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Andrew Browne
Tap the Uncool

Beijing Upstages
Social Network
DJIA 17721.25 À 0.94% S&P 500 2061.72 À 0.97% NIKKEI 15928.79 À 1.13% STOXX 600 334.64 À 0.53% OIL 42.17 À 4.48% GOLD 1259.40 À 0.21% EURO 1.1390 g 0.17% DLR ¥108.56 À 0.57%

An Underground Tribute to the First Man in Space

EU Wants
Firms to
Business & Finance
Open Up
B ig multinationals
would have to publish
On Taxes
details of profits and tax
bills generated in tax havens
under an EU proposal. A1
BRUSSELS—Large multina-
 The IMF warned that a tionals operating in the Euro-
British exit from the EU pean Union will have to pub-
risks severely damaging the lish details of profits and tax
global economy, adding its bills generated in countries
voice to the debate. A1 considered to be tax havens,
the bloc’s executive arm said
 Oil-producing nations
on Tuesday, as it toughened
meet this week to discuss an
proposals for fighting tax
output freeze that investors
avoidance following the “Pan-
hope will curb the oversup-
ama Papers” leak.

ply pressuring prices. B7

The European Commission
 J.P. Morgan is in talks to already had been working on
move its trading systems to plans to open up to the public
an Internet-based cloud- reports by thousands of com-
computing service main- panies on profits reaped and
tained by startup Cloud9. B7 taxes paid in individual EU
countries—an unprecedented
 Big shipping alliances
move for a major jurisdiction.
are vying for regulatory
But the EU reworked its
approval of new tie-ups,
proposals in recent days to re-
industry executives say. B1
OVER THE MOON: A space-themed train on the Moscow Metro honored the 55th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin’s historic flight on Tuesday. quire more exhaustive report-
 Spotify’s founders said ing of companies’ operations
the company could leave in tax havens after newspa-
Sweden unless the business pers world-wide uncovered

Oil Loans Pose Headache

environment improves. B1 thousands of offshore ac-
counts—allegedly held by of-
 Mercedes is poised to
ficials, executives and celebri-
reclaim the top spot among
ties—via documents leaked
premium car brands after
from the Panamanian law firm
trailing Audi and BMW. B2
Vast borrowing by energy loans that most inves- types of loans. Those commit- to the sector are still a head- Mossack Fonseca & Co.
 Boeing has opened talks tors didn’t know much about ments are expected to trickle ache for banks at that price. “By adopting this proposal,
to sell planes to Iran in the energy companies until recently. down to bank earnings and Banks in recent months Europe is demonstrating its
wake of the West’s lifting of weighs on big banks as These unfunded loans have saddle firms with more energy have set aside billions of dol- leadership in the fight against
sanctions in January. B6 been promised to energy com- exposure just as they are try- lars to cover potential losses tax avoidance,” said Valdis
earnings season arrives panies, which haven’t yet ing to pare it back. tied to energy companies, a Dombrovskis, vice president of
World-Wide tapped the money. Many banks “Let’s not sugarcoat it. This trend likely to continue as the European Commission in
BY RACHEL LOUISE ENSIGN historically haven’t disclosed is not necessarily a loan a more loans go bad. charge of euro and social dia-
these loans, but began doing bank wants to make at this Fitch Ratings Inc. is ex- logue.
 Belgian authorities are The $147 billion question so recently following the ex- point,” said Glenn Schorr, a pected to release a report this The proposals show how
looking for a rucksack for banks: Will energy compa- tended slide in oil and gas bank analyst at Evercore ISI. week saying that nearly 60% the commission is accelerating
worn by an alleged terror- nies max out their credit prices. Oil prices have risen in re- of unrated and below-invest- efforts to snuff out large-scale
ist in the Brussels subway lines? In the first quarter, a hand- cent weeks, with the U.S. ment-grade energy companies corporate tax avoidance amid
attack out of fear that it When big banks announce ful of energy borrowers an- benchmark settling a $42.17 a are likely to have loans labeled pressure from the public. A
contains explosives. A3 earnings starting Wednesday, nounced more than $3 billion barrel on Tuesday, but ana- as “classified,” or in danger of previous proposal requiring
the spotlight will be on vast of drawdowns against these lysts say the unfunded loans Please see LOANS page A2 Please see TAXES page A2
 The EU executive asked
the bloc to decide on how
to respond to a refusal by
the U.S. and Canada to of-
fer visa-free travel. A4
 The EU gave Greece two
weeks to come up with plans
to improve protection of the
bloc’s external border. A3
 A German rail worker BY CHUIN-WEI YAP nest egg of about $37,000 to a com- ment’s assurance” during better ming to the ancient former capital
was arrested for negligent pany named Henan Tengfei Invest- times, he says, “no one would have of Xi’an. Crowds gathered outside
homicide and other charges XINXIANG, China—One Monday ment Wealth Management, which dared to believe Tengfei.” the securities regulator’s Beijing of-
in a deadly train crash. A4 last month, Yang Baoyu joined about collapsed in 2014. Small investors, angry over lost fices after equity markets collapsed
 The U.S. and India agreed 200 people in front of the city of- City officials emerged and prom- savings, are emerging as a new se- last summer. Others have demon-
to let their militaries use fices here for a familiar ritual, wav- ised to resolve the investors’ con- curity threat to Chinese authorities, strated over their losses from finan-
each other’s bases for re- ing protest banners and demanding cerns, Mr. Yang says. Then about who are watching warily as inves- cial products linked to insurance,
plenishment and repair. A5 help from the government to recoup 600 police officers descended and tors around the country hit the trusts and metal trading.
their lost investments. herded them off the plaza, shoving streets in protest and picket govern- These indignant investors add to
 The Afghan Taliban de- As with many of the other dem- several protesters into police cars. ment offices to demand their money unrest among a broader swath of
clared the start of their onstrators, the engineer, 45 years To Mr. Yang, the parley was a re- back. Chinese who are openly challenging
spring offensive against Ka- old, had been coming to protest minder of what he considers an offi- Protests have flared from Shang- authorities, including migrant work-
bul and its foreign allies. A5 nearly every week since he lost his cial betrayal. “Without the govern- hai to the southwestern hub of Kun- Please see INVEST page A6
 Italy’s lower house voted
to revamp the constitution
to curb Senate power after
an opposition walkout. A4
The Man Behind the Masks Merkel
 U.S. House Speaker Ryan Of the National Hockey League Faces
ruled himself out of conten-
tion for the 2016 GOP presi-
i i i Quandary
dential nomination. A7 How a Swedish artist raised the bar On Turkey
for creative design of goalie helmets DIFFICULT SPOT: An

Inside BY TOM PERROTTA mask had an eagle; Curtis Jo-

off-color joke by a
comedian has set off
a minor political
JOURNAL REPORT seph, nicknamed CuJo, wore a crisis for German
When Ben Bishop, the mask with a rabid dog in- Chancellor Angela
ECO:NOMICS B4 goalie for the Tampa Bay spired by the Stephen King Merkel, left. Turkey
Creating Lightning, received his new novel of the same name. has demanded that

mask last year, he had a In today’s NHL, pretty much Germany permit an
environmental thought. The mask had a
splotch of glow-in-the-dark
every goalie has a custom
mask, except the details,
investigation into the
comedian for a crude
capital paint on it, about the size of a
quarter. Mr. Bishop liked it. A
themes, and colors are wilder
and more intricate than ever.
poem about Turkish
President Recep
lot. So he called David Gun- That’s because of Mr. Gunnars- Tayyip Erdogan. A3
CONTENTS Money & Inv.... B7-12 narsson, the National Hockey son, a 39-year-old self-taught
Arts & Ent............... A9 Opinion.............. A10-11
Business & Energy. B4-5 Property Report.. B11
League’s mask maestro, with a artist who lives in Sweden. He
Business & Tech. B1-6 Technology............... B3 question. estimates that he has painted
“I asked if we could make masks for half of the teams in
Crossword................. A9
Heard on Street. B12
Markets Digest.. B10
U.S. News.................. A7
Weather..................... A9
World News........ A2-5
the whole thing glow,” Mr.
Bishop said. “That was the
the league (he has worked for
goalies on all but three of this
IMF Warns of Wide Pain if U.K. Leaves EU
€3.20; CHF5.50; £2.00; first one in the league like year’s playoff teams). Mr. Gun- BY JASON DOUGLAS on Tuesday listed the possibil- trading relationships” in the
U.S. Military (Eur.) $2.20
that.” narsson painted his first NHL ity of Britain leaving the EU as world economy, the IMF said,
Painted masks have a long mask 15 years ago for Johan LONDON—The International one of seven major risks to the in its quarterly world eco-
history in the NHL. Gerry Hedberg, a fellow Swede nick- Monetary Fund said that a global economy in the year nomic outlook.
Cheevers, who drew black named Moose. He now hires British exit from the European ahead, alongside worries over It said uncertainty about
stitches on his white fiberglass helpers to sand and prep Union risks severely damaging the health of the Chinese econ- the outcome of the June 23
faceplate, is known as the first masks, which allows him to the global economy, adding its omy and turbulence in finan- referendum is already weigh-
player to doctor his mask, in paint at least eight hours a voice to an intense debate cial markets. ing on the U.K. economy,
s Copyright 2016 Dow Jones & the 1960s. Ken Dryden’s mask day, he said. ahead of the country’s June Such a vote “could do se- prompting it to cut its U.K.
Company. All Rights Reserved
looked like a bull's-eye with “During my 20 years I have referendum on the question. vere regional and global dam- growth forecast for this year
Montreal’s colors. Ed Belfour’s Please see MASK page A6 The Washington-based fund age by disrupting established Please see IMF page A2
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.
To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
A2 | Wednesday, April 13, 2016 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


China’s ‘Great Wall of Sand’ Upstages U.S.

The seven Spratly out- islands in “freedom-of-navi-
crops on which it has built gation” exercises.
runways, docks, radar and These sail-by missions,
other facilities give China however, won’t stop the
the ability to project new rapid militarization of a sea
force in its contest with the that carries $5 trillion in
U.S. for regional mastery. global commerce each year.
CHINA’S WORLD Possession, after all, is China has recently posi-
ANDREW BROWNE nine-tenths of the law. And tioned surface-to-air missile
China’s island-building may batteries on the Paracels, an-
not have ended. The Penta- other set of South China Sea
SHANGHAI—Armed only gon fears dredgers might be islands. Beijing, in turn, ac-
with a set of revolving teeth, planning fresh construction cuses the U.S. of militarizing
the Tian Jing Hao, Asia’s on Scarborough Shoal, which the region with its patrols.
largest dredger, has pulled would give the People’s Lib-

off a stunning naval upset. eration Army a jumping-off eanwhile, the Tian
Under the noses of the point just 140 miles from Jing Hao dredger
U.S. Seventh Fleet, this Chi- Manila. It’s bracing, too, for (its name translates
nese vessel led a civilian ar- China to declare an Air De- as “Heavenly Whale”) and its


mada that built almost 3,000 fense Identification Zone sister ships are moving on.
acres of land atop sub- over the entire South China The reclamation work in
merged reefs in the Spratly Sea, which China could en- the Spratlys was merely the
Islands, altering a strategic force from artificial islands. first phase of an epic con-
balance that has held since China has pledged to ignore struction spree that has be-
the great na- the tribunal’s findings. come Chinese President Xi
val battles of China’s land reclamation Jinping’s signature initiative:
World War II won’t change the legal case the Maritime Silk Road proj-
established in The Hague; semi-sub- ect to build a string of ports
U.S. primacy merged reefs don’t become The crowning achievement of China’s Spratlys dredging: a lighthouse on Subi Reef that opened last week. and industrial zones from
in the west- islands even if you build on East Asia to Europe via Af-
ern Pacific. them. Nevertheless, slow- neighbors feel bullied and the Group of Seven urging a underwater and showered rica and the Middle East.
The construction began moving Chinese dredgers threatened by what has be- halt to “intimidating, coer- onto the reefs through long This, it seems, is how
shortly after the Philippines have outmaneuvered the come the sharp end of Bei- cive or provocative actions” pipes—have created a di- China intends to reshape the
challenged China’s territorial world’s most powerful navy. jing’s diplomacy: powerful in the South China Sea and lemma for U.S. President Ba- “Pacific Century”—one gi-
claims in the South China China’s political leaders cal- cutters attached to the East China Sea. rack Obama. gantic shovel from the sea-
Sea by filing a case at a culated, correctly, that dredgers that have un- In another sign of how Confronting China in the bed at a time.
United Nations-backed tribu- America wouldn’t risk war leashed environmental dev- Chinese assertiveness is Spratlys by, for instance, try- This month, Chinese state
nal in The Hague in January over a bunch of uninhabited astation, hacking to bits bringing together old adver- ing to chase away dredgers media announced a cere-
2014. Now, on the eve of a rocks and reefs to stop them. pristine coral and threaten- saries, this week two Japa- and their naval protection mony to mark the crowning
verdict, China has achieved ing marine life. nese warships and a subma- not only risks war but could achievement of the Spratlys

its objective: a new geogra- et what the U.S. Pa- Moreover, China’s moves rine are visiting the derail cooperation with Bei- dredging exercise: a 55-
phy in the world’s busiest cific Fleet commander, to balloon specks of coral Philippines naval base of jing on crucial issues like cli- meter lighthouse on Subi
commercial waterway where Admiral Harry Harris into military-capable plat- Subic Bay, as thousands of mate change or North Korea. Reef.
China’s claims overlap with Jr., has termed China’s forms have helped spawn American, Australian and White House caution, At night, its lantern will
those of five neighbors. “Great Wall of Sand” has new networks aimed at Philippine forces conduct though, has left U.S. naval cast a beam of light 22 nau-
However the five judges raised the risk of future con- blunting Chinese advances. drills. commanders frustrated. Be- tical miles across a vast
decide the case, China has flicts. On Tuesday, China re- The so-called cutter suc- latedly, they’ve got the polit- stretch of water that Beijing,
permanently altered facts on A regional arms race is sponded angrily to a declara- tion dredgers—the debris ical go-ahead to sail war- increasingly, looks upon as a
the ground in its favor. under way. China’s smaller tion by foreign ministers of they create is vacuumed up ships close to the man-made Chinese lake.

LOANS “With oil at $60, it’s not

that big of a deal. With oil at
$40, it becomes more of a
source of concern,” Barclays
Drilling a Deeper Hole
Banks have more than $140 billion in unfunded loans
to energy companies.
TAXES Several large companies,
including McDonald’s Corp.
and IKEA, have questioned
plans to make the reports
Continued from page A1 analyst Jason Goldberg said of Continued from page A1 public, claiming that disclos-
default under regulatory the unfunded loans. “Will $0 billion 10 20 30 40 50 60 national tax authorities to ing such commercially sensi-
guidelines. “It’s grim,” said companies draw down in diffi- Citigroup FUNDED UNFUNDED share corporate reports on tive information would place
Sharon Bonelli, senior director cult times?” profits and taxes was ap- them at a disadvantage com-
of leveraged finance at Fitch. Lenders routinely offer Bank of America proved by EU finance minis- pared with rivals operating
Banks often use a com- these commercial lines of ters only last month. elsewhere.
J.P. Morgan
pany’s proven energy reserves credit to industrial companies. “The Panama Papers hasn’t “We believe that these pro-
as collateral for loans and typ- But the energy loans, often Wells Fargo changed our agenda, but it has posals, by making the EU a
ically reset the value of these promised before prices started strengthened our determina- lone front-runner in terms of
reserves twice a year, usually their steep decline, face a Morgan Stanley tion to make sure that taxes public disclosure, risk under-
in spring and fall. unique set of pressures. are paid where profit is gener- mining our attractiveness as a
Goldman Sachs
The draws made so far James Dimon, J.P. Morgan’s ated,” Jonathan Hill, the EU’s location for investment, par-
were done ahead of the spring chief executive, said in Febru- SunTrust financial chief, said at a news ticularly from overseas,” said
redetermination process, in ary that the unfunded loans conference. Markus Beyrer, head of Busi-
which banks are expected to are “the most unpredictable Comerica Under the plan, compa- nessEurope, an advocacy
cut the credit lines of energy part of our assumptions” Regions
nies operating in the group that represents compa-
firms by an average of more about the bank’s energy expo- EU whose annual revenue ex- nies including Alphabet Inc.’s
than 30%, according to a sur- sure. KeyCorp ceeds €750 million ($856 mil- Google and Comcast Corp.’s
vey from law firm Haynes & Mr. Dimon also said he isn’t lion) would have to publish NBCUniversal.
Boone LLP. expecting a large percentage Source: Barclays THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. the reports, which would in- Transparency campaigners
Ms. Bonelli and other ana- of the unfunded money to get clude such operations details said the additional proposals
lysts say bank loans are in- drawn because most of those said in a news release that the To stem such withdrawals, as the number of employees don’t go far enough. “This
creasingly vital lifelines for promised loans went to invest- move was “a risk management some banks have negotiated and nature of activities in dif- proposal cannot be called pub-
energy companies, because ment-grade companies that he decision” and praised its what are known as anti-cash- ferent tax jurisdictions. That lic country-by-country report-
other funding sources have thinks are unlikely to need ac- “committed and supportive hoarding provisions when en- information would be made ing, if it does not include most
dried up. cess to additional cash. commercial bank syndicate.” A ergy firms have asked for available on a company’s web- of the world,” said Elena
The $147 billion in un- Banks hold reserves against KeyCorp spokesman declined amendments to their loans in site for at least five years. Gaita, a corporate transpar-
funded loans have been dis- unfunded loans in addition to to comment. recent months. The EU is still drawing up ency policy officer at Trans-
closed by 10 of the largest U.S. reserves for loans that have Tidewater Inc., which pro- These clauses require the its list of non-EU countries parency International, the
banks, according to fourth- been taken out. vides vessels to the offshore companies to use extra cash to that don’t meet international global anticorruption group.
quarter data from Barclays A mounting number of drilling industry, said in March repay the balance on their standards for good governance Mr. Hill said the commis-
PLC. The four largest U.S. troubled energy firms have it took out the maximum $600 credit lines in exchange, ac- in taxation. For non-EU coun- sion decided against requiring
banks—J.P. Morgan Chase & tapped their unfunded loans. million from its credit facility cording to regulatory filings. tries whose tax rules are global country-by-country re-
Co., Bank of America Corp., Denver-based oil-and-gas led by Bank of America. The But for distressed firms deemed in line with the stan- porting because of concerns
Citigroup Inc. and Wells Fargo firm Bonanza Creek Energy firm’s chief executive cited facing bankruptcy that can dards, companies would only that companies in other juris-
& Co.—pledged the majority of Inc., for instance, said in “the uncertainty surrounding contractually do so, “you’d se- have to publish an aggregate dictions could get their hands
this amount. March that it drew $209 mil- the future direction in oil and riously have to consider a figure of profits in all those on important business data
Smaller U.S. lenders and lion from its credit facility gas prices,” in a news release game plan to draw down,” said countries. they could use to their com-
large international banks have from a group of banks led by announcing the withdrawal. A Ian Peck, head of the bank- The EU has been cracking petitive advantage. Some non-
made billions more of these Cleveland-based KeyCorp. Bo- Bank of America spokesman ruptcy practice at Haynes & down on companies trying to EU governments also may see
loans. nanza Creek’s chief executive declined to comment. Boone. dodge taxes following revela- information that could lead
tions in 2014 that many multi- them to double-tax European
national businesses struck businesses, he said.

IMF to vote to remain in the EU,

seized on the IMF’s interven-
tion. Most polls suggest a nar-
row lead for staying in the
“The IMF has given us the
clearest independent warning of
the taste of bad things to come
eral ministers in Mr. Cameron’s
government, challenge the pro-
EU camp’s economic claims.
They argue that quitting the
sweetheart deals in countries
such as Luxembourg that al-
lowed them to pay little tax in
the bloc. Corporate tax avoid-
The commission’s proposal
must be approved by EU gov-
ernments before it becomes
law, a process that could take
Continued from page A1 bloc. if Britain leaves the EU,” he EU would unshackle the U.K. ance costs the bloc’s member months.
to 1.9% from 2.2%. “The IMF is right—leaving said. The Treasury is due to from burdensome regulation states between €50 billion and
“A British exit from the Eu- the EU would pose major risks publish its own assessment of and costs and leave it free to €70 billion a year in lost tax THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
ropean Union could pose major for the UK economy. We are the costs and benefits of EU sign its own trade deals with revenues, according to the EU. Europe Edition ISSN 0921-99
challenges for both the United stronger, safer and better off membership soon. faster-growing parts of the “Our proposal to increase The News Building, 1 London Bridge Street,
London, SE1 9GF
Kingdom and the rest of Eu- in the European Union,” Mr. The fund’s conclusions on world. They also say leaving the transparency will help make
rope,” the IMF said. Cameron said on his Twitter the potential perils of “Brexit” bloc would give Britain greater companies more accountable,” Thorold Barker, Editor, Europe
Bruce Orwall, Senior Editor, Europe
The fund said that negotia- account. echo those of the Bank of Eng- control over immigration and Mr. Hill said. Cicely K. Dyson, News Editor, Europe
tions on postexit arrangements Treasury chief George Os- land and many private-sector restore the sovereignty of Par- Margaret de Streel, International Editions Editor
Darren Everson, Deputy International Editor
would likely be protracted, “re- borne, a close ally of Mr. Cam- economists. liament in U.K. affairs.
sulting in an extended period
of heightened uncertainty that
eron who also champions EU
membership, said the IMF’s
But proponents of Britain
leaving the EU, including London
Matthew Elliott, chief exec-
utive of Vote Leave, which
CORRECTIONS  Joseph C. Sternberg, Editorial Page Editor

Anna Foot, Advertising Sales
could weigh heavily on confi- warning underscores the high Mayor Boris Johnson and sev- campaigns in favor of exit, said Jacky Lo, Circulation Sales
Stuart Wood, Operations
dence and investment, all the the IMF’s forecasts show the Jonathan Wright, Commercial Partnerships
while increasing financial mar- U.K. economy is “robust,” de-
ket volatility.” spite the downgrade. He said The name of Seoul’s mayor, Katie Vanneck-Smith,
Global Managing Director & Publisher
For Europe, so-called Brexit “the biggest risk to the U.K.’s Park Won-soon, was incor-
would likely disrupt trade and economy and security is re- rectly given as Park Son-soon Advertising through Dow Jones Advertising
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in June that it is weighing on Party, said the IMF’s predic- was incorrectly given as Trademarks appearing herein are used under
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, April 13, 2016 | A3

EU Imposes Border
Deadline on Greece
BY VALENTINA POP introduced on travelers from
Greece in September.
BRUSSELS—The European “The commission confirms
Commission gave Greece two that it will be prepared for
weeks to come up with con- this eventuality and would act
crete plans to improve protec- without delay,” the commis-
tion of the European Union’s sion said in a report Tuesday.
external border, keeping up In the 10-page document,
the pressure on Athens over the commission finds that
the migrant crisis even as the while Greece has made some
numbers coming into the bloc progress since its first warn-
have fallen. ing in November it has still

If the EU executive finds failed to submit concrete time-

that the government has failed lines and cost estimates and to
to file an adequate plan and name the authorities responsi-
implement it by May 12, it will ble for various requirements.
extend existing border checks In December, interior min-
on travelers from Greece until isters from a number of EU
at least mid-November, help- countries, including Austria,
ing ensure that migrants warned that Greece could be
trapped there can’t travel far- suspended from the Schengen
ther into the bloc. system if it didn’t improve its
Such a move would controls.
heighten uncertainty about Under the EU-Turkey deal,
the survival of Europe’s trea- Greece must focus on return-
Belgian police conducted a raid on Tuesday in the Belgian neighborhood of Uccle, where they detained three people for questioning. sured Schengen agreement, ing people and stop issuing
which allows travelers to cross temporary stay permits to mi-

Hunt Is on for Attacker’s Bag

many European borders with- grants that have allowed them
out a passport. to travel onto the mainland
Austria, Germany and oth- and then farther north, the
ers have introduced border commission says.
controls in an attempt to stem The commission also wants
Police fear backpack say is Mr. Krayem wearing the Belgian prosecutors have two new suspects charged the tide of migrants. The im- urgent action by Greece to set
backpack shortly before the said they now believe the per- Tuesday as Smail F., born in position of border controls up joint patrols with the EU
contains explosives; attack while talking with Mr. petrators of the Brussels 1984, and Ibrahim F., born in created a domino effect in the border force Frontex on its
Two more charged in Bakraoui. bombings had originally 1988. They were charged them Balkans that trapped thou- northern border with non-EU
“We are indeed still looking planned another attack in with participation in a terror- sands of people who managed member Macedonia, where vi-
Brussels bombings for the bag [Osama] is seen France but shifted plans as ist group, terrorist murders to get into Greece by crossing olence has erupted in recent
wearing in the footage,” the they felt the investigation and attempts at terrorist mur- the Aegean. days as thousands of migrants
BY NATALIA DROZDIAK spokesman said. closing in on them. ders as an author or accom- The closure of the route attempted to cross the border.
AND LAURENCE NORMAN U.S. and European officials Among the sites that inves- plice. into Europe and a landmark Austrian police on Tuesday
say they remain concerned tigators suspect were possible The two men are linked to deal with Turkey to take back said they were preparing to
BRUSSELS—Belgian author- about follow-up attacks by targets were La Defense, the the renting of a residence in all migrants arriving in Greece reintroduce border checks on
ities are looking for the ruck- other groups in a potentially business district outside Paris, the Brussels district of Etter- have significantly reduced the the Italian border, because
sack worn by the man accused sprawling terror network. Bel- a conservative Catholic beek that police searched last numbers coming into the bloc, they expect a new influx after
of being the second terrorist gian Prime Minister Charles church, and this summer’s Eu- week. Authorities say it was but EU diplomats say it is still the route through the Balkans
in last month’s Brussels sub- Michel pledged over the week- ropean soccer championships possibly a safe house used by unlikely that Austria and some was cut off.
way attack out of fear that it end that Belgian authorities in France, a French police offi- terrorists in the run-up to the of its neighbors will lift con- A European Commission
contains explosives, a spokes- would remain alert despite the cer said. Brussels attacks. trols in coming months. spokeswoman said the execu-
man for federal prosecutors recent arrests in the Brussels Like several members of the A U.S. official said Belgians Under current rules, pass- tive was “very concerned”
said. terror probe. Belgium’s official network known to have have been focused on identify- port checks within the Schen- about Austria’s plans because
The search for the missing threat level remains one notch planned and participated in ing and searching potential gen area can’t be extended be- the crossing “is essential for
rucksack highlights concerns off the maximum, meaning the Brussels and Paris attacks, safe houses for the terrorists yond May 12 unless the the freedom of movement
in Belgium that, despite a that authorities consider the Mr. Krayem is suspected of in an attempt to both find commission finds a country is within the European Union.”
spate of arrests in recent days, threat level real but not immi- having posed as a migrant, us- members of the network and failing to guard the bloc’s ex- —Zeke Turner in Berlin
the group behind the March nent. ing a fake passport in the head off potential follow-up ternal border. The checks were contributed to this article.
22 attacks in the capital con- Mr. Krayem was arrested name of Naïm al Hamed, to attacks.
tinues to pose a direct threat. Friday along with long-sought cross back into Europe, ac- Police also raided a house
Asked whether the bag carried terror suspect Mohamed cording to European security in the Brussels district of Uc-
explosives, the spokesman said Abrini, who authorities say officials. Belgian prosecutors cle on Tuesday as part of their
“we are still trying to deter- confessed to being the third said Friday that he had been investigation into the Paris at-
mine that.” attacker at the Brussels Air- picked up in Germany on Oct. tacks, detaining the three peo-
Authorities accuse Osama port and has links to the No- 3 by Salah Abdeslam, the ac- ple and bringing them in for
Krayem, a Swedish-born man vember Paris attacks. Mr. cused Paris attacker captured questioning, the prosecutors
arrested Friday and charged Abrini was charged with com- last month, and driven to Bel- said.
with terrorists murders over mitting terrorist murders in gium. A judge will decide Wednes-
the weekend, of helping sui- both attacks. Prosecutors said Saturday day whether to keep the peo-

cide bomber Khalid el- On Tuesday, Belgian prose- they believed Mr. Krayem, who ple under detention. They gave
Bakraoui set off a deadly blast cutors said they charged two is believed to have gone to no further information about
at Maelbeek station just over more suspects in connection Syria in early 2015, was also the people involved.
an hour after another bombing to the Brussels attacks and the man who purchased the —Laurence Norman
at Brussels Airport. Subway had detained three others for luggage used in the airport at- in Brussels
surveillance video caught an questioning over the Paris at- tacks. and Inti Landauro in Paris
image of the man authorities tacks in November. Prosecutors identified the contributed to this article.

A Joke Sparks Dilemma for Merkel

Macedonian police guarding the country’s border with Greece.


BERLIN—German Chancel-
lor Angela Merkel’s scramble
to stop the flow of migrants to
Heavily on Britain
Europe is so precarious that BY ALEXIS FLYNN to inflict an “enormous and
an off-color joke by a late- AND JENNY GROSS spectacular” terrorist atrocity
night comedian has managed in the U.K., potentially carried
to touch off a minor political LONDON—A trip to the out by people trained to a
crisis. U.K. last summer by a suspect paramilitary level, whereas
In Berlin this week, top arrested in the Brussels and previously the plots they had
diplomats and aides to Ms. Paris attacks, Mohamed seen had focused on more

Merkel are huddling to plot a Abrini, served as a reminder lone-wolf style attacks.
response to Turkey’s demand about the degree to which the The U.K.’s threat alert is
that Germany green light a U.K. is vulnerable to similar now at “severe,” meaning an
criminal investigation of the terrorist atrocities. attack is highly likely. The
comedian, Jan Böhmermann, With Islamic State’s external only higher ranking is “criti-
for reciting a crude poem on operations unit explicitly tar- cal,” which means an attack is
air about Turkish President geting Britain for aiding the expected imminently.
Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Mean- U.S.-led coalition against the One advantage the U.K.
while in the Aegean Sea, mi- extremists in Syria and Iraq, has, experts say, is its long
grant crossings from Turkey officials privately say it is a history of monitoring extrem-
to Greece have slowed to a matter of when, not if, terror- ists and prioritizing threats,
trickle—an early sign that Ms. ists get through. Senior British dating back to the bombing
Merkel’s hard-fought deal on Angela Merkel, here in Berlin on Tuesday, said she will decide on Turkey’s request in the next few days. security officials also note the campaign in England by Irish
migration with Mr. Erdogan is continuing threat from al republican extremists.
having an impact. utes on the books, a legacy of in the migrant crisis. If she turned from Greece to Turkey. Qaeda against the West. Another difference is pro-
The confluence of events il- when emperors and monarchs says no, she will damage her Turkish officials haven’t But the U.K.’s long experi- curing automatic and other
lustrates the tricky position of ruled much of continent. But relationship with Mr. Erdo- said publicly that a failure to ence in dealing with terrorist firearms in the U.K. is much
the European Union’s most the laws are so obscure that gan—the man German offi- prosecute Mr. Böhmermann threats and relatively restric- harder than in Belgium or
powerful politician and her domestic media and comedi- cials see as the key to avoid- would derail the deal on mi- tive gun laws, among other France. The U.K. also has
dependence on Mr. Erdogan. ans ridicule foreign politicians ing a repeat of last year’s grants. But they have sent sig- factors, provide some protec- stricter border controls be-
In an unusual bit of official with little thought. wave of one million migrants nals that media ridicule of Mr. tion, officials and other ex- cause it is outside Europe’s
media criticism, Ms. Merkel’s In Germany, the law had trekking to Germany. “She can Erdogan in Germany is dam- perts say. Schengen free-travel zone.
spokesman declared last week been most prominently in- really only lose, no matter aging the relationship be- Mr. Abrini, who was ar-
that the chancellor found Mr. voked by the shah of Iran in what she does,” said Oskar tween Ankara and Berlin. rested in Brussels last week,
Böhmermann’s poem to be the 1960s. A court ordered Niedermayer, a political scien- But in Germany, pressure is visited Birmingham, Man-
“deliberately offensive.” two employees of a Cologne tist at the Free University of building on Ms. Merkel to be chester and London during a
Under a rarely invoked Ger- newspaper to pay a fine for Berlin. tougher in pushing back roughly weeklong trip in June
man law that prohibits insults publishing a cartoon in 1964 Just last month, the Euro- against Turkey’s intervention. and July, according to people
of foreign leaders, Germany’s ridiculing the monarch, ac- pean Union sealed a deal that Ms. Merkel said Germany’s familiar with the matter, as
government is required to de- cording to German news re- the chancellor brokered with constitutional protection of previously reported. They
cide whether to allow an in- ports at the time. Three years, Turkey in which the country freedom of speech would be said authorities believe Mr.
vestigation if one is demanded later the shah threatened but agreed to take back all mi- upheld no matter what—and Abrini, who they suspect had
by the insulted government—a decided against invoking it grants who arrived on Greek that the Böhmermann affair recently been to Syria, may
feature that differentiates the again after, on a 1967 German islands after March 20. In re- had no bearing on the migrant have been scoping out possi-

law from other German stat- visit, he was greeted with a turn, the EU promised to dou- crisis. “These basic values ap- ble attack targets.
utes and sets Ms. Merkel up poster reading “Persia—a con- ble its assistance for Syrian ply regardless of any political The U.K.’s most senior
for the conundrum she now centration camp.” refugees in Turkey to €6 bil- problem that we discuss with counterterrorism police offi-
faces. Turkey said Monday it If Ms. Merkel permits the lion ($6.8 billion) by the end one another,” she said. “That cer, Mark Rowley, said last
was formally seeking a probe. investigation, she is likely to of 2018 and to voluntarily take includes the issue of the refu- month that officials had dis-
A handful of European face a firestorm of domestic in one Syrian refugee in Tur- gees.” cerned a shift in Islamic
countries, such as Poland and criticism for selling out free key for each Syrian who —Emre Peker in Istanbul State’s tactics.
Switzerland, have similar stat- speech at home to get her way crossed illegally and was re- contributed to this article. He said the group wanted Patrolling the London subway.
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EU Seeks Response
On U.S. Visa Rules
BY LAURENCE NORMAN commission will not take re-
sponsibility or blame for what
BRUSSELS—The European has to be member states’ and
Commission has asked govern- [a] European Parliament deci-
ments and European Union sion,” the official said. “It’s un-
lawmakers to state by July 12 imaginable to think the com-
what action the bloc should mission could by itself decide
take in response to the refusal to suspend visas for the U.S.”
by the U.S. and Canada to of- The issue was discussed on
fer visa-free travel to some Tuesday by the college of
European Union citizens. commissioners, the politicians
EU officials said Tuesday’s who run the EU’s executive.
move by the EU’s executive European Commissioner for
leaves the decision in the hands Home Affairs Dimitris Avram-
of the key decision makers in opoulos said whatever is de-
the bloc. cided “full visa reciprocity will
It also means that if the bloc stay high on the agenda of our
decides to suspend its U.S. and bilateral relations with these
Canadian visa-waiver program, countries.”

that step may not take effect In April 2014, the commis-
until early 2017. sion formally reported that
The U.S. has no visa waiver citizens of Poland, Romania,
for five of the EU’s 28 coun- Bulgaria, Croatia and Cyprus
tries—Poland, Cyprus, Roma-
nia, Bulgaria and Croatia—the
first two of which joined the
The U.S. requires
bloc more than a decade ago. visas for visitors
Canada has no visa waiver for
Romania and Bulgaria.
from five of the bloc’s
U.S. officials have said these 28 member states.
countries don’t meet the legal
standards required for visa
waivers. were still required to apply for
Firefighters stood in front of wreaths laid at the site of a train accident near Bad Aibling, southern Germany, in February. Under EU rules, the com- visas when traveling to the
mission needs to launch a le- U.S. This notification triggered

German Dispatcher Is Held

gal procedure to suspend its a two-year window for the
visa-waiver programs for commission to examine the
other countries. Once that le- problem, the deadline for
gal procedure is launched, the which passed on Tuesday.
parliament and member states U.S. officials said last week
Authorities say deadly side the other and more than “It must be assumed, on the tioned in February, faces have four months to raise ob- that Washington has main-
80 passengers injured. basis of the tight timeline, charges of negligent homicide, jections. tained “an open dialogue with
train crash occurred as The crash came as a shock that the defendant was thus negligent injury and danger- They can request an addi- EU officials” on the issue but
rail employee played in Germany, where such inci- distracted from managing the ous intervention in rail traffic, tional two months delay at the that the five EU countries in
dents are rare and the trans- traffic of trains at the inter- authorities said. end of that period. question “haven’t met the re-
game on smartphone portation system carries a section,” Prosecutor Wolfgang The man, who police have The Commission has some quirements for the U.S. visa-
reputation for safety. Yet Giese said. described as 39 years old and wiggle room however on waiver program.”
BY ZEKE TURNER while the nation’s rail network After allowing two trains to married, with years of experi- whether to launch the legal While the EU has long been
is covered by an emergency- hurtle toward each other on ence on the job, was ar- procedure. pushing Washington for recip-
BERLIN—A train dispatcher braking system that protects the single set of rails, the dis- rested on Tuesday, whereupon It can avoid taking the deci- rocal visa rights for all its citi-
who was overseeing the trains that miss their signals, patcher pressed the wrong he confessed to playing the sion if it fears suspending the zens, there is growing debate
stretch of track where two the crash showed such a sys- button while trying to send an game on his phone but denied visa-waiver programs would within the U.S. over its visa
trains collided head-on in Feb- tem could still fail in the event emergency call out to the driv- that he was distracted, author- have a significant negative im- waivers for foreign nationals.
ruary, leaving 11 dead, was of a serious human error. ers. ities said. pact on the bloc’s external re- The recent terror attack in San
playing with his smartphone On the morning of the acci- Playing with the phone led Under German privacy laws, lations. Bernardino, Calif., sparked
until just before the crash, in- dent, the dispatcher, an em- to not just “a moment of fail- defendants’ names aren’t pub- One EU official said the fresh calls for tighter controls
vestigators said on Tuesday as ployee of Deutsche Bahn’s in- ure” but “a breach of duty lished in the preliminary commission would decide on who can enter the country.
they announced his arrest. frastructure unit, turned on with substantially grave con- stages of criminal investiga- whether to start the legal pro- In January, the U.S. imple-
The high-speed crash be- his smartphone, opened an on- sequences.” tions. cedure only after member mented changes to prevent
tween two commuter trains line game and played actively On Monday, a court in the Separate investigations into states and EU lawmakers have foreign nationals who have
traveling along a one-way sec- until just before the collision, city of Rosenheim ordered the the crash from the public weighed in, meaning it may traveled to Iran, Iraq, Sudan
tion of track in the Bavarian the public prosecutor in the man to be held in police cus- prosecutor and Germany’s happen after July 12. That or Syria from entering the
town of Bad Aibling left the nearby city of Traunstein tody until his trial. The dis- Federal Railway Agency con- means even if they go ahead, country without a visa. It also
cars of one train wedged in- said on Tuesday. patcher, who was first ques- tinue. the decision could be delayed denied automatic visa waivers
a further six months. for foreigners who have dual
“With this communication, Iranian, Iraqi, Sudanese and

Panel Votes to Impeach Brazil Leader

we make clear this political Syrian citizenship.

