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Clinical Pharmacology of Bronchodilator Medications

Dennis M Williams PharmD BCPS AE-C and Bruce K Rubin MEngr MD MBA FAARC
2 Adrenergic Receptors

Structure and Function
Isomer Chemistry
Selectivity and Specificity
Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics of 2 Adrenergic Agonists
Desensitization and Tolerance
Adverse and Off-Target Effects
Drug Interactions
Safety of Inhaled 2 Agonists
Cholinergic (Muscarinic) Receptors
Structure and Function
Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics
Adverse and Off-Target Effects
Drug Interactions
Therapeutic Administration of Bronchodilator Medications
Bronchodilator Therapy for Airways Diseases
Cystic Fibrosis
Research and Development of Bronchodilators Summary

Obstructive lung diseases, including asthma and COPD, are characterized by air-flow limitation.
Bronchodilator therapy can often decrease symptoms of air-flow obstruction by relaxing airway
smooth muscle (bronchodilation), decreasing dyspnea, and improving quality of life. In this review,
we discuss the pharmacology of the agonist and anticholinergic bronchodilators and their use,
particularly in asthma and COPD. Expanding knowledge of receptor subtypes and G-protein
signaling, agonist and antagonist specificity, and drug delivery have led to the introduction of safer
medications with fewer off-target effects, medications with longer duration of action that may
improve adherence, and more effective and efficient aerosol delivery devices. Key words: beta
agonists; anticholinergic medications; muscarinic antagonists; aerosol delivery; clinical pharmacology;
asthma. [Respir Care 2018;63(6):641–654. © 2018 Daedalus Enterprises]
Introduction therapy. Bronchodilation can
The bronchial smooth muscle of the airways is hanisms. The activation of 2 receptors results
directly innervated by the parasympathetic nervous directly in relaxation of smooth muscle. Muscarinic
system where cholinergic receptors control receptor antagonists, or anticholinergic therapies,
bronchomotor tone. There is no direct sympathetic
1 are competitive antagonists of acetylcholine (ACH)
innervation of the airways, although they are rich in at postganglionic nerve receptors, resulting in
2 adrenergic receptors. Cholinergic and adrenergic
smooth muscle relaxation and bronchodilation.2
receptors are major targets for bronchodilator



2 Adrenergic Receptors Dr Rubin presented a version of this paper at the 56th

RESPIRATORY CARE Journal Conference, Respiratory Medications
for COPD and Adult Asthma: Pharmacologic Actions to Clinical
History Applications, held June 22–23, 2017, in St Petersburg, Florida.

As far back as 3000 BCE, the Chinese used The authors have disclosed no conflicts of interest.
ephedrine, from the plant Ephedra vulgaris, to Correspondence: Bruce K Rubin MEngr MD MBA FAARC,
make ma huang to treat dyspnea. 3 In the 1800s, Children’s Hospital of Richmond at Virginia Commonwealth
research focused on adrenal gland extracts. By University, 1000 East Broad St, Richmond, VA 23298. E-mail:
1903, epinephrine was being administered
subcutaneously for treating asthma, although it was
DOI: 10.4187/respcare.06051
not until 1907 that its bronchodilation properties Table 1. Systemic Effects of Inhaled Beta Agonists
were appreciated.4,5 Injectable aqueous epinephrine,
Organ System Observed Adverse Effect
in conjunction with an epinephrine suspension, was
Cardiovascular Tachycardia and palpitations
commonly used in the emergency management of
bronchospasm until the early 1980s. Epinephrine Central nervous system Headache, insomnia, nervousness,
has also been administered as an aerosol for more dizziness
Gastrointestinal Nausea, vomiting
than a century.6
Musculoskeletal Tremor, leg cramps
In the 1950s, the first -selective (but -subtype Biochemical Hypokalemia, hyperglycemia
nonselective) inhaled agents, isoproterenol and Reproductive Uterine relaxation
isoetharine, were developed as aerosol therapies for intestinal smooth muscle, and 2 receptors in
asthma.7 Synthetic analogues of naturally occurring bronchial, uterine, and vascular smooth muscle. A
catecholamines were subsequently developed, and third subtype, 3, is present in adipose tissue.
these had greater selectivity for the 2 subtype The receptor is a classic G-protein-coupled
receptor and, in some cases, extended durations of receptor (GPCR) with an extracellular N-terminus,
effect. These emerged in the early 1980s, with the traversing the membrane 7 times (transmembrane
introduction of metaproterenol and albuterol domains) to form 3 extracellular and 3 intracellular
(salbutamol) as rapid- and short-acting therapy for loops, as well as an intracellular C-terminus 10 (Fig.
acute asthma. By the mid-1990s, long-acting 1). The loops of the receptor that transverse the
agonists were introduced, which allowed for once lipid bilayer of the membrane comprise a
or twice daily dosing. cylindrical structure. The G-protein-coupled
receptor regulates various effector proteins.12 Each
Structure and Function G protein is a heterotrimer consisting of , , and
subunits, and is classified by its distinctive
Although adrenergic receptors are present subunits. Among the various forms, the Gs protein
throughout the body, the most clinically relevant acts as a stimulatory protein of adenyl cyclase; G i
-mediated effects occur in cardiac muscle, bronchial and Go, as inhibitory proteins of adenyl cyclase; and
and uterine smooth muscle, and skeletal muscle Gq and G11 act to couple receptors to phospholipase
(Table 1). The and receptor subtypes were first C. In the resting state, the Gs protein is complexed
described 70 years ago.8 The receptors were thought with guanosine diphosphate. The activation of these
primarily to have excitatory functions, and receptors by catecholamines or agonists promotes
receptors inhibitory function, except in the the dissociation of guanosine diphosphate from the
myocardium. receptors subtypes 1 and 2 were subunit of the associated protein. This allows
identified,9 with 1 receptors present in cardiac guanosine triphosphate (GTP) to bind to this G
muscle and protein, and the subunit dissociates from the unit.
The activated GTP-bound subunit acts to regulate
the activity of its effector. When activated, the
Dr Williams is affiliated with the University of North Carolina conversion of GDT to GTP occurs. GTP can then
Eshelman School of Pharmacy, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Dr activate the adenyl cyclase enzyme, as well as
Rubin is affiliated with The Children’s Hospital of Richmond at
activating cyclic guanosine monophosphate
Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia.



