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The Journal of Pain, Vol 9, No 8 (August), 2008: pp 714-721

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Massage Reduces Pain Perception and Hyperalgesia in

Experimental Muscle Pain: A Randomized, Controlled Trial
Laura A. Frey Law, Stephanie Evans, Jill Knudtson, Steven Nus, Kerri Scholl, and
Kathleen A. Sluka
Program in Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa.

Abstract: Massage is a common conservative intervention used to treat myalgia. Although subjec-
tive reports have supported the premise that massage decreases pain, few studies have systemati-
cally investigated the dose response characteristics of massage relative to a control group. The
purpose of this study was to perform a double-blinded, randomized controlled trial of the effects of
massage on mechanical hyperalgesia (pressure pain thresholds, PPT) and perceived pain using de-
layed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) as an endogenous model of myalgia. Participants were randomly
assigned to a no-treatment control, superficial touch, or deep-tissue massage group. Eccentric wrist
extension exercises were performed at visit 1 to induce DOMS 48 hours later at visit 2. Pain, assessed
using visual analog scales (VAS), and PPTs were measured at baseline, after exercise, before treat-
ment, and after treatment. Deep massage decreased pain (48.4% DOMS reversal) during muscle
stretch. Mechanical hyperalgesia was reduced (27.5% reversal) after both the deep massage and
superficial touch groups relative to control (increased hyperalgesia by 38.4%). Resting pain did not
vary between treatment groups.
Perspective: This randomized, controlled trial suggests that massage is capable of reducing myalgia
symptoms by approximately 25% to 50%, varying with assessment technique. Thus, potential anal-
gesia may depend on the pain assessment used. This information may assist clinicians in determining
conservative treatment options for patients with myalgia.
© 2008 by the American Pain Society
Key words: Myalgia, delayed onset muscle soreness, analgesia, manual therapy, treatment.

usculoskeletal pain is one of the most prevalent pharmacological treatment for musculoskeletal pain is
forms of pain reported in primary care22 and for common, increasingly patients and clinicians are seeking
chronic pain conditions.21 However, relatively alternative therapies with minimal risk.
little is known regarding treatment outcomes for deep Temporary muscle pain frequently occurs after unac-
tissue muscle pain. Chronic musculoskeletal pain is a pri- customed eccentric exercise (muscle lengthening con-
mary component in several pain syndromes that include tractions), resulting in delayed onset muscle soreness
both inflammatory and noninflammatory conditions. (DOMS) 8 to 24 hours after activity.1,7,17,27,40,42 This can
Approximately 10% to 15% of the US population has be used experimentally as an endogenous muscle pain
chronic widespread muscle pain; 20% to 50% of the pop- model to produce sensations similar to clinical muscle
ulation has chronic regional muscle pain.10,21 Although pain conditions, including deep tissue muscle pain with
contraction or stretch, taut bands, occasional resting
pain, mechanical hyperalgesia, and the perception of
trigger points.10,39 DOMS provides a controlled pain
Received April 6, 2007; Revised January 30, 2008; Accepted March 10, model to study therapeutic interventions, which is chal-
Supported by departmental funding from the Graduate Program in Phys- lenging in clinical populations due to variation in under-
ical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science at The University of Iowa. lying pathology, concomitant interventions, and so
Address reprint requests to Dr. Laura Frey Law, Graduate Program in
Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science, The University of Iowa, forth.
1-252 Medical Education Building, Iowa City, IA 52242. E-mail: laura- Massage has been used for rehabilitation and relax-
ation for thousands of years around the world, with few
© 2008 by the American Pain Society adverse effects. A number of different massage tech-
doi:10.1016/j.jpain.2008.03.009 niques are in use today; however, classic Western mas-

