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Symphony Plus - Harmony

S+ Engineering: Composer Field 1.1

User Manual
Symphony Plus - Harmony

S+ Engineering: Composer Field 1.1

User Manual
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Release: July 2013

Document Number: 2VAA001570-110


About This Book ......................................................................................................1

General ..................................................................................................................1
Document Conventions .......................................................................................1
Caution and Information Icons............................................................................1

1. Introduction.................................................................................................... 1-1
1.1 Overview ..............................................................................................................1-1
1.2 Intended User ......................................................................................................1-1
1.3 Instruction Content .............................................................................................1-1
1.4 Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations...............................................................1-1
1.5 Reference Documents.........................................................................................1-3

2. Composer Field Setup................................................................................... 2-1

2.1 Installation of Composer Field ...........................................................................2-1
2.2 Structures of Composer Field ............................................................................2-1
2.2.1 Project Structure ..............................................................................................2-1
2.2.2 System Structure .............................................................................................2-2
2.2.3 Library Structure ..............................................................................................2-3
2.3 Project Workflow in Composer Field.................................................................2-4
2.3.1 Creating Projects in Project Administration Tool ..............................................2-4
2.3.2 Project Creation in Composer Field .................................................................2-5
2.4 Setup in Composer Harmony.............................................................................2-5

3. Composer Field Integration with Composer Harmony .............................. 3-1

3.1 Introduction .........................................................................................................3-1
3.1.1 Integration between Composer Harmony and Composer Field.......................3-1
3.2 PDP800 Module Overview ..................................................................................3-1
3.2.1 Main Features of PDP800................................................................................3-2
3.3 PDP800 Module Integration................................................................................3-2
3.3.1 Overall Workflow of PDP800 PROFIBUS ........................................................3-2
3.4 Configuring PDP800............................................................................................3-3
3.5 Fieldbus Device Library......................................................................................3-4
3.6 Create a Master Field Device in Composer Harmony ......................................3-4
3.7 Update FC Data (sync) Operation in Composer Harmony...............................3-7
3.8 Different Stages of Composer Field ..................................................................3-7
3.8.1 Planning Stage.................................................................................................3-7
3.8.2 Release and Running Stage ............................................................................3-8

4. PROFIBUS Integration................................................................................... 4-1

2VAA001570-110 i

4.1 Introduction .........................................................................................................4-1

4.2 Installing and Loading Specific DTMs...............................................................4-1
4.3 GSD Based PROFIBUS Field Devices ...............................................................4-2
4.3.1 Loading a GSD File..........................................................................................4-3
4.4 Template Creation for Field Device Types ........................................................4-4
4.4.1 Template Creation............................................................................................4-5
4.5 Creating a Master/Slave Field Device................................................................4-6
4.6 Export and Import of Field Device Templates...................................................4-7
4.7 Parameter Settings for a HART Slave Device...................................................4-7
4.8 Adding channels to a PROFIBUS Slave Device ...............................................4-9
4.9 PROFIBUS Slave Configuration Tool............................................................... 4-11
4.9.1 Modules/Channels Tab ..................................................................................4-12
4.9.2 Settings Tab ...................................................................................................4-13
4.9.3 DPV1 Tab.......................................................................................................4-14
4.9.4 User Parameter Tab.......................................................................................4-15
4.9.5 User Parameter Tab (Module Related) ..........................................................4-16
4.10 Integration of CLS Client into CF .....................................................................4-17
4.11 Screen Forms for Parameter Settings.............................................................4-18
4.11.1 Slave Configuration........................................................................................4-19
4.11.2 Master Configuration......................................................................................4-21

ii 2VAA001570-110


Table 1-1 Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations ....................................................... 1-1

Table 1-2 Reference Documents .............................................................................. 1-3

2VAA001570-110 iii

iv 2VAA001570-110


Figure 2-1: Project Structure ...................................................................................... 2-1

Figure 2-2: Composer Field Workplace...................................................................... 2-2
Figure 2-3: System Structure with Master Field Devices ........................................... 2-2
Figure 2-4: System Structure ..................................................................................... 2-3
Figure 2-5: Library Structure ...................................................................................... 2-4
Figure 2-6: Project Structure in Project Admin Tool ................................................... 2-5
Figure 2-7: S+ Control Harmony Project in Project Structure..................................... 2-5
Figure 2-8: System Structure ..................................................................................... 2-5
Figure 2-9: Adding a Control Unit............................................................................... 2-6
Figure 3-1: Integration between Composer Harmony and Composer Field............... 3-1
Figure 3-2: Fieldbus Device Library ........................................................................... 3-4
Figure 3-3: Context Menu to create a PDP800 Master Field Device ......................... 3-5
Figure 3-4: Create a PDP800 Master Field Device .................................................... 3-5
Figure 3-5: Updated Field Device in Composer Field ................................................ 3-6
Figure 3-6: Update FC Data Operation ...................................................................... 3-7
Figure 4-1: DTM and GSD Device Types................................................................... 4-1
Figure 4-2: Scan Registered DTMs............................................................................ 4-2
Figure 4-3: Installed DTMs ......................................................................................... 4-2
Figure 4-4: Loading a GSD File.................................................................................. 4-3
Figure 4-5: Locating GSD File.................................................................................... 4-3
Figure 4-6: Updated GSD Device Type...................................................................... 4-4
Figure 4-7: Creating Template through Library Structure........................................... 4-5
Figure 4-8: Creating Template through System Structure.......................................... 4-5
Figure 4-9: Field Device Templates ........................................................................... 4-6
Figure 4-10: Export of Field Device Template ............................................................ 4-7
Figure 4-11: Configuring Menu for HART Slave Device ............................................. 4-8
Figure 4-12: HART Parameter Settings Tab............................................................... 4-8
Figure 4-13: Accessing Configuration Menu............................................................... 4-9
Figure 4-14: Adding Channels to a PROFIBUS Slave Device.................................. 4-10
Figure 4-15: User Parameter Tab ............................................................................. 4-11
Figure 4-16: Module/Channels Tab .......................................................................... 4-12
Figure 4-17: Settings Tab ......................................................................................... 4-13
Figure 4-18: DPV1 Tab ............................................................................................. 4-14
Figure 4-19: DPV1 and User Parameter Tabs.......................................................... 4-15
Figure 4-20: User Parameter Tab with Parameter Values........................................ 4-15
Figure 4-21: User Parameter Tab with Empty Parameter Values............................. 4-16
Figure 4-22: User Parameter Tab (Module Related) ................................................ 4-16
Figure 4-23: Automatic Slot Numbering.................................................................... 4-17
Figure 4-24: ABB License Entry Application ............................................................. 4-17
Figure 4-25: Context Menu for PROFIBUS Slave Device......................................... 4-18
Figure 4-26: Context Menu for HART Slave Device ................................................. 4-19

2VAA001570-110 v

Figure 4-27: Slave Configuration Tab ....................................................................... 4-19

Figure 4-28: Slave Bus Access Tab.......................................................................... 4-20
Figure 4-29: Slave Coding Tab ................................................................................. 4-20
Figure 4-30: Context Menu ....................................................................................... 4-21
Figure 4-31: Master Configuration Tab ..................................................................... 4-21
Figure 4-32: Master FDL Parameters Tab ................................................................ 4-22
Figure 4-33: Master More FDL Parameters Tab....................................................... 4-23
Figure 4-34: Master DP-Parameters Tab.................................................................. 4-24
Figure 4-35: Master Coding Tab ............................................................................... 4-24

vi 2VAA001570-110
About This Book

About This Book

This user manual describes the functionality of Composer Field and its integration with the Composer Harmony engineering
tool. Composer Field provides seamlessly integrated field device planning and configuration of PROFIBUS and HART.
These configurations are efficiently performed by the use of Device Type Manager (DTM) and Field Device Tool (FDT).