Italy Advances Bill
BRASÍLIA—A congressional
impeachment committee voted
To Overhaul Its Senate
late Monday to recommend a BY GIADA ZAMPANO Under the new bill, the re-
Senate trial for President formed Senate would have 100
Dilma Rousseff on charges of ROME—The lower house of members, down from 315, and
manipulating public finances, Parliament approved a bill to they would no longer be di-
in a raucous session that sets revamp the Italian constitution rectly elected. Ninety-five

up a decision this weekend by after a walkout Tuesday by the members would be chosen by
the entire lower house of con- opposition, advancing a plan regional councilors and may-
gress. to simplify lawmaking to ors and the other five would
Following the tumultuous which Prime Minister Matteo be nominated by the president.
day-long meeting punctuated Renzi has staked his political The new Senate would re-
by shouts of “Dilma out!” and future. tain its veto on some constitu-
“No coup!” from rival factions, The proposed overhaul— tional matters, but its ability
the 65-member panel voted which had been before law- to veto ordinary legislation
38-27 to approve a committee makers for more than two would be sharply reduced—a
report recommending im- years amid strong resistance— change aimed at simplifying
peachment. would sharply reduce the pow- the long and tortuous lawmak-
The process now moves to ers of the upper house, the ing process in Italy.
the full Chamber of Deputies Senate, and cut the number of The Senate also would no
for a critical vote scheduled senators by two-thirds. longer be able to participate in
for Sunday. If two-thirds, or It now faces a referendum, confidence votes in the gov-
342, of the chamber’s 513 fed- planned for October. Mr. Renzi, ernment.
eral deputies support im- Supporters of President Dilma Rousseff demonstrated in Brasília before the impeachment vote. who has repeatedly described The previous system, set up
peachment, the case will move the constitutional overhaul as after World War II to hinder
to the Senate for a trial. had come out publicly for im- ocratic Movement Party re- an effort by an ethics panel to his flagship program, has said the rise of another fascist gov-
Ms. Rousseff is accused of peachment, according to local cently split with the ruling co- remove him from his post. he is ready to resign if voters ernment, attributed the same
using loans from state banks newspaper O Estado de S. alition and now supports “This process of impeach- reject it. powers to both chambers.
to plug a budget hole in viola- Paulo, a figure that has risen impeachment. ment is born of original sin, “This is a historic moment The opposition complained
tion of Brazil’s financial ac- quickly in recent days. Mean- Some of Ms. Rousseff’s sup- which was the use of it by the for Italy,” Mr. Renzi said after about the transparency of the
countability laws. She has de- while, the tally of deputies on porters viewed Mr. Temer’s re- house speaker as revenge,” Mr. the vote, speaking during a process,.
nied wrongdoing. the record as opposing im- cording as an intentional leak Cardozo said. visit to Iran. “I am very happy The new constitutional ar-
In São Paulo, a hotbed of peachment—120—has risen aimed at swaying lawmakers Brazilians have grown more because Italy used to be the chitecture is tied to another of
anti-Rousseff sentiment, resi- only slightly. and undermining the presi- conflicted in recent weeks least stable country in Europe. Mr. Renzi’s overhauls, the new
dents blew vuvuzelas and Reinforcing the sense that dent. “Michel Temer should about an impeachment process Now it is the most stable.” electoral system that intro-
drivers honked horns follow- time is running out for Ms. respect the office and not that has become embroiled in The bill was approved 361-7 duces a two-round voting sys-
ing Monday’s vote. In Rio de Rousseff, Brazilian media on work as a coup monger,” said partisan mudslinging and ac- in an almost half-empty cham- tem for the lower house. Its
Janeiro, thousands of pro-gov- Monday circulated a recording Deputy Ivan Valente of the So- cusations of dirty tricks. A ber of 630 seats. Opposition main purpose is also to give
ernment supporters rallied in of her potential successor, cialism and Liberty Party, who survey published Sunday by parties—the antiestablishment elected governments more sta-
defense of Ms. Rousseff, some Vice President Michel Temer, has come out publicly against polling firm Datafolha showed 5 Star Movement and the anti- bility and the chance to sur-
carrying signs denouncing im- rehearsing a speech in prepa- impeachment. that most Brazilians surveyed immigration Northern League— vive a full five-year term, as
peachment as a coup d’etat. ration to take power. A Speaking in defense of Ms. would like to see both Ms. left in protest and didn’t partic- has rarely happened in Italy’s
Monday’s vote against Ms. spokesman for Mr. Temer con- Rousseff at Monday’s commit- Rousseff and Mr. Temer leave ipate in the voting. modern history.
Rousseff was expected. The firmed the authenticity of the tee meeting, Solicitor General office and the country to hold
chamber’s activities are heav- audio, which he said was re- José Eduardo Cardozo said the new elections.
ily influenced by her political leased by accident. allegations of slippery book- A sign of the country’s po-
nemesis, House Speaker Ed- If Ms. Rousseff is tried by keeping against the president larization was on clear display
uardo Cunha, who has been the Senate, she would be weren’t substantiated. He in the country’s capital, where
pushing hard for the presi- forced to step aside temporar- blamed Mr. Cunha for opening special security measures are
dent’s ouster. But the wider- ily for a trial that could last a the process against Ms. Rouss- already being taken in prepa-
than-expected margin of de- maximum of 180 days. Mr. Te- eff to distract from his own le- ration for Sunday’s vote. A
feat—government insiders had mer would become interim gal woes. high metal fence has been in-
expected to garner as many 31 president during that time, Mr. Cunha has been charged stalled on the long mall lead-
votes, rather than 27—bodes and is in line to serve out the with pocketing at least $5 mil- ing to Congress to separate
ill for Ms. Rousseff heading remainder of her term if she is lion in bribes as part of a the pro-and-anti impeachment
into Sunday’s crucial lower- ultimately removed from of- sprawling corruption scandal crowds that are expected to
house vote. fice. But a Supreme Court linked to Brazil’s state oil com- show up in large numbers to
Pressure is rising on mem- judge on April 5 ruled that pany, allegations he has de- pressure lawmakers. Riot po-
bers of Brazil’s lower house to Congress must open impeach- nied. Mr. Cunha opened the lice will be on hand to deter
declare whether they support ment proceedings against Mr. impeachment proceedings conflicts.

or oppose impeachment head- Temer based on the same alle- against the president in De- —Rogerio Jelmayer
ing into Sunday’s showdown. gations, which he has denied. cember shortly after her rul- and Jeffrey T. Lewis
By late Monday, 298 deputies Mr. Temer’s Brazilian Dem- ing Workers’ Party supported contributed to this article. Prime Minister Renzi with Iran’s president on Tuesday in Tehran.
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, April 13, 2016 | A5


U.S. Gains Access to Indian Military Bases

BY NIHARIKA MANDHANA stressed the importance of
“safeguarding maritime secu-
NEW DELHI—U.S. and In- rity and ensuring freedom of
dian officials agreed in princi- navigation and over flight
ple to a deal that would allow throughout the region, includ-
the two countries’ armed ing in the South China Sea.”
forces to use each other’s Earlier on his three-day In-
bases for replenishment and dia visit—his second in less
repair, a sign of deepening de- than a year—Mr. Carter toured
fense ties as Washington and an Indian aircraft carrier.
New Delhi grapple with a Messrs. Carter and Parrikar
more-assertive China. also visited the USS Blue
Concluding such a logistics- Ridge, the flagship of the U.S.
exchange pact would be a ma- Seventh Fleet, which was mak-
jor step, after more than a de- ing a port call in the western
cade of delays amid Indian state of Goa.
concerns that it could be In addition to the logistics
pulled into U.S. military opera- agreement, Washington has
tions or lose the strategic au- been pushing India to sign one
tonomy that has been a pillar for the transfer of advanced
of its policy of nonalignment communication equipment and
in foreign affairs. another allowing digital map-
An agreement is to be ping. India is concerned about

signed “in the coming how much access these deals

months,” India’s defense min- would give the U.S.
ister, Manohar Parrikar, The U.S. sees a militarily
pledged on Tuesday after talks and economically strong India
with his visiting American as a counterbalance to China
counterpart, Ash Carter. and an important market for
The U.S. has sought closer its military equipment.
military cooperation with Mr. Modi has sought Ameri-
Asian nations as China’s rise can cooperation in his efforts
shifts the regional power bal- to rev up the country’s de-
ance. Mr. Carter was due to U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter, at front left, tours an Indian aircraft carrier at Karwar Naval Base in Karnataka during his visit. fense manufacturing industry,
travel next to the Philippines, and the two sides are negoti-
where U.S. forces are to be de- U.S. warships in the past after New Delhi’s nuclear- presence in the Indian Ocean. The U.S., India and Japan ating ways to co-produce
ployed and have access to mil- have had access to some In- weapons tests in 1998 and India and China have a long, will conduct joint naval exer- weapons.
itary bases close to disputed dian facilities, but without an American defense assistance disputed border in the Himala- cises this year in the northern U.S. officials in recent
territory in the South China agreement in place, access has to rival neighbor Pakistan, in- yas and fought a war in 1962. waters of the Philippine Sea, months have prodded India to
Sea. involved time-consuming pro- cluding a recent U.S. decision Since coming to power two an area close to the East and play a larger role in maintain-
An Indian navy officer said cesses. “There is no ammuni- to sell F-16 jet fighters to Is- years ago, Indian Prime Minis- South China Seas, where Bei- ing regional security, hinting
the country’s deal with the tion involved, no combat oper- lamabad, have sowed deep dis- ter Narendra Modi has jing is locked in standoffs with at possible U.S.-India joint pa-
U.S. would be limited to logis- ations,” the Indian officer said. trust of the U.S. in the Indian strengthened strategic and de- its neighbors and Washington trols or freedom-of-navigation
tics requirements, such as “We are not talking about po- security establishment. fense ties with the U.S., while over maritime territorial dis- operations in the Indo-Pacific
food and fuel, and repairs, as sitioning men in each other’s But New Delhi has grown avoiding steps that could pro- putes. region. India, however, has in-
U.S. vessels and forces cross countries.” concerned over China’s rising voke a major reaction from In a joint statement signed dicated a deep wariness about
the Indian Ocean. U.S. sanctions against India military ambitions and its Beijing. Tuesday, India and the U.S. any type of joint patrolling.

Australia Leader Taliban

To Press China on

Regional ‘Reset’ Fighting
BY ROB TAYLOR China very well for a Western BY MARGHERITA STANCATI
leader,” said Hugh White, a
CANBERRA, Australia— strategic analyst at the Aus- DUBAI—The Taliban in Af-
Prime Minister Malcolm Turn- tralian National University. ghanistan declared the start of
bull travels to China this week “But the question is will they their fighting season on Tues-
at a time of tense relations be- be listening, as this is a coun- day, vowing to take control of
tween Beijing and many of its try with a very strong strate- more territory and launch
neighbors over its increasingly gic agenda and a very clear large-scale attacks against the
assertive actions in the South sense of where it’s going.” Kabul government and its for-
China Sea. The visit comes as a United eign allies, including the U.S.
Mr. Turnbull plans to warn Nations-backed tribunal in The The Taliban’s announce-
Chinese leaders in a meeting Hague prepares to hand down ment of their spring offensive
in Beijing on Friday that their its decision in a dispute An aerial view of Chinese construction work at Johnson Reef, in the disputed Spratly Islands. occurs days after U.S. Secre-
forceful posture in the region launched by the Philippines tary of State John Kerry vis-
risks harming China’s interna- over China’s land-reclamation wasn’t aware of any plans by heading to Beijing. ports of Australian agricul- ited the capital Kabul to reaf-
tional ties and its economy, efforts in the South China Sea, Mr. Turnbull to discuss the Chinese investment in Aus- tural goods and services. firm U.S. support for the
people familiar with plans for where several countries have South China Sea, saying “some tralia soared 33% in 2015 from Shared business interests, government led by President
the visit said. overlapping maritime claims. people need not to over-worry a year earlier to US$11 billion, however, are unlikely to sway Ashraf Ghani.
The Australian leader, in his Many observers expect the themselves over nothing.” a new report from KPMG and China’s leaders on its strategic The proclamation has be-
first visit to China since be- court to rule China’s Spratly Mr. Turnbull’s pressure on the University of Sydney said priorities, Mr. White said. come an annual rite for the Is-
coming prime minister in Sep- activities violate the U.N. Con- China will be accompanied by this week, most notably in the “What is happening in the lamist movement and usually
tember, will urge President Xi vention on the Law of the Sea. efforts to deepen ties with commercial-property and agri- South China Sea is very much heralds an increase in vio-
Jinping and Premier Li Keq- Beijing has said it won’t be Australia’s biggest trade part- culture sectors. part of the whole Xi Jinping lence. The declaration coin-
iang to reset relations with bound by the decision. ner and investor. The Austra- With an Australian election China dream, where China is cides with the onset of spring,
neighbors that have been In the past, China has said lian leader, who has extensive due as soon as July and a stut- pushing its challenge to the when snow melts and moun-
strained by Beijing’s construc- it has “indisputable sover- business experience in China tering domestic economy, Mr. U.S. over who is going to lead tain passes open, enabling the
tion of artificial islands in dis- eignty” over all South China as a former investment banker Turnbull hopes to tap fresh Asia,” he said. “The sight of group’s fighters to move more
puted waters and what West- Sea islands and their sur- and entrepreneur, plans to growth opportunities through 1,000 Australian businessmen freely in many parts of the
ern nations say is its rounding waters. On Tuesday, lead a delegation of 1,000 Aus- a free-trade pact that eases is not going to put him off.” country.
deployment of weapons. a Chinese foreign ministry tralian business leaders to Chinese investment access to —Eva Dou in Beijing It will be the first offensive
“Mr. Turnbull understands spokesman suggested he Shanghai on Thursday before Australia while boosting ex- contributed to this article. since last summer’s disclosure
that Taliban founder and spiri-
tual leader Mullah Mohammad
inflation is heading back to 2% Omar had died two years ear-
World before they consider nudging up
borrowing costs.
lier. In their statement on
Tuesday, the Islamist move-
Watch Separate data suggested that
broader inflationary pressures in
ment said they had named the
current fighting season “Oper-
the U.K. remain low, with prices ation Omari” in their late
charged by companies at the leader’s honor.
factory gate falling 0.9% on the “With the advent of spring
year in March. Raw material it is again time for us to renew
SYRIA costs fell 6.5%, the ONS said. our jihadist determination and
—Jason Douglas operations,” it added, saying
Two Die in Russian fresh military operations
Helicopter Crash NIGERIA would “employ all means at
Russia’s Defense Ministry our disposal to bog the enemy
said that one of its helicopters
Army Massacred down in a war of attrition.”

crashed in the early morning on Shiites, Probe Finds A spokesman for the Af-
Tuesday around the city of A special investigation by a ghan Defense Ministry said
Homs, killing both servicemen on state government in northern the Taliban offensive would
board, the Russian news agency Nigeria found that the country’s fail and Afghan forces were
Interfax reported. army killed 347 Shiites during a launching a counteroffensive,
A statement from the minis- clash in December, highlighting dubbed “Operation Shafaq.”
try said that the crash of the deepening animosity between “They won't succeed, and
Mi-28 attack helicopter hadn’t the Shiites and soldiers in a na- we will bring peace to our
been a result of gunfire, and A Lebanese soldier stands watch near a burning car in the southern port city of Sidon, Lebanon. tion already dealing with Isla- people,” said the spokesman,
that the bodies of both service- Fathi Zeidan, a Palestinian security official, was killed by an explosive device planted inside the car mist insurgency Boko Haram. Mohammad Radmanish.
men had been found and deliv- A report by the Kaduna state The start of the fighting
ered to Russia’s air base in UKRAINE Mr. Groysman pledged to UNITED KINGDOM government, released late Mon- season follows a year of falter-
Hmeimim, according to Interfax. continue pursuing closer ties day, found that the army fired at ing efforts to restart direct
“According to the report from
New Government with the West and to make
Inflation Rises, but followers of Sheik Ibrahim peace talks between the Tali-
the crash site, there was no fir- Close to Formation good on the government’s prom- Stays Below Target Zakzaky, a leading cleric for the ban and Mr. Ghani’s national-
ing at the helicopter,” the minis- Ukrainian party leaders were ises to combat corruption and Annual inflation in the U.K. small number of Nigerian Mus- unity government. A four-
try said. close to forming a new govern- bureaucracy in the former Soviet accelerated in March to its high- lims who are Shiites, as opposed country group made up of
The cause of the crash was ment Tuesday, though continued republic. est level in more than a year, to Sunni. Afghanistan, the U.S., China
being investigated, it added. wrangling over cabinet posts A new coalition would allow but still remained well below the Mr. Zakzaky’s members took and Pakistan has held meet-
Russian President Vladimir made it unclear whether parlia- Ukraine to avoid snap elections Bank of England’s 2% target. over a highway, blocking a mili- ings since January in an at-
Putin last month unexpectedly ment would move to a final and help quell growing worries Consumer prices rose 0.5% on tary convoy, the report said. tempt to restart negotiations.
announced the beginning of the vote. that political instability could im- the year in March, up from 0.3% They also attacked police with In their statement on Tues-
withdrawal of Russian forces, Volodymyr Groysman, peril a $17.5 billion bailout from in February, the Office for Na- jerry cans rigged as throwable day, the Taliban hinted at their
but the Kremlin said Russia speaker of parliament and a the International Monetary Fund. tional Statistics said Tuesday, explosives, it added. possible participation in talks,
would continue to maintain a close ally of President Petro Po- But a new government led by the fastest rate of inflation since The military has said that it saying that along with the
military presence in Syria. Rus- roshenko, announced his bid to Mr. Groysman could also raise December 2014. was responding in self-defense spring offensive it would seek
sian aircraft have continued to become prime minister soon af- concerns about Mr. Poroshenko’s Central-bank officials led by to the protesters; they “refused to “open a dialogue with our
fly missions in support of Syrian ter the current premier, Arseniy growing power in Ukraine, ob- Gov. Mark Carney have signaled all entreaties to disperse,” a countrymen in the enemy
government forces. Yatsenyuk, said Sunday he was servers said. they want to see faster wage statement in December said. ranks” to establish a cohesive
—Thomas Grove resigning. —Laura Mills growth and other evidence that —Gbenga Akingbule Islamic government.
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To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
A6 | Wednesday, April 13, 2016 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


INVEST Investors say they have re-

sorted to protests because
government officials haven’t
helped recoup losses. Inves-
met sitting on a curbside stool
while on his way to his local
“They would take me to
Continued from page A1 tors have coordinated multi- classes on weekends,” Mr. Guo
ers, coal miners and demobi- city protests via instant-mes- says, where Tengfei represen-
lized soldiers angered by job saging groups. In Xinxiang, tatives plied prospects with
losses. A common thread: Pro- investors say electronic word- snacks and gifts while urging
testers are convinced govern- of-mouth can quickly trans- them to invest to “support lo-
ment officials and the ruling form a quiet gathering of a cal business.”
Communist Party encouraged few score people into a near-
their investment of money and riot of a thousand.
labor in ways that helped Through the second half of Spooked investors
build modern China, and now last year, hundreds staged pro- Eventually, news that simi-
they feel betrayed. tests in southern China over lar firms elsewhere in China
“Since the People’s Republic $6.6 billion of failed invest- were collapsing spooked Teng-
of China was established in ment products sold by Fanya fei investors, who lined up at
1949, the Communist Party has Metal Exchange, which ceased the company in November
always been something that operations and is under inves- 2014 demanding it return their
the people viewed as trust- tigation by the local govern- money.
worthy,” says retired army Lt. ment. Calls to Fanya went to Tengfei announced it
Col. Guo Bojin, 72, who says an automated system that ap- couldn’t repay. A day later, it
he lost about $120,000 to peared untended. closed its offices. One Tengfei
Tengfei and believes the gov- In October, investors pro- salesman committed suicide.
ernment condoned the busi- tested at the offices of asset- The city has said it is investi-

ness. “Who can you trust, if management firm Global gating Tengfei for “exceeding
you can’t trust the govern- Wealth Investment (Beijing) its business remit” and “ille-
ment?” Co., blaming it for loans it ex- gally soliciting funds from the
China’s Ministry of Public tended to companies in public.”
Security, the China Banking China’s ailing rust belt that Protesters at Ping An in October held signs saying: ‘Ping An cheats! Ping An, return the money!’ When investors couldn’t get
Regulatory Commission and later soured. Global Wealth answers from Tengfei or the
Xinxiang city officials didn’t didn’t respond to inquiries. Losing Credit city about restitution, some,
respond to inquiries. Xinxi- When some 200 investors, As China's economic growth slowed, so did growth in credit and loosely regulated ‘shadow banking,’ including Messrs. Yang, Cao
ang’s government has said it is many of them retirees, pro- helping lead to corporate defaults that, along with falling stock markets, hurt small investors' nest eggs. and Guo, marched in protest,
“going through the legal pro- tested outside financial-ser- some of them attempting to
cess” in dealing with Tengfei, vices giant Ping An Insurance China’s credit growth vs. GDP Shadow-banking growth Shanghai Composite, weekly block the local rail line to Bei-
whose chairman and some Group Co.’s Beijing headquar- growth closes jing. Some stripped Tengfei’s
other staff are in government ters in October, more than 100 25% Credit growth 50% 6000
offices, carrying away comput-
custody and couldn’t be police were on the scene. Offi- 4Q 2015 Tuesday ers and chairs; the three men
Nominal GDP
reached to comment. cers ordered the crowd to dis- 2.9% 3023.65 say they weren’t among the
Tengfei was typical of a perse as protesters, some in 20 40 looters.
new class of investment com- white bandannas, a Chinese 4000
Tengfei investors have been
pany that drew in millions of symbol of death, chanted ac- 15 30 staging protests ever since,
Chinese small investors. These cusations the company had 3000
demanding government resti-
companies—part of China’s sold them wealth-management tution. Mr. Yang, who intended
“shadow banking” industry, a products that soured. 10 20 his $37,000 for his twins’ edu-
broad term for a range of Ping An said in response to cation, says police called him
loosely regulated lenders— queries that it didn’t issue 5 10 almost daily on his cellphone
touted what are called such products, although it ac- for five months to check on
“wealth-management prod- knowledged some staff had il- 0 0 0
his movements after they
ucts” in China, usually repack- legally sold or recommended briefly detained him at an in-
aged corporate debt, and of- “unauthorized products.” It 2011 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15 2011 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15 2011 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15 vestor protest.
fered annual returns of said it would help investors Sources: Wind Information, People's Bank of China (credit); National Bureau of Statistics (GDP); Investors have a pact to
sometimes 18% or more. seek restitution. Investors say Moody’s Investors Service (shadow banking); FactSet (index) THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. meet every Monday outside
The products became it hasn’t done so. Beijing po- the Xinxiang city offices, and
widely popular after China’s lice didn’t respond to inqui- of more than $7.6 billion. wise hard to get bank credit. For Cao Guojun, 42, Teng- Mr. Yang says he attends sev-
property market began to cool ries. Ezubo’s senior executives are When Beijing moved to rein in fei represented the promise eral times a month. The March
around 2012. The outstanding The central government has in custody and couldn’t be the galloping economy in 2011, of moving into the urban episode was typical, he says.
balance in wealth-manage- tried to tighten regulation of reached to comment. credit became scarcer. Tengfei middle class. Mr. Cao became Before police moved in, city
ment products was 18.4 tril- these wealth-management In at least five cities where rebranded itself as a wealth- a Tengfei salesman in early officials “told us they would
lion yuan ($2.8 trillion) at the firms, and police have stepped Ezubo operated, investors say management company and be- 2013 after moving with his give us an answer a week
end of the first half of 2015, in to shut down some and ar- they gathered for protests to gan marketing to small inves- wife and son to Xinxiang, later.”
according to Moody’s Inves- rest their executives. The na- find police already massed in tors. where they hoped to buy an The next week, a lower-
tors Service—about the size of tional banking regulator, ad- superior numbers. In Decem- Tengfei plowed funds it apartment near good schools. ranking city official came out
the U.S. money-market-fund dressing online-lending and ber, dozens protested at China raised into loans to a network He secured 1.3 million yuan, to meet them, he says. Other
industry. wealth-management concerns, Central Television’s Beijing of about 42 local companies, or about $200,000, from in- officials were too busy, the
As economic growth fal- in December vowed to headquarters, watched by po- lending at annual rates of 33% vestors for Tengfei’s prod- emissary said, adding that
tered, corporations defaulted “cleanse the market.” lice who arrived earlier. to 40%, versus about 8% at ucts, mostly from friends and “city leaders are paying great
on loans at the core of these Wang Xinling, a 60-year-old commercial banks. Within that family including his wife and attention to the Tengfei issue.”
products. Some firms offering retired shoemaker, says when network, companies also lent mother. “It was all nonsense,” Mr.
the products failed, leaving in-
As small investors she couldn’t determine to one another and acted as Every year, local govern- Yang says. “They were only
vestors in the lurch. in China watch their whether she would recoup her mutual guarantors for bank ment officials—as in most Chi- trying to buy time.”
The government hasn’t pro- Ezubo investment of about loans, government documents nese cities, Communist Party Mr. Cao says police repeat-
vided a count of the losses to
nest eggs dwindle, $4,600, she joined the protests show. members—attended Tengfei’s edly came to his home to
investors. A Wall Street Jour- some are protesting. at CCTV, which had carried The small investors’ funds anniversary celebrations, Mr. question his role in protests.
nal tally of cases reported Ezubo advertisements. “All we do appear to have helped sus- Cao says, where “they would They once took him to a police
over the past year shows at are getting now is ridicule and tain the local economy. Henan stand and wave to the crowd station, where, he says, offi-
least $24.3 billion owed to 1.6 Authorities have also indifference,” she says. “No Huanyu Power Source Co., a when introduced.” cers told him: “This money,
million investors in wealth- sought to forestall protests, one is helping us.” maker of rechargeable batter- “The most important thing just think of it as bad luck.”
management products, about say investors, who contend ies in Xinxiang’s ramshackle was to see that the govern- Caught up in protests, po-
$15,000 each on average. they have been followed and industrial fringe, in 2013 saw ment supported it,” he says. lice pressure and their lost
Tengfei collapsed with about threatened by police, and Tengfei’s troubles sputtering overseas demand “You would think, if anything funds, Mr. Cao says he and his
$400 million owed to 37,000 sometimes beaten and de- People such as Mr. Yang hurt cash flow, employees say. happened, the government wife grew estranged and di-
investors, about $10,800 each tained. Police and public-secu- and Mr. Guo, who lost their Huanyu turned to Tengfei for would still support the busi- vorced. He moved to his par-
on average. rity officials have told some funds when Tengfei collapsed, help repaying 30 million yuan ness.” ents’ farmhouse with their son
journalists not to report on were among small investors in bank loans, company docu- Mr. Cao and other investors and makes about $300 a
the collapsed lenders. whose collective assets helped ments show. Tengfei’s funds didn’t know that Tengfei was month as a deliveryman for a
Stamp of approval Investors in one of the to finance China’s boom, in helped Huanyu hang on, one of struggling with souring debt milk-powder distributor.
Many small investors the highest-profile failures, of In- their case, in Xinxiang. A mi- the employees says, until a and that its lending among its He rides his scooter home
Journal interviewed say they ternet-based Ezubo Ltd. last crocosm of China’s debt-fueled large South Korean order tight group of companies had after dark, dreading running
hadn’t understood the nature year, say they believe police rise, Xinxiang grew from a eased cash flow. begun unraveling. into anyone who invested in
of their investments. They infiltrated their online groups small market town into a bus- Piao’an Group, a medical- Tengfei stepped up its mar- Tengfei.
considered it a government to monitor protest plans. tling city of six million with an equipment supplier in the net- keting to attract more funds, “I got tricked, and I took
stamp of approval that state Ezubo offered investments Audi dealership and big-box work, received funds from and its sales force prowled the everybody down with me,” he
media ran advertisements by in a related finance-leasing stores. Tengfei after it began to expe- streets in 2013 and 2014. Mr. says. “We used to be fine folk
Tengfei and other such compa- business, promising returns up Tengfei, as a nonbank rience what government docu- Guo, the retired army man, in- in our hometown. Now we are
nies, and that government of- to 15%. Prosecutors have lender in the city, started out ments call a “capital crisis.” vested multiple times during nothing.”
ficials attended some of the called it a Ponzi scheme that guaranteeing loans for local Huanyu and Piao’an didn’t re- those years after learning of —Kersten Zhang
companies’ public gatherings. defrauded 900,000 investors businesses that found it other- spond to inquiries. Tengfei from a saleswoman he contributed to this article.

MASK match Edmonton’s colors.

“Cam showed me pictures
of Bill Murray signing the
mask, also Dan Aykroyd, the
The goalie mask has
changed goaltending in ways
that early goalies couldn’t
have imagined. Mr. Dryden’s
Continued from page A1 whole team,” Mr. Gunnarsson mask offered mediocre protec-
never, never had problems said. “I almost fainted.” tion: A hard-hit puck, he said,
with my creativity or ideas,” Henrik Lundqvist’s current would often smash the mask
he said. “It just comes like wa- mask, named “Rangers Razors against his cheek and open up
ter.” Unleashed,” includes the a gash. He perfected the
His output stuns fellow Statue of Liberty and sharp stand-up style, with his head

painters. silver spikes seemingly cut held above the crossbar so

“He’s the lion of the group, from her crown. Mr. Gunnars- fewer pucks hit him in the
we’re all just like the cubs,” son has made dozens of masks face. Masks evolved. They now
said Paintzoo Studios’ Franny for Mr. Lundqvist, including include cages, padding and
Drummond, a Pennsylvania- several for his MSG show The custom fits. Stand-up goal-
based painter whose zombie Mask, which auctioned off tending is long gone, replaced
mask is worn by Flyers goalie masks for charity. by the superior butterfly tech-
Steve Mason. (Mr. Drummond “Lundqvist, he likes clean niques.
also paints motorcycle hel- designs with strong contrasts “You have a whole let less
mets.) “People are going, ‘He and a lot of glitter,” Mr. Gun- to shoot for because of the
can’t paint that many masks in narsson said. “He likes when evolution that began with the
a week, it’s impossible.’ ” it’s bling-bling.” perfect mask,” Mr. Dryden
Mr. Gunnarsson’s masks Goalie masks are not always said. “You’ve got a feeling that
start with a conversation, then symbolic of a goalie’s psyche. this is really your mask, that
a sketch, then a full-color Take Mr. Dryden’s famous Ca- it’s made for you. It’s part of
drawing for goalies to review. nadiens mask with its pattern your face.”
He paints mostly with an air- of blue, white and red circles, The goalie mask has no par-
brush—a paint gun connected like a target. Mr. Dryden didn’t allel in other sports, whose
to an air compressor—but ask for a target, or intend for gear and helmets conform to
sometimes relies more on a others to see the mask as a team logos and color schemes.
sketch pen, like he did for Buf- target. He wanted a mask with (College football teams some-
falo Sabres goalie Robin Leh- Clockwise from top left, New York Rangers goalie Henrik Lundqvist, the Anaheim Ducks’ Frederik concentric C’s—for Cana- times have helmet stickers,
ner, whose mask is a tribute to Andersen and the Tampa Bay Lightning’s Ben Bishop sport masks designed by David Gunnarsson. diens—in the team’s colors. which Mr. Dryden dismissed as
a Swedish death metal band. There was no deeper meaning. a poor comparison. “They look
Mr. Gunnarsson has one times,” he said. Because of lines in Mr. Bishop’s Lightning themed mask was perfect for “I heard from people later, extremely cluttered.”) But Mr.
crucial painting companion: this, many of his masks have mask were inspired by the Cam Talbot when he played for saying that they felt kind of Bishop, the Lightning goalie,
movies, mostly action and sci- movie characters or scenes, movie “Tron,” a Gunnarsson fa- the New York Rangers, but sorry for me that I was wear- expects one sport will soon
fi flicks like “Independence like “The Shining” mask of vorite. For Frederik Andersen then Mr. Talbot was traded to ing a target,” Mr. Dryden said. follow in the footsteps of
Day,” “Ghostbusters,” “Back to Vancouver goaltender Richard of the Anaheim Ducks, Mr. the Edmonton Oilers and Mr. “They assumed that was my hockey: baseball.
the Future,” and “Jurassic Bachman (whose name is the Gunnarsson painted Lego fig- Gunnarsson had to tweak it. expression of irony, ‘Well, if I “I’m waiting for the day
Park.” same as a pen name used by ures, a nod to the most famous The mask now has a heavy am a target, then why that MLB catchers will do it,
“I have some favorites that Mr. King, the book’s author). export from Andersen’s native dose of the ectoplasm ghost wouldn’t I dress like one to because I have a feeling that
I have watched 20 or 30 The glowing, circuit-like Denmark. His Ghostbusters- Slimer, except he’s orange to make it that much clearer?’ ” they might,” he said.
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, April 13, 2016 | A7

Trump, Clinton Look Strong in New York
Poll shows candidates Mr. Trump is looking to bounce York contest riding high after voters also said they would op-
back from a decisive loss in Home Comforts his win in Wisconsin. But he is pose any effort to crown some-
with big leads after last week’s Wisconsin primary, After recent stumbles, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton look to be struggling to get a foothold in one who didn’t run for presi-
recent setbacks as while Mrs. Clinton has lost on track to regain momentum in the April 19 primaries in New York. New York, a difficulty attri- dent this year, throwing cold
eight of the last nine Demo- buted in part to his attack on water on speculation that
state’s primaries loom cratic contests. N.Y. GOP primary voters N.Y. Democratic primary voters what he called Mr. Trump’s party leaders should nominate
“Right now, the front-run- Presidential preference Presidential preference “New York values” earlier in House Speaker Paul Ryan (R.,
BY PATRICK O’CONNOR ners look like they will erase Trump 54% Clinton 55% the primary cycle. The senator Wis.) or some other Republi-
recent setbacks and add sig- Kasich 21 Sanders 41 defended those remarks last can who sidestepped the pri-
Donald Trump and Hillary nificantly to their delegate week, telling reporters he was mary. Some 59% said the nomi-
Cruz 18
Clinton hold double-digit leads margins,” said Lee Miringoff, referring to the “values of lib- nee should be someone who
in New York and are poised to director of the Marist College eral Democratic politicians.” ran in the primaries, while 32%
Who should be nominee if Will not support the other
regain their footing in their Institute for Public Opinion, Mr. Cruz spent Monday on said it would be acceptable to
Mr. Trump has the most Democratic candidate if
home state’s primaries next which conducted the survey. the West coast, attending cam- have a nominee who didn’t.
Tuesday, a new Wall Street Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Trump delegates but not enough to their candidate loses paign events in California, the The Democratic primary in
Journal/NBC News/Marist poll remain the clear leaders in be nominated on first ballot? last stop on the primary calen- New York is showing voting
Clinton 15%
has found. their parties’ nominating con- Trump 64% supporters dar where the remaining con- patterns familiar from prior
On the Republican side, Mr. tests. Mrs. Clinton has a par- Other 28 Sanders tenders will fight over the contests, with independents,
Trump holds a 33-point lead ticularly strong advantage be- supporters 30 state’s 172 delegates. Mr. liberals and younger voters lin-
over his closest rival, Ohio Gov. cause of her support from her Trump can’t wrap up the nom- ing up behind Mr. Sanders, and
John Kasich, 54% to 21%, while party’s so-called superdele- Source: WSJ/NBC News/Marist telephone polls conducted April 6–10 of 259 likely Republican ination before California and Mrs. Clinton dominating among
Texas Sen. Ted Cruz trails both, gates, the elected officials and and 557 likely Democratic primary voters; margins of error: +/-6.1 and 4.2 pct. pts., respectively four other states vote June 7. self-described Democrats and
as the top pick of 18% of likely other party leaders who have a THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. In the latest poll, New York other traditional constituencies.
Republican primary voters. say in determining the presi- Republicans were also asked Mrs. Clinton was twice elected
Mrs. Clinton maintains a 14- dential nominee. On Monday, Mr. Trump, to-one count among just about about the biggest question to represent New York in the
point lead in the Democratic Mr. Trump is in a tougher prompted by the result of the every demographic group in the hanging over the GOP contest: U.S. Senate. The two Demo-
contest, outpacing Vermont spot because he is in a race to Colorado contest in which Mr. New York electorate, among What should happen if no can- cratic candidates are fighting
Sen. Bernie Sanders 55% to collect the 1,237 delegates re- Cruz won all 34 delegates, com- them women, college graduates didate enters the convention over 247 delegates in New York.
41% among likely Democratic quired to clinch the nomina- plained that the GOP delegate- and primary voters who prac- this summer with a majority of The Journal/NBC News/
primary voters. The former tion before the party gathers selection process, which differs tice a religion—three groups delegates, the threshold for Marist survey of New York,
secretary of state’s lead is in Cleveland to determine the from one state to the next, was with which he often struggles. clinching the nomination. conducted April 6-10, included
built on strength among nominee. He has so far won established by party bigwigs to New York will award 95 Re- A large majority—64%— 259 likely Republican primary
women, African-Americans and 743. A big win in New York prevent political outsiders like publican delegates. A candi- thinks Mr. Trump should win the voters and 557 likely Demo-
Democrats age 45 and older. would help him reset his cam- him from winning the nomina- date can win all of the dele- nomination if he has the most cratic primary voters. The
The survey results will be paign narrative, after he sur- tion. “The system is rigged, it’s gates from any given delegates, even if he falls short margin of error is plus or mi-
welcome news to the two rendered delegates to the Cruz crooked,” he said on Fox News. congressional district if he of a majority, the poll found. nus 6.1 percentage points
front-runners, who have both camp at a string of recent Mr. Trump leads his two re- eclipses the 50% mark. If Mr. Trump doesn’t win among GOP voters and 4.2
lost ground in recent weeks. state party conventions. maining rivals by at least a two- Mr. Cruz entered the New the nomination, most primary points among Democrats.

