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Berlin’s Green
Meet the Digital Energy Fiasco Is

Wedding Crashers About to Worsen

DJIA 17908.28 À 1.06% S&P 500 2082.42 À 1.00% NIKKEI 16381.22 À 2.84% STOXX 600 343.06 À 2.52% OIL 41.76 g 0.97% GOLD 1246.80 g 1.00% EURO 1.1284 g 0.91% DLR ¥109.21 À 0.61%

Frustrated Migrants Meet Resistance

Grade for
Business & Finance
Big Bank
U .S. regulators ordered
five big banks to re-
vise their plans for a pos-
sible bankruptcy or face
potential sanctions. A1
 EU regulators called for tors ordered five big U.S.
changes to a privacy ac- banks to make significant re-
cord with the U.S., leaving visions to their so-called liv-
firms in legal limbo about ing wills by Oct. 1 or face po-
sending data to the U.S. A1 tential regulatory sanctions, a
stern warning that under-
 Exxon challenged a U.S.
scores fears that the compa-
government probe into
nies remain “too big to fail.”
whether the firm conspired
J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.,
to cover up its understand-
Wells Fargo & Co., Bank of
ing of climate change. B1
America Corp., Bank of New

 U.S. regulators said York Mellon Corp. and State

they plan to ban Thera- Street Corp. were told by the
nos’s founder from blood Federal Reserve and the Fed-
testing for failing to fix eral Deposit Insurance Corp.
problems at its lab. B1 that their plans for a possible
bankruptcy don’t meet the le-
 Peabody became the lat-
gal standard laid out in the
est U.S. coal company to
2010 Dodd-Frank law, which
file for bankruptcy, setting
STAND BACK: A migrant trying to remove razor wire along a fence was stopped by Macedonian police at the Greek border village of requires that firms have cred-
the stage for a fight among
Idomeni on Wednesday. Migrants and police continued to clash, highlighting the anger of people trapped in Greece by border closures. A4 ible plans to go through bank-
creditors for its assets. B1
ruptcy at no cost to taxpayers.
 A U.S. court cleared the The regulators said the

Extremists Name Attackers

way for Argentina to pay its banks have until October to
debt and return to the capi- present acceptable plans or
tal markets for the first face higher capital require-
time in over 15 years. B5 ments, restrictions on
growth or activities, or other
 J.P. Morgan’s profit fell
6.7% last quarter but the
decline in trading wasn’t Islamic State claims tacks in Paris and Brussels English-speaking magazine in a Paris suburb days after Bank stocks, however, ral-
and put out a hit list for more “Dabiq.” the November attacks in the lied in morning trading, led
as sharp as expected. B5 suicide-bomb brothers than a dozen prominent mod- A Belgian prosecutor de- French capital, was the ring- by J.P. Morgan, which re-
 A U.K. regulator pro- arranged terror strikes, erate Muslims in the West. clined to comment on the leader behind the Paris terror ported smaller-than-expected
posed plans to shake up Khalid and Ibrahim el- claims, but a French police of- spree as well as the operative declines in earnings and reve-
the way investment banks puts out a hit list Bakraoui, the two brothers ficial cast doubt on them. commander on the ground. nue for the first quarter de-
market IPOs to clients. B5 who blew themselves up at a “Let’s not forget this is a pro- The magazine listed four of spite difficult trading condi-
BY VALENTINA POP Brussels metro stop and at paganda tool for Islamic the Brussels assailants, all tions.
 A Swiss politician and a
the city’s main airport, re- State,” he said. dead, and glorified their role The regulators were split in
former bank employee were
BRUSSELS—Islamic State spectively, were responsible The claims contrast with in the attacks in both cities. their assessments of Goldman
convicted of breaching
identified what it said were for “all preparations for the French investigators’ account But it said nothing of the sur- Sachs Group Inc. and Morgan
banking secrecy rules. B8
the main organizers and the raids in Paris and Brussels,” that Abdelhamid Abaaoud, viving suspects arrested or Stanley.
bomb maker behind the at- according to Islamic State’s who was killed in a police raid Please see TERROR page A6 The FDIC said that Gold-
World-Wide man Sachs’s plan didn’t meet
the legal standard, while the
Fed didn’t give that negative
 Islamic State said two
brothers organized the Paris
and Brussels attacks and it
The two regulators took
the opposite stance on Mor-
issued a hit list of moderate gan Stanley. The Fed “identi-
Muslims in the West. A1 Islamic State’s online footprint has shrunk amid a crackdown, but new accounts keep popping up fied a deficiency” in Morgan
Stanley’s plan that it said
 The CIA and U.S. allies didn’t meet the legal stan-
have drawn up plans to sup- BY CHRISTOPHER S. STEWART and YouTube, joined by online hackers and dard, but the FDIC didn’t go
ply more-powerful arms to AND MARK MAREMONT similarly minded groups, have for months Active Twitter accounts using that far, the agencies said in a
moderate rebels in Syria if aggressively battled the spread of Islamic any of seven hashtags related news release.
the truce collapses. A3 Hours after the Brussels terror attacks, a State material online. Accounts and posts to Islamic State Citigroup Inc. was the only
 Syrian peace talks re- notorious Islamic State operative posted a that would have stayed alive for weeks now bank whose plan wasn’t re-
30,000 live accounts
sumed, as the regime held Twitter message on behalf of the extremist sometimes last as little as a few hours. jected by either agency, al-
elections that opponents group, which had taken responsibility for Islamic State supporters, particularly on 25,000 though the Fed and FDIC said
said were illegitimate. A3 the slaughter and warned of more to come. Twitter, have responded to the crackdown its plan had “shortcomings
 Macedonian police and “We promise black days for all crusader by opening accounts almost as quickly as that the firm must address”
migrants clashed at the Greek nations allied in their war against Islamic gatekeepers delete them. 15,000 by July 2017.
border, as frustration over State,” tweeted Abu al-Walid, a presumed This battle, a signature element of war- The living wills had been
border closures grows. A4 nom de guerre. fare in the age of technology, has emerged submitted by the eight U.S.
Twitter closed that account and similar as a vital front against the spread of Islamic 5,000 Please see WILLS page A2
 Egypt’s Sisi defended his ones in the hours and days that followed. State extremism—its ideology, recruitment
decision to cede control of Mr. Walid kept surfacing. Using his 464th and financing. 0  Capital Account: Big banks
two small Red Sea islands Twitter account, he circulated photos of Islamic State controls a limited amount of 2015 ’16 have risks—and benefits..... A2
to Saudi Arabia. A3 sweets handed out to celebrate the attacks. territory in Iraq and Syria, but social media Source: WSJ analysis by Recorded Future  J.P. Morgan Chase’s profit
 An Egyptian man who U.S. companies such as Twitter, Facebook Please see SOCIAL page A6 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. takes trading hit...................... B5
hijacked a plane is seeking
asylum in Cyprus. A3
 A paralyzed man used an
implant in his brain and his EU-U.S. Want to Watch Zombies 24/7?
thoughts to move his arm,
researchers reported. A7
 Paris’s Bataclan, the site
Data Privacy
There’s a Pay Site for That
i i i Oracle #1
Cloud ERP
of the deadly terror attack, Niche subscription video services stream
will reopen in November. A4