Document Conventions
Microsoft Windows conventions are normally used for the standard presentation of material when entering text, key
sequences, prompts, messages, menu items, screen elements, etc.

Caution and Information Icons

This user manual includes Caution and Information icons where appropriate to point out safety related or important
information. The corresponding symbols should be interpreted as follows:
Caution icon indicates important information or warning related to the concept discussed in the text. It might
indicate the presence of a hazard which could result in corruption of software or damage to
Information icon alerts the reader to pertinent facts and conditions.

2VAA001570-110 1
About This Book

2 2VAA001570-110
1. Introduction Overview

1. Introduction
1.1 Overview
In Symphony Plus Engineering tools, Composer Field integrates with field devices through PROFIBUS and HART
technologies. Composer Field is a Field Device Tool (FDT) and supports configuration, commissioning, and maintenance of
PROFIBUS devices using device type manager (DTM) technology. For field devices that have conventional device
description files (GSD), a basic PROFIBUS DTM is available to allow standardized offline configuration. HART devices are
integrated, configured, and parameterized through standard HART protocols without the need for additional tools by using a
standard HART DTM.

The individual device DTMs can be accessed from Composer Field’s multiple data views, such as the functional diagram,
system or location overview, etc. Optionally, the PROFIBUS master configuration can be integrated in the Composer
environment. It includes net calculation and loading of process items by using the device-specific channel configuration
generated by the DTM.

Composer Field provides the following functionality:

• Configuration of field devices
• Commissioning of field devices
• Status Monitoring
• Reporting to the Engineering Workstation

1.2 Intended User

This user manual provides the necessary information to use Composer Field component on Symphony Plus Engineering
workstations like Composer Harmony engineering tool. It is not a tutorial for configuring, commissioning, and status
monitoring of field devices in Symphony Plus Engineering workstations. It is intended for personnel with human system
interface and engineering workstation experience. This user manual further assumes the reader is familiar with Windows
operating systems.

1.3 Instruction Content

This user manual contains four sections. It includes a Table of Contents, List of Figures, and List of Tables giving several
options to locate specific information quickly. The sections make up this user manual include:

Describes the contents of this user manual and its intended user.

Composer Field Setup

Explains the creation of projects for Composer Harmony and Composer Field.

Composer Field Integration with Composer Harmony

Describes the integration of Composer Field with Composer Harmony with an example of PDP800 communication module.

PROFIBUS Integration
Explains the integration of PROFIBUS with Symphony Plus Engineering system.

1.4 Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations

The following table lists a glossary of terms and abbreviations used in this user manual. It contains those terms and
abbreviations that are unique to ABB or have a definition that is different from standard industry usage.

Table 1-1 Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations

Term Definition

GSD File Conventional field device description file.

Project Administration Project Administration tool is a portal to S+ Engineering. It provides

administration functionality on engineering server node and configuring client
nodes to access the engineering server. Also known as Project Admin tool.

Composer Field S+ Engineering application used to engineer fieldbus master and slave
devices of the control system. Interacts with Composer Harmony linking
fieldbus configuration with Harmony control system logic. Also known as Field

2VAA001570-110 1-1
Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations 1. Introduction

Table 1-1 Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations (Continued)

Term Definition
Composer Harmony Primary S+ Engineering application for engineering S+ Harmony and
traditional Harmony control systems. Also known as Control Engineering for
Harmony systems.

Composer System The initial UI for S+ Engineering is used to engineer the network aspects of the
control system and access other Composer components. Also known as
System Engineering. Composer System 1.0.1 is compatible with Composer
Harmony 6.0.1 and Composer Field 1.0.1 versions only.

DTM Software component providing configuration or communication with physical

PROFIBUS/HART devices. Windows-only technology (PROFIBUS/HART FDT
1.2 Specification).

Communication DTM This term is used for a DTM which is present on top level of the nested
communication topology; it provides FDT communication interfaces for all of its
connected devices. For Composer Field, the PDP800 and HAI/HAO DTMs are
called as Communication DTMs.

Gateway DTM This term is used for those DTMs which provide gateway functionality to
connect devices. For Composer Field, both device types are acting as Gateway
and Communication DTMs.

Field Device DTM A Field Device DTM is a vendor specific DTM providing user interfaces and
communication parts for configuration and maintenance of field devices. A
HART DTM is always a Field Device DTM whereas PROFIBUS slaves can also
have the functionality of Gateway DTMs.

I/O Communication This term addresses either the PDP800 or the HART capable I/O modules
Gateways (HAI/HAO).

Controller (Aka Module) Directs field processes e.g. HC800 or BRC410 for Harmony system, PM876 for
Melody systems.

Control logic document For Harmony systems, a CLD is a grouping of sheets containing control logic
(CLD) (usually with a similar purpose). A controller configuration usually contains
many control logic documents to implement the control strategy for its
connected I/O.

Control logic template For Harmony systems, a CLT is a preconfigured logic configuration document
(CLT) used to simplify the creation of a new control logic document. A control logic
template, when dragged into a controller, creates a new control logic document
that is identical to the template and that can be linked to the CLT so that
changes to the CLT can be automatically pushed to all linked CLDs, saving time
and effort.

Block For Harmony systems, controllers provide a number of blocks in which to place
function codes when implementing a control strategy. Harmony controllers
typically have 10,000 or 30,000 blocks available.

PROFIBUS DP Decentralized Peripherals.

Control network (Aka Data communication highway. In Composer Field, the DP-Net connects the
Loop) PROFIBUS slaves.

Exchange For Harmony systems, the Exchange in Composer Harmony is a Project-wide

repository of system and user-defined reusable components (symbols, shapes,
macros, and documents). These components are organized into folders.

Library The Library in Composer Field consists of Engineering Definitions and

Hardware Libraries. Engineering Definitions is used to support and organize the
field device types and field device templates respectively.

Function code For Harmony systems, a function code represents an instance in the controller
of an algorithm that provides specific functions. These functions are linked
together to form the control strategy.

1-2 2VAA001570-110
1. Introduction Reference Documents

Table 1-1 Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations (Continued)

Term Definition
Harmony control unit (Aka A control network node that contains controllers. The HPC800 is a Harmony
PCU or Process Control control unit consisting of a CP800 that connects to the control network, and one
Unit) HC800 controller. Traditional Harmony systems' control units consist of
NIS/NPM modules and several controllers.

Human systems interface Combined hardware and software entity (sometimes just a software application)
used by operators to monitor and control the process control system.

Project A grouping of configuration information (displays, control logic documents, etc.)

for a process.

S+ Engineering Project A group of Composer projects for a particular process or part of a process.
(SEP) SEP's contain one or more Composer Harmony projects, and one Composer
Field project; or one Composer Melody project; or one System project.

Field Project A project maintained by Composer Field which is represent by one INGRES

Harmony Project A project which is maintained by Composer Harmony and it is shown with a
representative in Composer Field.

Sheet For Harmony systems, sheets are the actual pages of a control logic document
on which control logic is inserted.

PA Project Administration

CS Composer System

CA Composer Admin

CO Composer Operations

CM Composer Melody

CH Composer Harmony

CF Composer Field

LPM Address The address for a Harmony Controller is commonly referred to as its LPM
address - <Loop>-<PCU>-<Module>, e.g. 7-5-16. LPMB is used to refer to a
block address in a controller - <Loop>-<PCU>-<Module>-<Block>.

