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Crop circles found in Yogya rice field

Indonesian adult talk about the Crop circle, you can find it on many newspaper and many website,
facebook, and many forum talking about crop circle in Yogya. This is all because of the mystery of
who made this crop circle. Some people said that crop circles are made by aliens, but there is also saying
that the crop circles are made by artists. It’s a something new in Indonesia, the phenomenon of crop circle
makes all people curious about the fact and analysis of crop circle. Sometimes Indonesian adult think
about something realistic but sometimes they think about something not realistic like alien, ghost, and
many more.

This Crop circle become a headline on newspaper and website.

The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Mon, 01/24/2011 9:55 AM | Archipelago

UFO trace?:A large circle and geometric pattern local residents say were created by a UFO have
been found in a rice field in Krasakan hamlet in Sleman, Yogyakarta..(Tribun Jogja)

A large circle and geometric pattern local residents say were created by a UFO have been found in
a rice field in Krasakan hamlet in Sleman, Yogyakarta.

The pattern includes a triangle and two smaller circles in the middle of the large circle, which has a
diameter of between 25 and 30 meters, reported Monday.

“The circles were there since yesterday morning. I think they were left by an alien space ship, like
one I saw in TV,” Krasakan resident Cahyo Utomo said Monday.

“It is impossible that this was were made by the wind or any animal,” he added.

The circles and triangle in the rice paddy next to a residential area look resemble a geometric
artwork, while the other parts of the field remain intact.

The crop circles were first reported by a farmer, Tukiman, on Sunday at 6 a.m.

Sleman Police chief Adj.Sr.Com. Iwan Ramaini said he was not sure if the circles were created by
a UFO or if it was a natural phenomenon. A police investigation is underway.

they are talking about crop circle too on facebook.

President’s salary
Another hot news in Indonesia is talking about president’s salary. This is because one his statement when
giving a briefing on the military and police leadership meeting at the Ocean Hall of Indonesia, Jakarta,
Friday (21/1/11). After he said the statement which he said “This is the sixth or seventh year that my
salary has not been raised,” Yudhoyono said Friday to TNI and police leaders, who laughed in response.

What’s on his mind? Indonesian think that he has a large salary than other Indonesian. When he said he
was not satisfy with his salary, he didn’t think that there are so many Indonesian who really poor and so
many Indonesian who can’t eat 3 times a day. How could he said like that?

This news become headline today for some newspaper.

I’ve never had a salary raise: President

Nani Afrida, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Sat, 01/22/2011 12:42 PM | Headlines

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono promised the leaders of the Indonesian Military (TNI) and
the National Police that he would see to their welfare by raising their salaries, while saying he
himself had not had a raise in seven years.

The government, the President said, was committed to raising the salary of TNI and National
Police officers every year.

The commitment is aimed at motivating the TNI and police to perform their duties better.

The government, he said, wanted to improve the welfare of soldiers and police, he said.

“This is the sixth or seventh year that my salary has not been raised,” Yudhoyono said Friday to
TNI and police leaders, who laughed in response.

The President’s salary remains unchanged since Yudhoyono first entered office in his first term in
2004, which according to a press release from the Presidential Palace in 2006, was Rp 62.5 million
a month or Rp 750 million (US$79,000) a year. Apart from a salary, the presidential household
also receives Rp 2 billion a month.

The Economist released a report on the ratio of a political leader’s pay to the country’s gross
domestic product per capita in July 2010.

It found that the Indonesian President’s basic salary, quoted at $124,171 a year, was almost 30
times the GDP per capita.

Singapore’s prime minister receives $2.18 million a year, making him the highest earning political
leader. The US president earns $400,000 a year, The Economist said.

The report said India was low on the scale, with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in 2010
receiving $4,106, around double the GDP per capita, which “reaffirms his reputation for saintliness
by taking a modest sum from Indian taxpayers”, The Economist said.
The minimum wage in Jakarta is about Rp 1.1 million a month.

During the meeting, attended by 135 high-level military commanders and 156 high-ranking police
officers, Yudhoyono expressed concern about decent housing for soldiers and told the leaders to
use the salary raise to help soldiers get housing.

“Revive the mandatory scheme where soldiers have to save for a house,” he said.

“Create a scheme that would allow soldiers to get decent housing, according to their capacity. I’m
aware of the current housing problem for soldiers.”

Nearly 40,000 housing units allocated for active military personnel across the country are occupied
by third parties — retired soldiers, veterans or their families — the Defense Ministry said last year.

The TNI evicted thousands of these dwellers to allocate housing to active soldiers last year. The
evictions were met with violence by inhabitants who refused to move.

The Defense Ministry said military personnel needed 357,874 houses while the TNI said it only
had 198,170 units, including the 40,000 occupied by third parties.

The House of Representatives and government proposed the use of neglected low-cost apartments
such as the one in Marunda, North Jakarta, as a temporary fix.

