Groove Pancreatitis - Cause of Recurrent Pancreatitis

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Georgiana Crișu1,3, Monica Grigore2, V. Balaban2,3, Andreea Zoican2, Marina Ciochina2,V.

Atanasiu3, Laura Gaman3, Irina Stoian3, Raluca Costache2,3, Florentina Ioniţă-Radu2,4, Mariana
County Emergency Hospital Ploiesti
“Dr. Carol Davila” Central Emergency Military University Hospital, Bucharest
“Dr. Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest
Corresponding author: Georgiana Catalina Crisu
Address: County Emergency Hospital Ploiesti, str. Gageni, nr. 100, Prahova County
Mailing address:

Background. Groove pancreatitis or paraduodenal pancreatitis represents a rare type of
pancreatitis, and can be classified into cystic dystrophy of the duodenal wall in heterotopic
pancreas, paraduodenal cyst or myoadenomatosis.
Case presentation. We present a case of a 58 year old man, drinker and smoker who was admitted
in the Department of Gastroenterology for abdominal pain, weight loss and nausea. From his
history we have noticed frequent presentations of recurrent acute pancreatitis in the last two years.
Laboratory tests have revealed cholestasis, high value of lipase and high value of amylase, with
normal value of CA 19.9. The magnetic resonance from the last two years showed the same
appearances: a large and edematous head of pancreas, a thickening of the wall of adjacent
duodenum and an inhomogeneous area with cystic transformation in the head of the pancreas. We
performed endoscopic ultrasound with fine needle aspiration. The histopathological result showed
only inflammatory cells. We have established the diagnosis of groove pancreatitis.
Conclusion. Groove pancreatitis represents a rare condition, with an incidence of 0.4%-14% on
biopsies. Endoscopic ultrasound is the best method for diagnosis, it could evaluate also the
duodenal wall.
Keywords: groove pancreatitis, ultrasound endoscopy, cystic dystrophy of duodenal wall.

Introducere. Pancreatita de șanț duodenal sau pancreatita paraduodenală reprezintă un tip rar de
pancreatită și poate fi clasificat în distrofie chistică a peretelui duodenal, pancreas heterotopic,
chist paraduodenal sau mioadenomatoză.
Prezentarea cazului. Prezentăm cazul unui bărbat în vârstă de 58 de ani, băutor și fumător, care a
fost internat în secția de gastroenterologie pentru durere abdominală, scădere ponderală și greață.
Din istoric am observat episoade frecvente de pancreatită acută, recurente în ultimii doi ani.
Testele de laborator au relevat colestază, valori crescute ale lipazei și amilazei, cu valoare normală
a CA 19.9. Imagistica prin rezonanță magnetică din ultimii doi ani a evidențiat aceleași aspecte:
extremitatea cefalică a pancreasului mare și edemațiată, îngroșarea peretelui duodenal adiacent și o
zonă neomogenă cu transformare chistică în capul pancreasului. Am efectuat ecoendoscopie cu
puncție aspirativă. Rezultatul histopatologic a evidențiat numai celule inflamatorii. Am stabilit
diagnosticul de pancreatită de șanț duodenal.
Concluzie. Pancreatita de șanț duodenal reprezintă o patologie rară, cu o incidență de 0,4-14% pe
biopsii. Ecoendoscopia este cea mai bună metodă de stabilire a diagnosticului, putând evalua și
peretele duodenal.
Cuvinte cheie: pancreatită de șanț duodenal, ecoendoscopie, distrofie chistică a peretelui


Groove pancreatitis is a rarer form of chronic pancreatitis, which affects the “groove” - a well
defined area between the pancreatic head, duodenal wall and the common bile duct. It is more
frequent in men with alcohol intake, with ages between 40-50 years old. Groove pancreatitis can
be a challenging diagnosis, often with a pseudotumor aspect, which is a good reason for being
diagnosed as a pancreatic adenocarcinoma, one of the differential diagnoses of this pathology. The
clinical manifestations can be identical with other types of pancreatitis, the postprandial vomiting
could be consequence of a duodenal stenosis, as the main symptom of groove pancreatitis(1).

Case presentation

We present the case of a male patient, aged 58 years old, smoker (135 pack-years) and with
drinking behaviour, admitted in the Gastroenterology Clinic for generalised abdominal pain,
weight loss and nausea, symptoms which have started a few months ago, with frequent intermittent
acute episodes.
The physical examination at admission revealed abdominal wall in normal movement with
respiration, tender at palpation, but without signs of peritoneal irritation, with normal peristalsis;
blood pressure of 120/70 mm Hg, AV=70 bpm, rhythmical heart sounds, with no murmurs;
absence of pulmonary pathology.
Biochemistry results: high levels of lipase ( >10x normal value), high levels of amylase ( >10x
normal value), cholestasis syndrome with alkaline phosphatase = 215 U/L and and gamma
glutamyl transpeptidase of 281 U/L, CA 19.9 marker and carcinoembryonic antigen within normal
limits. The same biochemistry results were present last year.
Endoscopy of the upper gastrointestinal tract identified at the level of the duodenum 2, an intensely
congested, swollen, pseudotumor-like mucosa.
MRI showed the increase in the pancreatic head volume with edema and thickening of the
duodenal wall. An endoscopic ultrasound with fine needle aspiration was performed: at the level of
the pancreatic head it revealed edema and an inhomogeneous mass with cystic transformation,
which was punctured and aspirated (6 passes in “fan”). The histopathological examination showed
chronic inflammatory infiltrate, and for the liquid aspiration - carcinoembryonic antigen - normal.
During the hospitalisation, the patient received treatment for restoring the hydroelectrolytic
balance with Ringer solution 500 mL x2/day, glucose 10% 500 mL x2/day, antalgic treatment and
proton pump inhibitors (pantoprazole 40 mg iv/day), with improvement of symptoms.
Corroborating the anamnestic, clinical and paraclinical data, we established the diagnosis of
groove pancreatitis with an episode of acute pancreatitis.
The patient was followed-up for several months (clinically, biologically and via imaging - MRI
and ultrasound endoscopy), and the regression of both the peripancreatic-pancreatic edema and of
cystic degenerative area was noted.
Figure 1. Duodenum with mucosa with highly intense congestion, edema and polypoid aspect
Figure 2. Duodenum with mucosa with highly intense congestion, edema and polypoid aspect