Fig. 1. Structure of adrenergic receptor. GDP guanosine 5; GTP guanosine 5-triphosphate; ATP adenosine 5-triphosphate;
phosphodiesterase, phospholipase C, and ion 2 adrenergic receptors are also present in
channels. submucosal glands, endothelium of blood vessels,
Receptor agonists bind to one or more of the mast cells, and white
transmembrane loops. The primary cAMP cyclic adenosine monophosphate. From Reference
neurotransmitters at adrenergic receptors are 11.
norepinephrine and epinephrine. Adenyl cyclase
stimulates conversion of adenosine triphosphate to Table 2. Effects of Inhaled Beta Agonists in the Lung
cyclic adenosine monophosphate, which activates a
protein kinase. The kinase phosphorylates a calcium
Relaxes bronchial smooth muscle (bronchodilation)
channel, which promotes calcium influx and thus Inhibits mast cell mediator release
activates contractile proteins, increasing inotropic Inhibits airway edema and plasma exudation
and chronotropic action in cardiac muscle. In Increases mucociliary clearance
bronchial smooth muscle, the increase in protein Increases mucus secretion
kinases and phosphorylation lead to bronchial Decreases parasympathetic transmission
Reduces cough
smooth muscle relaxation because of decreased
calcium influx and increased calcium uptake in the
sarcoplasmic reticulum. β -OH phenylethylamine
β α α β

I- or R-isomer d- or S-isomer

Fig. 2. Isomer chemistry showing the hydroxyl group on the

carbon. From Reference 11.
blood cells involved in inflammatory responses, Isomer Chemistry
including eosinophils and lymphocytes. This
explains the various effects beyond bronchodilation The carbons in the center of the
that are exhibited in vitro (Table 2).13 phenylethylamine structure of adrenergic agents



produce chirality, or asymmetry, of the compound. Agonists and antagonists of the receptor may
Depending on the position of the carbon (Fig. 2), exhibit receptor selectivity but not specificity. This
the molecule appears as chiral mirror images that suggests that some molecular configurations fit one
are not superimposable, like gloves for the right and subtype of a receptor better than other, but that off-
left hand. These configurations, called enantiomers, target effects are possible, especially when higher
rotate light in different directions, and thus are or more frequent dosing is used. These effects also
described as dextrorotary or levorotary, or as S occur because most tissues express multiple
enantiomers or R enantiomers, respectively, when subtypes of receptor; eg, cardiac muscle does not
described by their specific spatial configuration. exclusively express 1, and the bronchial smooth
From a chemical perspective, enantiomers exhibit muscle does not express only 2.
similar properties. However, their interaction with Improved selectivity for the 2 receptor can be
the receptor can vary, resulting in different actions achieved by increasing the size of the molecule on
and activities. In the case of epinephrine, the R the amine.7,15 Modifications to the aromatic ring can
isomer alone is responsible for activation of the also prolong the
adrenergic receptor and the resultant effects. duration of action; however, the more recent
Albuterol, the most commonly used agonist strategy used to develop long-acting and ultra long-
therapy for relief of acute asthma, is a racemic acting therapies has been to elongate the ethylamine
mixture of the R and S enantiomers. As is the case side chain of the structure.
with epinephrine, the pharmacologic effects are due
to the R isomer, whose affinity for the -adrenergic Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics of
receptor is 110 times greater than the S isomer. 14 2 Adrenergic Agonists
Whether the S isomer is inert or contributes to
adverse effects through inhibition of the R isomer is As catecholamines, 2 agonists exhibit low
a controversy with no clear evidence of adverse bioavailability, and the therapeutic benefit of oral
effects shown in humans. High doses of agonists administration is limited. These agents are absorbed
can lead to tachycardia, tremor, hypokalemia, and in the gastrointestinal tract but undergo significant
hyperglycemia. The pharmacodynamics of these first-pass metabolism, which limits their true
drugs suggests that optimal bronchodilation is bioavailability. To overcome this, higher doses are
achieved far below dosages that can cause these required for oral therapy, which can result in
adverse effects. It had been postulated that the unacceptable side effects.
single R enantiomer levalbuterol may cause less
Short-acting 2 agonists (SABAs) have an onset of
tachycardia and tremor based on studies in animals
effect within minutes, which is the basis for their
demonstrating that the R enantiomer appeared to be
role as rescue treatment for acute symptoms
responsible for bronchodilation, while the S
associated with
enantiomer with no bronchodilator effects could
increase heart rate and tremor. In humans, the dose-
s3–6h, which limits their role in chronic
related increase in heart rate and tremor are
management. The first long-
identical for racemic albuterol as for levalbuterol.14
dilation, which allowed for 12-h dosing; now
Selectivity and Specificity ultralong acting agents (ULABAs) have been
developed that can be dosed every 24 h (Table 3).
LABAs generally have greater specificity for the 2
receptor compared to shortacting agents. The
extended effectiveness of these agents is attributed
to various factors, including the presence of large
side chains on the molecular structure. In general,
these side chains increase the lipophilicity of the
molecule, which allows their retention in the lipid
bilayer of the cell membrane. This is in contrast to



albuterol, which is a more hydrophilic molecule With chronic stimulation by 2 agonists, adrenergic
that diffuses out of the membrane quickly. receptors have decreased intensity of response and
LABAs differ in their pharmacologic properties, duration of effect, known as tolerance. Tolerance is
although the clinical relevance of these differences exhibited with both SABAs and LABAs, and it is
is unclear. For example, formoterol is more potent characterized more by a loss of bronchoprotective
than salmeterol, which is a partial agonist at the effect rather than the bronchodilator effect. The
receptor. Although activity of adrenergic receptors are influenced by
Table 3. Characteristics of Beta Agonist Medications several factors, including hormones,
Available Duration
catecholamines, and medications. Changes in the
Inhalational Lipophilicit of number and function of receptors on the cell surface
Molecule Routes (in the y Action/Do will change the magnitude and duration of
United States) (Log P) sing response.12 These changes can be clinically relevant
as they may limit the therapeutic response to
Albuterol pMDI, DPI, nebulizer 1.4 4–6 h treatment with prolonged high-dose administration,
while adverse effects such as tachycardia and
Arformotero Nebulizer 2.2 12 h
l hypokalemia are not generally susceptible to
receptor tolerance. Desensitization can be
Formoterol pMDI, nebulizer 2.2 12 h
homologous or heterologous. Homologous
Levalbuterol pMDI, nebulizer 1.4 4–6 h desensitization occurs directly at a receptor
activated by an agonist, whereas a heterologous
Indacaterol DPI 3.9 24 h
change refers to another receptor in the same region
Olodaterol Soft mist inhaler NA 24 h but is not directly involved in agonist activation.
Several mechanisms contribute to receptor
Salmeterol DPI 4.2 12 h
desensitization, including changes in protein
Vilanterol DPI 3.8 24 h transcription or translation that develop over several
days, while desensitization due to phosphorylation
Data from Reference 16. of amino acids, or changes in receptor cellular
Log P describes the partition between lipid and aqueous phases, thus higher
lipophilicity is indicated by larger number. pMDI pressurized metered-dose
location, can occur in hours. Prolonged
inhaler DPI dry powder inhaler NA not applicable phosphorylation of the receptor through activity of
protein kinases as a result of repeated or prolonged
use leads to internalization of the receptor. Once
phosphorylated, the receptor has an increased
formoterol is less lipophilic than salmeterol, it affinity for arrestins, which attenuates the ability to
attaches to the receptor more quickly and its onset activate G proteins due to steric hindrance. Arrestin
is more rapid than salmeterol. On the other hand, a then interacts with clathrin, leading to endocytosis
partial agonist is expected to produce less of the receptor. The development of tolerance to 2
desensitization and fewer adrenergic-associated agonists can be attenuated by corticosteroid
side effects. Despite the differences in these 2 therapy. Adverse and Off-Target Effects
agents, clinical efficacy and safety appear to be
similar. The drugs also differ in intrinsic activity The primary and clinically relevant effect of
and selectivity at the 2 receptor, although the clinical inhaled 2 agonists is bronchodilation.12 However, in
importance of these differences is unproven. 17 vitro studies suggest that agonists may have
Indacaterol was the first cleared ULABA with a 24- nonbronchodilator effects, such as decreasing
h duration of action, which allows for once-daily production and activity of leukotrienes and
administration. Other new agents, including histamine from mast cells, reducing microvascular
olodaterol and vilanterol, are single enantiomer permeability, inhibiting phospholipases A2, and
products that exert full agonist activity sustained for increasing ciliary beat frequency (Table 2). The
24 h. anti-inflammatory effects are thought to be due to
Desensitization and Tolerance antagonismbyinhibitingsmoothmusclecontraction,ra