1.5 Reference Documents

This user manual provides information about Composer Field and its functions. Table 1-2 lists additional documents that
relate to Composer Field component.

Table 1-2 Reference Documents

Number Document

2VAA000587* S+ Engineering: Composer Melody User Manual

2VAA001446 S+ Control: PDP800 PROFIBUS Master Module Hardware and Operation

User Manual

3BUS095428 Symphony Plus Harmony Technology Update

2VAA000812* S+ Engineering: Composer Harmony Primary Interface Manual

2VAA000844* S+ Engineering: Composer Harmony Function Code Application Manual

Volume 2 - Function Codes 177-247

2VAA003207* S+ Engineering: Project Administration User Manual

2VAA001570-110 1-3
Reference Documents 1. Introduction

1-4 2VAA001570-110
2. Composer Field Setup Installation of Composer Field

2. Composer Field Setup

2.1 Installation of Composer Field
Composer Field 1.1 is installed along with Project Administration 1.1 and Composer Harmony 6.1 versions.

It is a part of Composer Harmony subsystem and it interacts with Harmony through SOAP interfaces. It can be controlled
through Composer Harmony.

Composer Field is designed in such a way that Composer Harmony can interact with it to add, remove or modify projects
and field devices in Composer Harmony. CH also retrieves information about the field devices which are maintained in
Composer Field.

Refer to S+ Installer Manager Installation Manual (2VAA003191*) for more information on installation procedure.

2.2 Structures of Composer Field

Composer Field consists of the following three structures.
• Project Structure
• System Structure
• Library Structure

Figure 2-1: Project Structure

2.2.1 Project Structure

Project Structure displays all Composer Field projects (Field Project) on the server node. Generally, the user is given limited
access to this structure. The following figure (Figure 2-2) displays the workplace of Composer Field with the Project

This structure facilitates to perform the following tasks within a project:

Settings - This dialog box displays the list of projects present in Composer Field and limits the user through Authorization

Project Statistic - This aspect view displays the number of following list of hardware present in the respective Harmony
Field project.
• Controllers
• Local I/O units
• Local I/O unit channels
• DTM devices present in PROFIBUS and HART respectively
• DTM device channels present in Remote I/O
Database Information - This aspect view displays information about database users.

2VAA001570-110 2-1
System Structure 2. Composer Field Setup

Backup Information - It displays information about project backup and maintenance activity with the status message.

Figure 2-2: Composer Field Workplace

In Composer Field, there is no update required for the project.

2.2.2 System Structure

The system structure is the actual planning structure for Fieldbus devices. All field devices are derived from objects present
in library structure.

NOTE: The Master, Slave, and I/O module Field devices are added directly in Composer Harmony. These devices are
then created automatically in Composer Field, from where device specific configuration can be performed.

In Figure 2-3, the Harmony project name is displayed as root node. Beneath this node, the Field project (here it is named as
CH1) is located. Harmony project is present at the top level nodes for Composer Field's devices. A project contains different
loops and control units with different I/O boards and PROFIBUS gateways.

Figure 2-3: System Structure with Master Field Devices

2-2 2VAA001570-110
2. Composer Field Setup Library Structure

The Field project name is the same name of Composer Harmony project (first name) created through Project
Administration tool. Refer to the sub-section Creating a New S+ Control Harmony Project in S+ Engineering:
Project Administration User Manual (2VAA003207*) for detailed information.
In Figure 2-3, the Field project is displayed with three different master devices beneath the HC800 controller. On this level,
only PDP800, HAI805, and HAO805 devices are allowed. HAI805 and HAO805 are local I/O units for HART devices,
whereas the PDP800 is a PROFIBUS master with one PROFIBUS line. A single Harmony project can have a couple of
PROFIBUS master devices.

The following figure (Figure 2-4) displays the PROFIBUS and HART devices which are connected to different I/O channels.

Figure 2-4: System Structure

A single Composer Field project can have a couple of Harmony projects.

2.2.3 Library Structure

Library structure contains only objects which are required for setting up the fieldbus system in co-operation with Composer
Harmony. These objects are assigned and represented in the system structure. This structure sub-divided into the following
two categories:
• Engineering Definitions
• Hardware Libraries
To create a device type template from an existing device type, the user should be provided with proper library
access rights.

2VAA001570-110 2-3
Project Workflow in Composer Field 2. Composer Field Setup

The Engineering Definitions category is sub-divided into two sub-categories. They are Field Devices and Field Devices
(Templates). All field devices with or without DTMs (GSD file) are configured in Field Devices sub-category. Through this
sub-category, the field device templates are created and displayed beneath the Field Devices (Templates) sub-category
(refer to Figure 2-5).

NOTE: The field devices with or without DTMs (GSD file) are loaded in Composer Field. These loaded field devices are
available in Composer Harmony through the Create New Field Device dialog box. In CH, these field devices are added
directly to the master devices.

Figure 2-5: Library Structure

2.3 Project Workflow in Composer Field

The creation of project structure in Composer Field depends on the following workflow.
1. Creating a new Plant, System, and S+ Control Harmony Project in Project Admin tool respectively.
2. Performing the above step automatically creates the project structure in Composer Field.

2.3.1 Creating Projects in Project Administration Tool

Follow the given steps to create the required projects in Project Administration tool:
1. Create a new Plant and System.
2. Create a S+ Control Harmony Project. Creating a New Plant and System Project

Refer to the sub-section Creating a New System in S+ Engineering: Project Administration User Manual (2VAA003207*) for
detailed information. Creating a S+ Control Harmony Project

Refer to the sub-section Creating a New S+ Control Harmony Project in S+ Engineering: Project Administration User
Manual (2VAA003207*) for detailed information.

2-4 2VAA001570-110
2. Composer Field Setup Project Creation in Composer Field

2.3.2 Project Creation in Composer Field

The following figure (Figure 2-6) displays the Project Structure of Project Admin tool with S+ Control Harmony project.

Figure 2-6: Project Structure in Project Admin Tool

Performing the creation of S+ Control Harmony project in Project Admin tool results in the creation of project structure in
Composer Field automatically as shown in Figure 2-7.

Figure 2-7: S+ Control Harmony Project in Project Structure

Similarly, the system structure in Composer Field gets updated automatically with the S+ Control Harmony project as shown
in Figure 2-8.

Figure 2-8: System Structure

2.4 Setup in Composer Harmony

The project structure in Composer Harmony consists of a Control Network, Harmony Control units, and HC800 Controller.
The HC800 controller supports the PDP800 PROFIBUS Master device and the HAI805 and HAO805 HART masters. These
master devices can be added under an HC800 controller.

Field Master devices are identified in Composer Harmony and Composer Field by their name. A block number is not
required to add a master. However, a block number is required for a working system; it can be assigned later, changed, or

Follow the given steps to create the project structure in Composer Harmony:
1. Open a Composer Harmony and select the Composer project.
2. Right-click and go to New > Control Network from the context menu that appears.
3. This displays a Add Control Network dialog box to add a new control network.
4. Enter the required details and click OK.

2VAA001570-110 2-5
Setup in Composer Harmony 2. Composer Field Setup

5. Similarly add a new Control Unit to the Control Network and Controller to the Control Unit as shown in
Figure 2-9.

Figure 2-9: Adding a Control Unit

Refer to S+ Engineering: Composer Harmony Primary Interface Manual (2VAA000812*) for information on setup of Control
Networks, Control Units, Controllers, and Configuration.