Frey Law et al 715
sage, that is, Swedish massage, is the most common. the arms or legs, pregnancy, and the inability to under-
Massage has been proposed to decrease tissue adhesion, stand or follow directions.
promote relaxation, increase regional blood circulation, Subjects were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 treatment
increase parasympathetic circulation, increase intramus- groups: Control (no massage, quiet rest), cutaneous,
cular temperature, and decrease neuromuscular excit- light stroking of the skin (superficial touch), or treatment
ability.47 However, despite its common use, there is only (deep-tissue massage of the muscles) by a random draw-
limited scientific evidence to support the use of massage ing. Subjects were not informed ahead of time of the 3
to prevent or decrease muscle pain.4,14,19,34 treatment groups. Each subject attended 2 sessions. Un-
Many studies combine massage with other treatments accustomed eccentric wrist extensions were performed
or include a range of populations, making it difficult to at session 1 to induce DOMS. The treatment session, con-
interpret the isolated influence of massage. For example, trol, cutaneous, or deep massage, occurred at the second
massage in conjunction with acupuncture reduced pain visit 24 to 48 hours after session 1. Strength, pain, and
in a randomized-controlled trial (RCT) of cancer patients sensory testing were performed before and after exer-
undergoing surgery.34 A quantified review of 9 RCTs in- cise at session 1 and before and after treatment at session
vestigating massage in pediatric populations revealed 2, by the same 2 investigators for all subjects. These in-
that arthritis pain was significantly reduced after multi- vestigators divided the tasks consistently across subjects
ple treatments.4 Conversely, patient satisfaction in- and assisted each other as necessary to facilitate testing.
creased but pain scores did not change in an RCT involv- The testers remained blinded to group assignments
ing patient choice of 1 alternative therapy (massage, throughout the study. A third investigator was responsi-
chiropractic, or acupuncture) added to standard care for ble for scheduling and random assignment, and a fourth
low back pain.14 A Cochrane systematic review of mas- investigator was responsible for the massage treatment.
sage for neck disorders was unable to conclude whether The study protocol is outlined in Table 1.
massage had a significant effect due to the mix of find-
ings and lack of quality studies.16 However, a Cochrane Strength Testing
review of massage for low back pain concluded that it Maximum isometric wrist extension torque measure-
might be beneficial but needed additional investiga- ments were obtained for each participant using the Bio-
tion.19 dex Isokinetic Dynamometer System 3 (Biodex Medical
Treatment for DOMS has also been investigated. Mas- Systems, New York, NY). Participants were positioned
sage applied 15 minutes to 3 hours after the unaccus- with their forearms secured, the wrist positioned in neu-
tomed exercise but before the development of DOMS tral, and the wrist lateral joint line centered with the
results in reduced DOMS pain relative to control condi- Biodex center of rotation. Measurements were repeated
tions.23,35,49 However, once DOMS has developed, 24 to 4 times: Baseline and after exercise at session 1 and be-
48 hours after exercise, massage has been reported to fore and after treatment at session 2.
have no effect26 as well as provide some benefit.15
Unfortunately, few well-controlled trials of massage Pain and Sensory Testing
exist either in clinical or experimentally induced pain Several pain and sensory measurements were evalu-
populations. Further, the potential confounding influ- ated to assess the effect of massage on experimental
ence of cutaneous touch is rarely considered. Thus, the muscle pain. The pressure pain threshold (PPT) has been
purpose of this study was to determine the effects of
massage using an endogenous muscle pain model in oth-
erwise healthy individuals, using a blinded, randomized,
controlled trial to compare deep soft-tissue massage,
Table 1. Experimental Protocol
light superficial touch, and no treatment (control). We ORDER SESSION 1 SESSION 2
hypothesized that a single dose of deep-tissue massage
1 Pain (VAS) at rest Pain (VAS) at rest
would result in a reduction in DOMS pain ratings and
2 Pain (VAS) with stretch Pain (VAS) with stretch
mechanical hyperalgesia versus cutaneous stroking or no
3 Pressure pain threshold PPT
treatment. (PPT)
4 Maximum isometric torque Maximum isometric torque
5 Pain (VAS) with max Pain (VAS) with max
Methods contraction contraction
6 Eccentric exercise to 6-minute treatment (deep
Subjects fatigue (3 sets) massage, superficial,
Written informed consent was obtained before partic- control)
ipation from all study participants as approved by The 7 Pain (VAS) at rest Pain (VAS) at rest
University of Iowa Biomedical Institutional Review 8 Pain (VAS) with stretch Pain (VAS) with stretch
Board. Subjects were recruited from the community and
10 Maximum isometric torque Maximum isometric torque
campus using posted fliers and word of mouth. Exclusion
11 Pain (VAS) with max Pain (VAS) with max
criteria included current complaints of pain, a history of contraction contraction
chronic pain, any current or past medical condition re-
stricting exercise, a history of sensory loss or numbness in Abbreviations: VAS, visual analog scale; PPT, pressure pain threshold.
716 Massage Reduces Pain and Hyperalgesia
defined as the lowest stimulus intensity at which an in- nipulating the deeper tissues for 6 minutes. The control
