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Living in Harmony with Your Wild Neighbors

HAT do you get when you combine intelligence,
manual dexterity, and a nocturnal lifestyle? Well,
in the case of the raccoon, you have an animal
Raccoon Facts—
well-suited to living near people.
Raccoons are one of the most charismatic species
of animals found in North America. Given their The word “raccoon”
superb ability to adapt to, and even exploit, changing is derived from arakun, an
environmental conditions, it’s not too surprising Algonquin word meaning
that raccoons are now common residents in cities, “he scratches with his hands.”
towns, and suburbs. Raccoons’ varied vocal repertoire
Technically, raccoons are carnivores. Their diet, includes purrs, whimpers, snarls,
however, is more accurately described as omnivorous. growls, hisses, screams, and whinnies.
They readily consume both animal and plant matter, Raccoons walk flat-footed, like
and their diet varies with locality, season, and availability. elephants, bears, and humans.
In addition to eating wild foods, raccoons aren’t
averse to raiding gardens, garbage cans, bird feeders, Raccoons can descend a tree headfirst—by
fish ponds—even kitchen cabinets. Raccoons have been rotating the hind feet 180 degrees.
known to use door knobs, so cabinet doors are hardly A raccoon hand has ten times as many nerve endings
a challenge. And a pet door is an open invitation. as a human hand.
Chimneys, porches, and attics are all attractive Raccoons are found throughout most of North
denning sites from the raccoon perspective. Add readily and Central America (see map).
trash cans,
or pet food and water bowls,
and you’ve got the raccoon Vital Statistics
equivalent of a Hilton.
Is it any wonder that conflicts Description: Highly variable,
with an easily recognizable black
arise between raccoons and their facial mask and ringed tail.
human neighbors? Luckily for both,
a little patience and understanding Habitat: Varied, including
seashores, prairies, farmland,
can go a long way toward resolving wooded areas, and suburban
any problems. and urban areas.
Humane methods of conflict
Diet: Omnivorous
prevention and resolution have
proven to be less costly and less Adult Length: 2 to 4 ft. (600
stressful than removal of a resident to 1,200 mm) from nose to tail tip.
animal for both wildlife and Adult Weight: 5 to 40 lbs.
homeowners. While removal may (2 to 18 kg)
seem like a solution, it usually only Activity: Generally, but not
creates an enticing vacancy for strictly, nocturnal.
another animal in search of a
Birthing Season: From March
ready-made home. to May; however, in southern
People can live in harmony U.S., may occur year-round.
with wildlife—you just have
Age When Independent:
to know your wild neighbors! Between 6 and 12 months.

Seasonal Considerations
An understanding of the yearly activities of raccoons SUMMER: Attics often become too hot for comfort,
will help with damage identification and conflict so raccoons naturally begin to seek shelter under decks
prevention planning. and patios, or in wooded areas.

SPRING: Raccoon cubs are born from early spring through FALL: Raccoons begin to seek shelter and extra food. Now
early summer, so homeowners should be very careful when is the time to inspect your home and make any repairs,
trying to exclude raccoons from buildings at these times. checking first to make sure that animals have not moved
Cubs stay at the den site for about two months, and during inside. The harassment techniques described in this fact
this time the mother will leave each day to find food. sheet often work especially well during this time of year.
If the mother is locked out with the cubs inside, she will
do considerable damage trying to reach them. If she is WINTER: Severe weather may cause raccoons to stay in
trapped and removed at this time, the cubs will starve to their dens for a week or longer. Raccoons don’t hibernate,
death. This is the time for homeowners to observe where but they do conserve energy by limiting activity. Exclusion
the mother is entering the building and begin making efforts may cause animals to be trapped inside. Homes may
plans for repairs once the young have left to accompany be damaged as animals try to escape. Animals who cannot
her on nightly excursions. escape will die of starvation.

