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‘SOIL INVESTIGATION REPORT PROPOSED THE PAD FOR OMNIYAT PROPERTIES NINE LIMITED PLOT NO. BB.B01.061, BUSINESS BAY DUBAI, UAE. JOB REF. xSD/07-0019 DATE : 26/03/2007 FOR WHITBY & BIRD ENGINEES DUBAL 10 20 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 FOUNDATION CONCRETE, IMPORTANT NOTES ... CONTENTS Page No. INTRODUCTION... PROJECT DESCRIPTION... SITE DESCRIPTION REGIONAL GEOLOGY AND PREVAILING WEATHER CONDITIONS. FIELD WORK... LABORATORY TESTING ... GROUND CONDITIONS .. FOUNDATION RECOMMENDATIONS... FOUNDATION CONSTRUCTION SITE PLAN APPENDIX B BOREHOLE LOGS APPENDIX B1 GEOLOGICAL CROSS SECTION APPENDIX C LABORATORY TEST RESULTS APPENDIX D — PIEZOMETER READINGS. APPENDIX E FIELD TESTS. APPENDIX £ — CORE PHOTOGRAPHS APPENDIX G — RECOMMENDATIONS FOR CONCRETE (Extract of BS 5328:P.1:1997) XSDI07-0079 TOC 1.0 INTRODUCTION © This report presents the results of the geotechnical investigation for the proposed The Pad consists of three basements, ground floor, podium and 23 apartment floors in Business Bay, Dubai, UAE. This investigation was carried out according to your confirmation Ref. No. '309.PM.AH.003.2006 dated 14” December 2006, and subsequent to handing over the site on 04" January 2007. 4.1 Purpose of Study The purpose of the study is to determine the surface and subsurface conditions at the proposed site and the physical, mechanical and chemical properties of the foundation ground in order to provide the structural engineer with sufficient information for the design of the most suitable and safe foundation. 1.2 Scope of Works The scope of works consists of the following: Collecting information and maps particular to the building site, * Making inspection visits to the site to collect information about the present land use, surface topography, geological features and surface drainage. '* Drilling of three (3) boreholes up to a depth of 60.0m and three (3) of upto 40.0m and sampling disturbed and undisturbed samples. * Carrying out necessary field and laboratory tests. + Performing engineering analysis of field and laboratory findings. + Developing conclusions and recommendations for foundation design and construction ¢ Installation of (3) Piezometers to monitor ground water table 1.3. Standards and Codes of Practice Unless otherwise specified in this document, all equipments, materials and procedures associated with this work comply with current editions of following relevant Standards and Codes of Practice. © BS 1377:1990 Part 9 AMD8264-95, “Method of Test for Soils for Civil Engineering Purposes’, ® BS 5930: 1999, “Code of Practice for Site Investigations’. XSD707-0079 Page 135 2.0 3.0 4.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposed project is The Pad consists of three basements, ground floor, podium and 23 apartment floors. No further structural loading details were provided at the time of preparing this report. SITE DESCRIPTION The site lies in Plot No. BB.B01.061, Business Bay, Dubai, U.A.E. The site location is shown in Fig. No. 1, Appendix A. At the time of investigation, the site was slightly uneven and vacant, Ground levels are related to Dubai Municipality Datum (DMD). A general site plan showing the location of the boreholes is presented in Figure No.1, Appendix A. REGIONAL GEOLOGY AND PREVAILING WEATHER CONDITIONS The geology of the United Arab Emirates, and the Arabian Gulf area, has been substantially influenced by the deposition of marine sediments associated with numerous sea level changes during relatively recent geological time. With the exception of mountainous regions shared with Oman in the north-east, the country is relatively low-lying, with near- surface geology dominated by Quatemary to late Pleistocene age, mobile Aeolian dune sands, and sabkha/evaporate deposits. Conditions in Dubai area essentially consist of a linear coastline dissected by channels or creeks. Superficial deposits consist of beach dune sands together with marine sands and silts. In addition, wind erosion, capillary action and evaporation has led to extensive sabkha deposits in certain areas, notably around the creeks. These superficial deposits aro underlain by altemating beds of calcarenite, carbonate sandstone, sands and cemented sands. The site is situated in Dubai where a hot arid climate prevails. A hot arid climate is one where evaporation exceeds precipitation - such as rain, snow and dewfall. This climate regime produces characteristic hot desert terrains. Average annual rainfall may only be a few centimeters (even only a few millimeters in some parts) which usually occurs seasonally and sometimes only from a single cloudburst. Summer shade temperatures are frequently in excess 40°C and humidity may be around 100% near the coast. The contrast between maximum night and day temperatures and between night and day humidity is often great. Strong persistent winds are normal in many areas. This unfavorable climate imposes adverse conditions on the concrete structures, such as: - High temperature and high seasonal changes. - High humidity and high change in relative humidity. Strong dying winds. - Condensation at night. = Windborne saltladen dust. ~ High solar radiation. XSDO7-0679 Page 235 5.0 FIELD WORK 5.4 52 5.3 54 55 5.6 57 58 XSD07-0070 Drilling During 04" to 18" January 2007, six boreholes were drilled at the site. The borehole nos. 1, 2 & 3 were drilled to a depth of 60.0m and of 4, 5 & 6 were drilled to a depth of 40.0m below the existing ground surface. The locations of the boreholes were set-out by MATRIX with Consultant's approval and are shown on the site plan (Figure No.1, 2 App. A). The drilling was executed by ACKER, MOBILE 53, and MOBILE B-31 type rigs using Rotary Drilling method. The borehole logs are presented in App. B. ‘Sampling Disturbed, undisturbed samples and split spoon samples were obiained from the boreholes. The undisturbed samples were obtained using a double core barrel having 76mm internal diameter. The samples recovered were examined, described and classified by our geotechnical engineers, placed in proper sequence in wooden boxes and were taken to our laboratories for testing. The moist samples were placed in airtight plastic bags before being placed in wooden boxes. Field Testing in Boreholes Standard Penetration Tests (S.P.T.) were performed at various depths in the boreholes to assess the relative densities of the ground materials. The tests were performed in accordance with BS1377:1990 Part 9 AMD8264-95, “Determination of Penetration Resistance Using Split Barrel Sampler (SPT). The SPT consists of driving a Standard 50mm outside diameter thin wall sampler into soil at the bottom of a borehole, using repeated blows of a 63.5kg hammer falling through 760mm. The SPT N value is the number of blows required to achieve a penetration of 300mm, after an initial seating drive of 150mm. The test results are shown on the boring logs at the respective test depths. Interpretation of the SPT test results can be found in the Legend to Boring Logs (App.B). Piezometer Three Nos. (3) standpipe piezometers were installed at site in borehole nos. 3, 4 & 5. Readings are presented in App. D. Permeability Nine Nos. (9) falling head permeability test's were carried out in borehole Nos. 1, 4 & 6 at depths ranging from 7.0m to 13.0m below ground level. Readings are presented in App E. Table E - 1. Elastmeter Test Sixteen Nos (16) Elastmeter tests were carried out for borehole nos. 1, 4 & 6 at depths ranging from 17.0m to 58.0m below ground level. Pressuremeter Test Five Nos. (5) pressuremeter tests were carried out for borehole nos. 4 & 6 at depths ranging from 17.0m to 27.0m below ground level. Down Hole Seismic Test Two Nos. (2) down hole seismic tests were carried out for borehole nos. 1 & 3. Page 535 6.0 7.0 LABORATORY TESTING In order to determine the physical, mechanical and chemical properties of the ground materials, laboratory tests were performed on selected samples according to the following Standards: Particle Size Analysis by Wet and Dry - BS 1377: 1990 Part 2 Cl9.2. AMD. 9027/96, ‘Chemical Analysis of Soil and Water-BS1377:1990 Part3 AMD9028/96 CI.5,CI.7 & C19. Unconfined Compressive Strength of Intact RockCores — ASTM D 2938-95. Carbonate Content of Soil — BS 1377 : Part 3: AMD. 96 C16.3 Point Load Strength Index of Rock ASTM D 5731 - 95. Shear Strength Tests — 1377 : Part (7 & 8) : 90. Moisture Content and Dry Density - BS 1377:P4:1990, Test 3,(Amd.13925-02),C1. The laboratory test results are presented in Appendix C. GROUND CONDITIONS 72 Subsurface Condition The boreholes drilled show that there are general similarities and continuities of the subsurface materials, in spite of some local variations, The geologic description of the subsurface materials encountered in the boreholes. and the average approximate depths at which they were encountered are presented in Table No. 1. Classification of the soil has been conducted according to BS 5930 : 1999. The tables given in the legend to boring logs in Appendix 8 were used to describe the relative density of the coarse grainec-soils. Further information about the materials encountered can be obtained from the logs of borings presented in Appendix B. Ground Water At the time of investigation, ground water table was encountered at a depths ranging from 5.10m to 6.38m below the boreholes level. i.e. at R.L. ranging from -1.35m DMD to -2.63m DMD. However, ground water table is subjected to tidal and weather seasonal variations or by artificial induced effects. Therefore reconfirmation is recommended prior to any works related to the ground water regime. XSDI07-0019 Page 435 8.0. FOUNDATION RECOMMENDATIONS 8.1 Choice of the Type of Foundations The choice of particular type of foundation depends upon the character of the soil, the presence of ground water at the site, the magnitude of the imposed loads, and the project characteristics. For this particular case, the following prevailing site conditions exi * The proposed project is The Pad consists of three basements, ground floor, podium and 23 apartment floors. © At the time of investigation, the site was slightly uneven and vacant. Ground levels are related to Dubai Municipality Datum (DMD). ‘+ At the time of investigation, ground water table wes encountered at depths ranging from 5.10m to 6.38m below the borehole levels, |.e. at R.L. ranging from -1.35m DMD to -2.63m DMD. ‘+ The generalized geological strata Is as follows: Table No.4 ‘Approximate Reduced Level with Respect o DMD Geologic Description Am) : a RL+3.75 Brown/ greyish brown, silty SAND with occasional! To ‘some cemented pieces and occasional some shell, RL 42.75 fragments. RL +275 Very loose to loose becoming medium dense, light To brown light grey/ grey, silty SAND with some many. RL 425 cemented pieces and accasional/ some shell mane fragments. Rises ‘Medium dense to dense becoming very dense, gray/ To light brown/ greyish brown, slightly silty/ silty SANDI sandy SILT with occasional to many cemented pieces, Bele 2226/2426) some/ many shell faagments and cemented lumps. RL. 22.25 ‘Weak to moderately weak, massive, brown, medium to To fine grained, CONGLOMERATE, gravel to matrix ratio RL 24.25 35:65, moderately to highly weathered, fractures very Closely spaced and interbedded with gravel RL 2425 To Weak to moderately weak, massive, light brown! RL. 48.25, moltted offwhite with green patches, calcareous & SILTSTONE/ CALCISILTITE, distinctly to moderately RL53.25 Weathered, fractures very closely to closely spaced and To interbedded with cemented silt RL. 56.25 Weak, massive, brown! reddish brown with green tint, RL46.25 calcareous SANDSTONE/ CALCARENITE embedded To with some gravel, distinctly to moderately weathered, RL 63.25 fractures very closely to closely spaced and interbedded with cemented calcareous sand. Based on the above mentioned points, raft/pile foundations are recommended as discussed below: XSDI07-0019 Page 635 8.2 8.3 84 XSDI07-0079 Raft Foundation According to the general discussion presented above and taking into consideration the type of the proposed structure, raft foundation can be used for the proposed structure. The foundation depth may vary according to architectural requirements. The foundation ground shall be proof rolled with vibratory compactor to confirm that any loose materials are densified and compacted to not less than 95% of the maximum dry density. The foundation ground shall be inspected by an experienced engineer to confirm that the recommended foundation depth has been reached and that any undesirable materials have been removed. Not ‘+ Since excavation has to be carried out below the ground water table, dewatering is necessary. Allowable Bes ing Pressure For Raft Foundation Allowable bearing pressure was determined considering Raft foundation at a depth specified above, using practical experiences, the results obtained from the field ‘standard penetrations tests, the empirical equations developed by Terzhagi and Peck, Meyerhof and modified by Bowles and taking into consideration a safety factor of three against shear failure of the soil. Accordingly, the allowable bearing pressure values recommended to be used for the design of raft foundation is shown in Table below: Allowable Bearing Depth Modulus of Subgrade Pressure (rm) (kNim*) (kN/ mi?) DMD lo 400 “7.58 24,000 420 8.58 25,200 450 9.58 27,000 550 ~12.98 33,000 Foundation Settlements Using the recommended allowable bearing pressure value and the obtained N Values from the standard penetration tests and Unconfined Compressive Strength results, the anticipated total and differential settlements were estimated. Most of the settlement will take place during the construction period. 8.6 Pile Foundations Based on the type of the proposed structure and the subsoil conditions encountered, pile foundations are recommended. It is considered that bored cast-in-situ piles could be used for the ground conditions encountered at the site. The ultimate axial pile capacity has been estimated based on the established design methods. The axial pile capacity is a combination of the load resisted in skin friction along the pile shaft and end bearing. However, it may be noted that for bored cast-n-situ piles, settlements of the order of 1% of the pile diameter is normally required to mobilize full skin friction whereas full ‘end bearing is developed at much higher settlements (usually at about 10% to 20% of. pile diameter). Hence, the pile capacity will be based on full skin friction and partial end bearing. Pile load tests are considered the most satisfactory method to assess the carrying capacity of a pile. Itis therefore recommended that such tests be performed either on specially constructed piles installed before the start of the general construction works ‘or during the foundation construction period. However, if pre-contract testing is carried out, significant savings may result from a more economical pile design based upon specific test data. The design piles capacities determined using the theoretical design methods should be confirmed and supplemented as work progresses by results of pile load tests, pile installation and driving and if considered necessary, by in-situ tests. The design length of piles represents the design requirements but this may be varied to suit site conditions. Care should be taken when drilling for cast in place piles not to disturb or loosen the ‘end bearing strata, and to maintain direct and firm contact between this strata and the piles. Otherwise excessive unaccounted settlement may occur on initial loa With any form of the pile, it is recommended that specialist contractors are consulted as to the cost and performance characteristics of their particular form of pile with particular reference to the proposed method of installation in the ground conditions encountered at the site. The piling construction should be carried out by specialist well-experienced and equipped piling contractor, who must submit a method statement for the construction of the piles and should be requested fo confirm the actual working loads for his particular piling system before foundation design is finalized, Since the theoretical design methods provide an approximate working load, the contractor should also demonstrate by load test the piles performance and its load settlement characteristics, Under the prevailing ground condition and the type of the structure envisaged at the site, itis recommended to use bored cast in-situ piles. XSDOF-0019 Page 735 Formula Used for Evaluating Pile Capacity Ultimate load capacity of the pile is expressed by the equation: Qu = Q+Q; Where Q ultimate load capacity Qy base resistance = f&X Ay Q shaft resistance = &X A th unit base resistance fe Unit shaft resistance Ao area of base of pile As area of shaft of pile The formula used for ultimate skin friction is Ultimate skin friction Q, = X,,N As (KN) on Soil 2.0 for large volume displacements piles. 