Court Hears Appeal

Of Terror Award
BY NICOLE HONG pressly aimed at the U.S.,
which he said wasn’t the
The American families who case.
were victims of terrorist at- The attacks at issue in-
tacks in Israel in the early cluded suicide bombings and
2000s shouldn’t have been al- other attacks in Jerusalem,
lowed to bring a lawsuit in the which left 33 dead and more
U.S. against the Palestinian than 400 injured.
Authority and Palestine Liber- “The brunt of the injury
ation Organization, lawyers has to be committed against
for the groups told an appeals the United States,” Mr. Berger
court Tuesday. said.
The Palestinian groups’ Kent Yalowitz, a partner at
lawyers are appealing a mul- Arnold & Porter LLP who is
timillion-dollar award won by representing the victims and
10 families in Manhattan fed- their families, said there was

eral court early last year. Af- “extensive evidence” that the
ter a seven-week trial, jurors intent of the attacks was to
found the PLO and Palestin- intimidate the U.S. govern-
ian Authority liable for sup- ment and influence U.S. pol-
porting six terrorist attacks icy, pointing to Palestinian
in Israel between 2002 and propaganda around the at-
2004 and ordered the groups tacks that said “a divine blow
to pay the families $218.5 will be dealt soon to the U.S.
million, an amount that was and Israel.”
House Speaker Paul Ryan on Tuesday made it clear he wouldn’t be the GOP nominee if convention delegates sought another option. automatically tripled to
$655.5 million under a U.S.
A lawyer for the
Ryan Again Rules Out a 2016 Bid
antiterrorism law.
Tuesday’s appeal in the Palestinian groups
Second U.S. Circuit Court of
Appeals in Manhattan fo-
said the U.S. doesn’t
BY KRISTINA PETERSON presidential candidates may ar- land” and serve in a neutral Mr. Ryan first said in Janu- cused on whether the fami- have jurisdiction.
rive at the convention with the role at the convention, of ary 2015 that he wouldn’t run lies’ lawsuit, which was filed
House Speaker Paul Ryan 1,237 delegates needed to which he is expected to be the for president this year. But he in 2004, should have been al-
made another effort Tuesday clinch the nomination, Republi- chairman. had also ruled out serving as lowed to proceed in the U.S. The judges appeared to
to douse speculation that he can lawmakers and other party If no candidate wins 1,237 House speaker when former Mitchell Berger, a partner grapple with how U.S. jurisdic-
could become the Republican insiders have said Mr. Ryan is delegates during the prima- Speaker John Boehner an- at Squire Patton Boggs who is tion applies to entities like the
Party’s presidential nominee among the most likely choices ries, caucuses and conventions nounced his retirement, before representing the Palestinian Palestinian Authority and PLO,
this year. if delegates try to coalesce in the states and territories, ultimately agreeing to take on groups, said the U.S. doesn’t which aren’t individuals or
Speaking to reporters at the around someone else. the task of choosing a nomi- the job. have jurisdiction in this case, companies and aren’t recog-
Republican National Committee Mr. Ryan, the party’s 2012 nee would fall to the conven- Mr. Ryan’s refusal to step arguing that although the at- nized by the U.S. as part of a
headquarters Tuesday after- vice-presidential nominee, is tion delegates. Most are bound into the race this summer tacks overseas killed and in- sovereign nation. The Palestin-
noon, the Wisconsin lawmaker seen as battle-tested by the by their state results on the leaves Republicans with no jured Americans, they were ian Authority is the govern-
definitively ruled himself out of last election and one of the first ballot when the RNC easily identifiable alternative directed at Israel, not the U.S. ment of Palestinians in the
contention. party’s most effective messen- meets in July in Cleveland, but to GOP front-runner Donald He said the Palestinian West Bank and the Gaza Strip,
“I do not want, nor will I ac- gers. rules allow almost all of them Trump or his chief rival, Sen. groups weren’t waging a and the PLO is the Palestin-
cept, the nomination,” he said. “If it does go to a candidate to vote for the candidate of Ted Cruz of Texas, who has “global terror campaign ians’ political representative.
“I am not going to be the who is not in the race, I say their choice on subsequent proven adept at courting the against the U.S.” Much of the oral argu-
party’s nominee for president.” Paul would be probably the ballots. delegates who could be key in The families brought the ments Tuesday waded into
Mr. Ryan has repeatedly said main choice right now,” Rep. “I am not going to be the determining a nominee in lawsuit under the Anti-Terror- the technical aspects of gen-
he doesn’t want to be chosen Peter King (R., N.Y.) said in a nominee,” Mr. Ryan said in an Cleveland. ism Act, which allows Ameri- eral versus specific jurisdic-
his party’s nominee at a poten- recent interview. “He’s been interview with a Wisconsin ra- “Paul Ryan was the white can citizens who are victims of tion, as defined by recent Su-
tially chaotic contested Repub- through a national campaign. If dio show earlier Tuesday knight hope of the GOP; now terrorist attacks overseas to preme Court precedents.
lican National Convention in we are going to go that route, morning. “I don’t want to be the party is left with the black sue in U.S. federal court. Since the families filed the
Cleveland this July. he would be the best choice.” the nominee. If I wanted to be swan choice of Ted Cruz or U.S. Circuit Judge Christo- lawsuit, lawyers for the Pal-
With prospects mounting Mr. Ryan said last month the nominee for president, I Donald Trump,” said Demo- pher Droney asked Mr. Berger: estinian organizations have
that none of the current three that he hoped to be “Switzer- would have run for president.” cratic pollster Peter Hart. “How is the [Anti-Terrorism tried to dismiss the case on
Act] ever enforced…when your jurisdictional grounds nine
only option here is to go to times. On Tuesday, Mr. Berger
tive order that sought to unwind to adopt legislation reinstating wanted to lift the rate to 1.25% Ramallah [in the West Bank]?” also pointed to three similar
U.S. and clarify aspects of a law he
signed March 23. He affirmed
the right to sue in state court
for discrimination. The new law
in March “in light of continued
improvements in labor market
Mr. Berger responded that
victims could sue in the U.S.
cases in Washington, D.C.,
federal court, that were dis-
Watch the ability of private businesses
and local government entities to
prevented people from pursuing
state-court claims of wrongful
conditions and expectations that
inflation would rise toward the
if they can show “specific ju-
risdiction” exists, meaning
missed because the court
couldn’t find jurisdiction in
establish their own antidiscrimi- termination on the grounds of Federal Reserve’s 2 percent ob- the overseas attack was ex- the U.S.
nation policies for their employ- discrimination for things like age, jective over the medium term,”
ees and expanded state equal- gender or religion. the minutes said.
employment policy to include —Valerie Bauerlein The other 10 banks, along
NORTH CAROLINA sexual orientation. and Jon Kamp with the Fed’s five board mem-
“I know these actions will not bers, prevailed in their prefer-
Governor to Seek totally satisfy everyone,” Mr. Mc- FEDERAL RESERVE ence to hold the rate steady.
Changes to New Law Crory said in a video statement.
Two Regional Banks Shifts in sentiment on the
Republican Gov. Pat McCrory “But the vast majority of our cit- discount rate sometimes reflect
said Tuesday that he will seek izens want common-sense solu- Wanted to Raise Rate changes in Fed officials’ views
to roll back some provisions of a tions to complex issues.” Two of the Federal Reserve’s on the path of short-term inter-
new state law that limits anti- Earlier Tuesday, Germany’s 12 regional reserve banks est rates in general.

discrimination protections for Deutsche Bank AG said it was wanted to raise the interest rate The Fed’s policy committee
lesbians, gays and transgender pulling the plug on plans to add on discount-window loans ahead decided at its March 16 meeting
people, in an attempt to “affirm 250 new jobs outside Raleigh, in of the central bank’s March pol- to also leave unchanged its
and improve” the state’s com- protest of the new law. PayPal icy meeting, up from zero in benchmark federal-funds rate
mitment to equality after weeks Holdings Inc. previously scrapped January, according to minutes between 0.25% and 0.50%. Kan-
of protest. plans for a new, 400-employee published Tuesday. sas City Fed President Esther
But Mr. McCrory said he was expansion in Charlotte, the The primary credit rate, the George dissented, saying she fa-
standing by a “common sense” state’s biggest city, and officials interest rate on short-term loans vored raising the range by a
provision of the law requiring from more than 100 other com- offered to generally healthy quarter-percentage point. Rich-
transgender people to use the panies, including Apple Inc., have banks through the Fed’s discount mond Fed President Jeffrey
public bathroom corresponding to also objected to the law. window, has been 1% since Dec. Lacker isn’t a voting member of
the sex on their birth certificates. Mr. McCrory said he would 17. The regional Fed banks of the committee this year. An attack at Hebrew University in Jerusalem in 2002 became
Mr. McCrory issued an execu- ask the Legislature this month Richmond and Kansas City —Nell Henderson part of a lawsuit won by American families in a U.S. court.
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A8 | Wednesday, April 13, 2016 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Don’t Ignore LinkedIn Any Longer

The social network lacks wouldn’t do that. says the bug will be fixed this
The suggestions have been bet- week.
polish but it should be part ter since I customized my feed. To I’ve started interacting with my
of your repertoire even if do that, tap the three dots in the network the way I would on Face-
top right corner of a post, select book, posting status updates and
you aren’t job hunting Improve Your Experience, then links to articles. The thoughtful
pick the topics that interest you LinkedIn comments are a refresh-
BY JOANNA STERN most. You’ll begin to see more top- ing change from what I get on the
ical trending news articles—some snarkier avenues of the Internet.
At Social Media High, Facebook from online outlets and others
is the all-star quarterback, Twitter written specifically for LinkedIn. Get a New Job
is the school paper’s editor in chief It doesn’t matter whether you
and Snapchat is the mysterious Get a Stronger Network are actively searching for the job
Harley-riding transfer student. For a decade, I’ve been using of a lifetime or you plan to stay at
That makes LinkedIn the nerd who LinkedIn wrong. I always thought your current one until you retire.
skips prom for the mathlympics. the best way to get rid of the little Your LinkedIn profile is often one
Yet, like in every great John red pending invites was to accept of the first things to pop up in
Hughes movie, the underdog actu- all. That’s actually the worst thing Google search results. Eighty-seven
ally belongs in the in-crowd. you can do. percent of recruiters use the ser-
Admit it. Your most frequent Since everyone I accepted could vice, according to the 2015 Re-
interaction with the world’s un- message me, my inbox was full of cruiter Nation Survey.
coolest network is junk. No, attorney in Indonesia, I Ms. Ipri, my LinkedIn coach,
deleting those don’t need representation. says to think of your profile as less
“Join my net- So I spent an hour culling my of a résumé and more of a cover
work” emails. Customize your LinkedIn feed with different news sources, above. LinkedIn’s contacts by clicking on LinkedIn’s letter. The most important part is
You’re not alone: iOS and Android apps, below, are an improvement from its cluttered website. hidden Remove Connection button. the summary field. “This needs to
61% of LinkedIn (You can find it in the app by go- describe you to everyone, includ-
users only visit the site no more ing to the contact’s page and se- ing the people who would be hir-
than every few weeks, according to lecting the three dots in the upper ing,” she says. Say what you do in
Pew Research Center. right corner.) It’s just business— a creative and smart manner. Pro-
I was the same, avoiding and they won’t be notified. files with a summary receive seven
LinkedIn’s baffling design and in- If you want them to remain as times the views that ones without
cessant nagging. But a few weeks connections, you can opt to re- it get, according to LinkedIn. Pro-
ago, when I decided to give it a move updates from them in your files with photos performed 14
real varsity tryout, I realized feed by unfollowing them. If you times better, LinkedIn says.
LinkedIn deserves a place on my want to maintain a LinkedIn Rolo-
phone’s home screen. I now check dex of thousands, one seasoned
it a couple of times a week to find user suggested tagging contacts
Use it right and you’ll
get ideas on how to

out what’s happening in my indus- with keywords. Unfortunately, this

try. Use it right and you’ll get feature is only available on the
ideas on how to improve your website.
improve your business
business, find new leads—and “You should keep it to people in and find new leads.
maybe land a job you didn’t even your industry who you think could
know you wanted. be of assistance, and to people you
What’s changed? LinkedIn has know and have done work with be- LinkedIn looks at who endorses
drastically improved its iOS and fore,” says Victoria Ipri, an inde- you and then uses those connec-
Android apps over the past few pendent LinkedIn consultant, who tions to help others find you. The
months, with even more iPhone teaches private classes and webi- endorsement tool is in need of a
app changes arriving just this nars on how to use the social net- lot of work, but if you figure out
week. With some tricks and assis- work. how to use it, endorse a colleague.
tance from LinkedIn pros, I’ve been When you’re reaching out to Scratch their back, maybe they’ll
able to zero in on the most impor- vites to people when I had thought cleaning. someone, explain your intentions. scratch yours.
tant features within the over- I was accepting theirs. I’ve spent Sure, you’ll find more advanced Your best move is to swap the ge- I took the above steps and
whelming service. Don’t get me hours trying to figure out why it features on the Web, but the app neric “Please join my network” added some extras, including an
wrong: Parts of it are still inexcus- says I have 97 new messages when has what you need most, including email for a note saying why you’d honors and awards field. Accord-
ably terrible. But what other social I clearly don’t. profile editing, messaging and con- like to connect. Two wrinkles: You ing to a widget on the website, my
network allows you to connect The company is aware of these tact management. have to do a new one for every profile is “All-Star” strength.
with people in a professional way? issues and is hard at work on im- Using the app’s personalized person, and in the app you have to Make LinkedIn a staple of your
provements, says Julie Inouye, feed of job advice and industry go to your potential contact’s pro- social-media routine. Use it cor-
Get Better at Your Current Job LinkedIn’s senior director of mem- news is a must. Knowing that I’m a file page to find it. (Tap the three rectly and you’ll find it more re-
Regardless of how you plan to ber marketing and communica- tech writer who is connected to dots and select Personalize Invite.) warding than scrolling through all
use LinkedIn, I have one piece of tions. many people in the media industry, At the time of publishing this arti- the puppies, babies and vacations
unvarying advice: Avoid the clut- If the website is an overflowing LinkedIn placed a story on Apple’s cle, the personalized invites sent on Facebook. It’s always that un-
tered website. The design is so un- attic, the iOS or Android apps are News efforts at the top of my feed from the mobile app weren't ap- cool high schooler who goes on to
intuitive, I’ve mistakenly sent in- what remains after a good spring the other morning. Facebook pearing to recipients. LinkedIn greatness.

Prepare to Meet the Physical Demands of Hula


Years of dancing have chiseled

Carrington Manaola Yap’s physique
down to 2% body fat. But none of
that training, he says, compares
with his workouts during the past
year as choreographer for a group
competing in Hawaii’s annual hula
competition, the Merrie Monarch
Festival, held March 27 to April 2
on the Big Island, in Hilo.
Mr. Yap’s family, the Lims, are
synonymous in Hawaii with the in-

digenous story-
WHAT’S YOUR telling dance and
WORKOUT? music tradition.
His mother, Nani
Lim Yap, is an ac-
claimed hula teacher who had her
son dancing at age 3. Last year, she
founded her own hula school,
Hālau Manaola, and asked her son, Carrington Manaola Yap has
now 29, to be the choreographer of choreographed an entry in the Merrie
the team it sent to the 2016 Merrie Monarch Festival hula competition.
Monarch competition.
“Hula isn’t just dancing,” ex- tition for the title of Miss Aloha with 35 minutes on the stair the water,” says Mr. Yap, who is 3:30, he’ll have another 6 ounces of
plains Mr. Yap, who has competed Hula, where contestants perform in climber. “Cardio is done at a slow the stroker. “The stroker is the chicken and another cup of vegeta-
at the festival for years. His day ancient and modern styles. and steady pace,” he says. “If we hardest position, because you set bles. Dinner, at 8 p.m., is 6 ounces
job is designing a Honolulu-based Mr. Yap’s group earned second were sprinting or pounding on our the pace for the whole canoe,” he of chicken and a half-cup of greens.
line of home accessories and place for their ancient dance per- joints, we’d break down the muscle says. The activity helps him as a His final meal, at 9:30, is 6 ounces
women’s fashion called Manaola formance, which, inspired by the we’ve worked so hard to build.” choreographer. “It is all about tim- of fish and a half-cup of greens.
Hawaii. “It’s a way of life. It’s how traditions of the Big Island’s Then he performs three sets of five ing,” he says. “If my timing is off,
we pass down stories from genera- Waipi’o Valley, examined stories of to six heavy-lifting exercises. the whole boat is off.”
tion to generation.” gods such as Makaukiu, a shark- In the morning and sometimes Gear & Cost
As choreographer, Mr. Yap god who posed in human form in in the afternoon, Mr. Yap does a Some of the judging at Merrie
spends nearly twice as much time the ocean. For the modern cate- short core workout, playing a two- The Diet Monarch is for costumes, which
dancing as he did as a performer. gory, the group danced to to three-minute song and doing Mr. Yap eats seven meals a day. must be handmade. “Nothing can
“You have to do the moves over “Ho’onanea,” a classic love song by different sets of crunches without At 6:30 a.m., he eats a half-cup of be bought,” Mr. Yap says. “Textiles
and over to develop the dance,” he the famed World War II-era per- a break until the song ends. steel-cut oatmeal and 12 egg must be dyed, and stamps must be
says. “As the leader, your dancers former Lena Machado. The group’s Once a week, Mr. Yap joins a whites. At 8 a.m., he has 6 ounces hand-carved to make designs on
look to you and mimic your form combined scores earned them third group for open-water paddling in a of chicken and a cup of vegetables. our skirts.” Men dance in a pa’u, a
and rhythm.” place overall. seven-man canoe. He goes out at He has a protein shake at 10, and traditional pleated skirt, or a malo,
Dance groups train year-round 5:30 a.m. and again at 5:30 p.m. for by 1 p.m. is ready for lunch, 6 a loincloth. Often, the dancers
for Merrie Monarch, often five to a total of 13 miles. “Paddling is like ounces of fish with a cup of vege- wear leis around necks, wrists and
six hours a day. “Girls in our group The Workout running with your hands through table and 4 ounces of potatoes. At ankles and dance with bare feet.
have passed out on many occasions Wednesdays, Saturdays and
because the level of intensity,” Mr. Sundays, Mr. Yap flies from his
Yap says. In the lead-up to the
competition, dancers prepare phys-
home on Oahu to the Big Island to
train from four to six hours with a
Lords of the Dance | Why these dancers are star athletes
ically and mentally by practicing group of 60 dancers. They start Hula dancers are considered some most developed muscle from running muscles are also strong from the side
kapu, or restriction, which often with a 10K run, then a 45-minute of Hawaii’s top athletes. “The athleti- and jumping, but in hula dancers the to side movements. Ms. Brennan said
includes periods of fasting. “We’ve warm-up consisting of plyometric cism that is required in hula, particu- lateralis is strongest. It is so strong if you look at most female hula danc-
had women lose up to 40 pounds exercises like burpees and walking larly the more traditional style, which that when dancers stand up straight ers their stomachs look soft.
while training,” he says. lunges, a series of crunches and is faster and louder, rivals any other their toes point out like a ballerina.” “They don’t have six-pack abs, but
The Merrie Monarch competi- jumping jacks, then Pilates and sport,” says Bianca Brennan, a per- The hip-shaking motion hula danc- if you touch their stomach it would
tion features kahiko, or ancient yoga stretches. The rest of the ses- sonal trainer who works with the ers are known for begins in the toes feel rock solid,” she says. “Dancers de-
dance, and auana, the hula tradi- sion is dedicated to practice of the dancers in the hula school, Hālau and feet and moves up through the velop the transverse abdominis, the
tion’s modern form. Each group chanting and dance moves. Manaola on the Big Island. quads to the hips and lower back. most inner part of the abdominal
has seven minutes to perform a On the days he stays on Oahu, Ms. Brennan says hula dancers “Dancers have incredibly strong muscles,” she says. On top of the
dance; judges consider costumes, Mr. Yap works with a personal squat with knees bent 20 to 90 de- feet. The normal person probably physical strength, they need endur-
music, chanting, the dancers’ phys- trainer to build physique. “It’s not grees, for as long as an hour’s time in can’t separate their five toes,” she ance to chant. “Imagine if your spin in-
ical appearance and, most impor- quite bodybuilding because I don’t practice. “The quadriceps are com- says. “In hula, our dancers can do structor asked you to pause midclass
tant, the story the dance conveys. want huge muscles,” Mr. Yap says. posed of four muscles,” she says. “In monkey-type grips with just their pin- and start singing loud enough to fill
There also is an individual compe- The 90-minute sessions start most athletes, the medialis is the kie toes.” She says the lower back the room,” she says. —Jen Murphy
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, April 13, 2016 | A9


A Forgotten Founder
REVIEW trademark muted hues is punctuated by a
more realistic taboret (with the highlighted
PETER PLAGENS tops of an open drawer and cabinet door
lending a third dimension), on which sits a
conventionally modeled apple. On the upper
Helen Lundeberg: right, a door opens to a dot of a moon hover-
A Retrospective ing in the nocturnal sky. The left-hand third
Laguna Art Museum, Through May 30 of the picture contains the dark silhouette of
a canvas on an easel in front of which—a
master touch!—appears Lundeberg’s tilted
Laguna Beach, Calif. head as she enters the room. The painting
THE ART of the Southern California painter exudes the whole pleasurable loneliness of
Helen Lundeberg (1908-1999) is nothing if being an artist.
not clear, and she was nothing if not clear
about it: “My aim, realized or not,” she said
in 1942, “is to calculate, and reconsider, ev- Looking at a leader of
ery element in a painting with regard to its
function in the whole organization. That, I Post-Surrealism, which
believe, is the classic attitude.” That per- advocated rational connections
spective—removed and measured, but never
cold or stingy—is continuously visible in among a painting’s elements.
what is, surprisingly, the first comprehen-
sive survey (it includes 60-plus works) of
this underrated and, in some quarters,
barely known artist.
Along with Lorser Feitelson—first her Although Lundeberg never quite enjoyed
teacher, then her married lover, and finally the career her work deserved, her path from
her husband—she founded a style widely tyro to virtuoso was hardly one of continuous
known as “Post-Surrealism.” It differed from neglect. As exhibition curator Ilene Susan
its European predecessor in not being ex- Fort writes, Lundeberg’s “public career was
plicitly immersed in dreams and general on the rise during the 1950s” and her “finest
weirdness. Post-Surrealism advocated ratio- and most productive period” occurred in the
nal connections among a painting’s ele- 1960s.
ments, and hoped they would lead a viewer Some claim that Lundeberg was excluded
to discover deeper meanings. from “Four Abstract Classicists,” the 1959

In a 1934 manifesto, Lundeberg didn’t show at the Los Angeles County Museum
mince words. After opining that Surrealist that put the city’s modern art world on the
giants Giorgio de Chirico, Salvador Dalí and national map, because she was a woman.
Max Ernst were “of no historical value,” Lun- (The four men exhibited were Karl Benjamin,
deberg proclaimed, “In [Post-Surrealism] Frederick Hammersley, John McLaughlin and
alone do we find an aesthetic which departs Feitelson.) Ms. Fort contends, however, that
from the principles of the decorative graphic Lundeberg simply “felt that her painting did
arts to found a unique order, an integrity of not fit the parameters [critic/curator Jules]
subject matter and pictorial structure un- Langsner established for the exhibition.”
precedented in the history of art.” Some of her paintings, beginning in the
While almost no work of art could ever ‘Double Portrait of the Artist in Time’ (1935), by Helen Lundeberg. mid-1960s—such as “Wild Planet” (1965) and
live up to those words, “Double Portrait of “Untitled (Soft Planet)” (1969)—wax treacly
the Artist in Time” (1935) nicely manifests “real” than the adult)—are revealed by the Greenwich Village at the age of 18, and stud- with interior-decorator pastels, and Lunde-
Post-Surrealism’s aesthetic philosophy. In picture’s clear and rational construction. ied in Europe before relocating to Los Ange- berg’s switch from oil to more convenient
the center foreground sits the artist as a 3- Lundeberg’s family moved from Chicago les. (Eventually, he’d host “Feitelson on Art” water-based acrylic is not entirely a blessing.
or 4-year-old child, next to a table and a to Pasadena, Calif., in 1912. After graduating on NBC TV from 1956 to 1963.) Nevertheless, Lundeberg’s art as a whole
clock. The child’s shadow falls back onto the in 1930 from what is now Pasadena Commu- Whatever Feitelson’s influence, Lundeberg possesses all three legs of the tripod on
floor and then climbs up a wall, where it be- nity College, she decided to take some art was a superb painter from the beginning. The which most good art rests: It’s good-looking,
comes an adult’s. Its head and shoulders classes at the Stickney Memorial School of paintings at Laguna trace her path from the it gives us something to think about, and it
nearly coincide with the image of a woman Fine Art, where she met Feitelson, who in- mysterious figuration embodied in “Double conveys the personality of the artist. With
in a small copy of Lundeberg’s own painting, spired her to pursue a career in art. A de- Portrait,” through hard-edged semiabstrac- this retrospective, the Laguna Art Museum
“Artist, Flowers, and Hemispheres” from cade older than Lundeberg, Feitelson was so- tion (doorways, arches, roads in the desert), has performed an important service to the
1934. The deeper meanings of “Double Por- phisticated and experienced. He’d seen the and then close to full-bore formalism. history of American art.
trait”—the delicateness of life and the para- bellwether Armory Show in New York in My favorite is “Studio – Night” (1958). A
dox of memory (the child is much more 1913, had maintained his own studio in simplified, flat-shape interior in Lundeberg’s Mr Plagens is an artist and writer in N.Y.

Weather The WSJ Daily Crossword | Edited by Mike Shenk

Shown are today’s noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day.
-15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 62 Daisy’s cousin 26 Used car,
-10 perhaps
Riga -5 13 14 15 63 Asgard
Glasgow 0 inhabitants 27 Pinkish hue
Moscow 16 17 18
C ope
p h g
Copenhagen 5 Down 28 Not looking too
10 19 20 1 Covers ground? healthy
D b
Dublin 15
Berlin 21 22 23 2 Weapon used by 32 Gene’s “Young
A d
Amsterdam 20 Frankenstein”
Warsaw 25
24 25 26 27 28 co-star
Brussels kf
30 3 Not even
Prague e
Kiev 33 Hansel’s
35 29 30 31 32 33 34 slightly
Munich V
Vienna convincing heading
Paris 35 36 37
Warm 4 Useless stuff 34 Semiaquatic
38 39 40 41 42 animal
5 Calf cry
Milan h
Bucharest Stationary 43 44 45 36 Shoulder woe
6 Nos. on office
46 47 48 phone lists 39 Color whose
Showers name is French
Rome t b
Istanbul 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 7 Arguing for “mole”
d idd
Madrid Rain
8 Low-calorie 41 Trident, e.g.
56 57
T-storms snack
Lisbon 42 Tweet bit
58 59 60 9 Look
Algiers Ath
T i
Tunis Snow 44 Piper rival
61 62 63 10 With fewer
Flurries flaws 45 Some are
b induced
Ice BOOK REVIEW | By Natalia Shore 11 Elroy’s canine
46 Walk heavily
Global Forecasts City
Hi Lo W
Hi Lo W City
Hi Lo W
Hi Lo W
Across 24 Highest-grossing 46 What are you
12 Work periods 47 Sweet rye
s...sunny; pc... partly cloudy; c...cloudy; sh...showers; 1 Target of some film before looking at? bread
Geneva 13 5 r 17 9 c Ottawa 7 -4 c 11 -1 s
t...t’storms; r...rain; sf...snow flurries; sn...snow; Hanoi 34 24 pc 35 24 s Paris 16 7 pc 17 9 t notes “Titanic” 48 They may go for 14 Elders, e.g.
49 Bank ad abbr.
Havana 32 18 s 32 19 s Philadelphia 14 4 s 17 6 s 5 See 60-Across 29 Checkout count a few bucks 17 It includes a lot
Today Tomorrow Hong Kong 27 25 t 28 24 c Phoenix 29 17 s 30 15 s 50 Fare
City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W of checks
Honolulu 29 23 sh 29 22 sh Pittsburgh 14 2 pc 19 6 s 10 Target of some 30 Overcharge 49 Opposite reduction
Amsterdam 15 6 c 16 8 c Houston 22 14 r 26 14 pc Port-au-Prince 32 21 pc 33 20 pc notes number 18 Interchangeable
Anchorage 10 2 c 10 1 pc Istanbul 19 15 pc 23 14 c Portland, Ore. 16 7 sh 16 7 r 31 School across 51 “Behold,” to
Athens 25 16 s 28 17 pc Jakarta 33 26 t 32 25 t Rio de Janeiro 32 25 s 33 26 s 13 The Empress of the Thames 52 Oahu 22 1990 film Brutus
Atlanta 19 11 r 17 10 sh Johannesburg 26 11 pc 26 11 s Riyadh 28 18 t 28 14 s Australia, e.g. from Windsor thank-you featuring
Baghdad 24 15 pc 25 15 c Kansas City 21 7 pc 22 10 s Rome 22 10 pc 21 9 s zealous fan 53 ___ regni
Baltimore 15 2 s 17 3 s Las Vegas 27 15 s 25 12 pc Salt Lake City 21 10 t 12 5 sh 14 Pointer from a 35 Banana 56 One might be
61-Across Annie Wilkes 54 Act the shark
Bangkok 39 30 s 38 29 pc Lima 26 20 pc 26 19 pc San Diego 20 15 pc 20 14 pc Republic’s entitled to some
Beijing 26 8 s 24 8 s London 16 6 pc 16 9 r San Francisco 18 12 pc 17 10 pc 15 NAFTA signatory parent company 24 Lively dances 55 Assay
Berlin 16 6 sh 13 6 r Los Angeles 22 12 pc 22 12 pc San Juan 29 23 sh 28 22 pc specimens
16 Group that benefits 25 Capitol Reef
Bogota 18 9 t 19 10 r Madrid 16 9 pc 18 8 t Santiago 19 12 pc 17 12 r 36 “Texaco Star
Boise 18 6 c 14 4 sh Manila 36 27 s 36 27 s Santo Domingo 32 20 pc 31 20 pc doesn’t want to Theater” host 58 Little rascal setting 57 Pricing word
Boston 10 3 s 10 3 s Melbourne 19 11 pc 24 13 pc Sao Paulo 29 20 pc 31 21 pc
see red? 59 Potential
Brussels 16 7 c 16 9 c Mexico City 30 14 pc 29 12 pc Seattle 15 7 c 16 8 sh 37 Fruit sampler? Previous Puzzle’s Solution
Buenos Aires 22 15 r 23 19 s Miami 30 22 s 29 22 pc Seoul 18 8 r 19 6 pc 19 Prepare to flower girls H O T S T U D S W H E A T
Cairo 25 17 pc 28 18 s Milan 20 10 t 24 9 s Shanghai 26 15 pc 27 14 pc explode 38 Bar order A B E O H G E E A I S L E
Calgary 14 1 pc 11 1 c Minneapolis 19 9 s 21 9 pc Singapore 33 27 t 33 27 t 60 With 5-Across, R E X WO L F WH I S T L E
20 Team in black 40 Kazakhstan M Y T H R I T U A L S
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A10 | Wednesday, April 13, 2016 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Trump’s Delegate Whine

s the prospect of a contested Republican The Trump campaign’s delegate-counting
presidential convention increases, so blunders show the downside of running a one-
does the brawling over delegates—and man show from a Boeing 757. Mr. Trump fa-
the whining from the losers. If mously disdained the trap-
someone decides to run for Scalia’s lesson for pings of conventional
U.S. President, is it too much campaigns, banking on mass
to ask that he or his campaign
candidates who gripe rallies and free media. That

managers understand the about party nominating has worked well in primaries,
nominating rules? especially open primaries
“The system is rigged, it’s
rules: Get over it. when Democrats and inde-
crooked,” Donald Trump said pendents can vote for GOP
Monday on Fox News, with his candidates. Noam Chomsky, second from left, speaks to Hezbollah leader Sheikh Nabil Qaouq,
usual understatement, after Ted Cruz won 34 But Mr. Trump hasn’t taken the time to un- right, at the former Israeli jail in Khiam, southern Lebanon, on May 13, 2006.
GOP delegates in Colorado while Mr. Trump was derstand how the GOP’s state parties work, and
shut out. “The people out there are going crazy, he’s now paying the price as delegates are cho-
in the Denver area and Colorado itself, and they’re sen. The New Yorker has admitted his mistake
going absolutely crazy because they weren’t by hiring Paul Manafort, a GOP Beltway fixer, to
Islam and the Radical West
given a vote. This was given by politicians. It’s a focus on delegate selection and maybe manage Years ago I had a chat mander Qassim Ar-Reimy in which he
crooked deal.” The truth is that he lost due to his the campaign. It’s hard to know who’s doing with three young Mus- asks whether “meddling in our affairs
own campaign’s ineptitude. what in the Trump Circus with all the leaks lim men as we waited and installing whomever tyrant agents
The state politicians in Colorado did exactly about in-fighting since his loss in Wisconsin. in a Heathrow airport and lackeys you want who kill and op-
what they are entitled to do under Republican i i i lounge to board a flight press [is] forgivable?”
Party rules: set up a process that allocates dele- The larger point is that none of this is un- to Islamabad. I was go- “Leave us with our religion, land and
ing to Pakistan to re- nations and mind your own internal af-
gates to candidates in any way a state party sees democratic or dishonest. A political party ex- GLOBAL
port on the fallout from fairs,” the commander—now Emir—
fit. Most state parties nowadays hold primary ists to nominate candidates to run for election VIEW
a devastating earth- writes. “Save your economy, look after
or caucus elections, but some do so with a hy- with the goal of winning. Political parties are By Bret
quake in Kashmir. They your concerns, for it is better than
brid system that can seem convoluted but private entities independent of government Stephens
were going there to do what you currently are.”
makes sense if the goal is to build a party of vol- and can set up the nominating process any way what they vaguely de- This isn’t the language of Islam, with
unteers from the ground up. they want. Candidates are obliged to follow scribed as “charitable work.” They its impressive tradition of conquest. It’s
Colorado awarded delegates through a caucus party rules, not vice versa. dressed in white shalwar kameez, wore the language of the progressive left, of
process that began with precinct meetings and This principle has been legally endorsed by their beards in salafist style and spoke what Jeane Kirkpatrick at the 1984 Re-
moved to congressional district and state GOP no less than the U.S. Supreme Court in a 2008 in south London accents. publican convention called the “Blame
conventions. The attendees at those conventions opinion by the late, great Justice Antonin Sca- I tried to steer the conversation to the America First” crowd. It fits the left’s
then voted to elect the delegates to the national lia, as our friends at the New York Sun re- earthquake. They wanted to talk about view of the West as the perennial sin-
politics. Had I seen Michael Moore’s ner and the rest of the world as its per-
convention, and Mr. Cruz won 30 delegates that minded us on Monday. A reform-minded judge,
“Fahrenheit 9/11”? I avoided furnishing petual victim. It is the language of turn-
will be pledged to him on the first ballot. An- Margarita Lopez-Torres, sued after she was de- an opinion about a film they plainly re- ing the page on a decade of war, of
other four are free agents but say they prefer Mr. nied a Democratic nomination to run for the vered. The unvarnished truth about focusing on nation building at home.
Cruz. Three others are state party leaders who New York Supreme Court. Amerika—from an American. Authority
are free to vote as they please. Justice Scalia rejected her claim for a unani- and authenticity rolled into one.
None of this was “crooked.” Mr. Trump is mous Court, writing in New York State Board I think of that exchange whenever The political orthodoxy
claiming the process was rigged because the of Elections v. Lopez Torres that, “A political the subject of Islamist radicalization of the left is the
Colorado GOP cancelled its usual straw poll held party has a First Amendment right to limit its comes up. There’s a great deal of liter-
on Super Tuesday (March 15 this year). But the membership as it wishes, and to choose a can- ature about how young Muslim men— gateway drug to jihad.
state party made that decision last August be- didate-selection process that will in its view often born in the West to middle-class
cause such a poll would have been binding under produce the nominee who best represents its and not particularly religious house-
holds—get turned on to jihad. Think of It strikes us as radical only because
new national GOP rules, and the Colorado party political platform.” He added that “party con-
Mohammed Emwazi, the University of it comes from the pen of a terrorist. If
wanted its delegates to be free to support the ventions, with their attendant ‘smoke-filled Westminster graduate later known as it had appeared as an op-ed in the
candidate they liked in what was then a crowded rooms’ and domination by party leaders, have Jihadi John. Or Maj. Nidal Malik Guardian, it would elicit nodding ap-
field. The decision wasn’t aimed at Mr. Trump. long been an accepted manner of selecting Hasan, of Fort Hood infamy. Or Najim proval from many readers, a dismissive
Mr. Cruz cleaned up in Colorado because his party candidates.” Laachraoui, who studied electrical en- shrug from others, but no big whoop
campaign was paying attention to the process. All of this is worth keeping in mind if the gineering at the prestigious Catholic either way.
Whatever one thinks of the Texan’s appeal as a GOP does find itself at the first contested con- University of Louvain before blowing In the early 1990s my former colum-
candidate, his campaign is organized and fo- vention since 1976. It’s democracy at work, and himself up last month in Brussels. Or nist colleague Thomas Frank came up
cused on winning the required 1,237 delegate the candidates who want to be President Boston’s Tsarnaev brothers and San with the clever phrase “commodifica-
majority. This speaks well of his ability to lead should spend more timing learning the rules Bernardino’s Syed Farook. tion of dissent” to explain how capital-
It’s a long list. And in many cases ism turned all kinds of countercultural
a complex organization. and less kvetching on TV.
investigators are able to identify an beliefs and radical ideas into just an-
agent of radicalization. Maj. Hasan other product in a box, to be sold and

