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5 Ethical problems on our present Economy

1. Extra judicial killings

Possible Solution

 Individual responsibility

The prohibition of extrajudicial executions should be reflected in the training of all officials involved in
the arrest and custody of prisoners and all officials authorized to use lethal force, and in the instructions
issued to them. These officials should be instructed that they have the right and duty to refuse to obey
any order to participate in an extrajudicial execution. An order from a superior officer or a public
authority must never be invoked as a justification for taking part in an extrajudicial execution.

2. Poverty

Possible Solution

To reduce poverty, government policies could include:

 Means-tested welfare benefits to the poorest in society; for example, unemployment benefit,
food stamps, income support and housing benefit.
 Minimum wages. Regulation of labor markets, for example, statutory minimum wages
 Free market policies to promote economic growth – hoping that rising living standards will
filter down to the poorest in society.
 Direct provision of goods/services – subsidized housing, free education and healthcare.

3. Environmental Issue

Possible Solution

Following are some of the most common solutions to the environmental issue:

 Replace disposal items with reusable items.

 The use of paper should be avoided.
 Conserve water and electricity.
 Support environmental friendly practices.
 Recycle the waste to conserve natural resources.
4. Corruption

Possible Solution

 End impunity

Effective law enforcement is essential to ensure the corrupt are punished and break the cycle of
impunity, or freedom from punishment or loss.

Successful enforcement approaches are supported by a strong legal framework, law enforcement
branches and an independent and effective court system. Civil society can support the process with
initiatives such as Transparency International’s Unmask the Corrupt campaign.

5. Discrimination

Possible Solution

Stand Up For Yourself.

Let others know how their words and actions have affected you and those you care about. Fight for your
rights. In order to effect change, people need to be made aware that a problem exists. Contact your
elected representatives and the Office for Civil Rights. The more people who can see the real life impact
and injustice of what’s happening, the more we can fight to end discrimination once and for all.

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