Sought tightly focused fare; ‘Trout TV’

Inside European Union privacy reg- BY SHALINI RAMACHANDRAN unoccupied digital terrain. The
MARKETS B5 ulators called for changes to a Shaolin Kung Fu master
new EU-U.S. privacy accord, Last year Chuck Meré and launched “Hungry Monk
China’s financial boosting the chances that the
deal will end up challenged in
his buddy surveyed the world Yoga,” a $15-a-month stream-
of subscription online video, ing service in which he can be
calm won’t last dominated by the likes of Net- seen striking intense poses in
flix, and spotted an under- orange robes while teaching
By Sam Schechner
in Paris served market. There wasn’t a martial arts mixed with yoga.
and Natalia Drozdiak service dedicated The wave of
CONTENTS Money & Inv...... B5-8 in Brussels specifically to en- niche subscrip-
Arts & Ent............... A9 Opinion.............. A10-11
thusiasts of the tion video ser- 1,800 207
Business & Tech. B1-4 Personal Journal.. A8
Capital Account.... A2 Technology............... B3 court and leaving thousands of zombie apoca- vices includes
Crossword.............. A12 U.S. News.................. A7 companies that transfer per- lypse. “Chris Cox Horse- Oracle Cloud Workday Cloud
Heard on Street.... B8 Weather................... A12 sonal information across the Now, for $5 a manship” and ERP Customers ERP Customers
Markets Digest..... B6 World News........ A2-5
Atlantic in legal limbo. month, people Ning Yeh’s
€3.20; CHF5.50; £2.00; A body representing na- can sign up for “OASlife,” teach- “Oracle has their act together better than SAP”
U.S. Military (Eur.) $2.20
tional data-protection authori- “Zombie Go ing Chinese Aneel Bhusri, Workday CEO
ties in the EU’s 28 states said Boom,” which brush-painting,
Wednesday that the trans-At- streams videos of Wang Bo which each sell
lantic deal, dubbed Privacy Mr. Meré and for about $20,
Shield, should include clearer friends cheerfully brandishing twice the price of Netflix. For-
limits on how U.S. surveillance chain saws, Christmas trees, mer paralegal Kriston Leagh Midsize and large scale Enterprise Fusion ERP Cloud customers.
agencies conduct bulk collec- pencils and a “lock in a sock” offers a $5 pole-dancing-as-a-
s Copyright 2016 Dow Jones & tion of personal information for to destroy zombie effigies. sport service featuring moves oracle.com/modern-finance or call 1.800.ORACLE.1
Company. All Rights Reserved
national security purposes to In California, Zen Buddhist like the “Cupid Sneak Thru” Copyright © 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Please see DATA page A2 monk Wang Bo spied similarly Please see STREAM page A2
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.
To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or www.djreprints.com
A2 | Thursday, April 14, 2016 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Big Banks Have Big Risks—and Big Benefits

handful of companies them they had inadequate think tank, notes. Large com- an advantage to size. The Bi-
have achieved such as- plans to deal with a possible panies overwhelmingly prefer partisan Policy Center report
tonishing size and failure. Without acceptable to do business with large, notes large banks were the
reach in the past decade that “living wills,” banks face a global banks. Their chief exec- first to offer automated-
the sudden collapse of any series of penalties that could utives consider their cash- teller machines, online bill
would be potentially cata- end in their breakup. management, foreign-ex- payment and small-business
strophic to the economy. The preoccupation with change and cross-border- credit scoring. Economies of


With their size, they have ac- banks’ size is well-founded. payments services essential. scale may also apply to risk
cumulated profits and politi- The havoc when big banks Big banks are no match management and regulation;
cal clout to match, at times fail, and the perception the for Apple in the affections of J.P. Morgan now employs
defying the federal govern- government won’t let that hipsters, Hollywood or Mr. 43,000 staff in “controls,” up
ment’s efforts happen, enables them to bor- Sanders, but one constitu- from 24,000 in 2011, and 18%
to keep Ameri- row cheaply and grow still ency seems to rather like of total head count.
cans safe. larger. them: consumers. Their sat-