1.0 for small volume piles statistical average of blow count in the stratum area of the shaft in m? it skin friction on rock is evaluated using the following equation (Horvath etal, 1983) Bee fs = 0.2 to 0.3 vu (Mpa) ultimate unit skin friction unconfined compressive strength of rock, in MPa. f qe ‘The ultimate point resistance in rock is calculated as follows. Ultimate point resistance gp = qu (NO + 1) cn ultimate unit point resistance w unconfined compressive strength of rock No tan? (45 + ©/ 2) © = drained angle of friction Depth below | Average UCS EGL (m) Nimm? 36-28 60 28-50 50 50-57 30 57-60 50 | XSD/07-0079 Page 835 8.6.1 FOR TOWER Allowable Load Capacity of Pile in Compression The allowable working loads in compression for different pile diameters and depths based on the factor of safety (3) are presented in Table No. 2. Table No.2 Toe Level Allowable working loads in Compression (KN) of Piles, (DMD) le Diameter (m) 05 | 06 | 075 1 15, 2 25 3 1225 | 1021 | 1320 | 1826 2s27_| satg_| s7o7 | 12959 | 17907 -13.25 | 1100 | 1414 | 1944 | 2136 | 2085 | sess | 9111 | 13352 | 18378 1425 | 1178 | 1508 | 2062 | 2262 | 3142 | 5801 | 9425 | 13745 | 18850 -15.25 | 1267 | 1602 | 2180 | 2388 | 3209 | 6126 | 9739 | s4137 | 19321 -16.25 | 1335_| 1697 | 2207 | 2513 | 3456 | 6362 | 10053 | 14530 | 19792 -17.25 | 1414 | 1791 | 2415 | 2630 | 3613 | 6597 | 10367 | 14923 | 20263 -18.25 | 1492 | 1885 | 2533 | 2765 | 3770 | 6833 | 10681 | 15315 | 20735 -19.25__| 1571 | 1979 | 2651 | 2890 | 3027 | 7060 | 10996 | 15708 | 21206 -20.25 | 1649 | 2074 | 2769 | 3016 | 4084 | 7304 | 11310 | 16101 | 21677 -21.25 | 1728 | 2168 | 2886 | 3142 | 42a1 | 7540 | 114624 | 16493 | 20148 22.25 | 1806 | 2262 | 3004 | 3267 | 4398 | 7775 _| 11938 | 16886 | 22620 23.25 | 1985 | 2356 | 122 | 9393 | 4555 | sot1 | 12252 | 17279 | 23001 -2425 | 1964 | 2450 | 3240 | 3519 | 4712 | e247 | 12566 | 17672 | 23562 -25.25 | 2196 | 2658 | s4s9 | 3795 | soss_| e765 | 13258 | 18535 | 24599 -26.25 | 2300 | 2865 | 3758 | 4072 | 5404 | 9283 | 13049 | 19300 | 25635 -27.25 | 2482 | 3073 | 4017 | 4348 | 5749 14640 | 20263 | 26672 -28.25 | 2655 | 3280 | 4277 | 4624 | 600s 15931 | 21127 _| 27709 -29.25 | 2827 | 3487 | 4536 | 4901 _| 6440 16022 | 21991 | 28746 -30.25 | 3000 | 3695 | 4795 | 5177 | 6786 16713 | 22855 | 20782 -31.25 | 3173 | 3002 | s0sa | sasa_| 7131 17404 | 23719 | 30819 -32.25 | 3346 | 4109 | 9313 | 5730 | razz 1g096 | 24583 | 31856 -33.25 | 3519 | 4317 | 5572 | e007 | 7823 10787 | 25447 | 32893 -34.25 | 3601 | 4524 | 5832 | 623 | s168 19478 | 26311 | 33920 -36.25 | 3864 | 4731 | e0s1 | e560 | 8514 2orea | 27175 | 34966 -36.25 | 4037 | 4939 | 6360 | 6836 _| 8859 20860 | 28030 | 36003 -37.25 | 4210 | 5146 | e509 | 7113 | 9205 21551 | 28903 | 37039 -38.25__| 4363 | 5353 | sea | 7389 | 9550 | 19504 | 22243 | 29767 | 38076 -39.25 | 4555 | 5561 | 7128 | 766s | 9806 | 16022 | 22034 | 30631 | 30113 -40.25 | 4728 | 576s | 73e7_| 7942 | 10242 | 16541 | 23625 | 31495 | 40150 41.25 | 4901 _| so7s_| reas | e218 | 10587 | 17059 | 24316 | 32358 | arie6 -42.25 | so7a | 6183 | 7905 | 8495 | 10933 | 17577 | 25007 | 33222 | 42093 -43.25 | 5247 | 6300 | 8164 | 8771 | 11278 | 18096 | 25698 | s4o8e | 43260 -4425 | sai9 | e507 _| 2423 | 9048 | 11624 | ta614 | 26380 | s4950_| 44207 45.25 | _sss2_| 6805 _| seas_| 9324 | 11970 | 19132 | 27081 | 35814 | 45333 XSD7-0019 Page 935 46.25 | 5765 | 7012 | a942 | 9601 | 12315 | 19681 | 27772 | 36678 | 46370 -47.25 | 5914 | 7191 | 9166 | 9840 | 12614 | 20098 | 28369 | 37424 | 47265 48.25 | 6063_| 7370 | 9389 | 10078 | 12012 | 20546 | 28068 | 38170 | 48161 49.25 | 6213 | 7549 | 9613 | 10317 | 13210 | 20994 | 29562 | 38917 | 49056 -50.25 | 6362 _| 7728 | 9837 | 10556 | 13509 | 21441 | 30159 | 39863 | 49951 51.25 | _6511_| 7907_| 10061 | 10795 | 13807 | 21889 | 30756 | 40409 | sos47 “With respect to Dubai Municipality Datum Not * The idealized subsoil profile has been assumed for design incorporating the findings of boreholes. * The cut off level of piles is taken as R.L. -4.25m DMD. * The center to center distance between the piles shall be atleast 2.5 times the pile diameter * Allowable unit end bearing stress : 2000 kN/m? * It is expected that the total settlement for piles under the above loadings would be within permissible limits. Allowable Load Capacity of Pile in tension (Uplift) The allowable uplift load capacities of pile for different pile diameters and Depths based on factor of safely (3) are presented in Table No. 3. Table No.3 Toe Level Allowable working loads in Uplift (KN) of Piles (DMD) Pile Diameter (m) o5 [| 06 | 075 | 08 a | 45 2 25 3 -1225 | 628 | 754 | o43 | 1005 | 1257 | 1985 | 2513 | 3142 | 3770 1325 | 7or_| eas | 1060 | 1131 | 1414 | ot21 | 2027 | 534 | 421 1425 | 75 | o43 | t17e | 1257 | 1571 | 2356 | s142 | soar | art2 -1525 | sea | 1037 | 1206 | 1382 | 1728 | 2502 | 3456 | 4320 | 5164 -1625 | 943 | 1131 | tata | 1508 | 1885 | 2827 | 3770 | art2 | 5655 -17.25 | 1021 | 1225 | 1532 | 1634 | 2042 | 2063 | 4084 | si0s | 6126 «1325 | 1100 | 1320 | 1649 | 1750 | 2199 | 3209 | 4308 | sao | 6597 1925 | 1178 | 1414 | 1767 | 1085 | 2356 | 3534 | 4712 | 5891 | 7060 -20.25 | 1257 | 1508 | 1885 | 2011 | 2513 | 3770 | 5027 | 6283 | 7540 -21.25 | 1335 | 1602 | 2003 | 2136 | 2670 | 4006 | 5341 | 6676 | 8011 22.25 | 1414 | 1697 | 2121 | ao62 | 2827 | 4241 | 5655 | 7069 | s4az -2325 | 1492 | 1791 | 2238 | 2388 | 2085 | aa77_| so6o | 7461 | 8954 -24.25 | 1671 | 1885 | 2956 | 2513 | 3142 | a7i2 | 6263 | 7as4 | 9425 -25.25 | 1744 | 2092 | 2615 | 2700 | sas7 | 5231 | 6974 | arte | 10462 -26.25 | 1916 | 2300 | 2875 | 3066 | 3833 | 5749 | 7e66 | 9582 | 11498 -27.25 | 2080 | 2507 | 3134 | 3343 | 4178 | 6268 | e357 | 10446 | 12535 -28.25 | 2262 | 2714 | 3393 | 3619 | 4524 | 67a6 | 04s | s1a10 | 13572 2925 | 2495 | 2022 | 3652 | sa96_| 4870 | 7304 | 9739 | 12174 | 14608, XSDOT-OOTS Page 10/35 -3025 | 2608 | 3129 | 3911 | 4172 | 5215 | 7823 | 10430 | 13038 | 15645 -31.25 | 2780 | 3336 | at71_| 4ago | 5561 | 9341 | 11121 | 13002 | 16682 -3225 | 2953 | 3544 | 4430 | 4725 | 5906 | aso | 11812 | 14766 | 17719 -3325_| 3126 | 3751 _| 4689 | 5001 | 6252 | 9378 | 12504 | 15629 | 18755 34.25 | 3200 | a958 | 4o4s | 5278 | e597 | oso | 13195 | 16493 | 19792 -35.25_| 3472 | 4166 _| s207_| 5554 | 6943 | 10414 | 13886 | 17357 | 20879 -36.25 | 3644 | 4373 | saes_| 5831 | 7280 | 10933 | sas77 | 18221 | 21866 | -s725 | 17 | 4580 | 5726 | 6107 | 7634_| 11451 | 15268 | 19085 | 22902 | -s325 | 3000 | 47es [5065 | 6384 | 7980 | 11970 | 15959 | 19949 | 23939 -39.25 | 4163 | 4995 | 6244 | ee6o_| 8325 | 12488 | 16650 | 20813 | 24976 -40.25 | 4335 | 5203 | 6503 | 6937_| 8671 _| 13006 | 17342 | 21677 | 26012 4125 | 4508 | s4to | e7e2_| 7213 | 9016 | 13525 | 18033 | 22541 | 27049 42.25 | 4681 | 5617 | 7022 | 7490 | 9362 | 14043 | 18724 | 23405 | 28086 43.25 | 4854 | 5825 | 7261 | 7766 | 9708 | 14561 | 19415 | 24269 | 29123 44.25 | 5027 _| 6032 _| 7540 | so43 | 10053 | 15080 | 20106 | 25133 | 30159 4525 | 5199 | 6239 | 7799 | 8319 | 10399 | 15598 | 20797 | 25997 | 31196 46.25 | 5372 | 6447 | oss _| 8595 | 10744 | 16116 | 21489 | 26861 | 32233 47.25 | 5521 | 6626 | 8282 | 8834 _| 11043 | 16564 | 22085 | 27607 | 33128 46.25 | 5671 | 6805 | 8506 | 9073 | 11341 | 17012 | 22682 | 28353 | 34023 -49.25 | 5820 | 6984 | 8730 | 9312 | 11640 | 17459 | 23279 | 29099 | 34919 50.25 | soo _| 7163 | e954 _| 9550 | 11938 | 17907 | 23876 | 29845 | 35814 51.25 | 6116 | 7342 | 9177 | 97e9_| 12297 | 18355 | 24473 | 30591 | 36710 *With respect to Dubai Municipality Datum Notes: + The idealized subsoil profile has been assumed for design incorporating the findings of boreholes. ‘+ The cut off level of piles is taken as R.L. -4.25m DMD. * The center to center distance between the piles shall be atleast 2.5 times the pile diameter. ~4.25m -24.25m -46.25m | -53.25m Depth (rm) to to to to -24.25m -46,25m -53.25m | -66.26m Alowablo unit _ skin | fetion FS (enim) a _ = 110 Ee 7 | Calcareous | Calcareous | Calcareous Description Verydense | ‘sitstone’ | Sandstone’ | _Sitstone/ | Galcisitte | Calcarenite | Calcsiite * Allowable unit end bearing stress : 2000 kNim? ‘+ It is expected that the total settlement for piles under the above loadings would be within permissible limits. © Since excavation has to be carried out below the ground water table, dewatering is necessary. XSD/OT-O01S Page 17/36 ALLOWABLE WORKING LOADS IN COMPRESSION (KN) 8 tatetri tl 8 o00zg OO006E 0009z in Allowable Working Loads in Compression (kN) Figure No, ia Toe Level of Pile with Reference to DMD XSD/07-0019 Page 235 ALLOWABLE WORKING LOADS IN UPLIFT (KN) g 8 7 3 & a 2 gy sagas 4 peeeti ld 8 oooee oosez 00065 cose oF Allowable Working Loads in Uplift (KN) Figure No.1b Toe Level of Pile with Reference to DMD XSD/07-0019 Page 19785 Settlement of Piles for the Tower Settlement of piles have been evaluated for different pile diameters, toe levels and working loads provided in Table No. 2 based on the method proposed by Braja M. Das. Tolal settlement has been evaluated as summation of elastic settlement of pile, seitioment of pile ‘caused by the load at the pile tip and settlement of pile caused by the load transmitted along the pile shaft. 1 +S + Sy Total pile settlement. Elastic settlement of pile. Settlement of pile caused by the load at the pile tip. Ss = Settlement of pile caused by the load transmitted along the pile shaft. The results are presented in the following table 4. Table No. 4 Toe ey Settlement (mm) jeaer Pile Diameter (m) o6 [075 | 08 4 15 2 25 3 “12.25 29 34 [35 | 47 [| 04 | 134 | 159 | 168 13.25 ai | 3s | 37 | 49 [| 93 | 133 | 164 | 190 | “14.25 32 36 | 38 | 50 | 95 | 135 | 163 | 192 15.25 34 38 | 39 | 51 | 97 | 137 | 165 | 194 716.25 35. 39 | 41 | 53 | 100 | 140 | 168 | 196 “17.25 37 a1 | 42 [55 | 102 | 142 [170 | 198 “18.25 39 42 | 44 | 56 | toa | 145 | 172 | 200 19.25 44 44 [45 | 58 | 107 | 148 | 175 | 203 “20.25 43 46 | 47 | 60 | 109 | 150 | 17.7 | 205 “21.25 45 48 | 49 | 62 | 112 | 153 [180 | 207 22.25 47 so | 51 | 64 | 115 | 156 | 132 | 210 ~23.25 5.0 52 [ 53 | 66 | 118 | 159 | 185 [212 24.25 52 s4 | 55 | 68 | 121 | 162 | 188 | 215 25.25 56 s7 | 58 | 74 | 125 | 167 | 192 | 219 “26.25 6.1 61 | 61 75 | 130 | 172 | 196 | 223 27.25 65 64 | 65 | 78 | 135 | 176 | 201 | 227 -28.25 7.0, 68 | 68 | a2 | 140 | 182 | 205 | 231 -29.25 | TA 72 7.2 86 145 | 187 | 210 | 235 30.25 79 76 | 76 150 | 192 | 214 | 239 “31.25 85 ai_| 80 156 | 198 | 219 | 243 “32.25 9.0 as | 84 161 | 203 | 224 | 248 -33.25_| 10.4 96 90 | 89 167 | 209 | 229 | 253 34.25 11.0 10.2 95 9.3 173 | 215 | 235 | 257 -3525 | 118 | 108 | 100 | 98 180 | 222 | 240 | 262 36.25 | 125 | 114 [ 105 | 103 186 | 228 | 245 | 267 -37.25 | 13.3 42.4 41.0 | 10.8 19.3 | 23.5 [25.41 272 3825 14t | ta7 | a6 | 113 200 [241 | 257 | 277 -3025 | 149 | 134 | 122 | 119 207_| 248 | 263 | 282 4025 | 158 | 142 | 127 _[ 124 2ia | 255 | 269 | 288 4125 | 166 | 149 | 133 | 130 2241 | 263 | 275 | 293 4225 | 175 | 157 | 140 | 136 229 | 270 | 281 | 299 -4325 | 185 | 164 | 146 | 142 za7_| 27.8 | 288 | 304 XSDIOT-0079 Page 14235 4425 | 194 172 | 153 | 148 | 163 | 245 | 286 | 204 [31.0 45.25 | 204 te1 | 159 | 155 | 17.0 | 253 | 204 | 301 | 316 46.25 | 21.4 139 | 166 | 161 | 176 | 262 | 302 | 308 | 322 47.25 | 22.4 197 | 473 | 167 | 182 | 270 | 310 7 315 | 328 4825 | 233 | 206 |" tao | 174 | 1a9 | 278 | 318 7 321 | 334 ~40.25 [243 | 214 | 186 | i80 [ 195 | 286 | 326 | 328 | 34.0 50.25 | 264 | 223 | 193 | 187 | 202 |" 204 | 334 7 335 | 346 61.25 | 264 | 231 | 201 | 193 | 209 | 303 | 342 (342 | 352 “With respect fo Dubai Municipality Datum XSDAT-OOTS Page T5135 SETTLEMENT (MM) FOR DIFFERENT PILE DIAMETER s $ zg Bh Vi 1 oy fsitigags HG ee oge O22 ost o6 oo* Settlement (mm) for different Loadings of Piles Figure No. 4c XSD/OT-001S Page 1635 Toe Level of Pile with Reference to DMD TOE LEVEL VS, PILE SPRING STIFFNESS Pile spring stiffness based on the end bearing stresses and settlement for different toe levels is provided in the foll tabie. Pile spring stiffness has been evaluated as allowable working load in compression divided by the total settlement. Table No.5 a Pile Stiffness (kN/m) ag Pile Diameter (m) 05: o6 | 075 | 08 1 15 2 25 3 ~12.25 | 391188 | 453436 | 540266 | 567966 | so7759| 594211] 674061 | 815551 | 955045 25_| 396968 | 463508 | 555400 | sa3689 | 614095 | 606749 | 686556 | 820304 | 969831 14.25 | ao0714| 471250 | 566401 | 596807 | 628320 | 618750 | 698133 | 242704 | 984313 15.25 | 402756 | 476845 | 578117 | “609082 | 641770 | 628963 | 709315 | _855245 | 997975 -16.25 | 403384 | 481960 | saso4s | 619039 | 653270 | 638725] 719106 | 866939 | 1010827 17.25 | 402764 | 483973 | 593301 | 626817 | 662809 | 647420 | 728552 | 878317 | 1023016 -18.25 | 400080 | 484576 | 597382 | 632632 | “670801 | 654502 | 737157 | 888874 | 1035689 -19.25 | 397671 | 483912 | 601066 | 638035 | 678238 | 661854 | 744959 | g99141| 1047200 -20.25 | 393628 | 482209 | 604476 | 641681 | 684104 | 667660 | 752475 | 908617 | 1058447 -21.25 | 369167 | 479580 | 605094 | 643770 | 688506 | 672596 | 758740 | 917319] 1063929 22.25 | 383524 | 477194 | 605665 | 645711 | 691541 | 676710 | 764773 _925773| 1078660 -23,25 | 378514 | 473133 | 605039 | 646267 | 694405 | 680637 | 770004 933485 | 1088157 -24.25 | 372681 | 468528 | 603315 | 645615 | 696071 | 683806 | 774747 | 940474] 1097434 -25.28_| 372827 | 472078 | 612767 | 657712 | 712394 | 7o0ss9 | 794814 | 965385 | 1125284 -26.25_| 371238 | 473570 | 620149 | 667459 | 725302 | 715759 | 813335 | 988248 | 1152153 21.25 | 368782 | 473421 | 625748 | 674109 | 736120 | 728758 | 829921 | 1010135 | 1177576 -2825_| 365144 | 471914 | 627974 | 678065 | 745073 | 739792 | 244683 | 1030093 | 1201596 -29.25 | 361098 | 469341 | 620085 | es06e1 | 751494 | 749032 | 858174 | 1048603 1224781 -30.25 | 356318 | 4es8ao | 629252 | 682121 | 755657 | 757427 | 870031 | 1066003 | 1246121 -31.25 | 350996 | 461217 | 627047 | 681725 | 758660 | 763188 | s07e9 | 1082071 | 1260187 |_-32.25 | 345640 | 456578 | 624348 | 679751 | 759858 | 768357 | 889656 | 1096476 | 1285022 -33.25 | 339961 | 451045 | 620535 | 677193 | 760214 | 772243 |_ 897597 | 1109765 | 1302673 -34.25 | 334366 | 445266 |_616448 | 673441 | 759117 | 774974 | ooaea6 | 1121996 | 1319176 -35.25 | 328588 | 430204 | 611526 | eese6s | 757447 | 776654 | 910153 | "1132755 | 1335086 -36.25 | 322604 | 433211 | 605906 | 63690 | 754625 | 777378 | 914921 | 1142571 | 1348921 -37.25 | 316995 | 426692 | 599737 | 657965 | 750808 |_777251 | 918640 | 1151502 | 1362243 -38.25 | 311267 | 420526 | 593630 | 652162 | 746708 | 776743 | 921396 | 1159136 |_1374588 -39.25 | 305725 | 414043 | 586626 | 645788 | 741829 | 775138 | 923625 | 1165988 | 1385996 -40.25 | 300197 | 407633 | 580259 | 638030 | 736806 | 773282 | 925012 | 1171670 | 1396022 -41.25 | 294702 | 401296 | 573186 | 632185 | 731160 | 770497 | 925615 | 1176669 | 1409676 -42.25 | 289430 | 395061 | 566261 | 625085 | 724980 | 767563 | 925503 | 1181027 | 1414032 -43.25_| 284200 | 388686 | 559192 | 618132 | 718821 | 764172 | 925061 | 1184786 | 1421614 -44.25_| 279053 | 382674 | 551992 | 610925 | 712249 | 760061 | 923999 | 1187167 | 1428459 -45.25 | 274118 | 376574 | 544705 | 603508 | 705749 | 755919 | 922360 | 1189445 | 1434505 -46.25_| 260257 | 370613 | 537691 | 596317 | 698922 | 751461 | 920202 | 1190847 | 1430612 47.28 | 264490 | 364475 | 530477 | 588487 | 691830 | 745763 | 916298 | 1189959 | 1441894 48.25 | 269781 | 358647 | 522795 | 580876 | 683893 | 740130 | 912299 | 1188369 | 1443663, -49.25_| 255238 | 352766 | 515735 | 573167 | 676416 | 734302 | 907936 | 1186479 | 1444048 -50.25 | 250856 | 347183 | 508640 | se5e91 | 668752 | 728308 | g03514 | 1184312 | 1445768 -51.25 | 246535 | 341720 | 501545 | 558144 | 661269 | 722171 | 898778 | 1181887 | 1445741 “With respect to Dubai Municipality Datum XSDNT0019 Page 175 PILE STIFFNESS 52.25 Toe Level of Pile with Reference to DMD 215 ooonnss Pile Stiffness (kN/m)} Figure No. 1d soon0z XSDIDT-0079 Page 1835 8.6.2 FOR CAR PARK AND PODIUM Allowable Load Capacity of Pile in Compression The allowable working loads in compression for different pile diameters and depths based on the factor of safety (3) are presented in Table No. 6 Table No.6 Toe Level Allowable working loads in Compression (KN) of Piles (DMD) Pile Diameter (m) o5 | 06 | 075 | 08 | 09 1 42 15 2 -1225 | 1021 | 1320 | 1826 | 2011 | 2403 | 227 | s770 | sao | 8797 -1325 | 1100 | 1414 | 1944 | 2136 | 2545 | 2085 | 3058 | 5655 | 9111 -1425 | 1178 | 1508 | 2062 | 2262 | 2686 | a142 | 4147 | sect | 9425 -1525 | 1257 | 1602 | 2180 | 2388 | 2827 | 3209 | 4335 | 6126 | 9730 -16.25 | 1335 | 1697 | 2297 | 2513 | 2960 | 3456 | asza | 6362 _| 10053 17.25 | 1414 | 4701 | 2415 | 2639 | 3110 | 3613 | a7i2 | 6507 _| 10367 -18.25 | 1492 | 1885 | 2533 | 2765 | 3252 | 3770 | 4001 | 6833_| 10681 -19.25 | 1571 | 1979 | 2651 | 2800 | 3393 | 3927 | soss | 7069 | 10996 -20.25 | 1649 | 2074 | 2769 | so16 | 3534 | 4osa | 5278 | 7304 | 11310 -2125 | 1728 | 2168 | 2886 | 3142 _| 3676 | a24i | sae6 | 7540 | 11628 -22.25 | 1806 | 2262 | 004 | 9267 | 3617 | 4398 | se55 | 7775 | 11938 -23.25 | 2003 | 2408 | 3209 | 3581 | 4171 | 4701 | 6126 | e365 | 12724 2425 | 2199 | 2733 | 3503 | 3896 | 4524 | sisa | e507 | 8954 | 13509 25.25 | 2372 | 2041 | 952 | 4172 | 4835 | 5529 | 7o12 | 9472 | 14200 -26.25 | 2545 | 3143 | 4112 | aaa | 5146 | 5875 | 7427 | 9990 | 14891 2725 | 278 | 3355 | 4371 | 4725 | 5457 | 6220 | eat | 10509 | 15582 -2825 | 2890 | 3563 | 4630 | so01 | s7es | 6566 | 9256 | 11027 | 16273 -2925 | 3063 | s7zo_| seo | 5278 | cova | 6912 | g671 | 11545 | 16965 -30.25 | 3236 | 3077 | siaz_| 5554 _| 6300 | 7257 | 086 | 12064 | 17656 -31.25 | 3409 | 4185 | saos_| s831_| 6701 | 7603 _| 9500 | 12582 | 18347 *With respect to Dubai Municipality Datum. Notes: ‘+ The idealized subsoil profile has been assumed for design incorporating the findings of boreholes. ‘+ The cut off level of piles is taken as RL. -4.25m DMD. + The center to center distance between the piles shall be atleast 2.5 times the pile diameter Allowable unit end bearing stress : 2000 kN/m* + tis expected that the total settlement for piles under the above loadings would be within permissible limits, XSD/07-0075 Page 19735 Allowable Load Capacity of Pile in tension (Uplift) ‘The allowable uplift load capacities of pile for different pile diameters and Depths based on factor of sefety (3) are presented in Table No. 7 Table No.7 Allowable working loads in Uplift (KN) Pile Diameter (m) 075 | 08 09 4 42 15 2 o43_| 1005 | 1131 | 1257 | 1508 | 1885 | 2513 4o60_| 1131 | 1272 | 1414 | 1697 | 2121 | 2827 4ize_| 1257 | 1414 | t571_| 1885 | 2356 | 3142 1206 | 1382 | 1555 | 1728 | 2074 | 2502 | 3456 sata _| 1508 | 1697 | 1885 | 2262 | 2827 | 3770 1532_| 1634 | 1838 | 2042 | 2450 | 3063 | 4084 1649 _| 1759 | 1979 | 2199 | 2639 | 3209 | 4398 aze7_| 1885 | 2121 | 2356 | 2827 | 3534 | 4712 x9a5_| 2011 | 2262 | 2513 | 3016 | 3770 | 5027 2003 | 2136 | 2403 | 2670 | 3204 | 4006 | 5341 2262 | 2545 | 2827 | 3303 | 4241 | 5655 2576 _| 2808 | 3220 | 3e6a | 4830 | 6aao 2890 | 3252 | 3613 | 4335 | sat9 | 7226 3167 | 3563 | 3958 | 4750 | 5938 | 7917 3443 | 3874 | 4304 | sts | 6456 | a608 3720 | 4185 | 4650 _| 5580 _| 6974 | 9209 3996 | 4496 | 4995 | soo4 | 7493 | 9990 4273_| 4e07_| 5341 | 6409 | e011 | 10681 4549 | 511s _| sess_| 6824 | 8520 | 11973 4s26_| 5429 | e032 _| 7238 | 9048 | 12064 XSDIO7-0019 Page 20755 Notes: The idealized subsoil profile has been assumed for design incorporating the findings of boreholes. © The cut off level of piles is taken as RL. ~4.25m DMD. © The center to center distance between the piles shall be atleast 2.5 times the pile diameter. “425m 22.25 “24 25m Depth (m) to ‘o to 225m | _-24.25m -36.25m 1 Allowable unit skin frotion FS (kN?) 50 125 110 Calcareous Description Veryderse | Conglomerate | Silstone! |. Caleisitite + Allowable unit end bearing stress : 2000 kN/m? * It is expected that the total settlement for piles under the above loadings would be within permis limits. + Since excavation has to be carried out below the ground water table, dewatering is necessary. XSDIOF-ONTT Page 21785 ALLOWABLE WORKING LOADS IN COMPRESSION (KN) Geet a [44 ett Sp ee 10.5 Allowable Working Loads in Compression (kN) Figure No. 2a Toe Level of Pile with Reference to DMD oooe ogz6 cosa ose 0 ALLOWABLE WORKING LOADS IN UPLIFT (KN) 32.25 27 21.76 16.5 11.25 Allowable Working Loads in Uplift (KN) Figure No.2b XSDIO7-0075 Page 2385 Toe Level of Pile with Reference to DMD Settlement of Piles for the Car Park and Podium Settlement of piles have been evaluated for different pile diameters, toe levels and working loads provided in Table No, 6 based on the method proposed by Braja M. Das. Total settlement has bean evaluated as summation of elastic settlement of pile, settlement of pile caused by the load at the pile tip and settlement of pile caused by the load transmitted along the pile shaft ie. S=S;+S2+ $3 Total pile settlement Elastic settlement of pile. ‘Settlement of pile caused by the load at the pile tip. Ss = Settlement of pile caused by the load transmitted along the pile shaft. The results are presented in the following table 8. Table No. 8 Toe eel Settlement (mm) of Piles, Sane {DMD} Pile Diameter (m) 05 oe | 075 | 08 [ 09 1 4245 2 =1225 | 26 29 34 | 35 | 39 | 42 | 49 | 59 | 36 =13.25 | 28 3.1 35 | 37 [ 40 [ 43 [ 50 | 60 | a7 314.25 | 29 32 36 [38 | 41 44 [51 | 61 | 88 -15.25 | 34 34 38 [ 39 [ 42 [ 46 [52 | 62 | 89 =16.25 | 33 35 39 | 44 44 [47 [53 | 63 | 90 17.25 | 35 37 44 a2 | 45 | 48 | 54 | 64 | 94 -1825 | 37 39 42 | 44 | 46 | 49 | 56 | 65 | 92 =1925 | 4.0 44 a4 [45 | 48 | 54 51 | 67 | 93 -20.25 | 42 43 a6 | a7 | 50 | 52 | 58 | 68 [ 95 21.25 | 44 45 4g [49 | 54 54 | 60 | 69 | 96 -22.25 | 47 AT 50 | 54 53 | 55 | 61 70 | 97 23.25 | 52 5.1 53 | 54 [| 56 | 58 [| 63 | 72 | 100 24.25 | 57 56 57 | 57 | 59 | 64 66 | 75 | 102 -2525 | 64 60 60 | 64 62 | 64 | 69 | 77 | 104 2625 | 66 64 64 | 64 | 65 | 67 | 74 79 | 107 2725 | 72 69 67 | 68 | 68 | 70 | 74 | 81 | 109 28.25 | 7.7 73 74 7A 72 | 73 | 77 | 84 | 444 -29.25 | 83 78 | 75 | 75 | 75 [76 | 79 | 86 | 414 -30.25 | 89 84 so | 79 | 79 | 80 | 82 | 89 | 416 3125 | 96 89 e4 | 83 | 83 | 83 | 85 | 91 | 119 "With respect to Dubai Municipality Datum XSDIO7-D0T5 Page 24785 SETTLEMENT (MM) FOR DIFFERENT PILE DIAMETER 8 SSsisassss BEBREEEESE eeeehas as etttti tad s 5 & 5 g oet e6 so au oo Settlement (mm) for different Loadings of Piles Figure No. 2¢ Toe Level of Pile with Reference to DMD XSDIOT-DOTS Page 2505 TOE LEVEL VS. PILE SPRING STIFFNESS Pile spring stifiness based on the end bearing stresses and settlement for different toe levels is provided in the following table. Pile spring stiffness hes been evaluated as allowable working load in compression divided by the total settiement. Table No.9 Toe Level Pile Stiffness (kN/m) of Piles oo (DMD) Pile Diameter (m) 05: oe | 075 | 08 09 i i2 | 15 2 -12.25 | 301188 | 453436 | 540266 | se79e6 | 619407 | 671501 | 770041] 913862 | 1028830 -13.25 | 306968 | 463508 | 555400 | 583689 | 637769 | 690856 | 793267 | 939352 | 1053249 =14.25_| 400714 | 471250 | 566401 | 596807 | 653552] 709165 | 813118 | 962500 | 1077120 15.25 ‘56 | 476845 | 578117 | 609082 | 668416 | 724989 | 833731 | 984904 | 1099199 -16.25 | 403384 | 481960 | 586046 | 619039 | esoa17 | 740000 | 850357 | 1006598 | 1120747 -17,25 | 402764 | 483073 | 593391 | 626817 | 691156 | 752667 | 866250 | 1027617 | 1140517 =18.25 | 400080 | 484576 | 597382 | 632632 | 700754 | 763138 [881457 | 1046401 | 1159761 =19.25 | 397671 | 483912 | 601066 | 638035 | 706854 | 773031 | 896021 | 1062047 | "1178521 -20.25 | 393628 | 482209 | 604476 | 641681 | 714000 780899 | 906856 | 1080503 | 1196794 -21.25 | 389167 | 479580 | 605094 | 643770 | 717910 | 788327 | 918723 | 1095901 | 1213351 -22.25 | 383524 | 477194 | 605665 | 645711 | 721550 | 793809 | 927033 | 1109187 | 1229464 -23.25 | 387389 | 485914 | 622306 | 665688 | 747401| 823179 | 966262 | 1156916 | 1278744 -24.25 | 388534 | 490700 | 635965 | 681049 | 768065 | 848380 | 999501 | 1200201 | 1325692 -25.25 | 386303 | 491722 | 642067 | 689587 | 781082 | 866646 | 1023650 | 1233920 | 1362764 -26.25 | 383238 | 491092 | 646478 | 96166 | 790461 | 879461 | 1044543 | 1264595 | 1998225 -27.28 | 379010 | 489096 | 648472 | 700000 | 797792 891175 | 1063962 | 1292571 | 1430882 -28,25 | 373907 | 485368 | 649355 | 702444 | 803343 | 900672 | 1079229 | 1317443 | 1462120 29.25 _| 368604 | 481469 | 648422 | 702783 | 807304 | 907021 | 1092040 | “1339374 | 1490738 -30.25 | 363165 | 476323 | 645960 | 701301 | 808861 | 911696 | 1403040 | 1360056 | 1516821 -31.25 | 356921 | 470709 | 642085 | 699137 | 809300 914886 | 1112436 | 1378105 | 1540462 *With respect to Dubai Municipality Datum XSDO7-HOTT Page 2605 GW ©} eoussosoy yy olfg Jo |0A07 904, Pile Stiffness ( KN/m) XSDIO7-0079 LOAD/ SETTLEMENT CURVES 2 ‘ lg 8 Rog 5 e 3 “8 £ S i Ss © et =o 2 \ : s ¢ = 8 =e tg = = 3 — 5 s SB = B 3 &éé&& ii 2 rs 2 e ete o cy oe 2 28 Sette eee eee ete (Ny) wolssesd wo9 wy speoy BulxJ0M o1qe Moy XSDO7-0079 Page 285 LOAD/ SETTLEMENT CURVES 36.0) Lad 340 26.0 24.0 20.0 I 1 | | / 18.0 22.0 Settlement (mm) for Different Loadings of Piles 160 140 120 10.0 150m — 200m —~— 250m ———3.00m 80 £8 42000 1000 32000 g 8 (Ny) Uolssesd og ul speoy Bulyio Mm eqemony 17000 2 2 8 XSDIT-OOTS Page 2085 8.6.3 Soil Parameters for Design of Shoring System The following soil parameters may be adopted for the design of shoring system Dopth Range Soil Parameters an RL taint ‘Angle of Shearing Resistance 30° | Unit Weight of Soil (above water table ) (kNim®) 7 Unit Weight of Soll ( below water table ) (kN/m*) 92 i Earth Pressure Coefficients * Active earth pressure coefficient (k,) 0.33 «Passive earth pressure coefficient (k,) 3.00 * Earth pressure at rest (ko) 0.50 *With respect fo Dubai Municipality Datum 8.6.4 — Seismic Dosign Parameters ‘Shear wave velocity has been estimated based on the correlations related to SPT Values for the soil strata and published literature for the rock strata. Based on the average shear velocity and the classification based on uniform building code 1997, the following seismic parameters shall be adopted. '* Soil profile type Sp (representing stiff soil) may be adopted for 0 to 30.0m below the ground level. * Soil profile type S; (very dense soil and soft rock) may be adopted for 30.0m to 60.0m below the ground level. ‘* Based on seismic activity, U.A.E. has been grouped under Zone 2A with a seismic zone factor (Z) of 0.15. 8.6.5 CBR The CBR value ranging from 17-18%. The expected design curve is chosen for the expected traffic (150-450 vehicles per day). The total thickness of pavement 15-20 cm over the subgrade is recommended, XSDV07-0079 Page 3035 8.6.5 Lateral capacity of the pile Lateral capacity of the pile has been evaluated based on elastic analysis using the following equation Elastic Analysis In granular soil-rock environment where the soil modulus is assumed to increase linearly with depth, stiffness factor (7) is given by: - Modulus of elasticity Moment of inertia : Diameter of pile m Coefficient of modulus variation where the relationship between the Subgrade modulus variation and the relative density of sand varies between 3.0 - 40.0 MNim° (Reese AT. AL. - 1974 in Tomlinson) Based on the stiffness factor, piles are classified as long-fexible members (Tomlinson 1994). The following evaluation Is based on the elastic analysis of laterally4oaded fixed pile head (pile cap) and linearly increasing soil modulus (Reese & Matlock in Tomlinson 1994), Deflection HT we Bending Moment aeaeer?s Where Z F, : Deflection coefficient. Fm = Moment coefficient Lateral capacity is a function of tolerable defection. As both lateral capacity and defection is unknown, the deflections for various pile diameters are calculated for a lateral load 100KN. Since the relation between lateral capacity & deflection is linear, the lateral capacity for the corresponding tolerable deflection can be estimated. Maximum Deflection for a horizontal load of 100KN for different pile diameters Pile Diameter | Deflection {mm) {rmn) 500, 2.78 600) 2.06 750, 4.44 800, 4.30 900, 4.08 1000 0.91 1200, 0.68 1500 0.48 2000 0.30 2500 0.27 3000 0.20 XSDIG7-0019 Page 31735 8.6.6 LIQUIFACTION Based on the subsurface profile of the site, liquefaction is unlikely to take place. 8.6.7 PILE GROUPING FACTORS Detailed analysis can be cartied out only after obtaining the pile layouts. However, asa general guideline a reduction of 15 ~ 20% can be adopted for group action of piles of center to center distance less than 2.50 times the diameter. 8.6.8 P-Y Curve py curves, represent the deformation of the soil at any given depth below the soil surface for a range of horizontally applied pressures from zero to the stage of yielding of the soil in ultimate shear, when the deformation increases without any further increase of load. The p- y curves are independent of the shape and stiffmess of the pile and represent the deformation of a discrete vertical area of soil that is unaffected by loading above and below it Specialized computer programme are req beyond our scope of work. id for the analysis of P-Y curve which is XSDI07-0019 Page 32735 9.0 FOUNDATION CONSTRUCTION o4 9.2 9.3 94 95 96 Excavation Methods ‘The excavation works should be carried out in accordance with good construction practice, such as BS 6031 : 1981, *Code of Practice for Earthworks" or a similar recognized standard. Shallow excavations are expected to be through sandy soil and rock materials. Therefore, conventional excavation equipment such as loaders. and dozers will be sufficient for the excavation works. Excavation Side Slopes Where space permits and above the water table, the temporary excavation side slopes should not be made steeper than 35° to the horizontal, as recommended by the CIRIA Report No. 97 “Trenching Practice”. Backfill Material And Compaction Criteria ‘The following general backtilling and compaction criteria are recommended. Materials to be used for backfilling purposes against sub-grade walls and around foundations are described as backfill. Because water penetration is not desired, the material to be used for this purpose (unless otherwise stated by the project specifications) shall be a soil or scil-ock mixture of low permeability, which is free of organic matter or other deleterious substances. It shall not contain rocks or lumps. over 15 cm in greatest dimension, and not more than 15 percent larger than 7 om. ‘The percentage of the fine materials (passing sieve no. 200 shall not exceed 20%). The plasticity index for the backfill material shall not be more than 10 percent. It shall be spread in lifts not exceeding 25 cm in un compacted thickness, moisture conditioned to its optimum moisture content, and compacted to a dry density not less than 95 percent of the maximum dry density. Dewatering Since the excavation has to be carried out below the ground water table, dewatering is necessary. For works required below the water table, experience has shown that small close-boarded excavations can be conveniently dealt with by conventional sump-pumping techniques. If larger excavations are to stand open for considerable period, the installation of dewatering system may be required. Specialist contractors should be consulted in this regard. Care should be taken during dewatering to ensure that fines are not removed during pumping since this could result in unpredictable settlements of the surrounding ground and associates structures. Shoring A suitable shoring system designed by specialist shoring contactors shall be adopted for the part of the tower with basement. Drainage It is recommended that proper and efficient surface drainage be provided at the location of the project beth during and after construction. Surface water should be diverted away from the edges of the excavation. XSDIO7-0019 Page S385 10.0 FOUNDA’ IN CONCRETE The primary cause of serious deterioration in reinforced concrete is corrosion of the reinforcement, due to attack by chlorides, present in concrete either within concrete aggregate and mixing water, or through penetration from surrounding environment. Since chlotide induced reinforcement corrosion can only ocour in the presence of oxygen and water, the risk of corrosion can be reduced by control of chloride in concreting materials and by ensuring adequacy, integrity and impermeabilty of the concrete cover. Sulphate attack to concrete is caused by the presence of a high sulphate content either by the ingress from the sulphate of the surrounding environment such as foundations soils or groundwater, or by the presence of sulphate in the concrete ingredients. The attack results a considerable internal expansion which may lead to crack and disintegration of the concrete. This effect can be reduced by use of selected cements or by suitable protection of the concrete. Where sulphate and chloride occur together in high concentrations, sulphate resisting cement provides less protection against the reinforcement corrosion. In such cases the test exposure conditions should be studied in conjunction with modified recommendations for concrete mix design, based on local experience in the Gulf Region and CIRIA Special Publication 31(1984). It may be noted that as per CIRIA Special Publication 31, there is no widely accepted view fon the concentration at which chlorides become significant in soil or ground water, but limited experience in the Gulf Region suggests it maybe as low as 0.05% particulark situations where wetting and drying or capillary rise effect the concrete. The results of chemical analysis are given in Appendix C. Classification of the severity of chemical attack as per BS 5328 : Part 1 : 1997 is based on the ground water sulphate content as well as the type of exposure conditions. Accordingly, Class (4) sulphate condition was encountered. The chloride content of the ground water is high. Based on the chemical conditions encountered, the recommended concrete mix design should be selected with Class (4) sulphate condition as categorized by BS 5328: Part 1: 1997, Tables 7a,b.c (Ref. App. G). Further, the raft/ pile cap-concrete shall be protected by using water proof membrane or bitumen coating. XSDIO7-0075 Page 3436 IMPORTANT NOTES 4. The Ground Water levels indicated on the logs of boring represent the measured levels at the time of investigation. It should be noted however, that Groundwater levels are subject to variations caused by tidal and weather seasonal variations and by changes of local drainage and or pumping conditions. 2. Conclusions and recommendations given in this report are based on the findings from the drilled boreholes, and obtained tests results. For MATRIX LABORATORY Eng. ABDUL QADER ABRASH Managing Director XSDOT-OOTT Page 35135 APPENDIX A SITE PLAN ieteec eon ar eeasa7sn 8% NE27BG500. Y : ote we pee. _ SVE PLAW FIG, 4: SITE PLAN XSOOT-007S “pp. A, Page 174 FIG, 2: SITE PLAN ‘Apo. A, Page 11 XSD/OF-0019 APPENDIX B BOREHOLE LOGS LEGEND TO BOREHOLE LOGS Soils Frl/ Made ground Sand [RELATIVE DENSITY OF GRANULAR SOILS faceal pees] (8S 6030: 1900) s S255 SPTN Vale ‘Angle of lntemal ida a enbis Srvely Sond Gowesoonmy | _Retaive Density] Ange of ite 2 ae 0-4 Very <30° a fee fry loose Gavel Sly Sand wih efps Po 4-10 Locte 30°-35° Sand Sity Sand wih sis 10-20 Medumdense | 35° 402 fener NK | eS oe =o | owe | oe Sity Sand with eps and sts c= >60 Very dense 24s c corer Cay Gypsiferous Sity Send Rao bw f = CONSISTENCY OF COHESIVE SOILS (8S 5930: 1999) aa Undvained Shear Stonghi Rooks | __ Consistency fav | Very Soft <2 cI 7 cy Ty Soft 20-40 trod Got} Limestone Caloerenite Firm 40-75 SOOO FE s ot Conglomerate ee Very Sif 150-300 pata F Hard > 300) ae aaa al i ical Conglomerto Clcstte me] Sandstone : ROCK STRENGTH CLASSIFICATI : Nedium-grined Igneous Rock eases toon REREE ‘Ungontined Comoressive| eee See es Deseription < 1.25 Very weak 125-5 Weak 5-128 Moderately Weak Sypoum. 