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5 State Control and State Propaganda In some counties, jurnas’smaia anit is tat i or ber ‘pats cis wil be quesed. But in other parts ofthe woe, Sours have mich more to ea In Ages, journals ik th ltcotom and even their lies Yo report stores. Tourn te smestosted oF fice goverment coors: sccordng to Oat Belbouchet, a Algerian prt, a's Why we at We poral [HE (The Gara 20 ly 199, Une Algeria eri, wane have een aed ud banned, ad ers an ours Tine orn imprisoned. beste bon tsa ty the a ‘pposion In Chia ural pen more than ada prison for advocating demectay. In Wan catonit wa jal fr 8 ear foe ncn the Ayatoth Komen In Syria, te Joma Nast avout wae sentenced to 10 ean’ hard labour daring which be ws meen sates tate people to cout forthe unlawl Geconae of ‘Soret of for vefisiag to revel sources. Tsets of ths Kind are ‘owtinely dcamented bythe jose, nde o Cons of the perceptions and prejudices of individual journals. Aough events apd prude certainly pay their par. equally resutes they depend on aces to technology and communi ‘hone infesrortres, and their work mest bya vat aay of ‘words This chapter forues oo one ofthe key stor involved the mediation proces the sat How does the ete shape the way its is covered by mas media 103 104 The Plc Bomamy of Mass Media i fen supposed tht in lob economy the state osu aly erp ean hat what aor ono ple kota forcommunaton poy. But hough he ses eo ‘coi he see mh hese poles, Tivoug he postion of repitons td the amt of ere {tough li and poly, governments and thei pens Ine Joeman The teat of mprionmen jus one cap ote ‘metus salable tothe ste in attemptoshop th og mas media. Every sate er wht joa. erie soe contl over wha un St or oad Samet hss San ees i operas a more sub nay but forms of pubic ee ication rsa an cement of ealaton Fos whe tay hve scne tat the into wes an cept to hi aed ned hr ahs he cna osc ot) at vere has. for insane, en ptog pene oa ey Svc provides (0 be ants Burner, Indnccan sts. The Burne, Indonesen nt Naleatn pvrnment heal either depot ses 10 cinol pol we of the Imre. The Ce, Suhories made i ipl to pbc ste secre’ om the at hh at no one nC can ety a ta ad at set ase (The Cnordan 2 haaay 300), Eee “blitctaw hasten ond oe dnt) crn wee {aws have been used agsinst anti-abortion sites. With time, we can SRS me elon oe ne Atel ke cy wi communication, the het tpt pot of ovement poy (Winston, 198 31). Th 995 1, The ret may le far fedom, more open aces than tere fr at ‘qe aiferet fom sing tht itor wil fenain, ureylate, Cemorsip moins the mot obvious fm of sat conto In Ahan san the Tals, the sami mis who conto ‘out, hve bana al con, ene snd mie eae inn government owns many ofthe printing houses upon which est ie snd ites cine ont merge ete ‘ion vfs to pn pric tans epee en ‘Sta Control ond State Propaganda 108 Censorship, 4 1999-128). Ie Zimbabwe the aw proves for a ‘minimum ‘of seven year’ tnprzonment forthe pubscation of “Tae” stovis tht ave ily to cause fer, lam of despondeney among the public Undex om Censorship, 2 199% 21-3). The Dospet of sate censorsip fled speculation onthe future of Hong Rong following reversion (0 Chinn, This wat ow one Hong Kong paper imagined the fru: eng 2 member of the tmodiain pos 997 Hong Kong wil be ike fag ¢ gunman with ‘hs finger on the tigger. Altbough the gunman guarantees nt (0 Fie treats verlag’ (Eastern Expres, quoted in Dt Fay, 1996 52). Typclly, we tink of censorship as involving his ind of drt intervention and, tpiealy, such contels ae 55- fited with oaiter! regimes Such expectations accord with Gucheiovaie's announcement of an ca tit censor vs {2 190 following the cllapse ofthe