dividual perceives mechanical pain.45 PPTs provide a group had a thin layer of massage cream applied but
means to evaluate mechanical hyperalgesia,28,36,38 received no further touch during the 6 minutes. This was
where a reduction in PPT values relative to baseline indi- done to maintain consistency and ensure blinding of the
cates mechanical hyperalgesia. Four PPT values were ob- coinvestigators.
tained over the extensor digitorum muscle belly, each Each massage was performed by the same experi-
spaced approx 1 cm apart in a diamond pattern, using a menter (female) and prefaced with the statement, “if at
hand-held digital pressure algometer (Somedic AB, any time the pressure is uncomfortable, just let me know
Farsta, Sweden), using the 1 cm2 tip at a rate of 40 kPa/s. and I can change it.” Subjects were escorted to a sepa-
The mean of the 4 measures was used for each time rate, quiet room and instructed to lay supine on a plinth.
point: Baseline and after exercise (session 1) and before The same 2 songs of soothing music (Yoga Energy, BMG
and after treatment (session 2). The mean PPT values special products, 2002) were played in the background.
were normalized by baseline PPT values to determine The experimenter did not speak to the subject during the
relative mechanical hyperalgesia values. This measure 6 minutes allotted for treatment. After the treatment,
has demonstrated good repeatability and reliability in a subjects were asked not to reveal details of their treat-
number of previous investigations with intraclass corre- ment to the other investigators.
lation coefficients (ICCs) between 0.95 and 0.99.12,38,46
Pain intensity was evaluated using a 10-cm visual ana- Statistical Analyses
log scale (VAS) with the far left and right ends anchored
To test for differences in peak torque, a 3-way mixed,
with the phrases, “no pain” and “the worst pain imagin-
repeated-measures analyses of variance (ANOVA) was
able,” respectively.37 Subjects were asked to mark the
used (time ⫻ sex ⫻ group), with the Huynh-Feldt correc-
line indicating their level of muscle pain, discomfort, or
tion for nonsphericity as needed.24 To test for between-
soreness. VAS measurements were obtained at rest, dur-
group and sex differences in treatment effectiveness
ing stretch, and immediately after maximum isometric
of DOMS symptoms, 2-way (treatment group ⫻ sex)
contraction (Biodex 3.0; Biodex Medical Systems) at 4
ANOVA were used. When no sex differences occurred,
time points: Baseline and after exercise (session 1); be-
the data were collapsed into 1 group (1-way ANOVA).
fore and after treatment (session 2), for a total of 12 VAS
The effect of treatment group on pain and hyperalge-
measures. The VAS provides a valid and reliable measure
sia was evaluated by using a percent (%) reversal (ab-
of acute pain.5,8
solute change after treatment normalized by pain in-
crease between sessions 1 and 2) for pain and mechanical
Fatiguing Exercise hyperalgesia. Post hoc testing was done using Dunnett’s
To induce DOMS, subjects were asked to perform 3 sets t statistic, comparing the massage groups against the
of eccentric (lengthening) wrist extensor contractions to no-treatment control. Only subjects with the respective
fatigue using a 10-lb hand weight. Fatigue was defined DOMS symptom (eg, stretch pain) at the beginning of
as the point when individuals were no longer able to session 2 were considered for treatment effects, opera-
control the weight during 3 consecutive eccentric (low- tionally defined as decreased PPTs by 10% or more or
ering phase) repetitions. Assistance during the concen- increased VAS pain scores of 0.5 or greater from baseline
tric (shortening) phase of the motion using the opposite (cohort determined separately for each measure). This
hand was permitted to encourage maximum eccentric approach avoided evaluating if massage decreased pain
fatigue. A short rest of approximately 1 to 2 minutes in individuals not reporting pain for a particular activity
between sets was allowed. For this study, we operation- (eg, at rest), with adjusted sample sizes for each variable.
ally defined DOMS as increased pain with rest, stretch, or Mean, standard error of the mean (SEM), and percent
contraction of ⱖ0.5 cm on a 10-cm VAS and/or mechan- change values are reported. Significance was set at ␣ ⫽
ical hyperalgesia of ⱖ10% change in PPTs 24 to 48 hours 0.05.
after eccentric exercise.
Massage Treatment
All subjects were exposed to the same environmental Subjects
conditions (room, music, massage cream, and therapist) Forty-four healthy individuals (22 male, 22 female) par-
for the 6-minute intervention (regardless of treatment ticipated in this study and were randomly placed into the
group). Six minutes was chosen, based on the clinical deep massage (n ⫽ 16), superficial touch (n ⫽ 17), and
practice experience of the investigators for a small re- control (n ⫽ 11) groups. Mean age was 23.3 ⫾ 3.5, with a
gion of interest. The experimental group received a range of 19 to 41 years. All but 1 of the 44 subjects
deep-tissue massage to the extensor mass of the fore- reported development of DOMS, as operationally de-
arm, consisting of effleurage (superficial, light stroking fined. One subject (female, deep massage group) was
primarily of the cutaneous layers) for 1 minute, petris- removed from further analyses due to lack of any DOMS
sage (deep-tissue kneading of the muscles) for 4 minutes, symptoms, as evidenced by either pain or mechanical
and effleurage again for 1 minute. The superficial touch hyperalgesia, leaving a total of 43 subjects included in
group received only effleurage of the skin without ma- the remaining analyses. Muscle pain with stretch and
Frey Law et al 717