125-50 Mederatly trong erat CCoarse-grinod Metamorphic Rook —— a 50-100 Strong ++4 eet He ; 4100-200 Very Strong Coarse-grained Fine-grained Metamorphi Rock Igneous Rose >200 Extremely Stong xSD/07-0019 App. B Page 1/31 MATRIX LABORATORY BOREHOLE LOG ‘Owner. OWNIYAT PROPERTIES NINE LIMITED BOREHOLE No.: BHO1 Project: PROPOSED THE PAD Location: _ PLOT NO. 86.001.061, BUSINESS BAY, DUBAL UAC. pre: ee Boring Method: Rotary Driling (Ground Level (im): #8.820MD Boring Diameter: 125mm Dal Fluid : Mud ‘Casing Dia (mm) :138 Casing Depth (m) 16:5) Coordinates: Equipment: Mobile £3 ‘core Diameter (mn: 76 N2,786,488.00_£.494,804.00 Date Stared: 0703/2007 Date Finished: 130172007 __[ Operator: Asif Mogjicin | Report No XSDVO7.0019 [cag Sambles SPT Records Tore Recovery Feauced (al aeeaes | Depth yep BERET w | TeR | scR] Rao of sata Se eae |) moor | “try | S| TE | BE lptows C6) | Ce) | OH) oo) ° 4 = ran sy, fe to aun SAND wit occasional oe “ cemented pieces and some shel fragments a4 FE ost] = |. | i e| vs] ow | | as | a7 [ Danse, oey ily, fine io medium SAND with ovcasiona) 22 fe) 4 sen |_| emeried pieces and shel regen. _ s vs-top 1 | x | 26 | ao | er ou ff | | Bee ee eee eee Son, aR brown, Sandy SILT wih oxeaaenar wa —) 1? os rogments. | E F 25-200 s | 2 | 2 | 4 fe 4 3 87 1 = fy a Very loose tb medium dense, ight gey, very sity, ne | 98? Fx ea ‘SAND. * | : 4 gasead s | or |e | 19 : : 5 Ty 5-$454 2 . 7 10 1.18 FE Ti a Ra ST > if eaarmaee oy i 7 rust or [oe [as 8 see) e | alo far on ff 9 yo e) w]e] 43 Dense, greyish brown, Sly SAND with many cemented) “1 seria ieces ‘SAMPLE KEY BEARS ltd o buon Murat Da * Ground water table was encoinred ata dep of § 25% blont B SPT :Standard Penotration Test YW Ground Water Table teerehae alot L143 DA. © SPT(C}: SPT with cone TOR: Total Core Recovery fecaaoe of usa anor ong ve, to et ive fe ‘connmenced Immediate afer conpleton of penetration weer eee SOR: Sold Core Recovery ‘Sealing ave [CORE :Core Sample ROD: Rock Quaily Designation Logged By ENGR, FASEY ARMED (Checked By: ENGR, ABDUL QADER Appendix B, Page 2/31 MATRIX LABORATORY BOREHOLE LOG Owner: ONIYAT PROPERTIES NINE LATED BOREHOLE No.: BHO7 Project! PROPOSED TIE PAD Location: PLOT NO. BS.B01.061, SUSINESS BAY, DUBAI, U.A.E. Sheet: 216 Boring Method: Rotary Daling (ound Level (ny. +8:820MD Boring Diametert25mm Dl Fhid: Mud Casing Dia (mm) £495 Casing Doom (mn) :18.5 Coordinates: Exuipment Mabie re Diameter oy. 78 N2,706480.00 £ 494,004.00 Date Started _ovva007 Date Fished: 13/0v72007 __| Operator Asif Moojiin | ReportNo: XS0/7-0019 Senate *SPT Records | Core Recovery eo Sl rst] Danis ow PMal | ToR | sen| nao Doserition of Sata SE ose || Son | Peay otowg, Ca) | | ta) o = 350 Vy Sr BTSs, a TY SAR wt] ‘any comontd paces Ee | Ee = 14 wersad os foo) | ae ee en La F-13 waa Te) | 20 ‘Sif, ight brown, Sandy SILT with occasional cameniad] “818 fr aie pieces. is | E oy Ce jt: B14 4 4 6 10 * E 6 fe 14, 4-16 iH . wo] 8 a 3 one ff bis EX a ES wmf | | Wedlant dense t vey dense, brown, sity Tne SAND | “98 Fe 16 fA 18-1642) 19 25 | 252 | >50 17) $r-t73 21 3 | 68 | 50 ae f-18, fj 18-18. co | 1 | 50 Ii ra ‘ 19 a” sas 28 | 34 | sees | >50 Res j-20- REMARKS: ‘SAMPLE KEY = Soe eye tein Deira Dar, |B) SPT. :StandaréPenetaton Test _Y Ground Wator Table etrenae nel won SPT(CI-SPT wth cone TER: Total Gore Recovery Conmences medal afer Cwiaion el peneekon ender He Buk Sample SCR: Solid Core Recovery Sa ae Cone :Core Samble ROD: Rock Quality Designton Loge By: ENGR. FASEY ARNED___ | Chek ENGR. ABDUL OADER Appendic, Page 3/31 MATRIX LABORATORY BOREHOLE LOG ‘Owner: ONNIYAT PROPERTIES NINE LIITED Eoeeapee nab esdd Project’ PROPOSED THE PAD Location: __PLOTNO. Ba.80#.001, BUSINESS BAY, DUDAL UAE BEER ene Boring Metiod: Rotary Driling round Level (my: +9.8200 Boring iameter:t28mm Dill Fluid: Mod casing Dis (mm) :435 Casing Depth (m):18.5) Coordinates: Equipment: Mobile 52 org Dlamote (orml:76 N2,786,488.00 © 494,804.00, Date Storied: _ 0710112007 Date Finished: 14012007 | Operator: Asif Moojiin | RepcrtNo.: XSDIO7-0019 Samples FSPT Records | Core Recovery Iced ["ca)') Tyeeans | Depth [pag EE] N | TeR] scr] RaD Description of Strata Level Legond Muroer | (mm) 5 IBiows, (%) | (%) | (a) or 20 ao oP = ey de Bro, oe SAND wT aT |S ET coment pieces, Sa E | a A oron fee] * | | oe | Be 7 bo E Lol el ong 77 | soe] = | 280 ea al bea 23 renal os | we >s0 hod evr [il Lal f bal : | 24 ero ff 7) “0 Vary dane, TE Ew ly fe SAD, ae 25 orn 6 22524 00 | sore | | oso eS F-26 rau ‘Vary weak io weak, mass rec row, eau 72-18 | the grained, calcareous SoRUSTONE embeded ih E | cons 53 | 10 | 10 | some gravel modentey tohigny wosihored, facture very chosy spaced ane were win comenios catered f-27) fo Weak to moderately weak, massive, moltied offwnile, | “29-18 |x x= ‘sean FSTONE enbaiod wh ocaal He on patches, partaly to sity wentere,factres | [= 2 Seely mes oped en ierbosced wih et ‘semen calcareous st ee ace a ER: f-2g 29-297 cee a wo | «| » FE E ies rt SAMPLE KEY EMARKS: und il a alte Oud rly Dat 2 SPT Standard Penetation Test Y Ground Water Table «Ground water tbe was oromnlred a ep 78280 blow y solic ieie ir 1 SPT(C} SPT with cone TOR: Total Core Recovery “i caon of eal nde catego toe ive per eee sees erst Sendo Rooney Srmorca seta tr Spon perrabon ner Seong cave, ny Smrcomeletn open TL_CORE :Cor Sample ROD: Rack Quality Designation Logged By ENGR. FASEY APMED Check fy ENGR. ABDUL QADER Appendix, Page 4/31 MATRIX LABORATORY BOREHOLE LOG : eS NIN Owne ‘OUNIYAT PROPERTIES NINE LIMITED Peeenole na eaad Project! PROPOSED THE PAD Location: _PLOTNo.66.601.061, BUSINESS BAY, OUBAL UAE. Shes we: Boring Method: Rotary Driling ‘Ground Level (m): #8.82DM0 Boring Diameter: 1280 Dri Fu: Mud Casing Dia (rm) : 425 Casing Dept (m) :16:5] Coordinate: Equpment’_Mobile 68 ‘Cove Diameter (nmi76 N2,786.488.00_£ 494,604.00 Date Stock 07/0/2007 Date Finished: 19/01/2007 _| Operator Asif Mogjidin _| Report No. XSDI07-0019 ‘Samples SPT Records | Core Recovery Ee [tab] ‘Besar | Depth gag eR Ter | scr] RaD Daseription of Strata vel Lopeng artes | n) | en [Blows (°6) | (| CH) on : Wake reieeayyes mast nol ens, [PETE 55. | CALGIILTITE eredded wi oncioral greon a 80 | 70 | 55 | patches, parally to sahty weathered, Faces closoh {omedum spocec and narbedod wih cormeted Cateareous [-3 sat F | coneae jm] | a tad 23 F | coness| 0 | oo | ae [33 cones se | se | 20 34 ato — F | conesr e | 80 | 35 F-35 38-38 F | coneas| ola] uw at Wake modoraidy weak massive, late brown, —_—]®28 GALCISILTITe embeded with oxsasiona gravel and E occasional vids, partly to dstincty weathered, | factues very else to cosely closely to medium Spaced and niebdded wih comenied caloaroous 37 E | conse 1 | | «2 | s i E Tt ot bad Hanne 7 E Ee | va | or | 36 aaah "sanans | SAMPLE KEY Tour el ltd Ou Mcp Dato round worn was encores srs cepa of 2emtelow G SPT :Standard Penetration Tost Ground Weter Table fetoreas levels tC | @ SPT(C) SPT with cone TOR: Total Core Recovery "Tpeaser of sl der oasng Sve, at ria a eperearmeatanee sree ares ia HB Buk Same SCR: Solid Core Recovery seating dv, Tl CORE :Core Sample ROD: Rock Qustly Designation Looped By: ENGR. FASEY ARMED (Checked By : ENGR. ABDUL OADER Appendix B, Page 531 MATRIX LABORATORY BOREHOLE LOG Owner. OMNIYAY NINE LIMITED T Tee BOREHOLE No.: BHO1 Project’ _PRoroseo THe PAD Location: __ PLOT NO. 88.801.061, BUSINESS BAY, DUBAL, UAE. ___{ Sheet: 516 +H Boxing Mee Rotary Dring round Level): 9.82000 Boing Diameters 25mm Dell Fe: Mud Casing Dia (rn) 428 Casing Deph(n) 18.) Coens Equipment: Mabie $3 core Diameter iyn.78 1 2798488.00_ £49480600 Dato Started: _ 07/01/2007 Date Finished:_13/01/2007_ Operator : Asif Moojidin, Report No.: XSD/07-0019_ _—_Saples TPT Records | Core Reaovary Named “GI Tmt | Depin | ps PRES w | TeR | scr] RQO Desertion of Sata oe eae || Nance | Pent = oiom (| (| OD os a [Weak to moderately weak, massive, ligh brown, | 578 EALOSLITE embeded wih soura evel an E oan eseasunal vcs: portal sto weno, roca very esc to est casey tomes Syoed and ert wcrc at 1 cone si jst | f-43, nah ‘Weak to moderately weak, massive, ight brown, ete teres SU TSTONE, arty fo doe He E sata Faces vey cose toes evacedand] |S Es ‘ieedsed wih comer cameos ot Pee | eonese ulate EEE [44 EEE coneay “| ar | ts [gE Fa fae oa) ERE E | cones se | 2 | 1 ae [49 49-81 i 45.18 a waa owe, aR, ROA WT lo medhen geting, LAREN chy Ey E rer wehare, fates vey cs covey Segunda wen oars cee 5 = - T REMARKS: 7 ‘SAMPLE KEY TANS ee tout act Oa : ‘Ground wale able was encourtres a depth of S:26m below ‘Standard Penetration Test & . Ground Water Table } iebsdtgglie ahve SPTCY SPT wih one YOR: Toa OoreRecovery | Siwaneeb lence aarooipen prceten er He suk Sample SCR: Sols CoreRecovery | Sregaie TORE score Sonple ROD: Rock Gut Gestion Loane ENGR FASEY AED] wok y: ENGR ABOU CADER ‘Appendix B, Page 6/31 MATRIX LABORATORY BOREHOLE LOG Owns (VAT PROPERTES NINE LIMITED nt _ BOREHOLE No.: BHO1 Project: PROPOSED THEPAD Location: _PLOTNO. 6.801.061, USNESS BAY, DUBAL UAE [Sheet 6 | Boring Method) Retry Ding Ground Level): ¥8.82060 Boing Diameter:t25mm Dil Fid: Mucl_——Casing Da (nm) : 186 Cating Doth (n) 485) Coordinates: Epment’ Nobile 53 ele baat doit Na7ee4se00 £494,040 Dale Stared o70112007 Date Fished: 130172007 __| Operator, As Moajdin | Report No XSDIT.0019 Temples TSPT Records | Core Recovery ead aa Description of strata tie ase Sa esa | Depth ap RES SEa|_w | TER | soR] ROD i or ae | Pay [EE [1° | 55 fate 0) | | Ge) o [-s0- es Tanase weak name Dom nea maT Fete ovum yaaedCALCARENTE gh tmodersay woah aces vey ebso¥ cosy Spaced an etd ah comod cease one [-s4 ses —— 52 cones ula) 0 Es so-s4s contr wo | ss Very woak fo weak, thinly to thickly laminated, brown _| ©0-18 Seysh town tw nsom gaat GALCAAESIT, E a ee Soho modertay wears, fete ey cs iodo Speced on lobedded ak comentod Sobers cae 55, conese wl | a 56 57) a Weak to moderately weak, massive, light brown, $3.18 EALSRETE embodied win ncasural sone rave E paral to dino weathered, facanes soasy & Teatuh spaced an htbedled wth Sonaied conse sv | as | oa | Soiumcrce |-53, [5 conezo se | as | 3s E END OF BORING $598 rsp pat MA eo Dis rcpt Oat 7 recreation unica atin | ST ;Siandor Pnotaton Test Graund Water Table evens ip wt ino BH SPT(O} SPT wih cone TOR: Total Core Resovery Neca a Ste cote de aot ve ; ; cammenced immedi aftr Conpledon of poretaton under HB Bulk Sample SCR: Solid Core Recovery sae ke 1 CORE :Core Samele ROD: Rock Qual Designation Looted By ENGR FASEY AMIED | Cred y ENGR. ABDUL ORDER. Appendix B, Page 7/34 MATRIX LABORATORY BOREHOLE LOG TIES N Owner: OWNIYAT PROPERTIES NINE LMTTED BOREHOLE Ne ones Project _pRoPoseD THE PAD Location: __PLOTNO.B6.£01.061, BUSINESS SAY, OUBAL, UAE. = idan Boring Method: Rotary Drilling {Ground Level (m): +8.77DMD. Boring Diameter:125mm! 140mm Drill Fluid: Mud Casing Dia (mm) :140 Casing Depth (m) :16.0 Coordinates: Equipment! __ Acker core Diamatec yn: 76 1 2,786,506.00_£494,627.00 Date Stared) — owowz00? Dete Finished: 1170172007 __| Operator: Fazal Ahed Report No: XS0/07-0019 ij Samples TSPT Records | Core Recovery = fay) Tesene | Depth ae PEEPS ae] _N [ToR | scr] ROD Description of Strata ‘vet ogend (min | Pty Sows (0) | ol o f To 7 a 7 ‘Greyish brown, silly, medium to fine SAND with ee st xzaioral comer pooes and Sl tages es wad eee of we [ed 1 Niwot a] s |e | an Ee on ‘ F oe 7 7 A : ‘Loose to very loose becoming medium dense, light 227 su brow ight gy, s re SAND. ‘ Hast al afal 7 eee: ow i E Heszcl a | a fos | 2 * sw be Is Haset 2] 2 fe | 4 is on * 4 | 44a 1 1 1 2 ee * ou : 5 ese} 2] a | 2 | s : ‘sPTo ¥ ae E6 gees} 2 | s | 7 | a ees E 4 i 7 pore io |r| s | 1a hy [-8 wees] ai - ‘Medium dense, ight grey, silty, medium SAND with Baad ser many smerted peces and many shel fragments E u Fe om ff YT] tL ‘Median dete, dat ery, sly, foe SAND. $2 ee I po j- 10 POMARKS a ‘SAMPLE KEY fe etc to Dba Muro Dat. : + = Se a lc fe Dubai Mucha Oa tow |B SPT _:Standard Penetration Test —_Y Ground Water Table tetouelguiie mAttipoub. K SPT(C):SPT with cone TOR: Total Core Recovery Sinenon of cel snr ear Sv, Po esis ses : yhoo ‘comrmenced immediately afler completion of penetration under as ee SCR: Solid Core R¢ ny Saori, U1_CORE :Core Sample ROD: Rock Gualty Designation L g06é By: ENGR FASEY ANIED Checked By ENGR. ABOUL QADE Appendix 8, Page 8/31 MATRIX LABORATORY BOREHOLE LOG | Owner: ONNIYAT PROPERTIES NINE LMTTED| Bote dese Project PROPOSED THE PAD Location: PLOT No, BA.B0.0¢1, BUSNESS BAY, DUBAL UAE. Sekai Boring Method. Rotary Dring ound Level (my. #8.770MD Botng Diameter:t25mm 14mm Dill Fhsd: Mud Casing Di rm) : 440 Catng Depth (m) 18 Coons: Equipment’ Acker ore Diameter (mm.76 2786.508.00_£494,07.00 Date Started: _ ovoVz007 Date Fished: 1101/2007 __| Opecsor: Fazal hed Report No. XS5/07-019 nd —_Sampies TSET Records | Core Recovery Teancol 4 sma Depth Sew Sees Description of Strata ea Logond Co | nenter | By" |S | 128 | aioe, (0) | 0) | UR) oo oe ey AT TTA se 4 aud or jor |r | : wf fe [-13 wre 6 | | is | 8 ‘Wi dense, gh En, fy fine To diam SAND] 22° [5 sens wrth vane comontod ces, Eee E a bt i wma 7 | tw | 25 = E | ie [14 wee co | |e | a 1028 ee ws ‘Danse, gt own, i, re SAND. E15 | seis ce | a | | 50 ee E19 cro ff oO | ® | 8 | moe yaaa, Bron, Sy, SAND wah cozasonar "23 F< | csrend icoe Leal be 17 a aya to wank, save, awn, We media’ | 1923 FT| rat, CALCARENTTE. moderate to Many | comer 74 | 10 | 10 | atodded mih comrted caucove cone, a] a | ae] > sans eit E19 a fe) 60 ‘any de, Bye SAND. an E | re tod bond ae ‘SAMPLE KEY : FEMA ted oul Muncy Dat rcndiercit lide Dual vurcpaty Date. |g SPT :Stondard Penctation Test _Y Ground Water Table jemomsionliemRic} mail SPTICESPT wih cone TOR: Total ore Recovery Reet hoa uno cng eo at vee ; commenced inmedatly fer Ganplta t ponersdon ndor BB _ Bulk Semple SOR: Soli Core Recovery Sede, Th CORE :Core Sample ROD: Rock Quality Designation logge By: ENGR FASEY AVED | Checked By ENGR. ABDUL QADER Appendix 8, Page 9/31 MATRIX LABORATORY BOREHOLE LOG (Own <7 PROPERTIES NINE LIMITED MECHEL BOREHOLE No.: BHO2 Project: PROPOSED THE PAD Location: _PLOTNO. 68.601.061, BUSINESS BAY, DUGAL UAE. BEEEEL sneseie, Boring Method: Rotary Driling Ground Level): #3:77MD Boring Diameter:t25mmy 140mm Dri Eid: Mud Casing Dia (mm) :140 Casing Depth (m) 18.) Coorinatee: Equipment’ __ Acker Core Diameter (am) 76 1N2,786,506.00_€ 494,827.00 Date Started: owoir2007 Date Finishes: 1170172007 __| Operate: Fazal Ahed Report No.: XSD/O7.0019, Cad Santos SPT Records Core Recovery Reaced *e24|Toeeont] Depth pop RT] TER | scR] ROD Description of Strata ove fteoen| ogre | | Sa | ee | ee [toms cH | | “tod oy 20 eras 550 Vary dai, bi ly, oe SAND, S | . 2M coreg F222 aro | aw | on | 250 i i pay 22, fj 22-2234 212 | «0 | san | >50 Poy sons : E « E23 corr 6 29-782} 250 | sore = | o50 se E ‘Vary dene, reddish bron, Sy, tne SAND wes ier: 24 core 6-210) x0 | owe] = | 50 Ee : | Ee [25 spree oy 28-2519) 254 | sae | - | 250 Ps E 5-7 ‘Vary weak to weak. massive. roach brown, eto “2779 7. Ines grained: CATCARENITE embeded wah bees od ‘scasional gypsum crystals. i cones o« | a | 10 = Very weak io weak, nasshe, mediante grad, | 2279 |_| CONGLOMERATE: gravel te mate ratio $565, [27 ams: moderately fo highly westhared, facies very osely Spaced ard inrbodsed wah gravel ‘conest nm | 2%) 8 = 275-29 | kick brown, sity ne SAND wth may calearonte | 22" bands, occasional gypsum erylals and same gavel conse wl ol) o F 9 conese f 2°7* 20_| 63 | 49 | WERK IG moderaley weak, massive, taht biom, | 2578 FT a CALCISHTITE, distcty e sighty weathered, fact Ee E ‘ory closely to dosely spaced and Interbedled vith 1 ealreous i. ws F apf coneae alm 2 REMARKS: ‘SAMPLE KEY 1 Geant irel om Dad Murat Daan, SPT :Stanterd Penetation Test Y- Ground Water Table | ‘paborle alate an 1B Se1(C):SeT with cone TOR: Total Core Recovery “in asesofefusl snc sang ove, eet dives winichind = emenced innedatey ater completion of penenon under BB Buk Samp SCR: Sold Core Recovery ‘seaina dive 11 CORE :Core Sample ROD: Rock Quaity Designation \opoed By: ENGR. FRSEY ARMED Checked By: ENGR. ABDUL OADER Appendix B, Page 10/31 MATRIX LABORATORY BOREHOLE LOG ‘Owner: OUNIYAT PROPERTIES WINE LIMITED BOREHOLE No.: BHO2 Project: pnoPoseD THe PAD Location: PLOT NO. BB.801.061, BUSINESS BAY, DUBAL UAE, Sheet: 4/6 Boring Method: Rotary Drilling Ground Level (m): #3.77DMD_ Boring Diamete:t28mm M4Omm Onl Fuld: Mud Casing Dia (mm) :140 Casing Don (m) 18.9) Coordinates: Equoment: Acker re Diameter (mm: 76 1N2.786,506.00_£ 494,827.00 Date Stared _enova007 Dele Fished t1Yov2007 ___| Operator: Fazal Awa Report Nox XSD/07-0010 l. Samples =SPT Records | Core Recovary Trctned ‘eaNT sypemd | Depth pe faeBeene Tw | Ter | scr] Rod Description of Strata, Level Legend | B35 | 1538 | 5 latowy (ee) | C2) | Ce) oo Weak to moderetely weak, massive, ight brown, 625 eT CALGISUTITE deity egnty eae Facured TI E sx} ap_| ton lonhy fo Sonny shacod an ireescad wah pr contss S| 2 | Callrcove 4 [54 cree «[o|» rf Gt E ot 1 }-32) contsr a4 | as | 36 Eo 33, cones wl nj 2 BS = Sy eo | se | a aT] ‘Weak to moderately woak massive, Ight Brown! 