ther than direct anti-inflammatory effects. Although using these agents in patients with preexisting
agonists appear to reduce some aspects of cardiovascular disease.22
inflammation in vitro, there are data suggesting that Tal et al23 were among the first to report that the
the chronic use of agonist bronchodilators may be administration of agonists could acutely worsen
pro-inflammatory, which may be one of the reasons hypoxemia in children with asthma. The presumed
that chronic use of inhaled agonists perpetuates mechanism was vasodilatation with improvement of
asthmatic airway inflammation. These observations perfusion to underventilated portions of the lung,
remain speculative. leading to an increased mismatch of ventilation and
Off-target effects can present as side effects or perfusion. It is recommended patients who are
adverse drug reactions, and they occur due to 2 hypoxemic and are receiving a agonist should also
receptor stimulation of cardiac and peripheral receive supplemental oxygen to minimize this risk.
muscle, or 1 adrenergic effects. At the 2 receptor, Investigators in the 1980s showed that the
similar events occur with stimulation and result in inhalation of
activation of protein kinase. In this instance, protein agonists worsened air flow in infants with
kinase promotes calcium influx and activates tracheomalacia. It was postulated that, with poor
contractile proteins. Protein kinase also cartilage development, airway patency was being
phosphorylates troponin and G*, which activates a maintained by intrinsic airway muscle tone, and
calcium channel resulting in positive inotropy and that the administration of a agonist would lead to
chronotropy in cardiac tissue and blood vessel bronchial relaxation and worsening of the airway
vasodilation. malacia. They further showed that the
Albuterol has been reported to help clear administration of bethanechol, a cholinergic agent,
pulmonary edema fluid from the alveolus by improved air flow.24 Many children who have
accelerating the resorption of alveolar fluid. This airway malacia also have wheeze, which can be
effect has been demonstrated in patients with fluid confused for asthma. For these reasons, it is
overload of cardiogenic pulmonary edema; recommended that neonates or infants with
however, the clinical implications are modest.18 It tracheomalacia not receive bronchodilators.
has also been suggested that the inhalation of a
agonist bronchodilator will improve the Drug Interactions
effectiveness of airway clearance maneuvers, and
so albuterol is often inhaled before chest physical Although the inhaled route of administration can
therapy or airway clearance maneuvers. Beneficial dramatically reduce side effects, there are
effects on mucociliary clearance have been pharmacokinetic drug interaction considerations
demonstrated in COPD.19 There are no data with some agonists. Salmeterol is metabolized by
demonstrating that this improves mucus clearance cytochrome (CYP) p450 3A4, and formoterol is a
in individuals with asthma.20 substrate for several CYP enzymes, including 2D6,
Adverse or unwanted effects can occur due to 2C9, and 2C19. The product labeling for salmeterol
excessive receptor activation or actions at off-target suggests caution when using with strong 3A4
sites. Off-target effects are reduced with the use of inhibitors, including ritonavir or ketoconazole,
the inhaled route as well as more selective because of the increased risk for adverse effects
therapies, but they are not eliminated. Commonly from higher salmeterol concentrations. The product
observed side effects or adverse reactions are label for formoterol does not mention CYP-related
summarized in Table 3. Fortunately, tolerance to drug interactions, but there is a statement
these effects usually develops with regular use. cautioning use with other agents that can prolonged
2 agonists have been associated with an increased the QT interval of cardiac rhythm.
risk of adverse cardiovascular events due to actions Safety of Inhaled 2 Agonists
at the 1 receptor. All 2 agonists can cause tachycardia
and palpitations.21 Activation can increase the risk The clinical safety of inhaled 2 agonists has been
of arrhythmias, especially in patients with a source of controversy for decades. In the 1990s,
underlying cardiovascular disease. Data regarding an increased risk for asthma deaths was attributed
risk are conflicting, but caution is advised when to SABA use, including albuterol. In 2006, the post-



marketing SMART study25 reported an increased Structure and Function

risk of fatal or nearfatal asthma associated with
salmeterol compared to usual therapy. These data, A report published in 1914 described choline
along with additional small studies and a meta- ester responses that were similar to nicotine or
analysis, resulted in an FDA black box warning in muscarine, depending on the preparation.33 Nicotinic
2010 that is included on all products containing a receptors are located mainly on autonomic ganglia
LABA in the United States. The FDA also required and skeletal muscle. These receptors are ligand-
manufacturers of LABA-containing products to gated ion channels, and activation results in an
conduct safety studies. The results of those long- increase in permeability to sodium and calcium,
term studies are now published and support the leading to depolarization and excitation. 34
safety of LABA therapy when used in combination Muscarinic receptors are G-protein-coupled
with inhaled corticosteroids in children, receptors, and they are found in the central nervous
adolescents, and adults.26-28 In November 2017, the system and the periphery on autonomic effector
FDA removed the black box warning from products cells innervated by postganglionic
containing a combination of a LABA and inhaled parasympatheticnerves,includingsmoothandcardiac
corticosteroid. mus-
Cholinergic (Muscarinic) Receptors ACH is the primary neurotransmitter at receptors
throughout the body, and it activates both nicotinic
History and muscarinic receptors. ACH is an excitatory
neurotransmitter that requires an energy-dependent
Anticholinergics agents include naturally
pump for uptake into the synaptic vesicle, where it
occurring belladonna alkaloids (atropine,
is stored in the neuron. During neurotransmission,
scopolamine). For centuries, Ayurvedic healers in
ACH is released into the synaptic cleft. 35 The
India burned leaves from Datura species (jimson
enzyme acetylcholinesterase is also found at the
weed, thorn apple, moonflowers) and inhaled the
postsynaptic membrane and inactivates ACH
vapors for relief of asthma. This practice was
through hydrolysis. Choline liberated by hydrolysis
brought to England by General Gent,29 and
is taken up again by the nerve, and new ACH is
cigarettes containing Datura alkaloids were sold as
synthesized and stored (Fig. 3).
asthma therapy as late as the 1970s. These alkaloid
Nicotinic receptor antagonists are used clinically
compounds have been
as anesthetics, skeletal muscle relaxants, and central
and adrenal-active therapies. Muscarinic receptor
linical applications, including inhaled ipratropium
antagonists are more relevant for this review as they
and tiotropium, which are quaternary ammonium
are present on airway smooth muscle. In clinical
compounds with limited systemic absorption and
practice, the terms anticholinergic and
blood–brain barrier translocation. In clinical
antimuscarinic are often used interchangeably,
studies, the other anticholinergic effects of these
although in the airway the action occurs at the
inhaled therapies are not significant, including
muscarinic receptor. Parasympathetic innervation of
effects on sputum volume or viscosity.
airway smooth muscle is provided by the tenth
Ipratropium was the first commercially available
cranial nerve, the vagus.
inhaled anticholinergic agent, cleared in 1987. 30 It is
Antagonists of muscarinic receptors exhibit both
short-acting and nonselective in that it blocks all 3
orthosteric binding at the active site and allosteric
muscarinic receptors (M1, M2, M3). Tiotropium, a
binding elsewhere, which changes the conformation
long-acting agent, selectively blocks M1 and M3
of the proteinbinding site. There are 5 subtypes of
receptors. Antagonism at the M3 receptor appears to
muscarinic receptors, and 3 of them, M 1–M3, are
be the most clinically relevant for bronchodilation31
located on airway smooth muscle, on the nerves
and for decreasing mucin hypersecretion driven by
that control smooth muscle, and on glands.
neutrophil elastase.32 Other long-acting agents that
Muscarinic receptors control basal airway smooth
are now available are selective for the M3 receptor
muscle tone, which is increased in COPD. 36 M1 and
as well.
M3 are excitatory and promote ACH release and



