumes and developing sales


PDD-1.1 Monitoring the current delivery delay with insights into

future predicted delivery delays

CIO-1.1 Invoice outputs which are successfully sent out to

customers through EDI and thus forecasting the future
successful EDI outputs
OMW-1.1 Improve ability to deliver goods immediately on
receipt of order

PO-1.1 Price optimization to maximize sales

CFT-1.1 Cash forecasting for future cash requirements

RM-1.1 Risk management for better business performance

RA-1.1 Receivables ageing for better business performance

DP-1.1 Sales forecasting for better determination of product demand

TER-1.1 Tracking of company expense reports for better compliance

ACR-1.1 Analysis of process related change request


SIT-1.1 Stock in transit analysis for mitigating production risks

PLA-1.1 Smart alerts for profit and loss analysis

PC-1.1 Forecasting project cost for better expense visibility

PP-1.1 Validating sales forecasts to improve production planning

QM-1.1 Predictive quality analysis based on real time quality


HCM-1.1 Predictive analysis to know total employee headcount and

voluntary termination

INV-1.1 To know the trend of delivery document for which PGI has
been done but no invoicing is carried out

INV-1.2 To check the trend of duplicate customer invoices

INV-1.3 To check trend of customer invoices which have been

cancelled multiple times
INV-1.4 To perform predictive analysis on the number of invoices
which have been cancelled but not rebilled

SOA-1.1 To perform predictive analysis on the number of

open sales orders

PFP-1.1 To perform prediction of next month purchases

FFE-1.1 To arrange funds for fixed expenses

MAS-1.1 To maintain average stock maintenance

PUE-1.1 To create provison for uexpected expenses of past and

prepare for future

LDD-1.1 To identify amount of LD deduction due in future

TOL-1.1 To check tolerance limits of PO and identify cases of


TOD-1.1 To track discount conditions on the basis of payment

GDD-1.1 To predict goods delivery date taken by vendor based on

past date

PDN-1.1 Predictive Debit notes

PDR-1.1 Predictive purchase rates

PLDD-1.1 Predictive Late delivery deduction

PPV-1.1 Predictive Payments to vendors

SAR-1.1 Stock ageing report

PS-1.1 Predictive sales

PCB-1.1 Predictive customer behavior

PR-1.1 Predictive roadblocks

PGS-1.1 Predictive gaps in sales

PNP-1.1 Predictive new products to be sold

TD-1.1 Targeted discounts
DP-1.1 Dynamic pricing
PSCS-1.1 Predicted sales vs current sales

TCO-1.1 Total Customer Overdue

PDC-1.1 Customers likely to default payments
Invalid / Incorrect / Non-timely capitalization of asset may lead to incorrect accounting of fixed
Incorrect charging and accounting of depreciation, leading to incorrect reflection of Profit &
Loss Account & Balance Sheet.
Depreciation is not accounted for assets in use & in correct period, leading to
incorrect reflection of Profit & Loss Account & Balance Sheet
Billings may be inaccurate or incomplete.
Billings may be inaccurate or incomplete.

Billings may be inaccurate or incomplete.

Invoices raised by passing of credit checks -Manual release of DO over the amount
available in customer ledger (Cash ) or exceeding credit limits in customer ledger for
credit customer
Delivery created but invoicing not done. Delay in invoicing even after creation of delivery
order. Also over inflated price or under inflated price due to open debit note or credit notes
requests not executed on time
Inaccurate, incomplete and untimely recording of Sales

Inaccurate, incomplete and untimely recording of Sales

Debit/Credit notes and adjustments in customers accounts are not approved and accurately
calculated/timely recorded.
Debit/Credit notes and adjustments in customers accounts are not approved and accurately
calculated/timely recorded.

Receivables not accounted accurately in the correct debtor account

Returned/ dishonored cheques are not accounted for correctly and appropriate follow up not
done for receipts

Unauthorized EPD given to Customers & Incorrect processing/ recording of EPD

Unauthorized EPD given to Customers & Incorrect processing/ recording of EPD

Cheque received but not sent for collection. (or delayed collection)

Account write offs are approved by appropriate management

Account write offs are approved by appropriate management

Bad Debts provision are adequate

Customer Account may not show the correct balance

Blockage of working capital due to excess procurement compared to requirement

Inappropriate reporting of vendor liability. Aged GR/IR balance may indicate

irregularity in the goods receipting
Inappropriate reporting of vendor liability. Aged GR/IR balance may indicate irregularity in the
goods receipting
Inappropriate reporting of vendor liability. Aged GR/IR balance may indicate irregularity in the
goods receipting
Inappropriate reporting of vendor liability. Aged GR/IR balance may indicate
irregularity in the goods receipting

Inappropriate reporting of vendor liability. Aged GR/IR balance may indicate

irregularity in the goods receipting

Inappropriate reporting of vendor liability. Aged GR/IR balance may indicate irregularity in the
goods receipting

Improper recognition of liability because of incorrect PO creation (USD instead of INR) - Specific
to Raw material procurement

Liability is not accrued correctly due to rate lapses

Excess/ Inappropriate payments may be made for services leading to financial losses.

