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3.1 Health Aspects

Good health of a community is always related to the availability of safe water for drinking
purpose and other needs and sanitation facilities. The water usage practice of the project area
is shown in the Table 3.1.
Table 3.1 : Water usage Practice of the project area
No DSD GN Division borne Wells Other
1 67A Alawala 150 260 8
2 67B Holombuwa 20 186 0
3 77A Weniwellkaduwa 32 307 60
4 77B Kodapaluwa 0 425 196
5 78 Ragalkanda 0 226 3
6 78A Heliyagoda 5 230 15
7 78 B Opatha 124 358 23
8 78 C Paspolakanda 75 61 135
9 79 Egalla 0 319 113
10 79 B Thalgama 0 350 34
11 79C Metiyagane 1 182 107
12 80 Morawaka 53 392 155
13 80A Mampita 37 627 26
14 81 Akwatta 0 206 4
15 81B Pinnagoda Kanda 55 174 0
16 82 Mangedara 42 471 163
17 82A Thulhiriya 188 355 25

18 82B Gasnawa 0 140 182

19 82C Nangalla 83 754 0
20 82D Parakramagama 94 136 0
21 83 Tholangamuwa 0 645 20
22 83A Ambepussa 28 883 0
23 83B Mahena 282 431 0
24 83C Mahena Colony 301 78 28
25 83D Delgamuwa 20 185 58
26 83E Elipangamuwa 0 60 199
27 84 Boorunnawa 33 287 0
28 84A Othnapitiya 0 328 58
29 84B Nape 8 301 0
30 85 Dedigama 84 308 0
31 85A Thunthota 99 191 8
32 85B Nulemdeniya 0 518 0
33 85C Pitadeniya 22 563 13
34 85D Imbulovita 58 57 0

35 86 Menikkandawara 63 409 15
36 86A Ihala Lenagala 0 270 58
37 87 Maha Pallegama 0 491 2
38 87A Thambadiya 0 321 0
39 87B Kudapallegama 0 323 0
40 87C Kinivita 0 317 31
41 88 Malmaduwa 0 203 0
42 88A Polgampala 25 263 21
43 88B Elamaldeniya 0 168 27
44 89B Kivuldeniya 0 462 0
45 90 Weragala 145 258 15
46 91 Dorawaka Udabage 37 475 0
47 91A Kohombadeniya 245 65 5
48 91B 0 452 0
49 91C Thalliyadda 10 349 1
50 91D Yaddehimulla 0 360 0
51 92 Kukulpane 75 466 8
52 92A Warakapola 187 830 0
53 92B Ganithapura 358 502 25
54 92C Thumbaliyadda 92 226 78
55 93 Weragoda 0 410 8
56 93D Hapugoda 0 128 25
57 94 Bopitiya 62 348 0
58 94A Ethanawala 190 457 0
59 94B Niwatuwa 15 367 24
60 94C Dummaladeniya 78 514 29

Source: Sampath Pathikada 2017

Above table shows that 79% of the People in the project area are using wells, 13% use pipe
borne water and 8% other forms for getting water for daily activities. Safety and suitability of
water from other than pipe borne water has not been assessed and cannot be guaranteed.

Other than these, water use practices of the schools in the project area were collected. Table
3.2 shows the schools, number of students and their water practices.
Table 3.2: Water Usage Practices of Schools

Water practice
No. of
No. Name Remarks
students Pipe
1 Algama Central College-Algama 702 √
Dudley Senanayaka Central College -
2 Tholangamuwa 3119 √
Dorawaka Siri Niwasa Central College -
3 Dorawaka 448 √
Requested pipe
4 Dharmasiri Senanayake College - Thulhiriya 1189 √ borne water
5 Babul Hazen Central College - Warakapola 811 √ √
6 Ambepusse Central College - Warakapola 758 √
Requested pipe
7 Ethnawala Central College - Warakapola 172 √ borne water
Gogdawela Sri Pranyananda Central College -
8 Godawela,Danovita 267 √
9 Mainnoluwa Cental College - Warakapola 924 √ √
Naangalla Muslim Central College - Naangalla, Requested pipe
10 Thulhiriya 512 borne water
11 Niwatuwa Central College - Warakapola 377 √
12 Niyadurupola Central College - Niyadurupola 117 √
Warakapola Gamini Central College -
13 Warakapola 367 √ √
Dummaladeniya Muslim Kanishta Vidyalaya -
14 Warakapola 122 √ √
Godawela Muslim Kanishta Vidyalaya -
15 Danovita 73 √
Ilipangamuwa Kanishta Vidyalaya -
16 Tholangamuwa 61 √
Kandegama Sri Parakrama Kanishta Vidyalaya
17 - Kandegama, Algama 145 √
18 Mahena Kanishta Vidyalaya - Warakapola 305 √
Requested pipe
19 Mangedara Kanishta Vidyalaya - Thulhiriya 96 √ borne water
20 Othnapitiya Kanishta Vidyalaya - Nelumdeniya 273 √
21 Thambugala Central Colllege - Thambugala 78 √
Uduwaka Kanishta Vidyalaya - Uduwaka,
22 Algama 167 √
23 Algamawatta Primary College - Danovita 40 - -
24 Bopitiya Kanishta Vidyalaya - Warakapola 16 √
Ganegama Primary College - Ganegama,
25 Dorawaka 105 - -
26 Alagama Medagama Primary College - Algama 557 - -
Ambepusse Poshitharama Primaray College -
27 Warakapola 21 √
28 Batuwana Kanishta Vidyalaya - Batuwana 93 - -
29 Delgamuwa Primary College - Tholangamuwa 25 √
Dorawaka Mahasen Kanishta Vidyalaya -
30 Tholagamuwa 79 √ √
31 Kohombadeniya Primary College - Dorawaka 11 Requested a well