Damage Identification

and just before sunrise. Tree squirrels

will be active by day and quiet at night,
while flying squirrels are nocturnal.
Squirrels are considerably smaller
than raccoons and their movements
tend to be quick and light—they
scurry. Raccoons sound more like
Sumo wrestlers practicing.
If young cubs are present, you
may hear chittering or purring sounds,
especially when the mother returns
EFORE you begin taking steps close, where you can sit quietly and to the den. These noises will become

B to resolve a raccoon problem,

you’ll need to do a little
detective work to make sure that the
animal you’re dealing with is really
watch for the animal to leave.
If you’re not able to observe the
animal coming or going, tracks are
one of the best ways to identify raccoon
louder as the young animals grow
and develop.
Raccoon signs can be confused
at times with opossums and skunks.
a raccoon. Raccoons are primarily presence. Flour, cornstarch, and other Skunks are burrowers rather than
nocturnal, so they usually begin their nontoxic powders can be used to check climbers, so they rarely den in attics
day as the sun is setting. Using the for footprints on hard surfaces, such as and chimneys—and that signature
techniques described in this fact sidewalks and roofing shingles. scent is a real tip-off. Opossums
sheet, identify the likely entrance Raccoons can be heard moving are generally slower and more
or entrances. Find a place, not too around in attics and chimneys at dusk deliberate than raccoons.
Building Inspection and Damage Prevention
with any fecal material found. Inside

AREFUL attention to
prevention of wildlife conflicts attics, check for insulation compacted
is, of course, the simplest, into four-inch wide trails or gathered
most economical, and humane course into a pile two to three feet in diameter.
of action. A periodic inspection of
Household Repairs
buildings will reveal potential entry
® Replace worn, curled, cracked,
sites. In the case of buildings with two
or missing shingles.
or more stories, binoculars can help
immeasurably. ® Cover chimneys with approved
Raccoons are good climbers, and chimney caps, available at hardware
they may gain access to roofs using stores and from chimney maintenance
overhanging branches, television professionals.
towers, and downspouts. The entrance ® Inspect and repair any attic openings
hole used by adult raccoons can be with one-half inch, heavy-duty, rust-
quite small. Pay particular attention proof hardware cloth. Chicken wire isn’t
to eaves, deteriorating boards, warped strong enough for exclusion purposes. Homeowners should make
siding, loose shingles, and areas arrangements to have professionals
® Trim overhanging branches
where the roof and house join. complete these repairs if they are
Toilet areas (a.k.a. latrines) may and remove unused TV towers. uncomfortable with heights or if
be seen on roofs or in attics. It is ® Remove leaves from roofs and conditions on the roof are hazardous.
important to avoid unprotected contact gutters to prevent wood rot.

Problem Solving
newspaper or window screening, over commercially available repellents
the entrance to help you determine that can be used to deter raccoons,
if the animal has left. Once you are but the effect is temporary. Branches
absolutely certain that all the animals lower than three feet from the ground
are gone, repairs and raccoon-proofing may need to be trimmed. Fruit trees
operations can begin. Remember that and bird feeder poles can be protected
animals locked inside can cause a great with conical metal guards that keep
deal of damage trying to get out. Those the animals from climbing.
who are unsuccessful will suffer a cruel
Raccoons in Chimneys
death from starvation and thirst.
First, find out if the animal is denning
Raccoons under Decks or trapped. Never smoke any animal
Use harassment techniques until out of a chimney. In most chimneys,
the animal leaves; then, secure the an adult raccoon can climb in or out
OUR first option is to wait

perimeter of the deck or patio with at will, but young animals, squirrels,
things out—many problems galvanized steel screen in an “L” shape opossums, and some birds may not
resolve themselves within a few to prevent digging under the barrier. be able to leave on their own.
days or weeks. A second option Assuming the animal can leave,
is the use of harassment methods Raiding Garbage
harassment techniques can be used
to encourage animals to leave. Both Raccoons will return to a reliable source
to encourage the raccoon to move
of these approaches require some of garbage, so discourage this behavior
along. After the animal has left,
patience, but results are long-term, by placing cans at the curb on the day
prevent further problems by installing
whereas “quick fix” approaches of pick-up rather than the night before,
an approved chimney cap.
inevitably require repetition. and place cans inside a shed or garage
Get help from a professional
® Place a battery-operated radio in between pick-ups. Use containers
if the animal fails to leave or is
in the den area, tuned to a talk or with tight-fitting lids.
loose inside the house. Call your
rock station, and turn up the volume. Gardens and Feeders local humane society or wildlife
® Leave attic lights on. Raccoons are attracted to fruits, rehabilitation center for advice.
Tape a weak barrier, such as corn, birdseed, and suet. There are