2-6 2VAA001570-110
3. Composer Field Integration with Composer Harmony Introduction

3. Composer Field Integration with Composer Harmony

3.1 Introduction
For integration with Composer Harmony, Composer Field allows configuration of the following fieldbus master modules:
• HART I/O Modules
Using these modules, the field devices are configured, commissioned, and maintained in Composer Field. Based on the
logs generated by these modules, the reports are generated and presented to the user in engineering workstation.

3.1.1 Integration between Composer Harmony and Composer Field

The following figure (Figure 3-1) displays the data model and navigation integration between Composer Harmony and
Composer Field tools respectively. The fieldbus master modules such as PDP800 PROFIBUS DP Master, HAI805, and
HAO805 HART I/O modules are connected to Composer Field through the Control Network.

Figure 3-1: Integration between Composer Harmony and Composer Field

3.2 PDP800 Module Overview

The PDP800 module provides PROFIBUS Master module capability for the Symphony Plus system. It supports DP-V0,
DPV1, and DP-V2 functionality and it is integrated into the Symphony Plus Composer engineering toolset. The
configuration required to operate the PDP800 is created in the Symphony Plus Composer Harmony engineering tool. The
PDP800's configuration is then downloaded from the engineering tool to the HC800 controller module, which then
processes the configuration and downloads it to the PDP800 module. Input and output points are fully integrated into the
system and can be used alongside standard Harmony rack I/O, as well as S800 I/O. All of these IO systems can be
configured and controlled from a single HC800 controller module.

The PDP800 provides a single line of PROFIBUS connectivity and also supports line redundancy. The PDP800 can
also be configured as a redundant module pair independent of the line redundancy. The PDP800 PROFIBUS master
module can be connected to S800 I/O using a CI840 PROFIBUS interface module.

2VAA001570-110 3-1
Main Features of PDP800 3. Composer Field Integration with Composer Harmony

3.2.1 Main Features of PDP800

The PDP800 PROFIBUS master receives its configuration information from the HC800 controller. Standard
Symphony/Harmony function codes are used to specify the PROFIBUS slaves connected to the PDP800.
The PDP800 module has the following main features:
• Supports module redundancy. In this configuration, both modules have access to the PROFIBUS channel(s). In the
event of a failure of the primary module, the backup module takes over. Configuration information is automatically
transferred to the backup from the primary. Fail over is transparent to the user except for module status indications
of the fail over.
• It acts as a time synchronization master on the PROFIBUS.
• Supports line redundancy on the PROFIBUS channel. Both PROFIBUS channels on the PDP800 remain active at
all times. The PDP800 monitors each channel and automatically switches from the active channel to the standby
channel, whenever communications are delayed or interrupted on the active channel.The PDP800 periodically
checks channel quality to verify it is available and reports the status of both channels to the controller.
• Using a CI840 (Fieldbus communication interface for PROFIBUS), the PDP800 is capable of interfacing to the
following types of I/O within the S800 I/O subsystem: basic AI/AO, basic DI (contact inputs), basic DO, pulse inputs,
temperature device inputs (RTDs and thermocouples), intrinsic safety I/O (analog and digital (input and output)),
and redundant I/O (analog and digital (input and output) and pulse input).
• Using a HAI805/HAO805 HART Master modules, the following I/O types are supporting within the HART I/O
subsystem: basic analog and digital (input and output) and multi-channel support for Harmony I/O blocks.
Refer to S+ Control: PDP800 PROFIBUS Master Module Hardware and Operation User Manual (2VAA001446) for more

3.3 PDP800 Module Integration

Follow the given steps to integrate PDP800 PROFIBUS DP Master with Composer Harmony 6.1:
1. Manual configuration of control logic for the process and interface logic.
2. Automatic generation of required CLDs based on PROFIBUS configuration in CF.
3. Synchronization of function block specifications contained in CLDs between CH and CF.

3.3.1 Overall Workflow of PDP800 PROFIBUS

The overall workflow of PDP800 PROFIBUS DP is as follows:
1. Install the standard DTMs for PDP800 using CF.
2. Create Symphony Plus Engineering projects for CH using the Project Admin tool.
Creation of CH project through Project Admin tool results in the creation of Project Structure in Composer

3. Load the standard DTMs for PDP800 and all other PROFIBUS devices into CF project library in the newly
created Symphony Plus Engineering project.

NOTE: Additional DTMs/GSDs for devices can be installed and loaded into the CF project library.
4. Define an HC800 controller in the system structure within CH. This results in an HC800 controller being created
within the system structure of the CF project (identified by L-P-M address).
5. Add PDP800 in CH and provide the block number to be used for the required function code (FC227).
6. Create a PDP800 node in CF per CH request.
7. Add PROFIBUS slave devices (such as CI840 for connecting to S800 I/O) using CH and configure offline as
8. Create PROFIBUS CLDs for the slave devices associated with each PDP800 in CH using automated or manual
9. Link control application logic to PROFIBUS device or IO points (function blocks) using IREFs/OREFs.
10. Label the PDP800 device in Composer Harmony.

NOTES: Refer to the sub-section Establishing a Device Label in S+ Control: PDP800 PROFIBUS Master
Module Hardware and Operation User Manual (2VAA001446) for directions on how to label a HN800 device.
11. Compile HC800 CLDs and resolve any compilation errors.
12. Put the HC800 controller into configure mode and download to the HC800 controller.
13. Set life-cycle state to running in Composer Field.

3-2 2VAA001570-110
3. Composer Field Integration with Composer Harmony Configuring PDP800

14. Set HC800 controller into execute mode in CH.

The HC800 controller propagates configuration to PDP800, which then initializes the PROFIBUS line and establishes
communication with PROFIBUS slave devices.

1. In CF, the online operations are available through DTMs. The calibration and online parameterization can be
done for the field devices.
2. When loss of communication between the HC800 and the PDP800 occurs, the PDP800 module stops all
communication on PROFIBUS. All attached PROFIBUS devices must be configured to have their outputs go to a
safe state when PROFIBUS communication is lost.

3.4 Configuring PDP800

The PDP800 module is a component of the Symphony Plus (SPlus) control system. The SPlus Engineering tools, Project
Admin tool, Composer Field, and Composer Harmony are used to configure the PDP800 module and PROFIBUS field
devices that are connected to this module.

CF is used to select, assign, and configure PROFIBUS slave devices to a PDP PROFIBUS Master, and HART slave
devices to HAI or HAO HART Master modules. The resulting configuration is included in the HC800 controller's control logic
which, when in execute mode, transfers the configuration on to the PDP800.

CH is used to create all required control logic. The PDP800 requires specific function codes to be configured in the HC800
controller's control logic. Function codes are used to represent the PDP800 PROFIBUS master (FC227) and each
PROFIBUS slave device (FC228). Channel function codes FC222, FC223, FC224, and FC225 are used to define Input and
output channels of PROFIBUS devices.

Specifications within FC227 control the PROFIBUS master operating parameters of the PDP800.

FC228 is used to represent each PROFIBUS device. These are connected to the FC227 that represents the PDP800
controlling the PROFIBUS device. Specifications within each FC228 control user parameters sent to the devices on startup
and coordinate the data exchange between the devices and the PDP800. The FC228 specifications provide the required
information to the PDP800, to communicate with the device and to identify the data to be exchanged with the device.

Channel function codes, FC222, FC223, FC224, and FC225 are used to represent individual channel inputs or outputs from
or to a PROFIBUS device. These function codes are sequentially linked to the FC228 that represents the PROFIBUS
device. Specifications in the channel function codes are used to identify the PROFIBUS data type and data location for a
specific channel.