Also in the meeting, Yudhoyono told military and police leaders that the government planned to
raise the budget for defense and weapons procurements.

He called on the military to break its culture of marking up prices in the procurement process.

You can read there are some comment of this headline here :

funny thing is after a statement from the president, the House of Representatives to act is to collect
coins for president as a satire on such statements.

House of Representatives Collect Coins for President Salaries

Member of Commission III of the House to take action to raise donations coins intended for
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono at the capitol, Jakarta, Monday (24/01/2011). Action dime
collection was carried out on the sidelines of a meeting and the Police Commission III.

Whoever started the action of collecting loose change at the legislative building. What is certain is
made from glass box measuring about 30 X 20 cm reading "Coins for President" has been perched
in the back room of Commission III.

Members of Parliament who participated inserting coins worth Rp 500 and Rp 1,000 to the glass
box was among Bambang Soesatyo (F-Golkar), Syarifudin Sudding (F-Hanura), and Desmon
Mahesa (F-Gerindra). Little by little, dozens of coins have been collected in the donation box.
In fact, Bambang had invited the Head of the Police Criminal Investigation Komjen Ito Sumardi to
contribute funds to the President. "Come on Mr. Ito, follow-up (donate)," Bambang told Ito.

Police officers witnessed Bambang offer, which is actually under the President of these
institutions, other lawmakers torn colleagues laughed.

Responding to Bambang's bid, Ito just smile while his eyes watched the donation box. Ito also
prefer to walk toward the bathroom to get water for ablution and perform the maghrib prayer

There has been no official statement regarding the House of Representatives aims and objectives
of collecting coins for the head of the country.

To be sure, the current President gets sarcasm from some parties about the "vent" their salaries
have not increased over the last 7 years. Vent is actually conveyed the President in front of
hundreds of members of the TNI / police in Rapim military and police in the Central Indian Ocean,
Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta, on Friday.
And this is the Indonesian’s response of the president’s statement about his salary.!/pages/Gerakan-Rakyat-Indonesia-Galang-koin-untuk-Presiden-

This is raising funds for the president. But actually this is just a satire for the president.

this is the article about GAYUS who sentenced to only seven years in prison

Justice ‘missing’ in Gayus verdict

Nani Afrida and Tifa Asrianti, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Thu, 01/20/2011 10:06 AM | Headlines

The unexpectedly light seven-year prison sentence handed down to rogue tax man Gayus H.
Tambunan has prompted cries of injustice from observers.

The Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) lashed out at the sentence that the South Jakarta District
Court handed down to former tax officer Gayus on Wednesday, saying it would hurt the public’s
sense of justice.

“People will be disappointed since it is by no means a heavy sentence,” ICW analyst Firdaus Ilyas
told The Jakarta Post.

Firdaus said the sentence was the result of loopholes in the legal proceedings.

“The inquiry process, evidence and legal proceedings apparently have many loopholes so the result
won’t satisfy the people,” he said.

Firdaus said Gayus’ case had revealed just a small glimpse of massive tax corruption in the

“This will not be a shock for the mafia. And since the mafia at the tax office and the courts remains
untouched, similar crimes will continue in the future,” he said.

The trial of Gayus received significant public attention, in part due to widely spread rumors about
the case and public TV broadcastings of some of his trial sessions.

A day earlier, presiding judge Albertina Ho said the verdict would be based solely on the law.

Gayus’ sentence of seven years in prison and a Rp 300 million fine is one year longer than that
handed down to Andi Kosasih, a convict in the same case who admitted that he had handled
Gayus’ money.

Albertina said Gayus’ verdict was based on two charges; abetting tax evasion and bribing judges
and police officers.

Prosecutors had sought a sentence of 20 years and a Rp 500 million fine for Gayus.

Ria Salean, an employee at a private firm, said the Gayus’s sentence was not as heavy as she had
She said Gayus’ punishment should have been a lot heavier than that handed down to former KPK
chief Antasari Azhar, who was sentenced to 18 years for murder.

“I also believe that the ones who are involved in Gayus’ bribery case should also be sentenced so
that there are no bribery cases in the future,” she said.

She said that the news about Gayus was not her favorite subject, and that she would only read
about the case in the newspaper if there were nothing else interesting to read.

She said the news had been hurtful for her such was her dislike of Gayus. She said the majority of
free and honest people in Indonesia had to save money for years to go abroad.

Aly Bayhaki, also an employee at a private firm, said he was still waiting for the people who had
been engineering Gayus’ case to be revealed.

“As for the sentence, I try to think positively. I see that the court has done its best, so it must be a
just and fair decision. Also, Gayus has done a lot. Because of him, many cases have been
revealed,” he said.

Golkar Party chief Aburizal Bakrie also denounced the verdict.