Injured or Consequences
Orphaned Animals of Feeding

ILDLIFE rehabilitation HE idea of offering food to raccoons can be tempting.
centers provide care for But feeding raccoons can quickly get out of control.
injured and orphaned While one or two animals can be cute, a half dozen
wildlife until the animals can be or more can begin to feel like an invasion. And if food
released back to the wild. In most is available, even food left in pet bowls, more creatures
states, wildlife rehabilitation can will certainly arrive.
be practiced only by someone Remember—you may be willing to put up with
with state and/or federal licenses. overturned garbage cans and barking dogs, but your
Never try to capture neighbors might not be as tolerant. Large aggregations
or handle an injured, ill, or of raccoons can pose serious health risks.
orphaned raccoon on your own. Overcrowding increases the risk of disease transmission
Raccoons of any age are capable between these normally dispersed animals. As they become
of giving nasty bites or scratches. accustomed to the sights and sounds of humans, raccoons
Adult raccoons are formidable will begin to lose their natural fear—a risky proposition for
animals, even when weakened any wild animal. Before long, what began as a kind-hearted
by disease or injury. A wildlife gesture ends up endangering the very creatures you
rehabilitator or humane society had intended to help.
can advise you on the best course of action if you find an
animal in distress. Always keep your own safety in mind.
Orphaned raccoons are particularly endearing, and
Human Health Concerns
Raccoons are susceptible to a number of diseases, including canine
the concept of raising a cub on your own, either with the distemper, parvo, pneumonia, tuberculosis, encephalitis, listeriosis,
idea of turning him loose or keeping him as a pet, can seem trichinosis, coccidiosis, and rabies. The following diseases pose the
most serious health risk for humans and their pets.
appealing. Raccoons make terrible pets, though. They are
wild animals capable of biting, scratching, and destroying Rabies
Raccoons are classified as a rabies vector species, along with foxes, skunks,
household items and property. DO NOT attempt to and bats. In spite of all the concern and fear surrounding this disease,
raise an orphaned raccoon. advances in public education, vaccination of pets, and post-exposure
treatment have greatly reduced the risk to humans from this disease.
Raccoon cubs, like all other infants, have unique There has never been a documented human death resulting from the
nutritional requirements. Infant formulas available at pet raccoon strain of rabies.
stores may claim to be appropriate for all small mammals, but Roundworm
this is not true. Problems that result from an inappropriate Baylisascaris procyonis in raccoons is well-documented, and the parasite is a
public health concern. The parasite is transmitted through the ingestion
diet, such as metabolic bone disease (also known as rickets), of eggs passed in feces, so the key to dealing with this problem is public
can debilitate an animal for life. awareness. Avoidance of raccoon latrines is imperative. Children should
Unless behavioral and developmental requirements are be prevented from playing in areas where raccoons have defecated. In
addition, proper hygiene is crucial wherever raccoons have been kept,
addressed, a young raccoon may not be capable of surviving housed, or transported.
life in the wild. In addition, municipal ordinances often Leptospirosis
prohibit keeping a wild animal as a pet. Zoos and wildlife Raccoons are capable of carrying and transmitting this disease, but the
incidence is so low as to be of concern only in people who routinely come
centers are rarely an option for unwanted, hand-raised into close contact with these animals, such as wildlife rehabilitators or
raccoons. Only licensed wildlife rehabilitators can provide animal control officers.
appropriate care for wild animals. Distemper
Ask your local humane society to recommend This disease is similar to rabies and can also affect some pets. However,
it does not pose a threat to humans. Contact your veterinarian to discuss
a wildlife rehabilitator in your area. any concerns, and make sure that your pets are vaccinated annually
against this and other diseases. Keeping your pets indoors and/or not
allowing them to roam freely will also help avoid this disease.

The HSUS provides fact sheets on a variety

of topics. For additional information contact:

Information on humane prevention of raccoon conflicts was prepared by Kieran

Lindsey, Natural Assets Consulting, Cedar Crest, New Mexico, and reviewed
by Laura Simon, The Fund for Animals, New York, New York.

Promoting the protection of all animals ©2002 The HSUS. All rights reserved.

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