Bernie Sees Panama Red corresponded with extremist cleric An-

war al-Awlaki. Laachraoui seems to
distributed through the usual channels.
“Fahrenheit 9/11” might have been a

have come under the spell of a Molen- political revelation or even a call to
hen you’re a protectionist hammer, eral tax agreement with Panama a condition for beek preacher named Khalid Zerkani. arms for some impressionable young
everything looks like a free-trade signing the larger trade deal. It was ratified by The Tsarnaevs took their bomb-build- Muslims from Tower Hamlets, but to
agreement to pound. So it shouldn’t Panama ahead of the trade deal. ing tips from “Inspire,” an online Eng- Hollywood it was $222.5 million of box
surprise that Bernie Sanders is using the disclo- This tax accord is known as a tax information lish-language magazine published by al office gold. That made it a winner in
sures in the Panama Papers to assail the 2011 exchange agreement, and it essentially obliges Qaeda’s branch in Yemen. the marketplace of ideas, and who can
U.S.-Panama trade accord for making secret the two governments to share tax information, But the influence of the Awlakis of quarrel with that?
the world can’t fully account for the The commodification of dissent may
bank accounts possible. As usual, the Vermont a practice that helps track down tax evaders. As
mind-set of these jihadists. They are have the effect of blunting the impact
socialist has it backward. the Obama Treasury puts it, these agreements also sons of the West—educated in the of all kinds of extreme notions. But it
“What the Panamanian free-trade agreement “increase transparency between the U.S. and fi- schools of multiculturalism, reared on can dull us to their extremism, leaving
did is enable large corporations and the wealthi- nancial centers around the world.” the works of Noam Chomsky and per- us astonished when someone turns no-
est people—not just in this country but around By the way, U.S. goods exports to Panama in- haps Frantz Fanon, consumers of a tion into action. The catharsis of vio-
the world—to participate in massive tax-avoid- creased from 2012 to 2014, though last year news diet heavy with reports of per- lence seems like an interesting idea in
ance schemes,” Mr. Sanders said in Philadelphia they fell below the 2011 total in part due to a fidy by American or British or Israeli the pages of “The Wretched of the
Thursday. But there is no evidence to support his slowdown in Panama’s economy. The deal also soldiers. If Islamism is their ideologi- Earth.” In practice, it’s scores of young
claim, and the opposite seems to be true. gives U.S. businesses access to Panama’s $20.6 cal drug of choice, the political ortho- men and women gunned down in a
U.S. tax law requires confidentiality regard- billion market in services. All of which is to say doxies of the modern left are their Paris concert hall.
ing requests that the U.S. might make of foreign that the Panama free-trade deal is a net benefit gateway to it. We’ve become lazy in our thinking
Take the most recent issue of In- about Islam and the West. Whether
governments. But what we do know is that U.S. for the U.S. even if it doesn’t fit Bernie’s politi-
spire. Mixed in with step-by-step pho- the Islam practiced by al Qaeda or Is-
negotiators made the signing of a separate bilat- cal narrative. tos on how to build a timed hand gre- lamic State is “radical” or merely tra-
nade and an analysis of the Charlie ditional isn’t the question. It’s

Britain’s Muslim Problem Hebdo massacre, there’s a long article

on the oppression of blacks in Amer-
whether the West can recognize that
the moral nihilism of today’s Jihadi

ica, starting with the killing of Fergu- Johns is the logical outgrowth of the
t least 800 British Muslims have left the bers of British Muslims are physically and ideo- son’s Michael Brown. The Spring 2013 moral relativism that is the default re-
country to wage jihad with Islamic logically segregated, and want to stay that way. issue contains a “message to the ligion of today’s West.
State. Another 600 were caught trying Intermarriage rates are extremely low, and one American nation” from al Qaeda Com- Write
to join the group. If that isn’t of five ICM respondents never
warning enough about the fail- A new survey shows visits a non-Muslim home. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
ure of Britain’s three million an alarming failure to petuate Many Muslim leaders per-
Muslims to assimilate, a new this segregation, and
survey of British-Muslim atti- assimilate in the U.K. the authorities too often have Redistricting, Originalists and Democracy
tudes should be. helped them—for instance, by Regarding your editorial “Justice the critical basis for representation,
The survey of 1,081 adult allowing concerns about polit- Ginsburg Goes Originalist” (April 6): not merely the number of eligible
Muslims, conducted by the research firm ICM ical correctness to dictate the level of police In deferring to the state in the Texas voters, goes back to an older concep-
using face-to-face interviews, will be featured presence in majority-Muslim neighborhoods reapportionment case, the U.S. Su- tion, the doctrine of virtual repre-
in a documentary on Britain’s Channel 4 on and the enforcement of British laws. That was preme Court got the decision right. sentation, in which those nominally
Wednesday. The Times of London has pub- the case in Rotherham, where the police and But the incoherence of the concurring unable to cast a vote nevertheless
lished some of the findings, and they make other municipal authorities for years ignored dicta spells more trouble. The Court had their interests represented in
botched the issue of legislative appor- the legislature.
alarming reading. or played down widespread allegations that
tionment in Baker v. Carr (1962) This was a concept that the found-
Thirty-one percent of respondents believe that Muslim men were “grooming” underage girls when it tiptoed by the “justiciabilty” ers rejected at the time of the revo-
a British Muslim man should be permitted to for sexual exploitation. issue, thereby asserting power it spe- lution because it seemed to sanctify
marry more than one woman. Fifty-two percent Prosecutors also resisted investigating alle- cifically didn’t have. oligarchy. But it acquires a new and
believe homosexuality should be illegal. Twenty- gations of political corruption in a heavily Through jurisprudence by a jingle bolder life under modern democratic
three percent support replacing British law in Muslim East London neighborhood, where the (one man, one vote) instead of wise conditions. The Constitution is a liv-
some areas of Britain with Shariah law, the sys- former mayor last year was ousted by an elec- statecraft, the justices then destroyed ing document and not a mere fossil.
tem of Muslim jurisprudence. Under its strictest tion judge in part for having cooperated with the historic role of state senates to be ALBION M. URDANK
versions, a woman’s testimony and parental in- local imams to exercise “undue spiritual influ- “the saucer in which we pour hot leg- Los Angeles
heritance rights are legally worth half of a man’s, ence” over voters. islative coffee to cool” as described by
and adultery is punishable by stoning. The poll is sparking discussion about a “state any number of commentators. Histori- My state doesn’t tolerate sanctu-
cally, a state’s “lower” house, based on ary cities or counties as California,
More than a third of Muslims think Jews have within a state.” The government has belatedly
population, focused on the opportuni- Illinois and Colorado do. So our state
too much power in Britain, compared with 9% wised up to the danger, cracking down on Mus- ties of the future while the more insu- gets disenfranchised on congressio-
of the general population. Meanwhile, 7% of re- lim efforts to segregate public schools in cities lar senates stored up the hard-earned nal representation through this dis-
spondents support the establishment of an Is- like Birmingham. Prime Minister David Cameron lessons of the past. Legislation that parate impact every 10 years. Tell
lamic state, and 4% sympathize with the idea of proposes to make English-language proficiency survived such a balanced review was the honorable justice this process
committing terrorism “as a form of political pro- a visa requirement, in particular so that the esti- likely to be better law. should be left to the states—as per
test.” Those last two figures seem small, until mated 190,000 Muslim women who speak little The Baker v. Carr ruling not only the Constitution.
you consider that they could total some 100,000 or no English can’t be prevented by their hus- destroyed the deliberative value of TIM DOLAN
to 200,000 British Muslims. bands from participating more fully in British senates, it disenfranchised rural vot- St. Peters, Mo.
Some Muslim organizations dispute the re- life. The results are also encouraging fresh calls ers throughout the country and
brought disaster to most state fiscs.
sults. The pollsters concentrated on communi- to stop the flow of overseas funding for radical, Letters intended for publication should
Great politics, lousy statecraft. be addressed to: The Editor, 1211 Avenue
ties where 20% of the population is Muslim. segregationist preachers. LARRY STIRLING of the Americas, New York, NY 10036,
These are some of Britain’s poorest neighbor- This survey shows how tardy such measures Superior Court Judge (Ret.) or emailed to Please
hoods, critics argue, and the pollsters were more are, and also how little Britain can afford further San Diego include your city and state. All letters
likely to interview the country’s least-integrated delay. The longer it persists, the greater the are subject to editing, and unpublished
Muslims, skewing the results. threat Britain’s Muslim cultural isolation will Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s letters can be neither acknowledged nor
That doesn’t change the fact that large num- pose to Britain’s liberal civilization. view that the population at large is
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, April 13, 2016 | A11


A New Weapon for America’s Pay-Equity Police

By Diana Furchtgott-Roth This would put an enormous com- sumes that 60,886 firms will file,

pliance burden on businesses. Com- when the number of firms with 100
eminists in America had some- panies with 100 or more workers or more workers was 101,642 in
thing new to celebrate on April would be required to report on em- 2012. These firms had 1.6 million
12 this year. That’s the date ployees by 14 different gender/race/ locations, many of which would
they have dubbed “Equal Pay Day,” ethnicity groups, within 12 pay bands have to complete their own forms.
when they claim that women’s earn- and 10 occupational categories. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce cal-
ings have finally caught up to men’s The companies will also have to culates more realistically that the
earnings from the year before. Each report the number of hours worked cost of compliance would be at least
April activists hold demonstrations per employee—even for salaried $693 million annually.
and call on Congress to pass the staff, whose hours now are not nor- Another problem: Firms’ pay
misguided Paycheck Fairness Act. mally tracked. Firms with multiple data could reach competitors. The
The legislation would, among locations will have to complete EEOC proposal doesn’t address how
other things, require the Equal such forms for each branch with it will secure the information, and
Employment Opportunity Commis- more than 50 employees, meaning government data on federal con-
sion to collect wage data from an establishment with 10 offices tractors, such as Boeing, is available
firms “by the sex, race, and na- could find itself juggling 33,600 through a Freedom of Information
tional origin of employees.” First data points. Act request. A rival—say, Lockheed
proposed in 1997, the bill has no Companies with between 50 and Martin—will be able to ask to see
99 workers would retain the current Boeing’s extended EEO-1 informa-
form, and those with fewer than 50 tion. Boeing could claim that its
Be prepared to report on would be exempt. This gives small wage data constitutes a trade se-
firms yet another reason—along cret, but at best it will have to pay
employees by 14 gender, with ObamaCare and the Family and attorneys to walk through a lengthy
race or ethnicity groups,

Medical Leave Act—not to grow. appeals process.
The EEOC’s proposed measure of When the Obama administration
within 12 pay bands. wages, W-2 earnings, includes over- decides to collect countless thou-
time pay, tuition reimbursements ists, computer programmers, design- tion within equivalent jobs.” sands of new data points, it has a
and benefits. But because those ers, dietitians, editors, engineers, The commission could use data purpose in mind. Not much imagi-
chance of passage. So now Presi- extras boost some workers’ in- lawyers, librarians, scientists, from the form to justify “random” nation is required to see that the
dent Obama is doing an end run comes more than others, they nurses, physicians, surgeons and checks on firms and accuse them of plan here is to give Washington new
around Congress to give the muddy the data for anyone trying teachers. Companies can await an underpaying, just as the Internal powers to police the workforce.
feminists what they want. to tease out the effect of any al- avalanche of lawsuits and investiga- Revenue Service does “random” au- Let’s hope the Office of Manage-
The EEOC is manipulating the leged discrimination. tions if their female “professionals” dits. Or the EEOC and the Labor ment and Budget will refuse to ap-
obscure Paperwork Reduction Act The National Research Council, in are paid less than their male “pro- Department could try to regulate prove the new form. Do you want
for its exact opposite purpose. Right a 2012 report on compensation, rec- fessionals”—even if the former are wages for occupations in which the leaders of “Equal Pay Day” dem-
now employers are annually required ommended using base-pay rates cal- dietitians and the latter are com- women predominate—say, if the gov- onstrations to be running your busi-
to complete a form, called an EEO-1, culated from the Labor Department’s puter programmers. ernment decides that secretaries or ness next year?
with 140 data points. The commis- Occupational Employment Survey. That’s the real story. In the nurses are underpaid.
sion’s plan is to change the form, But the EEOC disregarded this rec- EEOC’s hearings on March 16, pro- The EEOC says that completing Ms. Furchtgott-Roth, formerly the
beginning next year, to encompass ommendation because it considered ponents of the updated form em- the form would take each company chief economist of the Labor Depart-
3,360 data points. Public comments the W-2 figure to be a more com- phasized how it will help investiga- only eight hours the first year and ment, directs Economics21 at the
on the new form were due April 1, plete record of compensation. tors find new targets. Emily Martin 6.6 hours thereafter. On that basis, Manhattan Institute. She is the au-
and the EEOC is expected to issue its The occupational categories are of the National Women’s Law Cen- the commission estimates that the thor of “Women’s Figures: An Illus-
final decision this summer, pending too wide to suggest, to say nothing ter called the new form “a critical annual burden nationally would be trated Guide to the Economic Prog-
approval from the Office of Manage- of prove, discrimination. One cate- tool for focusing investigatory re- $10 million. These estimates are ress of Women in America”
ment and Budget. gory, “professionals,” includes art- sources to identify pay discrimina- preposterously low. The EEOC as- (American Enterprise Institute, 2012).

President Obama’s Hidden War in Iraq

Are Marines combat don’t have to admit a mistake.” Mrs. Clinton has her own version would be if the cumulative effect of glow around ISIS, feeding the im-
troops? Today, as secretary of state, Mr. of the charade. “I will not send Mr. Obama’s increasing deployments pression we can do most of it with
In Barack Kerry travels about the world ratio- American combat troops to Iraq or would be “the kind of long-term sta- air power. As for John Kasich,
Obama’s world, the nalizing an Iraq policy designed to Syria,” she has declared in more bilizing force in Iraq that he so though he’s been the most forthright
answer is apparently keep President Obama from having than one primary debate. Instead, vehemently opposed.” about putting “boots on the ground,”
not—not even when to admit his mistake: that he has she says, “we will continue to use Meanwhile, the chairman of the he offers few details.
they are on the only made worse a war he claimed Special Forces.” House Armed Services Committee, In Congress, general after general
ground exchanging to have ended. The entire world Texas Rep. Mac Thornberry, con- has testified that more troops are
fire with the enemy. knows this too. firms that Congress has no real idea likely to be needed to defeat ISIS.
By William
This is the fiction In an interview aired Sunday on The White House of how many U.S. troops are in fact What these men have not yet recog-
supported by Hillary Fox News, President Obama declared in Iraq. Unfortunately, he says, there nized is that their commander in
Clinton and largely that his “number one priority right pretends the Marines is “a political reluctance to speak chief’s main priority is not victory
unchallenged by any of the three Re- now” is defeating Islamic State. But fighting Islamic State forthrightly on what’s at stake and over ISIS. It’s to do nothing that
publican candidates for president. how does the man who sees himself what is required” to defeat ISIS— would jolt the American people into
A recent headline in the Marine as the guy who gets America out of aren’t really there. and he senses “some of that reluc- recognizing what Staff Sgt. Cardin’s
Corps Times summed it up this way: its wars deal with the contradiction? tance in both parties.” death exposed: Americans are still
“Marines in Iraq technically not in Part of the answer seems to be It’s a good point. Take Donald fighting and dying in Iraq.
combat but still getting some.” fudging the troop numbers. Offi- It’s pure hooey, of course. For one Trump, who entered the race touting In 1971, a much younger John
Welcome to Mr. Obama’s hidden cially U.S. troop levels in Iraq and thing, it is based on the ridiculous his opposition to President Bush’s Kerry complained to Congress about
war. Afghanistan are capped at 3,870 and idea that special ops forces are also invasion of Iraq and fretting about the phony distinction between
Forty-five years ago this month, 9,800 respectively. But after a Ma- not combat troops. Which is part of anything that might get us “bogged ground troops and helicopter crews
in testimony before the Senate For- rine in northern Iraq—Staff Sgt. the larger Obama fable that ISIS can down” there. More recently Mr. in Vietnam, and an American people
eign Relations Committee, a young Louis F. Cardin—was killed in an be knocked off with only a handful Trump suggested that, if the gener- who “accepted a differentiation fed
war vet named John Kerry com- ISIS rocket attack, the Pentagon of American fighters. als were right, he might have to send them by the administration.”
plained that the whitewashing of was forced to admit there are as So we are left with a war in which as many as 30,000 troops to defeat How fitting that Mr. Kerry, who
the reality of American involvement many as 5,000 U.S. troops in Iraq. the president continues to tell us ISIS. Later he denied saying he recently returned from Baghdad,
in Vietnam meant that each day Only then did Americans learn that more about what our troops won’t do would send them. now serves as secretary of state for
“someone has to give up his life so men such as Staff Sgt. Cardin are than what they will, even as he sends Ted Cruz has declared that “we an administration feeding us the
that the United States doesn’t have not included in the official troop more of them back to Iraq. In the need to put whatever ground power whopper that Marines fighting ISIS
to admit something that the entire count because they were rotated in Fort Worth Star-Telegram, columnist is needed.” But the Texas senator in Iraq are not combat troops.
world already knows, so that we on a temporary basis. Cynthia Allen notes how ironic it has also called for making the sands Write to

An Ode to Bankston, My Gruff, Poetic Boss

By Danny Heitman Diploma in hand, I took my first stitched itself into his DNA, a pres- level sands stretch far away.” The “My father liked to use poems to

daily-newspaper job—discovering, ence so casual that Bankston didn’t words came in handy in explaining teach me things, and this was one of
he arrival of April has brought much to my surprise, that I hadn’t es- openly ponder it. the transience of political power, a his favorites,” Bankston’s daughter
another observance of Na- caped poetry. My city editor, Bill Although I grew to love poetry, he frequent newsroom topic. told mourners at the funeral before
tional Poetry Month, which Bankston, would spontaneously recite and I never deeply discussed it, and One day last year, while he was reading aloud Rudyard Kipling’s pop-
celebrates a literary form that many reams of verse from memory, an odd he would have thought of National visiting the newspaper after his re- ular “If”: “If you can keep your head
of us were happy to leave behind af- feat for a man who often appeared to Poetry Month as beside the point, when all about you / Are losing
ter college. forget everything else. akin to National Brush Your Teeth theirs and blaming it on you, / If you
In my own university days some In many other ways, he was an Month or National Grammar Month. Poems spilled out of him can trust yourself when all men
three decades ago, I was frog- unlikely champion of poetry. Gruff Learning poetry, as he saw it, was doubt you, / But make allowance for
marched through John Keats and and unpretentious, Bankston pre- part of being a reasonably educated without ceremony, each their doubting too . . .”
Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Wallace ferred to be called by his last name, person, as basic as knowing long di- verse a lesson in how to Kipling goes on to affirm the
Stevens and T.S. Eliot, Marianne even by his family and friends—a vision, conjugation or the three power of personal choice, which is
Moore and William Carlos Williams, form of address that seemed better branches of government. live—and die—with grace. something worth remembering in a
liking the experience not at all. suited to the kind of newsroom in Poems spilled out of him unex- culture that no longer places poetry
As a journalism major, I favored which scribes still wore press cards pectedly and without ceremony, in a at its heart. If poetry isn’t popular
the frankness and simplicity of the tucked in fedoras and hid whiskey in gesture that I later understood as an tirement, I heard Bankston reciting anymore, that doesn’t mean I can’t
declarative sentence, which is how their desks. attempt to share a lesson. A favorite verse to no one in particular: “I have choose to enjoy it.
we built newspaper stories that Bankston’s recall of poetry was a was a snippet from John Greenleaf a rendezvous with Death / At some So I’ve fetched my old college an-
plainly said what they meant. With throwback in itself—an echo of his Whittier: “For all sad words of disputed barricade, / When Spring thologies from the shelf this month,
their sly evasions and mysterious grade-school days in the shadow of tongue or pen, / The saddest are comes back with rustling shade . . . along with more recent acquisitions:
metaphors, poets sounded detached the Great Depression, when children these: ‘It might have been!’ ” It was And I to my pledged word am true, / the works of Elizabeth Bishop, Ted
from the center of things. I routinely memorized verse as a invoked to calm young reporters I shall not fail that rendezvous.” Kooser, Connie Wanek. I’ll read a
couldn’t wait to start my career form of both literary and moral in- fretting about scoops missed, or I thought nothing of it until a day few poems each night and perhaps
and be rid of them. struction. In this way, poetry had stories that had somehow fallen not long afterward, when Bankston commit a few to memory—search-
short of the mark. checked into a hospital and did not ing, as my old friend once did, for
Bankston also liked “Ozymandias,” return. He died last November at the the vision of a good life, and maybe
the Percy Bysshe Shelley poem about age of 81. Hearing the news, I traced what lies beyond.
PUBLISHED SINCE 1889 BY DOW JONES & COMPANY a shattered monument to a long-ago the lines he’d quoted to a poem by
king: “Nothing beside remains. Round Alan Seeger, a World War I warrior Mr. Heitman, a columnist for the
Rupert Murdoch Robert Thomson
Executive Chairman, News Corp Chief Executive Officer, News Corp the decay / Of that colossal Wreck, who seemed to accept his own death Advocate newspaper in Louisiana, is
Gerard Baker William Lewis boundless and bare / The lone and with equanimity. an essayist for Phi Kappa Phi Forum.
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Notable & Quotable: The Panama Papers
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News; Ann Podd, Initiatives; Andrew Regal, Video;
OPERATING EXECUTIVES: Panama Papers?” for the website cause—let’s face it—most of the peo- The hacker is not backed by the
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Nancy McNeill, Corporate Sales; Marginal Revolution, April 9: ple who require defense attorneys on serving of any criminal charges or
Steve Grycuk, Customer Service; criminal charges are in fact guilty. judge-served warrants.
Paul A. Gigot, Editor of the Editorial Page; Jonathan Wright, International;
Daniel Henninger, Deputy Editor, Editorial Page DJ Media Group: Let’s say a group of criminal de- When asked why the hack was com- Yet somehow many of us approve
WALL STREET JOURNAL MANAGEMENT: Almar Latour, Publisher; Kenneth Breen, fense lawyers kept a database of mitted, the hacker would say “Most when the victims are wealthy and
Trevor Fellows, Head of Global Sales; Commercial; Edwin A. Finn, Jr., Barron’s; their confidential conversations with of those people are guilty. I want to higher status, as is the case with the
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Joseph B. Vincent, Operations; Ingrid Verschuren, Deputy Head ents charged with murder, robbery, ishment.” those individuals probably did noth-
Larry L. Hoffman, Production DUI, drug abuse, and so on. In turn, How many of us would approve of ing illegal, but rather they were try-
EDITORIAL AND CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS: a hacker would break into that data- that behavior? Keep in mind the ing to minimize their tax burden
1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y., 10036 base and post the information from hacker is spreading the information through (mostly) legal shell corpora-
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Possible La Niña
Mercedes-Benz Beats Rivals Looms for Farmers

Car maker poised to reclaim top spot of luxury brands BUSINESS | B2 MARKETS| B7
© 2016 Dow Jones & Company. All Rights Reserved. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, April 13, 2016 | B1

Shipping Alliances Gather Speed BY COSTAS PARIS dog already has given a the recent consolidation
LONDON—Some of the
world’s biggest ocean shipping
thumbs-up to the merger.
France’s CMA CGM SA also
is seeking regulatory approv-
among four major carriers,”
Mr. Doyle said. “We are ex-
pecting their proposals for
alliances could be much bigger
by month’s end, as top con-
tainer operators vie for regu-
als by all three regulators for
its $2.4 billion acquisition of
Singapore’s Neptune Orient
regulatory approvals.”
The European Commission,
the EU’s regulator, has set
In Letter
latory approvals of new tie- Lines Ltd., announced in De- April 29 as its deadline to de- BY MATTHIAS VERBERGT
ups, industry executives said cember. cide on the merger of CMA AND CHARLES DUXBURY

on Tuesday. “Chances are that the alli- CGM and NOL.

The changes come as Chi- ances you see today will CMA CGM and China Ship- STOCKHOLM—It’s not just
nese majors China Ocean change significantly over the ping Container Lines, the con- music streaming out of Swe-
Shipping Co., or Cosco, and next two weeks,” said William tainer unit of China Shipping den’s Spotify AB. So are the
China Shipping Group Co. are Doyle, a commissioner at the Group, currently belong to the company’s complaints about
trying to get their recently U.S. watchdog, the Federal Ocean Three alliance along doing business in Sweden.
completed merger approved Maritime Commission. with Dubai-based United Arab In an open letter published
by European Union and U.S. “The alliances have in fact Shipping Co. The alliance has Tuesday, Daniel Ek and Martin
A CMA CGM container ship in Guangzhou, China, earlier this year. regulators. The Chinese watch- changed already because of Please see SHIPS page B6 Lorentzon warned that the
music-streaming company
they founded a decade ago

Burberry Battles Slowdown at High End

may turn its back on the Nor-
dic nation unless authorities
take swift action to make the
business environment more
Fashion brand looks hospitable for technology com-
panies. The letter was ad-
to Japan for growth; dressed to all Swedish politi-
critics ask whether cians.
The Spotify founders’ main
CEO is overloaded complaints: A congested hous-
ing market in Stockholm that
BY SAABIRA CHAUDHURI makes it hard to lure foreign
talent. An education system in
LONDON—When Burberry which the study of handicraft
Group PLC opened a new flag- is compulsory but learning
ship store in Tokyo last fall, computer programming isn’t.
guests from the luxury label’s A high tax system, especially
U.K. home included London when stock options are in-
Mayor Boris Johnson and a volved.
complement of artisans who This bout of public wailing
talked up the work behind Bur- is unusual in Sweden, a coun-
berry’s products and provided try where decisions are typi-
on-the-spot monogramming. cally made after a long process
The splashy event high- of consensus building.
lighted two of Burberry Chief
Executive Christopher Bailey’s
top priorities: burnishing Bur-
Many European tech
berry’s brand and reigniting its firms are struggling
stalled growth engine in Asia.
Wooing spenders in Japan,
to spring onto the
the world’s second-largest lux- global stage.
ury-goods market after the

U.S., is increasingly important

for Burberry. Growth has But the two Spotify found-
slumped in large markets such ers, who incorporated their
as Greater China and the U.S., company in tax-friendly Lux-
piling pressure on Mr. Bailey embourg but maintain opera-
to find new drivers. The com- tional headquarters in Stock-
pany’s shares fell 27% last holm, voiced frustrations that
year, their steepest annual de- talks with Swedish politicians
cline since 2008. over the past few years have
“There needs to be some re- yielded no concrete results.
sponse to market conditions, “If no changes are made, we
and we haven’t seen that yet,” will have to consider expand-
said Liberum analyst Tom Gad- London Mayor Boris Johnson tried on a scarf at a Burberry store opening in Shinjuku, Japan, last year. ing more in other countries
sby. “I hope they will come out Luxury Laggard than in Sweden,” Messrs. Ek
with a strategic business plan, retail sales swung to a 4% de- cheaper clothes, skewed to- reducing the staff through at- Burberry's margins on earnings and Lorentzon wrote in Swed-
but at the moment it’s not a cline in the quarter ended Sep- ward younger shoppers. trition and cutting travel bud- before interest and taxes trail ish on Medium, an online-
growth business.” tember, from 6% growth in the “It was more like an upper- gets. The company’s lower per- most of its luxury-goods peers. blogging platform.
Mr. Bailey, who turns 45 prior quarter. Bernstein ana- class H&M,” said a former To- formance has trimmed Burberry Mr. Ek is Spotify’s chief ex-
years old next month, was Bur- lysts expect Burberry to report kyo-based senior Burberry ex- executive bonuses. 2014 17.5% ecutive, while Mr. Lorentzon is
berry’s longtime creative chief a 1% decline in same-store ecutive, referring to Hennes & Last year, Mr. Bailey simpli- 2015 15.5% company chairman. Both are
when he added the role of CEO sales for the fourth quarter Mauritz AB’s fast-fashion fied Burberry’s branding, large shareholders in Spotify,
after Angela Ahrendts’s depar- when the company gives its chain. scrapping the Prorsum, Lon- Hermès but a company spokeswoman
ture for Apple Inc. in May sales update on Thursday. Securing space to expand don and Brit brands in favor of declined to give more details
2014. The soft-spoken York- Relative to peers such as beyond its current six stand- a single Burberry label. The on ownership.
shireman took the helm just as LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis alone Japanese stores will be same sentiment led him to LVMH* The Spotify complaints res-
Burberry was steering into Vuitton SE and Prada SpA, another challenge. As global slim down Burberry’s range of 29.5% onate across Europe, a conti-
rough waters. Burberry is underrepresented luxury brands poured money trench coats. His concept of an 28.3% nent awash in technology com-
The company enjoyed in Europe and Japan, which into the country, prime rents in-store “scarf bar,” consoli- Kering* panies but desperate to
strong growth in China after have seen an strong influx of in Tokyo climbed 48% between dating scarves in one place 24.6% nurture a global giant that
buying out its local licensee’s Chinese shoppers. Burberry the end of 2012 and the end of and offering customization 21.7% could rival Facebook Inc.,
50 stores in 2010, closing most gets just 2% of its revenue 2015, according to real-estate services, has boosted sales of Prada Google parent Alphabet Inc.,
of the acquired locations and from Japan, compared with an services firm CBRE. that key accessory. 19.8% Apple Inc. or Amazon Inc.
opening new ones in desirable average of 10% for the broader Burberry declined to com- The CEO grabbed headlines 15.2% From Madrid to Paris to
areas. It now has 65 stores in luxury sector, according to Li- ment or to make Mr. Bailey in February with his decision * Figures for LVMH and Kering exclude
Berlin, European governments
mainland China. It also thrived berum. available for this article. to end monthslong lead times nonluxury divisions have been trying to create fa-
in Hong Kong, where it has 14 Mr. Bailey aims to change Elsewhere in Asia, Burberry on Burberry’s runway collec- Source: Bernstein Research vorable environments in which
full-scale stores. that. Last year, Burberry took has been renegotiating rents in tions, making them immedi- THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. fledgling tech companies can
That heavy presence turned control of its brand in Japan hard-hit Hong Kong, along ately available to buy after a find the financial and labor re-
into a burden for Burberry by ending a local licensing with reducing store space and show. The collections make up ported flat comparable sales sources they need without
when currency gyrations and agreement, in line with a strat- adjusting its product assort- just 5% of revenue, but the for the third quarter. HSBC’s crossing the Atlantic Ocean.
political unrest started to slow egy Ms. Ahrendts had laid out. ment. The company has reiter- move, a first for luxury fash- Mr. Belge said Mr. Bailey’s The effort has produced a
luxury sales in China and Hong Still, critics worry Mr. Bai- ated its commitment to main- ion, reinforced Mr. Bailey’s brand-streamlining efforts and number of unicorns, the infor-
Kong. ley will struggle to align the land China as well. reputation for innovation. the runway-collection change mal club of companies valued
The situation came to a brand there with Burberry’s At Burberry, Mr. Bailey has Despite these changes, per- won’t have a meaningful im- at $1 billion or more by ven-
head in the second half of last upmarket global approach, as pushed through £25 million in formance has remained weak. pact on sales or costs, al- ture-capital firms.
year: Burberry’s comparable the licensee had focused on cost cuts since June, in part by The company in January re- Please see LUXURY page B2 Please see SPOTIFY page B3

Nestlé Seeks Growth in Medical Foods Rocket’s Results May

Aging appetites
BY JOHN REVILL quirements to treat diseases.
For Nestlé, it is a market
tute of Health Science, or
NIHS. “For many conditions
Settle Queries on Profit
Percent of the global population LAUSANNE, Switzerland— with big potential, amid an ag- like age-related dementia, for BY FRIEDRICH GEIGER Rocket’s valuations of some
aged 60 years and older. In a corner of a technical re- ing global population, as the example, there is a major clini- holdings—and a recent failure
search university campus in company navigates tougher cal need for new approaches, BERLIN—Rocket Internet to float portfolio company Hel-
Lausanne, Nestlé SA scientists times in its traditional pack- and where food can make a SE, Europe’s leading developer loFresh—have compounded in-
are untangling genetic profiles aged-food market. Sales of fro- big difference.” of tech startups, has launched vestor uncertainty about the
15 to develop medical foods—one zen pizza and ice cream have But for skeptics, the sector dozens of new businesses company.
12% of the company’s big hopes for struggled. It has missed its is a Wild West with uncertain around the world in recent The company said on Tues-
10 sales growth. sales-growth target of 5% to benefits. years but most remain deep in day it had sold a 9.1% stake in
These aren’t the high-en- 6% three years running. Unlike dietary supplements, the red. When the company re- Lazada Group SA, an online re-
5 ergy protein bars that people On Thursday, the company medical foods are intended for ports its annual results on tailer active in Southeast Asia,
buy over the counter before a is expected by analysts to re- people with chronic diseases Thursday, investors and ana- for $137 million to Alibaba
workout. Instead, the Swiss port sluggish sales growth for rather than for healthy people. lysts will be assessing whether Group Holding Ltd. Rocket
food company is tapping into the start of 2016. They must be used under med- the Berlin-based incubator’s said the sale values its stake in
2015 ’20 ’30 ’40 ’50 an estimated $15 billion mar- “For a long time, nutrition ical supervision because they holdings are finally on the Lazada before the deal at ap-
Source: World Population Prospects 2015 ket for prescription-based has been seen as a sort of are intended to manage seri- path to profitability. proximately 15 times the €18
revision (UN Population Division) powders and drinks intended pseudoscience,” said Ed ous illnesses, like Alzheimer’s. Rocket officials say they million ($20.4 million) it had
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. to meet specific nutritional re- Baetge, head of Nestlé’s Insti- Please see NESTLÉ page B2 are, but questions about Please see ROCKET page B3
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B2 | Wednesday, April 13, 2016 * THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


These indexes cite notable references to most parent companies and businesspeople
in today’s edition. Articles on regional page inserts aren’t cited in these indexes.