Table 2. Frequency of Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) Symptoms Observed


DEEP (N ⫽ 16) SUPERFICIAL (N ⫽ 17) CONTROL (N ⫽ 11) TOTAL (N ⫽ 44)

1 Resting pain ⱖ0.5 6 8 5 19 (43.2%)

1 Stretch pain ⱖ0.5 14 17 11 42 (95.5%)
1 Contraction pain ⱖ0.5 5 5 1 11 (25.0%)
Mechanical hyperalgesia ⱖ10% 13 14 9 36 (81.8%)
DOMS observed (any of above) 15 17 11 43 (97.7%)

mechanical hyperalgesia were the most frequent mea- men and women (F1,37 ⫽ 0.19 –2.99, P ⫽ .09 – 0.67) or
sures of DOMS (Table 2). The most inconsistent indicator treatment groups (F2,37 ⫽ 0.311– 0.945, P ⫽ .40 – 0.74).
of DOMS was pain during maximal contraction, with DOMS significantly increased during stretch by 2.44 ⫾
only 25% of subjects reporting this symptom. 0.28 cm (10 cm VAS; F1,37 ⫽ 68.7, P ⬍ .0001) and mini-
mally increased at rest (0.75 ⫾ 0.16 cm; F1,37 ⫽ 20.0, P ⬍
Analyses of All Participants With DOMS .0001). No significant increase in muscle pain during
maximal contraction with DOMS occurred relative to
Peak Torque pre-exercise ratings (0.03 ⫾ 0.24 cm; F1,37 ⫽ 0.02, P ⫽ .89).
Subjects were successfully fatigued after eccentric ex- Due to the lack of increased contraction pain with
ercise; mean maximum torque decreased by 40.4% im- DOMS, it was omitted from further analyses.
mediately after eccentric exercise relative to baseline
(Fig 1). Although absolute peak torque values were ap- Mechanical Hyperalgesia
proximately double for men than women (eg, baseline ⫽ Mechanical hyperalgesia occurred with a mean de-
10.3 vs 5.9 Nm, F1,37 ⫽ 31.07, P ⬍ .0001), the relative crease in PPTs of 25.8 ⫾ 2.78% (F1,37 ⫽ 80.65, P ⬍ .0001;
changes in strength due to fatigue were not significantly Fig 2D) for the 43 subjects. Absolute PPT values were
different between men and women (F1,37 ⫽ 3.65, P ⫽ significantly higher for men than women at every time
.06). Torque partially recovered at the beginning of the point (mean baseline values: 192.3 vs 152.0 kPa/sec,
second session but remained significantly lower than F1,37 ⫽ 7.56, P ⫽ .009). However, when normalized to
baseline by 12.2% (F2,74 ⫽ 56.1, P ⬍ .0001). Treatment baseline, the relative change in PPT (eg, mechanical hy-
did not produce any additional torque recovery. peralgesia) was not different between sexes (eg,
⫺21.9% vs ⫺29.9%, F1,37 ⫽ 2.58, P ⫽ .12). Thus, data
Muscle Pain between men and women are reported as 1 group for
Wrist extensor muscle pain during stretch, rest, and subsequent analyses.
maximal contraction for all 43 subjects with any form of
DOMS are shown in Fig 2A–C. No differences between Cohort-Specific Analyses
baseline DOMS pain ratings were observed between
Stretch and Resting Pain
A significant treatment effect (F2,36 ⫽ 3.87; P ⫽ .03)
was observed in the 42 subjects exhibiting pain with mus-
cle stretch (Fig 3). No significant sex main effect (F1,36 ⫽
1.07, P ⫽ .31) or treatment ⫻ sex interaction (F2,36 ⫽ 0.31,
P ⫽ .74) occurred. Between-group post hoc tests revealed
deep massage produced a reversal in stretch pain (48.4%
reduction) compared with the no-treatment control
(17.7% increase, P ⬍ .01), with a mean between-group
difference in pain ratings of 1.1 ⫾ 0.5 cm. However, the
superficial touch group was not significantly different
from the other 2 groups (P ⫽ .3). Of the 19 subjects
reporting DOMS at rest, there was no difference in pain
reversal between sexes (F1,13 ⫽ 0.08, P ⫽ .78) or treat-
ment groups (Fig 3): deep massage (66.5 %), superficial
touch (55.2%), and no treatment (33.2%), (F2,18 ⫽ 1.14,
P ⫽ .34).