Soret bee (Budge «a, they a ft the fac tht, 98, Kee sastutd 9 stem of prepubltion censorship for aevapapes. But censorship hetatze vanety of for and does ot noes rogie dee Imeevention, eat ae lntrodweng ik stem of censors, Kuwait repeated i This dino, however, el ia fee pres Sat censriip was feplaot by 4 system of seceasorship which feauied journal o abide by 4 Ute code of conduct thal Focal the nuncio nt to damage national unity or spread ‘Tumours Breaking the cade cold led to suspension of 2 pape (Reporters Sane Fronite, 19% 177-8). ‘Sefrecrorsip may inden! prove t bea much more common, pera and midions form of onto, Recent ports abou the Fong Kong media suggest thatthe Chines pescoce bas duced tridepreed sei-ensorhip among jouralstsChin-Chuam Lee Uiooe Sty deste the prs tendency to dedge pli com {rovers the ing of pro-chin ato asume responsible poss, the shit of eon tooe in ine wih Beja’s poi. the ede ‘of nce to seus the papers pokcl overtone, the fing of hih- fst contributory, the disemintin of writing guidelines on "sens the! stones andthe placing of sense stones in obscure pos tions. All of tis as been achieved wathout dec Intervention ‘Whi be Chines goverament amended the Hong Kong Basi Lam to inelnde rls which could Become the Basis f censorship, thee {ules have not born aed pon, Rather changss ia press ehaniour fave bon achieved through cole offer, and hough 2 stem 106 The Political Economy of Mase Media of reads (and implicit puishrens) run by the Chinese autho tithes, honours snd pra information, the Chiese govern Trent ha created an inventive strate that et in sel-entor- ‘hip rather thas extemal imposed censorship (bi: 8). Chinese ‘orthodox theory of ural overtly define he role ofthe mais sethe mouthpiece, or the “hat and tongue" the party and the people (in, 1998: 4) ‘of his experience of eng newspaper inthe Middle ast, Jihad ‘nae (199 #7) observes "The mon prevalent fom of censorship Is scecasorship Siting at my desk ete tmes that Tm no 50 mosh covering the es ns covering i ‘Censorship isnot sovfined to non-Hberal sates, even where the feed of seach (Budge eal 1998: 51) In France, dain the FFoarth Republi, the state broaeasting station (RTF) shared it Dromises withthe secretary of slate for infomation, and RTF Foor were obged to foo the snstrutons ued the Iinitry (Chala, 198: 45). In the UK, coverage of Norhern Ireland and of errs has been sty replated. Examples ange ftom aban on the vies of Sinn Fein representatives, fo changes o ply and documentaries about he proviso he banning of pop fone (Curie nd Jems, 1995) State cont ha ln pros excuse for censor. A BBC ‘seviion programme on the Zicon satelite was banned by the goverment on grounds of ‘atonal pci, and the roadster fies wore raked y the Speci Branch, ho emored the ofending tapes To vay that all sates conor not the same a sying that ll states cenor equally. They do not There ae tems i whch overt ord hoe Thre te, afer all ranay way to car. Spa tong maitaned, even afer the fall of Franco, the pracice of ‘uonng atoms dlay on al ve rons hat ofending ‘moments could be excied (Vilches, 196: 80). Sater ruled by ‘ose fa which opposition i imate. And some stats, He the USA, formaly deny the ight to censorship in their consttion, Sate Conta and State Proporande 107 but, arts ofthe rene argue (Herman and Chomsky, 1988), {hil aves ope the psa of de facto censorship through the may inch commercial nd other teres affect wha counts Shcnews) and what pooner are scarded Gerald Sosman (oot 136 lise eramples of what be ses a6 US censorship: the fat to cover the testing of bloga! weapons an the are to report CTA involvement in Hat. Wile these arguments hae