coupling through Gq/G11 to activate phospholipase where the orthosteric binding site resides (eg, for
C, which results in phosphatidylinositol turnover. tiotropium). Studies show that selective antagonists
Calcium is released, resulting in an increase in (eg, tiotropium) bind to M2 receptors as well as M3
intracellular calcium and receptor activation. M 2 receptors, but they dissociate from M3 receptors
receptors inhibit adenylyl cyclase activity through much more slowly.38
another G-protein (Gi/Go), which results in
prolonged opening of ion channels and flow of Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics
calcium and potassium. Activation of potassium
channels leads to hyperpolarization of the cell Bronchodilation from ipratropium is evident in
membrane. In addition, ACH activation of M2 15 min, with a maximum effect at 1.5 h. Receptor
receptors reduces ACH release from the vesicle. binding is estimated at 3 h, and the duration of
The summative effect of muscarinic receptor effect lasts for up to 6 h. Serum concentrations are
antagonists is decreased airway tone with undetectable with usual doses. The duration of
improvement in bronchodilation from short-acting inhaled
expiratory air flow.37 anticholinergics is longer compared to SABAs, and
M3 receptors appear to be most clinically tolerance does not appear to occur in response to
important in mediating smooth muscle contraction. the anticholinergic effects.
This is also true in bladder smooth muscle, which Tiotropium was developed as a structural
may partially explain the analogue of glycopyrrolate. This agent binds the M3


Parasympathetic nerve
M2 receptor

M 3 receptor

M1 receptor

Preganglionic Postganglionic
Ganglionic gland
synapse M3 receptor

Smooth muscle

Anticholinergic drug


Fig. 3. Identification and location of muscarinic receptor subtypes M1, M2, and M3 in the vagal nerve, submucosal gland, and bronchial
smooth muscle in the airway, showing nonspecific blockade by anticholinergic drugs. ACH acetylcholine. From Reference 30, with
permission. receptor for 36 h, and bronchodilation persists for
24 h. After inhalation of tiotropium as a dry
powder, about 14% of the drug appears in the urine.
potential side effect of urinary retention.38 The Newer long-acting muscarinic antagonist (LAMA)
structure of the M3 receptor has intracellular and therapies (eg, aclidinium, glycopyrrolate, and
extracellular loops and a large extracellular umeclidinium) exhibit a faster onset of action
vestibule within a hydrophilic channel, which is compared to tiotropium, although the clinical



relevance is unclear because the main benefit of observational studies have implicated that inhaled
these therapies is a prolonged duration of effect anticholinergic therapies relate to an increased risk
(Table 4). In late 2017, glycopyrrolate was cleared of stroke and myocardial infarction.40 The basis for
as the first nebulized formulation of a LAMA this increased risk is unclear, but it may be due to
therapy. the anticholinergic effect on cardiac muscle.
Findings in observational studies differ from those
Adverse and Off-Target Effects of randomized clinical trials; however, as with
precautions for 2 agonists, caution is prudent when
The most common side effects from inhaled initiating therapy in patients with preexisting
anticholinergics is dry mouth and, with aerosol cardiovascular disease.
administration using a poorly fitting mask,
mydriasis. These agents have no adverse effects on Drug Interactions
mucus clearance or viscosity.39 Inhaled
anticholinergics have negligible effects on heart Inhaled anticholinergic therapies rarely cause
rate and blood pressure (Table 5). Some side effects related to the blockage of cholinergic
receptors. The





Table 5. Possible Adverse Effects Reported for Inhaled chlorofluorocarbon (CFC-9 and CFC-11) carrier to
Anticholinergics a more environmentally
Organ System Observed Adverse Effect friendlyhydrofluoroalkane(HFA-
Otolaryngology Dry mouth, blurred vision, taste 134a)carrier,inresponse to the Montreal protocol to
disturbances protect the ozone layer, does not lead to a change in
Genitourinary Urinary retention either aerosol size or output from the pMDI.
Gastrointestinal Constipation
Because aerosols from the pMDI are delivered at a
Cardiovascular Tachycardia (rare)
high velocity and require significant coordination
quaternary structure also limits central nervous between actuation and inhalation, it is
system penetration and avoids the side effects, recommended that these be used either with a
including delirium, associated with atropine. As a spacer or with a valved holding chamber that allows
result, there are no clinically relevant drug the aerosol cloud to mature (ie, larger particles are
interactions associated with these therapies. removed) and thus reduces oropharyngeal
deposition, swallowing, and systemic side effects.
Therapeutic Administration of Bronchodilator Many studies have shown that, when used
Medications appropriately, medication delivered by either pMDI
or DPI is equivalent or superior to that delivered by
The agonist and the anticholinergic jet nebulization, often at a lower dose. DPIs are
bronchodilator medications are effective when generally breath-activated and therefore can be
administered systemically by mouth or ideal for delivery of medication to the older child
intravenously, or when delivered topically as an and adult. They do require significant inspiratory
aerosol deposited on the airway. Inhalational flow to disaggregatetheparticles,althoughactive-
therapy is generally preferred. Systemic dispersalDPIshave been developed. In all cases,
administration requires a higher dosage with greater whether using a nebulizer, a pMDI, a holding
systemic side effects and no therapeutic chamber, or DPI, dosages should never be adjusted
advantage.41 This is true even for the critically ill based on the patient’s age or weight. For any child
patient. Both anticholinergics and agonists have an old enough (generally 3 y and older), the use of a
extremely broad therapeutic window when given by mouthpiece will effectively double the amount of
aerosol. medication delivered to the airways compared to
Aerosols can be delivered as wet aerosols via the same number of inhalations delivered using a
traditional Venturi nebulizers, vibrating mesh masked interface.42
nebulizers, dry powder inhalers (DPI), slow mist Regardless of the device chosen for aerosol
inhalers, or pressurized metereddose inhalers delivery, education and appropriate use is important
(pMDI). Under most circumstances, the use of to ensure successful outcomes. It is recommended
either a DPI or a pMDI is preferred to that patients bring their aerosol device to clinic at
nebulization.42 Nebulizers used for aerosol each visit and demonstrate appropriate use. In that
administration vary greatly in their respirable mass sense, it does not matter how effective the
output, or the amount of particles in the aerosol of medication is because it will not work if it is not
the appropriate size for inhalation. Furthermore, inhaled using appropriate technique as prescribed.44
nebulization is generally a longer and more
complex procedure than using a pMDI or DPI.
Nebulization entails measuring the medication into Bronchodilator Therapy for Airway Diseases
the nebulizer cup, having the patient breathe
consistently and deeply during the period of Asthma
nebulization (generally about 5 min), and then
cleaning the nebulizer before it is put away. For
The benefits of using agonist bronchodilators to
these reasons nebulization has the lowest adherence
relieve smooth muscle spasm are well established
rate of any form of aerosol medication delivery.43
as a hallmark of therapy for acute asthma.
The pMDI has been a standard for aerosol
However, the chronic use of agonists is thought to
delivery for 50 y. Recent changes from the
worsen asthma control. This may be due to decrease



