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• You are going to write a three- paragraph

persuasive letter with 120-150 words using
emphasis/persuasive markers addressed to your
Barangay Captain to give your stand/opinion on the
issue regarding the “Imposition of Penalty and
Charges Against Face Mask User Violator”.
• Go to Genyo Wiki and write your persuasive letter
Your short persuasive letter will be graded using
the rubric below.
Criteria Beginning Developing Proficient Advanced
Personal opinion is not Personal opinion is not Clearly states a personal Strongly and clearly
Opening Statement easily understood with clearly stated. Little or no opinion, and some states a personal opinion,
no reference to the issue. references to the issue. references to the issue. and clearly identifies the

Provides little or no Provides at least 1 detail, Provides 2 details, Provides two or more
support at the opinion. reason, and/or example reasons, and/or example strong details, reasons,
Supporting Details in support of the opinion. in support of the opinion. and examples in support
of the opinion.

Little or no evidence of Sentence and paragraph Sentence and Paragraph Sentences and structures
Format and Organization sentence or paragraph structure are structure are generally are complete, well-
structure. inconsistent. correct. written and varied.

Sentence Structure, So many spelling, A number of spelling, Few spelling and Virtually no spelling,
Grammar, Mechanics punctuations and punctuation or punctuations errors, punctuation or
and Spelling grammatical error that grammatical errors minor grammatical grammatical errors.
interfere the meaning. errors.

Total = _____/30

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