Mechanical Hyperalgesia
Figure 1. Mean (SEM) maximum wrist extensor torque normal- In the 36 subjects with mechanical hyperalgesia, treat-
ized to baseline values for each treatment group. No significant
group or group ⫻ time interactions were observed. *Signifi- ment effects (% reversal) did not vary by sex (F1,30 ⫽ 0.97,
cantly different than baseline (P ⱕ .05). P ⫽ .33) but did vary by group (F2,35 ⫽ 3.44, P ⫽ .04; Fig 3).
718 Massage Reduces Pain and Hyperalgesia

Figure 2. Mean (SEM) baseline and delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) symptoms for all 43 subjects with any one DOMS
symptom. A, pain at rest; B, pain during stretch; C, pain during maximal isometric contraction; and D, pressure pain thresholds (PPTs).
*Significantly different than baseline (P ⱕ .05).

Mechanical hyperalgesia was reduced by 27% after deep pain relative to the no-treatment control group. Super-
massage and superficial touch (27.6 ⫾ 14.7% and 27.5 ⫾ ficial touch alone was able to reverse DOMS mechanical
20.4%, respectively), whereas no treatment resulted in hyperalgesia equally as well as that observed with deep
further increased hyperalgesia by 38.4 ⫾ 20.8% (P ⫽ .02). massage. Further, when combining the superficial touch
and deep massage groups, stretch pain reduction re-
Discussion mained significantly greater than the control group, al-
though independently superficial touch was not signifi-
Deep tissue massage was able to reduce mechanical cantly better than no treatment. These results would
hyperalgesia (increase thresholds) and decrease stretch suggest that deep-tissue massage is better than superfi-
cial touch in reducing muscle pain but that superficial
touch may contribute some benefit.
It is challenging to test massage relative to a placebo
treatment due to the sensory feedback system, but su-
perficial touch may provide a form of placebo interven-
tion. However, it is likely that the no-treatment control
provided little to no placebo effect. In the classically ref-
erenced report by Beecher,3 placebo responses occurred
in 35% of the 15 studies analyzed (range, 21%–58%) in a
total of 1082 patients. However, in low-back pain pa-
tients, as many as 65% to 70% of those studied reported
pain relief with sham or discredited treatment.44 Thus,
the reduction in mechanical hyperalgesia observed after
superficial touch may be a placebo response.
Conversely, superficial touch may involve an active
treatment effect, similar to deep-tissue massage. Animal
Figure 3. Mean (SEM) percent reversal of DOMS symptoms in models would suggest that even light stroking can pro-
those subjects exhibiting resting pain (n ⫽ 19), stretch pain (n ⫽ duce an anti-nociceptive response.31 Massage-like stim-
42), and mechanical hyperalgesia (n ⫽ 36) by treatment group.
*Significantly different than the no-treatment control group ulation in rats increases the endogenous release of oxy-
(P ⱕ .05). tocin in the plasma and the periaqueductal gray (PAG),
Frey Law et al 719
and the antinociceptive effects are prevented by block- pain in the current study, this may partially explain their
ade of oxytocin receptors.2,31,48 Oxytocin is a hormone lack of pain reduction.
that has been shown to increase pain threshold, induce Some literature suggests that men and women may
physical relaxation, and lower blood pressure and cor- respond differently to pain due to different pain modu-
tisol levels in rats. Injection of oxytocin into the PAG latory mechanisms such as baroreceptor reflex arch
produces analgesia by activation of opioid receptors in (blood pressure related analgesia)6; descending inhibi-
the PAG.31 In humans, oxytocin has been shown to re- tory controls20; endogenous opioid system18; and hor-
lieve cancer pain33 and low back pain48 and increase the mones, family history, and affective/cognitive factors.25
pain threshold to colonic distension in people with irri- However, no sex differences were observed in this cohort
table bowel syndrome.29 Thus, massage may decrease for any of the pain intensity scales, consistent with prior
hyperalgesia and pain through activation of descending studies involving DOMS.9,13 Our study found men to
inhibitory pathways, using the PAG-opioid system and have higher absolute PPTs, a common finding.45 How-
oxytocin. ever, when normalized to baseline, no further sex differ-
Resting pain was not altered by massage relative to ences were noted in relative change in PPTs with DOMS