Aabar Investments.....B9
Abercrombie & Fitch...B2
Adobe Systems...........B3
Ecart Services Malaysia
Sdn Bhd .................. B12
Energy Capital
Orient Securities........B9
Mercedes-Benz Outsells Rivals
Expedia........................B3 BERLIN—Daimler AG’s year-earlier period.
Alibaba Group.............B1
Alibaba Group
Exxon Mobil................B2 Pinterest ................... B11 Mercedes-Benz, once written A Class of Its Own China, long a white space
Precision Castparts .. B12 off as a stuffy brand for old on the Mercedes-Benz sales
Holding....................B12 F Mercedes-Benz powers past BMW, Audi in global sales
RCMA Asset men, is poised to reclaim the map, has become the com-
Alphabet......................B3 Facebook......................B3 Management.............B8
Fanya Metal top spot among premium car 1Q 2016 sales Change from 1Q 2015 pany’s biggest growth engine.
A. P. Moller-Maersk ... B6 Rocket Internet...B1,B12
Apple...........................B3 Exchange...................A6
Royal Dutch Shell.......B2
brands for the year after a de- 500,000 cars 12% Mercedes-Benz has doubled
ASOS.........................B12 Ford Motor..................B4 cade of trailing homegrown ri- Mercedes the number of its dealerships
Ryanair Holdings ........ B2
Audi.............................B2 G vals BMW AG and Audi AG. 10 BMW in China over the past two
S 400,000
B Goldman Sachs Group B9 Mercedes has made a furi- Audi years. Its sales grew more
Salesforce ................. B11
Bank of America.........B7 Gunvor Group..............B8 ous global sales comeback that 8 than 36% to 106,641 vehicles in
Guolian Securities......B9 Schweizerische
Bank of New York Nationalbank ............ B9 began three years ago with the 300,000 the first three months of this
Mellon.......................B8 H Scotts Miracle-Gro ..... B2 relaunch of its flagship S- year.
Berkshire Hathaway.B12 Harbin High-Tech Seres Therapeutics.....B2 Class, short for “Sonderk- Audi is the long-time leader
BMW ........................... B2 (Group)......................B8 lasse,” or a car that is in a 200,000 in premium cars in China, and
Boeing ......................... B6 Hines ......................... B11 4
Stripe.........................B11 class of its own. The company BMW was first to bulk up in
BP................................B2 I-J T also gave its entire fleet a de- 100,000 China in a bid to catch up. But
C Iran Air........................B6 2
Tesco..........................B12 sign makeover and invested Audi’s growth in China has
China Ocean Shipping B1 Jilin Chengcheng heavily to catch up to Audi slowed to less than 5%, half of
Trafigura Group...........B8
China Shipping Group.B1 Group.........................B7 0 0
J.P. Morgan Chase......B7 Twitter ...................... B11 and BMW in China, the world’s BMW’s rate.
Chongqing New Century
Cruise........................B7 M U-V biggest car market by sales. Note: Mercedes-Benz figures do not include Smart brand. BMW figures do not include MINI In the U.S., another major
Citigroup................B7,B9 Uber Technologies .... B11 Through the first three brand. All figures for passenger cars only. market for Germany’s big
Merricks Capital ......... B8 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
CMA CGM....................B1 Morgan Stanley..........B5 Urban Outfitters.........B2 months this year, Daimler’s ef- Source: the companies three premium brands, Mer-
Coima Res.................B11 Volkswagen.................B2 forts have paid off globally. cedes-Benz and BMW are both
Cosmos Group.............B8 W-Z Mercedes-Benz overtook BMW And we remain on track,” Ola month of sales in March. underperforming Audi, which
Neptune Orient Lines.B1
D-E Nestlé..........................B1 Weifang Yaxing to sell 483,487 cars under its Källenius, Daimler board mem- “I am confident that we will appears to be shrugging off
Daimler........................B2 Nomura Holdings........B9 Chemical....................B7 own nameplate so far this ber in charge of Mercedes- see this positive trend con- Volkswagen’s diesel scandal to
Deutsche Bank............A7 Och-Ziff Capital Wells Fargo.................B7 year, with sales rising nearly Benz Cars, said in a statement. tinue through the year,” said report a nearly 5% increase in
eBay.............................B3 Management Group . B7 Zenefits.....................B11 13%, twice the growth rate of Munich-based BMW, whose Ian Robertson, a BMW execu- U.S. sales compared with a
its rival. That puts Mercedes- new 7-Series sedan has failed tive in charge of global sales. 10% decline for BMW and a 3%

INDEX TO PEOPLE Benz in pole position as the

race for the 2016 luxury-brand
sales crown continues.
to make a significant dent in
the S-Class’s lead, sold 478,743
BMW brand cars in the first
Audi, the premium car
maker owned by Volkswagen
AG, which is in the throes of
decline for Mercedes-Benz.
“Growth during the first
three months was mainly
A Fesharaki, Fereidun....B8 McEvoy, Matthew.......B2 “Mercedes-Benz posted the three months of the year, a 6% an emissions-cheating scandal, driven by strong demand in
al-Fathi, Saadallah......B8 Frank, Joel...................B8 Montross, Tad...........B12 strongest unit sales in the increase from a year ago. sold 455,750 cars through the Europe and America,” Audi
Ansip, Andrus.............B3 G P company’s history in March. BMW also posted its best end of March, up 4% from the said in a statement.
Aziz, Riza....................B9 Gertler, Dan ................ B8 Peng Jianhu ................ B8
B Govan, James..............B8 Price, Ashley Sargent.B2
Baetge, Ed...................B1 H Q
Baros, Vanja................B8
Behar, Greg.................B2
Bentrott, Marty..........B6
Blocher, Christoph......B9
Holzschuh, Jeffrey R..B5
Husseiny, Mohammed
Badawy Al ................ B9
Qubaisi, Khadem Al....B9
Redlich, Adrian ........... B8
Exxon Urged to Reveal Impact of Climate
Bonelli, Sharon...........A2 J Rütimeyer, Marie- BY NICOLE FRIEDMAN related resolutions have never Last week, Chevron recom- achieve the two-degrees Cel-
Brune, Michael............B5 Jain, Ajit ................... B12 Françoise...................B2 AND BRADLEY OLSON exceeded 35% in votes at the mended a vote against the sius goal, a significant amount
Buffett, Warren........B12 Jiang Bingbing............B8 S annual meetings of Exxon or proposal. The company said it of oil, gas and coal held by
C K Saade, Rodolphe.........B6 Investors holding more Chevron Corp. already accounts for climate world producers would have
Cohen, Michael L........B8 Kimmelman, Douglas . B5 Siemiatkowski, than $5 billion in Exxon Mobil “This isn’t an environmen- risks in its project planning, to remain in the ground.
Cook, Tim....................B3 Ki-moon, Ban..............B4 Sebastian..................B3 Corp. shares are urging the tal issue. This has moved into and that such a disclosure Barclays PLC estimates that
D Källenius, Ola..............B2 T company to disclose how its the mainstream following the would put it at a competitive in a two-degree scenario, en-
Damberg, Mikael ........ B3 L Tornqvist, Torbjorn.....B8 business would be affected by Paris agreement,” said Anne disadvantage. ergy producers would earn
E-F Lorentzon, Martin.......B1 W the global push to slow warm- Simpson, Calpers’s investment Both Exxon and Chevron $103 trillion in revenue be-
Ek, Daniel....................B1 M Weir, Jeremy...............B8 ing atmospheric temperatures. director of global governance. sought to keep the two-degree tween 2014 and 2040, $34 tril-
Fairweather, Carol......B2 Mark Fields.................B4 Welsh, Chris................B6 The California Public Em- Nearly 200 countries proposals from reaching their lion lower than in a base-case
ployees’ Retirement System is pledged in Paris in December proxy ballot, telling the U.S. scenario for energy consump-
planning an effort to put its to hold the rise in average Securities and Exchange Com- tion. Some experts say these

LUXURY downgrading his rating on

Burberry to “underperform”
last week.
Mr. Bailey is backed by a
muscle behind climate-related
shareholder proposals for the
first time.
The outreach campaign is
global temperatures to less
than two degrees Celsius
above pre-industrial levels.
Calpers is launching a cam-
mission they are vague and
unnecessary given their other
concerns are overblown. Com-
panies are valued on their ex-
pected production in the next
10 to 15 years, not on their en-
Continued from the prior page strong management team in- expected to test the strength paign to encourage sharehold-
Calpers’s move is a tire portfolio of reserves, said
though a weaker pound is ex- cluding finance chief Carol of climate activism among ers to support proposals urg- test of the strength Nancy Meyer, associate direc-
pected to help. Fairweather—who has been shareholders of the world’s ing Exxon, Chevron and 10 tor for climate strategy at con-
Expectations are mounting with Burberry since 2006—and largest publicly traded oil other energy and mining com-
of climate activism sulting firm IHS.
ahead of the company’s full- Chief of Strategy and New company, whose stock-market panies to examine how much among shareholders. “The whole premise that
year earnings report in May, Business Development Mat- value was $345.55 billion as of of their reserves would have companies are financially risky
with shares up 16% since the thew McEvoy, a former Gold- Monday, according to FactSet. to be left untapped if the two- today because their nonproved
company’s third-quarter sales man Sachs executive who Environmentally minded degree goal were to be disclosures about climate assets may be un-
update in January. Mr. Bailey started at Burberry in 2002. Exxon investors have sought achieved, Ms. Simpson said. risks. Last month, the SEC burned…doesn’t necessarily
has said he would detail plans Still, critics question for decades to use the com- Exxon and Chevron execu- ruled the proposals could go align with how those assets
for improved efficiency and whether the company has sad- pany’s annual meeting, set for tives have had a consistent forward. The resolutions are are valued in the market-
higher revenue. dled Mr. Bailey with too much next month, as a bully pulpit, message for years on the fu- nonbinding. place,” Ms. Meyer said.
Investors also are hungry responsibility through the usually with limited success. ture of oil and gas drilling, More than 30 investors, in- Today’s low energy prices
for signs that Burberry’s con- slowdown. This year, a change in in- saying that economic growth cluding New York City’s pen- are a bigger risk to producers
strained profit margins might “I would think it would be vestor attitude following the in emerging economies such sion funds and Legal & General than potential future regula-
improve for the first time very difficult to be both the December climate talks in as India and China will power Investment Management, have tions, she said.
since fiscal 2013. head designer and running the Paris and an active proxy cam- fossil-fuel demand for many committed to supporting the Bank of England Governor
“Burberry shares have be- company,” said David Herro, a paign could garner far more decades. The companies as Exxon resolution, according to Mark Carney made speeches in
come a ‘show-me story’ on the portfolio manager at Harris votes than in previous con- well as forecasters including Ceres, a non profit that advo- 2014 and 2015 warning that
margin front but improvement Associates, a top-20 Burberry tests, analysts say. the International Energy cates for sustainable business. climate change poses risks to
seems unlikely,” said RBC ana- shareholder. “Those are two Similar proposals passed Agency don’t yet consider the The campaign is part of a investors and insurers. The
lyst Rogerio Fujimori while very different skills.” overwhelmingly last year after low-carbon scenario contem- nascent movement advocating G-20 group of industrial na-
executives at Royal Dutch plated in the Paris agreement for greater understanding of tions asked the Financial Sta-
Shell PLC and BP PLC decided to be a base case, or most climate risks. bility Board in Basel, Switzer-

NESTLÉ who heads Nestlé’s Health Sci-

ence business, which markets
products developed from find-
ings at the institute’s labs.
to embrace them, but climate- likely, outcome.

2014 introduced a bundled busi-

The central idea is that to

workers, investors and custom-

land, to examine the issue.

ucts and that the Ortho brand

Continued from the prior page
The products have active
Analysts are generally up-
beat about the potential of
Business ness class ticket, which includes
access to fast-track security. The
ers in light of the huge costs
from the emissions-cheating
aims to eliminate the use of neo-
nicotinoid ingredients imidaclo-
ingredients derived from food
products or dietary ingredi-
Nestlé’s health business, which
also includes nutritional sup- Watch combined fare has been so suc-
cessful that the airline is adding
scandal, according to two people
familiar with the situation.
prid, clothianidin and dinotefuran
by 2017.
ents that are generally recog- plements and foods for people a similar package for leisure trav- Volkswagen’s top executives “This decision comes after
nized as safe by the U.S. Food after surgery, saying it grew elers, said Kenny Jacobs, the air- are remunerated through a com- careful consideration regarding
and Drug Administration. faster than the rest of the line’s chief marketing officer. bination of fixed salary, a vari- the range of possible threats to
In a basement of the Nestlé company’s operations in 2015 Europe’s largest budget airline able bonus based on their per- honey bees and other pollina-
institute’s four-story office to post sales of around 2 bil- RYANAIR embarked on the makeover after sonal performance and another tors,” said Tim Martin, general
building in Lausanne near lion Swiss francs ($2.1 billion). a pair of profit warnings in 2013 variable bonus that is based on manager of the Ortho brand. He
Lake Geneva, machines costing Nestlé aims to increase that
Budget Carrier Offers raised investor concerns that ri- the longer-term performance of noted that the U.S. government
nearly $1 million each analyze amount to 10 billion francs in Product Upgrades vals were winning clients turned the company. is still evaluating the overall ef-
human DNA to develop per- the next few years. Ryanair Holdings PLC on off by Ryanair’s brash customer —William Boston fect of neonics on bees and
sonalized programs for condi- But there are concerns Tuesday said it is introducing a approach. other pollinators.
tions like epilepsy and intesti- about the time needed to fresh round of product upgrades —Robert Wall SCOTTS —Tess Stynes
nal disorders that are tailored bring such products to market to boost sales. A new ticket
to specific genetic profiles. and the hefty research costs. class for leisure travelers, which VOLKSWAGEN
Bee-Harming Chemical ABERCROMBIE & FITCH
Armed with this knowledge, Although medical foods includes a checked bag, is among
Board to Discuss Will Be Dropped Creative Marketing
the scientists will develop don’t need premarket review the changes. Scotts Miracle-Gro Co. plans
medical foods containing natu- and approvals like drugs, they Chief Executive Michael Giving Up Bonuses to move away from using a class Director Is Named
ral compounds extracted from must be based on what Nestlé O’Leary said the measures in the Volkswagen AG’s executive of insecticides called neonicoti- Abercrombie & Fitch Co. on
foodstuffs like tomatoes, cof- calls “sound medical and nu- airline’s revamp program, which board was expected Tuesday to noids in its Ortho brand lawn and Tuesday named J. Crew veteran
fee and grapes. tritional principles,” and the began in 2014, represents “a fun- discuss voluntarily giving up a garden products amid concerns Ashley Sargent Price creative
Set up five years ago, the FDA subjects them to moni- damental change” to Ryanair’s portion of their bonuses for 2015 about how the chemicals affect marketing director as the retailer
institute is halfway through its toring. business and has “transformed our amid growing pressure from bees vital to U.S. agriculture. aims to reinvent itself after its
$500 million budget, which Not all experts are con- relationship with our customers.” shareholders and labor leaders. The Ohio-based company said formula for attracting teens with
runs to 2021, although it has vinced. “While it’s clear that Historically, Ryanair charged The company’s top executives that earlier this spring it ex- logo-emblazoned shirts and sex-
projects that extend beyond what we eat and drink has a passengers for a ticket and each are being urged to make a panded its offerings of non-neo- tinged marketing faltered.
then. And Nestlé has been on a substantial effect on our amenity separately. The airline in strong show of solidarity with nicotinoids based garden prod- Ms. Price will oversee market-
U. S.-focused acquisition health, there is currently in- ing for Abercrombie & Fitch, Ab-
spree. sufficient evidence document- ercrombie Kids and Hollister Co.,
Earlier this year the com- ing that these foods provide a as well as the company’s internal
pany signed a deal to help U.S. medically relevant effect,” said photo studio.
biotech company Seres Thera- Ben Locwin, a scientist who Abercrombie has been updat-
peutics Inc. develop products works with the American As- ing its merchandise and making
aimed at restoring bacterio- sociation of Pharmaceutical its stores easier to shop in after
logical balance in the digestive Scientists. former CEO Mike Jeffries alien-
system. It also bought a stake Many products may have a ated customers by trying to
in Pronutria Biosciences Inc., a placebo effect with consumers make the brands too exclusive.
Cambridge, Mass., startup de- “thinking” they benefited Gone are the shirtless models
veloping amino acid-based when they hadn’t, he said, and overtly sexual advertising.
products to treat muscle loss. calling medical foods the Instead, store employees are en-
Demographic trends seem “Wild West” of the industry couraged to interact with cus-

to support these investments. with many new entrants. tomers and have more flexibility
The proportion of people over Dr. Philip Gerber, a special- on where to place products de-
60—a key group for medical ist in clinical nutrition at pending on what is selling well.
foods—is forecast by the University Hospital Zurich, has During the past decade, Ms.
World Health Organization to used medical foods more in Price led creative teams at J.
rise to 22% globally by 2050 the past few years, but needs Crew, crewcuts and Madewell.
from 12% at present. more data. “I am not sure we Previously, she held strategic cre-
“We want to have a signifi- will see a huge exploding ative roles at Anthropologie, Ann
cant impact on the company’s market here; these products Taylor Loft, Gap and Urban Out-
overall profitability over the have to prove how effective fitters.
long term,” said Greg Behar, they are.” Ryanair is offering a new ticket class for leisure travelers, which includes a checked bag. —Anne Steele
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To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, April 13, 2016 | B3


Facebook Adds Muscle to Messenger App

BY DEEPA SEETHARAMAN tive year that Facebook has it was quicker for customers
highlighted Messenger at F8, to order flowers through the
Facebook Inc. said Tuesday reflecting Chief Executive Messenger app than over the
that it is working with more Mark Zuckerberg’s belief that 1-800-Flowers app, he said.
than two dozen companies as messaging apps will play a Chatbots aren’t new. Still,
it doubles down on turning its central role at the company companies are wary about let-
Messenger app into a hub for over the next five years. ting software handle more
shopping, news and entertain- Last year, Facebook began complex customer interac-
ment. testing ways for businesses to tions, even if the technology is
At its yearly F8 conference reach users over the chat app. getting better at mimicking
in San Francisco, Facebook Customers can track orders human conversation. Micro-
showed developers how to from Zulily Inc. or guests at soft Corp. recently shut down
build so-called chatbots in the Hyatt Hotels Corp. can ask for a public chatbot it called Tay


app to field customer-service towels, for example. after users taught it to spew
questions, give weather up- Many companies that use offensive posts.
dates and help people order messaging apps rely on people Mr. Marcus acknowledged
goods—all without a person to field the questions, and us- that episode makes Messen-
on the other end of the con- ers expect prompt replies. ger’s task harder but said
versation. Chatbots could help expand there are differences, includ-
Facebook has more than 25 the number of businesses that ing the fact that Messenger
partners using chatbots, in- can interact with Messenger’s conversations are private.
cluding delivery companies 900 million users. Facebook owns two of the
such as “We’ve tried commerce, Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg expects messaging apps to play a key role in Facebook’s future. largest messaging apps, Mes-
Inc. and media companies transportation and more re- senger and WhatsApp. Both
such as The Wall Street Jour- cently air travel, and now has Facebook said the new images or clickable call-to-ac- said Chris McCann, the com- apps are testing ways to let
nal and CNN. No money is come the time for us to scale tools, which are available to tion buttons, such as “read pany’s president. “Our most businesses communicate with
changing hands as part of the those experiences,” said David all developers, will let compa- this story” or “buy this item.” engaged customers utilize our consenting users, a move that
partnership deals. Marcus, vice president of Mes- nies quickly exchange not just Messenger helps 1-800- app—the newer customers paves the way for both to gen-
This is the second consecu- senger. texts but richer messages with Flowers reach younger people, don’t,” he said. In some cases, erate revenue.

Tech Firms Show Equal Pay Streaming Throws Lifeline


Facebook Inc. and Micro-

soft Corp., two of the technol-
include more women and mi-
norities in its workforce.
In a way, the gender-wage
gap is an easier problem to
approached—Apple, Microsoft, Inc. and Intel
Corp.—have disclosed pay data,
and Expedia Inc. has said it
To Recorded-Music Industry
ogy companies pressed by an solve than a lack of diversity. would in October. BY HANNAH KARP as CDs, which continued to de- and grew 88% in the U.K., the
investment firm for more pay Customer-relationship software Two others—Facebook and cline. report said.
transparency, disclosed that company Inc. Google parent Alphabet Inc.— Subscription streaming ser- Despite the growth, the “The market-distorting
they pay their male and female spent $3 million in 2015 raising have said they pay men and vices pumped up the recorded- IFPI’s report highlighted the value gap must be resolved if
employees equally. the salaries of some women women the same, but haven’t music industry’s revenue last industry’s concern about the music is to thrive in the long
The companies released the and a few men to reach pay released data. EBay Inc. and year, but music consumption widening “value gap” between term,” the report said. The
information ahead of Tuesday’s parity, even though there Adobe Systems Inc. haven’t re- on free, legal sites grew faster, the volume of music consumed problem has a “serious im-
Equal Pay Day, which symbol- wasn’t a big discrepancy, an ex- leased any information, though threatening the industry’s fu- on free, “user-upload” services pact” on subscription services,
izes how far into the new year ecutive said last year. Arjuna said it was in discus- ture growth, according to the such as Alphabet Inc.’s You- limiting their ability to draw
women must work to earn what Though Facebook, Microsoft sions with Adobe. International Federation of the Tube, and the amount of reve- paying customers, it said.
men earned in the previous and others say they have no Intel was the first to release Phonographic Industry’s an- nue that they generate for the In a statement, YouTube
year. gender-wage gap, a new survey numbers. In February, the semi- nual report. industry. said that to date its parent
Facebook and Microsoft are shows that it exists in the tech conductor maker said it had Global revenue from re- An estimated 900 million company “has paid out over $3
among nine major tech compa- reached 100% gender-pay par- corded music grew 3.2% to $15 nonpaying music consumers billion to the music industry—

nies, including ity across its U.S. workforce. billion in 2015, the first signifi- on these legal sites resulted in and that number is growing
Inc. and Apple Inc., that have Last month, Apple Chief Ex- cant rise after two decades of revenue of $634 million last significantly year on year.”
faced pressure from Arjuna ecutive Tim Cook said at the declines or negligible gains. year for the global recorded- “Only about 20% of people
Capital, a boutique investment The gap in salaries between company’s shareholder meeting The uptick owed largely to a music industry, or 4% of global are historically willing to pay
firm based near Boston. The men and women software that women’s pay was 99.6% of 45% increase in streaming rev- revenue. The world’s 68 mil- for music. YouTube is helping
firm, which is a unit of invest- engineers at large companies. men’s, and minorities’ pay was enue, which now amounts to lion paying music subscrib- artists and labels monetize the
ment firm Baldwin Brothers 99.7% of white employees’. $2.9 billion and makes up ers—up from 41 million sub- remaining 80% that weren’t
Inc., filed shareholder propos- Also in March, Amazon said nearly half of the world’s digi- scribers in 2014—generated previously monetized. The
als at each of the companies industry. The gap in salaries it found women’s compensation tal-music revenue. Digital-mu- about $2 billion. The number global advertising market is
starting in late 2014 asking between male and female soft- in 2015 was 99.9% of men’s in sic revenue for the first time of on-demand streams on ad- worth $200 billion. This is a
them to close the gender-wage ware engineers at major corpo- equivalent jobs, and minorities outweighed the revenue from supported free sites roughly tremendous opportunity,” You-
gap and release salary data. rations is 7%, according to a make 100.1% of what white sales of physical products such doubled last year in the U.S., Tube said.
“If tech companies want to study of 3,000 employers and workers earn. Facebook and
attract and retain the best tal- 15,000 job seekers conducted Microsoft both said they have

ent and are going to move by career marketplace startup been reviewing data about how startups have fallen into the rental apartments annually un-
women into leadership roles Hired Inc. Younger companies much their employees are paid hands of U.S. companies that til 2020, according to a govern-
that will make the companies at the “seed” stage have a for a number of years, but ha- boast stronger financial fire- ment statement. On stock op-
more competitive, they need to smaller gender-wage ven’t discussed it publicly be- power. King Digital Entertain- tions, which are subject to
pay men and women the same, gap—4%—among software en- fore. Continued from page B1 ment PLC, the maker of Candy income tax and payroll taxes in
and they need to be transpar- gineers, the study says. Microsoft said in a blog post But many European compa- Crush games, was purchased Sweden, Mr. Damberg said the
ent about how they are doing For its initiative to close the its female employees earn 99.8 nies are struggling to spring by Activision Blizzard Inc. for issue was under consultation.
that,” said Natasha Lamb, a gender-pay gap, Arjuna focused cents for every dollar earned by onto the global stage. nearly $6 billion in November. Klarna, which has offices
partner at Arjuna Capital. on tech firms because diversity men at the same job title and “At the moment, we lack the Mikael Damberg, Sweden’s world-wide, including in Lon-
Calls for more transparency among employees has been level. scale to compete with other Minister for Enterprise, said don and New York, echoed
about the gender-pay gap in shown to increase innovation eBay didn’t respond to a re- ecosystems like China or the he agreed with the Spotify Spotify’s complaints.
Silicon Valley are an offshoot within a company, Ms. Lamb quest for comment; Google and U.S.,” Andrus Ansip, the Euro- founders’ complaints over the “Preferably we would like to
of the tech industry’s diver- said. Arjuna’s tactic of filing Facebook declined to comment pean Union’s digital chief, said property market. “They are hire more people in Stock-
sity problem. The industry has shareholder proposals is paying on the coming shareholder in a recent speech. spot on: The biggest growth holm,” said Klarna CEO Sebas-
been making a public effort to off: Four of the companies it votes. Sweden has been one of Eu- problem of Stockholm today is tian Siemiatkowski. “But the
rope’s most prolific grounds the housing situation,” he said taxation and housing issues
for technology startups, in a phone interview. are pushing that decision to

thrusting Spotify as well as Due to strict housing regu- another place.”
Question of Values Klarna AB, a payments com- lations, there aren’t many Spurred by very low inter-
Rocket Internet and Swedish investor Kinnevik both pany, into the unicorn family. apartments available for rent, est rates and an economy
own stakes in several startups but their valuations of Spotify provides music- and the prices for apartments growing at close to 4% a year,
Continued from page B1 those companies differ widely. streaming services and com- to buy are high and rising. apartment prices in central
invested in Lazada. Rocket re- petes with the likes of Apple. The government has a plan Stockholm rose 17% in 2015
Valuation in
tains a stake of 8.8% in Lazada. About 850 of its 2,000 employ- to provide 3.2 billion kronor and 10% in 2014, according to
Company billions by: Rocket Internet* Kinnevik†
Founded in 2007, Rocket ees are based in Stockholm. ($394.4 million) a year to sup- price-tracking company Svensk
fosters tech startups in areas Global Fashion Group
€3.06 Many of Sweden’s tech port the construction of 15,000 Maklarstatistik AB.
such as retailing, food delivery €1.71
and travel booking. Many of its €1.00
holdings are growing robustly €0.63
but burn through cash.
Combined adjusted losses
before interest, tax, deprecia-
€0.51 Legal Notices
tion and amortization for nine Westwing
of Rocket’s main companies—
its so-called “proven win- €0.42
ners”—totaled around €750 €0.18 

million for the nine months €0.10  
Wimdu      +  

ended Sept. 30. €0.11
Rocket Chief Executive Oli-   
*Rocket’s most recent portfolio values, as of Nov. 30, 2015.
ver Samwer said in January †Kinnevik’s declared fair values, as of Dec. 31, 2015.


that those losses “peaked last Sources: the companies; WSJ calculations THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
   '   ' 

+ /  
  '  %
year” and results would now
  *  %

improve. At least three of dent at HelloFresh, its biggest co-investors
those companies will turn which ships boxes with pre- uses different valuation meth-  


      " #
  $  %
' !
profitable next year, Mr. Sam- measured ingredients and reci- ods for shared holdings than
 )'  *+ 
, -'

+ / 
  '  %

wer has said. But Rocket pes to subscribers’ doors, en- Rocket does, yielding lower &
' ! ( 
 )  0
, -'
  *  %
shares have lost roughly 46% abling them to cook gourmet valuations. Kinnevik holds
  2 //%  3+3
2 $
 2 ! 
  $   2  ! 

of their value over the past meals at home. stakes in several startups 
year—more than double the Rocket in October an- alongside Rocket and values

'    .

drop in the blue chip DAX-30 nounced plans to float HelloF- them by comparing their reve-       

index over the period—and resh shares but later post- nues with revenues of similar 

currently trade around €26.50. poned the IPO because of listed companies.
. ./! 4567888888   !'  
“The Rocket Internet stock declining investor appetite for Kinnevik’s valuations of
has clearly underperformed startups, said HelloFresh Chief companies Westwing, Home24 012/!   
   '   !' ' '9


over the past year,” said War- Executive Dominik Richter. and Linio are 48% to 63% be-


'  ;    1
 < '  
burg Research analyst Lucas Selling young companies to low Rocket’s last portfolio val-
Boventer. He cited what he investors has become more ues. “Last portfolio value” is
said was a widespread percep- difficult since late last year, as Rocket’s valuation based on re- 1 131 3 4/35.!      '   %'<  




  2   ! 
tion that Rocket’s capital mar- demonstrated by a global cent funding rounds. Using

kets communication are vague, slowdown in IPOs and declin- this method, Rocket valued its
the pulled initial public offer- ing valuations of some start- stakes in all its companies at  61 /1 15 3 270! " ' ? 68@=
 % A    4 

*  %'   B *   :
 %''  @@88 %  *

ing of HelloFresh and losses at ups. Mutual-fund managers in- €6.6 billion as of Nov. 30, 2015.
%' @>8>  
many holdings as reasons for cluding Fidelity Investments But for its official financial

   ' ' #  )

Rocket’s weak performance. and BlackRock Inc. have reporting on its balance sheet,        


Rocket said its communica- marked down their stakes in Rocket values its holdings us-    .
 '  '   #  %'
 @? 68@= 0

tions exceed stock market re- startups such as Dropbox Inc. ing a different method, based   ' 
  '   %'<  ' " 

quirements and it provides in- and Lending Club. on International Financial Re-
.D "*E "0 )E %"4
formation about financing In a sign of challenges porting Standards. 4B$E* !E *$$% %"4
rounds for its holdings. Rocket may face, Sweden’s In- Kinnevik didn’t respond to a B")EB *$$% "0 EF!
The company’s bind is evi- vestment AB Kinnevik, one of request for comment.
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To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
B4 | Wednesday, April 13, 2016 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Carbon Compact
not binding. But every five
years, this will be monitored
and reviewed, and in 2018, the
parties will gather to review
what happened from 2015 un-
Ban Ki-moon on enforcing the Paris Agreement til 2018. From then on, every
five years there will be moni-

‘Everybody knows which

toring and reporting. This is
mandatory. And there is much,
much more possibility that
The Future May Be
country is doing what and member states will have an
opportunity to verify which Clear. The Path Isn’t.
how much they are doing.’ country has done how much. Weaning the world off coal, doubling down on renewables
This is an obligatory clause. and investing in breakthrough technologies that can help stop
climate change were hotly debated topics last week at The Wall
MS. STRASSEL: But for China, Street Journal’s ECO:nomics conference in Santa Barbara, Calif.
maybe it was a little bit easier At the annual gathering, environmentalists and energy ex-
to agree to its targets; its perts sparred over lofty environmental goals as well as the cur-
economy has slowed, its de- rent realities of fossil-fuel demand. Can natural gas replace
mand for energy has slowed. enough coal-fired power generation to clear the air of carbon
But in five years, let’s say that emissions? The Sierra Club’s Michael Brune thinks not.
has changed and the amount Energy banker Jeffrey Holzschuh of Morgan Stanley pre-
of carbon emissions have gone dicted solar power will overtake wind. But he warned that better
up and they’re not hitting the battery storage of electricity is needed to truly cement green


targets. What does the U.N. do power in the U.S. energy mix.
about it? Koch Industries defended its environmental record. And U.N.
MR. BAN: Every member of the Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said that while the Paris climate
Paris Agreement will have an talks held in December were flawed, they were the best outcome
interest to abide by their agree- that could be hoped for and a necessary step toward combating
ment. These are very strict the top threat to humanity. “This is not the end,” he said. “This
peer reviews. Every year there’s is the beginning.”
a UNFCCC meeting [U.N. —Lynn Cook
Framework Convention on Cli-
One of the biggest events of with Kimberley Strassel, a got called in at the last minute mate Change] to review all this.
the past year in energy and en- member of The Wall Street to make a few countries fall in But every five years, there commitment has not been mitment. He knew that, with all
vironmental policy was the Journal editorial board, to dis- line. would be four-month review- made. It has been pushed back this opposition of the Republi-
Paris climate talks. More coun- cuss the future of climate di- MR. BAN: I am very grateful to and-reporting sessions, and until 2020. When it comes to can Party’s stance, he may not
tries than ever have pledged plomacy. Edited excerpts of President Obama and Presi- therefore, for their own na- 2020, there will have to be a be able to have all this legally—
significant carbon cuts. Yet in their discussion follow. dent Xi Jinping for their lead- tional economy and the world firm commitment, as well as a through a legal process. But he
many people’s views, those ership and strong commit- economy, every country has an road map, framework, how also has executive power. He
pledges fall far short of what a Paris and after ment. Basically, it was the U.S. interest to keep their promise. $100 billion per year will have will do whatever he can under
lot of scientists say is necessary. MS. STRASSEL: The U.N. was and China who really helped to be provided to developing his executive power.
United Nations Secretary- not actually there doing the [make] this Paris agreement MS. STRASSEL: So a shaming countries. After that, there
General Ban Ki-moon sat down negotiations in Paris, but you possible. These are the two mechanism? should be more than $100 bil- MS. STRASSEL: Do things fall
largest emitters of the world: MR. BAN: Yes. We are not go- lion. apart internationally if this
China and U.S. They agreed ing to shame, but everybody continues to be stalled?
No Sign of Unanimity that there should be an agree- knows which country is doing Supreme concern MR. BAN: It has given a certain
Attitudes toward climate change differ markedly by region around ment, and we worked and what and how much they are MS. STRASSEL: The U.S. has a negative wave to the interna-
the world reached out to many coun- doing. Everybody has an inter- plan to reduce emissions by tional community. But I believe
tries. [It] was very positive. est to fully comply. 28%. It went to delegation after President Obama’s assurances
Percentage* saying climate change is a very serious problem
delegation and said, “Look at that he will do whatever he can
Latin America 74% MS. STRASSEL: Some would MS. STRASSEL: The U.N. has its our commitments, look at the do under his presidential exec-
say there is no enforcement Green Climate Fund, with a president’s climate plan.” But utive power.
Africa 61% mechanism to make any of goal of I think $100 billion by the plan is now mired in the Su-
this happen. What do you say 2020. But the India environ- preme Court. How much does it MS. STRASSEL: President
Europe 54% to critics who say this is more ment minister said that if you concern you that one of the Obama said climate change
of a feel-good agreement than want developing countries to leading things that got this was a bigger threat than ter-
Asia/Pacific 45% a consequential way of reduc- get on board, industrialized done is now uncertain? rorism. Do you agree?
ing carbon? countries owed trillions. Do MR. BAN: As the largest econ- MR. BAN: Longer term, it is a
U.S. 45% MR. BAN: This is an interna- you think industrialized coun- omy in the world, I believe much, much more serious is-
tional agreement; thus, it’s tries are willing to do that? that this climate change issue sue. Of course, terrorism, ex-
Middle East 38% obligatory. It’s not that all the And how important is that should not be a subject of a tremism must be defeated. But
clauses, all the articles, are piece to making this happen? political debate. look at the consequences. Ter-
China 18% obligatory. But core elements MR. BAN: The initial promise by rorism terrifies the people of
* Regional medians, except for U.S. and China are. the OECD countries and big de- MS. STRASSEL: But it is. the world, but climate change
Source: Pew Research Center's Spring 2015 Global Attitudes Survey of 45,435 adults For example, the national veloped countries was to pro- MR. BAN: Unfortunately. I’m does not respect any borders.
in 40 countries, conducted in person and by telephone, March 25 to May 27, 2015 targets, Intended Nationally vide $100 billion by 2020. Un- concerned. But I do appreciate It affects a whole humanity, it
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Determined Contributions, are fortunately, the firm President Obama’s strong com- affects our planet Earth.

