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Name: __________Nika Frolova________________________

Class: JMC141, Fall 2020

Professor: Berisha

Media usage log: How much time did you spend using media this weekend (Friday-Sunday)?

Cell phone:

 Phone calls: 15 mins

 Text messaging: Hard to tell but I didn’t really text that much
 Internet browsing: 1 hour
 Other (games, photo/video, etc.): 4 hours


 Word processing: 2 hours

 Web surfing: 1 hour
 Social media (facebook/twitter/etc.): I check twitter 24\7 …….
 Email: --
 Gaming: 4 hours
 Movie/TV/shows: Didn’t watch anything
 Blogging: --
 Other: --


 News: --
 Sport: --
 Other: --


 Music: I listen to music all the time on background

 Podcasts: 1 hour
 Other: --


 Newspapers/magazines: --
 Books: 3 hours

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