I’m talking, Yet as in technology, size isfaction ratings have risen ig banks also make big
of course, confers unique benefits in steadily since 2010 and now mistakes, but this
about Apple, banking: economies of scale J.P. Morgan’s size is a concern for regulators, but Chase bank top those of regional banks, doesn’t automatically
CAPITAL Google, Face- in technology, branding and offers customers a host of benefits. Above, a New York branch. according to J.D. Power. Bank mean they are more prone to
ACCOUNT book and Ama- risk management; network of America, J.P. Morgan failure. With size comes
GREG IP zon. effects that attract custom- Treasury secretary, for say- nate a nonbank as Chase, Citibank, Wells Fargo greater diversification across
But I could ers; and broad geographic ing MetLife’s failure could systemically important. The and US Bank added nearly 25 regions, industries and busi-
also be talking and sectoral diversity. If reg- damage the economy but not court decision, if upheld, million retail deposit ac- ness lines, and thus less vol-
about J.P. Morgan Chase, ulators ignore these attri- detailing how such a failure could compromise this criti- counts between 2010 and atile revenue. One study
Bank of America, Wells butes while dwelling solely could occur. Nor did it con- cal weapon in the crisis-pre- 2014, during which they found that when geographic
Fargo and Citigroup. on the danger of size, they sider the costs of regulating vention arsenal. were barred from acquisi- restrictions on branch bank-
The difference is that no risk leaving the economy MetLife like a bank, “a con- Yet it also makes a useful tions. In the same period, the ing fell, more-efficient banks
one wants to break up the worse off, not better. sideration that is essential to point. Because a financial number of accounts at banks gained market share, loan
first group but everyone, it That was the implicit reasoned rule making.” crisis, like a terrorist attack with less than $10 billion in losses declined and custom-
seems, wants to break up the message that U.S. District The decision puts the fed- or pandemic, is so unpredict- assets dropped by 35 million. ers benefited.
second. “Apple is not de- Judge Rosemary Collyer de- eral government in a bind. able, the value of preventing Since the majority of Big banks need stiffer
stroying the fabric of Amer- livered in a decision, un- One of the lessons of the fi- one is not easily quantified. those big banks’ deposits regulation and higher capital
ica,” Bernie Sanders, a Demo- sealed last week, that re- nancial crisis was companies But that too easily becomes were below the $250,000 to neutralize the harm their
cratic presidential candidate, versed the federal such as American Interna- an excuse to ignore costs al- federally insured limit, cus- failure could inflict on the
told the New York Daily government’s designation of tional Group, an insurer, can together, whether to civil lib- tomers weren’t likely seeking economy and to remove any
News last week. “J.P. Morgan the giant insurer MetLife as be just as intertwined with erties or economic growth. implicit government backing subsidy that their too-big-to-
Chase, and virtually every a “systemically important fi- the financial system as In the case of big financial for deposits over that limit. fail status garners. Antitrust
other major bank in this nancial institution” in need banks. If rules are tightened companies, regulators have to Rather, surveys suggest, cus- cops should bar them from
country,” he added, are de- of special oversight and only on banks, risky activity weigh the benefits of size tomers are attracted to big using their size to quash
stroying the national fabric. heightened capital standards. is likely to migrate to these against the risks that big banks’ branch and cash-ma- competitors. The endgame is
While federal regulators The court rapped the Fi- nonbank institutions. That’s banks become “too big to chine networks. not, however, to drive such
haven’t sought the breakup nancial Stability Oversight why the Dodd-Frank finan- fail.” Those benefits aren’t Investment in technology banks out of existence; that’s
of the big banks, on Wednes- Council, made up of federal cial-regulatory overhaul em- trivial, as a 2014 report by has huge fixed and low mar- a decision customers and
day they warned five of regulators and headed by the powers the FSOC to desig- the Bipartisan Policy Center, a ginal costs, and thus gives shareholders can make.