Ford’s Road Map To the Future ‘We’re changing our

business model to
Chief Executive Mark Fields gets ready for driverless cars look at this as vehicle
The auto industry has been Tough terrain ticipate customers’ needs. tired by the time I get to bed, miles traveled.’
undergoing a remarkable MR. BAKER: We’re seeing an MR. BAKER: What are you do- because I love what I do. But
transformation—and it’s only extraordinary transformation ing to prepare for an age when clearly, we take our competi-
the beginning. of the auto market. We’re talk- a huge amount of car mobility tors very seriously. When you
Energy prices and a tough ing about electrification and may be done through sharing? look at the level of competi-
regulatory environment are autonomous driving. And MR. FIELDS: You could say tion we have from traditional
complicating product plan- we’re seeing companies like there would be less vehicles and nontraditional competi-
ning. Electric motors and au- Google and possibly Apple get- sold, but we’re changing our tors, we’re embracing that.
tonomous driving systems may ting into the business. You’re business model to look at this
redefine how people move seeing car sharing. Tell us how as vehicle miles traveled. And MR. BAKER: But he does seem
around. you are preparing. when you look at it that way, to have something of a head
To get a glimpse of how car MR. FIELDS: We’re going to dis- it changes your mind to think start here.
makers are navigating this un- rupt ourselves. We have this about what kind of services MR. FIELDS: I would disagree.
certain environment, The Wall core business of designing, de- can we offer via our products. What he’s done with Tesla has
Street Journal’s Gerard Baker veloping, manufacturing, mar- I could argue that with auton- been amazing. The biggest
spoke with Ford Motor Co. keting and servicing and fi- omous vehicles, the actual benefit he’s done is raise the
Chief Executive Mark Fields. nancing great cars, utilities mileage on those vehicles will awareness of electrified vehi- of weeks ago. Our business control. Then there’s level
Here are edited excerpts of and trucks. But also we see accumulate a lot more than a cles. Now, his company has ca- there is to design, build, grow four, where the driver or pas-
their discussion. these emerging opportunities personally owned vehicle, plus tered to a very affluent con- and invest in mobility solu- senger does not need to be
around what we call smart the servicing. That could actu- sumer. Our approach [is that] tions. On some things, we will prepared to take control. That
mobility. We want to lead in ally be a bit of an offset. we have one of the largest se- do on our own, in others, we is what we’re working on. We
ECO:NOMICS VIDEOS specific areas around autono- lections of electrified vehicles. will partner with others. will have by some time this
mous vehicles, around the The electric company? We’re the No. 2 seller in the year the largest autonomous-
To watch videos connected car as it becomes MR. BAKER: Does Elon Musk U.S. in electrified and No. 1 in MR. BAKER: On autonomous vehicle testing fleet.

of speakers at
ECO:nomics 2016,
go to
part of the Internet of things,
around mobility, ride sharing,
car sharing, around data and
keep you awake at night?
MR. FIELDS: They always ask
me, “What keeps you up at
plug-in hybrids. We’re invest-
ing another $4.5 billion, so by
the end of the decade, 40% of
driving, tell us more about
what you’ve invested in, what
you might be looking to do.
MR. BAKER: How close are we
to autonomous vehicles being
EnergyReport analytics and how we can an- night?” Nothing. I am dead our nameplates around the MR. FIELDS: We’ve been work- available, driven on our roads,
world will be electrified. ing on autonomous vehicles carrying our children around?
for over 10 years. Our ap- MR. FIELDS: Level-four vehi-
MR. BAKER: Some of your com- proach is twofold. One is to be cles—[which operate] in a de-
petitors, most notably GM, a leader in advanced driver as- fined area that’s been 3-D
have made some pretty big, sist and semiautonomous fea- mapped—we think that some-
splashy investments them- tures, features that will keep body in the industry will have

selves. Billion dollars, I think, you in your lane, that will by the end of the decade.
on cruise automation, half a alert you about traffic, that A level-five vehicle, which
billion dollars in Lyft, the ride- will adapt your speed. We’re is, you go into your car, you
sharing company. You haven’t one of the leaders in that hit a button, you go to sleep
gone down the same route. space. That was what they call and you wake up at grandma’s
MR. FIELDS: We formed Ford level zero through three, house, that is a long way
Smart Mobility LLC a couple where the driver has to be in away—15, 20 years.

The Wall Street Journal thanks the sponsors of

ECO:nomics 2016 for their generous support. Change on Wheels
Auto executives increasingly see big changes in the industry soon
How likely is a major business-model disruption in the How much will legislation and regulation
next 5 years? influence the development of the industry?
54% 2016 Average Low or no influence

32% 17%
28% Very high
15% 14%
9% High
3% 3% influence
For more information please visit 1% 51% Extremely Somewhat Somewhat Not likely Neutral
© 2016 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All rights reserved. 3C8405
likely likely unlikely at all
Source: KPMG survey of 800 auto executives world-wide, conducted online between July and November 2015 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, April 13, 2016 | B5


Place Their


Energy Bets
Jeffrey Holzschuh and Douglas
Kimmelman on where their
investment billions are going MR. HOLZSCHUH: Because there
are no other choices. Look, we
trend toward cleaner genera-
tion of energy.
way [to make money from
coal] is by cleaning it up, so
Jeffreyh Holzschuh (left) and
Douglas Kimmelman
fundamentally have to allow But coal isn’t going any- we built a large activated-car-
Jeffrey Holzschuh, the things like constructing trans- economies to continue to grow where. It’s going to remain a bon facility in Louisiana that to stay. Having said that, the
chairman of Morgan Stanley’s mission lines, and we’re also and people to have standard of third of the [energy] mix in removes the mercury emis- question has always been,
Institutional Securities Group, very involved in the decom- living. You can’t go to some the world. In the developed sions from coal-fired power “Without subsidies, are they
and Douglas Kimmelman, se- missioning of nuclear plants. places in the world and not countries it’s dropping fairly plants. We also have a busi- economic?”
nior partner at Energy Capi- burn fossil fuels. There just dramatically and will continue ness that deals with removing I think scale and low-cost
tal Partners, move billions of MR. BALL: Jeff, Morgan Stanley isn’t any economic alternative. to go down as plants get nitrogen-oxide emissions. Car- financing has made them
dollars through energy invest- has said it isn’t going to fi- And so there has to be some closed and new build is all bon capture has a long way to much more competitive than
ments around the world. nance strip mines or new coal- flexibility in that policy to be natural gas and renewables. So go. We aren’t investing in that. they were even three years
The veteran bankers sat fired power plants in devel- able to help those economies, we’re helping clients think ago, and that will get better
down with Jeffrey Ball, a con- oped markets. What motivated governments and companies through this as they make MR. BALL: Let’s move on to re- and better. I’m not a big be-
tributing editor at The Wall that decision? continue to grow. Over time long-term capital decisions. newables. Some people in this liever that the technologies
Street Journal, to discuss how MR. HOLZSCHUH: Almost a they’ll come under the same audience will say renewables are at parity yet [with conven-
the energy picture is changing dozen years ago some in the constraints, I’m sure, that the MR. BALL: Doug, what is your are a charade and a money tionally produced power], but
and where they are placing environmental community developed countries face now. thinking on coal? loser. Others will say renew- they are getting closer. I think
their bets. came to Wall Street and said, MR. KIMMELMAN: There are big ables have a viable possibility solar will overtake wind over
Here are edited excerpts. “You guys can’t finance coal.” MR. BALL: What are you telling swatches of this country that of supplying all the world’s time. It’s more ubiquitous. It’s
And actually, there was an in- investors about the advisabil- are very comfortable with the electricity and can be profit- got better characteristics. And
MR. BALL: Is there really a credibly constructive outcome ity of investing in coal assets? coal that they’re burning, and able. Jeff, where do you stand? then, if we get storage, the
global energy revolution going called the Carbon Principles, MR. HOLZSCHUH: There is no I don’t see that going away. MR. HOLZSCHUH: Right in the supply sector will grow even
on? And where are you putting [a series of guidelines on fi- doubt that there is a macro For us, the most profitable middle. Renewables are here more dramatically.
your money now? nancing electric-power proj-
MR. KIMMELMAN: I’m in pri- ects] that has gotten incre-
vate equity. We’ve raised mentally more stringent and
about $13 billion from inves- more defined over time.
tors, mainly public pension We have an incredibly envi-
plans. We invest that in en- ronmentally sensitive philoso-
ergy, largely in North America. phy within Morgan Stanley. On
We don’t invest in [explora- the client side—and we cover
tion and production]. We don’t every industry and every
like the volatility around that. country—there are going to be
Our focus is in power genera- differences in those policies,
tion—fossil generation as well depending on emerging mar-
as renewable generation—and kets versus developed mar-
midstream business such as kets. But our view now is that
pipelines, gathering systems when something is clearly en-
and storage, which are fee- vironmentally hazardous, we
based businesses that are aren’t going to participate.
more dependent on the vol-
ume of fossil-fuel movements MR. BALL: But you are going to
rather than the price. We’re
involved in service businesses,
participate in the developing
world, right?
Advancing the Science
of Smart Energy
The Sierra Club’s View
Why Michael Brune is optimistic about
combatting climate change With some of the greatest minds in engineering and computer
science, the Siebel Energy Institute pushes the boundaries of
‘We’re confronted innovation to address today’s pressing energy challenges.
with two realities
which are going to
happen almost no
matter what.’

Are government and indus- obedience on voting-rights is-

try doing the right things to sues because we depend on a
fight climate change? What healthy and thriving democ-
can they do better? racy in order to address envi-
To get an insider’s view of ronmental issues.
the question, The Wall Street
Journal’s Russell Gold spoke MR. GOLD: Shouldn’t we be cel-
with Michael Brune, executive ebrating natural gas because
director of the Sierra Club. it’s allowing companies to re-
What follows are edited ex- place coal? You’re not a fan of
cerpts of their discussion. natural gas.
MR. BRUNE: The reduction in
MR. GOLD: I saw a speech that coal is coming from a variety
you gave on YouTube, and you of factors, a significant part of
started your speech by asking which is the low price of natu-
the audience whether they felt ral gas. So our goal is to phase
governments and corporations out of coal as quickly as possi- The Siebel Energy Institute funds research grants in data analytics,
were going to be able to re- ble and use as little natural
spond to the challenges of cli- gas as we can in doing so. including statistical analysis and machine learning, to accelerate
mate change. Are you optimis- The climate impact of burn-
tic? ing gas is half that of coal. advancements in the safety, security, reliability, cost efficiency,
MR. BRUNE: I am. We’re con- However, the amount of fugi-
fronted with two realities tive methanes that come both and environmental integrity of modern energy systems.
which are going to happen al- at the well head and from
most no matter what. Climate transmission and distribution
change will continue to get is so significant that it nar-
worse. We’re also seeing the rows the difference between
growth of clean energy. We’re gas and coal.
starting to see renewables dis-
place fossil fuels, starting with MR. GOLD: The Sierra Club has
coal. That will accelerate al- said for many years it’s op-
most no matter what. I’m opti- posed to nuclear. Why can’t
mistic because I think that to- you support nuclear?
gether we can solve some of MR. BRUNE: The Sierra Club A D V I S O R Y B O A R D
our biggest problems. I see has been opposed to nuclear
countries coming together on power since the late ’60s for
a very large scale to address concerns about safety, storage
what’s being done. of radioactive waste, etc. If
there was an actual debate
MR. GOLD: You introduced civil about nuclear power in this
disobedience to the Sierra country, and if you had finan-
Club. Why was that necessary? ciers who really were going to
MR. BRUNE: We engaged in put serious money behind nu-
civil disobedience on the Key- clear power, then it would be a
stone XL Pipeline because at different question. It is not an
the time, it was an important active question. There is not a The Siebel Energy Institute is a project of the Thomas and Stacey Siebel Foundation.
issue substantively and sym- serious proposal, particularly
bolically, and it needed to be in the U.S., to scale up nuclear All research results will be shared in the public domain.
elevated. It needed to have power in any way that would
more attention, more focus on make a big difference. I don’t
it. agree that nuclear power is a
We may engage in civil dis- real solution.
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To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
B6 | Wednesday, April 13, 2016 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Boeing Broaches Iran Sales SHIPS

dollars in annual costs as the
industry remains mired in one
of its worst downturns ever.
Anemic economic growth in
Continued from page B1 Europe and falling growth in
Lifting of nuclear locally produce parts which a 22% market share of all China is exacerbated by an es-
have become the hallmark of cargo moved between Asia and timated 30% overcapacity of
sanctions against other mega-airliner deals Europe, the world’s busiest ships in the water, which has
Tehran opens market around the world. ocean trade route. resulted in rates barely cover-
Boeing was granted a license “We are becoming a larger ing fuel over the past year.
for U.S. aircraft maker by the U.S. in February to dis- shipping line and we are in the Cosco is considering joining
cuss the needs of Iran’s airlines. position to select the partners Ocean Three or leading a new
BY JON OSTROWER Neither Boeing nor Iran would with whom we want to do alliance with CSCL, people fa-
AND ROBERT WALL identify what specific airplane business,” Rodolphe Saade, miliar with the situation said.
models are under discussion, vice chairman of CMA CGM, The Cosco-CSCL merged entity
Boeing Co. has opened talks though an Iranian official said said in February. “We are dis- is called China Cosco Shipping
to sell airliners to Iran in what the country was eager to buy cussing with the new China Group, based in Shanghai.
would be one of the highest- 737 single-aisle jets from the Shipping group, but we are CMA CGM has told Euro-

profile deals between a U.S. Chicago-based plane maker, as also discussing with others.” pean regulators that it will
company and Tehran since the well as 777 long-range planes. Cosco belongs to a different withdraw NOL from another
West lifted nuclear sanctions The recent meetings be- alliance, called CKYHE, made alliance, called G6, which con-
on the country in January. tween Boeing and the Iranians up of Asian operators. CKYHE trols an 18% market share in
Iran—eager to re-establish A Boeing plane in Iran Air’s fleet at a Tehran airport in 2002. were limited to discussing tech- controls a 25% share of the Asia-Europe. NOL’s container
ties with Western companies nical aspects, such as range, Asia-Europe trade loop. Indus- unit, APL, expects to stay in
after the deal to limit its nu- running afoul of U.S. currency and medical services. cabin configurations and fuel try leaders A.P. Møller-Mae- G6 until the first quarter of
clear program—quickly signed restrictions. General Electric Co., for in- economy, but such conversa- rsk A/S of Denmark and Ge- 2017. CMA CGM declined to
several landmark agreements Iran has long sought to re- stance, has been exploring busi- tions are the foundations for neva-based Mediterranean comment.
with European companies to establish a business relation- ness opportunities in Iran. any future deal. Shipping Co., comprising the “The only alliance which
signal it had re-entered the in- ship with U.S. aircraft makers, Lorenzo Simonelli, chief execu- Fewer than 10 Boeing em- 2M alliance, have a 34% share. will likely stay intact is 2M be-
ternational market. Agreements particularly Boeing, due to Teh- tive of GE’s oil-and-gas busi- ployees made the trip to Teh- “Regardless of the regula- cause of their dominant posi-
with U.S. companies have been ran’s dependence on aircraft ness, visited Tehran earlier this ran for meetings with several tors, the alliances themselves tion,” Mr. Doyle said.
slower to materialize, though, equipment going back to the year, he said in early March. Iranian carriers, including Iran can’t accept merged entities Regulatory approvals can
increasing the importance of a rule of the Shah in the 1960s In the airline sector, Iranian Air, the country’s biggest where their members belong take up to three months or
possible deal with a company and 1970s. officials have said they expect airline, according to a person to different groupings,” said longer. In the past, alliances
like Boeing that is a flagship of Years of sanctions, some im- to buy 400 or more new air- familiar with the meetings. Chris Welsh, secretary-general got the green light by regula-
U.S. technology and manufac- posed in the wake of its revolu- planes in the coming years to Members of Boeing’s Middle of Global Shippers’ Forum. tors if their combined market
turing around the globe. tion in 1979 rather than over satisfy their demand to replace East sales team, which also Alliance members share share was below 35%.
Boeing said Monday it had the country’s nuclear program, existing planes, many of which sells to carriers like Emirates ships, networks and port calls, —Erica Phillips
begun preliminary discussions have left Iran with one of the are more than 25 years old, and Airline and Qatar Airways, saving hundreds of millions of contributed to this article.
in Tehran with Iranian airlines world’s oldest aircraft fleets, to spur growth. were part of the delegation.
about the potential sale of its which it is eager to modernize. Iran signaled in January how The company’s top Middle East
planes and aircraft services. Its lucrative for Western business salesman, Marty Bentrott, High-Seas Camaraderie
representatives “discussed the its market could be, when it an- wasn’t present for the meetings
capabilities of its commercial nounced a deal to buy 118 in Tehran, the person said. Four corporate alliances dominate the shipping industry...
Years of sanctions Asia-Europe market share by alliance
passenger airplanes and after- airliners from Boeing’s princi- Iran Air said the meeting
market services with Iranian have left Iran with pal rival, Airbus Group SE, val- “was fruitful and informative 2M: 34% Ocean 3: 22% CKYHE: 25% G6: 18%
airlines approved by the U.S. one of the world’s ued at $27 billion at list price. for both sides after a long
Others: 1%
government,” said a Boeing The deal, which hasn’t been time” without providing details Asia-North America market share
spokesman, who added that no oldest aircraft fleets. finalized yet, includes every- of what was discussed. 15% 14% 35% 30% 6%
formal deals on aircraft or ser- thing from Airbus single-aisle Boeing has taken a cautious
vices were made during the planes to 12 of its flagship approach to its dealings with ...and the 14 largest companies, which make up 73.1%
meetings. Most U.S. sanctions remain A380 superjumbos, which carry Iran, concerned about overstep- of the market share, almost all belong to alliances.
A deal for Boeing planes in place on Iran. But the Obama a list price of $432.6 million, ping the authority granted un-
Maersk Line 14.7%
could become the biggest signal administration has been seek- though buyers typically get dis- der the Iran nuclear agreement,
yet that the U.S. and Iran are ing to promote outside invest- counts. which formally took effect in MSC 13.2
moving toward normalized ment in Iran as a means to bol- With a population of more January. The company had pre- CMA CGM 8.9
trade relations. The U.S. gov- ster the nuclear deal. than 80 million and pent-up de- viously received limited ap- Evergreen 4.6
ernment has allowed Boeing to Iranian leaders have com- mand for travel after years of proval to provide some parts Hapag-Lloyd 4.6
enter talks with select Iranian plained in recent months that isolation, the country repre- and documentation to Iranian Cosco 4.2
carriers, but delivering the Tehran hasn’t received the sents one of the few large re- carriers. CSCL 3.4
planes still would require fur- sanctions relief envisaged un- maining untapped markets for “Should any agreements be Hamburg Süd 3.2
ther clearance. der the deal because of remain- new planes. reached at some future point, Hanjin 3.1
Completing any plane pur- ing U.S. financial penalties. In a sign Iran still retains a they would be contingent on OOCL 2.8
chase would require Iran to re- U.S. officials on Monday said special status reflecting West- the approval of the U.S. Gov- MOL 2.7
gain the ability to tap global they have seen an uptick in ern concerns about the coun- ernment,” Boeing said in a
APL 2.6
dollar markets, a challenge in American companies seeking to try’s weapons programs, plane statement.
Yang Ming 2.6
the face of reluctance by most enter the Iranian market in the discussions so far have focused —Jay Solomon, Ted Mann
big Western banks to provide sectors allowed under U.S. law, on buying them, rather than and Nick Timiraos UASC 2.5
loans to Iran over concern of which include automotive parts transferring technology to help contributed to this article. Note: As of Jan. 1 Source: Alphaliner THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


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Nomura to Cut 500 Italian Property IPO

From Europe Staff Prepares for Debut
© 2016 Dow Jones & Company. All Rights Reserved. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, April 13, 2016 | B7
As of 4 p.m. ET EUR/GBP 0.7996 g 0.21% YEN/DLR ¥108.56 À 0.57% GOLD 1259.40 À 0.21% OIL 42.17 À 4.48% 3-MONTH LIBOR 0.62960% 10-YR TREAS g 17/32 yield 1.781%

Wanted: Weak Meeting

Chinese Firms Over Oil
With a Listing Trading
SHANGHAI—One of China’s ment. Jilin Chengcheng de- BY GEORGI KANTCHEV
best-performing stocks during clined to comment. AND KEVIN BAXTER
the past year was struggling The odd outperformance of
Chongqing New Century shares of often-struggling Investors are bracing for a
Cruise Co.—and that speaks companies is the latest quirk meeting this week of the


volumes about the challenges in China’s markets, whose world’s largest oil producers
facing the world’s second-larg- combined capitalization was that could make or break
est equities market. around $7.8 trillion in April, crude’s recent price rally.
Shares of the riverboat op- the second-biggest pool of On April 17, oil heavy-
erator have gained nearly stocks after the U.S. weights including Saudi Arabia
300% over the past 12 Such companies are central and Russia will meet to talk
months—versus a 9% fall for to a minimerger trend that has about a production freeze that
its exchange’s benchmark in- taken hold as Chinese compa- investors hope will curb the
dex—even though New Cen- nies reckon with multiyear oversupply that has pressured
tury estimates it lost 31.6 mil- waits to go public in the tradi- Soybeans are planted over wheat stubble. La Niña often poses a risk to production of both crops. oil prices for almost two years.
lion yuan ($4.9 million) last tional way. That has increased To reach an agreement,
year as river cruising fell out the popularity of “backdoor” The Cool Sister these countries have to negoti-
of favor. listings, where private compa- If El Niño reverses and becomes a La Niña there could be further commodity disruptions. ate the complexities of Middle
What turned the stock into nies clamber onto markets by East politics while hoping that
a winner, and its father-and- combining with already listed Expected conditions: Wet producers not at the table, in-
son management team into firms—often those whose op- Dry
Colder winters in Lower rain in parts cluding the U.S. and Norway,
billionaires, was a takeover erational woes have pushed Cold
parts of Canada, of the U.S. could don’t take advantage and ramp
bid from a game maker that down share prices. U.S. could increase hit crop production up their production.
wanted its stock listing—not The trend is expected to ac- gas demand Underscoring the uncer-
its seven ships. celerate after the Chinese gov- tainty, analysts haven’t
Other unlikely winners dur- ernment signaled last month reached a consensus on what
ing the past year include that it had postponed two will happen in Doha, Qatar.
chemical-products maker Wei- measures supposed to make Whatever the outcome, inves-
fang Yaxing Chemical Co. and listing easier: a revamp of ini- tors expect a big market reac-
commodities trader Jilin tial public offering rules and a tion, with oil moving by as
Chengcheng Group Co., whose new board that some Chinese much as $5 in either direction.
shares rose 81% and 93%, re- companies delisting from the “It’s 50-50 they are going to
spectively, even though both U.S. markets had hoped to Drier weather*
get it done,” said Michael
firms lost money for two join. in Argentina Wittner, chief oil analyst at
straight years. So strong is the demand for Higher rainfall in could reduce Société Générale SA “If they
Weifang Yaxing didn’t re- such takeover candidates Australia could soybean yields do, prices could quickly jump
spond to requests for com- Please see CHINA page B8 see restocking of by up to $5—but also fall by as
cattle, sheep farms much if the negotiations break

Och-Ziff and Justice *June to August, all other conditions expected December to February
Sources: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; commodities analysts THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
On Tuesday, futures for
Brent, the global oil bench-

Next Weather Risk:

mark, gained $1.86 per barrel,
or 4.3%, to $44.69. West Texas

Spar Over Plea Deal Intermediate, the U.S. price

gauge, was up $1.81 per barrel,
or 4.5% to $42.17 .

A Possible La Niña
Federal authorities are said. Hopes of an agreement have
wrangling with hedge fund Och-Ziff’s lawyers have ar- influenced the market
Och-Ziff Capital Management gued that the company since Saudi Arabia, Russia,
Group LLC over a possible shouldn’t be held criminally li- Venezuela and Qatar said
criminal guilty plea and the able, and any potentially illegal on Feb. 16 they would freeze
amount of potential financial behavior wasn’t widely known oil production at January lev-
sanctions as they wrap up a at the firm, with profits from BY LUCY CRAYMER “Recent changes in the New Guinea, Indonesia and els if other producers joined
five-year international bribery the activities in question total- tropical Pacific Ocean and at- Central America, while in- in. Some, such as Kuwait and
investigation, according to ing less than $100 million, HONG KONG—Exit El Niño. mosphere, combined with cur- creasing the likelihood of trop- the United Arab Emirates, did
people familiar with the mat- these people said. Enter La Niña? rent climate model outlooks, ical cyclones in the Pacific is- express support for the
ter. The investigations by Jus- Government forecasters in suggest the likelihood of La lands. deal. That lifted prices by
tice and the Securities and Ex- Japan and Australia have Niña in 2016 has increased to Historically, La Niña has around 30% over the following
By Michael Rothfeld, change Commission have ex- strengthened their assessment around 50%,” Australia’s Bu- brought a significant risk to weeks. But the rally then
Christopher M. amined whether Och-Ziff, the that a La Niña weather pattern reau of Meteorology said the production of corn, soy- stalled as Saudi Arabia indi-
Matthews and Jean nation’s largest publicly traded will hit the Northern Hemi- Tuesday. beans, wheat, sugar, cotton cated that it would agree to
Eaglesham hedge-fund firm with $42 bil- sphere this summer, join- La Niña, which often follows and coffee. curb production only if still
lion of assets under manage- ing the U.S. in rating it at on the heels of an El Niño During years when El Niño more producers followed suit.
The Justice Department is ment, knowingly paid bribes to around a 50% chance. event, occurs when easterly transitions to La Niña, prices That may prove difficult.
pushing for the company to government officials to obtain The possible advent of La trade winds strengthen, cool- of such commodities typically Shortly after the February
plead guilty, which would be an investment from Libya’s Niña poses a fresh challenge ing water across the central rise. meeting, Iran’s oil minister
rare for a major financial insti- sovereign-wealth fund and in for farmers and agricultural and eastern Pacific Ocean. Over the 12 months follow- called the plan “a joke,” dent-
tution. Securities regulators natural-resources deals in markets dealing with an excess That typically brings drier- ing the confirmation of the ing market optimism about the
also are seeking civil sanctions other African countries, these supply of some crops such as than-usual weather to some last observed La Niña in July deal. Iran had only recently re-
of as much as $400 million people said. wheat, because of falling de- states in the U.S. and South 2010, for example, wheat fu- turned to international oil
from Och-Ziff, based on what The firm’s lawyers have at- mand, and shortages of others, America. tures on the Chicago Board of markets after sanctions were
they believe were the com- tempted to persuade prosecu- such as palm oil, caused Conversely, it can bring Trade rallied around 21% and lifted in January, and the
pany’s profits from alleged tors to agree to a deferred droughts related to El Niño in wetter-than-normal conditions soybeans rose around 39%, country wants to regain lost
bribery overseas, these people Please see PACT page B8 recent months. for much of Australia, Papua Please see NIÑA page B8 Please see FREEZE page B8

J.P. Morgan Weighs ‘Cloud’ Trade U.S. Banks Have Silver Lining

BY SARAH KROUSE trading can be handled on lap- The company’s 8,000 trad-
AND EMILY GLAZER tops and tablets, but a dropped ers for the first time could BY AARON BACK
call caused by an Internet con- work from anywhere if the
After decades of transmit- nection could interrupt trades. deal is completed. “We’ve had Control what you can.
ting trades by phone line, J.P. What’s more, not all financial people trading in the Hamp- That should be a new bank-
Morgan Chase & Co. is close to services firms want to grant tons, from airplanes, from a ing mantra.
cutting the cord. employees permission to trade speedboat,” said Gerald Starr, J.P. Morgan Chase &
The largest U.S. bank by as- outside the office because of chief executive officer of Co. on Wednesday kicks off
sets said it is in discussions to worries about confidential in- Cloud9, who worked previ- bank earnings season. And it
move its worldwide trading formation. J.P. Morgan has ously for several trading tech- is going to be tough. Ana- Profit reports from the biggest U.S. lenders begin on Wedneday
systems to an Internet-based some of these same concerns, nology firms. lysts expect it and
cloud computing service main- said people familiar with the New York-based Cloud9 AHEAD the other three rapidly in line with move- end of March, according to
tained by startup Cloud9 Tech- matter. Technologies, which relies on OF THE big U.S. banks— ments in short-term rates, Fed data. That is in line with
nologies LLC. The New York Inc.’s cloud-com- TAPE Bank of America while banks are slower to ad- the rate seen over the past
bank lent money to Cloud9 last puting service, has attracted Corp., Citigroup just deposit rates. But the year, but much higher than
year, said Rick Smith, head of
With Cloud9, the investments of “tens of mil- Inc. and Wells central bank’s reluctance to the postcrisis average.
private investments at J.P. bank’s 8,000 traders lions” from J.P. Morgan, ICAP Fargo & Co.—to post an av- follow with more rate rises, Business loans, which have
Morgan. PLC and Barclays PLC in a new erage earnings decline of 17% and the continued decline in driven growth for some time,
Wall Street for decades has
could work from funding round, the company from the year-earlier period. long-term yields, means re- are holding up. Since
relied on telephone lines con- anywhere. said. If there is a bright side, it lief was possibly limited. mid-2014, monthly data have
nected to workstations to J.P. Morgan and ICAP also is that bank shares already The direction of rates is shown them rising by around
transfer trading data and to lent the firm a smaller amount are priced for bad news. And dependent on the Fed and 10% from a year earlier. The
record phone conversations. J.P. Morgan hasn’t signed a in August 2015, Mr. Smith said. the causes of weakness are markets. So banks must fo- total amount of such loans
But some of the biggest U.S. contract yet and any changes That debt is converting to eq- well known: market turmoil, cus on things they can influ- topped $2 trillion for the
banks have been contemplat- would take years to imple- uity and the two firms, along global growth fears and a ence: namely, boosting lend- first time ever in March.
ing shifting some services to ment. The benefits of the tech- with Barclays, are adding addi- commodities-price slump ing and turning the screws Banks also will have to
the cloud, where they can rent nology are potentially lower tional investments, he added. that has sparked defaults. even tighter on costs. keep cutting costs, such as
computing power from compa- costs, flexibility for traders J.P. Morgan was among a Most onerous have been re- Loan growth can help by further shrinking branch
nies that maintain large clus- and elimination of the need for number of brokerage and com- newed drops in long-term counter margin pressure. networks.
ters of servers rather than a separate facility in a disas- modities advisers that agreed yields and a slow-moving This partly depends on de- Banks are playing a wait-
running their own data cen- ter-recovery scenario, Mr. to use the new technology in Federal Reserve. mand, but bankers have ing game. The key is to keep
ters. Smith said. It also has higher recent months and the system The Fed’s initial rate in- some control over the pace busy while the Fed ponders
The moves have been voice quality and data security is now used by 2,000 traders crease in December was ex- of lending. Loans and leases its next move.
slowed by banks’ concerns than the bank’s current inter- across 350 firms in 21 coun- pected to boost net-interest at U.S. banks were up 7.3%
about security. Cloud-based nal system, he said. tries, Cloud9 executives said. margins—many loans reprice from a year earlier at the Email:
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B8 | Wednesday, April 13, 2016 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Oil’s Jump Boosts Stocks

BY LESLIE JOSEPHS manager at Rainier Investment pany’s De Beers unit reported nue, as companies grappled
AND RIVA GOLD Management, which he said a third straight month of with steep declines in oil
has about $3 billion in assets higher rough-diamond sales. prices and a stronger dollar at


U.S. stocks gained Tuesday under management. Mr. Mar- U.S. financial companies the start of the year.
as surging oil prices sparked a gard said he has been buying also rose more than the Shares of aluminum maker
rally in energy shares. shares of energy companies broader market. Concerns had Alcoa, which unofficially
European markets also this week. mounted about banks’ loans to kicked off the U.S. corporate
climbed, led by The Dow Jones Industrial the still-troubled energy sec- earnings season late Monday,
TUESDAY’S gains in com- Average gained 164.84 points, tor as oil prices languished dropped 2.8% after the com-
MARKETS modity-re- or 0.9%, to 17721.25. The S&P near multiyear lows. pany said its first-quarter
lated shares. 500 rose 1%. Energy compa- While commodities prices earnings declined 92%. Alcoa
The Stoxx Eu- nies in the index were up 2.8% led the rally, every sector in lowered its outlook for 2016.
rope 600 index rose 0.5% to in late trading. the S&P 500 gained. J.P. Morgan Chase and pipe- Alcoa shares dropped 2.8% after a 92% fall in quarterly earnings.
334.64. The Nasdaq Composite “That does suggest overall line operator Kinder Morgan
Oil prices jumped on expec- climbed 0.8%. that it’s broader investor opti- are scheduled to report earn- ton Trust. Investors “aren’t fully com-
tations that some major pro- U.S. crude for May delivery mism than just the rebound in ings on Wednesday. “We expect to see compa- mitted to the rally,” said Er-
ducers would freeze produc- gained $1.81 a barrel, or 4.5%, oil,” said Kate Warne, invest- The outlook for the rest of nies beat on the bottom line, nesto Ramos, head of equities
tion levels, and other raw- to $42.17. Brent for June deliv- ment strategist at Edward the year will continue to be in but the top line won’t look at BMO Global Asset Manage-
materials prices gained, giving ery rose $1.86 a barrel, or Jones. focus for many investors good,” he said. ment.
investors hope that the long 4.3%, to $44.69. Still, many investors are throughout the earnings sea- Haven assets such as U.S. On Tuesday, gold for April
commodity bust could ease Chevron was up 2.3% in late bracing for what is expected son. government debt and gold are delivery gained $2.70 a troy
and help improve corporate U.S. trading. Total SA and BP to be a grim first-quarter “After a weak first quarter, both still up on the year as ounce, or 0.2%, to $1,259.40.
profits. PLC gained 1.8% and 1.45% in earnings season. I don’t expect much surpris- many investors have remained The yield on the 10-year Trea-
“We’re in the process of Europe, respectively. Analysts expect the S&P ingly positive forward guid- cautious about a sharp rally in sury note rose to 1.781%, com-
turning a corner,” said Jim Anglo American PLC leapt 500 to show a fifth consecu- ance,” said Tony Roth, chief stocks and energy prices since pared with 1.723% Monday.
Margard, senior portfolio 9.2% after the mining com- tive quarter of declining reve- investment officer at Wilming- mid-February. Yields rise as prices fall.