Excess payments may be made for goods or services that have been ordered and received.

Inaccurate adjustment is made to an incorrect vendor account or in improper period, resulting

in financial error and dissatisfied suppliers.

Inaccurate adjustment is made to an incorrect vendor account or in improper period, resulting

in financial error and dissatisfied suppliers.
Inaccurate adjustment is made to an incorrect vendor account or in improper period, resulting
in financial error and dissatisfied suppliers.

Liability for trade payable may be incorrectly calculated, leading to incorrect accounting entry
in the books
Liability for trade payable may be incorrectly calculated, leading to incorrect accounting entry
in the books

Inappropriate advances may be made lead to blockage of funds, possibility of non recovery.

Inappropriate advances may be made lead to blockage of funds, possibility of non recovery.

Inappropriate advances may be made lead to blockage of funds, possibility of non recovery.

Disbursements may not be made as per payment terms and due dates
Lack of monitoring over delays in invoice processing, approval and disbursement process may
result delay in vendor payments
Disbursements may not be made as per payment terms and due dates
Lack of monitoring over delays in invoice processing, approval and disbursement
process may result delay in vendor payments
Disbursements may not be made as per payment terms and due dates
Lack of monitoring over delays in invoice processing, approval and disbursement process may
result delay in vendor payments
Disbursements may not be made as per payment terms and due dates
Lack of monitoring over delays in invoice processing, approval and disbursement
process may result delay in vendor payments
Incorrect/ Inaccurate / invalid processing of invoice payment leading to financial losses/
blockage of funds
Incorrect/ Inaccurate / invalid processing of invoice payment leading to financial losses/
blockage of funds
Incorrect/ Inaccurate / invalid processing of invoice payment leading to financial losses/
blockage of funds
Incorrect/ Inaccurate / invalid processing of invoice payment leading to financial losses/
blockage of funds
Incorrect/ Inaccurate / invalid processing of invoice payment leading to financial losses/
blockage of funds
Absence of monitoring over advances outstanding to suppliers may lead to doubtful advances
and blockage of funds.

Concessional rate for the freight may be revoked by Railways, due to non-
submission of documents
Benchmarking of freight rates with industry not carried out resulting in finalization of
uncompetitive rates / excess costs

Excess Freight payment leading to financial losses.

Rate in freight rate in SAP not as per contracted rates leading to financial losses/ disputes

Unauthorized/ incorrect payment made to CHA agents

Statutory non compliances may result in penalties/ prosecutions

GL may be lying open and idle since long which may be used to pass an unusual
transaction without the notice of any person.

Period of accounting not opened on time resulting in delayed processing of entries.

Business Area is open between the open and close of the period

Period of accounting not opened on time resulting in delayed processing of entries.

Business Area is open between the open and close of the period
Inappropriate, unauthorized and inaccurate manual journal entries resulting in invalid
Period of accounting not opened on time resulting in delayed processing of entries.
Business Area entry
Unauthorized is open between
may not be the open and
identified andclose of the period
completeness of entries not ensured.

Unauthorized entries may be made post closure of a period.

Provision for an expense which has already been actualized, may be carried forward, resulting
in excess provision
Incomplete/ beingentries
inaccurate created in the
may books.leading to variances in different accounts and
be made
leading to incompleteness of the accounts.
Balances may be incorrectly / incompletely carried forward from the previous period.
Incomplete/ inaccurate entries may be made leading to variances in different accounts and
leading to incompleteness of the accounts.
No reliable monitoring system for sales managers or representatives to check the current
probability of conversion of quotations into sales orders and hence no futuristic predictive
insights into quotation conversion.
No insights to measure current sales performance and hence inappropriate comparisons of
achieved sales volumes with the targeted sales volumes resulting in wrong sales planning for
the future.
Sales representative cannot monitor the current delivery performance situation so as to act on
a critical estimated delay of delivered goods and thus work on reducing customer
Sales representatives are unable to trace the successful transmission of customer
EDI invoices to legacy systems and hence unable to take action on time to retrigger
the EDI messages.This results in increased customer dissatisfaction and a direct
impact on sales.
Delay in production time and cost,space in warehouse,capital investment are the
biggest bottlenecks in the manufacturing of a product which greatly impacts the on
time delivery of goods to customers.By implementing predictive analytics
,customers can easily predict which quantities of different products should be
produced in advance to avoid any delay in delivery of goods.