WILLS Harsh Grading

The Federal Reserve and Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. graded
“Living Will” bankruptcy plans for eight of the largest U.S. banks.
Wells Fargo said the firm
was disappointed in the re-
sults and would address regu-
lators’ concerns. Regulators
DATA the balance are billions of dol-
lars in business, particularly in
the online-advertising and
cloud-services sectors.
Continued from Page One Here is how each institution did. “acknowledged the continued Continued from Page One “A battle in court is all but
banks that had been deemed steps Wells Fargo has taken in ensure that the accord con- assured,” said Eduardo
“systemically important finan- enhancing its resolution plan forms with EU privacy law. Ustaran, a privacy lawyer at
cial institutions,” or SIFIs, Failed and we view the feedback as The opinion by the group of Hogan Lovells, where he works
that are seen as being so large Both agencies said these banks submitted plans that didn’t meet constructive and valuable to privacy regulators undermines with technology companies.
that their distress could put the legal standard and detailed "deficiencies." our resolution planning pro- the proposed data-transfer ac- “Organizations will have to
the economy at risk. cess,” the statement said. cord, which EU and U.S. offi- carry on doing global business
The agencies “are commit- Among the other banks cials rushed to create after the without knowing if they are
ted to carrying out the statu- graded, the regulators said EU’s top court last fall invali- breaking the law.”
tory mandate that systemi- that Bank of America needs to dated its predecessor because Tech-industry groups on
cally important financial improve its computer models of concerns about mass sur- Wednesday acknowledged that
institutions demonstrate a and processes estimating li- veillance in the U.S. regulators had created a new
clear path to an orderly fail- quidity needs and clarify its While Wednesday’s non- hurdle to plans by the Euro-
ure under bankruptcy at no triggers for declaring bank- binding opinion doesn’t halt pean Commission, the bloc’s ex-
cost to taxpayers,” FDIC Qualified Pass ruptcy. the EU process for approving ecutive body, to finalize the
Split Decision
Chairman Martin Gruenberg The agencies said they didn’t Goldman, Morgan Stanley, the newdata-transfer frame- framework before summer.
said in a statement Wednes- The agencies disagreed on and Citigroup won’t need to work—and even includes some “[W]e hope that the
these banks, with each finding find deficiencies, though they
day. “Today’s action is a sig- did see shortcomings to be show they have addressed the praise of it—the call for changes called for can be as-
nificant step toward achieving just one didn’t meet the legal regulators’ concerns until July changes suggests that at least sessed speedily without signif-
standard. addressed.
that goal.” 2017, when all eight firms will some EU regulators believe icantly delaying the implemen-
Overall, the regulators file fully revised plans. the deal doesn’t pass legal tation of this much needed
were less harsh in their as- The regulators said Gold- muster. That opens the possi- legal tool,” said Digital Europe,
sessments on the Wall Street- man and Morgan Stanley fell bility of enforcement against which includes Apple Inc., Al-
focused firms than on the uni- short on processes for deter- companies that use the frame- phabet Inc.’s Google and Mi-
versal and commercial banks. mining how much liquidity work if no changes are made. crosoft Corp.
While officials say they are Source: Federal Reserve, FDIC THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. their various units would “We believe there is still work Vera Jourová, the EU’s jus-
imposing a much-needed new need to sustain themselves to do, and urge the commission tice commissioner, said the
caution on a financial system banks’ chief executive officers regulators to understand feed- once their parent filed for to resolve our concerns,” said Is- commission “will work to
that collapsed eight years ago, except Wells Fargo’s, issued a back in more detail. bankruptcy protection and abelle Falque-Pierrotin, head of swiftly” include the regulators’
critics say that the tight leash statement Wednesday de- “If other firms can satisfy didn’t offer enough details on France’s data-protection author- recommendations before it ap-
they have attached to the scribing the regulators’ con- [regulators on living wills], plans to wind down the deriv- ity and chairwoman of the pan- proves the framework, but
largest banks may be under- cerns as “technical shortcom- then I’d be surprised if we atives contracts. EU group, adding that court didn’t say how she and her
mining the sector’s recovery, ings” that the industry is can’t,” Chief Executive James While Citigroup’s plan challenges are possible. colleagues would resolve ques-
imposing new rules that dis- committed to address. Dimon said. fared best among the eight, Wednesday’s opinion leaves tions about U.S. surveillance
courage lending, crimp mar- “No financial company Wells Fargo, which had regulators said that, among businesses in sectors ranging guarantees.
ket liquidity, and erode bank should be considered too big previously received more-pos- other things, it does need to from social media to heavy in-
profitability. to fail,” he said. itive feedback than other develop a more-detailed play- dustry without clear guidance
John Dearie, acting chief J.P. Morgan on a call with companies, was found to have book outlining how it would on how to legally send infor-
executive of the Financial Ser- reporters Wednesday said the made “material errors…that go through various stages of mation—like social-media pro-
vices Form, a trade group rep- bank was disappointed in the undermine confidence” in its the bankruptcy process, regu- files or personnel data—to the Delivering news and insight
resenting all of the large results but would work with preparedness for bankruptcy. lators said. U.S., lawyers say. Hanging in on finance and markets
from London

STREAM Aviation nerds can sub-

scribe to “AeroCinema”; fly-
fishing fans can sign up for
“Trout TV.” Firms like Pivot-
his friends sitting on a couch
playing “Street Fighter.” He
says he has a few thousand
people pay up every month or
might they simply sign up,
watch all the shampoo videos,
and then disconnect? He is
hard to compare, since Netflix
has 75 million users while the
Chinese brush-painting service
has fewer than 100. Netflix de-
Download on the App Store

