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General Instructions

1. Digital Assignments 1 to 4 (DA1 to DA4) are based on the email from Dean, Academics to you
with the subject ‘Say NO to collaborative discussions during examinations’, sent on Teachers’
Day, 2020. If you have not read it, please go and read it.
2. DA1 to DA4 are interlinked. Hence answer them in that order.
3. Each Digital Assignment (DA) needs to be type-written (Times New Roman, Font 12, 1 inch
margin on all sides) and uploaded separately as a PDF document. Documents in other formats
will not be entertained.
4. Each DA needs to be answered within 10 lines. Anything crossing the mentioned limits will not
be evaluated.
5. If identical answers/ideas are detected in multiple answer sheets, all answer sheets will be
evaluated to zero marks. Time of uploading will not be considered.
6. Maximum marks for each DA is 25.
7. The deadline to upload each DA separately in V-Top is September 21, 2020.

Digital Assignment 2
Research the topic ‘plagiarism in academic research in India’ and provide some quantitative data. Is
this alarming or not? Explore the psychological reasons behind this trend or plagiarism in India.

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