FC221 is used to represent each HART device for Composer Harmony. It supports multi-channel Harmony I/O blocks. Each
Harmony I/O block incorporates a specific combination of channel data types (digital input, digital output, analog input, and
analog output). FC221 is used to make appropriate assignments of function codes 222 through 225 to Harmony I/O block
channels. Definition of this function code is required for all Harmony I/O blocks.

FC222 and FC223 are used to support PDP800 PROFIBUS module, Harmony I/O blocks and S800 I/O modules only.
These two function codes provides addressing, startup, run-time, override, and failure mode specifications for an individual
or redundant pair of analog input channels on a PDP800 PROFIBUS Master module, Harmony I/O block or an S800 I/O
module. FC222 is required for all configured analog input block channels. FC223 is required for all configured analog output
I/O block channels.

Refer to the S+ Engineering: Composer Harmony Function Code Application Manual (2VAA000844* Vol. 2) for information
on function code. Refer to S+ Control: PDP800 PROFIBUS Master Module Hardware and Operation User Manual
(2VAA001446) for more information on PDP800 configuration.

2VAA001570-110 3-3
Fieldbus Device Library 3. Composer Field Integration with Composer Harmony

3.5 Fieldbus Device Library

The Fieldbus device library in Composer Harmony consists of DTM definition files for HART and PROFIBUS
communication modules respectively as shown in Figure 3-2. With the GSD type of definition file also, the configuration can
be done in Composer Field.

Figure 3-2: Fieldbus Device Library

3.6 Create a Master Field Device in Composer Harmony

Follow the given steps to create a PDP800 PROFIBUS Master field device in Composer Harmony:
1. Open a Composer Harmony and go to:
Composer Harmony Project > Control Network > Control Unit > Controller
2. Right-click and navigate to New > Fieldbus Master... from the context menu that appears (refer to Figure 3-3).
3. This displays a Create New Field Device dialog box to add a new PDP800 master device (refer to Figure 3-4).
4. Enter the field device name.
5. Select PDP800 device type from the Device Type drop-down list. This list is dynamically built from the list of
devices available in the current Composer Field project.

NOTE: Before adding devices in Composer Harmony, you must first use Composer Field to check for
registered DTMs on the PC and then load the required devices into the Composer Field project Library
6. Enter the address for the device:
– For PROFIBUS masters and slave devices, this field represents the PROFIBUS address (1-125).
– For HART slave devices, this field represents the input specification on the FC221 to which the slave will be
connected (CH1 - CH8). HART Masters have no address in this sense, only an IB80/HNET label, and this
field will be grayed out when a HART master device type is selected.
– For I/O Modules, the address field represents the slot for the module (e.g. slot in the CI840).

NOTE: Composer Field does not allow changing slot numbers once a module is added. To change the slot
number, the module must be deleted and added to the correct slot.
7. Select the Assign CLD to device from... check box and choose the required CLD source.
8. Click Create Device.

3-4 2VAA001570-110
3. Composer Field Integration with Composer Harmony Create a Master Field Device in Composer Harmony

Refer to the sub-section Field Devices in S+ Engineering: Composer Harmony Primary Interface Manual
(2VAA000812*) for detailed information.

Figure 3-3: Context Menu to create a PDP800 Master Field Device

Figure 3-4: Create a PDP800 Master Field Device

2VAA001570-110 3-5
Create a Master Field Device in Composer Harmony 3. Composer Field Integration with Composer Harmony

After adding a PDP800 PROFIBUS DP master device in Composer Harmony, the system structure in Composer Field is
updated with the respective master field device as shown in Figure 3-5.

Figure 3-5: Updated Field Device in Composer Field

Similarly, HAI and HAO HART Master field devices can be added in Composer Harmony and CF is updated automatically.
Now you can select, assign, and configure PROFIBUS slave devices to a PDP PROFIBUS Master, and HART slave
devices to HAI or HAO HART Master modules. The resulting configuration is included in the HC800 controller's control logic
which, when in execute mode, transfers the configuration on to the PDP800. The previous figure (Figure 3-5) also displays
the updated System Structure of CF after the addition of HAI and HAO Master field devices of HART Master module in CH.

Composer Harmony supports the following field devices:

• PDP800 PROFIBUS master and slave devices
• HAO805 and HAI805 HART master and slave devices
• I/O modules.

NOTE: In Composer Harmony, master devices are added under the HC800 controller in an HPC, and slaves field
devices are added under masters. I/O modules can be added to devices like S800 I/O modules, or logical modules in a
slave like the TP800 Turbine Protection slave device. I/O modules are added under the slave module.

3-6 2VAA001570-110
3. Composer Field Integration with Composer Harmony Update FC Data (sync) Operation in Composer Harmony

3.7 Update FC Data (sync) Operation in Composer Harmony

The Update FC Data (sync) function in Composer Harmony now only updates FC specifications based on devices settings
in Composer Field. It does not generate CLDs. After configuring field devices in Composer Field, corresponding control
logic is required in the HC800 to connect the fieldbus signals with the Harmony control system. To ensure consistent data
between Composer Field and Composer Harmony, use Update FC Data function.

Figure 3-6: Update FC Data Operation

The following tasks have to be completed successfully before performing the Update FC Data operation:
1. Compile and generate a Configuration file.
2. Compile all the CLD files present in the respective controller.
3. After successful compilation, download the control logic to a Process Controller.
4. Put the controller into Execute mode which then puts the PDP800, HAO, and HAI modules into Execute mode.
5. This action prepares the CH for Online configuration.
Refer to the section Field Devices in S+ Engineering: Composer Harmony Primary Interface Manual (2VAA000812*) for
more information on Update FC Data operation overview.

3.8 Different Stages of Composer Field

Composer Field consists of the following three stages.
• Planning
• Release
• Running State

3.8.1 Planning Stage

The following tasks can be performed in CF when it is present in planning stage:
1. All field device configurations can be done.
2. The control logic can be loaded into the controller in CH once the master and slave field device configurations
are completed in CF.

2VAA001570-110 3-7
Release and Running Stage 3. Composer Field Integration with Composer Harmony

3. Loading and configuration of field devices can be performed in this stage in CF.
4. Both the System and Library structure can be accessed in CF during the planning stage only.

3.8.2 Release and Running Stage

The following tasks can be performed in CF when it is present in release and running stages:
1. Online actions on field devices can be performed only in running stage.
2. Composer Field is set into running stage either by explicitly in CF or by an external call from CH through
3. SetLifecycle functionality is called when CH completes the CLD compilation and it communicates to CF about
the successful compilation status.
4. In this stage, access to System and Library structure are restricted to the user.

3-8 2VAA001570-110
4. PROFIBUS Integration Introduction

4. PROFIBUS Integration
4.1 Introduction
The PROFIBUS Master/Slave field devices are created in Composer Harmony using Create New Field Device dialog box
and it is updated automatically in the system structure of Composer Field. Then it is configured with the corresponding
specific device applications. All field devices without DTMs are configured according to information stored in the related
GSD file. To allow a system type with templates based on these files, each GSD must have an own object type within the
project library.

The GSD file must be loaded into the Library Structure of CF through Field Devices > Load GSD context menu, where the
loading process automatically creates a proper device type containing the GSD contents. Both DTM and GSD based device
types are stored in the same library as shown in Figure 4-1.

Figure 4-1: DTM and GSD Device Types

While loading GSD files into project library, Composer Field does not require any update mechanism to create
device types.