Continued from Page One

and the “Twisted Butterfly.”
share, Vimeo and TAPP pro-
vide platforms for anyone to
Mr. Meré’s subscribers get to
see content days ahead of You-
contemplating switching to a
pay-per-download model to
clined to comment.
Former Republican candi-
In the age of binge-watch-
ing, there is unending faith
launch subscription services in
exchange for a cut of the reve-
Tubers, as well as “extra stuff
that may get us in trouble on
preserve the $1,500 in revenue
he says “Lather Fantasies”
dates Sarah Palin and Herman
Cain launched subscription
Readers can alert The Wall Street
that consumers who already nue. Pivotshare Chief Execu- YouTube” that is more “rated R.” brings in a month. services with TAPP a couple of Journal to any errors in news
may pay for some combination tive Adam Mosam says more The biggest hurdle of “Zom- Jashin Yeh Panza, whose fa- years ago, but they didn’t de- articles by emailing
of Netflix, Amazon, Hulu and than 10,000 creators have bie Go Boom” is getting its fan ther is the star of the Chinese vote enough time to make
ordinary cable will open their signed up on his site. base—predominantly 14-year- brush-painting service, says them successful, says TAPP
wallets further for esoteric Some of the aspiring old boys, Mr. Meré says—to one 90-something-year-old Chief Executive Jon Klein, a THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
fare like “Lather Fantasies,” a streaming czars are adopting pay up. “If they ask their par- customer calls her office if she former CNN president. Repre- Europe Edition ISSN 0921-99
$20-a-month service founded Hollywood business tactics ents, ‘Hey, can I pay $5 a isn’t regularly uploading new sentatives for Ms. Palin and The News Building, 1 London Bridge Street,
London, SE1 9GF
by a Tampa Bay businessman like “windowing,” or saving month to watch zombie heads videos. “She [said] she goes to Mr. Cain didn’t respond to re-
that shows clothed people ex- exclusives for paying custom- blow up?’ I mean, what are bed with my dad every night,” quests for comment. Thorold Barker, Editor, Europe
Bruce Orwall, Senior Editor, Europe
cessively shampooing each ers to differentiate from what their parents going to say?” Ms. Panza says. At the end of the day, the Cicely K. Dyson, News Editor, Europe
other’s hair. (It sounds kinkier they post online free. Mr. Meré asks. She says about 3% to 5% of winners of the niche stream- Margaret de Streel, International Editions Editor
Darren Everson, Deputy International Editor
than it actually is.) Ryan Gutierrez, or “Goo- At “Lather Fantasies,” the painting channel’s cus- ing derby may not be the big
The would-be digital ma- tecks” in the videogaming founder Peter Repak is grap- tomer base has canceled in the names. “The subscription Joseph C. Sternberg, Editorial Page Editor
vens aren’t playing around. world, entices paying sub- pling with the same questions past year, a “churn” rate less video-on-demand superstar Anna Foot, Advertising Sales
They are tracking the same scribers to his $5 “Excellent big media companies like HBO than Netflix’s 9% in 2015, ac- could be anywhere,” says Mr. Jacky Lo, Circulation Sales
Stuart Wood, Operations
metrics as Comcast or Net- Adventures” by peddling early and CBS have to consider for cording to Parks Associates Klein. “Might be the guy Jonathan Wright, Commercial Partnerships
flix—including demographics access to videos of him and their streaming products: Will market-research firm. It is pumping your gas.”
and “churn,” the percentage of Katie Vanneck-Smith,
Global Managing Director & Publisher
people who drop subscriptions
over time. Advertising through Dow Jones Advertising
Sales: Hong Kong: 852-2831 2504; Singapore:
“We’re competing with the 65-6415 4300; Tokyo: 81-3 6269-2701;
big shots, the likes of Netflix Frankfurt: 49 69 29725390; London: 44 207
842 9600; Paris: 33 1 40 17 17 01; New York:
and Hulu,” says Mr. Meré of 1-212 659 2176
“Zombie Go Boom.” He says he
Printers: France: POP La Courneuve; Germany:
has “hundreds” of paying sub- Dogan Media Group/Hürriyet A.S. Branch; Italy:
scribers and hopes to reach Qualiprinters s.r.l.; United Kingdom: Newsprinters
(Broxbourne) Limited, Great Cambridge Road,
several thousand. Waltham Cross, EN8 8DY;

The Web has plenty of free, Registered as a newspaper at the Post Office.
niche YouTube channels, but it Trademarks appearing herein are used under
license from Dow Jones & Co.
has been hard for even YouTube ©2015 Dow Jones & Company. All rights reserved.
stars to make a living off ads. Editeur responsable: Thorold Barker M-17936-
2003. Registered address: Avenue de Cortenbergh
That has driven people like Ms. 60/4F, 1040 Brussels, Belgium
Leagh of “Power Pole Sports” to
charge a monthly fee instead. NEED ASSISTANCE WITH
Plus, she says she doesn’t want YOUR SUBSCRIPTION?
her high-end fare mixed in with By web: http://services.wsje.com
By email: subs.wsje@dowjones.com
the “yahoos” peddling pole ac- By phone: +44(0)20 3426 1313
robatics on YouTube. Streaming video subscription services include ‘Zombie Go Boom,’ left, and Ning Yeh’s Chinese brush-painting lessons from ‘OASlife.’
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, April 14, 2016 | A3

U.S. Draws Up ‘Plan B’ for Syria
Holds Vote
Intelligence Agency and its re-
As Talks
gional partners have drawn up
plans to supply more-powerful
weapons to moderate rebels in
Get Started
Syria fighting the Russia- BY RAJA ABDULRAHIM
backed regime in the event the
country’s six-week-old truce BEIRUT—Talks aimed at end-
collapses, according to U.S. ing Syria’s five-year war re-
and other officials. sumed in Geneva, as the govern-
The preparations for a so- ment in Damascus held
called Plan B center on provid- parliamentary elections that the
ing vetted rebel units with opposition and Western govern-
weapons systems that would ments said were illegitimate and
help them in directing attacks undermined the negotiations.
against Syrian regime aircraft Syrians in areas under gov-
and artillery positions, the of- ernment control were choosing
ficials said. among more than 3,500 candi-