control subjects but rather decreased regardless of the (hyperalgesia) or treatment (reversal of hyperalgesia).
treatment group. However, the mean increase in resting Further, no treatment ⫻ sex interactions were evident,
pain intensity was low, less than 1 cm on the VAS, which suggesting that men and women responded similarly to
may not be clinically meaningful. Indeed, DOMS is more massage.
frequently associated with movement and muscle con- Although we observed a positive effect of deep tissue
traction.11,32,43 Alternatively, the lack of treatment ef- massage relative to a no treatment control, these find-
fect for resting pain may be that it is mediated by dif- ings may not be universally applicable. The confined
ferent mechanisms than stretch pain or mechanical
analyses to those individuals reporting increased pain
hyperalgesia, such as central versus peripheral, or activa-
resulted in a reduced sample size. A type II error may
tion of chemoreceptors versus mechanical nociceptors.
have occurred for the resting pain condition, adversely
To assess muscle pain with contraction, we asked sub-
influencing our conclusion that massage did not affect
jects to rate their contraction pain after performing a
resting pain. Additionally, we were not adequately able
maximal isometric effort. DOMS is typically associated
to assess contraction pain using our current methodol-
with pain with movement and muscle contraction.32 How-
ogy. The results from our 6-minute Swedish massage
ever, maximal contractions were perceived as equally
treatment may or may not translate to different treat-
painful at baseline and with DOMS, with mean pain rat-
ment durations and/or massage techniques. Although
ings of 2.35 cm. Further, the maximum effort may have
we were able to detect significant improvements in pain
been compromised at the second session due to the
with a 6-minute massage from a well-trained doctor of
DOMS. The peak torque was significantly reduced with
physical therapy (DPT) student, therapist experience
DOMS, consistent with prior studies.11,30 Using a con-
trolled submaximal contraction (eg, pain with lifting a level may have an influence on outcomes.35 Neverthe-
constant load) may be a better measure of DOMS con- less, advanced massage skills probably would result in
traction pain for future studies. Studies involving DOMS greater treatment effects, not reduced. Last, DOMS pro-
may neglect to indicate the conditions under which pain vides a controlled model of muscle soreness but may not
is assessed. Our results demonstrate notable differences mimic precisely the peripheral and central pain mecha-
between pain ratings at rest, during stretch and with nisms associated with other muscle pain conditions.
maximal contraction, suggesting this information is valu- In conclusion, the current study supports the use of
able. massage to decrease stretch pain perception and hyper-
The current study demonstrates that soft-tissue mas- algesia after the induction of DOMS. We have demon-
sage can reduce hyperalgesia and pain using a DOMS strated that deep-tissue massage partially reverses
model. Prior studies have had varied findings regarding stretch pain, and both deep-tissue and superficial touch
the effects of massage on DOMS pain. Massage applied treatments partially reversed mechanical hyperalgesia—
shortly after bouts of eccentric exercise (immediately to 3 the 2 most frequent measures of DOMS in this study.
hours after fatigue) but before the development of Several clinical implications can be drawn from these re-
DOMS typically reduces pain associated with DOMS at 24 sults. Even a relatively brief, 1-time treatment can pro-
to 48 hours.23,35,41,49 However, Jonhagen et al26 re- duce measurable changes in muscle pain. Massage is ca-
ported no improvement in DOMS pain with massage pable of partially reversing muscle pain and hyperalgesia
provided both after exercise and repeated daily for an associated with muscle stretch and mechanical pressure
additional 2 days. Participants rated their pain before but may not be able to reverse resting pain. The condi-
and after massage without discussion of the conditions tions under which muscle pain is assessed may account
used to elicit pain (ie, palpation, contraction, or rest). If for some of the disparity in the literature regarding the
their pain rating is analogous to what we term resting effect of massage on muscle pain.
720 Massage Reduces Pain and Hyperalgesia

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