some penile, say no be bp tose them a form of tae ewok, They may more accurately be seen a6 a stem of porate ifomatin management Tis nt a question ofthe sa frevecting penton of facts an! nage rather of organizing the Pobteation of oe face and images Serey key mechanism Secrecy Rather than censor wht threatens to Become pubis hel tte refer to kas things sere so tht the se ofa ban evar. ‘Duress know nothing there hide ed to censor them. AS ‘ith emorship counties vary mth way they pice sexe. The USA ensbrine sedom of spech ine contution and operates ‘rvte of freedom of information fn theory a least ths means That journalists can have ass to any offical information, po “ied tht it does not breach atonal security. Pres ead tn Fanci protected in French lw, allowing ningerment cy inca of dfuratin, ba taste and national seus The UK, by atest, has taionally operated a ght secretive system, and felorme have ren tery ow it coming (Cockeel ea, 1985 Ponting 985) Whee inthe USA, the pic that information te made available, unless thee isa good reson fer it otto be ‘laud nthe UK, the presmption favours serey. Even 38 the 'UK hae bop fo change the lw’ on sctec) partly a a result of Invomporang the European Contention on Human Rigs thas remained caatius, The ne feed of information ipo Stl frants power of bo to miners who with to deny access 10 enti nfrmaton, Beds, thee are other eestetions Which tmstain the regime of seerecy. ‘The restctions on acc (0 Information are compousded, for instance, by the oath of oe taken by mintrs which they are ond to erp see al 108 The Ptircal Beam of Mate Meda ‘ates commited and sera othe ene, The law on secrecy was even used ae ests of refurbishing the Lord Chancehers one fly ible ‘sre Atampt too tons, abet not alas sucess oacy sa ‘ase to The Gurdon Ponng, (98 Aa, sf See) i far indica by ter coast "tions one example of which ithe Dane wa Fite te a pe cae of rma fy ae Te Paiament, Such information pond ca {he eration of democratic acount aera el 1 fatlamcatary tovergny. Hower ihe peggy ete ty Riles sto “avid the rat af peice? ‘olen ofthe British poi esbishenar a The UK sytem may oweter thea have thet lafrmaton act, ouralss have no gh tg they ao enoy Ble lglprtecton i ey uct nena om if they ish to bey sours of sich information at * ‘Brain may represen a piso (en res manage information in pars othe situional sal SEA the supe for power and nce information 4 Fees od ihe vale of fformation lave proportenal BAe of te Gscranaion, loser tracing tte sock siete an obvious etample of the way ecielnormaion Ss nghvewards, Wht itv for Goan infomation i abo Bor peti iformaton Props eying acs 10 infration ote device vale wo 9 site BESv pon maging te conegs ats tne power can Siete tet io amone tetvey Svan Cartes 200 1) Mer ow. inboth weld ars Brish ropapinios om Pir ocr wk ot coring Ancican juraoe woud bear ferent sangeet for exonip were rode, ed per er prvied wth ner acess tothe yal arion GParamone ter’ TA epoay af ves) ond eso tropands- The ickcve wns of fformaton iy ineade 10 frost and ponte he ites of tones powers etbely Tr Cleary, hr te sate Sunn and conte pes and Srodcng tans, cane hemor propegnd perpen Sarthe cen Not Germany andthe Sot Uo, Sod sore feuty in Yori undr Pont Mise. Al rte [Perle independ esnny hallow Bot even Ural {eins ponies emp we ma medi or troesnds” idee, te argument oHeroae and Chom: (0) omscrng Cons tha al ‘en the USA fd by mpleninn, caer py popaands, rainy, pli prs snd re groups ngs imate ie propaganda execs Sich pra, ower Sond threayos, by bong adver spec, or ape adrtng to rode german wha weapon ate met Oe Rew South Wa crest svichl te cs avert. teh 33 millon yar om oe beeper poup roan ‘opane to ame solwounni coupe (che, 98. 