The Wall Street Journal dates for the 250-seat parlia-

first reported in February that ment on Wednesday, state me-
President Barack Obama’s top dia reported. President Bashar
military and intelligence ad- al-Assad and his wife were
visers were pressing the White shown voting in the elections,
House to come up with a Plan which are held every four years.
B to counter Russia in Syria. Mr. Assad said the opposi-
Since then, fresh details have tion’s goal was to undermine
emerged on the nature of the Syria’s social structure and its
new weaponry that could be national identity, expressed by
deployed under the covert the constitution, and that this
program. year saw “an unprecedented
The preparations were dis- number” of voters compared
cussed at a secret meeting of Residents of Damascus on Tuesday walked past campaign banners of candidates for this week’s Syrian parliamentary elections. with past elections “through-
spy chiefs in the Middle East out the past decades.”
just before the cease-fire took ante, if needed,” a senior U.S. Russian counterparts, who have ists’ hands for use against civil- with his counterparts in the Salem al-Meslet, a spokes-
effect on Feb. 27 and in follow- official said of the CIA’s mes- backed the Assad regime with ian aircraft, the spy agency’s Gulf. man for the High Negotiations
on exchanges between intelli- sage to the coalition supporting air power since last year, has goal now is to prevent more of Specifically, Mr. Kerry urged Committee, the opposition’s
gence services. antiregime rebels, adding that been that the moderate opposi- them from slipping uncontrol- Saudi, Qatari and other re- representative body in Geneva,
In those meetings, officials the administration’s main focus tion isn’t going away and that a lably into the war zone, accord- gional partners to use their in- said “the people of Syria de-
briefed on the deliberations now was to find ways to make return to full-scale fighting ing to U.S. and intelligence offi- fluence with the rebel groups serve the chance to choose
said, coalition members re- the cessation of hostilities and could end up putting more Rus- cials in the region. they support to continue to their leadership. Free elections
ceived provisional assurances political negotiations stick. sian pilots in danger, according Coalition partners have pro- abide by the truce and remain must be held in Syria after the
from the CIA that they would A CIA representative de- to U.S. officials. posed ways to mitigate the risk. engaged in the U.N.-brokered political transition.”
be given approval to expand clined to comment on the de- To coalition partners in- They have suggested tinkering political negotiations, accord-
support to Syria’s moderate liberations. cluding Turkey and Saudi Ara- with the Manpads to limit how ing to U.S. officials.
opposition. The discussions of Plan B bia, the CIA has twinned as- long their batteries would last Truce violations have in-
France and Germany
Coalition members have come as representatives from surances that the U.S. will or installing geographical sen- creased in recent weeks, raising criticized Syria for
agreed on the outlines of Plan the regime of President Bashar allow the anti-Assad coalition sors on the systems that would fears it could fall apart and
B, but the White House must al-Assad and the opposition to supply more weapons with prevent them from being fired spurring intelligence agencies
holding elections in
still approve the list of spe- resume U.N.-brokered negotia- warnings that they would be outside designated areas of to ready the Plan B package. a ‘full civil war.’
cific Plan B weapons systems tions in Geneva this week. mistaken to go behind Wash- Syria. But Washington has re- Obama administration officials
before they can be introduced Development of the weapons ington’s back to provide weap- mained cool to the idea. acknowledge the cessation of
to the battlefield. list is part of a broader behind- ons systems that Mr. Obama U.S. and Middle Eastern offi- hostilities has become increas- France and Germany have
Officials said the CIA has the-scenes effort by the Obama has decided so far not to in- cials declined to specify the ingly shaky. But these officials said they won’t accept the
made clear to its allies that administration to deter its ad- troduce to the battlefield. precise systems that could be say they don’t think it is on the election results.
the new systems, once agreed versaries in the Syrian conflict The agency’s principal con- introduced on the battlefield verge of collapse. “Holding free and fair elec-
upon, would be given to the while preventing the U.S.’s co- cern focuses on man-portable due to the sensitivity of the In private meetings with tions is simply impossible in the
rebels only if the truce and the alition partners who are sup- air-defense systems, known as program. their Russian counterparts, Mr. current situation, with all the
concurrent political track to- porting the moderate opposi- Manpads. The CIA believes that Secretary of State John Kerry and CIA Director John refugees, in a full civil war situ-
ward a lasting peace—Plan A— tion from taking matters into rebels have obtained a small Kerry stressed the importance Brennan have warned the alter- ation. All reports show that and
fall apart and full-scale fight- their own hands. number of Manpads through il- the White House has placed on native to the truce could be a so does common sense,” Ger-
ing resumes. The private message con- licit channels. Fearing these maintaining the cease-fire dur- dangerous escalation on the man foreign ministry spokes-
“The agreement is to up the veyed by U.S. officials to their systems could fall into terror- ing private meetings last week battlefield, U.S. officials said. man Martin Schaefer said.
A spokesman for the French
foreign affairs ministry de-

Egyptian Hijacker Asks nounced what he called “sham

Mr. Meslet was en route to

For Asylum in Cyprus Geneva where United Nations

Syria envoy Staffan de Mistura
was to meet opposition repre-
BY NEKTARIA STAMOULI Mr. Mostafa was facing sentatives. The government
charges including hijacking, has said its delegation would
Seif Al Deen Mostafa, the abduction and counts related arrive on Friday.
Egyptian man who admitted to terrorism and possession of The first round of the cur-
hijacking a plane and diverting explosives. rent negotiations collapsed in
it to Cyprus, asked for political Cypriot and Egyptian offi- February amid a government
asylum in the country, accord- cials described him as a men- offensive in the northern city
ing to the Cypriot interior tally fragile man whose stated of Aleppo. The second ad-
minister. quest to be reunited with his journed March 24, having
The minister, Socrates family sparked an interna- made little progress.
Hasikos, told the state-owned tional security crisis. Both the elections and the
Cyprus News Agency on Mr. Mostafa hijacked the talks occur amid a partial
Wednesday that his govern- plane shortly after takeoff cease-fire that is under severe