“Gusti Allah [God] never sleeps. The truth will prevail. Let us now build democracy from ideas
not from character assassination,” the Bakrie family spokesman, Lalu Mara Satriawangsa, said.

Indonesian people felt this decision is not fair. how could people who corrupt public money
amounting to 1.7 trillion just sentenced to 7 years in prison. while the television thief can be
punished up to more than 10 years. Indonesian are very disappointed of this decision. they suspect
that the police are also involved in this corruption case.
As you know that Indonesian are very interested on Blackberry, this is can you see from a large user
blackberry in Indonesia. Nowadays there are some news that Indonesia will block Blackberry. That news
makes Indonesian feels so afraid, because it can be effect on their communication with peoples.

The government thinks that blackberry should be banned in Indonesia because of so many factors, such as
the morality. As we know that blackberry make the users can browsing and searching anything by
internet, one of those is the porn video or porn website.

Morality to block BlackBerry: Enough is enough

Iwan Gunawan, Jakarta | Wed, 01/12/2011 9:59 AM | Opinion

Tifatul Sembiring, the communications and information technology minister and former president of the
Prosperous Justice Party (PKS), continues to spark controversy.

The public appears to recognize him more for his controversial behavior than his achievements as
a Cabinet minister.

One example of this came in June 2010 at the height of the controversy surrounding the sex video
scandal of Peter Pan frontman Ariel, when Tifatul “accidentally” equated the debate of the
resemblance of the images in the video to the historical-religious debate between Muslims and
Christians about Jesus.

In November 2010, after his long-standing public claims of being a good Muslim man who
restricts himself from touching women, he “accidentally” shook, not to mention with enthusiasm,
the hand of US First Lady Michelle Obama.

Despite that his struggle to present himself with a more political image of public morality over
substance has born little if any fruit, the minister is still not giving up.

He started the year 2011 with yet another controversy by threatening to block BlackBerry Internet
browsing services in Indonesia by the end of January over a claim that Research In Motion (RIM),
the company who invented and sells the telecommunication services, had not done enough to block
access to porn sites.

Only, as with his previous controversies, this time Tifatul has also tried to defend his stance,
following public outcries, by providing a clarification that again shows his wishy washy attitude as
a public official.
After failing to convince the public with his morality argument, he defended his move with a
nationalistic line.

Minister Tifatul provided an eight-point argument, which included jobs creation, improvement of
local services, and tracking of corrupt people.
As with any other user of these so-called smartphones, I subscribe to this service because of its
convenient features of providing instant messaging and push mail and allowing real-time access to
long text communication with other users across the globe, at a very low cost.

While it is true that the device can show video images, including pornographic content, it is just
hard to imagine that average users like me would have the time to “enjoy” such content while
using this device at work.

The minister should be careful in using this argument as it may suggest that state officials like him
do have a fair bit of free time to watch porn videos on their BlackBerry devices.

As a true Indonesian and a nationalist, I would love to have a smartphone called Durian or
Rambutan, made entirely in Indonesia by our engineers and that runs from a server in Indonesia
(although I would be concerned with the latter since we often have power shortages).

Minister Tifatul and his office should devote their energy and the public funds that we entrust upon
them to provide training to our engineers and to encourage national hardware and software
developers to compete and produce better and cheaper services.

So far, the second-hand cell phone store and my cellular provider are doing just fine maintaining
services of my BlackBerry device, even without a local service center and server.

Last but not least, the argument of establishing a server/repeater in Indonesia to track the corrupt
certainly constitutes a long-shot considering that detained corruption suspect Gayus H. Tambunan,
aka Sony Laksono, was able to roam freely in Macau, Malaysia and Singapore, thanks to
Indonesia’s special invention called the original-but-fake document.

Again, Minister Tifatul and his office should use their energy to create online immigration servers
and computers that work, a service that the joint automatic teller machines (ATM Bersama)
inventors, who are all Indonesian engineers, were able to successfully provide a long time ago.

There are many good Indonesian scientists and engineers who have made great inventions and
products that are globally competitive without having to resort to phony nationalism (i.e.,
protectionism), much less resort to false grounds of morality. Well Mr. Minister, if they can spend
their time producing something useful, why can’t you? Enough is enough!
Natural disaster
as we all know that Mount Merapi disaster occurred in 2010 and resulted in cold lava flood events
around the area that is about yogjayakarta and magelang. This cold lava floods cut off the path of
travel between two cities. Indonesian people actually most interested in news, especially with news
concerning the disaster that is predicted to occur in Jakarta, such as predictions about the
occurrence of flooding in Jakarta on 31 January 2011. And it’s related on the prediction of
brazilian professor
ON JANUARY 30, 2011 A STRONG STORM and FLOODS are going to Hit Jakarta-INDONESIA,
and it MAY victimizing dozens of PEOPLE;

It’s a scary prediction that makes afraid. As I told you that Indonesian still believe on something
unrealistic and something like a magic, mystic and prediction.

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