Figure 3. MRI: the pancreatic head swollen, with an inhomogeneous mass

Figure 4. MRI: the pancreatic head swollen, with an inhomogeneous mass
Figure 5. Inhomogeneous mass with cystic degeneration of the pancreatic head

Figure 6. The endoscopic ultrasound-guided puncture in the inhomogeneous area, with a cystic
content from the level of the head


Groove pancreatitis is a segmental type of chronic pancreatitis, characterised by fibrosis of the

paraduodenal groove, an anatomical section limited by the pancreatic head, the duodenum and the
main bile duct. This entity has been first described by Becker in 1973, with the German name of
“Rinnenpankreatitis”, and the term of groove pancreatitis has been elaborated by Stolte et al. in
1982. Because this kind of pathology is rare, the incidence of it is unknown(2,3,4,5,6,7).
In 1991 Becker and Mischke classified groove pancreatitis in a pure form and a segmental form.
The first involves only the paraduodenal groove, preserving the pancreatic tissue and the main bile
duct, while the latter form affects both the pancreatic groove and the pancreatic head, with the
stenosis of pancreatic duct and upstream dilatation(8).
The pathogenesis remains unclear, alcohol remaining the main risk factor. One of the most
involved mechanisms is the alteration of pancreatic secretion at the level of Santorini duct due to
the ethanol aggressiveness. Other causes involved in the etiology of this pathology could be
Brunner glands hyperplasia, ectopic pancreas, duodenal cystic dystrophy(9,10,11,12,13).
Groove pancreatitis affects mainly male patients with drinking behaviour. The main symptoms are
abdominal pain, early satiety, feelings of nausea and vomiting. These symptoms can last from a
couple of weeks to more than a year until establishing the diagnosis. The lab parameters can reveal
increases of pancreatic enzymes and occasionally of hepatic enzymes. The tumoral markers can be
seldom increased(14).
The diagnosis of groove pancreatitis can frequently be interpreted as a pancreatic adenocarcinoma
or an autoimmune pancreatitis.
The first imagistic methods used in the diagnosis of this disorder were abdominal ultrasonography
and endoscopy of the upper gastrointestinal tract (which can reveal congestion and inflammation
of the duodenum mucosa, with a polypoid aspect, sometimes with the stenosis of the lumen).
Ultrasound can reveal a thickening of the duodenal wall, a lumen stenosis and a hypoechogenic
lesion of the head of the pancreas. For a clear diagnosis the CT scan is used, which can highlight
both a hypodense lesion, with hypouptake, limited by the pancreatic head and duodenal wall, as
well as multiple cysts tangent to the duodenal wall. MRI can also reveal a hypointense lesion in T1
and hyperintense lesion in T2. The endoscopic ultrasound with fine needle aspiration could be
necessary in the preoperative diagnosis of groove pancreatitis, although the histopathological
results can be variable depending on the puncture area. Although a lot of radiological aspects are
described, the differential diagnosis between groove pancreatitis and adenocarcinoma of the head
of the pancreas is often impossible(15,16). Recently, Kalb et al. have obtained an accuracy diagnosis
of 87.2% for groove pancreatitis, using 3 MRI criteria: focal thickening of the duodenum 2,
hyperuptake of the second segment of the duodenum, and cystic alterations in the region of the
accessory pancreatic duct(17). According to these authors, if the 3 criteria are fulfilled, the
adenocarcinoma of the pancreatic head can be excluded, with a predictive negative value of 92.9%.
Vascular invasion can be an important sign in the differential diagnosis between the 2
entities(18,19,20). The invasion of the gastroduodenal artery with its infiltration is a sign for pancreatic
adenocarcinoma. Endoscopic biopsy can be useful in diagnosis; thus hyperplasia of Brunner glands
is found in groove pancreatitis, but not in the case of pancreatic adenocarcinoma. The endoscopic
ultrasound with fine needle aspiration plays an important role due to its high sensitivity and
specificity rates in the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer (21,22). The treatment of groove pancreatitis is
classified into 2 categories:
- conservative, medical and endoscopic
- surgical
From the point of view of conservative treatment, analgesic therapy can be administered, alcohol
withdrawal and endoscopic stent implantation. In a recent study, Arvanitakis et al. demonstrated an
improvement in symptoms and a decrease in the rate of complications, combining the endoscopic
methods with the analgesic therapy(23).
Surgery remains a method of choice when symptoms cannot be improved through conservative
treatment or when the differential diagnosis with pancreatic adenocarcinoma is difficult. The
surgical option often used is the Whipple procedure.

Groove pancreatitis remains a rare entity of chronic pancreatitis, being at the same time a cause of
recurrent acute pancreatitis. It requires a differential diagnosis with pancreatic adenocarcinoma,
often this aspect being very difficult. In the acute phase the treatment is conservative. The surgical
treatment represents an option only for cases which are refractory to the conservative therapy. The
diagnosis of groove pancreatitis can be sustained by the biological and clinical parameters and
exams performed by CT/MRI/ultrasound endoscopy. The tumoral mass aspect revealed by
endoscopic ultrasound and high values of the tumoral marker CA 19.9 could be used as indices in
pancreatic cancer.

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