0.48 FT E ‘molited offwiita, CALCISILTITE embeddod wih — Soeasloal roel ad edt. stn to sh 85 | s | 9 | Manes Racurs dosh spaced at witeodded a ‘wh comeited cereus a ‘Weak to modevaialy woak, massive, molited offwhite | “31-43 4 E wath greon pense CALCIILITTE devnely enh once 60 | 50 | 20 | tentored rectus very covey te cose eco! ad ‘merbaaeod wih cabarcoas ck 36 cone w |e | [ 37, cones or | 50} 45 £38 conece| ea | 65 60 39 cones we | 40} 3 cH t40— 7 REM, ‘SAMPLE KEY Sergesiiaitetnoaincriyonn |i get. sStntdPenebaten ot’ God srTale ‘Be orenol val i. af RL 4.4m DMD. W SPT(C): SPT with cone TCR: Total Core Recovery | ‘chnmencodnmssaly cr Cepltn of pteoon under HB :Buk Sample SCR: Solid Core Recovery scamgane 1 CORE :core Same ROD: Rock Quality Designation ook By: ENGR. FASEY AWNED | Checked ENGR ABDUL GADER. Appendix 8, Page 11/31 MATRIX LABORATORY BOREHOLE LOG Owner: OWNIYATPROPERTIES NE LMTED BOREHOLE No.: BHO2 Project _PRoPostD THe PaD Location: PLOT No.86.801.61, BUSINESS BAY, OUDAL UAE. - __| Sheet 816 Boring Methods Rotary Dring eund Level (ny ¥8.7708D Boring Diametert2émm 140mm Oril uid: Mud —_—_Caing Dia (mm) : 140. Casing Depth () 46.01 Coordinates: Equipment! Acker ore Diameter mmisT6 1N2,708,506.00_ © 494,827.00, Date Stered: _oWo12007 Date Finished: 11701/2007 ___| Operator: Fazal Ahed | Report No: XSDI07.0010 Samples TST Records | Core Recovery Ietuced cat rand) Det mime | Tor | scr] Rod Description of Strata eve! {Legend (| Nanoer | RR i531 | 3 |piows (09) | (i) | 00) om 49 Tote on wi een pats, way SIT wah = any asrenied pases and cicareoun stone bands] cones sr oo aie “e bat b- “ oe E | cone aloo | Eat [43 Weak e noseatay weak masse, nated aie | $222 cones 100 | 9 | 28 [ut gren patches CALCITE: astnctytosignty| LT E weathered, rectures very dosely i dbsey spacedand) Ly ioral with cacao ot oe 7 [43 come a | oo | oo boa oy E or TT 4 cy conse sv | 0 | 20 EB Fay Mates owe wi geen patches sandy SCT wan | “4-29 JF ‘many somoned pants and calcite bans 53 E es cones: w|s|o ee | 4 E Wek & rodeatey weak masive wowed atwane, | #27311] CALGSIENTE enti wih snme rem patos Po an Pay airy wate facevemnyceseh | FT Sosety spacae ard morbedsed wh cme pa cones 75 | 49 | 34 |Catereous sit E t to | oo | oe Prt fo ook, masse, bowed ath ow mam to re | “#533 rane, cacaéavs SANDSTONE anbeaied vith | 45,60 | F Some comeriad pisces sitand oecananal grave, E oars ditty wostered faces vay C03) - come ala | « peer | pre REMARKS if SAMPLE KEY Fels cele Date Maia Dati ; "Grande ridedt DibalMencpaty un, |) ger :StandadPenetaton Test Ground Water Table tetountatgalie a ead bt SPT(C):SPT wits cone TOR: Tot! Cow Recovery Pe cane ofa nd sang Sher ost ve commenced inmedaely afer eamplten of penevaon unde Be Bulk Semple SCR: Solid Core Recovery Seetrg re 11 CORE :Core Sample ROD: Roc Gually Designation Longe y= FNOR FASEY ED [Gresko By ENO, ABOUL QADER Appendix, Page 12/34 MATRIX LABORATORY BOREHOLE LOG Owner: OMNIATPR NINE LTED eee BOREHOLE No.: BHO2 Project! pRoposeD Wie PaD Location: __PLeTNo.B8:01.061,BUSNESS BAY.DUBAL UAE. a Sheet: 6/6 Boring Method: Rotary Dring ound Level (n: #3.77 OND Bering Diameter t2Smm 140mm DrilFid: Mud Casing Dia (im) 1440 Casing Depth () 18.) Coordinates: Equipment Acker ole tala fe 1 2,799,506.00_£ 404,827.00 Date Stared: _ owoia007 Date Fnished: 140172007 __| Operator: Fazal Ahead Report No: xSDIG7-0018 . Sample TERT Racorts | Core Rea Tease (a) | Freee] Depth pag fa w | Tor | scr] Rap Description of Strata Love ftagene S Pea | 2S] 197 7 foto 6) | Cd | te) o {| +50 eae J Weak w moderately woak risSve roti’ oho. = ERLEISHTTE onboddod wih some roe at EL freshly panty weatoea tecuee median toad re oo | 7 | ra | Sroc00 and imesbsdce win crertodsacareou of 1 [sa Poe Gt E sis = 7 E-conee we | eo | ee Eo 25-34 Erie ay oe 53 cea nin}. ie E Pa fea [54 34-955 ‘Roddich brown, ely SAND with calcarenite bands and | °°23 Fe74 many gael bee [ | wo | o ed [-s5, Ed eae E 55-67 Le ee os 5a Ea wlolo eal of 57 ors TORSTGTRRG, say SLT wah ay caomne | £923 7 [ | bende = jo | o aa Esa fe be [ ea faa esa ace wlio} o fae E ae i ENOOF ORNS -se03 fe FRMARSS: | SAMPLE KEY 1 ARS tte Os banca ature | Sore enlace ute voice Ont apy «| SPT. :Standard Penctaton Test YW Ground WaterTabie | Troweigeia wc stamoe. SPT(C) SPT wih cone TOR: Tool Core Resovery Ms cane al et arg Sve Be tet de ; Se commenced immedi afer camplezon of net ion under He :Buk Semple SCR: Solid Core Recovery ‘Sara cme I CORE core Samo ROD: Rock aly Designation ree AppendixB, Page 13/31 MATRIX LABORATORY BOREHOLE LOG Owner: ONNIYAT PROPERTIES NINE LIMITED BOREHOLE Ne Project: PROPOSED THE PAD Location: PLOT NO. 8.801.061, BUSINESS BAY, DUBAL UAE. Sheet 116 Boring Method: Rotary Driling (Ground Level (en): +3.72000 Boxing Diemotert25mm/ 99mm DrllFudl: Mud Casing Dia (nim) +195 Casing Daoth (m):18.5) coordinates: Equipment Acker ‘Core Diameter (mm}.76 N.2,786,523.00_E 494,850.00 Date Sterted! ‘3007007 DateFnished: 460172007 | Operator: Fazal Abed Report No. XSD/07-0019 [Samples SPT Records ‘Core Recovery Teeduced ea ecans] Depth ae feel _w | TeR | scr] Roo Description of Strata te! tase Nemiber | {rm} |Blows| (%) | (%) | (Xe) Gy [-o soe : i ay, eT earT SAND wy OOS a m rns od soca comand pes E ast] . ft Vtae] 2 . ° i ‘Wedium dense t very Ise, lah grey/ arey, aly, re | 72 am Sino : FE 18-1, 3 + 6 10 oe 2 peel r for 7 | : arr ee E asaml « |a |e] 7 : E-3 asus} 2] 2] 2] 4 er srr : aaa} sf o2] 2 | 4 oS 5 sofa for fa [2 ¥ set 6 ea eee oe To0se. ey, si, fine SAND with some cemenied | “26 ee pieces and some shell fragments. 7 Pee Z id int ‘Medium dense, light! grey, silly SAND with some 828 ser Camentod poses and some shel raamen 8 sew] + |e | s [at sone 9 ows) |e | 2 | 26 sens 1 SAMPLE KO i REMAN Se is ratad to Outi Marcia Dotan | ‘Teor vel ic rtac Deal taneay Daten. | BL SPT Standard Ponevaton Test Ground Water Tabs the borehole vel et RL -1-38m OMD. 1 SPT(C): SPT with cone TOR: Total Core Recovery i cass tl uot eatig nh tea ves Ca tay te aia tai ner AB BukSomplo SOR: Sstd Gore Recovey | Sar abe U1 CORE :Core Sample ROD: Rock Qually Desgnaton ‘Legged “ENGR, FASEY ANMED | Chest By ENGR ABDUL QADER ‘Appendic 8, Page 14/31 mt BOREHOLE LOG MATRIX LABORATORY ‘Owner: ONNIVAT PROPERTIES RINE LIMTED ROREOLE Nan ene. Project! PROPOSED THE PAD Location: _ PLOT No. 86,601.01, BUSINESS BAY, DUBAL,UAL. oie Boring Method: Retry Driling [round Level (my 43.7208 Boring Diameter:t25mm/ 98mm Dri Fuld: Mud Casing Dia (mm) :438 Casing Depth (m) 16:5) Coordinates: Equipment: Acker cove Diameter nm 1N2,786,523.00_E 494,850.00 Daie Stared: 13/01/2007, Date Finished: 18/01/2007 __| Operator: Fazal Ahed Report No XS0I07-0019 [ecad___ Samples = SPT Records Gore Recovery Ireduced ‘ee read | Depth pas FRE | w | rer | scr] RO Description of Strata eve [Logng om mambo | tmp |e | Tet | ES etows (6) | 6) | (6) ~~ 1 ¥ ese, Tah ey. very Sy, the SAND wah many | SZ ora ‘Cemenied pisces and mary shel fragments oe a F-11 sonal uw fo | or | ae was orn { oy a [421 wel o | 2 | ie | 20 20 Medium dense o dense becoming vey dense, brown, i F x bt i rnesl 9 | we | te | a4 14 i wma] on | ow | ve | 39 foe 45 i ws] @ | 2 | m | a ees l-1g r-rwss) 21 | 25 | ave | 260 ee wmf : E47, i wrerral 2 | ar | 200 | 250 x | am | au | ooo ees * - ro re E F2 FEMARS ate tbat repay Oat ae ‘ Fee eve ped Dobe Aneseel Doan BI SPT :Standard Penetration Test We Ground Water Table pebuanseimcte RU 7m ND. 1 SPT(C):SPT with cone ‘TOR: Total Core Recovery “inases ol undo seg aie, teeat nis ‘cans of esa under acting diese est RB ‘Buk Sample SOR: Solid Core Recovery Ses dive. CORE :Core Sample ROD: Rock Quality Designation Logged By ENGR FASEY ARMED Checked By: ENGR. ARDUL GADER Appendix B, Page 15/31 Location: _PLOTNO.BE.601.061, BUSINESS BAY, DUBAL,UAE. MATRIX LABORATORY BOREHOLE LOG Owner: OMNIYAT PROPERTIES NINE LIMITED EonenoLE Nes eacs Project PROPOSED THE PAD Sheet: 3/6 Boring Method: Rotary Driting Ground Level (m): #8.720140 Boring Diamelec 26mm 98rm Dall Fid: Mud Gang Daim) 135 Cang Depth (n) 485 Cooinates Equipment. Acker Core Damsor m.76 1 2,786.523.00_£ 494,850.00 Date Started: 19/01/2007 Date Finished: 18/01/2007 __| Operator: Fazal Ahed Report No: XSDI07-0019, (J Semple TPT Records Teoma ‘en)'] eras | Depth qe Pee TW Description of Strata “Level tegen || ee | SER ais [TSS i a cert > aa aa, SAN eS at gee | fo fom F 2% ora ee] | : E25 ao fj 222) =| 0 a ER a SAD 192 E-ed cor of 2-241] avo} com| - | 250 25 coro 6 2-282) 2 | owe >50 Ey [ ‘ F-26 serso gy 29-2848) 230 | sn oo Very ders, redaiah Brown, Sly, ne SAND with many | 72-78 F Word aces and Seti any Sree ovo 4 a a ns eat ones RaTC mae gown, —_ (2228 Giemenus HISTONE crosaand whhcomerogsand SS Shiga chy otter weakece reece] (es very closely to clovel al wit ee cows a | 10 | 0 (Sxsammecenn aos wbasteictwar™ | fg 28 Paes b 285-301 ee | 24 He ‘cOREa? | } 86 | 36] 32 ex | se ER RE ‘SAMPLE KEY Felco osanncoyonn |i ser sstantad Penetaon Text Y ceoundWawrTatin | peta nein ati tei SPT(0: PT wih cone TeR: TotrcoeRcavery | cearmenced inmedatey se conesction of penetration under He :Bulk Sample SCR: Solid Core Recovery comet 11 CORE ‘ov Sample FROD: Rock Guatly Dessnaton Uoogod By: ENGR, FASEY AMVIED | CheckodBy ENGR. ABDUL QADER | Appendix B, Page 16/31 MATRIX LABORATORY BOREHOLE LOG ‘Ouner:——OMNIVAT PROPERTIES NINE LIMITED eenote Nate Project! PROPOSED THE PAD Location: __ PLOT No. 8.801.061, USINESS BAY, DUGAL UA. Salaadaiad Boring Method: Rotary Dring Boring Diameter:125mm/ 98mm Drill Fluid: Mud (Ground Lovel (m): +3.720MD ‘Casing Dia (mm) : 188 Casing Depth (m):18.5| Coordinates: Equipment: Acker Cece Diameter ru 76 1N2,786,523.00_£ 494,850.00 Date Started: 13/01/2007 Date Finished: 1810172007 _| Operator: Fazal Ahod Report No: XS0/07.0019 Is ‘Samples SPT Records Tore Recovery Tread ‘C247 soome | Dopth -—>e eRe Tw [yer | scr] Rao Description of Strata Tvl Loong [| emer | hy | 2 foto CH) | a) | Ca oy 3 ae Weak madera wear, maven, RFE bown, | 7E75 5TH ‘CALCISIUTITE embecded wit cemented sand and Po E ‘av aly to moderately woathorod, fectures voy Tt lsat fo Gsely spaced and interbedded wih - ‘omertod calcareous sil Eo F-34} coxess st | 45 | 36 Gt LI GT fag Pay | t | Tt F | conese oo | 50 20 ot Gt 3 ea td DT ate F | coneas 9 | 89 | 66 Boy cH ay f-34 uce-as cI | [Weak omeaertahy weak, mana, wotied oferta, | 9048 (2 |_| eatoareaus SILTSTONE, stant to meaerstely nak ‘weathered, fractures very Gosely cseely spaced andl | = cones os | 53 | 40. |Interbedded wih cemented calcareous si eae F-35, Eee E 335-28 a [36 cones a | | 4 a F sas. EES E37 Bee cone a | 13 | 10 a f-38 30-996. - head cone «ola | a E sg Be E ad Bees REMARKS: SAMPLE KEY Sond rot to Dube Mnhasty Daun, : + Gourd waeriadowagencnivoedsiadesncrs 0mteow | EL SPT :Standard Penetration Test YF. Ground Weler Table ‘poburchale ine ie ot 1 Sem Da. 1 SPT(C):SPT wth cone TOR: Total Core Recovery "in carer of eal scr saatng ce, a es travers menos star eSpiion 9 serassbon ser HB BukSample SCR: Solid Core Recovery Seaing Se 1) CORE :Core Samia ROD: Rock Quality Designation. \anped By: ENGR FASEY AHMED ‘Checked By: ENGR. ABDUL QADER Appendix B, Page 17/31 MATRIX LABORATORY BOREHOLE LOG Owner: OMNIVATPROPERTIES NINE LIMITED Project PROPOSED THE PAD Location: _PLOTNo. 88.80%.06, BUSINESS BAY, DUBAL UAE. BOREHOLE No.: BHO3 Sheet: 5/6 Boring Method: Rotary Dring Boring Diameter-125mm/ 99mm Drill Fuld: Mud Equipment Acker (Ground Level (m): +3.72DM0D Casing Dia (mm) : 485 Casing Depth (m) 46.5) Coordinates Core Diameter (nni-76 1 2.798,52500_ £ 494,850.00 Date Started: 13/01/2007 Dato Finishod: 18/01/2007 Operator : Fazal Ahed. [Report No XS0I07-0019 [nd _—_Samotes “SPT Records | Core Recovery — Jesdicad a Doccription of Stata tet Legend (a)] Wyeeane | Depth Fagg eee nw | Tor | scr| Rap — to) | Naser | GRY" | [83°19 exon, Ca) | | OR) o | 40; t ‘Vay waak to weak save, ated ofa, eae ‘coreso| | 47 | a7 | 12. | CARCISI-TITE. signtyto moderately weathered, — E ffctures very say te closely spaced and narod ie ‘tn cemented caareccs Pi 1 F. a ct ‘44 1-42.54 ; + : b 1 ot cOREM 60 | 33 | 32 I r tr 42 ld Lt wp. "Weak rally weak mash, greenish wey Tal 8°78 fx S coneee 98 | sz | 40 | grey wih occasional goon calcareous SILTSTON aH daa ‘Moferaay to gh weathorea, Factues very covey pee Sosa spaced an nterbedced wah cama a conte as | 45 | 18 | atonowe ot Ree E 108-48 a os | ar | os Ee 49 an Ae E | coneas| os | 2 | 1 EEE [a8 ea rae F | cones 93 | 53 | 40 ES E-a7 sans pee concer ni\wle Rae E aad RSE 4g cows a | 2 | ts EEE 495-05 ee [49 cone st | 25 | 16 ee bo rnin ‘Weak, massive, brown, fine to medium grained, ae CALCARENTTE, eight fo mederatelyweatres, F 50. fact sy cael oud a eed REMARKS: ‘SAMPLE KEY ee eee @ SPT ;Stendard Penetration Test. ~=—-W_—Ground Water Table * Ground water tabla was ancourtared sta dep of 10m below the borate evel Le at lt. DN. "cases o ful unr sect eve, ha tos eve is commenced rmsd ater comploion of penetation under ‘eating dive BE SPT(C}:SPT with cone He CORE :Core Sample TOR; Total Core Recovery ‘Buk Sample SOR! Solid Core Recovery ROD: Rock Quality Designation lagged By ENGR, FASEY ANIED (Checked By: ENGR. ABDUL GADER Appendix, Page 18/31 MATRIX LABORATORY BOREHOLE LOG ‘OMNIVAT PROPERTIES NINE LIMITED Bo oeN Project PROPOSED THE PAD Location: __ PLOT NO. 68.801.061, BUSINESS BAY, DUBAI, UAE. ae Boring Method: Rotary Dring Ground Level (in): #8:720340 Boring Diameter: 125mm 98mm Dell ud: Mud Casing Die (mm) : 135 Casing Dept (m) 48.5) Coordinates: Equipment Acker Core Diameter mm).78 12,706,220 £404.850.00 Date Started _‘uota007 [ate Finched: 1012007 | Oper: Fazal Ahed | ReportNo. XSD/7-0010, Lead Sees TST Records | Core Recovery ‘| Yeeant| Dope rar Fase Tear, | TOR | SoR| Roo Description of Strata oi | Pa [2S fait to | | Oe t a a CTO HE cones ce | as | | | Ty RSE TERE ETSI | grey with occasional green tint, CALCISILTITE, sightly Ei si | odoin weather faves mestan ola | ‘paca and Qaeda costed eacreo t E | cone | or | or | or 52 52-5354 cones | | |-53, | sq cones wo | aw 55 55-56 E | conses or | or | [-56 56-575- cones ws fss| 7 [-s7 | Wako modaraay wea, masse, gy wi ceastnal ed an CALGISL TRE onbsaed wih aa 58] conte sa | 25 | 10 | secacunalconerid sand and some save patty cy 93 ly moahered fades ven Comey coset t E ase teat nocerctely weak masons bro each Sronm wih goon ta EALCATENTE odd wth E sg tome gavel sigh 1 oder waste ects ‘ery cst io out spaced a rbot cones we | or | 6 |etared Ssreod sn END OF BORING Mice ‘SAMPLE KEY © SPT :Standard Penetration Test ¥ Ground Water Table | fhe borehole lovato, t RL 4.8 OND. i () SPT(C); SPT with cone TCR: Total Core Recovery. hemneas ane cr Coops apoio nr He Buksomple SOR: Sold Core Recovery SR 11 CORE :Core Sample ROD: Rock Qual Dossnaton Longee By: ENGR. FASEY ARMED Checked By: ENGR. ABDUL QADER | Appendix 8, Page 19/31 MATRIX LABORATORY BOREHOLE LOG ‘Owner: WarTED (er. ——_OMNIVAT PROPERTIES NINE LI ERE OLE Nat eneL Project! PROPOSED THE PAD | Location: _PLoTNo. 5.801.061, SUSINESS BAY, DUBAI UAE. a blsaedicas Boring Method: Rotary Dring ‘Ground Level): #3.91DND Bodin Diameter 425mm Dei id: Mud Casing Dia (rm) : 4138 Casing Depth (mn) :18.5| Coordinates: Equipment! Mobile B-04 (Core Diometer (ngn:76 1 2;786,523.00_€ 494,818.00 Dae Starts 101072007 Date Finished: 1101/2007__| Operator rahad Ahmed _| Report No: XS0I07-0019 ead Same F5BT Rocorda | Core Recovery Ireauced tent] Doptn ee PRERSH| w_|ToR] scr] ROD Description of Strata ve Legene (0) onowe | EBs" | ES S jotows (6) | | Cad oo Fo js = ‘Srey wa, iy mecin a fe SAND Wa ES 8 ‘ostioal omentee pices. Lol esos) 2) 3) 2] 5 pose, yin been ay, he SAND wih ozasionad | 341 Fe om shel agents Se 1 susfia la ale a Hesctas] 2 | a | a | 5 | eat eS aose 6 wary bose, Toh brown Tht aay, ily ee on | ‘moalum Ye SAND wth seme cemented pieces ard os Lp ge tat ota [oe er ome shat egmens Pad srs f E asl 2 | + [a | 3 ny sre Ea E-3 asst for fata He or “| 448 vfada Ea soe A o al Is sais | oo | 2 | 2 Be E ped = oom) 2) a) sl 7 Tose, iit brown, sity ne SAND with same 7208 Fe serio ‘cemented pleces and some shell fragments. ¥ cp E | pe oa Ao tf ey ef Nota danse, gry, sghty sy SAND wih many] 0° Fa eve Comeniad pieces snd many sol ragmen's ae | eas! 7 | 2] @ | 30] 408 Fo sos} 6 | w | w | 26 a sere oa E E S| ba 2 RE ol, ‘SAMPLE KEY | Dun es restedo Dubal Muncy Oetan | * Groundwater table was eneaurare ata Ce of 20m below 8 SPT :Standerd Penettion Test Ground WaterTable | Sica ale atoms. SPT(C} SPT with cone TCR: Total oro Recovory css ofl nde sage, wis ee serene erences Mente sta rpeion of poneraion under Be Buk Samp SCR: Sold Core Recovery Seung abe U1 CORE :Core Sampla ROD: Rock Quatty Designation Legged By: ENGR FASEY ARMED ‘Chacko By: ENGR. ABDUL OADER Appendix 8, Page 20/31 MATRIX LABORATORY BOREHOLE LOG : SNE LNTED Owner: OMNIYAT PROPERTIES BOREHOLE No.: BHOS Project: PROPOSED THE PAD Location: _PLOT NO. 88,801.00, BUSINESS BAY, DUBAL UAL. EE ones 2 4 Boring Method: Rotary Drilling Ground Level (m): #3.910MD Boing ameter 1250m Dl Fd: Macd_——_Casing Dia (rm): 185 Casing Deo) -488) Coordinate: Exupment: Mobile B21 core Daneterinm 76 N2,706,520.00 £494,014.00 Date Stared 100.007 DateFnshed_1wor007 | Operators shad Anmed | Roport No: x$007-0010 a Saien TERT Records | Core Rovovery Coos sms] Deas pw eBEEet w [TER] onl hoo Description of Strata tae ae "ig | Ot lotows (8) | td | te) io) b ot Ss Dass bray damm a nea dose Gov | BOE ove ff | Brown brown Se re SAND [ » f-11) i Metta 14 a |» | 990 ie | | : 12 12.1245) 9 4) 6 | 30 ory one ff : 13 sod [ef e [a F 14 14-1445, 10 6 w | 34 [ees ove [| eee ki 15 f 15-1545, 13 wa | 2 | 40 * 16 16-164) 22 2% | wno| >50 a om ff : 47] cor ff 799] 2 | sow) | 50 z wax a | | m | 250) ove ff | ‘Very dense, brown, silty, fine SAND. fie 19. sg Ym | oe | aH | 50 : 20- : 1 rua ‘Dubal Municipality Dat o REA Dus! ancoaty Osu = Soe rl led Daal aay Ona SPT Standard PenotatonTest Ground Woter Table sStearigete get Sumi 0 SPT(O} SPT wih cone FoR: Total Cor Racovery Rea ts ir aes ae st dv ae ‘commenced immedistely after compistion of penetralion under a8 janbmn ‘SCR: Solid Core Recovery Seaing dove, Appendix, Page 21/31 Je MATRIX LABORATORY BOREHOLE LOG Sane tania PROPERTIES NE LMTED eu Project PROPOSED TE PAD ee Location: __PLOTNO. BB.S01.051, BUSINESS BAY, DUBAL UAL. _ Sheet 3/4 ‘Boring Method: Rotary Piling [ round Level (my. +3.010M0 Boring Diameter:125mm Drill Fluid > Mud Casing Dia (mm) :435 Casing Depth (m): 16.5) Coordinates: Equipment: Mobile 6-31 ‘Core Diametor (mmn):76. 