in receptor expression on the target cells, a overlap syndrome.48 It is likely that these patients
decreased rate of adherence to inhaled will be more responsive to bronchodilators than
corticosteroids and other controller medications, those with so-called pure COPD. Nonetheless, one
and the possibility that chronic agonist use might study demonstrated that 50% of COPD subjects
worsen inflammation. (without an asthma component) demonstrated a
When the LABA salmeterol was introduced, a significant bronchodilator response on spirometry.49
large study evaluating its use as monotherapy for
chronic asthma (the SMART study) showed excess Bronchiolitis
mortality leading to an FDA black box warning
about the use of this medication alone. 25 Because For many years, it was assumed that bronchiolitis
this excess mortality was primarily noted among was an infantile form of asthma, and thus the use of
African-American subjects, and this group has a a agonist bronchodilator was routinely
greater prevalence of homozygous Arg/Arg recommended. Accumulating evidence
polymorphism at locus 16 of the agonist receptor demonstrating a clear lack of effectiveness of
(the normal receptor type is Arg/Gly), this Arg/Arg inhaled agonists in the treatment of this disease has
polymorphism was thought to lead to an ineffective finally led to consensus among published guidelines
response to inhaled bronchodilators. Reanalysis of that there is no value to administering albuterol to
the data and a subsequent study (BARGE) 45 have infants with bronchiolitis; in addition, because of
failed to confirm this, and it is now thought that this the known side effects of this medication, it should
excess of death in patients receiving salmeterol not be administered to infants with bronchiolitis. 50
monotherapy was primarily due to inadequate use There is also no role for the use of inhaled albuterol
of inhaled corticosteroids rather than due to the in premature newborns with respiratory distress
drug itself. syndrome of the newborn. With increased drug
The duration of action of inhaled albuterol is 4–6 absorption from the newborn lung, this poses a risk
h. Nevertheless, it is common practice to give large of systemic adverse effects.
amounts of albuterol over a fairly short period of
time when treating acute asthma. While Cystic Fibrosis
administering albuterol every 1–2 h for the first 12
h may be effective therapy, particularly in airways There is controversy related to the effectiveness
that are obstructed, once the airway receptors are of
saturated, more frequent use of these drugs adds agonistbronchodilatorsinpatientswithcysticfibrosis(
little benefit while increasing adverse effects. A CF). Guidelines from the Cystic Fibrosis
large prospectivetrial46 Foundation recommend the use of albuterol before
didnotdemonstrateclinicalworseningofasthma when administering chest physical therapy or mucoactive
albuterol was dosed at regular intervals was medications, although it has not been clearly
compared to albuterol administration as needed. In demonstrated that this improves airway clearance. 51
another study47 in adults with asthma exacerbations, Patients with CF more frequently have bronchial
the as-needed administration of albuterol was as hyper-responsiveness than those who do not have
effective as regularly scheduled administration of CF, but bronchial hyper-responsiveness is variable
this drug, but the former strategy led to a shorter and is not always responsive to inhaled
length of hospital stay and a lower total dose of bronchodilators. It is also unclear if there is
agonist used. increased bronchial hyper-responsiveness during a
CF exacerbation of pulmonary disease, which is
COPD when these drugs are often administered. The one
documented benefit of inhaled albuterol in CF is
Bronchodilator use is common in patients with use before administration of an osmotic agent, such
COPD, although the response is variable. Those as hypertonic saline or mannitol, which can produce
patients who demonstrate elements of fixed air-flow bronchospasm in a subset of patients with
obstruction and reversible air-flow obstruction with underlying airway hyper-responsiveness.
triggering factors may have the asthma-COPD



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MacIntyre: Let me start off. I find continuous aerosols to be a very confusing area. You pointed out that
highdose agonists from continuous aerosol therapy likely saturate receptors, and thus may only promote
toxicities. On the other hand, in the patient who is on a ventilator with an endotracheal tube full of mucus,



delivery of a drug may be really compromised. The argument might be to use continuous aerosols there
because it’s so doggone difficult to get it down into the lungs. Does that make sense to you?

Rubin: You could make the same statement for giving systemic bronchodilators, because if the airway is
blocked, don’t you want to get medication to the airway by blood flow? And yes, that makes sense but you
balance it with having a really sick patient on a mechanical ventilator who may be on neuromuscular
blockade, who may have some cardiac abnormalities as well. These patients are often elderly, they’re your
COPDers, and are you willing to risk cardiovascular adverse effects? I don’t think I’ve seen a formal risk-
benefit study done. There’s something else, since you brought up continuous nebulizations:
LeslieHendeles,who’saclinicalpharmacist in Gainesville, has been interested in benzalkonium as a
preservative for albuterol in multi-dose form. 1 And it is a bronchoconstrictor. So, if you were using continuous
nebulizers with a agonist like albuterol, you need to go preservative-free or you may be worsening
Respir Care 2011;56(9):1411–1421.