No segmentation and analysis is available to build a model that will predict

sales(quantity,demand) and ultimately optimize the price for a product based on historical
sales data.Thus sales representatives cannot arrive at the best price for a product.

Business cannot plan its future cash requirements to avoid any kind of liquidity crisis and thus
cannot leverage on data insights to identify slow payers,detect and address system issues and
improve receivable management.
Business is unable to do a forecast into the financial mid period to avoid any financial risk and
Finance professionals are unable to optimize the receivables ageing processes and collect
overdue amounts faster when customers deviate from past payment patters.
Sales managers are unable to forecast the sales over a period determing the demand of a
product and hence unable to predict and analyze the profitability of a company.

Huge volumes of expense reports could not be processed and also manual,uncoordinated
business processes can compromise expense tracking and expense policy compliance.

Business cannot view the total change requests raised,average processing time
,average delay time and any kind of erroneous requests and thus cannot conclude
on the entire change request approval/rejection process.
Business cannot forecast stock in transit delays due to lack of historical data available and thus
is unable to mitigate production risks.
Business is unable to get any smart alerts for profit and loss analysis due to hidden and unusual
cost and revenue opportunities.
Inappropriate and inaccurate data shows unnecessary trend of project expenditure
and hence unable to mitigate project budget overruns.
Production planner cannot perform assessment tests to determine the sales forecast data and
thus cannot reduce inventory levels and costs.This results in decreased product availability and
delivery capabilities.
Quality management personnels cannot detect quality defects before going in full
scale production and thus cannot reduce rework and decrease waste
products.Scheduling process also cannot be enhanced.
HR department is unable to find the likelihood of an employee leaving a company
voluntarily by comparing and contrasting the employee details for those of who left
on their own, with the employee details for those who stayed.

Accounts team is unable to check the futuristic trend of open delivery documents which are
lying uninvoiced and hence cannot conclude on the open delivery documents.
Accounts team is unable to check the futuristic trend of duplicate customer invoices and hence
cannot take corrective actions on time to avoid mutiple FI posting.

Business is unable to check the trend of customer invoices which have been cancelled multiple
times based on past historical data.This results in reduced operational efficiency.
Business sometimes cancel customer invoices and kept it as it is without performing
reinvoicing.This causes revenue leakage and hence requires an analytical report highlighting
the futuristic trend of such documents.This predictive analytical report will help in preventing
revenue leakage for business and thus increase in operational efficiency.

Business does not have any provision to view the futuristic forecast of open sales
orders which are not delivered and billed and thus unable to take any action.

We can predict the purchase for next month on the basis of Last 2 years same period purchase
to arrnage the payment.
Arranging the funds for fixed expenses on the basis of last year e.g. As per agreement for rent
of buliding, Rent increases by 10% every year.
Average stock maintenance trend to predict the same for future

Provision for unexpected expenses in past and to get well prepared for future.

On the basis of Delivery date(Same as current date), Amount of LD Deduction are due in future.
E.g. - For all the PO having delivery date as current date and GR is not done completely. - To
identify such vendors which are usually under such cases and to take action against that
Last 2 year data to be checked for the tolerance limit for different buckets e.g. list the PO which
are having more then 5 % tolerance limit as 5% is ok with company rules. This will help to
inquire against such vendors
Tracking of Conditions in Document where we have given Discount on the basis of fixed date of
Payment. - to identify such vendors which are delaying in invoicing.
Prediction the date of Goods delivery on the basis of time taken by the vendor in Past. E.g. if
vendor will normally take 10 days and the requirement of product is within 24 hours, then to
place a order with such kind of vendor.
Based on the Purchase returns

Based on the past purchase PO rates

In case of delivery date has exceeded a report can be created for all such cases

Based on the payment terms to avoid fines

To identify and consume non moving stocks

Based on closed sales, find a pattern of users buying the same products after a fixed interval of
Based on customer buying trends, check if similar/complimentary products can be sold to the
such customers

Based on dropped sales numbers during certain periods, possible roadblocks can be predicted

If open deliveries/invoices are not closed, open sales numbers would be predicted

Basedproducts based ondiscounts
on the previous customergiven,
buying trends can
predicting thebepercentage
utilized to and
predict sales
target audience where
discounts are most effective.
Dynamic pricing based on previous discounts/products given leading to effective sales
Comparison on current vs predicted sales

Based on the payment dues from customer, the future amounts could be predicted
Sales made to customers who have defaulted payments over a stipulated periods

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