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Demonstrate knowledge of
Digital Literacy

level: 4

Credit: 18

Final date for comment: April 2016

Expiry date: April 2017

Purpose: Learners credited with this unit standard are able to: Describe the
fundamentals of Computers, explain the Common Computer
Terminology, explain Computer Performance and Features,
explain Computer Operating Systems, describe the usage of The
Internet describe the features of World Wide Web, describe the
principles of Communicating on the Internet, describe the
Common Features and Commands, describe the features of
Presentation Programs, give an Overview of Computer Security
and Privacy, describe the mechanism for Protecting Computer and
Data, describe the mechanism for Keeping the Computer Secure
and Updated, explain the concept of Modern Digital Experience,
explain the concept of Digital Audio, explain the concept of
Digital Photography and explain the concept of Digital
Technology and Career Opportunities

Entry Information: Open.

Elements and Performance Criteria

Element 1

Describe the fundamentals of Computers.

Performance criteria

1.1 The importance of computers in today's world is described.

1.2 The main parts of a computer are identified.

1.3 The steps for starting a computer are identified.

Ó Mauritius Qualifications Authority 2020


Demonstrate knowledge of
Digital Literacy

1.4 The different groups of keys on a keyboard are identified.

1.5 Different tasks by using a mouse are performed.

Element 2

Explain the Common Computer Terminology.

Performance Criteria

2.1 The primary hardware components of a computer are identified.

2.2 The operating system is defined.

2.3 The term program is defined.

2.4 The term Data is explained.

2.5 The term network is defined and the benefits of networking are identified.

2.6 The term Internet is defined.

Element 3

Explain Computer Performance and Features.

Performance Criteria

3.1 The features of different types of computers are identified and compared.

3.2 The roles of memory are explained.

3.3 The basics of computer performance and how it relates to productivity are explained.

3.4 The different types of productivity programs and their uses are described.

3.5 The different types of communications programs and their uses are described.

3.6 The uses of educational and entertainment programs are described.

Element 4

Explain Computer Operating Systems.

Performance Criteria

Ó Mauritius Qualifications Authority 2020


Demonstrate knowledge of
Digital Literacy

4.1 The common functions of an operating system are explained.

4.2 The different components of the Windows interface are identified.

4.3 Working with the Windows interface within programs are demonstrated.

4.4 Files and folders in Windows Explorer managed.

4.5 Basic file operations are performed.

Element 5

Describe the usage of The Internet.

Performance Criteria

5.1 The uses of Internet are explained.

5.2 The different components required for an Internet connection are identified.

5.3 The features of different types of Internet connections are identified.

5.4 The meaning of the term bandwidth in relation to the different types of Internet
connections is explained.

Element 6

Describe the features of World Wide Web.

Performance Criteria

6.1 World Wide Web is defined and its uses are explained.

6.2 Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is explained.

6.3 Web navigation is explained.

6.4 Evaluation of the content of a Website is described.

6.5 E-Commerce is explained.

6.6 Web browser plug-ins and their uses are defined.

Element 7

Ó Mauritius Qualifications Authority 2020


Demonstrate knowledge of
Digital Literacy

Describe the principles of Communicating on the Internet.

Performance Criteria

7.1 The working principle of e-mail is explained.

7.2 E-mail messages are written and sent.

7.3 E-mail messages are managed.

7.4 The features of online communities are identified.

7.5 The working principle of instant messaging is explained.

7.6 Web authoring software is used to create and publish Web pages.

Element 8

Describe the Common Features and Commands.

Performance Criteria

8.1 The main components of the user interface are identified.

8.2 The purpose of the commands on the menu bar is identified.

8.3 Toolbar is used.

8.4 Pointer in a program is used.

8.5 Text and characters in a program are used.

8.6 The use of primary keyboard shortcuts and key combinations are explained.

Element 9

Describe the features of Presentation Programs.

Performance Criteria

9.1 The basic functionalities offered by presentation programs are identified.

9.2 New presentation is created.

9.3 Graphics and multimedia to a presentation are added.

Ó Mauritius Qualifications Authority 2020


Demonstrate knowledge of
Digital Literacy

9.4 The options available to print presentations in different formats are identified.

Element 10

Give an Overview of Computer Security and Privacy.