ams: The issue is that responsiveness to agonists in

onally in the pharmacy to general.
re the solution for continuous
zation would require Rubin: Fantastic. Really glad to
ng a lot of single-use vials or have that update. One of the
es. There’s been this trend criticisms of the findings of the
d using the multidose SMART trial3 was that a larger
ms that contain benzalkonium proportion of the subjects who had
de. The interesting thing is very bad outcomes were not on an
we knew 12 years ago that inhaled corticosteroid. So the
lkonium chloride, if used in question is if you use a
enough doses, is a functional concomitant inhaled
onist. There are reports of corticosteroid, will you abrogate
ems using multi-dose some of the phenomenon that you
ners with benzalkonium see with the genotyping?
patients looked resistant or
do well with therapy, and it Wechsler: More recently there
tributed to the preservative. were a few different reports on
different LABAs.4,5
sler: Just a comment
ding the pharmacogenetics of Rubin: This is highly charged. As
sts. You showed the LARGE I recall, when all this was coming
out there was a commentary by
epublishedaspartoftheAsthma Salpeter et al6 who made the
al Research Network and statement that more people had
ed the global results. While died from taking LABAs than had
cts who had the Arg/Arg died from their asthma. That was
ype had no significant much more inflammatory than any
vement in peak flow with allergen I’ve seen.
terol in combination with
d corticosteroids, in the Wise: You mentioned one of the
of AfricanAmerican barriers to using pressurized
cts, there was a difference in metered-dose inhalers (pMDIs) in
the hospital compared to
st response based on
nebulizers is the cost. Some
ype, and in the global



ation there were differences hospital are using single shared

rway hyper-responsiveness pMDIs between patients. The
on genotype. With regard to question I have is, what is the
African- status of that, and is there
icanpopulation,therewere anyconcernaboutcross-
differences in airway hyper- contamination?
nsiveness. We just this week
eted an AsthmaNet study of Rubin: Yes, that’s known as
common canister. The concern
ctslookingatinhaledsteroidsan with common canister usage is
BAs in African-Americans. cross-contamination. There are
ast person finished their last disposable holding chambers that
his week, and we expect it are fairly inexpensive that have
be analyzed and published been used under those
year. We are looking at circumstances for common
c factors in terms of canister use. I am not familiar with
the latest ruling; I know the Joint
Commission has
been concerned about possible about the subjects they recruited enough to be discharged and go
crosscontamination with that. We that had more to do with their home. I wonder if you have any
are not a common-canister disease severity or psychosocial comments as to the payer side of
institution, although we do not factors that may have also this?
use nebulizers once patients are contributed to the higher death
admitted to the hospital. rates. Having been on the Rubin: We rarely encounter that.
receiving side of all of that The response would be that we
Peters: So I can’t tell you the coming out, working want patients out faster and we
regulations, but in almost every predominantly in an African- want them to do better, and for
hospital, the infection control American patient population, that reason we’re using pMDIs.
committee will not allow you to when all of this news started to
use common canisters. Yet, as hit and all of these patients George: Is it possible that it’s
has been mentioned, we started coming back and saying, regional or payer-specific?
commonly use—in both the PFT “I’m going to stop taking the
lab as well as on the wards—the medicine you have me on,” it Rubin: I can’t understand why
disposable cardboard holding really forced us to look deeply one would assume nebulizers are
chambers that have been cleared into the attributes of the subjects given to sicker patients. Unless
by all of our infection control enrolled. And how to figure out you assume they’re also
committees. the right messaging to encourage receiving O2, but you
patients to continue on a therapy couldgiveO2
Rubin: We’re the same. that we thought was really tosomeonewithapMDI as well.
needed to control their asthma. I My suspicion is that it’s the
George: Going back to the haven’t worked in an acute care insurance company trying to find
SMART trial,3 I think we have to setting in a while, but I know that a way to not pay for something.
remember that there were other when we tried to transition away
unique features in the African- from nebulizer therapy in the MacIntyre: Let me go back to
American subjects who were hospital to a pMDI with a spacer, that. We have a protocol at Duke
enrolled in that study. They had we got pushback from the payers, where patients come in and get
lower FEV1, and they had more that if a patient was well enough assessed by an RT to see if they
acute health care utilization. to be treated in-patient with a can even use a pMDI properly.
There were probably some things pMDI and a valved holding You know as well as anybody, it
chamber, then they were well



does require a certain amount of bjects get enrolled and leave the insertions into the pMDI.
skill and coordination to properly hospital quickly. You don’t have Furthermore, because patients
use a pMDI. Somebody like a the time to capture the important usually use a valved holding
tight asthmatic or with a COPD primary outcome measures. chamber, there is no contact
exacerbation, you’ll have a devil betweenthepMDImouthpieceandt
of a time properly using the Rubin: Again, I’m sure this will he patient. There’s a study not
pMDI. Our protocol allows you comeupagainlaterwhenwetalkabo yet published that has shown that,
to switch to a nebulizer for those ut clinical applications. because of the more rapid
kinds of patients until they are response to multi-dose
able to recover. Does that make *Newhouse: I would like to bronchodilators given by pMDI
sense? comment on the issue of the cost with a valved holding chamber,
of administering a pMDI and a fewer patients are admitted to the
Rubin: Anything you say makes valved holding chamber in the hospital because they improve
sense. Well, I’m trying to avoid emergency department in the more quickly and more of them
talking about my favorite subject, United States. I’ll preface my are sent home earlier. So if you
which is aerosol delivery remarks with the fact that take the cost of that into effect, it
clinically, because I know that nowhere else in the world are isn’t more expensive to use a
will be covered. Maybe these smallvolume nebulizers used for pMDI with a valved holding
questions can come up again for bronchodilation in the emergency chamber, and indeed it’s a good
that presentation and discussion. department. And virtually every opportunity to teach patients how
guideline, including that of the to use them while they’re in the
Strange: My observation is that National Institutes of Health,7 hospital with an exacerbation that
we’ve done a really poor job of says that the first-line treatment they just recovered from and, I
actually studying delivery of both should be pMDI with a valved would surmise, are particularly
agonists and anticholinergics in holding chamber. The issue about amenable to being educated.
the cost has been raised because Unsurprisingly, the reason that so
hospitalsetting.Youshowedtheme there’s this strange idea in the many patients still request small-
taanalysis showing no difference United States that, if you use a volume nebulizers for use at
between intermittent albuterol pMDI and a valved holding home is that they observe, as
and continuous nebulization, chamber, somehow soon as they arrive in the
which just can’t be true in all contamination can occur from the ambulance or the emergency
subsets of patients. We have all boot of that device so that one department,someoneslapsamask
of these new drugs, none of pMDI cannot be used withaerosolfromanebulizeronthei
which are being studied in the sequentially for several patients. rface.They get the idea that the
hospitalsetting.We’renotstudying Professor Leslie Hendeles at the pMDI with a valved holding
thetransition to home, and all of University of Florida, chamber that they have at home
these are obviously important for Gainesville, showed me an is the kids’ stuff, and the re-
long-term care. I don’t know how excellent protocol that they have ally good stuff is in that very
we break that barrier and get developed in which they can obvious cloud of raindrops
some of these This article is approved for Continuing Respiratory Care Education
studies credit. For information and to obtain your CRCE
(free to AARC members) visit

pouring out of the nebulizer.