1N2,786,523.00_€ 494,514.00 Sa Sud _son1 FOOT rele sone inked Ahmed | Repro: XSDW7- 0010 cag —__Samotes_| = SPT Records Gore Recovery _| Gael aan} ; pion of Sata 2 as Ee SE Dose f (0) | Nimes | fen) P82 | 288 towel (06) | C4) | CH) [Lo | 20 a soo 1 Very dense, brown, sly, fine SAND. HEE : | LC E od fanatag a» | a | we | >00| : ors | | me L | B | i menal a |om| - [>s0 : | : | | : bad ee one] me }emtl = fol | scan are PE 7 | E | | | Le I | | oe 24 a as on Ty ak aa a, NETS Eco Waser Sea resus omsesea wh | oreo ee mesnioy woe, | | | ae ae sere! andar} | | ie we cae a [+29 come ala |n | | cc fede — Tweak to moderately weak, massive, reddish Brown’ | 2297S) Veare Re ema eweas| — [oo men NL nes ny Sr wae Tae an ealy| JO a es oto cioeon ee 27, | i | sand ao | | | i | bo cone os | 00 | | foo | foo [28 | joo | jo oO | | joo | | 0 [29 wed —Tiieak ta moderately weak, massive, moked ofwhite, 25.09 ese] | Calcawous SILTSTONE, shay f roseratey hee akon LSM enemy macetond EE G| | ere ate ose a Ett 30 \ = a REMARKS na tl ceaty Oo : | BEMIS ons oainncety Daa Camere [Grou eli ancoarred aka pinot 62m De Bh SPT :Standerd Penetration Test Ground Water Table ‘pe borehat leva ie RL 2250 OM. ra 10) SPT(C): SPT with cone TCR: Total Core Recovery Seer eee haben wane Trace alice ae ae |S Suk Sone Sel Core Ronen ‘Sealing dive. {CORE :Core Sams Rock Quality Destanation Coe Can Sts Treas srk tm et | Appendix, Page 22/31 } MATRIX LABORATORY BOREHOLE LOG | [owner omvivaT PROPERTIES NN LTED BOREHOLE No.: BHO4 || Project propose THe pao -———_— Location: _PLOTNO. 85.60.06, BUSINESS BAY, DUBAL UAE. Hee ehestiae Boring Method: Rotary Dring Ground Lovel(m) +3.91DK Boring Diameter: 251mm Dri Fuid: Mud Casing Dia (mm) :135 Casing Depth (n):16.5| Coortinates: FL eauipment: Mobile 831 Core Diameter (m):76 N 2,786,523.00_£ 494,844.00 Dote Started” aowuz00r [ bate Finished s1ore007 | Operiorrstea Aimed | Report no: xsDier-aeve Samples SPT Records | Core Recovery Iecuced tov] Teen opin, PART yor] sca] Rao Description of Strata ewe Logong (| Renee | GRY" | EP a “im [Blow (%) | (%) | ta) toy F — Weak 9 mndeialely weak, asaive, Malad atta, 78.0 GACSITIE shy tment wares ane es very cloeoly lo closlyspacod and itrbedde om |) | ice be [-34 | | F-32 mas | | | | cont eo | 35 | 20 | | t 34 | f | | 35, 16-38 F | F. | 36 | | F | conssa 2] as | 10 q I-37 kha E | Et | bor [38 8-40 1 rr | ; fa E | | | F-39| conn | 2 | 20 E | | E | : -40- i TEND OF BORING sae REMARKS: PLE | Soundware warercanindars esse sontelw | Bl SPT :StadardPeneraton Tesi Gecund Water Table {he bora inl. aL 2 nD & SPT(C): SPT wits cone TCR: Total Coro Recovery onerercad ices Secreta HB | :Buk Sample SCR: Sold Gore Recovery sean ave U CORE :Core Sample ROD: Rock Gualty Designation epaed By: ENGR. FASEY AED Checked By ENGR. ADDUL GADER Append 8, Page 23/31 MATRIX LABORATORY BOREHOLE LOG ‘Owner: ONNIVAT PROPERTIES NINE LIMITED yperote Nateude Project PROPOSED THE PAD Location: __PLOTNO. 88,801.61, BUSINESS BAY, DUBAL, UAE BEES oer He Boring Method: Retary Diling Ground Level en: +3.80DM0 Boring Diameter:t25mm Dell Fuid: Mut Casing Dia (mm) 14135 Casing Depth (m) 18.5) Coordinates: Equipment: Mobile B-3t core Diamete (m.76 1N2,786,515.00_£ 494,787.00 Date Started! _ 0772007 Date Fiishod:_09/0112007 __| Operaior: shad Ahmed | ReportNo. XSD/O7-0019 fs ‘Samples SPT Records Core Recovery Ireamed cal Fai Description of Strata Tew Logg fay] Tpeone | Depth | are PSP] w | TeR | soR] ROD (| Nenoer | POR plows (%) | (a) | (a) o Fo > ‘Grays owas, fe oman SAND wih 8 ‘caional shel fragments and oceasonal gypsum F osow} a | os ]a | 7 ental. 330 Bose, greyish Brn sly fine to medium SAND with om ‘occasional shall ragmonts and oocasonalgypeum 1 Ame} 2 | a} os | 6 onstale ce ee 2 Fo z2m) 2] 2 | 2] a F2s-20 2 | 2 | a | 4 S16 3 sas} 2 || a ]a son 4 Ao*p 2] s]t |? Tose ie medion dense, Grey. Ste SAND wah “07° ore some shel fragments 5 goss, af ala | 7 sore Bad 6| qossf sf als fs a sere yea 7 ort a [os | o | 14 ee : 3 os 8 meee; |e] | sly SAND with many sal aqme] +20 fs sere ‘and many cemented Lips Saal 4 Se ei 9 | osm] 2 | a | 2 | as oy one an W a 10 a REMARKS: ‘SAMPLE KEY i Tose isoid oii etn. | ger Standard Penetation Test YW Ground WelerTable =f telus ilieah 28m OMB. I SPT(C): ST wih cone TOR: Total Core Recovery | “nesses lois wer cotng ive oes vee HB :BukSemple SCR: Sali Core Recovery ‘rimenced ened se Completonct peneratonindor : aoirg cee, ney See neton es Ly CORE ‘Core Sample ROD: Rock Quality Designation Leaged By ENGR. FASEY AHMED ‘Checked fy: ENGR. ABDUL GADER Appendix B, Page 24/31 MATRIX LABORATORY BOREHOLE LOG (Owner: ONNWAT PROPERTIES NINE LMTTED BOREHOLE No: BHOS Project: _pRoPOsED THE PAD Location: __ PLOT No,88:801.051, BUSINESS BAY, DUBAL UAE. bahasiins Boring Method: Rotary Dring ‘round Level (ny #8.800MD Boring iamoter:t25mm DaFiid: Mud Casing Bia (em) 1185 Casing Dept (m) 18.) Cocrinates: Equipments Mobile B-31 ore Dieter m6 N2.786.518.00_€ 494,787.00 Date Saree! _ovi12007 Date Frishod: 0701/2007 __| Operator: rshad Ahmed | Report No. XS0I07.0019 (Santee TSPT Records | Core Recovery Ieaucad “a gees | Depth eae PEP] N | TOR | scR| ROD Description of Strata evel Rc oe en io : : Da, ay, ay SAND wh many sha Fauarig F2 ser seman) caren! ne Ea fava 9 | we | or | on ores E 4 14 yee 8 | | | 39 ‘Denso to medium dons, greyish brown, vory ily, fino | “2° ore SAND th eccononal cttnted paces an ocoraon N Shel eons 19 fn os | os |r | as serie 14 yop jes 4g gee of of a | m0 Deis vy dons, Ein, Ys SAND. oo 16 fesse re | 2 | ave| >50 sev 4 aroma az | ce | sae | 250 ores 18 pjwetesd os | | oe | 280 19 eye | em | oe any dee: dat Se SAD. 1520 7 | REMARS sltsto vie Muncy Cat Were ~Goondastorasiewssescachace.ts sepmrascamtwow | SPT :Standard Peneraton Test Y. Ground Water Table te ble velo 2.50 BND. STC} SPT wih cone TOR: TotalCowRecvey | 2 BukSomple SOR Sokd Core Recovery Bl CORE :Core Sample ROD: Rock Quality Dssignatin Logged By: ENGR FASEY ARMED | ChockodBy ENGR. ABDUL OADER, Appendix B, Page 25/31 MATRIX LABORATORY BOREHOLE LOG (Oumer: _OWNIVAT PROPERTIES NINE LMTTED BOREHOLE No.: BHOS Project PROPOSED THE PAD Location: __PLOT No. 86,601.61, BUSINESS BAY. DUBALUALE. ielaaaiead Boring Method: Rotary Driling round Level (a): +3.800MD Boring Diameter: 425mm DrilFiud: Mod Casing Die (mm) :135 Casing Depth (m) :18.5] Coordinates: Equipment: Mobile B31 Core Diameter (oun): 76 1 2,786,515.00_€.494,787.00 Date Started: _o7/oti2007 Date Finches: 00/0172007 _| Operator: rehad Ahmed __| Report Naz XSDI07-0010 cad Sampies 7 SPT Records Gore Recovery Freauced “tm)| Tweant | Depth az eer] N | TCR | scr| RaD Description of Strata Level [Legend | | imber | "fay [etows (6) | 6) | Co) o 20 a0 Va aPC, YT SAND “20 [2 py zeniag 2 | ae | we | 250 . sores fi hee 22 pf e2-z2se) aoe wwe | >50 Pee sms & [25 arar RA) | >s0 Pee E24 sere pf 27) 2] see) | 780 ‘Very anes, Te Brown, Sly, Tne SAND: 70.20 fe srs =] | re] - | >90 pe : Pos 29 reo218) ——| Weak io moderately weak, massive, brown. frete | 2205" medium grained, CONGLOMERATE, gravel 0 mati, babes L fato 36:70. ave! subsnguer to subrounded, sy. moderately weathered, traces very cosay to osaly loo cones a8 | 11 | 16. | hacod'and nirbodded wih eomonod gravoty sand. tae +27 bee loo E 218-28] : ‘Vary weak fo weak, massive, r98dGh brown, madium to 2-00 fie grand, cabereous SANOSTONE embeded wit [28 jovcasional gypsum iragments,sighly to moderately | 42420 fea conest se | 45 | 16 watered, rachis very cosely spaced and rae \Iacbecded wih comented eatareaus sand EEE Weak io modersiey weak. massive, malted ofa ERE ‘th green patches, calzareous SILTSTONE embedded) | = = woz vith ted tet, sine wo slghly weathered, fractures ERS 29 ‘ery cise te dosely spaced and interbedded with Ele Caberooae ot. pale cone| oo | a | 36 Bae 78-4 Rae F-30- REMARKS: ‘SAMPLE KEY {Goudie isd io Oubinaniinty Daum | spr :StandardPenetaion Test Giant Water Tabla | Sheboratse lav! et AL 2 sem OD. SPT{C):SPT with cone TOR: Total Core Recovery cimmenced medi ster compton peetatin under HB BukSample SOR: Solid Gore Recovery Satna oe 1 CORE :Core Sample ROD: Rock Quality Dosignaton Legged By: ENGR FASEY AHMED Checked By ENGR. ABDUL QADER. Appendix B, Page 26/31 MATRIX LABORATORY BOREHOLE LOG ‘Ouricr: —OMNYAT PROPERTIES NINE UMITED BOREHOLE No.: BHOS Project: pROPOSED THE PAD | Location: PLOT NO. B8.801.061, BUSINESS BAY, DUBAI UAE. Sheet: 4/4 Boring Nefrol: Retary ring round Level. +8.8008 Boring Diametor-2mm ——rllFlud: Mud Casing Dia ren) 188 Casing Depth (m) 185) Coordinates: Equipment Mobile Bt Cove Diameter on): 76 N2.786,515.00_€494767.00 [Dae Saeaormrmer Beier -tonr 1 ogee ee ees) ioe woes UL] 0 SPT Records | Core Recovety edocs Set soa] Con ow Tattee | w | ToR soe nap Description of Stata ave Lape yen | Pim |S | a | SE foto) | |) o TSG TOGA Wane ETN FOOT ST ZZ ET tin pecnpathes cacatous SLIGTONE emeadee! |e = © aa ae | 00 | ar [rth Sete? datecy tity weaneret eres BEE ay asda Coan pated sosbeed EEE eee BEE 34 Fe ‘cores 18 © Bax 33 ie Fe mesos Weak moderately weak, masave, noted otanne "| “2870 wiv eccoonal rein, coearsoes SLTSTONE He Fag Srbediod win eacenl grove apa imovotet (SSS Moahered tacos vay Seesyioceotyopacedand] SES ‘iebued in omer atest a REE E34 cones ss | 2 | 1 fees F-35 Bee E sea PEE I-36 PEE [37] cones es | a5 | 2 Hee L-3a Ree 3g Hee conese wo | 2 | 1 pee END OF BORING: 736.00 bpmanmared i eke Dibal trispaty Datm “cau wnerioucencanmeiats omTéssmtaon |B SET :Standor Penetaton Test Y Giound Water Table} Seunmeis get cama. 1 SPT(C):SPT wih cone TOR: Tea Cor Recovery corenoncad inmediaay ate! Compton of paren under AB :Bulk Sample SCR: Solid Core Recovery ‘seating drive, {0 CORE :Core Sample RQD: Rock Quality Designation Lope by: ENGR ASEY AED | Creche ENOR. ABOUL ADEN Appendix B, Page 27/31 MATRIX LABORATORY BOREHOLE LOG ‘Owner: ONNIVAT PROPERTIES NINE LIMITED o TIES NINE Lat BOREHOLE No.: BHOS Project PROPOSED THE PAD | Location: _PLOTNO.88.801.061, 2USINESS BAY, DUBAL.UAE. aid Boring Method: Rotary Dring ‘Ground Level (nj: +3.870MD Boring Diemeter25em/ 9mm Dri Fuld: Mud Gasing Dla (mm) $4185. Casing Depth (m) 16.5) Coordinates: Equioment: Mobile 53 Cor Diameter (mmi76 1N2,786,547.00 _F 494,830.00 Date Started _19)0472007 Date Finished: 19/01/2007 | Operator: Asif Moojidin | ReportNo: XS0/07-0019 ‘Samples TSPT Records | Core Recovery ca ra Ree escrption of Strata i ee N | 1oR | scr] Rao Deseript (| wer | Tiny |e | 29" | atoms Ce) | (HD | ed Z 0 a “= Tn, aly, emda SAND wi oocasonal 8 ‘cemeried places, ocasoral helagments and 05-4 EAE Sscasional cemented lumps. | ba rs} | sa | 35 | nat bese becoming very Tense, ight Fel grey. re ff | Papin Sanh chums concn skewed sche E rs-ta5| | ow | om | 39 shel fragments, one i | cd f-2 i zeal 2 | 4 | ate be E Has-z0f 1 | a | «| 7 od on 5 3 Fos 1 | 0 | o | o ped =n ff a4 E oe 2 f-4 aes] 2 | 2) 2 | a cel = ee |. l he | ed 5 eee] s | a) «|e ae ew Y be E : | | | 6 esa} 1] o | a lo ae sero a E Pe af [7 poe He ee Ee Weim done o dene, ioe ty tw SAND wa} 1° FF wen thany somaried pecas anf mary shel agents el 4 ls fees} eo |e | | 20 o wef | an 9 sast io | a | 2 | 40 pr sons | es N pe oe 1 | pew a SAMPLE KEY FEMS etd o Oui Marsa Dat SSE ication Muay Dat, || spt Standard Penoteton Test ¥ Ground Water Table getcane matie wRt-taamenb. BW SPTIO! SPT wih cone TOR: Total Core Recovery ‘ineaees ofa sgerasatrgctbe Oa attbo BB :BukSample SOR: Sold Core Recovery | Seaing ave. Tl CORE :Core Samoia ROD: Rock Quality Desicnaton_| Legged By ENGR. FASEY APWIED Check By: ENGR, ABDUL QADER Appendix B, Page 28/31 MATRIX LABORATORY BOREHOLE LOG Owner: ONNYATPROPERTIES NINE LIMITED BOREHOLE No.: BHOS Project PROPOSED THE PAD — Location: PLOT NO. 88,801.06, BUSINESS BAY, DUBAL,UAE. Shoot: 2/4 Boring Method: Rotary Ding ‘Ground Lovel (im): +8.87080 Boring Diemetert26mn/ 98mm Dri Fluid: Mut Casing Dia (mm) £135 Casing Depth (m):18.5} Coordinates: Equipment: Mobile 53 cove Diameter (mn: 76 N2,786,547.00_£.494,830.00 Daie Stored: 13/01/2007 Date Finished: 4501/2007 __| Operaior: Asif Moojidin | Report No: XSD/07-0010 ad Semis “SPT Records | Core Recovery ao) Seat recone | Depth pag eee Tw [vor | scr] Rao Description of Strata eve |Logend [re | iy | ea |g? | fat Ce) | | ™ rortoae] 0 ‘Bense, gi ory, aig, tne SAND with many cemented) -STS sera ces and many shel ragmert. E14 eM mola) ml ae ‘Danse a vey dense eal medium danse, brown, ay, ~7"° sens ‘edu to fine SAND with soasional cemented pleco, E12 fave} o | s |e | te one 1 wma} 7 | os | oo | az ea on f S 4 | E 4 oa [14 wuss | ae | a2 col ove f a E 4 bea “i E15 gf as-tse] 2 | we) om | a7 os sen al u E oA | = 2 E19 ooo A) | | me] ee Vary danse, brow, Sy, fins SAND. “R15 a Bae 17) wera m2 | me | anne | 260 s sem fl ae 18 oe] = | ef [oe Re 19 ey = | woe] - | oso i 2 = REMARKS: ‘SAMPLE KEY } ound vel rl to Dub Murky Oat 1 Sang lr lta io Daa Minaya Bi SPT Standard Penetation Test Ground Water Tabla | Febecbinelie sie isan Me & SPT(C} SPT with cone TR: Total Cove Recovery ronced ere ater competon of peraaon under Re 50 a Z E a a4 22 rm 221) ne] 200 | = | 250 - a 4 2B sprer OB) mw | soe) | 250 ‘ee ow yw SAND 085 2 open gp 2414 100 | son | — | 250 : 25 orn pf aezsie, aw | soe | - | oso MS Bs 28 guvn ef 20-7014 a0 | cow — | a0 : 2A ser grrr aut | saa | - | 250 Vay SS ear own ay aan wa SAND] 7-19 VaR reason gmvelsedcetcenalgynaam ene] fe mad Weak mosey want, sve, bow, cars| 22592 Stone enbecded we many goveandcamente] | <= E 2a cones Sina, macy hay neces actase bee 28 cove 75 | 40 | 10 | Somiy tocol spa od teed wa Ree eset Si REE 29 EEE cones ea | ao | at REE SAMELE KEY ; REMARKS: y ‘Su wr tad to Ds czy Ost @ SPT Stanierd Peneraton Test Ground Water Taio * Ground wat ible was enenuniorod ata dopth af 5 30m Solow the borehole level. al L742 DAD. “ih cages of refsal code ecg dive, re test ive is contented inmate ater conplcfon of pension under seaing dive He ® SPT(O: SPT with cone Tl CORE :Core Samplo TOR: Total Core Recovery ‘Bulk Sample SCR: Solid Core Recovery Logged By: ENGR. FASEY AIMED QD: Rock Quality Designation (Ohocked By ENGR ABDUL GADER Appendix B, Page 30/31 MATRIX LABORATORY BOREHOLE LOG ‘Oumer: ——ONNYAT PROPERTIES WINE LNTED See enone Project: PROPOSED THE PAD Locafon: __ PLOT No. 88.8006, BUSINESS BAY, DUSAL UAE, Sheet: 4/4 Bonng Method: Rotary Driling Boring Diameter-125mm/ 99mm Oil Fuld : Mud Casing Dia (men) £438. Casing Depth (m): 18.5} Ground Level (my: +3.870MD Coordinates: Equipment Mobile 9 oe Diameter (nm 78 N2.786,547.00_ £ 404,630.00 Date Stared 19012007 shade 15/01/2007 | Operator AsifMogjin | Repor No: XSDI07-0019 [nod Semies Cor Recovery 5 ‘Gal yoo] Depth ae EASE" PM ae] N | TCR] scr] ROD Description of Strata evel |] Wen | Piny 1501965 lpiows (0) | (a) | to) oo TERE aaa Wea RSE Blow, 6H ERLISTE embodied wth mary govel and E | cones 20 | 50 | 12. |cemened sand, moder toh) reared Tacure very cosy ts cco spat and ocbeddd io cacaecus el | Be E | cones we || 2 34 2M [-33} coress se | 15 | 10 Esq 4-365 cones a | | a2 35 | -36 coness 65 | 10 0 F te ‘Weak to moderately weak, massive, ight grey/motied | °°? [=i | otra, CALCITE. sight tnedeay r, E37 roared, facies very covey to cna sped ong] FTE cons ra | as | 30. |Wemessewin conctis eseseou et ty 1 E 2 wat al 3g Lt cones me | ot | as ro ag cones ao | ss | ss - os. | a. ENDOF BORING RRS SAMPLE KEY Is related fo Dubal Murcipally Datu, & SPT :Standard Penetration Test. Ground Water Table the brehal level Le at Lt Aars OD. “incases of ius under esatig dive, Uo test ve Seating dive. * Ground water table was encour ata dopa $m below Cconmncod immedi afer completon ot penevation under ae & SPT(C): SPT with cone 1 CORE -Cove Sample TOR: Total Core Recovery SCR: Soli Core Recovery RQD: Rock Quality Dest ‘Bulk Samplo tion Logg By ENGR. FASEY AHMED (Checked By ENGR. ABDUL QADER Appendix B, Page 31/31 APPENDIX B1 GEOLOGICAL CROSS SECTION 1088 SECTIONS 2807. 0018.680L FNAL. OPI NATROOOT 28n070GT 128802 AM 0 BHO3 an| anges 21 Beacon - Pk oon zx Fe rH ea a2 [8318 Benes $23) 21S no x Sesbvee eae sale sas putin [Saas So Ente. es was stefan 5 Duco Peon seas fuse EES ENow pepe aes ras9y0y SEDs SE suns coger, ee bea sakes, sense Safice ee les eo ee ona 260 ee a Boo anksepes a (ssytox 1a) 22.73} (6EKA2410), abba rare 20, $roxeoKe) pericn) SE | aensxt, EET nox = | eon, al feos sah Eom 355 [csi STE ear B25 5P ep sane aa ache eens PTF ease) ae PT eorex Tease PoE ois — Ef emecen eran ei) sea EE otsen TF} e008 REE Er esse Ee | essrao Hl oo) EC essex) REE aE remese ES Perea Oey esos TEL ernsonso) 55S Fans : ea) ae cose ST emenic ye onto Ba x [woe en ae aE yen 28 ef anni oe ens ao EL t FE] ceoussys2) sens 823 eT ananieey 378 E+ yoayeny) - EEE] omen pene Sa Heslishte REEL rage O08 54 5 [orem a 9480) 22S Teoan EE EY ana: “an LEE [isto Ae oo 5 Hanae EE SF pony EE [sien senna ot +29 enya) FE Teamene) a8 aos SEED Ptrerssi) BREET exam i tpl ene) 4s 7a SE (02) ETE] aayanyso} TZ poysenae) Ty enenen i eh EET ern i TL ener) finer Feros Fi se) snzaPe FET eoxasyray | ee Ct enansn TE] coven eee rome t, wale eee ni] i | oc FE s =| 03101 as (05,00) | 535135) cana | O390x0) seq ole] corer Legend = (TCRYSCR\RQD) = Project: PROPOSED THE PAD Vertical Scale 1:283 Location: PLOT NO. BB.801.061, BUSINESS BAY, DUBAI, UAE. Project Number; _XSD/07-0019 LGEaLoale CROSS SECTIONS wE007. 008-6801 ENAL-.GEI MATRIKGOT 24NaD0OT 128828 A oe STN. Bad oman) fo Ebvo fbwe Ni jue HF Tun ns? oS pow Seamer A20 FEE EN eB ead Dua Epa SEEN to, PES bus SEN 90, uw 00h bmw so 1020 Lien snp : x Lo bow See Le buoso bee De coe, 1908 Fin eo FL ao 0b yo poe. Fa 120.20 Phy 36g) Phys rae oa Oe elves aur nals EE Lose 88 Fens aasafieLoso wy906 rs vee L. BES eon) ee § [worn : SE Freon EEE | sanren (65198425) FS | wasn FEY caoxsonscy A i Aan Teese) f 5 [eevee = BE | ione88) He Te eer 7 £2 EF eoeoio, oT L ERE TS ervzoxin a Th teoxs0¥0) toyeen0) He an £5 | ene Hf aes a aga Pe Eo coven) : bE q I 3500 1 sso hewn asso EOE] eorsonssy to Legend :(TERVSCR)RAD) - Project: PROPOSED THE PAD Vertical Scal 1:196 Location: _PLOTNO. 