32 Madeniya Tamil College - Warakapola 9 √
Madeniya Tamil College -
33 Dorawaka,Warakapola 4 √
Niyadurupola Tamil Primary College -
34 Niyadurupola 5 - -
Palamure Sri Mahinda Primary College -
35 Palamure, Niyadurupola 36 √
Panaana Tamil Primary College - Madeniya,
36 Warakapola 20 √
37 Thulhiriya Primary College - Thulhiriya 670 √
Walakapola Bhuddhidt Primary College -
38 Warakapola 399 √
Wariyagoda Saripuththa Primary College -
39 Wariyagoda,Alawwa 406 √ √
Dorawaka Siri Niwasa Primary College -
40 Dorawaka 168 √

Source: From Zonal Education Office - Kegalle

According to the above table almost all the schools are using wells. But water quality of those
wells hasn’t assessed for safe drinking. Only 8 schools are using pipe borne water for water
usage. Four schools do not have any water access. So these schools in the project area will be
a main focus in this project.

The Medical Officer of Health (MOH), Warakapola and Galigamuwa reported the history of
having water borne diseases. Such as diarrhea, hepatitis and typhoid fever in the area statistics
of water related diseases recorded in project area as following Table 3.3.

Table 3.3 Details of Water Borne Diseases in the Area

Disease No. of Recorded Patients of the area

Year 2016 Year 2017 Year 2018
Diarrhea 17 5 10
Hepatitis 4 0 2
Typhoid Fever 1 0 1
Total 22 5 13

Source: - MOH Office, Warakapola, Galigamuwa

No any records of deaths due to water and sanitation related diseases so far.
Above statistics imply that the situation need attention for improvement in satisfactory water
supply facilities to enhance the hygiene habits in the project area because some patients
directly consult the private doctors and not recorded to the MOH Office.

3.2 Sanitation Aspects

Local customs and practices with respect to sanitation can cause water pollution. Availability
and types of latrine of the project area is stated in Table 3.4
Table 3.4 Sanitation Facilities of proposed project area
Houses with toilets Houses
GN Division without
Water Seal Pit toilets toilets
1 67A Alawala 283 - 2
2 67B Holombuwa 297 - 8
3 77A Weniwellkaduwa 392 - -
4 77B Kodapaluwa 608 15 9
5 78 Ragalkanda 229 - -
6 78A Heliyagoda 238 2 4
7 78 B Opatha 494 2 9
8 78 C Paspolakanda 260 4 7
9 79 Egalla 413 2 17
10 79 B Thalgama 349 8 27
11 79C Metiyagane 288 - 11
12 80 Morawaka 586 - 6
13 80A Mampita 685 2 3
14 81 Akwatta 204 1 5
15 81B Pinnagoda Kanda 223 5 1
16 82 Mangedara 633 31 12
17 82A Thulhiriya 562 - 6
18 82B Gasnawa

334 34 12
19 82C Nangalla 832 2 3
20 82D Parakramagama 221 - 6
21 83 Tholangamuwa 752 3 10
22 83A Ambepussa 893 12 1
23 83B Mahena 701 - 7
24 83C Mahena Colony 369 25 13
25 83D Delgamuwa 248 4 11
26 83E Elipangamuwa 229 25 5
27 84 Boorunnawa 304 6 10
28 84A Othnapitiya 381 1 4
29 84B Nape 309 - -
30 85 Dedigama 382 - 9
31 85A Thunthota 306 - 2
32 85B Nulemdeniya 515 1 2
33 85C Pitadeniya 591 1 6
34 85D Imbulovita 115 - -
35 86 Menikkandawara 462 1 -
36 86A Ihala Lenagala 321 1 6
37 87 Maha Pallegama 475 - 18

38 87A Thambadiya 319 - 2
39 87B Kudapallegama 320 1 3
40 87C Kinivita 330 15 3
41 88 Malmaduwa 202 - 1
42 88A Polgampala 303 - 6
43 88B Elamaldeniya 183 - 12
44 89B Kivuldeniya 453 2 7
45 90 Weragala 376 50 2
46 91 Dorawaka Udabage 486 19 7
47 91A Kohombadeniya 302 3 10
48 91B
Pallebage 447 - 3
49 91C Thalliyadda 356 - 4
50 91D Yaddehimulla 107 371 3
51 92 Kukulpane 549 - -
52 92A Warakapola 1001 15 1
53 92B Ganithapura 895 20 2
54 92C Thumbaliyadda 314 89 9
55 93 Weragoda 412 0 6
56 93D Hapugoda 145 7 2
57 94 Bopitiya 408 1 1
58 94A Ethanawala 607 15 27
59 94B Niwatuwa 388 10 8
60 94C Dummaladeniya 122 427 14

Source: - Sampath Pethikada 2017, Warakapola DSD

Most of the households were observed with sealed type toilets and 375 houses were found
without toilets in these 60 GNDs. This may due to the lack of proper water access for their
sanitation purposes.


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