fee to a Tunisian broker who Not all market players are
had a relationship with Gad- downbeat. Some expect the
hafi’s son, Seif al-Islam, people price to rise because cheap oil
familiar with the matter have has led to huge cuts in explo-
Continued from the prior page said. That transaction was Continued from the prior page ration budgets, which will lead
prosecution agreement, in overseen by Mr. Cohen, who market share. to shrinking supply down the
which any charges would be traveled to Libya at the time, “It would be suicide for pol- road—regardless of whether

dismissed after a period if the people familiar with the inves- iticians in Tehran to capitulate delegates in Doha clinch an
company stays out of trouble, tigation said. Och-Ziff has told to Saudi Arabia and freeze out- agreement.
the people familiar with the investigators that it wasn’t put,” said Saadallah al-Fathi, a “We’re going to have a lot
matter said. aware the fee paid to the mid- U.A.E.-based consultant and of volatility going forward, but
A settlement could be final- dleman was passed to anyone former official at the Organi- from here on, the trend is up,”
ized in the next three months, else, and the middleman had zation of the Petroleum Ex- Torbjorn Tornqvist, chief exec-
the people said. Och-Ziff Chief assured the firm he had com- porting Countries. “How can utive of Swiss trading house
Financial Officer Joel Frank plied with all laws, people fa- Saudi Arabia seriously ramp Gunvor Group, said at an in-
said in February that “it’s cer- miliar with the investigation up to over 10 million barrels a dustry conference on Tuesday.
tainly still our hope the inves- A copper and cobalt mine in the Democratic Republic of Congo. have said. day, say it is going to freeze He is predicting a slow recov-
tigation is concluded by the Och-Ziff has helped fund oil and mining deals in the country. Messrs. Cohen and Baros and then expect Iran to comply ery to around $60 to $70 a
middle of this year.” also were involved with Och- with that?” barrel. Other heads of trading
At the center of the investi- allegedly illegal payments, ac- then-dictator Col. Moammar Ziff’s dealings in the Demo- Saudi Arabia raised its oil houses were equally upbeat at
gation is Michael L. Cohen, cording to people familiar with Gadhafi’s regime, according to cratic Republic of Congo, output above 10 million barrels the Swiss conference. Jeremy
Och-Ziff’s former London- the matter. people familiar with the mat- where the firm helped fund Af- a day last year in a bid to gain Weir, chief executive of Tra-
based head of European in- Any charges or settlement ter. Another involves loans by rican oil and mining deals. market share. Iran, currently figura Group Pte. Ltd., pre-
vesting, who oversaw invest- would cap a wide-ranging in- Och-Ziff that U.S. officials The Journal, citing corpo- pumping around 3.1 million dicted the market would begin
ments in Libya and other vestigation into whether Wall think funded illegal payments rate documents, reported in barrels a day, plans to raise its to rebalance in the third or
African countries, these people Street firms paid bribes for to members of President Jo- April 2014 that Och-Ziff made output to four million barrels a fourth quarter.
said. Mr. Cohen resigned in business from sovereign- seph Kabila’s government in two loans totaling $234 mil- day.
March 2013 after 15 years at wealth funds across the world. the Democratic Republic of lion to companies controlled Negotiations have hit other
the firm. Bank of New York Mellon Congo, where the hedge-fund by Israeli mining magnate Dan obstacles that have added
Brent, the global oil
Mr. Cohen and an analyst Corp. agreed last year to pay firm was investing in natural Gertler, and that the loans market volatility, including un- benchmark, gained
who worked for him, Vanja $14.8 million to settle an SEC resources, the people said. were routed through the Brit- certainty over whether OPEC
Baros, each has received a civil investigation into whether The SEC also has talked to ish Virgin Islands and the Cay- members Iraq and Libya will
$1.86 a barrel to
“Wells notice” from the SEC, it violated bribery laws by giv- the company about what regu- man Islands. participate. $44.69 on Tuesday.
indicating that the agency’s ing internships to relatives of lators believe were potentially Federal prosecutors have Meanwhile, some analysts
staff has recommended a civil government officials con- illicit payments by Och-Ziff in presented Och-Ziff with infor- question the effectiveness of a
enforcement action against nected to a Middle East sover- Chad, Guinea, Niger and the mation they said indicates that freeze at current high levels. Some say the very fact that
them, and prosecutors also eign-wealth fund. The bank Republic of Congo, which is some of the loans were used Russian oil output, for in- producers inside and outside
have investigated them crimi- neither admitted nor denied adjacent to the Democratic Re- for bribes, a person familiar stance, has chalked up several of OPEC are meeting is a posi-
nally, people familiar with the wrongdoing in the settlement. public of Congo, these people with the probe said. post-Soviet records in recent tive sign.
matter have said. The federal Foreign Corrupt said. A person familiar with Och- months. “They are making the right
Messrs. Cohen and Baros Practices Act prohibits U.S. The Wall Street Journal re- Ziff’s agreements with Mr. But as oil ministers sit noises this time,” said Doug
didn’t respond to emailed re- companies or those doing ported in December 2014 that Gertler or affiliated companies down in Doha, they will be King, chief investment officer
quests for comment. business in the U.S. from mak- authorities were probing a previously told the Journal thinking about those countries at RCMA Asset Management
The investigations have fo- ing payments or giving gifts to $300 million investment in that they included anticorrup- not present. If a deal is and manager of that firm’s
cused on whether the men foreign officials in exchange Och-Ziff funds from the Libyan tion clauses that would have reached, global output could $240 million Merchant Com-
knew that Och-Ziff funds they for business, whether directly Investment Authority in 2007, triggered immediate repay- still rise as other big produc- modity hedge fund.
deployed in deals would be or through intermediaries. a fund controlled by the Gad- ment if breached. ers man the pumps, analysts Hedge funds and other
used for bribes. No criminal Prosecutors are deciding hafi government. A spokesman for Fleurette say. money managers have grown
charges have been filed whether to seek a guilty plea A key part of the investiga- Group, Mr. Gertler’s holding The U.S. alone produces more-bullish about oil since a
against them. from Och-Ziff’s corporate par- tion related to a fee that Och- company operating in Congo, close to 10% of global crude. planned freeze was an-
Och-Ziff’s lawyers have ar- ent or an affiliate, these people Ziff paid to the company of a said the company “vigorously “It is nearly impossible to nounced and as worries about
gued to federal authorities said. London middleman for help contests and categorically de- reach an agreement. If you the global economy have re-
that the company shouldn’t be One aspect of the potential winning the investment and nies any accusations of wrong- limit your output, someone ceded. The number of long po-
held criminally liable because settlement relates to a broker’s whether any of the fee was doing in its dealings in the else will take your place on the sitions in Brent—bets that
there is no indication anyone fee paid by Och-Ziff for an in- passed to Libyan officials, the Democratic Republic of market,” said Fereidun Fesha- prices will rise—increased to a
at the firm other than Messrs. vestment by Libya that author- Journal reported. The middle- Congo.” Neither Mr. Gertler raki, chairman of energy con- record 409 million barrels last
Cohen and Baros would have ities believe was funneled in man was close to Gadhafi’s spy nor Fleurette have been ac- sultancy FGE. week, data from the Intercon-
potentially been aware of any part to one or more officials of chief and passed some of the cused of wrongdoing. That is the market’s conun- tinental Exchange Inc.
drum. An agreement could ex- showed Monday.
tend the recent rally and en- But most investors are pre-

CHINA Sudden Stars

Some of the best performers on Chinese markets are the struggling companies increasingly in demand as
backdoor-listing targets while IPOs continue to languish.
courage new supply from
nimble U.S. shale drillers,
which would put pressure back
on the oil price.
dicting uncertainty in the com-
ing weeks, particularly given
the potential that Doha’s at-
tendees will kick the can down
Continued from the prior page “Any resolute agreement the road and say an agreement
these days that some investors Hedy Holding Chongqing New Century Cruise Jilin Chengcheng Group that would support prices could come later.
are pouring money into poorly 1 The computer component maker The river cruise company suspends 1 The commodities trader from current levels would “If they come out harmoni-
performing companies they suspends shares due to “major asset shares due to “major asset announces a second straight year prove self-defeating,” Goldman ous, that’s another egg in the
hope will be snapped up as restructuring” restructuring” on Oct. 27, 2014 of losses, fanning speculation it Sachs Group Inc. said in a re- basket of those saying that the
listing vehicles and get stock 2 Announces reverse merger with 1 Announces reverse merger with could be a takeover target port issued on Monday. market is healing. If it falls
pops. advertising company Focus Media game company Giant Interactive The bank sees greater odds apart, oil can quickly fall to
Jiang Bingbing, a 37-year- 3 Shares resume trading 2 Shares resume trading that the Doha meeting delivers $35,” said Mr. King, whose
old legal compliance officer at a bearish catalyst for oil prices hedge fund is neutrally posi-
600% 600% 600%
an asset-management firm in and predicts $35 a barrel in tioned ahead of the talks. “We
the northern city of Jinan, 1 May 4 the second quarter. are in a wait-and-see mode.”
said she watches regulatory
400 400 400
notices from the smallest com-

2 Sept. 1 2 Nov. 11 1 April 30
panies for signs they might be that any [sudden] shift would
distressed and in need of a 1 Oct. 31 see a pretty dramatic move,”
200 200 200
lifeline. One recent invest- said Adrian Redlich, chief in-
ment, which she declined to 3 Sept. 2
vestment officer at Merricks
name, “may turn out to be a Continued from page B7 Capital, a Melbourne-based
0 0 0
real deal, because the firm just while the benchmark sugar firm that runs a US$350 mil-
suspended trading,” she said. Shenzhen Composite contract traded in New York lion soft-commodities fund.
Although every market has Shanghai Composite surged 67%. But some investors said any
–200 –200 –200
its share of backdoor listings, “A potential La Niña impact on agricultural prices
in China they have long helped 2015 ’16 2015 ’16 2015 ’16 weather pattern could signifi- could be muted at a time when
companies sidestep a particu- Sources: Wind Info (performance); staff reports THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. cantly damage global grain demand for key commodities
larly challenging IPO system, crops for the 2016-2017 sea- is already relatively weak in
where the government strictly Enthusiasm for shells Within days, several Chi- have said in regulatory state- son, spurring more significant major markets such as China.
controls the number and pric- picked up last month, after nese brokers made lists of po- ments they were approached price rises across the food “At this point, grain and ed-
ing of companies going public. measures that would make tential shells and advised cli- by potential suitors that would complex than we currently ible-oil inventories are high, so
Shanghai data provider listing easier appeared to be ents to move money into use them as listing vehicles, forecast,” analysts at BMI Re- it would require a significant
Wind Information has a 73- delayed. them. versus 65 for the whole of last search said in a note. La Niña weather event for
stock roster of such backdoor- China Premier Li Keqiang “The storm of shells will year, according to Wind data. While there are early signs there to be a major impact on
listing prospects, including an- didn’t mention a long-awaited roil the market again,” said Onetime tour guide Peng Ji- that a La Niña will emerge this pricing,” said James Govan, an
nounced deals like New IPO overhaul in his two-hour Guangxi-based Sealand Securi- anhu founded New Century in year, accurately forecasting investment manager at Baring
Century. Those stocks are up state of the union address on ties in a March 17 report. 1994 as a bet on tourist de- when it will arrive and how se- Asset Management based in
an average 31% since August, March 16, widely taken as a Sealand’s picks included mand to see the Yangtze vere the impact will be is London.
compared with a 4% gain for sign the measures were on the money-losing property devel- River’s famed Three Gorges. tricky. Moreover, widely traded
the Shanghai Composite Index back burner. A few days later, opers Cosmos Group Co. and He expanded it to a fleet of Australia’s weather bureau commodities such as palm oil
and 15% for the Shenzhen China’s important five-year Harbin High-Tech (Group) seven luxury cruisers, but said forecasts made at this could see prices fall if La Niña
benchmark. plan also didn’t include either Co., whose shares have risen company reports show its rev- time of year tend to be less ac- materializes, because wetter
Demand extends to compa- IPO changes or a new Shang- 22% and 14%, respectively, enue topped out as the river curate than those made later conditions are good for oil-
nies that failed to turn a profit hai exchange that many com- since the report. got crowded with competitors. in the year. palm plantations.
two or three years in a row, panies had been counting on Cosmos and Harbin High- The company suspended trad- The severity of the phenom- Prices for palm oil—used in
putting some at risk of delist- to host a flood of startups as Tech, as well as the China Se- ing in its shares in October enon is measured by ocean a range of products from lip-
ing. Those 50 “special treat- well as companies moving curities Regulatory Commis- 2014 pending a “major asset temperatures and changes in stick to cooking oil—have
ment” stocks have risen an av- from U.S. exchanges to home sion, didn’t respond to restructuring.” wind patterns. surged to two-year highs re-
erage 13% since August, markets, where valuations requests for comment. —Yifan Xie “There is such a big net cently thanks to crop damage
according to Wind data. tend to be higher. This year, 27 companies and James T. Areddy short position in agriculture wrought by El Niño.
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, April 13, 2016 | B9


Nomura to Cut 500 From Europe Staff

Equity research, Street Journal reported that
Morgan Stanley planned to
underwriting and slash up to one-fourth of its
derivatives businesses bond- and currency-trading
will be affected Citigroup is planning to cut
roughly 70 jobs across its Lon-
BY PHILIP GEORGIADIS don sales and trading business
AND TIM BURKE in the coming weeks, according
to a person familiar with the
Nomura Holdings Inc. is matter. That is part of a
cutting up to 500 jobs in Eu- broader plan from late last year
rope and about 10% of its to cut 2,000 globally.
Americas workforce, scaling The latest round of job cuts
back an ambitious international come as new data showed job
expansion that began when it vacancies in London’s financial
bought parts of Lehman Broth- sector were down in March by
ers almost eight years ago. one-fifth from March
The Japanese bank blamed 2015, according to the re-
“extreme” market volatility and cruiter Morgan McKinley,
a decline in liquidity as it an- which attributed the drop to a
nounced a “strategic reassess- slowing economy and the com-
ment” of its international busi- ing vote on the U.K.’s future in


ness. This will result in the loss the European Union.
of up to 500 jobs—or 10% to Richard Hoar, a director at
15% of head count—across its the London financial-sector re-
Europe, Middle East and Africa cruitment firm Goodman Mas-
equities business, according to son, said the Morgan McKinley
people familiar with the plans. findings echoed his firm’s expe-
Equity research, underwrit- rience.
ing and derivatives businesses “There are more and more
will be affected by the cuts. The Nomura Holdings, based in Tokyo, is struggling with declining profitability, lower liquidity and more-stringent regulation. people looking for jobs because
bank will still have a London of redundancies,” he said.
and EMEA equities business. exit any businesses there. Cuts 2008, bringing aboard 8,000 posted a pretax loss of ¥19.9 back comes in the face of de- “There are a huge amount of
After the cuts, Nomura’s eq- in the Americas will fall hardest former Lehman employees. billion for the period of October clining profitability, lower li- markets people looking.”
uities business in EMEA will in equity capital markets, eq- The expansion was an op- to December, a second consecu- quidity and more-stringent —Lucy Burton
have between 200 and 250 uity research and securitized portunity for Nomura to com- tive losing quarter. Nomura’s regulation. and Anna Irrera
staff, according to one person. products, the person said. pete as a global investment Asia-Pacific operations will be Nomura said in Tuesday’s contributed to this article.
The bank began to tell Nomura employed 2,501 bank. It also sharply increased unaffected by the changes an- statement that its changes re-
staff on Tuesday that their jobs people in the U.S. and 3,433 in the bank’s fixed costs. nounced Tuesday. flected “the new market and
were at risk, with some staff Europe as of Dec. 31. It employs Nomura has since struggled The bank separately cut 12 regulatory environment.”
leaving the building immedi- 16,282 in Japan. to profit from the move and jobs in investment banking in Banks including Barclays
ately, according to one person The cuts are the latest re- has announced several cost- Asia in recent months and is PLC, Credit Suisse Group AG Delivering news and insight
familiar with the plans. trenchment to the bank’s inter- saving strategies, including $2 planning to cut a further 20 to and Deutsche Bank AG have all on finance and markets
Around 10% of the Americas national expansion since it ac- billion of cuts that began in late 30 outside investment banking, announced major strategy from London
workforce is also likely to be quired the Lehman Brothers’ 2011. people familiar with the matter changes and cost-cutting plans
laid off, said another person, investment-banking franchise In its most recent results, said in recent months. Download on the App Store
but the bank doesn’t plan to in Asia-Pacific and Europe in Nomura’s overseas operations The bank’s move to scale In November, The Wall

Swiss Political Force Assails Central Bank Chinese

BY JOHN REVILL product rose 0.9% last year, af-
ter 1.9% growth in 2014.
ZURICH—One of Switzer-
land’s most controversial and
influential politicians has criti-
However, negative interest
rates “reduce the value for the
savers in a country where peo-
Plans IPO
cized his country’s central bank ple save for the bad times,” Mr. BY ALEC MACFARLANE
for trying to limit the strength Blocher said. “The value of pen-
of the Swiss franc, a costly pol- sions is in danger, too; it is Citigroup Inc.’s China secu-
icy he said that was destined to quite a problem.” rities joint-venture partner,
fail. The SNB declined to com- Orient Securities Co., is gear-
Christoph Blocher, vice pres- ment on Mr. Blocher’s com- ing up for a Hong Kong initial
ident of Switzerland’s biggest ments. public offering that could raise
party, the right-wing Swiss Looking outside Switzerland, $1 billion or more, testing
People’s Party, took a swipe at Mr. Blocher said the U.K.’s ref- global investors’ appetite for
the Swiss National Bank in an erendum in June on whether to Chinese brokerage houses.
interview that also covered the stay in the European Union The Shanghai-based broker-
potential exit of Britain from highlighted that many Europe- age firm filed for its IPO with

the European Union and the ans are unhappy with the EU, the Hong Kong stock exchange
rise of Donald Trump in the particularly its policy on immi- Tuesday. The offering could
U.S. presidential race. gration. raise $1 billion or more in the
Mr. Blocher, a billionaire in- “Switzerland is not a mem- coming months, according to
dustrialist who bankrolled the ber of the EU and for that we people familiar with the situa-
party and made it into the can thank direct democracy,” tion.
strongest force in Swiss poli- said Mr. Blocher, whose anti- Bankers will try to sell in-
tics, said foreign-currency pur- Christoph Blocher says the Swiss National Bank’s efforts to curb the franc are destined to fail. immigrant and anti-European vestors on one of the first ma-
chases by the SNB wouldn’t rhetoric has sparked contro- jor Chinese brokers to list
work, especially with the franc Still, the comments by Mr. maintained a minus-0.75% rate the franc to soar, eroding the versy in Switzerland. “People shares in Hong Kong since
still seen as a haven investment Blocher underscore frustration on bank deposits above a cer- value of foreign-currency assets have voted against it clearly China’s stock market plum-
in troubled economic times. in parts of Europe over the rad- tain threshold stored at the on the SNB’s balance sheet. each time they have been meted last summer. Shares on
“The SNB should leave the ical steps central banks have SNB. The policies are designed Further currency inventions asked.” the country’s benchmark
currency alone,” said the 75- taken since the financial crisis. to make the franc, which the carried more risk of big losses, The U.S. elections this year Shanghai Composite Index ha-
year-old former head of the German Finance Minister Wolf- SNB describes as “significantly Mr. Blocher said. Ralf Wieden- are another source of global ven’t recovered, and are down
justice department, who has gang Schäuble recently called overvalued,” less appealing to mann, an analyst at Bank Von- uncertainty, amid the rise of about 15% this year. Citigroup,
dominated the Swiss political on governments to press their foreign investors. tobel, estimates that the SNB Donald Trump in the Republi- Goldman Sachs Group Inc.,
landscape for the past 20 years central banks to slowly with- While banks have largely has bought nearly 18 billion can nomination contest. Mr. and Nomura Holdings Inc. are
even though he isn’t in the cur- draw easy-money policies. shielded retail depositors from francs of foreign currencies this Blocher played down Mr. handling the offering.
rent government. “They cannot “Although the SNB does not negative rates, savers are see- year, based on the SNB’s bal- Trump’s controversial com- Orient Securities, which is
fight against the world. They have to worry too much about ing little if any interest on their ance sheet and sight-deposits ments about immigration, say- already listed in Shanghai, is
should only react to the big public pressure, when influen- savings. data. Still, the franc has risen ing they were mainly for effect one of at least three big Chi-
problems, but not try to man- tial figures like Mr. Blocher Last year, the bank posted a against the euro since early and to raise the issues, and he nese securities firms looking to
age the currency.” criticize it, that can undermine record loss of 23 billion francs February. The euro fetched would behave differently if raise money in Hong Kong this
The critique is unlikely to al- the long-term standing of the ($21.4 billion), due mainly to a 1.0880 francs Tuesday in New elected. year. China Merchants Securi-
ter Swiss monetary policy. Offi- SNB,” said Joachim Blatter, fall in the value of its large for- York. “I remember before Reagan ties Co. and Everbright Securi-
cials are fighting a strong Swiss professor at the University of eign-currency positions. In Jan- “The exporters are finding it was elected and everyone was ties Co. are among the local
franc that has the potential to Lucerne. uary 2015, the SNB scrapped a hard, but despite the problems saying he was just a film star brokers that have been consid-
hurt Switzerland’s export-de- In addition to foreign cur- ceiling it had imposed on the with the currency, the Swiss and an idiot,” said Mr. Blocher. ering multibillion-dollar Hong
pendent economy and further rency purchases to limit the franc’s value for more than economy is doing well,” Mr. “But he was the best president Kong IPOs.
intensify deflationary pressures franc’s gains, the SNB has three years. The move caused Blocher said. Gross domestic I have seen.” Investors got burned on one
of the last Chinese securities
firms to go public, Guolian Se-

Switzerland Expands Investigation Into 1MDB

curities Co., which listed in
June 2015 just as the Chinese
domestic stock market spiraled
down. The brokerage sold $457
BY JOHN LETZING company related to the motion- In addition, Abu Dhabi’s cen- Husseiny didn’t immediately re- Tuesday, Singapore’s Attorney million worth of shares at eight
AND NICOLAS PARASIE picture industry.” tral bank recently moved to spond to requests for comment. General’s Chambers confirmed Hong Kong dollars (US$1.03)
The disclosure comes after a freeze assets held at domestic An IPIC spokesman declined it has received the Swiss re- each. On Tuesday, Guolian’s
ZURICH—Swiss authorities Wall Street Journal report banks for former IPIC officials to comment. quest, and said it would “render shares closed at HK$4.23.
have expanded their investiga- about the possible diversion of Khadem Al Qubaisi and Mo- The Abu Dhabi government all possible assistance.” Shares of another Chinese bro-
tion of 1Malaysia Development funds from 1MDB to movie pro- hammed Badawy Al Husseiny. has not publicly commented on The Journal has reported ker, Hengtai Securities, are
Bhd., or 1MDB, to focus on two duction company Red Granite In its earlier statement, IPIC the 1MDB affair. previously that Luxembourg au- down 10% since going public in
former Abu Dhabi officials Pictures, which was co-founded said it was aware of media re- Abu Dhabi set up IPIC in thorities were examining the October.
linked to financial dealings with by Riza Aziz. Mr. Aziz is the ports that 1MDB sent money to 1984, to invest the emirate’s oil movement of funds tied to two Citigroup formed Citi Orient,
the Malaysian state investment stepson of Malaysian Prime a company with a similar name income surplus. Under Mr. Al bonds issued by 1MDB in 2012, its partnership with Orient Se-
fund that have come under Minister Najib Razak, who es- to one of its subsidiaries, Qubaisi, IPIC’s former manag- meant to fund the development curities, in 2012, giving the
mounting global scrutiny. tablished 1MDB in 2009. Aabar Investments PJS, but ing director, the fund rapidly of power plants. Wall Street bank a long-sought
Switzerland’s Office of the A representative for Mr. Aziz added that the company in expanded. His dismissal last Investigators probing 1MDB foothold in China’s domestic in-
Attorney General said Tuesday didn’t immediately respond to a question—Aabar Investments year came with no public expla- believe that some of the money vestment-banking industry. The
that the unidentified former of- request for comment. PJS Ltd.—isn’t a part of IPIC. nation. sent by 1MDB, related to the joint venture is allowed to un-
ficials are suspected of fraud, A spokesman for the Swiss The Journal has reported The expanded Swiss probe bond guarantees for the power- derwrite stocks and bonds, and
criminal mismanagement, forg- attorney general’s office de- previously that Messrs. Al could offer a rare glimpse into plant development, was di- advises on mergers and acqui-
ery, bribery, misconduct in pub- clined to comment. Qubaisi and Al Husseiny had the operations of a state-owned verted to Red Granite Pictures, sitions. Citigroup owns one-
lic office and money laundering Mr. Najib has previously de- set up the imitation Aabar. The sovereign wealth fund. IPIC’s a Hollywood studio that pro- third of the joint venture. Ori-
in connection with a 1MDB fi- nied wrongdoing. 1MDB has men were removed from their current chairman is a member duced the film “The Wolf of ent Securities’ IPO won’t alter
nancing deal for power plants also previously denied wrong- positions at IPIC last year. of Abu Dhabi’s ruling Al Nahyan Wall Street,” the Journal has the Citigroup joint venture,
that was to be guaranteed by doing. A report released last week family, as well as the deputy reported previously. which is a separate entity.
an Abu Dhabi sovereign-wealth The new Swiss statement by a Malaysian parliamentary prime minister of the United The West Hollywood, Calif., Orient Securities, which
fund. also comes shortly after the In- committee inquiry into 1MDB, Arab Emirates. studio said earlier this month it listed in Shanghai in March
The attorney general’s office ternational Petroleum Invest- which is the subject of corrup- The Swiss attorney general’s had no reason to believe the 2015, plans to use the money
said it has reason to believe ment Co., the Abu Dhabi sover- tion probes in at least seven office said that as it widens its source of its financing was ir- raised from the IPO to boost its
that payments made to guaran- eign-wealth fund known as countries, put the amount investigation, it has made new regular. wealth-management offerings
tee the financing were diverted IPIC, disclosed that it didn’t re- transferred by the fund to the requests for mutual legal assis- “Red Granite is responding and other divisions, including
from the sovereign-wealth fund ceive payments from 1MDB imitation IPIC subsidiary at tance from Singapore and Lux- to all inquiries and cooperating its margin-lending and over-
and went instead to “the public which the Malaysian fund had $3.5 billion. embourg. fully,” a company spokesman seas investment-banking busi-
officials concerned as well as a previously claimed it sent. Messrs. Al Qubaisi and Al In a separate statement on said. nesses.
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B10 | Wednesday, April 13, 2016 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Nikkei 225 Index STOXX 600 Index S&P 500 Index Data as of 4 p.m. New York time
Last Year ago
15928.79 s 177.66, or 1.13% Year-to-date t 16.31% 334.64 s 1.77, or 0.53% Year-to-date t 8.52% 2061.72 s 19.73, or 0.97% Trailing P/E ratio * 23.62 20.47
High, low, open and close for each 52-wk high/low20868.03 14952.61 High, low, open and close for each 52-wk high/low 414.06 303.58 High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate * 17.41 17.53
trading day of the past three months. All-time high 38915.87 12/29/89 trading day of the past three months. All-time high 414.06 4/15/15 trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield 2.20 1.99
All-time high: 2130.82, 05/21/15

* P/E data based on as-reported earnings from Birinyi Associates Inc.

65-day moving average Session high
18800 360 2100
DOWN UP 65-day moving average

Session open Close

Close t Open 18000 350 2050

Session low
17200 340 2000

16400 330 1950

15600 320 65-day moving average 1900

14800 310 1850

Bars measure the point change from session's open

14000 300 1800
Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr.

International Stock Indexes Data as of 4 p.m. New York time Global government bonds
Latest 52-Week Range YTD Latest, month-ago and year-ago yields and spreads over or under U.S. Treasurys on benchmark two-year
Region/Country Index Close NetChg % chg Low Close High % chg and 10-year government bonds around the world. Data as of 3 p.m. ET
World The Global Dow 2318.34 23.10 1.01 2033.03 • 2643.78 –0.8 Country/ Spread Over Treasurys, in basis points Yield
MSCI EAFE 1640.06 8.02 0.49 1471.88 • 1956.39 –4.4 Coupon Maturity, in years Yield Latest Previous Month Ago Year ago Previous Month ago Year ago
MSCI EM USD 832.36 8.35 1.01 691.21 • 1067.74 4.8 3.250 Australia 2 1.888 116.2 116.5 107.8 126.8 1.868 2.034 1.824
4.250 10 2.477 69.9 69.6 70.4 42.8 2.424 2.688 2.376
Americas DJ Americas 495.23 5.40 1.10 433.38 • 525.25 1.6
3.500 Belgium 2 -115.8 -132.7 -75.2 -0.467 -0.371 -0.196
-0.432 -116.9
Brazil Sao Paulo Bovespa 52107.77 1942.29 3.87 37046.07 • 58574.79 20.2
0.800 10 0.416 -136.2 -136.2 -145.5 -161.6 0.366 0.529 0.331
Canada S&P/TSX Comp 13572.69 149.93 1.12 11531.22 • 15524.75 4.3
4.250 France 2 -0.449 -117.5 -116.0 -135.2 -72.9 -0.458 -0.397 -0.173
Mexico IPC All-Share 45116.20 355.67 0.79 39256.58 • 46307.61 5.0
0.500 10 0.517 -126.1 -126.4 -144.3 -151.1 0.464 0.541 0.437
Chile Santiago IPSA 3140.53 24.07 0.77 2730.24 • 3361.36 6.7
0.500 Germany 2 -0.510 -123.7 -122.1 -141.6 -82.3 -0.519 -0.461 -0.267
U.S. DJIA 17721.25 164.84 0.94 15370.33 • 18351.36 1.7
0.500 10 0.170 -160.8 -161.6 -171.4 -178.8 0.112 0.270 0.159
Nasdaq Composite 4872.09 38.69 0.80 4209.76 • 5231.94 –2.7
4.500 Italy 2 0.027 -69.9 -69.4 -99.3 -47.3 0.009 -0.037 0.083
S&P 500 2061.72 19.73 0.97 1810.10 • 2134.72 0.9
2.000 10 1.377 -40.1 -37.7 -65.2 -72.3 1.351 1.333 1.225
CBOE Volatility 15.10 –1.16 –7.13 10.88 • 53.29 –17.1
0.100 Japan 2 -0.253 -98.0 -94.7 -111.7 -54.6 -0.245 -0.162 0.011
EMEA Stoxx Europe 600 334.64 1.77 0.53 303.58 • 414.06 –8.5 0.100 10 -0.096 -187.4 -180.9 -199.5 -160.8 -0.081 -0.011 0.340
Stoxx Europe 50 2775.23 19.54 0.71 2556.96 • 3602.76 –10.5 0.500 Netherlands 2 -0.467 -119.4 -119.6 -140.5 -76.7 -0.493 -0.449 -0.211
Austria ATX 2251.17 4.56 0.20 1929.73 • 2695.57 –6.1 0.250 10 0.263 -151.5 -150.6 -160.5 -171.2 0.222 0.379 0.236
Belgium Bel-20 3370.69 1.69 0.05 3117.61 • 3910.33 –8.9 4.350 Portugal 2 0.417 -31.0 -30.6 -69.5 -54.7 0.397 0.261 0.009
France CAC 40 4345.91 33.28 0.77 3892.46 • 5283.71 –6.3 2.875 10 3.262 148.4 149.3 77.0 -33.4 3.221 2.754 1.614
Germany DAX 9761.47 78.48 0.81 8699.29 • 12339.81 –9.1 4.500 Spain 2 0.002 -72.5 -69.4 -97.5 -47.7 0.009 -0.019 0.080
Greece ATG 553.43 –7.54 –1.34 420.82 • 857.92 –12.3 1.950 10 1.538 -24.0 -21.9 -50.2 -71.8 1.509 1.482 1.230
Hungary BUX 26027.14 –241.28 –0.92 20452.90 • 26650.44 8.8 4.250 Sweden 2 -0.445 -117.1 -116.8 -155.4 -88.1 -0.465 -0.599 -0.325
Israel Tel Aviv 1448.30 –3.65 –0.25 1383.34 • 1728.89 –5.3 1.000 10 0.794 -98.4 -98.4 -136.9 -158.8 0.745 0.615 0.359
Italy FTSE MIB 17444.80 –277.86 –1.57 15773.00 • 24157.39 –18.6 1.250 U.K. 2 0.451 -27.6 -30.2 -39.2 0.9 0.401 0.564 0.565
Netherlands AEX 439.50 2.94 0.67 378.53 • 510.55 –0.5 2.000 10 1.444 -33.4 -33.3 -40.8 -33.7 1.395 1.577 1.610
Poland WIG 47351.22 –125.09 –0.26 41747.01 • 57460.44 1.9 0.875 U.S. 2 0.727 ... ... ... ... 0.703 0.955 0.556
Russia RTS Index 911.07 10.09 1.12 607.14 • 1092.52 20.3 1.625 10 1.778 ... ... ... ... 1.728 1.984 1.948
Spain IBEX 35 8546.30 48.70 0.57 7746.30 • 11862.60 –10.5
Sweden SX All Share 482.92 –0.84 –0.17 432.78 • 564.90 –4.4 Commodities Prices of futures contracts with the most open interest 3:30 p.m. New York time
Switzerland Swiss Market 7788.78 37.20 0.48 7425.05 • 9537.90 –11.7 EXCHANGE LEGEND: CBOT: Chicago Board of Trade; CME: Chicago Mercantile Exchange; ICE-US: ICE Futures U.S.; MDEX: Bursa Malaysia
South Africa Johannesburg All Share 52059.76 631.68 1.23 45975.78 • 55355.12 2.7 Derivatives Berhad; TCE: Tokyo Commodity Exchange; COMEX: Commodity Exchange; LME: London Metal Exchange;
NYMEX: New York Mercantile Exchange; ICE-EU: ICE Futures Europe. *Data as of 4/11/2016
Turkey BIST 100 83719.80 –267.73 –0.32 68230.47 • 88651.88 16.7
One-Day Change Year Year
U.K. FTSE 100 6242.39 42.27 0.68 5499.51 • 7122.74 0.001 Commodity Exchange Last price Net Percentage high low
365.75 6.00 1.67% 383.25 351.25
Asia-Pacific DJ Asia-Pacific TSM 1350.75 10.52 0.78 1188.42 • 1621.10 –2.8 Corn (cents/bu.) CBOT
Soybeans (cents/bu.) 938.50 10.25 1.10 938.75 856.00
Australia S&P/ASX 200 4975.60 44.10 0.89 4765.30 • 5982.70 –6.0
Wheat (cents/bu.)
CBOT 458.25 4.00 0.88 499.00 449.50
China Shanghai Composite 3023.65 –10.31 –0.34 2655.66 • 5166.35 –14.6
Live cattle (cents/lb.) CME 122.750 -0.475 -0.39% 131.350 118.775
Hong Kong Hang Seng 20504.44 63.63 0.31 18319.58 • 28442.75 –6.4
Cocoa ($/ton) ICE-US 2,964 32 1.09 3,211 2,746
India S&P BSE Sensex 25145.59 123.43 0.49 22951.83 • 29044.44 –3.7
Coffee (cents/lb.) ICE-US 126.05 0.80 0.64 138.20 115.35
Japan Nikkei Stock Avg 15928.79 177.66 1.13 14952.61 • 20868.03 –16.3
Sugar (cents/lb.) ICE-US 14.34 -0.05 -0.35 16.63 12.68
Singapore Straits Times 2814.65 5.41 0.19 2532.70 • 3539.95 –2.4
Cotton (cents/lb.) ICE-US 60.77 0.53 0.88 64.92 54.33
South Korea Kospi 1981.32 10.95 0.56 1829.81 • 2173.41 1.0 Robusta coffee ($/ton) ICE-EU 1559.00 11.00 0.71 1,570.00 1,342.00
Taiwan Weighted 8531.18 –31.41 –0.37 7410.34 • 9973.12 2.3
Copper ($/lb.) COMEX 2.1470 0.0565 2.70 2.3235 1.9440
Source: SIX Financial Information;WSJ Market Data Group Gold ($/troy oz.) COMEX 1259.40 1.40 0.11 1,287.80 1,063.00
Silver ($/troy oz.) COMEX 16.220 0.244 1.53 16.230 13.760
Currencies London close on April 12 Aluminum ($/mt)* LME 1,506.50 -2.50 -0.17 1,588.50 1,451.50
Tin ($/mt)* LME 16,975.00 250.00 1.49 17,500.00 13,225.00
Yen, euro vs. dollar; dollar vs. major U.S. trading partners US$vs,
Tue YTDchg Copper ($/mt)* LME 4,641.00 5.50 0.12 5,070.50 4,320.50
10% Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%) Lead ($/mt)* LME 1,697.00 -0.50 -0.03 1,888.00 1,598.00
Europe Zinc ($/mt)* LME 1,758.00 1.00 0.06 1,866.00 1,467.00
6 Euro
Bulgaria lev 0.5823 1.7172 –4.6 Nickel ($/mt)* LME 8,605.00 155.00 1.83 9,400.00 7,750.00
Croatia kuna 0.1522 6.570 –6.3 Rubber (Y.01/ton) TCE 191.90 2.90 1.53 192.80 175.10
Yen Euro zone euro 1.1390 0.8780 –4.6
0 Palm oil (MYR/mt) MDEX 2639.00 -28.00 -1.05 2,793.00 2,419.00
Czech Rep. koruna-b 0.0421 23.728 –4.7
–2 s Denmark krone 0.1530 6.5353 –4.9 Crude oil ($/bbl.) NYMEX 43.38 1.63 3.90 43.57 30.79
–4 WSJ Dollar index
0.003660 273.25 –5.9
Hungary forint NY Harbor ULSD ($/gal.) NYMEX 1.2784 0.0637 5.24 1.2846 0.8950
–6 Iceland krona 0.008102 123.43 –5.2
–8 RBOB gasoline ($/gal.) NYMEX 1.5355 0.0278 1.84 1.5782 1.1488
Norway krone 0.1223 8.1767 –7.5
0.2653 3.7700 –3.9
Natural gas ($/mmBtu) NYMEX 2.023 0.111 5.81 2.5490 1.7310
2015 2016 Poland zloty
Russia ruble-d 0.01525 65.567 –8.8 Brent crude ($/bbl.) ICE-EU 44.62 1.79 4.18 44.81 29.31
US$vs, US$vs,
YTDchg YTDchg Sweden krona 0.1238 8.0808 –4.3 Gas oil ($/ton) ICE-EU 379.50 17.25 4.76 384.00 266.50
Tue Tue
Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%) Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%) Switzerland franc 1.0468 0.9553 –4.7
Turkey lira 0.3524 2.8380 –2.7 Sources: SIX Financial Information; WSJ Market Data Group
Americas Hong Kong dollar 0.1290 7.7548 0.1
Ukraine hryvnia 0.0391 25.5560 6.5
Argentina peso-a 0.0688 14.5418 12.4
India rupee
Indonesia rupiah
66.3417 0.2
13102 –5.3
U.K. pound 1.4245 0.7020 3.4 Cross rates London close on Apr 12
Brazil real 0.2812 3.5567 –10.2 Middle East/Africa
Japan yen 0.009211 108.56 –9.8
Canada dollar 0.7810 1.2804 –7.5 USD GBP CHF JPY HKD EUR CDN AUD
Kazakhstan tenge 0.002979 335.71 –0.9 Bahrain dinar 2.6522 0.3771 –0.01
Chile peso 0.001485 673.50 –5.0 Australia 1.3058 1.8599 1.3667 0.0120 0.1684 1.4869 1.0198 ...
Macau pataca 0.1252 7.9901 –0.2 Egypt pound-a 0.1126 8.8810 13.4
Colombia peso 0.0003273 3054.85 –3.8 Canada 1.2804 1.8236 1.3407 0.0118 0.1651 1.4580 ... 0.9806
Malaysia ringgit-c 0.2590 3.8617 –10.3 Israel shekel 0.2654 3.7673 –3.2
Ecuador US dollar-f 1 1 unch
New Zealand dollar 0.6900 1.4493 –1.0 Kuwait dinar 3.3186 0.3013 –0.7 Euro 0.8780 1.2507 0.9193 0.0081 0.1132 ... 0.6858 0.6724
Mexico peso-a 0.0571 17.5153 1.8
Pakistan rupee 0.0095 104.750 –0.1 Oman sul rial 2.5973 0.3850 0.02 Hong Kong 7.7548 11.0454 8.1187 0.0714 ... 8.8320 6.0572 5.9387
Peru sol 0.3046 3.2833 –3.8
Philippines peso 0.0217 46.089 –1.6 Qatar rial 0.2746 3.641 –0.04 Japan 108.5640 154.6400 113.6500 ... 13.9990 123.6300 84.7977 83.1400
Uruguay peso-e 0.0322 31.040 3.8
Singapore dollar 0.7433 1.3453 –5.1 Saudi Arabia riyal 0.2667 3.7502 –0.1 0.9553 1.3607 ... 0.0088 0.1232 1.0878 0.7459 0.7317
Venezuela bolivar 0.100125 9.99 58.4 Switzerland
South Korea won 0.0008730 1145.52 –2.6 South Africa rand 0.0680 14.7035 –5.0
U.K. 0.7020 ... 0.7349 0.0065 0.0905 0.7996 0.5484 0.5377
Asia-Pacific Sri Lanka rupee 0.0069161 144.59 0.2 Close Net Chg % Chg YTD % Chg
0.7658 1.3058 –4.8 Taiwan dollar 0.03094 32.321 –1.8 U.S. ... 1.4245 1.0468 0.0092 0.1290 1.1390 0.7810 0.7658
Australia dollar WSJ Dollar Index 85.88 –0.03 –0.03 –4.76
China yuan 0.1547 6.4642 –0.5 Thailand baht 0.02857 35.000 –2.9 Sources: Tullett Prebon, WSJ Market Data Group Source: Tullett Prebon