4.2 Installing and Loading Specific DTMs

Specific DTMs are optimally adapted to the device being configured. They can be used to set all the functions of a device.
They have their own user interface which in some aspects is very different to the Composer user interface. The third-party
manufacturer who supplies the DTMs owns the responsibility of the content and proper functioning of these DTMs. They
have a defined interface to Composer, by which the data relevant to Composer is exchanged. Composer activates these
DTMs in its individual operating states and controls specific DTM functions. In this way, online functions of the DTM are
deactivated in the Composer planning phase. Similarly, the offline functions are deactivated in the running phase.

Follows the given steps to install the specific DTMs:

1. Install the specific DTMs in all the SPlus Engineering Workstations that uses Composer Field.

NOTE: Installation of specific DTMs should be done outside of the Composer.

Usually, at the end of DTM installation, the PC should be rebooted. Rebooting is recommended so that all
applications get the new registry entries for the DTM. If several DTM's are installed one after the other, it is not
necessary to restart after each DTM setup, but it is recommended after the last setup.

2. Open a Composer Field and go to Library Structure.

2VAA001570-110 4-1
GSD Based PROFIBUS Field Devices 4. PROFIBUS Integration

3. Right-click on Field Devices and select Scan registered DTMs as shown in Figure 4-2.

Figure 4-2: Scan Registered DTMs

4. The specific DTMs installed in the respective workstation are displayed beneath the DTMs installed on this PC,
but not in Library menu as shown in Figure 4-3.
5. Select the required specific DTMs from the list.
6. Right-click and select Load from the context menu that appears.

Figure 4-3: Installed DTMs

Composer Field supports FDT 0.98 and FDT 1.2 protocol. DTMs built (Basic HART and Generic HART) can be
used for both FDT protocols. It is strongly recommended to use the same DTM type for one remote I/O (FDT
0.98 RIO with Basic HART DTM; FDT 1.2 RIO with Generic HART DTM).

4.3 GSD Based PROFIBUS Field Devices

For PROFIBUS devices which do not have their own DTM, Composer offers a so-called Load GSD option.Through this
option, you can upload the GSD files directly to the Library and they are updated in the field devices list automatically.
During this upload process, the proper device types are created based on the GSD file contents.

4-2 2VAA001570-110
4. PROFIBUS Integration Loading a GSD File

4.3.1 Loading a GSD File

Follow the given steps to upload a GSD file into the Library:
1. Open a Composer Field and go to Library Structure.
2. Go to Library > Engineering Definitions > Field Devices
3. Right-click and select Load GSD from the context menu that appears.
4. This displays the dialog box to select GSD file as shown in Figure 4-5.
5. Locate and select the required GSD file and click Open.
6. This loading process creates device type for the respective GSD file in the Library structure automatically as
shown in Figure 4-6.

Figure 4-4: Loading a GSD File

Figure 4-5: Locating GSD File

2VAA001570-110 4-3
Template Creation for Field Device Types 4. PROFIBUS Integration

Figure 4-6: Updated GSD Device Type

4.4 Template Creation for Field Device Types

Field Device Template can be created for all DTMs or GSD based device types except for remote I/O devices. Using this
templates, user can pre-define the required device structure and can specify device parameters which can be used later
when instantiating a field devices.

4-4 2VAA001570-110
4. PROFIBUS Integration Template Creation

4.4.1 Template Creation

Templates for field device types can be created in the following two methods:
• From an existing device type present in the Library Structure through Create Template context menu as shown in
Figure 4-7.
• From an existing device instance present in the System Structure through As Template context menu as shown in
Figure 4-8.

Figure 4-7: Creating Template through Library Structure

Figure 4-8: Creating Template through System Structure

2VAA001570-110 4-5
Creating a Master/Slave Field Device 4. PROFIBUS Integration

To create device type templates either from an existing device type or from an existing device instance,
user should have proper library access rights.

In both these cases, the template name should be given as unique template name. The created template object is placed
beneath the respective device type present in the Library Structure and also appears in the separate template library as
shown in Figure 4-9.

Figure 4-9: Field Device Templates

4.5 Creating a Master/Slave Field Device

The master/slave field devices can be created directly in Composer Harmony and they are updated automatically in the
System Structure of Composer Field. These field devices are created using the Create New Field Device dialog box
available in CH. Refer to Section 3.6 for detailed information on creating a field device in CH.

4-6 2VAA001570-110
4. PROFIBUS Integration Export and Import of Field Device Templates

4.6 Export and Import of Field Device Templates

To use field device templates in other projects, Composer Field provides an export/import mechanism (refer to Figure 4-10)
based on XML files. This export/import mechanism minimizes the configuration effort required for the field device templates.
The export/import of an individual template or the whole template library is possible.

Figure 4-10: Export of Field Device Template

4.7 Parameter Settings for a HART Slave Device

The HART slave device can be configured with reference to the basic parameters such as device details, primary variable
details, and communication tag.

Follow the given steps to configure the HART slave field device with reference to parameter settings:
1. Open a Composer Field and go to System Structure.
2. Go to CH1 > CH1 > HC800 > HAO805 > CH01 > GenericHART.

2VAA001570-110 4-7
Parameter Settings for a HART Slave Device 4. PROFIBUS Integration

3. Right-click and select Open > Configuration from the context menu as shown in Figure 4-11.

Figure 4-11: Configuring Menu for HART Slave Device

4. This displays the Configuration dialog box of HART slave device as shown in Figure 4-12.

Figure 4-12: HART Parameter Settings Tab

4-8 2VAA001570-110
4. PROFIBUS Integration Adding channels to a PROFIBUS Slave Device

5. Enter the required parameter details and click Ok.

The basic device parameter details can be entered in the Parameter tab of Configuration dialog box and a documentation
link can be provided in the Documentation tab.

4.8 Adding channels to a PROFIBUS Slave Device

Follow the given steps to add the required channels to a PROFIBUS slave field device:
1. Open a Composer Field and go to System Structure.
2. Go to CHI > CHI > HC800 > PDP800MASTER > DP1 > ABB10812.
3. Right-click and select Open > Configuration from the context menu as shown in Figure 4-13.

Figure 4-13: Accessing Configuration Menu

2VAA001570-110 4-9
Adding channels to a PROFIBUS Slave Device 4. PROFIBUS Integration

4. This displays a dialog box to add the required channels to the slave device as shown in Figure 4-14.

Figure 4-14: Adding Channels to a PROFIBUS Slave Device

5. Click Add Module to add a new module.

6. The first channel is created by the DTM. The channel name starts with M0_. The details of the channel names
can be typed with the next characters.
7. Select the channel type through the drop-down list.
8. Enter start byte and bit, length of the value, and if required the invalid bit. The SuvByte and SuvBit describes the
position of the substitute value.
9. After channel creation, it is possible to compute the addresses of the channels through the Compute
Addresses button.
It is not possible to reserve address ranges, when the addresses are computed.

10. Click on User Parameter tab for entering the user parameters for the above slave.
11. This displays the User Parameter dialog box as shown in Figure 4-15.

4-10 2VAA001570-110
4. PROFIBUS Integration PROFIBUS Slave Configuration Tool

12. Enter the required user parameters and click OK.

Figure 4-15: User Parameter Tab

4.9 PROFIBUS Slave Configuration Tool

The slave configuration tool for PROFIBUS slave field device provides configuration features in various tabs. Each tab
relates to a specific feature of the slave field device.

Following are the various tabs present in PROFIBUS slave configuration tool:
• Modules/Channels
• Settings
• DPV1
• User Parameter
• User Parameter (module related)

2VAA001570-110 4-11
Modules/Channels Tab 4. PROFIBUS Integration

4.9.1 Modules/Channels Tab

The following figure (Figure 4-16) displays the Modules/Channels tab of PROFIBUS slave configuration tool.

