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Client: Jason H.

Sample Test Date: 05/12/2008

Client ID: 12345 Page 1 of 6

Psychopathic Personality InventoryTM-Revised

Score Report
Scott O. Lilienfeld, PhD, Michelle R. Widows, PhD,
and PAR Staff

Client Information

Client Name : Jason H. Sample

Client ID : 12345
Test Date : 05/12/2008
Date of Birth : 02/17/1983
Age : 25
Gender : Male
Normative Group : Community/College

Use of this score report requires a complete understanding of the Psychopathic Personality
Inventory-Revised (PPI-R) scales and their interpretation, applications, and limitations as
presented in the PPI-R Professional Manual. This report contains raw and standardized scores
from the PPI-R Scoring Summary Form. Users should refer to the PPI-R Professional Manual for
procedures and guidelines for the interpretation of this report. Users also should refer to the
Professional Manual for information about the psychometric characteristics of the PPI-R.

This report should be used as only one source of information about the individual being
evaluated. In this respect, no decisions should be based solely on the information contained in
this report. The raw and standardized scores contained in this report should be integrated with
other sources of information when making decisions about this individual.

This report is confidential and is intended for use by qualified professionals who have sufficient
knowledge of psychometric testing and of the PPI-R. This report should not be released to the
respondent or to any individuals who are not qualified to interpret the results.
Client: Jason H. Sample Test Date: 05/12/2008
Client ID: 12345 Page 2 of 6

PPI-R Scoring Summary Table

( Normative Group: Community/College)
Raw T 90%
Content Scales score score
Machiavellian Egocentricity (ME) 58 67 94 60-74
Rebellious Nonconformity (RN) 40 59 82 52-66
Blame Externalization (BE) 43 67 91 61-73
Carefree Nonplanfulness (CN) 40 56 71 49-63
Social Influence (SOI) 61 65 97 59-71
Fearlessness (F) 43 58 82 52-64
Stress Immunity (STI) 38 53 59 47-59
Coldheartedness (C) 35 53 68 45-61
Validity Scales
Virtuous Responding (VR) 29 56 74 47-65
Deviant Responding (DR) 12 47 53 36-58
ME + RN + BE + CN + SOI + F +STI + C 358 70 97 65-75
Self-Centered Impulsivity (ME + RN + BE + CN) 181 67 91 62-72

Fearless Dominance (SOI + F + STI) 142 62 91 57-67

Coldheartedness (C) 35 53 68 45-61

Inconsistent Responding Total Cumulative % Protocol classification

IR15 6 0 - 94.6 Acceptable
IR 40 18 0 - 93.7 Acceptable
Client: Jason H. Sample Test Date: 05/12/2008
Client ID: 12345 Page 3 of 6

PPI-R Inconsistent Responding 15 (IR15)

Item Score Item Score Difference

1. 3 39. 3  0
3. 3 47. 3  0
10. 3 118. 3  0
13. 3 93. 3  0
18. 3 62. 3  0
24. 4 87. 3  1
28. 3 76. 3  0
32. 3 141. 2  1
34. 3 78. 4  1
40. 2 134. 4  2
61. 3 154. 3  0
71. 2 109. 2  0
72. 3 119. 3  0
89. 2 111. 2  0
126. 3 148. 4  1

Inconsistent Cumulative
Protocol classification
Responding 15 Total %
6 0 - 94.6 Acceptable
Client: Jason H. Sample Test Date: 05/12/2008
Client ID: 12345 Page 4 of 6

PPI-R Inconsistent Responding 40 (IR40)

Item Score Item Score Difference
2. 3 63. 4  1
4. 3 36. 3  0
11. 4 132. 2  2
12. 3 137. 3  0
14. 2 80. 2  0
15. 2 149. 3  1
16. 3 84. 3  0
17. 3 97. 3  0
21. 3 43. 3  0
23. 3 136. 3  0
25. 3 57. 3  0
26. 2 58. 3  1
33. 3 91. 4  1
44. 3 108. 3  0
46. 3 68. 3  0
49. 3 153. 2  1
77. 3 103. 2  1
90. 3 144. 3  0
94. 3 116. 3  0
96. 3 140. 3  0
98. 2 110. 2  0
104. 2 127. 3  1
113. 3 135. 3  0
125. 2 147. 3  1
130. 4 143. 2  2
Subtotal 12
Inconsistent Responding 15 Total 6

Inconsistent Cumulative
Protocol classification
Responding 40 Total %
18 0 - 93.7 Acceptable
Client: Jason H. Sample Test Date: 05/12/2008
Client ID: 12345 Page 5 of 6

PPI-R T-Score Profile

(Normative Group: Community/College)
Content scales Total Factors Validity
 100  100

95 95

90 90

85 85

80 80

75 75

70 70

65 65

60 60

55 55

50 50

45 45

40 40

35 35

 30  30
67 59 67 56 65 58 53 53 70 67 62 53 56 47
Client: Jason H. Sample Test Date: 05/12/2008
Client ID: 12345 Page 6 of 6

Item Responses
Item Response Item Response Item Response Item Response
1. MT 40. MF 79. MF 118. MT
2. MT 41. MT 80. MF 119. MF
3. MF 42. MT 81. F 120. MT
4. MT 43. MT 82. MF 121. F
5. MT 44. MF 83. MT 122. MT
6. MF 45. MF 84. MT 123. T
7. F 46. MT 85. MT 124. T
8. F 47. MF 86. MT 125. MF
9. MT 48. T 87. MF 126. MT
10. MF 49. MT 88. MF 127. MT
11. T 50. MT 89. MT 128. MT
12. MT 51. MT 90. MT 129. T
13. MT 52. F 91. T 130. F
14. MF 53. T 92. MT 131. MT
15. MF 54. T 93. MT 132. MF
16. MT 55. MT 94. MT 133. T
17. MF 56. T 95. MF 134. T
18. MT 57. MT 96. MT 135. MF
19. MF 58. MT 97. MF 136. MT
20. MF 59. MF 98. MT 137. MT
21. MF 60. MF 99. T 138. MF
22. F 61. MT 100. MF 139. MF
23. MT 62. MT 101. T 140. MT
24. F 63. T 102. F 141. MT
25. MT 64. MT 103. MF 142. T
26. MF 65. F 104. MF 143. MT
27. MF 66. MF 105. MF 144. MT
28. MF 67. T 106. MT 145. MT
29. MF 68. MF 107. MF 146. T
30. T 69. MT 108. MF 147. MT
31. MF 70. F 109. MT 148. T
32. MT 71. MT 110. MT 149. MT
33. MT 72. MF 111. MF 150. MT
34. MT 73. MF 112. T 151. MF
35. MT 74. T 113. MF 152. T
36. MT 75. MT 114. T 153. MT
37. MF 76. MF 115. T 154. MT
38. MT 77. MT 116. MT
39. MT 78. T 117. MT

End of Report

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