Key Rates Top Stock Listings 4 p.m. New York time

Latest 52 wks ago % YTD% % YTD% % YTD%
Libor Cur Stock Sym Last Chg Chg Cur Stock Sym Last Chg Chg Cur Stock Sym Last Chg Chg Asia Titans 50
One month 0.43715% 0.18250% ¥ TakedaPharm 4502 5156.00 1.00 -14.99 £ RioTinto RIO 2086.50 2.76 5.41 Last: 126.91 s 1.49, or 1.19% YTD t 6.9%
Three month 0.62960 0.27555 Asia Titans HK$ TencentHoldings 0700 160.00 0.31 4.78 CHF RocheHldgctf ROG 243.90 0.58 -11.76
Six month 0.89415 0.40490 HK$ AIAGroup 1299 43.45 0.81 -6.76 ¥ TokioMarineHldg 8766 3465.00 0.87 -26.46 £ RoyDtchShell A RDSA 1759.00 1.56 15.27 50–day
One year 1.20905 0.70010 1438.50
moving average
¥ AstellasPharma 4503 -0.66 -16.92 ¥ ToyotaMtr 7203 5485.00 3.92 -26.75 € SAP SAP 68.45 1.53 -6.72 130
Euro Libor AU$ AustNZBk ANZ 22.84 2.65 -18.22 AU$ Wesfarmers WES 39.53 -1.22 -5.00 € Sanofi SAN 74.25 0.05 -5.53 t
One month -0.33971% -0.03786% AU$ BHP BHP 16.90 2.11 -5.38 AU$ WestpacBanking WBC 29.13 2.50 -13.20 € SchneiderElectric SU 53.69 0.24 2.15
Three month -0.26214 0.00500 HK$ BankofChina 3988 3.10 0.32 -10.40 AU$ Woolworths WOW 20.74 -0.38 -15.35 € Siemens SIE 89.81 0.47 -0.08 High 110
Six month -0.14843 0.06214 HK$ CKHutchison 0001 97.60 -1.36 -6.51 € Telefonica TEF 9.38 0.78 -8.35 100
One year -0.02657 0.18500 HK$ CNOOC 0883 9.15 0.55 13.38 Stoxx 50 € Total FP 40.93 1.84 0.18 Low 90
Euribor ¥ Canon 7751 3166.00 0.83 -13.85 CHF ABB ABBN 18.87 1.34 5.07 CHF UBSGroup UBSG 14.68 0.75 -24.80
One month -0.34200% -0.02500% ¥ CentralJapanRwy 9022 18910 -0.26 -12.45 € AXA CS 20.71 2.65 -17.90 € Unilever UNA 39.73 0.49 -0.95 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 4 11 18 25 1 8
Three month -0.24900 0.00800 HK$ ChinaConstructnBk 0939 4.94 0.41 -6.97 € AirLiquide AI 97.85 2.57 -5.60 £ Unilever ULVR 3239.50 0.12 10.70 Feb. Mar. Apr.
Six month -0.13600 0.07600 HK$ ChinaLifeInsurance 2628 18.26 0.11 -27.25 € Allianz ALV 142.10 1.75 -13.12 £ VodafoneGroup VOD 226.50 0.51 2.49
One year -0.01200 0.18300 HK$ ChinaMobile 0941 85.95 0.23 -1.77 € Anheuser Busch ABI 106.20 0.14 -7.17 CHF ZurichInsurance ZURN 203.10 1.30 -21.40
Yen Libor AU$ CmwlthBkAust CBA 72.22 2.15 -15.56 £ AstraZeneca AZN 4057.00 -0.20 -12.12
DJIA Stoxx 50
One month 0.22571% 0.24000% ¥ EastJapanRailway 9020 9565.00 -0.88 -16.46 € BASF BAS 64.83 1.12 -8.33
Last: 2775.23 s 19.54, or 0.71% YTD t 10.5%
Three month 0.55696 0.39000 ¥ Fanuc 6954 17895 4.44 -15.11 € BNP Paribas BNP 42.56 0.58 -18.51 $ AmericanExpress AXP 60.68 1.47 -12.75
Six month 0.88732 0.54071 ¥ Hitachi 6501 487.60 4.41 -29.49 £ BT Group BT.A 444.35 0.73 -5.80 $ Apple AAPL 110.42 1.28 4.90 3150
One year 1.28057 0.84214 TW$ Hon Hai Precisn 2317 82.00 0.99 1.49 € BancoBilVizAr BBVA 5.50 0.73 -17.55 $ Boeing BA 129.49 1.24 -10.44
$ Caterpillar CAT 76.10 1.97 11.98 3000
Offer ¥ HondaMotor 7267 2929.50 3.79 -25.08 € BancoSantander SAN 3.77 1.10 -17.24
KRW HyundaiMtr 005380 148500 1.71 -0.34 £ Barclays BARC 155.65 1.40 -28.89 $ Chevron CVX 97.50 2.37 8.38 2850
HK$ Ind&Comml 1398 4.15 0.24 -11.32 € Bayer BAYN 102.55 0.49 -11.44 $ CiscoSystems CSCO 27.64 0.05 1.77
One month 0.4500% 0.3500%
$ CocaCola KO 46.65 0.45 8.59
Three month 0.6500 0.5500 ¥ JapanTobacco 2914 4606.00 -1.05 3.02 £ BP BP. 356.95 1.45 0.83
¥ KDDI 9433 2965.50 -1.93 -5.98 £ BritishAmTob BATS 4167.50 -0.62 10.51
$ Disney DIS 97.35 1.12 -7.36 2550
Six month 0.9000 0.8000
¥ Mitsubishi 8058 1843.00 3.02 -9.12 CHF FinRichemont CFR 60.95 1.58 -15.46
$ DuPont DD 64.30 1.71 -3.45 2400
One year 1.2500 1.1500
$ ExxonMobil XOM 84.35 1.24 8.21
Latest 52 wks ago ¥ MitsuUFJFin 8306 5.86 -33.21 CHF CreditSuisse CSGN 13.42 1.05 -38.13 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 4 11 18 24 1 8
$ GenElec GE 30.81 0.33 -1.09
¥ Mitsui 8031 1284.00 1.26 -11.17 € Daimler DAI 61.30 1.32 -20.98 Feb. Mar. Apr.
Prime rates $ GoldmanSachs GS 154.29 1.37 -14.39
¥ Mizuho Fin 8411 162.00 5.19 -33.47 € Deutsche Bank DBK 13.98 -0.14 -37.94
U.S. 3.50% 3.25% $ HomeDepot HD 134.38 1.03 1.61
¥ NTTDoCoMo 9437 2624.50 0.34 5.66 € DeutscheTelekom DTE 15.32 1.06 -8.21
Canada 2.70 2.85 $ Intel INTC 31.86 0.60 -7.52
AU$ NatAustBnk NAB 25.56 2.53 -15.36 1904.00 0.34 2.56
Hong Kong
5.00 ¥ NipponStl&SmtmoMtl 5401 2210.00 6.48 -8.53

ENI 12.96 0.54 -6.09
Dow Jones Industrial Average P/E: 18
¥ NipponTeleg 9432 4705.00 -0.99 -2.71 £ GlaxoSmithKline GSK 1479.00 0.92 7.72 $ JohnsJohns JNJ 109.60 0.58 6.70 Last: 17721.25 s 164.84, or 0.94% YTD s 1.7%
Policy rates
ECB 0.00% 0.05%
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Britain 0.50 0.50
¥ NomuraHldgs 8604 481.50 7.43 -29.10 € INGGroep INGA 10.37 -0.05 -16.75 $ Merck MRK 55.34 0.53 4.77 18000
Switzerland 0.50 0.50
¥ Panasonic 6752 928.30 2.43 -25.17 £ ImperialBrands IMB 3789.00 -0.88 5.65 $ Microsoft MSFT 54.65 0.63 -1.50 17400
Australia 2.00 2.25
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Fed-funds target 0.25 0.00
$ RelianceIndsGDR RIGD 31.35 0.48 2.45 £ LloydsBankingGroup LLOY 66.64 1.71 -8.80 $ Procter&Gamble PG 82.83 0.12 4.31 16200
Call money 2.25 2.00
AU$ RioTinto RIO 45.33 2.37 1.39 € LOreal OR 154.50 0.36 -0.52 $ 3M MMM 168.00 0.85 11.52 15600
KRW SamsungElectronics 005930 1275000 0.71 1.19 £ NationalGrid NG. 993.90 0.25 6.02 $ TravelersCos TRV 115.19 0.36 2.06
Overnight repurchase rates 15000
U.S. 0.44% 0.23%
¥ Seven&I Hldgs 3382 4559.00 -1.79 -17.86 CHF Nestle NESN 70.15 0.14 -5.90 $ UnitedTech UTX 103.09 0.93 7.31
Euro zone n.a. n.a.
¥ SoftBankGroup 9984 5740.00 1.11 -6.50 CHF Novartis NOVN 71.75 -0.14 -17.34 $ UnitedHealthGroup UNH 126.79 0.36 7.78 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 4 11 18 24 1 8
¥ Sumitomo Mitsui 8316 3299.00 5.23 -28.38 DKK NovoNordiskB NOVO-B 364.20 -0.55 -8.93 $ VISAClA V 78.51 0.89 1.24 Feb. Mar. Apr.
Sources: WSJ Market Data Group, SIX HK$ SunHngKaiPrp 0016 94.80 1.17 1.12 £ Prudential PRU 1345.00 2.44 -12.15 $ Verizon VZ 51.97 0.70 12.44 Note: Price-to-earnings ratios are for trailing 12 months
Financial Information, Tullett TW$ TaiwanSemiMfg 2330 158.50 ... 10.84 £ ReckittBenckiser RB. 6794.00 0.74 8.17 $ WalMart WMT 68.82 2.11 12.27 Sources: WSJ Market Data Group; Birinyi Associates
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, April 13, 2016 | B11


Over Visa

U.S. lawmakers in Congress

are gearing up for a new
round of fighting over who
should benefit from a federal
program that offers green
cards to certain foreign inves-
The program, known as
EB-5, has become a favorite
tool of real-estate developers,
who are using it to help secure
low-cost financing for major
projects like the $20 billion
Hudson Yards development in
New York and luxury condo
towers in Miami.

The funding comes from as-

piring immigrants who invest
$500,000 apiece in certain
projects measured to create 10
jobs per investor. Applications
have soared as developers
have rushed to the program.
But behind this prolifera-
tion is a controversial feature:
The bulk of the money is going
to projects that are located in
affluent areas but use a provi-
sion of the EB-5 program
meant to benefit rural and
Uber Technologies purchased this former Sears retail building in downtown Oakland, Calif., as part of an expansion of its corporate headquarters in the Bay Area. high-unemployment areas.
On Wednesday, this practice

Behind San Francisco Office Boom

is due to come under the mi-
croscope in a hearing of the
U.S. Senate Judiciary Commit-
tee, where lawmakers have
called it an abuse and distor-
Tech sector fuels city’s put the growing workforce pleted within two years. tion of the program.
they forecast. Meanwhile, Uber, valued at Under current rules, devel-
growth but a retreat The tech sector overall now more than $60 billion, has opers and state officials create
could hurt firms with occupies 22 million square committed to a glassy new special districts that connect
feet, or 29% of the entire city’s headquarters and signed nu- their projects with low-income
bets on banked space office market, according to merous long-term leases.It neighborhoods, giving the dis-

CBRE Group Inc., up from an controls at least 1.4 million trict a high unemployment
BY ELIOT BROWN estimated 15% in 2009. That square feet to be completed rate.
makes for an enormous con- and occupied by 2019, enough Known as “targeted em-
SAN FRANCISCO—On the centration in a single industry for 10,000 to 12,000 workers. ployment areas,” this allows
gritty edge of this city’s down- for a city once known for a As of last fall, it had just 2,000 developers to raise money
town, workers in backhoes are more diversified economy. workers in the Bay Area. from immigrants putting in
readying the foundation for a Given a marked cooling of “We are excited to be in- $500,000 each, a far easier
new office building with space venture capital and recent fall- vesting in our home commu- level than the $1 million that
for at least 1,800 employees, ing private valuations of many nity—the Bay Area—for years normally would be required.
leased in full by online-pay- multibillion-dollar startups in to come,” an Uber spokes- This has made it more diffi-
ments startup Stripe Inc. the past six months, concerns Game maker Zynga is trying to sell a building it bought in 2012. woman said. cult to get financing for proj-
The rapidly growing com- are mounting about the mar- But the risks of this strat- ects located in poor and rural
pany’s head count today? ket’s health. cently increased amid slowing While statistics aren’t avail- egy can be seen in the compa- areas, EB-5 professionals say,
About 400 employees. San Francisco’s office mar- growth, is still at low levels. able for the amount of so- nies that recently started pull- and angered many lawmakers,
The tech boom has vaulted ket “continues to defy expecta- “We just don’t see a mas- called space banking in the ing back. Twitter Inc. is
the San Francisco office mar- tions and common sense in sive potential here for compa- market, some of the more no- seeking tenants for a floor it
ket to become the hottest in some ways,” said Jed Reagan, nies to pull back in the way table companies offer clues. leased only a few months ago
The roster of large
the U.S., a favorite of property an analyst who follows the of- that people seem to be con- Stripe, which is valued at and never occupied, while in- urban developers
investors where vacancy has fice market for Green Street cerned could happen,” said $5 billion, secured its 300,000- surance broker Zenefits is
evaporated and rents have Advisors. “There is a specula- Stephen Richardson, who runs square-foot lease with Alexan- looking for tenants for a
using EB-5 has
soared 137% since 2010 to ri- tive growth component to a the San Francisco office for dria in April 2015, when it was 24,000-square-foot space it grown quickly.
val Manhattan levels. lot of the tech demand out Alexandria Real Estate Equi- based in a tiny former luggage leased about a year ago. A
But as deals like Stripe’s there,” he added. “That’s a big ties. Alexandria is building factory. It signed on to more Twitter spokeswoman declined
forthcoming headquarters concern.” new buildings for Uber, Stripe than four times the space it to comment. Zenefits didn’t particularly the leading Re-
show, behind this strength is a The risk extends not only to and Pinterest. occupied at the time. respond to a request for com- publican and Democrat on the
market packed with big bets tech companies but to land- But for tenants like these, The largest consumer of ment. committee, Sen. Charles Grass-
on growth—risky wagers that lords who have ridden the real-estate decisions are space in the city has been A cautionary tale exists ley (R., Iowa) and Sen. Patrick
could prove painful should the wave. Multiple owners are tricky. Given the large number, which was with online game maker Leahy (D., Vt.).
historically turbulent tech in- seeking more than $1,000 a of San Francisco-based start- founded in 1999. The company Zynga. In 2012, the then-rap- Both have vowed to ratchet
dustry retrench. square foot for their build- ups all planning on rapid reported it occupied 1.4 mil- idly growing company bought up pressure this year on oppo-
Companies including Uber ings—while $600 to $700 was growth, those that avoid large lion square feet at the end of its 680,000-square-foot build- nents of their overhauls, say-
Technologies Inc., business- considered rich five years ago. leases today risk being left 2015, but has leased an addi- ing at 650 Townsend St. It saw ing they want legislation that
services giant A reckoning that hits this with few options for space in tional 1.1 million square feet of plenty of space to grow, and at would better allow low-income
Inc. and Pinterest Inc. have city’s skyscrapers is by no coming years. And the more space to be delivered by 2018. one point occupied 480,000 and rural areas to find foreign
signed on for vast swaths of means assured. Despite in- companies that snap up space That figure includes a lease square feet. Soon after, its investors.
space for expansion, moti- creasing jitters, rents remain for growth, the less space for half of what is to be the growth stalled, and its stock Mr. Leahy said in a Febru-
vated in part by fear the office high and the list of tenants there is for everyone else to- tallest tower in San Francisco, price plunged. Layoffs fol- ary hearing that he wants
market will tighten further looking for space is long. Sub- day—conditions that create a 970-foot edifice named after lowed, and now the company “real incentives to invest in
and they will have no place to lease space, which has re- something of a space race. Salesforce and due to be com- is trying to sell the building. distressed areas as Congress
intended.” Speaking of inves-
tors, he said, “We want them

Italian Property IPO Prepares for Debut

to go to the poor areas—which
wouldn’t get investment oth-
Already, developers and
BY ART PATNAUDE Italy has deteriorated signifi- its already cautious growth IPOs never materialized. lack of transparency and low their allies in Congress, in-
cantly from a positive start to forecasts for 2016 and 2017 to Meanwhile, demand for deal flow are limits to trans- cluding Sen. Charles Schumer
Italy’s main stock exchange the year. In March, Italian and 1.2% and 1.4%, respectively, Italian commercial real estate actions, analysts said. (D., N.Y.), blocked one attempt
is on the cusp of welcoming Swiss stocks were the least fa- from 1.6% for both years. is booming as international in- A successful IPO from at changing these rules last
its first new real-estate com- vored among European fund Coima’s fraught journey to vestors hunt for returns amid Coima is “potentially very pos- fall, extending the law through
pany in a decade. managers, according to a Bank the Milan bourse follows fail- low interest rates. Commercial itive for the REIT sector” both September. The developers,
Milan-based Coima Res of America Merrill Lynch sur- ures of other Italian real-es- property transaction volumes in Italy and Europe, said Peter who spent heavily on lobbying,
plans to raise €215 million vey. The FTSE MIB is down tate firms. Two Italian prop- in Italy rose 66% in 2015 from Papadakos, managing director didn’t want to see much of
($245.1 million) from U.S. and around 17% from the start of erty groups withdrew plans to 2014, according to Real Capital at real-estate firm Green Manhattan and other major
European investors in an ini- January in highly volatile go public last year—one of Analytics. Street Advisors. “It could be cities lose access to the tar-
tial public offering this month. trading. them twice, in July and again The $9.7 billion of deals last taken as a sign that the mar- geted unemployment area ben-
It would be the first property Adding to worries, last in October, Dealogic data year was just 3.4% of the Euro- ket for IPOs is more open than efit, saying they created jobs
IPO on the FTSE MIB since week Italy’s government cut show. Other firms’ plans for pean total, the data show. A we thought,” he said. throughout the region.
2006, according to data-pro- The listed real-estate sector Now the roster of large ur-
vider Dealogic. in Europe is relatively small. ban developers using EB-5 ap-
Seeking to jump-start a According to Green Street, the pears to be growing by the
stagnant sector for real-estate market capitalization of Euro- week.
investment trusts has been pean REITs is just 15.4% of the The program reported re-
challenging, with investors global total, compared with ceiving 17,691 applicants last
fretting about volatile markets 48.4% in the U.S. and 30.8% in year, up from 11,744 in 2014
and the general lack of trans- the Asia-Pacific region. and 6,554 in 2013, leaving a
parency in Italian property. The Italian government yearslong waiting list for im-
Coima reduced the target softened its REIT regulation in migrant investors to get their
amount last week from €300 late 2014. Analysts said Italy green cards.
million in part because of such could be next to take off, al- And last month, two New
concerns. It postponed the IPO though they cautioned that York University real-estate
in January because of market major challenges still exist. professors, Jeanne Calderon
volatility stemming from in- Coima Res is being and Gary Friedland, released a
vestors’ worries about slowing launched by Coima, a property report that listed 27 major
economic growth. firm set up by the Catella fam- projects that have sought a to-
Compared with January, the ily in 1974. In 2007, Coima tal of $5.4 billion in EB-5 fi-

“general environment in the formed a business with Texas- nancing, including multiple
market is more volatile now, based property investor Hines large Manhattan-based devel-
and more of a challenge,” said to build the 28-building Porta opers like Tishman Speyer and
Manfredi Catella, chief execu- Nuova, one of the biggest re- Harry Macklowe. Nineteen are
tive at Coima. “We’re fully development projects in Milan. in New York or Miami, and
aware we’re opening the mar- Mr. Catella bought the major- these projects all come in ad-
ket in Italy for the REIT indus- ity interest from Hines’s Ital- dition to a similar-sized list
try.” ian fund-management business the professors compiled last
Investor sentiment toward Porta Nuova, built by property firm Coima, is one of the biggest redevelopment projects in Milan. last September. May.
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B12 | Wednesday, April 13, 2016 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Note to Rome: Fix the Bankruptcy Regime Inflation in

U.K. Is Far
One small lender’s strug- Italy has accumulated Eu- The rest will be used to
Losing Faith
gle to raise equity brought
Italy to the brink of a severe
loss of confidence. The gov-
Share-price performance
rope’s biggest stack of bad
The government has told
inject equity into bad-loan
securitizations, in the hope
that this will encourage
From Dead
ernment’s answer has been 20% institutions backing the fund other investors to buy the Inflation is attempting a
to bang heads together and that it will pass a de- less-risky senior bonds that comeback in the U.K. The
push the whole finance in- 0 cree next week to speed up fund these sales. headline reading for March
dustry to draw a line under bankruptcy. This is critical: This is high-risk money of 0.5% was the highest since
the country’s €360 billion –20 Without it, efforts to clean without a doubt. But the al- December 2014; core infla-
($409.18 billion) bad-debt Banca up bad loans are wasted. ternative for Italy’s healthy tion, excluding energy, food,
problem. –40 di Milano Before then, the details of banks is to wait for a true alcohol and tobacco of 1.5%
The outcome is a €5 bil- exactly who will invest what system-threatening crisis to was the highest since Octo-
lion to €6 billion common in- Unicredit and how the money will be blow up, when the pain will ber 2014. Both readings were
–60 UBI Banca
vestment fund backed by the used have to be nailed down. be far worse for Italy and its slightly higher than analysts
country’s biggest banks and Banco Intesa Sanpaolo and Uni- retail savers, who own bil- had expected.
–80 Popolare
other investment funds that Credit, Italy’s biggest banks, lions in bank debt. The True, there were some
will backstop rights issues 2015 ’16 will contribute about €1 bil- healthy banks will have to volatile influences. Airfares
and provide foundations for Sources: FactSet; Reuters (photo) The logo of Banca lion each. Smaller banks pay one way or another. jumped 22.9% in March from
sales of pools of bad loans. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Popolare di Vicenza such as UBI Banca will put in If more of this fund were February and 17.9% from a
This should forestall a several hundred million, dedicated to underpinning a year earlier; this is likely to
system-wide crisis. But while pension funds, local functioning market in bad prove temporary. It did push
its success rests on the gov- would cover the cost of writ- creditors has always been foundations and insurers loans, Italy’s weaker banks services inflation higher, to
ernment’s long-promised ing down the worst bad getting their hands on this such as Generali are being could probably raise equity 2.8%, however: That puts it
overhaul of the bankruptcy loans to just 20% of their collateral. asked to contribute similar without help. But too much back closer to its longer-run
system, which will allow the face value. An Italian bankruptcy pro- amounts. time has been wasted for trend. But a potentially more
recovery work on bad loans Next to that, a €5 billion cess takes more than seven Most of the money is ex- that option to be viable. powerful change is that the
to really begin. to €6 billion fund seems in- years on average, versus two pected to backstop rights is- The government can’t af- long downward drag on in-
The bluntest view of It- adequate. But this fails to ac- to three years elsewhere in sues by banks such as Banca ford to squander any more. flation from energy prices is
aly’s problem asks how much count for valuable real estate Europe. In parts of the Popolare di Vicenza, the If it doesn’t act to fix the fading, with the oil price
money it would take to end that secures many bad loans, south, it takes 15 years or lender whose struggles to bankruptcy process, this proving more resilient in the
bad-loan questions. The an- especially in the north. The more. raise capital sparked this fund will count for naught. past couple of months.
swer: About €45 billion biggest problem for Italian This is a big reason why process. —Paul J. Davies Rising core and services
inflation will be food for
thought at the Bank of Eng-
land, which recently marked
Alibaba-Lazada: A Deal Close to Home OVERHEARD the seventh anniversary of
interest rates at 0.5%. The
Alibaba Holding Co. may increasingly crowded. La- baba, the $1 billion it is bet- debate over U.K. member-
have finally hit on a deal zada, founded by Rocket In- ting on a linkup with a geo- First ASOS, now Tesco. The rapidly growing ASOS needs to ship of the European Union,
that makes sense. ternet in 2011, has grown ex- graphically adjacent market past week has brought admis- prove its capital discipline fol- with the referendum due
The Chinese e-commerce plosively in the past few of 600 million people seems sions of defeat in the once- lowing its 2014 profit warnings. June 23, will no doubt stay
giant, which has ventured far years. like money better spent than, fashionable emerging markets Both companies have re- policy makers’ hands in the
from its core marketplace Alibaba also will find itself for example, the roughly of Asia from both U.K. retailers. sponded by focusing on retail next few months. But if the
services into health care, at home with Lazada’s style $300 million it and its finan- Tesco announced Tuesday it basics—low prices and good U.K. votes to remain in Eu-
newspapers, entertainment of e-commerce, which has cial affiliate put up to buy an was selling part of its 20% service in core markets. Interim rope, then the rate question
and department stores, said evolved from Amazonian— obscure money-losing lottery stake in Lazada, a money-los- results from ASOS Tues- will take on greater promi-
it would shell out $1 billion owning warehouses and in- firm in March or the $265 ing e-commerce hub for South- day were impressive, with con- nence—particularly since the
to buy into Lazada, South- ventory—to more like Ali- million it sank into the South east Asia, to Chinese online-re- stant-currency sales up 25%. pound’s current weakness
east Asia’s leading e-com- baba’s own. More than three- China Morning Post. tail giant Alibaba as part of Tesco reports full-year raises the risk of higher im-
merce platform. Half that quarters of Lazada’s gross The key challenge in the grocer’s debt-reduction numbers Wednesday, ported inflation later.
will go to buy stakes from merchandise value now Southeast Asia is logistics. plan. with hopes high that it, too, U.K. government-bond
Lazada investors such as comes from hosting online The six countries Lazada op- Last week, online fashion can show signs of recovery. yields rose across the curve
German tech incubator marketplaces for buyers and erates in are anything but a group ASOS said it would close The difference is that the Tuesday, although they re-
Rocket Internet and British sellers, instead of selling di- single market. Delivering its money-losing Chinese opera- supermarket’s investors would main at extremely low levels.
supermarket operator Tesco. rectly to customers. across them could be costly. tion. cheer even modest sales Investors have done ex-
The other $500 million will The deal values Lazada at Singapore Post, in which Ali- The moves are responses to growth. As more consumers tremely well in government
end up with Lazada to in- $1.5 billion, or 5.9 times its baba has a 14.5% stake, could corporate crises as well as move online, ASOS has been bonds so far this year, but a
vest. sales, not outrageously ex- offer a helping hand. emerging markets’ slowdown. quick to move on from its 2014 sustained re-emergence of
The deal fits nicely into pensive considering Alibaba Alibaba is right to turn to Tesco’s position has been under dog days. On the opposite side inflation could shake confi-
Alibaba’s business, opening itself trades at 13 times China’s neighbors in its hunt attack from discounters and e- of that trend, Tesco will have dence. The ride could get
up a largely untapped mar- sales. True, Lazada has yet for its next treasures. commerce in the U.K., while to work much harder. bumpier from here.
ket as the field at home gets to turn a profit. But for Ali- —Jacky Wong —Richard Barley


Possible Berkshire Heir Doubts on Italy Bank Aid


BY ANUPREETA DAS that fueled the conglomerate’s A plan by major Italian fi-
growth. nancial institutions to set up a

Ajit Jain, a potential suc- Berkshire acquired Gen Re, €5 billion ($5.7 billion) fund to
cessor to Berkshire Hathaway another reinsurer, in 1998. To- support Italy’s troubled banks
Inc. Chief Executive Warren gether, the two businesses ac- may not be enough to restore
Buffett, has added to his re- count for nearly three-quar- confidence in the sector, ana-
sponsibilities at the conglom- ters of Berkshire’s $88 billion lysts caution.
erate by taking on oversight of of “float”—money that insur- Late Monday, the govern-
a key insurance subsidiary. ance businesses hold and in- ment announced the setting
Tad Montross, the 60-year- vest for their benefit, exploit- up of a privately funded in-
old chief executive of Berk- ing the fact that premiums are vestment vehicle that will buy
shire’s General Re, will retire paid up front and claims gen- Ajit Jain bad loans from lenders and
at the end of the year, the erally are paid out much later. purchase unsold shares when
company said. His successor This float has been a corner- in 2015 profit. This year, Berk- weaker banks issue stock to
will report to Mr. Jain, Gen Re stone of Berkshire’s business shire closed a $32 billion deal prop up their capital bases. UniCredit will invest about €1 billion in the fund. The stock fell.
said. In contrast, Mr. Mon- model, helping fund its expan- for industrial-components UniCredit SpA and Intesa
tross, who has been CEO since sion into diverse businesses maker Precision Castparts Sanpaolo SpA are set to con- pended,. securitized bundles of sour
2008, reports to Mr. Buffett. and investments. Corp., its largest-ever acquisi- tribute around €1 billion each “The market isn’t digesting loans, by providing a guaran-
The move will streamline News of Mr. Montross’s re- tion. to the fund, according to peo- the large contribution of the tee for the less-risky chunks.
two of Berkshire’s biggest in- tirement was reported Tues- With an ever-increasing ple familiar with the matter. two big banks,” said Vincenzo But little appetite for the debt
surance businesses under Mr. day by industry publication In- stable of managers reporting Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, a Longo, market strategist at IG has emerged so far.
Jain. At 64 years old, the top surance Insider. to Mr. Buffett, handing Gen Re government-controlled invest- Markets. The time needed to recover
lieutenant long has been con- In an interview, Mr. Jain to Mr. Jain made sense, a per- ment agency, plans to inject Analysts said that although collateral backing bad loans—
sidered a potential CEO suc- said he was in the early stages son familiar with Mr. Buffett’s €500 million into the fund, the fund is a good first step, a up to eight years in Italy, com-
cessor to Mr. Buffett, who of picking Mr. Montross’s suc- thinking said. one of the people said. more aggressive approach pared with two to three years
turns 86 in August. Berkshire cessor. Berkshire acquired Gen Re The move follows a plunge would be needed to truly ad- in most European countries—
owns dozens of insurance In addition to insurance, for $22 billion in stock. Soon in Italian banking shares in re- dress the problem. has also depressed prices of
businesses, from primary in- Berkshire owns a railroad as after, underwriting losses and cent months as investors have “It is certainly positive these assets, preventing deals.
surers such as Geico that sell well as manufacturing, retail, other problems at the com- questioned the ability of banks news for banks,” said Fabrizio Late Monday, the govern-
policies to customers to rein- housing and other companies pany led Mr. Buffett to take to digest bad loans. According Spagna, managing director at ment pledged to act soon to
surers such as Gen Re that sell that collectively brought in several corrective measures, to the Bank of Italy, bad debts Axia Financial Research. “But amend bankruptcy laws to
protection to insurance firms. $200 billion of revenue last including promoting Mr. Mon- at Italian banks amounted to it would be better to finally shorten this time frame, some-
A 30-year veteran of the year. As Berkshire has ex- tross to president. The execu- €196 billion at the end of Feb- draw the line and reboot the thing banks and investors have
company, Mr. Jain runs Berk- panded and diversified, insur- tive began his career at Gen ruary, 4.7% more than in the system.” been demanding for years.
shire Hathaway Reinsurance ance has become a smaller Re in 1978. In his most recent same month in 2015. There is A market for bad loans has House prices declined by
Group and is credited with contributor to earnings, ac- annual letter, Mr. Buffett said also expected to be little appe- struggled to take off, as banks 12% in the last four years, fur-
building the obscure business counting for less than a quar- Gen Re’s problems were long tite for €3.8 billion in fresh have been wary of selling ther damping the value of bad
into a source of fat profits ter of Berkshire’s $24 billion gone, and it was “now a gem.” shares three banks plan to sell soured loans at prices inves- loans, according to national
in the coming months to shore tors have been offering. Buy- statistical institute Istat.
up their finances. Since the ers have tended to offer Prices of office buildings and
“could be seen as reasonable by the office landlord from Dexus beginning of the year, Italian roughly 20% to 25% of the face industrial property suffered
Finance everybody on the Governing
Council,” including Bundesbank
Property Group.
Cromwell, 25%-owned by
banks have lost a third of their
value, while their European
value of loans backed by real-
estate collateral, while banks
even sharper declines.
“To see any return for the
Watch President Jens Weidmann, who
sits on the policy-setting body.
South Africa’s Redefine Proper-
ties Ltd., has yet to say whether
peers shed a fourth.
After initial gains in early
had written down these bad
loans to 40%, on average.
investors in the fund the suc-
cessful implementation of
The person said that Mr. it plans to launch a rival bid or trading, UniCredit and Intesa In an attempt to revitalize shorter bankruptcy procedure
Weidmann was opposed to a negotiate with Dexus for some shares closed down 5.15% and this market, Italy started a and a recovery in the Italian
rapid removal of the note. of Investa Office’s assets. 4.1%, respectively. Trading in program in January aimed at housing market is crucial,”
Earlier this year, ECB Presi- It would be Cromwell’s sec- both stocks was briefly sus- encouraging investors to buy Bernstein analysts said.
€500 NOTE dent Mario Draghi said that the ond play for a slice of Morgan


€500 note increasingly was be- Stanley’s former commercial
Germany Would ing seen an instrument for illegal real-estate empire in Australia. It Advertisement
Back Slow Phaseout activities,” prompting policy mak- bid last year when the U.S. in-
The Bundesbank is willing to ers to weigh taking action. vestment bank sold Investa
support a gradual phaseout of Property Group. [ Search by company, category or country at ]
the €500 ($570) bank note, a CROMWELL PROPERTY GROUP Investa Office Fund share-
person familiar with the matter holders will vote Friday on the NAV —%RETURN—
said, signaling the central bank’s
Office-Fund Takeover offer—0.424 Dexus share and

openness to an idea that has May Get Competitive A$0.8229 in cash per Investa n Chartered Asset Management Pte Ltd - Tel No: 65-6835-8866
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sparked opposition in Germany. Cromwell Property Group Office share—which is backed by CAM-GTF Limited OT OT MUS 04/07 USD 288380.82 3.0 -12.0 -7.5
The person said that a possi- has acquired a 9.8% stake in In- the fund’s board but opposed by
bility whereby the European vesta Office Fund, which could its manager, Investa Commer- Data as shown is for information purposes only. No offer is being made by
Morningstar, Ltd. or this publication. Funds shown aren’t registered with the
For information about listing your funds,
Central Bank would stop printing upset a 2 billion Australian dollar cial Property Fund Group. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and aren’t available for sale to United
States citizens and/or residents except as noted. Prices are in local currencies.
please contact: Freda Fung tel: +852 2831
new versions of the €500 bill (US$1.52 billion) takeover bid for —Rebecca Thurlow All performance figures are calculated using the most recent prices available. 2504; email:

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