Figure 4-16: Module/Channels Tab

This tab is used to perform the following tasks:

• Create modules/channels
• Select channel types
• Set addresses
Generally, the pre-selection of suitable channel types are displayed in the Channel Type combo box based on the
parameters read from the loaded GSD file. If these parameters are incorrect, then the output channel types are not
displayed for the output modules. By selecting the Channel Type Check check box, you can check the available channel
type present in the GSD file. If you clear this check box, all the available channel types are displayed, so that the user is
allowed to select arbitrary channel types for the current configuration. As a default, the Channel Type Check is always

Using the Compute Addresses button, you can create an automatic address calculation for the modules and channels.
Export and import functions are provided to save the module/channel configuration or to transfer the data to another device
that is installed in another project.

4-12 2VAA001570-110
4. PROFIBUS Integration Settings Tab

4.9.2 Settings Tab

The Settings tab displays the parameters present in the GSD file. These parameters are converted, so that the user can
directly view the settings for the master field devices as derived from GSD.
The following figure (Figure 4-17) displays the Settings tab of PROFIBUS slave configuration tool.

Figure 4-17: Settings Tab

In addition, the watch dog and Min Tsdr (tBit) time can be set in this tab, so that the user is not required to open the Softing
configuration tool. All other parameters are displayed primarily for information only. Also, you can check for fail safe
support, information on maximum number of bytes allowed for the channel configuration, and timing related values in this

2VAA001570-110 4-13
DPV1 Tab 4. PROFIBUS Integration

4.9.3 DPV1 Tab

The DPV1 tab displays (refer to Figure 4-18) the DPV1 status bytes and the related parameters regarding redundancy. This
tab is visible only if the DPV1-Slave attribute is set in GSD file.

Figure 4-18: DPV1 Tab

The three DPV1 status bytes display various attributes of the GSD file and are displayed as a HEX string together with their
corresponding GSD items. If these attributes are not available, then the tool uses the attributes which specify these values.

If a device supports redundancy, the Redundancy group box is displayed; this group box allows the user to select the
current device as a redundant support. In this case, the structured user parameters have to be set. There is an automatic
calculation of these data is available, either from GSD file or from an internal algorithm. Additionally, the users can adapt
these parameters to their requirements. The Redundancy group box is only visible if the slave_redundancy_supp flag of
GSD file is not set to zero.

4-14 2VAA001570-110
4. PROFIBUS Integration User Parameter Tab

An experienced user can modify the DPV1 status bytes by selecting the Edit check box. The changes made on these
attributes have an impact on the User Parameter tab (refer to Figure 4-19).

Figure 4-19: DPV1 and User Parameter Tabs

4.9.4 User Parameter Tab

The User Parameter tab allows a user to configure the device, according to the parameter set provided in the GSD file. All
the parameters specified for a device are displayed in a table structure. If no parameters are specified in a particular GSD
file, then the user is provided with the standard tab, allowing at least specifying some Hex values for the parameter.

The following figure (Figure 4-20) displays the User Parameter tab with GSD specified parameters and Figure 4-21 displays
the User Parameter tab with empty parameters.

Figure 4-20: User Parameter Tab with Parameter Values

2VAA001570-110 4-15
User Parameter Tab (Module Related) 4. PROFIBUS Integration

Figure 4-21: User Parameter Tab with Empty Parameter Values

4.9.5 User Parameter Tab (Module Related)

In addition to the standard device related user parameters, the GSD file can also specify the module related parameters
(refer to Figure 4-22). If the PROFIBUS Configuration tool detects such parameters, then it displays a tab for each of those
modules having user parameter details.

Figure 4-22: User Parameter Tab (Module Related)

This tab is named as the module identifier in GSD. The current module number is prefixed to this identifier (for example,
0 - CI801), so that a user can easily find a particular module in the tab list. If no user parameters are defined for a module,
then no tabs are generated and the user cannot be able set any module related data.

In addition to parameter list, the user can also find the hex representation of the parameters and can modify the list by
changing hex values.
NOTE: This procedure is not safe, because the user can produce invalid configuration data. Automatic Slot Numbering

If a user parameter in a GSD file is named with [SlotNumber] - including brackets, then the configuration tool inserts the
correct values for this parameter automatically. Hence, the user is not required to manually set the slot number.

4-16 2VAA001570-110
4. PROFIBUS Integration Integration of CLS Client into CF

The following figure (Figure 4-23) displays the slot number set by the configuration tool automatically.

Figure 4-23: Automatic Slot Numbering

4.10 Integration of CLS Client into CF

The Common Licensing System (CLS) can be integrated into Composer Field. Licenses are checked every time when a
project is opened on request, either from a user (directly starting Composer Field tool) or from CH sending field
configuration requests to CF.
CF requests the license feature CFIELD (refer to Figure 4-24), which must be available to get access to any CF functions.

Figure 4-24: ABB License Entry Application

2VAA001570-110 4-17
Screen Forms for Parameter Settings 4. PROFIBUS Integration

Whenever the license service does not recognize the request, it replies an information string to CF, which is then displayed
in the message pane of an open engineering workplace or returned as a failure message to CH.

If CH does not have a license for CF, that is if the feature CFIELD is not loaded, then the following message is displayed.

No such feature exists

If there is no license is present or if there are two licenses is loaded, then the following error message is displayed in CH:

Error in registry entry for license file (License Group does not exist)

4.11 Screen Forms for Parameter Settings

Each PROFIBUS device is assigned with a Properties dialog box in Composer Field through which the device specific
PROFIBUS parameters can be set in the planning phase. The Properties dialog box can be opened from the System
Structure through the context menus as shown in Figure 4-25 and Figure 4-26 for PROFIBUS and HART slaves

Figure 4-25: Context Menu for PROFIBUS Slave Device

4-18 2VAA001570-110
4. PROFIBUS Integration Slave Configuration

Figure 4-26: Context Menu for HART Slave Device

4.11.1 Slave Configuration

The configuration for PROFIBUS slave field device can be done through the Slave Configuration dialog box.

Follow the given steps to access the Slave Configuration dialog box:
1. Right-click on PROFIBUS slave field device and select Open > Display DP-Configuration.
2. The Slave Configuration dialog box (refer to Figure 4-27) is displayed.

Figure 4-27: Slave Configuration Tab

The Configuration tab gives an overview of key data of the selected slave. Also by selecting the check box Watchdog, the
communication monitoring on the slave side can be activated (DEFAULT: ON). The monitoring time after which the slave

2VAA001570-110 4-19
Slave Configuration 4. PROFIBUS Integration

must be addressed at least once by the master is set in DP parameter of the master and applies uniformly to all slaves. This
is required to ensure the mutual consistency of all network parameters.

Figure 4-28: Slave Bus Access Tab

On the Bus Access tab, other parameters for slave bus access can be set. Depending on the capabilities of the slave, the
following options can be selected:
• Active: Activate the slave handler in the master for the slave in question (DEFAULT: ON).
• Fail Save: Acceptance of fail-safe telegrams (DEFAULT: OFF, automatically available if provided by slave GSD
• Minimum Station Delay (MinTsdr): Minimum delay before the slave responds to a polling telegram, is
automatically set by the bus calculation and should not be changed individually (DEFAULT: 0, which means that the
value in the slave is retained). This setting is also configured for Composer Harmony in FC227.
Generally for these settings it is sufficient to retain the default values. The slave address is only displayed in the slave
properties dialog box; it cannot be edited here. It can be edited only under the Net Assignment aspect view, as its setting
is directly linked to the redundancy configuration.