actuallyfundedanddone.Doyouha repeatedly use a pMDI and the What needs to be done, in my
ve any observations? Our boot is cleaned off appropriately view, is much better patient
observers say with a cloth containing an education based on the
thesearereallyhardstudiestodo.Su antibacterial agent between overwhelming evidence of



therapeutic equivalence or 5. Peters SP, Bleecker ER, Canonica

GW, ParkYB, Ramirez R, Hollis S, et
superiority of the pMDI with a
al. Serious asthma events with
valved holding chamber, budesonide plus
assuming that sufficient doses of formoterolvsbudesonidealone.NEnglJ
the latter are administered-dose Med2016; 375(9):850–860.
equivalents of about half of that 6. Salpeter SR, Wall AJ, Buckley NS.
Longacting beta-agonists with and
given by nebulizer (ie, 500–
without inhaled corticosteroids and
1,000 g (5–10 puffs) by pMDI catastrophic asthma events. Am J Med
with a valved holding chamber 2010;123(4): 322–328.
approximately 1,000–2,500 g by 7. National Heart, Lung and Blood
a smallvolume nebulizer). Institute.Asthmaactionplan.Publication
no.07-5251, April 2007.

REFERENCES * Michael T Newhouse MD, invited

discussant. Dr Newhouse is chief medical
1. Prabhakaran S, Abu-Hasan M, officer for InspiRx.
Hendeles L.Benzalkonium chloride: a
bronchoconstricting preservative in
continuous albuterol nebulizer
solutions. Pharmacother 2017;37(5):
2. Wechsler ME, Kunselman SJ,
ChinchilliVM, Bleecker E, Boushey
HA, Calhoun WJ, et al.; National
Heart, Lung and Blood Institute’s
Asthma Clinical Research Network
Effect of beta2-adrenergic receptor
polymorphism on response to long-
acting beta2 agonist in asthma
(LARGE trial): a genotypestratified,
randomized, placebo-controlled,
crossover trial. Lancet
2009;374(9703): 1754–1764.
3. Nelson HS, Weiss ST, Bleecker ER,
YanceySW, Dorinsky PM; SMART
Study Group. The Salmeterol
Multicenter Asthma Research Trial: a
comparison of usual pharmacotherapy
for asthma or usual pharmacotherapy
plus salmeterol. Chest 2006;129(1):
4. Stempel DA, Raphiou IH, Kral KM,
YeakeyAM, Emmett AH, Prazma CM,
et al.; for the AUSTRI Investigators.
Serious asthma events with fluticasone
plus salmeterol versus fluticasone Traducción : pag 5 y pag
alone. N Engl J Med 2016; 6

Efectos adversos y fuera del objetivo

El efecto primario y clínicamente relevante de los agonistas 2 inhalados es la
broncodilatación.12 Sin embargo, los estudios in vitro sugieren que los agonistas pueden
tener efectos no broncodilatadores, como la disminución de la producción y actividad de
leucocotrienos e histamina de los mastocitos, permeabilidad microvascular, inhibición de



las fosfolipasas A2 y aumento de la frecuencia de los latidos ciliares (tabla 2). Se cree que
los efectos antiinflamatorios se deben al antagonismo funcional al inhibir la contracción
del músculo liso, en lugar de los efectos antiinflamatorios directos. Aunque los agonistas
parecen reducir algunos aspectos de la inflamación in vitro, hay datos que sugieren que el
uso crónico de agonistas-broncodilatadores puede ser proinflamatorio, lo que puede ser
una de las razones por las que el uso crónico de agonistas inhalados perpetúa la
inflamación asmática de las vías respiratorias. Estas observaciones siguen siendo
especulativas. Los efectos fuera del objetivo pueden presentarse como efectos
secundarios o reacciones adversas al fármaco, y se producen debido a la estimulación de 2
receptores del músculo cardíaco y periférico, o efectos 1 adrenérgicos. En el receptor 2,
ocurren eventos similares con la estimulación y dan como resultado la activación de la
proteína quinasa. En este caso, la proteína quinasa promueve la entrada de calcio y activa
las proteínas contráctiles. La proteína quinasa también fosforila la troponina y G *, que
activa un canal de calcio que da como resultado inotropía y cronotropía positivas en la
vasodilatación del tejido cardiaco y de los vasos sanguíneos.
Se ha informado que el albuterol ayuda a eliminar el líquido del edema pulmonar del
alvéolo al acelerar la resorción del líquido alveolar. Este efecto se ha demostrado en
pacientes con sobrecarga de líquidos de edema pulmonar cardiogénico; sin embargo, las
implicaciones clínicas son modestas.18 También se ha sugerido que la inhalación de un
broncodilatador agonista mejorará la eficacia de las maniobras de limpieza de las vías
respiratorias, por lo que el albuterol a menudo se inhala antes de la terapia torácica o las
maniobras de limpieza de las vías respiratorias. Se han demostrado efectos beneficiosos
sobre el aclaramiento mucociliar en la EPOC.19 No hay datos que demuestren que esto
mejore el aclaramiento mucociliar en personas con asma.20 Pueden ocurrir efectos
adversos o no deseados debido a una activación excesiva de los receptores o acciones en
sitios fuera del objetivo. Los efectos no deseados se reducen con el uso de la vía inhalada,
así como con terapias más selectivas, pero no se eliminan. Los efectos secundarios o
reacciones adversas comúnmente observados se resumen en la Tabla 3.
Afortunadamente, la tolerancia a estos efectos generalmente se desarrolla con el uso
regular. Los agonistas 2 se han asociado con un mayor riesgo de eventos cardiovasculares
adversos debido a acciones en el receptor 1. Todos los 2 agonistas pueden causar
taquicardia y palpitaciones.21 La activación puede aumentar el riesgo de arritmias,
especialmente en pacientes con enfermedad cardiovascular subyacente. Los datos con
respecto al riesgo son contradictorios, pero se recomienda precaución al usar estos
agentes en pacientes con enfermedad cardiovascular preexistente.22 Tal y cols.22 fueron
de los primeros en informar que la administración de agonistas podría empeorar de
manera aguda la hipoxemia en niños con asma. El presunto mecanismo fue la
vasodilatación con mejora de la perfusión a las porciones no derventiladas del pulmón, lo
que condujo a un aumento de la falta de coincidencia entre la ventilación y la perfusión.
Se recomienda que los pacientes hipoxémicos que estén recibiendo un agonista también
reciban oxígeno suplementario para minimizar este riesgo. Los investigadores de la década



de 1980 demostraron que la inhalación de agonistas empeoraba el flujo de aire en los

lactantes con traqueoma lacia. Se postuló que, con un desarrollo deficiente del cartílago,
la permeabilidad de las vías respiratorias se mantenía mediante el tono muscular
intrínseco de las vías respiratorias y que la administración de un agonista conduciría a la
relajación bronquial y al empeoramiento de la malacia de las vías respiratorias. Además,
demostraron que la administración de betanecol, un agente colinérgico, mejoraba el flujo
de aire.24 Muchos niños que tienen malacia de las vías respiratorias también tienen
sibilancias, que pueden confundirse con asma. Por estas razones, se recomienda que los
recién nacidos o lactantes con traqueomalacia no reciban broncodilatadores.