Performance Criteria

10.1 The terms security and privacy as applied to computing are explained.

10.2 Various threats in the world of computers are explained and their corresponding
solutions are identified.

Element 11

Describe the mechanism for Protecting the Computer and the Data.

Performance Criteria

11.1 Various methods of protecting the OS, software, and data on computer are identified.

11.2 Various ways of securing online and network transactions are identified.

11.3 Common measures for securing e-mail and instant messaging transactions are

Element 12

Describe the mechanism for Protecting a Personal Computer from Internet Security Threats.

Performance Criteria

12.1 Common measures used to protect privacy are identified.

12.2 The principle of online predators is described.

12.3 The guidelines to protect children from online predators are identified.

Element 13

Describe the mechanism for Keeping Computer Secure and Updated.

Performance Criteria

Ó Mauritius Qualifications Authority 2020


Demonstrate knowledge of
Digital Literacy

13.1 The purpose of different security settings on computer is explained.

13.2 The options available for keeping computer up to date are identified.

Element 14

Explain the concept of Modern Digital Experience.

Performance Criteria

14.1 The benefits of the expanding scope of digital technology are identified.

14.2 How merging technologies expands the features of digital devices are explained.

Element 15

Explain the concept of Digital Audio is explained.

Performance Criteria

15.1 The characteristics of digital audio are identified.

15.2 The concepts of recording, copying and converting digital audio are explained.

15.3 The features of advanced speech technologies are identified.

Element 16

Explain the concept of Digital Photography.

Performance Criteria

16.1 The benefits, features and working of a digital camera are explained.

16.2 How digital images can be managed and edited is described.

16.3 The features of different types of printers that are available for printing photos are

Element 17

Explain the concept of Digital Technology and Career Opportunities.

Performance Criteria

Ó Mauritius Qualifications Authority 2020


Demonstrate knowledge of
Digital Literacy

17.1 How digital technology enables you to work remotely is explained.

17.2 Different career opportunities available in the digital technology world are identified.

Element 18

Use basic word processing to produce word documents.

Performance Criteria

18.1 Use of keyboard shortcuts and mouse is used in accordance with program features and

Range evidence of six keyboard shortcuts and three uses of a mouse are required.

18.2 Documents are produced, formatted, manipulated, saved and printed in accordance with
information provided, and output required.

Range documents must be of sufficient length and complexity to provide scope for
the assessment evidence;
format includes – paragraph, page orientation, margins, tabulation, font
selection, format painter;
manipulation may include but is not limited to – move, copy, insert, delete,
undo/redo, find and replace, set language, check spelling and grammar,
customise dictionary;
evidence of six manipulation techniques is required;
save – name, save, save as a new file.

18.3 System features are used to identify and manipulate screen display options and controls.

Range features may include but are not limited to – maximise and minimise, page
view, layout view, normal view, print preview, zoom %, ruler, ribbons,
groups, tool bars, help;
evidence of at least four features is required.

18.4 Data security procedures and file management techniques are used according to the word
processing program in use and business or organisational requirements.

Range password protection of documents, rename file, locate files, backup files,
external storage of documents, display folder contents.

18.5 Basic terminology used for word processing is described in terms of function and use.

Range basic terminology includes but is not limited to – document creation,

naming, storing, retrieval, editing, formatting, previewing, printing.

Element 19

Ó Mauritius Qualifications Authority 2020


Demonstrate knowledge of
Digital Literacy

Explain and create a computer spreadsheet.

Performance Criteria

19.1 The requirements of the spreadsheet are identified.

19.2 Data is entered and is formatted to produce the spreadsheet.

Range formatting may include but is not limited to – column width, alignment, text,
number formats.

19.3 Spreadsheet cell formulae, functions and processes are entered to produce the

Range includes but is not limited to – statistical, financial, and logical

functions; time and date calculations; sorting; absolute cell referencing.

Comments on this unit standard

Please contact Mauritius Qualifications Authority if you wish to suggest changes to the content of
this unit standard.

Please Note
Providers must be accredited by the Mauritius Qualifications Authority.

Ó Mauritius Qualifications Authority 2020

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