The fields SYNC and FREEZE indicate whether the slave supports the SYNC and FREEZE functions. Accordingly, the
device can be assigned by means of check boxes to individual broadcast or multicast groups defined on the master side
which enables a master to transmit SYNC and FREEZE commands simultaneously to several slaves. However, this
function is not yet supported by the controller modules at present.

Figure 4-29: Slave Coding Tab

4-20 2VAA001570-110
4. PROFIBUS Integration Master Configuration

The Coding tab displays binary-coded slave parameters in the form they are loaded into the communication interface. This
view can be used by service personnel when working with the diagnostic tool as a reference giving a comparison between
the settings made in Composer Field and the data actually present in the communication interface.

The radio button cluster allows a data class to be selected, with its length and data content then displayed on the right side.
Click OK to save all these settings. The properties dialog box is then closed. Click Cancel to close the dialog box and any
changes made to the values are cancelled.

4.11.2 Master Configuration

After the slaves have got their DP parameter assignment, the master, i.e. the controller is parameterized for the respective
bus. For that purpose, the PROFIBUS properties dialog box of the master is called up through the context menu Display
DP-Configuration. In this dialog box, all network parameters can be set which are required for the configuration of a bus.

Figure 4-30: Context Menu

All network parameters displayed in the following PROFIBUS Master Configuration dialog box can be changed through the
bus calculation unless explicitly positioning variables are concerned.

Figure 4-31: Master Configuration Tab

2VAA001570-110 4-21
Master Configuration 4. PROFIBUS Integration

The Configuration tab contains general information on the device and the network address of the master. The address of
the master can be changed in the controller.
PROFIBUS Master Configuration for PDP800 master is controlled by specifications on the FC227 in
Composer Harmony. Hence, some aspects of PROFIBUS master configuration done in CF is updated to
FC227 specifications while performing Update FC Data operation in CH.

In the FDL parameters tab, the baud rate is set as a positioning variable. If PROFIBUS PA devices are connected to the
bus, the baud rate is set to 93.75 kbd. The PA devices are then coupled to the PROFIBUS DP through a DP/PA converter.
The DP/PA converter reduces the baud rate for the PA segment by the factor 3 to 31.25 kbd. If PA devices are used, this
must be indicated through the check box PA segment. By usage of a DP/PA converter with freely adjustable baud rate, for
example ABB Linking Device LD 800P, a selection of the check box PA segment is not necessary.
The Baudrate rate entered here is synced with Composer Harmony through Update FC Data operation.
Accordingly FC227 is updated for the respective PDP800 Master module.

• TTR (Master Class 1) [bit]: Target Rotation Time, designates the target rotation time of a token and must not be
exceeded by a master. It is calculated and, together with Delta TTR, it forms the Total TTR. For a network, it is
important that all masters are using the same value. The total TTR must also be used in other master devices.
• Slot Time [bit]: Monitoring time for the failure detection of devices and thus a pure monitoring time, it must be
larger than Max-TSDR. It is calculated and, together with Delta Slot Time, it forms the Total Slot Time.
• Min. Station Delay Responder: Period after which a device may respond to a master request at the earliest. It is
calculated from device properties.
• Max. Station Delay Responder: Period after which a device must have responded to a master request at the
latest. It is calculated from device properties.

Figure 4-32: Master FDL Parameters Tab

The positioning variables for the bus calculation can be configured using the following parameters in this tab:
• Delta TTR [bit]: If DPV1 devices are operated on the bus, this parameter should be set to approximately 10% of
the parameter TTR (Master Class 1). In this way, an accelerated loading through the asynchronous services is
• Watchdog/TTR [%]: Presetting for the variable of the watchdog depending on the calculated TTR (DEFAULT: 700).
• Delta Slot Time [bit]: If delays exist in the signal runtime due to network components such as repeater, media
converter, protocol converter, redundancy link module or DP/PA converter, these can be taken into account by
indicating the delta slot time.
The More FDL Parameters tab contains basic parameters which are automatically set to default values when setting the
baud rate.

The positioning variables for the bus calculation can be configured using the following parameters in this tab:
• Quiet Time [bit]: Bus quiet time (e.g. for converting NRZ signals to another coding, switch over times for repeater,
DEFAULT: Minimum value automatically from GSD file).

4-22 2VAA001570-110
4. PROFIBUS Integration Master Configuration

• Setup Time [bit]: Required minimum response time (DEFAULT: Minimum value automatically from GSD file).
• Gap Update Factor: Refreshing of the GAP image of the master cyclically after (GapUpdateFactor * TTR) bit times
at the latest, can be increased for the purpose of optimization (DEFAULT: 10).
• Highest Station Address: Indication of the highest address for which the Class 2 master on the bus are taken into
account. (DEFAULT: '126').
• Retry Limit: Number of retries in case of a communication error (DEFAULT: '1', for DPV1-PA or DP/DPV1-PA
mixed operation: '3').

Figure 4-33: Master More FDL Parameters Tab

The DP parameters tab contains the DP-specific network parameters:

• Min. Slave Interval [ms]: Designates the minimum time interval which must have passed before the master can
address the slave again. This interval is preset by the manufacturer for each device in the GSD file. This parameter
is important if the number of bus participants is less than five. In case of a bus calculation, the maximum value is
determined from the quantity of devices.
• Data Control Interval [ms]: Controls the recognition of failed devices, should always clearly exceed the watchdog
time out.
• Watchdog Time out [ms]: Time during which the slave device must be addressed at least once in the course of
the cyclic data traffic. Otherwise, the device will pass into the safe state and must be reconfigured and
parameterized again. The watchdog must not be too small as, otherwise, devices are recognized to be faulty
periodically although they are immediately ready again for data exchange.
The positioning variables for the bus calculation can be configured using the following parameters in this tab:
• Master/Master Time out [ms]: Monitoring time for master/master communication (DEFAULT: 500 ms)
• Auto clear: In case of a disturbance of one slave, the master transmits CLEAR telegrams ('0') to all slaves
If the auto clear function is activated, then the failure of a single slave resets permanently all other
slaves at the bus. This state can be cancelled only through a reset of the master.

2VAA001570-110 4-23
Master Configuration 4. PROFIBUS Integration

Figure 4-34: Master DP-Parameters Tab

On the Groups tab, the SYNC and FREEZE commands can be activated and deactivated for the various multicast and
broadcast groups.

Figure 4-35: Master Coding Tab

The Coding tab, as in the slaves, serves as a reference for the service personnel for comparisons between settings in
Composer and the configuration actually loaded in the module. No settings are possible.

On all tabs which permit changes to values, the plausibility check is performed to confirm whether the permissible value
range has been maintained whenever a new value is entered. If the range limits are conflicted, then the previous value is

When the user quits a tab, an additional mutual plausibility check is made for all entries made on the tab. For example, on
the FDL parameters tab, a check is made whether Min. St. Delay Resp. is less than Max. St. Delay Resp. Inconsistencies
are signalled and quitting of the tab is prevented until the entries have been adjusted.

Click OK to save the settings made. The properties dialog box is then closed. Click Cancel to close the dialog box and all
changes made to the values are cancelled.
For performing PROFIBUS diagnosis, Composer Harmony provides the Harmony Fieldbus Analyzer tool.

4-24 2VAA001570-110
ABB Inc. Notice

Document Number: 2VAA001570-110

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In no event shall ABB be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages of any
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Copyright © 2013 by ABB.
E-Mail: All rights reserved. Release: July 2013

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