88.601.061, BUSINESS BAY, DUBAI, UAE Project Number:_XSD/07-0019 APPENDIX C LABORATORY TEST RESULT REPORT ON CHEWICAL TESTS FOR SOIL AND GROUND WATER nm ee TST RRO RGAE aa INP. Request No. xSDI07-0019 SSE SET item fru aeconai |Soil and Water [Sampled By _ MATRIX aan en [08-22/01/2007 [Tested by [Shirley a as segs sonora | | semang [Sure] ciowesa | Saat | wns] gu | Satine (gM) (% by dry wt.) ig) (%) apes be oe fe ee safer [aae [oe | soe freeze[ ae sr [aw owes ems Meth Sulphate Content of Soil: BS 1277: Part 3: 1990 (Amd. 9029/98), C1S.5 (Acid Extraction’ Water Extraction) Chloride Content of Soll : BS 1377: Part 2: 1990 (Amd, 0028196), C1.7.317.2 (Acid Extraction! Water Extraction) Suiphate Content of Ground Water : BS 1377: Part 3: 1990 (Amd.9028/96), C1.5.5 ‘Chloride Content of Ground Water : BS 1377: Part 3: 1990 (Amd.9028/98), CL7.2 pH of Soll and Ground Water: BS 1377 : Part Site Classitication : BS 5328 : Pert 1 :1997 1980 (Amd, 9028/96), 198 App. C, Page 1/62 ‘Sample Prop. Method * Sulphate Content of Soil : BS 1377: Part 3: 1990 (Amd.9028/96), C16.2/ 5.3 (Acid Extraction! Wetor Extraction) * Chloride Content of Soil : 8S 1377: Part 3: 4990 (Amd. 9028/96), C1.7.3.31 7:23 (Acid Extraction! Water Extraction) * Sulphate Content of Ground Water : BS 1377: Part 3: 1990 (Amd,9028/96), CLE.3 * Chioride Content of Ground Water: 8S 1377: Part 3: 1990 (Amd, 902896), C1.7.2 * pH of Sol and Ground Water: BS 1377 : Part $1990 (Amd, 9028/96). C19.4 ‘Test Method Var, “Water soluble sulphate content of sol - Ni “Sulphate content of ground water - Ni “Water soluble chloride content of soll (2) 50.g of sample taken, _(b) 10 cl of trate taken for analysis, *Chioride content of ground water (a) 2 mlof ftrate taken for analysis, “pH value of soll and Ground water - Commercial pH butter was used for calibration Note: SO value (i) determined by mutiplying $0, value (gl) by 1.2 VERIFIED BY App. ©, Page 262 PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION BY DRY SIEVING Owner ‘OMNIVAT PROPERTIES NINE LIMITED RepostNo, xspvr.0019 Contactor ne. Date Reported | asancor Constant \WHITRY & BIRD ENGINEERS Request No, xspw7-0019 Project No. ne. Client Reference | 209 ¥.ast003.2006 Project Name PROPOSED THE PAD Sampling Method | ps 5930:1999 Sampled By — Tail Sample Prep. | gs 1377: PART 1: 1990 (Ams 425895), CL.T4 Sample bet in by _| MATRIX ‘Sample Preparation | Rs 1377: 1990 Pl (Amd.8258/95), CL7.3 & 74.5 Date Received (04-18/01/2007 a BS 1377 : PART 2 : 1990 : CL.9.2 (Am4.9027/96) Date Tested (06-25/01/2007 ‘Test Method Var | ym, Tested By ROY Microns British Standard Sieve - mm ge S8898 |F . uo az annaw 100 10 ‘ 0 Z i a w =} o : t ln CP 7 2m po a 0 oO : 007 ‘6T cor a 1 10 100 3 Ce 3 aay ‘consis 5 sur SAND ‘crave g z i mane [ove now sazch cova] DeSeUrTONOF Sou TE = a suo | serr|_o.7_ | —' {SILTY FINE SAND (SM) 30 q sao. [sew [wo [= HEV MED SA MANY SRE so 3 uot |serao] 3 SILTY INE SAND (40 160 & uo_[seroo] 120 SILTY FINE SAND (40) 250 q 3 g is VERIFIED BY 3| z 2 3 App. C, Page 3/62 PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION BY DRY SIEVING SIEVE ANALYSS 2 x5007.0:0 [BY ORY SEVING)GPH MATAM.GDT 2401007 124809 Owner OMWNIVAT PROPERTIES NINE LIMITED Report No xsp107-0019 (Contractor wr. Date Reported | 260x007 Consultant WHITBY & BIRD ENGINEERS Request No. xsp/7.0019, Project No. NP. Client Reference | 309:PM AHLOn 2006 Project Name PROPOSED THES PAD Sampling Method | Bs 5930:1999 Sampled By maTeDt Initial Sample Prep. | gs 1377: PART 1 : 1990 (Amd 8258/95), CL74 Sample Brt In By _| MATRIX Sample Preparation | gs 1377: 1990 P] (Amé.825895), C173 & 74S Date Received _| 0418/01/2007 ‘Test Method BS 1377: PART 2: 1990 :CL9.2 (Amd 9027196) Date Tested 06-25/01/2007 ‘Test Method Var | yp, ‘Tested By Rov Microns British Standard Sieve - mm @ ERass |F . Bo sxanhage i) 100 0 0 i I “ i 0 be / ° 20 20 ol 0 0 oc ar a 1 10 100 TNE [mons [Coanse] Ne [ambaand ooanse | wine [aannar]Connse cuay oars) sur SAND Ravel BonNG BAM Mane sl) conve ‘DESCRIPTION OF SOM. TYPE DEFT) con | sexy | 2.7 SILTY FINE SAND AN 50 pom |sere| 402 |— SILTY MEDIUM SAND + MANY CIPS + MANY STF (SX 80 wom [seris| 84 : SILTY FINE SAND (4 ho prim [sero | oss [= SILTY FINE SAND (4 150 VERIFIED BY App. ©, Page 4/62 PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION BY DRY SIEVING Owner ‘OMNIYAT PROPERTIOS NINE LIMITED Report No xs0/07-0019| Contractor we. Date Reported —_| 260372007 Consultant [WHITBY BIRD ENGINEERS Request No, xsD07.0019 Project No. Ne. tient Reference | so9.¥4.a84005.2006 Projet Name FROFOSED THE PAD Sampling Method | gs 5930:1999 ‘Sumpled By ATED Init Sample Prep. | 5 137: PART I: 1990 (Amd 8258/95), CLT Sample Bt. In By_| MATRIX Sample Preparation | gs 1377: 1990 Pl (Amd.8258/95), C173 & 7.4.5 Date Received ed ‘Test Method BS 1377 : PART 2: 1990 :C1.9.2 (Am.9027196) Date Tested 06.29/01/2007 ‘Test Method Var | na, Tested By Roy SIEVE_ANALYSIS 2 ¥8007.0019(BY ORY SEVING).GPI NATRIXGOT 94047 124804 PA 100 Parentage posing 8 British Standard Sieve = mm = Bo es anbac » « noo ‘001 ‘oor oy v 16 100 ine [epnu]coarse| mie [ebm] COARSE] FINE [MEDIUM [COARSE) cuay BLE SILT SAND “ORAVEL — _BESCRIPHONOF SOR TYRE perme] BO SILTY FINE SAND + OCC. CIPS (©) 160 00 SILTY FINE SAND ($9) Ro 02 SILTY FINE SAND (©M) 200 suo [seras| or [= SILTY FINE SAND (S-¥) 0 VERIFIED BY ‘App. ©, Page 5/62 PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION BY DRY SIEVING ‘SIEVE_ANALYSI.2 XS0O7-0019(2Y ORY SIEVNG)GPY MATRI.GOT 0404007 124805 PM Over OMNIVAT PROPERTTES NINE LIMITED Report No xsD/07-0019| Contractor NP, Date Reported _| 26032007 Consultant [WHITBY & BIRD ENGINEERS Request No. xsD\07.0019, Project No. NP Client Reference | s09.m.at4.003.2000 Project Name PROPOSED THE PAD Sampling Mettos | ps s930:1999 Sampled By bale Initial Sample Prep. | gs 1377: PART 1: 1990 (Amd.825895), CL14 Sample Br In By | MATRIX ‘Sample Preparation | ps 1377: 1990 Pl (Amd.S258/95), CL7.3 & 7.4.5 Date Received eet Test Method BS 1377: PART?2 : 1990 :CL.9.2 (Amd.9027196) Date Tested 96-25/01/2007 ‘Test Method Var | i aed ROY Mierons Batis Standard Sieve - mim 8 8. 8.9 ezentsw 108 10 7 1 * % be TL ° I. i ; 20 [ 20 o 0 007 06r 007 a 0 108 FANE [MED [Co«RSE] me [wmprund Coanse| FINE | mbm] COARSE cay cones) sit ‘SAND, ‘onavet owng _ Rane. Sze op conve] ‘DESCRIPTION OF SOHLT¥PE parr op | sors | 287 SILTY FINE SAND (4 to vom | sere| 02 |— SILTY INE SAND 40 a0 oy [serio] us SILTY FINE SAND SOME C75 + SOMESIS (6.0 eo wns [sem [ os [= SILTY SAND “SOM CIS + SOME SS ($1) 10 VERIFIED BY App. C, Page 8/62 YSIS.2 XS0072019(BY ORY SEVING).GPY MATRIRGOT o4nKtc67 124836 PM PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION BY DRY SIEVING SIEVE ANALY Owner OMNIYAT PROPERTIES NINE LIMITED ReporNo, xs007-0019 Contractor Ne. Date Reported | nts 007 Consultant WHITBY & BIRD ENGINEERS Request No. xspo70019 Project No. NP. (Ctient Reference | 309.PM.AKL003.2006 Project Name PROPOSED THE PAD Sampling Metiod | ps 5930:1999 Sampled By baatines Inial Sample Prep. | 31377: PART I : 1990 (Amd.8258/95), CL7.4 Sample Br. in By _| MATRIX Sample Preparation | ps 1377: 1990 PI (AmaR258/95), C173 & 7 Date Received _| 04-18/01/2007 ‘Test Method BS 1377: PART? : 1990 :CL.9.2 (Amd.9027/96) Date Tested 06.2510172007 “Test Method Var | nm, aaeree ROY Microas British Standard Sieve - am e 88893 & . 342 esaatam 109 eth = 100 cy) E 0 Z i 2 co « i 7 40 Fy 20 ol ° car ‘0mF car a y © 10 TRIE [ ebwar[CoaRse| FINE |weonund coanss | FINE | MEDIUM | COARSE cay const st SAND ‘GRAVEL rome fave wpe sa eh ove ‘BEsGUPHEN oF Som HE bare puns | seris| 531 SILTY FINE SAND (0) 140 ‘om [sero] 83 |— SILTY HE SAND (240) 160 mim [seme 3 [= SILTY FINE SAND (5%) 240 aim [sem | sas |=: SILTY FINE SAND + O6CL, SAS (9 0s VERIFIED BY ‘App. C, Page 7/62 PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION BY DRY SIEVING Owner OMNIVAT PROPERTIES NINE LIMITED, Repo No, xsD07-0019 Contactor NF. Date Reported | 2et2007 (Consultant WHITBY & BIRD ENGINEERS RequestNo. xs007.0019, Project No. we. Client Reference | son 2M aston. 2006 Project Name PROPOSED THEPAD ‘Sampling Method BS 5930:1999 ‘Sampled By mae Initial Sample Prep. | 5 1377: PART 1 : 1990 (Amd 8258/95), C1.7.4 ‘Sample Brt.In By | MATRIX Sample Preparation | ys 1377: 1990 Pl (Amd, 825899), CL7.3.& 745 Date Received __| 0418/01/2007 ‘es Method BS 1377: PART: 1990: CL.4.2 (Am 9027196) Dato Tested St-ASa 2007 ‘Test Method Var NIL ‘Tested By a ‘SIEVE ANALYSIS. 2 XS0OT-001(2Y ORY SIEVNG}OFY MATRIXGOT o4D4007 124807 PM Parentage passing INE [omeDrUM|CoaRse| INE [harDitad COARSE| FINE [ MEDIUM | COARSE| cay ‘copp1s| su SAND “GRAVEL poune [ave wane sare conve DBESCUPTIN GF SOI HFE aera pins _| serio] 935 [—— SILTY FINE SAND* SODIE C/PS + SOME SIPS (8-4) oo suo | sora| one [= SILTY FINE SAND (SM) 100 pio [serio] ste | SILTY FINE SAND 9 150 nao [sem [ma [= SILTY FINE SAND (S80 200 VERIFIED BY ‘App. C, Page 8/62 PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION BY DRY SIEVING SEVE ANALYSS ? xS007.009 [BY ORY SIEVING}. GPU MATRIXGDT s404R007 #eaRO PM Owner OMNIYAT PROPERTIES NINE LIMITED Report No, XS0107-0019 Contactor Ke, Date Reported | asconneor Constant ‘WHITBY & BIRD ENGINEERS Request Na xspi07.0019, Project No xP, Clie Reference | sonPe.ation3 2006 Project Name PROPOSED THE PAD ‘Sampling Method BS 5930:1999 Sampled By ee Tnitial Sample Prep. | B35 1377: PART 1 : 1990 (Amd.8258/95), C1.7.4 ‘Sample Brt.In By _| MATRIX Sample Preparation | 3 1377: 190 P] (Amd.825895), C173 8745 Date Received | 18/01/2007 ‘Test Method BS 1377: PART 2 : 1990 : CL.9.2 (Amd.9027!96) Date Tested 06-25/01/2007 Tea Metiod Var | yn, peanna ROY Misrons British Standard Sieve = mam a 88898 |F . 8og szaahaat vo ATTA ES 0 % 3 ® a ae © Be i : » > « ° R01 ‘0 ol al 10 1 THRE [oeune [COARSE] wine [buf COARSE] “ANE” [miun [COARSE cuy omnes sit SAND caves ‘poano (SAN. Nfbane size ely CURVE] DISCRUTION OF SOL TYEE merit ans | sere | 153 SILTY INE SAND + SOMES 6) “ sos [seris| 676 [= V.SILTY FINESAND 0001 €S--OCCI. 7 (6-0) 40 sos [seran| 1051 SILTY FINE SAND (90 160 ros [seme] 90a [= SILTY FINE SAND (4) 2a VERIFIED BY App. C, Page 9/62 XS0-S01(8¥ ORY SEYNG).GPS MATRIKGOT MOAT 14809 PM PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION BY DRY SIEVING Owner OMMIVAT PROPERTIBS NINE LIMITED Report. xs007-0019 Contractor Ne. DuteReported | asin007 Consultant ‘WHITBY & BIRD ENGINEERS Requsst No xsD07-0019, Project No. ne. Client Reference | sonrnt.avi.o03. 2006 Project Name PROPOSED THE PAD Sampling Method | ps 5930:1999 Sampled By —— Initial Sample Prep. | gs 1377: PART J : 1990 (Amd. 8258/95), C174 Semple Brin By_| MATRIX Seaple Preparation | gs 1377: 1990 Pl (Amd.825895),C17.3 & 745 Date Received _| 0418012007 ‘Tost Method BS 1377: PART? : 1990 : CL.9.2 (Amd 9027196) Date Tested 06-25101/2007 ‘Test Method Var NIL Tested By vai Percentage asing 0007 001 ‘or wu v 0 100) ie [MepuM] COARSE] MINE [MEDIUM] COARSE] FINE | MeDIUN] COARSE| cuaAy lcomptes| sit ‘SAND GRAVEL owing _ SAN. NGAM S122 ah) cunve| DESCRIPTION OF SOM. TWP artim pos | sers | 1204 SILTY FINE SAND + SOME C/PS + SOME S/F5 (SM) 20 pros | spr | B81 SILTY FINE SAND + SOME CIPS-+ SOME S/F (5.4) 50 pens |seris| 1543 SILTY M-P SAND + OCCL. C/FS (6M) 10 VERIFIED BY App. C, Page 10/62 PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION BY WET SIEVING SIEVE ANALYSS 2 3007-00196 NATRIKGOT oUe4Do07 04440 Fat Owner COMRIVAT PROPERTIES NINE LIMATTED Report No. XSD/7-0019| Contactor we. Date Reported | aenar0o7 Consultant WHITBY & BIRD ENGINEERS Request No, xSDv07-0019| Projet No. xe. Client Reference | sop... 003.2006 Projet Name PROPOSED THEPAD Sampling Method | ps 5930:1999 ‘Sampled By MATRIX Initial Sample Prep. | Bs 1377: PART 1; 1990 (Amd.8258/95), CL7.4 ‘Sample Bet. In By | MATRIX Sample Preparation | ys 1377: 1990 Pl (Amd.8258/95),CL7.3 & 7.45 Due Received __| 04-18/01/2007 ‘Test Method [BS 1977 : PART 2: 1990 : CL.9.2 (Amd.9027196) Date Tested 06-25/01/2007 ‘Test Method Var | NL ‘Tested By a ‘Misroas ‘British Standard Sieve mam @ R898 «Sod Sea anaae 109 ; 100 0 0 be } ° be * 20 20 ° ° oom ‘00 ear or y Fn 198 Ne [aii]counse| wr _[oeoron Connse]| ene [enna |connst cuay 5 ‘sur SAND GRAVEL Bonin SAN Neane 525 eh) cunve| DISGUFTION OF SOM. THT parr suor_| see | 38s ¥. SILTY INE SAND (4 40 wor [ser] ize |= SILTY MEDIUM SAND + MANY SYS (8 70 suo [sera | 983 SILTY SAND + MANY 5 (-M) 90 puoi [serio] soe_| = SILTY FINE SANDS) 180 VERIFIED BY App. ©, Page 11/62 ‘SVE_ANALYSI 2 ¥80072019.65U MATRILGDT o4eaGor tot PA PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION BY WET SIEVING Owner OMNIVAT PROPERTIES NINE LIMITED RoportNo. xsb/07-0019 Coatractor we. Date Reported | 2oa2007 Consulent ‘WHITBY a BIRD ENGINEERS Request No xs07.0019 Projet No. we. Gient Reference | 2006 Projet Name PROPOSED THE PAD ‘Sampling Method BS $930:1999, ‘Sampled By MATRIX Initial Sample Prep. | pg 1377: PART 1: 1990 (Ama, S258/95), C174 Sample Br. tn By | MATRIX Sample Preparation | 5 1377: 1990 PI (Amd.8258/95), CL7.3.& 745 Date Received 04-18/01/2007 Test Method BS 1377: PART 2 : 1990 : CL.9.2 (Amd.9027/96) Date Tested (06-25/01/2007 Tea Metiod Var | xn traetaen ROY ‘Microns ‘British Standard Sieve - mm 2 § [Fg Hod 25 8 RR gae 109 3 100 © % zg 7 2 ot oy : i e a 7 20 n 0 oot ‘00 ‘1 a 1 rr 0 TFNE [WED COARSE] FINE [MEDICA] CoaRSE| Ne_[paspron[OOARSE aay cconates, st SAND Gravel ono RAMP Ngan size oly cone ‘DESCRIPTION OF SOM TYRE peeraxa) soi [sera] 77 SILTY HN SANDS) 240 ‘suo _| sens | ue [= SILTY FINE SAND (¥0) 10 ine | sere | 070 SILTY FINE SAND (0) nm woz [sera] wos |= SILTY MEDIUM SAND MANY GPS * MANY SS (849 0 VERIFIED BY App. C, Page 12/62 PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION BY WET SIEVING SIEVE ANALYSS_2 8007-00195) NATRIKGOT aNboo7 tae PA Owner OMMIVAT PROPERTIES NINB LIMITED ReportNo, xsn07.0019 Contactor Ne. DateReponed | aeracor Consitant, ‘WHITBY & BIRD ENGINEERS RequestNo xspo7.0019 Projet No ne, tient Reference | sop. ze. asto03 2006 Projot Name PROPOSED THE PAD Sampling Method | 5 5930:1999 Sampled By MATRIX Initial Sample Prep. | BS 1377: PART 1: 190 (Ama. 825855), CLI Sampler In By _| MATRIX Sample Preparation | ps 1377: 1990 PI (Amd. 8258/95), C73 8.745 Date Received | 1801/2007 Test Method BS 1377 :PART?2: 1990 61.9.2 (Amd 9027196) Date Tested 06-25°012007 Tea Mehed Var | yu, Tes By Roy Microns British Sandand Sieve - mm g 88898 |F . Roo 2 gehee 1m ee 10 % 0 i bw « I 7 0 0 » 20 D ° soot ‘00 cor or 1 0 0 ‘ane [MEpIA|Connse] ne pari coarse] Ne [spre] coarse cay ‘comms sit SAND RAVE won fave oae sasch canal SCRTRONOF Sou TF peru wan [sern| eo [—— SILTY BNE SAND (S40 30 ‘aun |seris| m6 [= SILTY FM SAND + SOME C780 no wan [sens| wos [--- SILTY INE SAND 0 am _[srme| nes [== SILTY FINE SAND +OOCL. CPS G¥) 165 VERIFIED BY App. C, Page 13/62 PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION BY WET SIEVING ‘SIEVE ANALYSI_2 ¥S007.0018,6P4 MATROXGUT OADAROT te PM ower COMNIYAT PROPERTIES NINE LIMITED Report No. xsn/7.0019 Contactor NR. Date Reported __| 26032007 Consultant WHITBY & BIRD ENGINEERS. Request No, xspi07-0019 Projecto NP tent Referense_| 309,7M.As003.206 Project Name PROPOSED THEPAD Sampling Method | 9s sss0:1999 amped by | MATRIX Initial Sample Prep. 5 1377: PART 1: 1990 (Amd 8258/55), C174 Sample Bet ntty_| MATRIX Sample Preparation | BS 1377: 1990 Pl (Amd.8258/95), C173. & 7.4.5 Date Received _| 4-18/01/2007 ‘Test Method BS 1377: PART 2 : 1990 : CL.9.2 (Amd,9027/96) Date Tested 06-25101/2007 Tew Matiod Vary. aay Rov Microns British Standard Sieve - mim ge 8889 9 Bo 22 aabace 1 “0 0 © 2 i. © : Bo 7 » 2 | ° chon 008 ‘ai a i 0 108 Tine [spin |CoAnse]| rane _[amapnnd coaRSe| ine [moiu | coAns| cay cospue su ‘San RAVEL momo fae wbue szxch ave oescerONOrsoK TE = sor |serzs| _10ee |—— SILTY FINE SANDS) 185 anor sers| 159 |= SILTY INE SANDS) 215 sxor_|srrar| 1002 SILTY NE SANDS) 25 wim_[seras| 102 {> SILTY FINE SANDS) 250 VERIFIED BY App. C, Page 14/62 SIEVE_ANALYSIS2 XSDN.0010.09N MATRIXOOT 0442007 24444 PM PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION BY WET SIEVING Owner OMNVAT PROPERTIES NINE LIMITED Report No. xsbye7-019 Contactor we. Date Reposted | 2ena2007 Constant [WHITBY & BIRD ENGINEERS Request No, SDiv7-019 Project No. ne, Clie Referee | so9PM.atv0n3.2006 Project Name moposeD THE PAD Sampling Method | as 5930:1999 ‘Sampled By imnad Ina Semple Pep. | nS 1377: PART 1: 1990 (Amd 825895), C174 Sample Br. In By _| MAREK Sample Preparation | 135 1377: 1990 Pl (Amd.8258/95), CLL7.3 & 7.4.5 Date Received 04-1802007 ‘Test Method BS 1377: PART 2: 1990 : CL.9.2 (Amd.9027/96) Date Tested 06-25/01/2007 ‘Test Method Var NIL ‘Tested By eee Percentage using 0001 ‘007 oF oF t 10 EAE [oro [connse] raw [vsonn coast] MNP [nvr [CosnSe cay — ut saxo cxav. some fue naw saseh ame ascurmNor oa Te perm su [srt] _usa_|——| Sry SAND +MANY GRAVEL ewan caLcarmarEncs | s40 wus _| sens | 589 [= SLTY ANESANDAD 2a wn [srm | _203 SILTY ANE SANDeA9 a5 cs [serio] 02 |= SILTY ANE SAND + SOME CP + SOME (84) 20 VERIFIED BY App. C, Page 15/62 PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION BY WET SIEVING SIEVE ANALYSIS 2 XSOO.COLRGPY MATRIKGOT O&D4RO? THA PM Owner ‘OMMIYAT PROPERTIES NINE LIMITED ReportNo. XSDIN7-0019| Contactor we. Date Reported | noox2007 Consultant ‘WHITBY & BIRD ENGINEERS Request No. 8017-019 Projest No, xP, lint Reference _ | 309. m.aH.003.2006 Project Name PROPOSED THEPAD Sampling Method | jas 59301999. ‘Sampled By MATRIX Initial Sample Prep. | ps 1377: PART | : 1990 (Amd.8258/95), C174 ‘Sample Brt.In By | MATRIX Sample Preparation | ps 1377: 1990 Pl (Amd.8258/95), C173 & 7.4.5 Date Received 04-18012007 ‘Test Method [BS 1377: PART 2: 1990 : CL.9.2 (Amd 9027196) Dae Tested 6-25/01/2007 Tes Method Var | NIL panna ROY Morons a 88898 1) > 100 0 0 i. : i Fy £4 40 x 20 ol ° nt ‘90 cor or T © 100 ae ra: [pmo connss|_ None] coarse | re” [ona comnse] sur SAND RAVE rome fase wae arch amv [iGMRENOF SOR TE arn] num sena[ 003 SILTY SAND + SOME Cs + SOME SS (0) o ins _[serie| ast [= 'V, SILTY FINE SAND + MANY CIPS MANY I (6) 100 pws [ene] er [o— SILTY FINE SAND (©) Bo mim [sema)wa_[--— SILEY FINE SAND S40 80 VERIFIED BY App. C, Page 16/62 LY8S_2 XSOOT-OIRGEL MATRULAET aHOHeGOT TaHe PM PARTI SEIZE DISTRIB! IN BY WET SIEVING Owner OMNIVAT PROPERTIES NINE LIMITED Report No, xspivroni Contactor ue. Date Reported | 26032007 Constant WHITBY © BIRD ENGINEERS Raquost No xSD107-0019 Projet No. ne. tient Reference | s09.PM atLon3 2006 Projet Name PROPOSED THE PAD Sampling Method | gs 5930:1990 Sampled By eee Initia Sample Prep. | 51377: PART |: 1990 (Amd8258/95),CLI.4 ‘Sample Bata By | MATRIX Sample Preparation | 51377: 1990 PI (Amd. 8258/95), C173 & 74.5 Date Received _| 18/01/2007 ‘Test Method 2S 1377: PART?2 : 1990 €1.9.2 (Amd 9027196) Date Tossed 06-25/0172007 Tet Method Var | nay Tested By ail Micros "mm @ 88893 [F . fod ex ankaue 109 = 100 % 0 2 al @ é t bo 40 20) 20 o ° 01) omit cat oF 6 109 FINE [wep [COARSE] riNé [pasmuund CoaRse| me | weproe| conn cuay comptes ‘sit SAND ‘ORAVEE pomne fase shane seme onvel TESGUPHION OF ou. Pam] uum |serz7| ss [—— SILTY FINE SANDS) Bo pine | ses | 903 |= SILTY FINE SAND + OCCL. SFS.NO 10 nine | gery | 1063 SILTY MF SAND + SOME O75 + SOME 98.) 