ment would have to consider from Alexandria en route to strain after six weeks. Dozens
Mr. Mostafa’s asylum claim be- Cairo and demanded to be of government soldiers and al-
fore it could fulfill a promise taken to Greece, Cyprus or lied militiamen were killed
to Egyptian authorities to ex- Turkey. Tuesday during an attack
tradite him. According to investigators south of Aleppo by rebels, in-
Local officials say Mr. Mo- in Cyprus, Mr. Mostafa said he cluding fighters with the al
stafa, 59 years old, has hired a had wanted to visit his ex-wife Qaeda-linked Nusra Front, the
lawyer and is fighting extradi- and their children, whom he U.K.-based opposition moni-
tion to Egypt, fearing possible hadn’t seen for 24 years, after Activists on Wednesday protesting the president’s decision to cede the islands to Saudi Arabia. toring group Syrian Observa-
mistreatment by authorities Egyptian authorities barred tory for Human Rights said.
However, the officials said
his asylum application would
probably be rejected and his
him from traveling to see
His ex-wife told Cypriot po-
lice that she and her children
Egypt’s Sisi Defends Decision Rebels launched an offen-
sive in the area more than a
week ago following repeated
cease-fire violations by gov-
extradition would take place
by April 22.
Mr. Mostafa admitted hi-
hadn’t spoken to Mr. Mostafa
in 10 years, officials said.
During six hours of negotia-
To Give Saudis Red Sea Islands ernment forces, antigovern-
ment activists said. In re-
sponse, the regime announced
jacking an EgyptAir Airbus tions on the tarmac after land- an operation to retake Aleppo,
320 passenger jet on March ing in Cyprus, Mr. Mostafa in- BY TAMER EL-GHOBASHY tensions with Iran. It clears vated and railing about an un- which has been divided be-
29, and was detained in a Cy- sisted that a four-page letter the way for the construction specified conspiracy working tween rebel and government
priot prison in Larnaca near be passed to his former wife, CAIRO—President Abdel of a 9.3-mile bridge across the to destabilize Egypt that was control since 2012.
the airport following his ar- and demanded the release of Fattah Al Sisi sought to quell Straits of Tiran linking the two fueled, he said, by social-me- Neither side has yet to de-
rest. 63 women imprisoned in Cairo. public outrage over his deci- countries, at an estimated cost dia activists who were spread- clare an end to the truce.
Earlier this month, Cypriot What he said was an explo- sion to cede control of two of $3 billion to $4 billion. ing false information. “The regime’s escalation of
prosecutors and the Justice sive belt strapped around his Red Sea islands to Saudi Ara- Many Egyptians, including The narrow Straits of Tiran indiscriminate attacks against
Ministry approved his extradi- torso turned out to be fake. All bia, saying he hadn’t surren- lawyers and prominent politi- form the mouth of the Gulf of civilians shows how Assad
tion to face trial in Egypt. 63 passengers and crew were dered Egyptian territory but cians, accused Mr. Sisi of sell- Aqaba, on which the Jordanian isn’t committed to the Geneva
Prosecutors in Cyprus said released unharmed. instead restored rightful own- ing the islands to Saudi Ara- port of Aqaba and the Israeli talks, and doesn’t want a polit-
ership to the Saudis. bia—a reference to the billions port of Eilat are located. ical solution,” Mr. Meslet said.
“We didn’t relinquish even a of dollars in trade and loan The islands became a flash- Syrian Information Minister
grain of sand,” Mr. Sisi told high- agreements the kingdom has point in 1967 when then-Egyp- Omran al-Zoubi said Tuesday
ranking officials and other pub- extended to Egypt and its tian President Gamal Abdel the cease-fire was producing
lic figures in a televised speech weakened economy since Mr. Nasser announced Egyptian positive results.
Wednesday. He said the transfer Sisi became president. plans to bar all Israeli ships Mr. Zoubi also told state
of control of the strategic islands During King Salman’s visit, and vessels carrying goods to media that Wednesday’s elec-

of Tiran and Sanafir to the king- Egypt and Saudi Arabia signed and from Israel from passing tions weren’t at odds with at-
dom came after years of study agreements totaling $24 bil- through the straits. tempts in Geneva to reach a
and negotiation that began be- lion in loans and investments Israel had said preserving political settlement of the con-
fore he took office in 2014. to Egypt’s energy, health-care, its navigation of the straits flict, which has left at least
Egypt declared on Saturday and transportation sectors, in- was a vital national interest 260,000 people dead. The elec-
that the two islands fall within cluding the bridge. and any attempt to block it an tions are required by the con-
Saudi waters, a day after the Khaled Ali, a prominent la- act of war. It launched a pre- stitution, which remains in ef-
two nations signed a maritime bor-rights attorney and one- emptive military strike against fect until a new version is
border agreement. time presidential candidate, Egypt and its Arab allies. drafted, he said.
Egypt has administered the has filed a legal motion to By the end of the brief war, On Monday, U.S. State De-
islands since 1950. block the transfer of control of Israeli forces had seized con- partment spokesman Mark
The announcement of the the islands, which must be ap- trol of the Gaza Strip and the Toner said that with the talks
transfer came during a five- proved by Parliament. Sinai Peninsula, including the under way in Geneva and Syria
day visit to Cairo by Saudi Mr. Sisi fired back at his straits, from Egypt, the West still in turmoil, elections were
Arabia’s King Salman, who critics, denying that the ced- Bank and East Jerusalem from “at best premature and not
Seif Al Deen Mostafa arriving at a court in Larnaca on March 30. was seeking to bolster their ing of the islands to Saudi Jordan and the Golan Heights representative of the Syrian
He is said to fear mistreatment if he is sent back to Egypt. alliance in the face of growing Arabia was politically moti- from Syria. people.”
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Migrant Clashes Erupt at Border EU Agreement