313) Eau, govcramcate may sek mae te our ba cy 0 Phe Potica Economy of Mass Medio 2 posite by proving pes ees 1th, impo dies no the pre olson In eal ep ao tht pido not yo cc's prea coe Tea the business of persuading or presuing journalists to peo Cetin pe of ep wht oa Seferor ae ofthe itn, but trons dos tha ea Sire of pegs, The a tect ese ‘malign form of propaganda emerges ~ an accusation that has ban Ica at Span goer ohne wee so ‘hon to gt urbe ererape Reps Te ‘The nese en St opan veda legate th sates ass a he ei gh e aval atpble The sate epee Toes pope ae ‘kept o nam agnas faker ADS eo izes feiss o heath and eft ead inform te ofthe np and element fda epimte i 4 way that pong ea ey Ize of those who manage the sti poe ONAL ‘Wie he dso my pyre ob elec thy sin the eae of cnt sod eae Bench hard spore ep acre he he ee Sie ing pry. Tha poten camped se sic in seting wht mesage anh Ben ent Wn he Thacher eenen at prs Backing of Pramet an th vee ee feist bowing ste epee oe wi srt me than even heme a se oe Simi when the same government intercede poy png the remo far moet by es tae ea sivrtiemets wee own dig Pose he Spal watchdy tong se a hee es, they were bog weedy oie shed fea vernal poi aie Seams Toe 3) th Mao goverment ance Pets Chater eg SEM of crn at whoo sent he doce 9 home cox of mo, te cheese State Control and State Propagonds 111 lion homes fad chien of he rekvant schoo age. In other oid the adverzements were sen ata form of pot prope ater han polite infomation. "Dyes eof ste communications stems is bat one way in wich goveramcns sek to fopresent themes in a favourable tow o pratt hy, afer ahve ung anos othe eee dts a they can wrt comparative adrantage to reese them in wae tbat serve their fterest Inthe ste way, they can Se tune’ jourtalss atthe conduits through which they release ior. The vltiondip can workin teers: uray can fupol the thorn with information. Tn the former East Germany, and chewhere within the Soviet bi, journals ated as agent fr the secret pole, passing on information about Gisideats. Mosty though the sate select Vek in ode to erat parla kinds of copy for partclarconstuencies "Government engage natal kg Untavouae o bad news canbe made to coincide wth ater more dating. events ‘The Thatcher goveramea released details onthe lent of herp ‘ating Hat (he worst for fur yeas} on Bulge Day when the Teds enon war cheer. The Guardan 06 Febraary 196) pubisned a Minty of Defence memo which dscued the est fats for teleasing neva of the Mos dcton co aintain ts at fn homosexuals serving i the ame force The mem Fad. indepth one-to-one biting on background hss for the edeted jours fora featue-ype pc to apes onthe dy of pubic ‘ton, Desi (or because of) ts genera bole eri stance, ‘uch ape, emphasising the pated bread eco the report ‘roald probably have mart cffct in "The Guardian These {cigs are ot pear to Britain, Rodaey Tien (198 97) describes very sir echaigus Beng wed Alsi ts he tes; ‘Leaks and briefings ne indapensable In contemporary pole “The Gulf Wars extensive se ofthe mati for propaganda uroces (Beane and Paes, 1984 Caruthers 2000) Ta the USA. the government deliberately promod the net that ‘Seddam Hussein was a tyrant (te butcher of Bagh and that proteng Kewat was 2 case worth ging for, Sores about Wag attsien wee actively cieulted sd ropoduceds Gea Ssman (197: T56-F) same tat the US moda were esd to The Political Economy of Mass Media {othe preston aegulae Stove Conrt and State Propogande 113 sGnceren tm shh pens Amero ea SSCA goal ake pores com wo, Pelvis Sh optinces Ht a ee acer Goce a’

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