3a sit _[seno| a6 SILTY FINE SAND + SOME CPS SOMME SIS (6-9) oa VERIFIED BY App. C, Page 17/62 PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION BY WET SIEVING ‘SEVE ANALYSIS 2 XS007-0018.6U MATRUXGDT GWDADOOT eT PL Over COMNIVAT PROPERTIES NINE LIMITED Report No. xsDv07-0019| (Contractor WP. Date Reported __| 2603/2007 Consultant WHITBY & BIRD ENGINEERS Request No XsDi07.0019, Projecto. xp, Cie Reference | s09,4.A8.003.2006, Project Name PROPOSED THEPAD ‘Sampling Method | Bs 5930:1999 ‘Sampled By MATRIX Initial Semple Prep. | 15 1377: PART 1 : 1990 (Amd.8258/95), CL7-4 Sample Brin By _| MATRIX Sample reparation | gs 1377: 1990 Pl (AméS258/95),CLI.3 & 7.45, Date Received _| 4-18/01/2007 Test Method BS 1577: PART2 : 1990 :€1L.82 (Amd.9027196) Date Tested beans Test Matted Var | yp, Pane Roy Microns British Standard Sieve - mim gp 88898 (2 . $u3 szeatam 109 + 100 V7 w i ‘0 g A al 4 co a i i a) ts 0 qi 20 20 ° 0 not 0 or ar 1 0 108 ran [conne[oosnse] re ebm Conase]| “FRE [weoron [Course] cuay \conatss| st SAND ‘RAVE, ome _ fase. wane size aly conve DESCRIPTION OF SOIL TYPE errata wos | seri] 1089 |— SL SILTY SANDY MANY CIPS + MANY SS 70, woos [sort] 8 |= SILTY FINE SAND (S49 30 nay [sera] 1059 SILTY FINE SAND ©A9) 185 woe [sera] oa [=== SILTY FINE SANDS Ey VERIFIED BY App. C, Page 18/62 2 xS007019651 MATAUKGOT aNouzeor toes PAL ‘SEVE_ANALY PARTICLE SIZE DES UTION WET SIEVIN¢ Owner OMNIYAT PROPERTIES NINE LIMITED ReportNo. XS0/07-0019 animal NP. Date Reported 261032007 Constant WHITBY & BIRD ENGINEERS Request No. xs0107.0019 Project No. we. tion Reference | s09.PM.A.003.2006 Project Name PROPOSED THEPAD Sampling Method | as 5930-1999 Sanpled By MATRIX Inidal Sample Prep. | gs 137: PART 1 : 1990 (Amd.8258/95), CL7.4 Sample Brt. In By | MATRIX Sample Preparation | ps 1377: 1990 PI (Amd.8258/95), 1.73 & 7.4.5 Date Received _| 18/01/2007 Test Method BS 1377: PART 2 1990 :CL.9.2 (Amd 9027796) Dae Tested 06-25/01/2007 ‘Test Method Var | xy iaaiae Roy Misrons British Standard Sieve ~ mm go 88898 (Fo Sx aakace 100 ry 7 1% © z % z 2 6 # e 0 s i i i Zz / » 7 2 20 0 0 ton ‘007 eT a 0 108 Tine [among |Ounse] Anaemia CoaRSE| FRE eo [COARSE cuay ns sur SAND ‘Rave, noung fae Nua sex oh conve ‘DSRFRON OF SOR. FE io) sins | sen | 9s [—— SILTY FIVE SAND > SOME SIS 0) 40 wins [sera] m2 [= SILTY SAND + MANY SIS + MANY iS (4 80 ios_|sone| sa V. SILTY FINE SAND ~OCCI. CS FOCCL. $8 (4) 120 wins [seni] unr [> SILTY FINBSAND (SA) 150 VERIFIED BY App. C, Page 19/62 PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION BY WET SIEVING ‘SIEVE ANALYSE 2 NSDO7-<018.65U MATRIKGET avdiagor toss PA Owner ‘OMAMIYAT PROPERTIES NINE LIMITED Report No 2xspi07-0019 Contractor wp. Date Reported __| 2013/2007 Consultant WHITBY & BIRD ENGINEERS Request No xso/7.0m19 Project No. we. tien Reference | s09.em.AtL0n3.2006 Project Name PROPOSED THEPAD Sampling Method | Bs 5930:1909 ‘Sampled By MATRIX ‘Initial Sample Prep, | BS 1377: PART I : 1990 (Amd 8258/95), CLT ‘Sample Brt.n By | MATRIX Sample Preparation | ps 1377: 1990 PI (Amd, 8258/95), CL7.3 & 745 Date Received _| 4-18/01/2007 Test Method BS 1577: PART2 : 1990 :CL9.2 (Amd 9027196) Date Tested 06-25701/2007 ‘Test Method Ver |, pane ROY Microns British Standard Sieve - mam ge 8389¢ § . 3.9 exeahem 100 3 100 * ” g eT 2 eo : ba 6 2 20 ‘ 0 obi oor ‘er os 1 10 108 aa oe A sir SAND Rave, mano we whine sah ava acer oR = sins [srs] i228 [—— SILTY FINE SAND (49 20 pens [sera] ora |— SILTY BNE SAND (S40) 260 ins | sers | 725 SILTY FINE SAND + SOME CPS + SOME S78 (640 10 ios | serio] 94 |= SILTY FINE SAND+ SOME CPS + SOME S776) oo VERIFIED BY App. ©, Page 20/62 ARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION BY WET SIEVING SEEVE ANALYSS 2 ¥S007-018.65U MATRIKGOT oxn4a907 124680 PA Owner COMNIYAT PROPERTIES NINE LIMITED Report No xSDI7-0019 Contactor Np. Date Reported | 2610372007 Constant ‘WHITBY & BIRD ENGINEERS Request Na, xs0/07.0019 Project No. Ne. Client Reference _ | Project Name PROPOSED THE PAD Sampling Metiod | ns sox0:1999 Sampled By MATRIX Total Sample Prep. | ps 137: PART 1: 1990 (Ama 825805), CL.74 Sample Brt in By _| MATRIX Sample Preparation | ps 1377: 1990 P (Amd825895), C173 & 74.5 Date Receives | 18/01/2007 ‘Test Method BS 1377: PART2 : 1990 : CL.9.2 (Amd,.9027/96) Date Tested 96-25/01/2007 TeatMetiod Var | ya, a ROY ‘Microns British Standard Sieve - mm @ 8889s — . od sxaeiaee 100 : 100 J i L a 2 oo “« s i i / Lh po 40 20 0 °) 0 oor 000 cor a 1 i 108 "ANE | Mereag[COARSe] Ne [MEDION COARSE|_RNE_[ wEDTIM| COARSE cuay ‘conntes| st SAND GRAVEL, sonny [we ane sr op cum DSCRITIONO® SOM TPE erm pie [seria 159 SILTY FINE SAND + MANY CPS + MAN 80 a oo [serie] 12s [— SILTY FINE SAND A) 33 pang [seme | 657 [om SILTY RIE SAND (£4 280 VERIFIED BY App. ©, Page 24 / 62 TABLE C-1 SUMMARY OF ATTERBERG LIMIT TEST RESULTS. “Location [~ Depth | Material Passiig | “Plastic Limit { Piasticity ifidex | Ne te) abu (my | Ah) et BHOt 2.0 85.0 17.0 BHOt 120 92.0 23.0 18.0 50 BHO2 40.0 54.0 76.0 38.0 38.0 BHo2 45.0 76.0 89.0 39.0 50.0 BHO2 57.0 36.0 790 53.0 260 ‘Tested By: Mathew ‘Test Method = Alterberg Limit BS 1377 : Part 2: 1990 (Amd 902796), 814.2 & 4 Date Tested: 15-17/01/2007 App. ©, Page 22162 TABLE NO. C -2 SUMMARY OF CARBONATE CONTENT Wbsekole Nol Semple Depth __Cartonate Content Choy we BHO! 26.00 12.94 29.47 BHO! 32.00 25.43 57.90 BHO1 36.00 31.86 72.56 BHO] 42.00 18.19 41.42 BHO! 49.00 34.18 79.20 BHOL 54.00 40.28 9174 BHOL 58.40 3139 149 BHO2 17.50 31.94 DIS BHO2 30.00 28.56 65.05 BHO2 34.88 25.09 57.13 | BHO? 36.00 32.06 Bol BHO2 43.50 21.19 61.92 BHO2 49.15 15.50 35.29 BHO2 46.50 30.70 69.92, BHO2 49.50 25.79 $8.77 BHO 28.50 15.81 36.01 BHO 31.50 2939 66.94 XSDOF-0079 App. €, Page 23/62 BHOS 34.06 13.48 30.70 BHOS 41.00 34,83 79.32 BHO3 52.00 25.03 56.99 BHO3 57.60 29.48 67.14 BHOS 25.00 32.17 73.26 | BHOs 27.50 18.37 41.83 BHOS 30.50 33.19 75.59 BHO4 36.50 29.49 6715 BHOS 26.00 124 2.83 BHOS 29.00 3.26 7.82 BHO6 27.50 18.00 40.98 BHD6 30.00 27.02 61.54 BHOG 34.00 29.56 6731 BHO6 37.80 30.08 68.50 ‘Tested By: SHIRLEY ‘Test Method = BS 1377: Part 3; Clause 6 3:1W990 (Amd 96) Date Tested: 10-29/01:2007 XSD/07-0019 ‘App. ©, Page 2462 TABLE C-3 REPORT ON POINT LOAD STRENGTH INDEX = ~_ JOWNIVAT PROPERTIES NINE LIMITED [Report No, XSDIO7-0019) INP [Date Reported |26/03/2007_ [NP [Sample No. [See Below. | WHITBY & BIRD ENGINEES +t No. xSD/07-0019 [XSD/07-0019° eS PROPOSED THEPAD, FOTN. lovsiomarsef, vo putoce2t00 ROCK jedBy —_| Matrix INP. Sampling Date |06-22/01/2007 INP. [Sampling Cert. NP INP. [Sampling Method [Bs 6030 INP [Sample Size NP. NP. [Sample Brt. in By _|Matrix |ASTM D 5731 : 1995 — |06-22/01/2007 |ASTM D 5731 : 1995 [Date Tested ——_08-25/01/2007 Nil [Tested By [Roy 5 : "Sample No. aa Remarks = 2 1 1.29 Axial 2 2 0.04 Axial 2 3 7.00 ‘Axial 2 E + 0.60 Arial 2 41.0 5 0.48 Axial 2 45.0 6 O21 ‘Axial 3 27.0 7 0.50 ‘Axial 3 273 3 0.49 Avil 3 28.0 9 0.45 Axial 3 36.5 10 052 ‘Axial 3 378 7 04 ‘Axial 3 40.0 12 0.58 Axial 3 50.5 13 052 Axial 4 25.0 4 0.40) ‘Axial 4 385 5 1.20 ‘Axial 4 43.5 16 0.60 Axial 5 270 7 4.10 Axial 5 35.0 18 0.60 ‘Axial 6 35.0 19 0.54 Axial 6 355 20 0.82, Axial Checked By App C Page 25/62 TABLE C~4 MOISTURE CONTENT Borehole No. Depth (m) Moisture Content (%) 1 2.0 6.0 1 40 35 1 65 46 4 8.0 45 q 11.0 5.6 2 5.0 45 2 8.0 54 2 10.0 8.0 2 14.0 6.2 2 16.0 58 3 20 3.4 3 5.0 49 3 8.0 5.2 3 10.0 5.8 3 12.0 61 4 4.0 34 4 8.0 47 4 12.0 65 : 4 16.0 60 4 18.0 6g 5 1.0 28 5 3.0 37 5 80 42 5 12.0 54 XSDOr-0075 “App. ©, Page 26/62 5 14.0 57 6 3.0 32 6 6.0 43 6 9.0 48 6 12.0 54 6 15.0 62 Tested by: Mathew ‘Test Method: BS 1377 1990 PART 2 Cl. 3 Amd. 9027-96, Date Tested: 10-28/01/2007 XSDOTOOTS “App. ©, Bage P7762 TABLE NO.C-5 UNCONFINED COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF INTACT ROCK CORES Crient lownivaT PROPERTIES NINE LIMITED Report No. }xsDI07-0019 ProjectName [PROPOSED THE PAD Date Reported 26/03/2007 [Testedby [ROY Date Sampled ——_|o4-20/01/2007 [TestMethod [ASTM D 2938-95 Date Tested (08-27101/2007 Sample Kéentication | _ Gore Parameters ues. Bae Peaee fae Fate | Com. | Contant [==] vow | Sample} Da | went | wot | NG" | ope Rock Description No. | (my | no. | com | tomy | camp | cary [etter] cv) | (ay + | 260 | 1 [748] 670 | s800| se7 | 13 | 90 | 197 | Calcareous Sandstone 1 | 270 | 2 | 750| 800 7032| 2106 | 28 | 05 | 190 | Galcarcous Sitstone 1 | 280 | 3 | 750| 8a | es50| 1996 | 45 | 97 | 164 | — CalcarsousSitstone 1 | 20 | 4 |750| 920 | e233| 2ae2| 56 | 12 | 203 | Calcaroous sitstone 1 | 27 | 5 7300 | 2565 | 58 | 88 | 199 | Calcareous Sitston 1 | 312 | 6 | 7.50] 12.60 | 9230 | 2409 92 | 166 | —Calcareous Sittstone + | ate | 7 | 750/ 1140 9167 | 25.92 es | 192 Calcsitite 1 | 926 | @ | 750| 1100) 0152 | 2160 | 49 | 90 | 195 | _Calarcous Sistone 1 | 5 | 9 |750| 830 | 24a] 22a! 51 | a4 | 170 | Calaroous Sistone 1 | 242 | 10 | 750| 1000| e036 | 2430 | 55 | 97 | 205 Calis 1 | 360 | 11 | 750| 940 | 7164 | 2160 | 49 | 96 | 173 Calcareous Sitstone 1 | 360 | 12 | 750| 1140 | e678 2070 | 47 | 98 | 172 Calcareous Sistone 1 | szs | 13 | 750| 11.60/ e905 | 2100 | 48 | 100 | 193 "Galette 1 | sas | 14 | 750 7425 214 | 80 | 109 | 208 Cates 1 | 305 | 15 | 750] ato | sexo) 2405 | 54 | 94 | 150 Caleisiite 1 | as | 16 | 750] 1260| o014| 2214| 50 | 90 | 162 Calcsiite 1 | a8 | 17 | 750/100) 0154 2133 | 48 | 93 | 188 Calcsiite 1 | #20 | 18 [750| 830 | eae | 908 | 25 | 96 | 170 Colette 1 | «0 | 19 | 750| 750 | e124, 2304 | 52 | 08 | 185 | CalareousSitsione 1 | 40 | 20 | 750| a20 | 7230, 2079| «7 | 89 | 200 | Cokareous Sitstone 1 | 40 | 2 | 750| 040 | 765 | 2171 | 29 | a4 | 180 Caleisitite + | azo | 22 | 750) 1140| 0647 | 2502 | so | 90 | 172 Catcstte 1 | 480 | 23 |750| 810 | sa25| 2565 | 58 | 92 | 149 Caleareous Sitstone Appendix C, Page 28/62 ‘Sample ieniication | Core Parameters ues on | ter |senne| oe. | oa | ion faye | Sone Centos "peek Description No. | _(m No. | tem | tom | tom | temo finmmn’y] _¢%) | (eat) + | 490 | 24 | 740| 900 | 7462| 1461 | 27 | 89 | 199 Calearanito 1 50.0 25 | 7.50] 7.90 585.3} 16.92 38 86 1.62 i Cakcarenite + | s10 | 26 | 750| 120| 7741| 1323 | 30 | 92 | 172 Calearenite 1 | ses | 27 | 750| 790 | 7082] 1866] a5 | 95 | 202 Calearenite + | sae | 26 | 750| 1500 |10100| 1260 | 20 | o7 | 152 Calearenite 1 | 548 | 20 | 750| 770 | s71a| 100 | a3 | o1 | 108 Calearenite 1 | 555 | 90 | 740] 1100| 0512 | 1009 | 42 | 95 | 201 Calearenite 1 | szo | a1 | 743] 1125 | 9504 | 2160 | 50 | tos | 195 Calcite 1 | ses | x | 750| e6s | 7030 | 2.71 | a9 | 111 | 104 Calcite 1 : 7.50 | 10.00 | 851.2 | 23.00 | 52 10.9 1.93 Calcisiltite 2 17.0 ca 7.40 | 10.00 | 1000.3} 7.56 18 94 2.33 oe Calcarenite 2 | 255 | 35 | 750| 1250| aoa) sao | 12 | 92 | 150 Calcarenite 2 26.5 36 | 7.50 | 10.00 | 834.1) 19.98 | 45 85 1.89 ‘Conglomerate 2 | 20 | 37 |7s0| 1600|i7360| 163 | 42 | 96 | 246 Calcite 2 | 23 | 30 | 750|1250| 10102) 1098 | 45 | 102 | 189 Caleistite 2 | 207 | 90 | 740| 1260/ oe47| 2592 | 60 | 08 | 189 Caleiitito 2 | ats | 40 | 743| 1250) 9001] 2404 | 57 | 105 | 102 Calcsiite 2 | aaa | a1 | 70] 1150/2110] 2565 | 58 | 109 | 238 Calesiite 2 | 335 | 42 | 750| 1000/ e555 2502! 59 | 102 | 216 Calcite 2 | a9 | 43 | 750| 1300 | 12050, 1976 | a5 | toa | 210 Calesiite 2 | 252 | « | 750| 1000| vee | 2430| 55 | 09 | 222 Caleisitie 2 | 360 | 45 | 750| 10.00| 9654 | 2700 | 61 | a8 | 210 Calisto 2 | 265 | 46 | 740| 10.00| e720 2403| 56 | 95 | 226 Calcite 2 | 37s | a7 | 750| 1200! o90 | 172 | 40 | 98 | 181 Colette 2 38.8 48 | 7.50 | 10.00 | 756.8 | 25.92 5.9 10.0 471 Calcisitite 2 424 49 7.50 | 13.50 | 1194.0] 20.25 48 10.1 2.00 Calcisiltite : 2 | 430 | 50 | 750| 10.00| o7e4| 2160 | 49 | a7 | 222 Caleisitte 2 44.0 51 7.50 | 10.00 | 915.4 | 19.98 45, 9.2 2.07 Cakcsiite 2 | 465 | 52 |750| 1250 |1021| 2106 | 48 | o2 | 185 Caletsiite 2| 470 | 53 | 750| 1200 | 10060) 2214 | 50 | 94 | 190 Caltsitte | 2 | ao | se | 750] to00| as | 2457 | 56 | a8 | 192 Calcite 2 [we |e [750] 1280 [rosa] woe | a2 [2 | 140 | catcoam Savisine | Appendix C, Page 29/62 Sample entcation | Gore Parameters uss. om | tor [sane] oa. |e | in| aa | Sone ‘Conant ("°"9 —pock Description No. | (mm | no. | com | tem) | comp | cunp [ienm’)] ce) __|_cuaimn®) 2 | 05 | 56 | 7.50| 1180 | 1040| 1809 | 41 | 105 | 201 Calcite 2 | sts | sr | 750| 1000 7ea| 102 | 40 | 10s | 179 Calcstte 2 | s25 | 56 | 750 | 1290 11050) 2322| 53 | 93 | 208 Calcite 2 | sas | 50 | 750|1000| aas| 220] 55 | 94 | 1.90 Celeste 3 | 205 | 60 |750| 920 e164) 2205 | 52 | 98 | 201 | _Calcaroous Sitstone 3 | 20 | ot | 750| 572 7o1a| 2376 | 54 | 04 | 278 | _CalcaroousSitstone 3 | soo | 2 |750| 790 7130) 2171| 49 | 97 | 208 Calcstie 3 | sto | 6s | 750/ 1140 eta] 2106 | 48 | 95 | 181 Casto 3 | s20 | 6¢ | 750| 1000 a762| 2268 | 51 | 97 | 1098 Caleta 3 | x30 | 65 | 7a4| 670 | 5231 | 2214| so | 94 | 178 | Cacsitio ‘| 3 | sas | 66 | 750/160 0955] 2376 | 54 | 92 | 173 | _Calcaroous Sitstone 3 | 360 | or |750| 810 | e204 | 2214| 60 | 96 | 1.73 | Calcareous Sitstone 3 | 355 | 68 |750| 800 7584] 1971| 45 | 105 | 245 | _Calcaroous Sitstone 3 | sas | 69 |750| 750 sia] tar | 40 | a9 | 186 | —Calcaeous Sitstone 3 | szs | 7 |750| 820 | 7104| 1701 | 39 | 93 | 196 | Calearoous Sitstono 3 | seo | 71 | 750| 840 5047] 2484 | 56 | 04 | 163 | _Colcarcous Sitstone 3 | 300 | 72 | 750| 790 | so42| 2205 | 52 | a7 | 170 | Colareous sitstone 3 | sas | 73 |750| aa0 | o350| 2100) 49 | 110 | 1.64 | Caleareous Sitstone 3 | aio | 7 | 750] 770 | e108] 2052 | 46 | 02 | +80 | Coleareous itsione 3 | «5 | 7 |750| 865 | 7054| 2565 | 52 | 90 | 185 | Calcareous Sitstone 3 | 430 750 | 1600 12540] 2106 | 48 | 89 | 1.77 | _Cataroous Sitstone 3 | 440 750 | 1150 | 10120| 1971 | 45 | 92 | 199 | Catcareous Sitstone 3 | 40 | re | 750| 1300 11120] 1758 | 40 | 90 | 1.94 | Caleareous Sitstone 3 | 40 | 79 | 780| 830 | 7573] 2214 | 50 | 109 | 207 | Gatcareous Sitsone 3 | azo | 80 | 750| 1200 o746| 2208 | “51 | 102 | 184 | Caleareous Sitstone 3 | «7s | 81 | 750/150 11238| 1262 | 42 | 105 | 1.88 | _Caleareous Sitstone 3 22 | 750| 4200 | 10100| 1755 | 40 | 106 | 191 | _Caloareous Sitstone 3 | 495 | @ | 750] 1200/ e806 | 1540| 35 | toa | 150 Catcarenite s | soo | e | 780| 1280 | 10462| 1923| 30 | 98 | 189 Calearente 3 | sts | as | 750/110) aas6| 2osa| 47 | 98 | 183 Cakesitite 3 | ss | a6 | 750/100) 0278] 2106) 42 | 96 | 197 Calcite 3 | sas | 87 |750| 030 | seas] 2ve4| 49 | 100 | 1.64 cal Appendix C, Page 30/62 San ences [Coe Poenees [ves 7 o | Stu some om. | ean | ean] Stee Sone Centrt |" pack Descrton vo | im [ne fem | tom | am | ooo oom ca | oom 3 | e412 | 8 [780] 1200 [087s] za14| 60 | 08 | 200 Cacia 3 55.0 89 | 7.50} 9.40 | 6951 | 23.22 53 10.4 1.67 Calcisiltite 3 | seo | 00 | 780] sve |oo2a| ies) az | 08 | t00 Catto 3 | srs |e [rao] 790” sra| 2490] s8 | tos | 107 Calcite a | sas | @ |ra| tia emer) teas] oo | 07 | 168 Calero [3 | so2 | 92 |74e| 670 s046| 1720 | 39 | o8 | 182 Calearenite 1 | 240 | 9 | 760| 750 oss | 2505 | 50 akin 4 26.0 95 | 7.40 | 9.00 | 967.7 | 27.81 65 i 82 2.50 Conglomerate + | 270 | w | 760| 220 vosa| ast | ca | sa | 198 | conglomerate «| 280 | er |7s0| 10 se55| 2008 | c7 | 02 | 185 | congomerte + | 90 | s | 760| 1020 7700] 2576 | s4 | 80 | 171 | CaberooeSisione + | wo | o |r20| 700 svo2| 2400 65 | 05 | 100 Catto + | sa | 0 | 750 wae | s2| 97 | Cabitte +) 10 | tor | 760 790 505 | se | 07 | 224 Calitto | 4 | 330 | 102 | 750] 265 | 70s4| 2106| se | o@ | 185 Caleisiite | 4 | 230 | 103 | 750] 1600 | 11280) 2376 | 54 | 95 | 1.60 Calisto pa | 349 | 104 | 750] 1600 | 0933| 2205 | 52 | 94 | 148 Calisitito +] 60 | 105 | 750] 1150 10111) 214) 50 | 98 | 100 Calisto 4 | 370 | 106 | 740| 1100/9573 | 2165 | 50 | 89 | 202 Calisitte 4 38.0 107 | 7.50 | 13.00 | 1123.4) 20.14 46 [ 9.0 Ty 1.96 Calcisiltite 1) oo | 108 [ras] ras ose2| 2a | 56 | 102 | 1096 Caio | 5 | 260 | 109 | 750] 10.00 | 550 | 2727 | o2 | a7 | 194 Conglomeraie 8 | 2x0 | 110 | 740/000 | ria | 2800 184 | Conaomerae 5 | aa | ti | 750] 1000 | oot | 1508 208 | Calareous Sandstone 5 | 28s | 112 | 750| 1000| eo70| 2025 | a6 | 104 | 208 | Cabareous Sistine s | 208 | tte | 760| 1020 | 7768| 2070 | a7 472 Cakaroou Sitsione 5 | ws | 114 | 750] 700 | ses | 2005 | sa 196 | alereous Sitstone 3 | a1 | 146 | 780] 1600] to4e0| 2605 | 50 | 92 | 150 | cabaroous Sisione 5 | 320 | 16 | r40| 10.00] 9200 | 2565 | 60 | 97 | 214 | Calcareous Sitstone 3 | 30 | 147 | rao] 1100/0156 | tea | 45 | 00 | 194 | Cabeareous Sistne 5 | 240 | tte | 780| 1000] exes | 2226 | 60 | 104 | 141 | cabarous Sitsone s | 255 | 110 | 743/125] 0504 | 2106 | 49 | 97 | 195 | Calcoreous Sitstonc Appendix C, Page 31/62

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