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Name: Masfa Khan Date: 7/09/2020

Design Brief Analysis

 LEARNING INTENTION: To learn about design briefs.

 SUCCESS CRITERIA: Ability to Analyse design briefs


 Read the introduction of design briefs.

 Convert situations into identified needs and design briefs.
 Read the parts which make up the design brief.
 Analyse a design brief

1) Read the Introduction about design briefs:

Throughout the Technology modules, you will be using Design Briefs. Therefore, it is
important to cover the Design brief process. The Design Brief is the starting point of a plan of
something you are going to make. It is a statement about a need that must be met. In other
words, a design brief is a statement that outlines the opportunity, need, or problem to be
solved, the situation, the user (or users) and the requirements. In order to develop your
own design brief, you need to look around at life’s situations to identify practical problems
and needs to solve. There are many number of places to look, for example: in your house, at
your school, at sporting events, at leisure activities, at community venues such as hospitals,
aged care centres and kindergartens.
Design brief is a concise statement clarifying the project task and defining the need or
opportunity to be resolved after some analysis, investigation and research. It usually identifies
the users, criteria for success, constraints, available resources, timeframe for the project and
may include possible consequences and impacts.

2) Convert a situation into “Identified need” and “Design Brief”.
Fill in the blank with the correct word.
Situation Identified need Design Brief
1 Your bedroom My shoes need to be put in one place Design and realise a method to
is a mess. You so they are easy to find. keep shoes tidy.
can never find
the shoes you

2 Your younger I need to know when brother is Design and realize a warning
brother is sneaking into my room. system for use on your bedroom
always door.
sneaking into
your room.

3 I am a kitchen I need to keep my hands clean while Design and realize an avocado
hand. I dirty cutting an avocado. slicer or wear gloves .
my hands
every time I
cut an

4 Street lights I need to block the street lights Design and realize curtain or
are shining in coming through my window. outdoor shutters
my window.

5 My room is a I need to organise my books in one Design and realise a bookshelf.

mess. My place for easy access
books all over
the floor.

3) Analyse the design brief below.
“Badr has decided that he is going to start riding his bicycle to school
when the holidays finish in two weeks. But, his current schoolbag is
not really suitable for carrying everything he needs while riding his
bicycle. He wants to make a new bag that will be big enough to carry
his schoolbooks and sporting equipment, but the new bag will also be
easy to transport on his bicycle. As it is coming into winter, he should
probably make it waterproof.”
In order to analyse the above design brief, you need to provide
answers to the following questions:

1) What is the Design problem in the above Design brief?

The design problem is to design and make a new bag_________.

2) Who might use the new bag?

This new bag is to be used by Badr only.

3) Why does Badr need a new bag?

Badr needs a new bag because he needs to ride his bicycle to school.

4) What does the new bag need to do?

The new bag need to be an suitable_____________.

5) Where will the new bag be used?

The new bag will be used on Badr’s bicycle__.

6) How might the new bag work?

The new bag need to carry his schoolbooks and sporting equipment.
The new bag also need to be transported on his bicycle_______________.

In the space underneath, outline any constraints or limits relating to your design.
Constraints or limits (Set by the design brief)

7) How long will take Badr to design and make the new bag?

Badr has only two weeks to make the new bag.

8) What type of material the new bag should be made of?

The new bag should be made of water proof material.

9) What is the size of the new bag?

The new bag should be big enough to fit Badr’s school books and sport equipment .

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