Interacciones farmacológicas
Aunque la vía de administración inhalada puede reducir drásticamente los efectos
secundarios, existen consideraciones de interacción farmacocinética con algunos
agonistas. El sal-meterol es metabolizado por el citocromo (CYP) p450 3A4, y el formoterol
es un sustrato de varias enzimas CYP, incluidas 2D6, 2C9 y 2C19. El etiquetado del
producto para el salmeterol sugiere precaución cuando se usa con inhibidores potentes de
3A4, incluidos ritonavir o ketoconazol, debido al mayor riesgo de efectos adversos por
concentraciones más altas de salmet-erol. La etiqueta del producto de formoterol no
menciona las interacciones medicamentosas relacionadas con el CYP, pero hay una
declaración que advierte el uso con otros agentes que pueden prolongar el intervalo QT
del ritmo cardíaco.

Seguridad de los agonistas 2 inhalados La seguridad clínica de los agonistas 2 inhalados ha

sido una fuente de controversia durante décadas. En la década de 1990, se atribuyó al uso
de SABA un mayor riesgo de muerte por asma, incluido el albuterol. En 2006, el estudio
postcomercialización SMART25 informó un mayor riesgo de asma fatal o casi fatal
asociado con salmeterol en comparación con la terapia habitual. Estos datos, junto con
estudios pequeños adicionales y un metanálisis, dieron como resultado una advertencia
de recuadro negro de la FDA en 2010 que se incluye en todos los productos que contienen
aLABA en los Estados Unidos. La FDA también requirió que los fabricantes de productos
que contienen LABA realicen estudios de seguridad. Los resultados de esos estudios a
largo plazo están ahora publicados y respaldan la seguridad de la terapia con LABA cuando
se usa en combinación con corticosteroides inhalados en niños, adolescentes y adultos.26-
28 En noviembre de 2017, la FDA eliminó la advertencia de recuadro negro de los
productos que contienen una combinación de un LABA y corticosteroide inhalado

Receptores colinérgicos (muscarínicos) Historia Los agentes anticolinérgicos incluyen

alcaloides bel-ladonna naturales (atropina, escopolamina). Durante siglos, los curanderos
ayurvédicos de la India quemaron hojas de las especies de daturas (jimson weed, thorn
apple, moonflowers) e inhalaron los vapores para aliviar el asma. Esta práctica fue traída a
Inglaterra por el General Gent, 29 y los cigarrillos que contenían alcaloides de Datura se



vendieron como terapia del asma a finales de la década de 1970. Estos compuestos
alcaloides se han modificado para crear derivados sintéticos con aplicaciones clínicas
mejoradas, que incluyen ipratropio y tiotropio inhalados, que son compuestos de amonio
cuaternario con absorción sistémica limitada y translocación de la barrera
hematoencefálica. En estudios clínicos, los otros efectos anticolinérgicos de estas terapias
inhaladas no son significativos, incluidos los efectos sobre el volumen o la viscosidad del
esputo. El ipratropio fue el primer agente anticolinérgico inhalado disponible
comercialmente, aclarado en 1987.30 Es de acción corta y no selectivo porque bloquea los
3 receptores muscarínicos (M1, M2, M3). El tiotropio, un agente de acción prolongada,
bloquea selectivamente los receptores M1 y M3. El antagonismo en el receptor M3 parece
ser el más relevante clínicamente para la broncodilatación31 y para disminuir la
hipersecreción de mucina impulsada por la elastasa de neutrófilos.32 Otros agentes de
acción prolongada que están disponibles ahora son selectivos para el receptor M3

Estructura y función

Un informe publicado en 1914 describió respuestas de ésteres de colina que eran similares
a la nicotina o la muscarina, dependiendo de la preparación.33 Los receptores nicotínicos
se localizan principalmente en los ganglios autónomos y el músculo esquelético. Estos
receptores son canales iónicos activados por ligandos. , y la activación da como resultado
un aumento de la permeabilidad al sodio y al calcio, lo que lleva a la despolarización y la
excitación.34 Los receptores muscarínicos son receptores acoplados a proteína G y se
encuentran en el sistema nervioso central y las células efectoras autónomas de la periferia
inervadas por parásitos parasimpáticos posganglionares. nervios, incluidos el músculo liso
y el cardíaco. 31ACH es el neurotransmisor principal en los receptores de todo el cuerpo y
activa los receptores nicotínicos y muscarínicos. La ACH es un neurotransmisor excitador
que requiere una bomba dependiente de la energía para su captación en la vesícula
sináptica, donde se almacena en la neurona. Durante la neurotransmisión, la ACH se libera
en la hendidura sináptica.35 La enzima acetilcolinesterasa también se encuentra en la
membrana postsináptica e inactiva la ACH a través de la hidrólisis. La colina liberada por
hidrólisis es absorbida nuevamente por el nervio y se sintetiza y almacena nueva ACH (Fig.
3). Los antagonistas de los receptores nicotínicos se utilizan clínicamente como
anestésicos, relajantes del músculo esquelético y terapias con actividad central y
suprarrenal. Los antagonistas de los receptores muscarínicos son más relevantes para esta
revisión, ya que están presentes en el músculo liso de las vías respiratorias. En la práctica
clínica, los términos anticolinérgico y antimuscarínico a menudo se usan indistintamente,
aunque en las vías respiratorias la acción ocurre en el receptor muscarínico. La inervación
parasimpática del músculo liso de las vías respiratorias es proporcionada por el décimo par
craneal, el vago. Los antagonistas de los receptores muscarínicos exhiben unión o-
thostérica en el sitio activo y un gel de unión alostérico en otra parte, lo que cambia la



conformación del sitio de unión a proteínas. Hay cinco subtipos de receptores

muscarínicos y tres de ellos, M1-M3, se encuentran en el músculo liso de las vías
respiratorias, en los nervios que controlan el músculo liso y en las glándulas. Los
receptores muscarínicos controlan el tono basal del músculo liso de las vías respiratorias,
que aumenta en la EPOC. 36M1 y M3 son excitadores y promueven la liberación de ACH y
el acoplamiento a través de Gq / G11 para activar la fosfolipasa C, lo que da como
resultado el recambio de fosfatidilinositol. Se libera calcio, lo que resulta en un aumento
del calcio intracelular y la activación del receptor. Los receptores M2 inhiben la actividad
de la adenilil ciclasa a través de otra proteína G (Gi / Go), lo que resulta en una apertura
prolongada de los canales iónicos y el flujo de calcio y potasio. La activación de los canales
de potasio conduce a la hiperpolarización de la membrana celular. Además, la activación
de ACH de los receptores M2 reduce la liberación de ACH de la vesícula. El efecto sumativo
de los antagonistas de los receptores muscarínicos es la disminución del tono de las vías
respiratorias con una mejora del flujo de aire espiratorio37.


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