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Program: Estuary/Coastal/Floodplain Management/Floodplain Risk Management Grants Scheme (delete as appropriate) Grant Reference Number:
Project Name:
Milestone Number: Milestone Completion Date:

Milestone Activities Projected Outputs Actual Outputs

Restate the milestone from the Restate the activities from the approved Restate the projected outputs from the approved
Outline the actual outputs compared to what was projected
approved project Work Plan. project Work Plan. project Work Plan.

Provide some comments below regarding the completion of this milestone specifically around: 1. How is the project progressing? 2. Have you encountered any
Comments problems to date? If so, how have you managed them? 3. Are there any differences between projected and actual outputs/outcomes?

Attachments: Grant Recipients must attach an Expenditure Certificate. Other attachments may include: a brief or design, completed study or plan, photographic evidence of works/project etc.
I, the undersigned, being a person duly authorised by the Recipient, certify that:
(a) the above information is true and complete;
(b) the expenditure to date is as outlined in the attached Expenditure Certificate;
(c) there is no matter or circumstances of which I am aware, that would constitute a breach by us or, if applicable the end recipient, of any condition in the Funding Agreement
dated ………………………… that has not been agreed to by you.

Name: Position: Signature: Date:

Please submit via email to

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