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1. Define OB
2. List out the needs of OB in an Organization
3. Mention any few importance of OB
4. What are all the natures of OB?
5. Write down the scope of OB
6. What is meant by interpersonal level communication?
7. Explain the cognitive frame work
8. Describe the concept of social learning network.
9. Explain SOBC.
10. List out the organizational models.
11. What is the basic concept of Autocratic Model?
12. Explain the custodial Model
13. Why the supportive model came into practice?


1. List out and explain the nature and scope of OB

2. Explain the OB framework
3. Name out the different types of OB models. Explain its concepts .
4. Why OB is needed and explain the advantages and importance of it.


1. Define Personality
2. List out the types of personality and explain any one among it.
3. What are the four Major Factors affecting Personality
4. Distinguish between introvert and extrovert.
5. What is meant by ID?
6. What do you mean by Ego?
7. Explain the term Ideal Self.
8. Define Learning.
9. What are the components of learning?
10. List out the type of learners.
11. What do you mean by Reinforcement?
12. Write down any 4 difference between classical and operant conditioning
13. List out the steps involved in OB Modification Process
14. Define Organizational misbehavior.
15. Explain Emotion.
16. What do you mean by Emotional Labor?
17. What is meant by Emotional Intelligence?
18. Define Attitude.
19. Name out the components of Attitude.
20. List out the factors influencing Attitude Formation.
21. What are all the Characteristics of value
22. Define Perception.
23. Write down the definition of Motivation
24. What are the different types of motivation?

1. Define personality and explain the factors influencing personality.

2. List out the various types’ personality and explain its concepts
3. State and Explain Trait and Psychoanalytical theories
4. Define learning and explain its process step by step
5. State and explain classical conditioning, operant conditioning and social learning theories
6. What is called OB Modification? Explain the steps involved in OB Modification Process
7. Describe misbehavior and explain the various types of misbehaviors in the organization
8. Define Emotion, what is meant by Emotional Labour and Explain Emotional Intelligence
9. Define Attitude and explain how attitudes are being formed?
10. What is called value? Write down and explain the classification of values.
11. Define perception and explain its mechanism.
12. State and explain Maslow’s theory


1)What is meant by organization structure?

2)Mention the types of organization structure.
3) What are the advantages of organization structure?
4) What is meant by grouping of activities?
5) Mention the types of groups in organization.
6) Define “group”
7) What is meant by norms?
8) What is meant by performance norms?
9) What is meant by group cohesiveness?
10) What are the advantages of group cohesiveness?
11) What is meant by decision making
12) What is meant by interacting groups?
13) What are the advantages of brainstorming?
14) What is meant by team building?
15) What is meant by interpersonal relations?
16) What is meant by encoding?
17) What is meant by decoding?
18) What is oral communication?
19) Explain written communication
20) Write about non verbal communication
21) What is meant by vertical communication?
22) What is meant by downward communication
23) Write about nine –nine leader?
24) Write about organizational control?
25) Mention the advantages of written communication.
1. Give an account of organization structure
2. Explain group dynamics
3. Write about the role of communication in an organization
4. Explain about organization control?
5. Explain about group decision making techniques
6. Explain the role of emergence leaders in an organization
7. What is a group? What are the types of group.
8. Explain the types of organization structure?


1. What is leadership?
2. Mention the types of leader ship
3. Mention the importance of leader ship
4. What is meant by great man theories
5. What is meant by participative leadership?
6. What is meant by expert power?
7. What is meant by positional power?
8. What is meant by reward power?
9. What is meant by power centers?
10. What is meant by imitating action?
11. What is meant by creating confidence?
12. What is meant by participative leadership?

13. What is meant by delegative leadership?

14. What is meant by trait theory?

15. Explain contingency theory.


1. Explain leadership
2. Give an account of leadership styles
3. Describe leadership theories
4. What is meant by power? Explain the types of power
5. Describe power and politics
6. Explain power centers



1. What is meant by organizational culture?

2. Explain organizational climate
3. List out the factors affecting organizational climate.
4. Give me the reason why organizational climate is important?
5. What is mean by job satisfaction?
6. What are the factors determining the job satisfaction?
7. How will you measure the job satisfaction level?
8. What is meant by organizational change?
9. Give any four reasons why organizational change is so important?
10. What do you mean by stability Vs Change?
11. What do you mean by Proactive Vs Reaction Change?
12. What is called resistance to change?
13. List out any four points how will you manage the change in the organization?
14. Define Stress.
15. What are the types of Stress?
16. List out the various factors which create stress.
17. What is called work stress?
18. List out any four techniques involved in prevention of stress.
19. What do you mean by work life balance?
20. What is meant by OD?
21. List out the objectives of OD
22. Explain organizational effectiveness.


1. Give short notes on organizational culture and climate

2. What are all the factors affecting the organizational climate?
3. Explain job satisfaction and list out what are the factors determining the job satisfaction?
4. How will you measure the job satisfaction level of employees? Explain the techniques
involved in it.
5. Explain how job satisfaction influence on the behavior of the employees.
6. Describe organizational with example.
7. What are the different types of changes? Explain the major two changes.
8. Explain the concepts of change process and explain why people resist changes?
9. Briefly discuss the stress among employees
10. Explain how will balance your work and your life under stressed situation
11. What do you thing about Organizational development?
12. Explain the steps and techniques involved in the process of organizational effectiveness

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