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Name:__________________________________________________________ Date:______________

Grade & Section:___________________________________________________ Score:_____________

General Instruction: Do not complete the test in haste, remember haste makes waste. Choose
using your head. While it is true that only the heart can see rightly, it is also deceitful most of the
time. If you wrote the wrong answer, move on. Your seatmate is not perfect. Nobody is. (insert

Test I- Word Bank (10 points)

Direction: Choose your answers inside the Word bank and write it on the space provided before
each number.

19th Century base Mass society model Media

Base- superstructure model Functionalist approach Karl Marx

Social Constructionism Louis Althusser Capitalist Society

Information Society Base approach

__________________________1. A powerful agent in establishing social control in societies.

__________________________2. It is when the concept of “mass” arose.
__________________________3. It is intertwined with the Marxist approach.
__________________________4. Made up of economic institutions and economic relationships which
determine the nature and behavior of the superstructure.
__________________________5. A society where the economic ownership of media institutions dictates
whose interests media will serve.
__________________________6. It sees society as an integrated whole with structures and institutions
holding power and authority and exerting control over society.
__________________________7. An approach that sees society like an organism.
__________________________8. A Marxist who provided elaboration on how ideas are perpetuated by
members of the ruling class.
__________________________9. It posits the notion that individuals have the capacity to act on their own
will to reproduce institutions.
__________________________10. He is the one who developed Marxism as a body of doctrine.
Test II – Compare and Contrast (15 points)
Directions: Make a poster slogan about the relationship of MEDIA AND SOCIETY.

Test III – Essay (15 points)

Directions: Draw and explain the STRUCTURES OF HUMAN SOCIETY.

“Don’t just stand there. Make something happen.”

-Lee lacocca

God bless 


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