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Once there lived an old Thai durian trader named Anont Rotthong which was
renowned for being very wealthy and wise. He lived with his gorgeous looking daughter. One
day, as the thought of finding a right husband for her daughter came to his mind, he spread
the word across the country that he was soon to appoint a man as a partner for his daughter

The news of the search for a suitable man worthy for her daughter has caused a
great stirring across the land. Anont Rotthong was considered to be the wisest to have come
to the power. His clever policies had helped him to build his Durian business all over the
world. However, many were surprised to know that he was to eschew to a surprisingly weird
and unusual way of competition for the search of the one worthy of her daughter’s heart.

He has called up upon any of the young and strong man of the country that were
willing to be his daughter’s partner at one of his huge Durian plantations farms before he
made the unusual competition. There were thousands of young men showed up and
gathered at his huge Durian Farm. He instructed each of the man the rules of the unusual
competitions. He said to them, “Bring a lot of clothes, you will be working for three months. If
more of than two suitors remain after that, you’ll work for three more months until only one
man is left. That’s the partner I want for my daughter”. He also has added another
surprisingly statement to them, “During this competition time period, I will not be paying any
of your work. Not even your food”.

Everyone was shocked to hear his ridiculous competition’s rules. Many of the men
left the gathering with accusations and assumptions that maybe this is only the old man’s
sneaky ways to produce a free labour. They left with a very angry expression on their face.
However, there were also some of the men that stayed and joined the competitions and
among all the men was Anurak Chaopray. Anurak was a poor but a hardworking, honest and
a good looking man.

As few months passed, many of the men that joined the competitions have given up
and quit the competition. There were only a few remaining young men left including Anurak.
Days by days have passes and now there were only 3 men left which were Chaisai,
BoonNam and of course, Anurak. Chaisai is a very cunning man that always like to play
truant in his work. Chaisai was never did his work properly in the farm will only do his work if
he saw the old man was coming to visit them. BoonNam is a man that has no backbone and
will always get easily influenced by others words.
One night, as the three of the men were having a rest, suddenly Chaisai burst in
anger. “I had it enough of this silly competitions. It’s been 5 months and nothing happened to
the three of us? Don’t you think that this is silly?”, Chaisai said in anger. “Three of us have
been working for him like crazy and he didn’t even say anything yet?”, he added some more.
“Why don’t we just steal as many Durian fruits as we can from this farm and sell it. With that
only we can gain something and be rich rather than just doing this nonsense labour work?”,
he suggested to them. BoonNam agreed to his words however Anurak greatly opposed his
words by saying that stealing is a wrong thing to do. Chaisai and BoonNam laugh at Anurak
and told him that he is coward and an idiot. That night, Chaisai and BoonNam did their evil
plan on stealing the Durian fruits and left the place, leaving only Chaisai alone.

The next morning, the Old man has came back to the farm and approached Anurak.
The old man brought him to his huge mansion which was located not so far from the Durian
plantation farm. He congratulated Anurak for his honesty and hard work. Anurak asked the
old man on how did he knew that he was the only man left. The old man answered, “It’s
because I was always knew on what you and the other young men did. There were many of
my trusted guards which hide somewhere in the plantations and was always gaving me
informations on what all of you have done at the plantations”. The old man then held the
Anurak’s hand and said proudly, “Young man, you are truly the man I’ve been searching who
are worthy as my daughter’s partner and worthy as my successor”.


“Hardwork and honesty in life will always bear fruits of success”

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