With Turkey
Still Has Risks,
Outbreaks of violence
with police at Greek- Official Warns
Macedonian frontier
The European Union’s deal
highlight brewing crisis with Turkey to better control
the flow of migrants to Europe
BY STELIOS BOURAS still poses legal and ethical
concerns, said a top EU official
ATHENS—Migrants and who helped broker last month’s
Macedonian police clashed for agreement.
the second time in recent days The acknowledgment follows
at the country’s Greek border, criticism of the March 18 agree-
highlighting the growing frus- ment from humanitarian organi-
tration of migrants trapped in zations, in particular plans to
squalid conditions in Greece put asylum seekers in detention
by border closures. centers on Greek islands before
At the village of Idomeni, returning them to Turkey.
on Greece’s border with north- “The deal with Turkey isn’t
ern neighbor Macedonia, a perfect and we’re fully aware
group of up to 100 migrants of its risks and weaknesses,”

threw rocks and tried to rip said European Council chief

down the border fence on Donald Tusk in the European
Wednesday, according to Parliament in Strasbourg on
Greek police. Macedonian riot Wednesday.
police responded by firing tear “We did everything we
gas and stun grenades. could to ensure the agreement
Greek police stepped in to respects human dignity, but I’m
prevent an escalation and a conscious everything depends
repeat of violent clashes on on how it will be imple-
Sunday, when scores of people mented,” he said.
were injured, mostly by tear Europe would have headed
gas or plastic bullets fired by toward “political catastrophe,”
Macedonian police. with right-wing radicalism tri-
The outbreaks of fighting at umphing and border-free travel
Idomeni are a sign of how within the bloc being abol-
Greece is turning into a pres- A migrant threw a tear-gas shell back at Macedonian riot police during clashes at the country’s border with Greece on Wednesday. ished, if it had failed to secure
sure cooker for some 54,000 its external borders and control
migrants stranded in the coun- turn to troubled regions in the lems at the more than 30 offi- Iraq, has been sleeping in a in a small tent with his wife, who is crossing its frontiers,
try, often with little food and Middle East or South Asia. cial camps around the country two-person tent for 22 days their 6-year-old daughter, and Mr. Tusk said.
living in wretched conditions. Outbreaks of violence in- but say they are doing their alongside two cousins. his mother for the past 20 He warned of alternative
The migrants, including volving refugees and other mi- best, given limited time and Greece’s government has days. A driving instructor back routes forming to circumvent
Syrian war refugees as well as grants have become an almost resources and the scale of the ruled out using force to move in his hometown of Aleppo, the now-closed migrant route
Iraqis, Afghans and others daily occurrence in Greece. humanitarian challenge. refugees away from the make- Mr. Halae complained of rats from Turkey to Greece and
fleeing conflict or poverty, At Idomeni, where nearly One of the most over- shift camps at Idomeni and Pi- and “other animals” in the northward through the Bal-
mostly want to seek asylum in 11,000 refugees and migrants crowded accommodation cen- raeus. Instead, it is trying per- government shelter where he kans. He said that since the
Germany and other parts of are gathered, some people ters is at the disused Athens suasion. There has been some slept previously. start of the year, roughly
Northern Europe. But the once have blocked the train tracks airport at Hellenikon, where success. At Piraeus, more than His biggest concerns, how- 20,000 migrants had come to
heavily traveled trail into the between Greece and Macedo- more than 4,500 migrants a thousand people have left ever, is how his family can get Europe, particularly to Italy and
continent has been blocked by nia, while others have on occa- have been put up, exceeding for an official accommodation a hot shower. They can’t af- Malta, by crossing the Mediter-
the closure of borders in the sion blocked traffic on nearby the camp’s planned capacity of center in recent days, reducing ford to pay the €30 ($34) that ranean Sea.
Balkans. roads. 4,000. On Tuesday, refugees the number sleeping in the local hotels are demanding for “The numbers of would-be
A deal between the Euro- Efforts by Greek authorities smashed the windows of the rough at the port to 3,805 mi- a few hours in a room when migrants in Libya are alarming.
pean Union and Turkey to to shift them to nearby camps main building to cool it down grants by Wednesday. they can wash and rest, he We must be prepared to show
send back migrant who cross have proved largely fruitless. amid a bout of warm weather. Akram Halae from Syria said. The family has caught solidarity to Malta and Italy,”
the Aegean Sea to Greece has Many fear that if they leave Migrants at Hellenikon also said he preferred the port, the flu in recent days, he said. Mr. Tusk said. He noted,
coincided with a sharp reduc- the area, they may miss their complain about a shortage of along with all its risks. Out- Like most of the trapped though, that so far only African
tion of new arrivals in Greece chance to get across the bor- working toilets. Many prefer breaks of violence among mi- migrants, Mr. Halae is at a migrants had come this year
in recent weeks. But tens of der. Others complain about the to camp in tents alongside a grants over food regularly take loss. “All I can do is sit here via this route, not Syrians, sug-
thousands already in Greece overcrowded conditions at the busy highway nearby. place at Piraeus. Reports of and wait for something to gesting that the closing down
face an uncertain future, un- state-run shelters. Down the road at Athens’s sexual harassment against happen. I don’t know what— of the route via Turkey hasn’t
able to travel deeper into Eu- Greek government officials main port of Piraeus, Hussein women are frequent. just something. There is noth- redirected the migrant flow.
rope and many afraid to re- acknowledge there are prob- Ali Abdul, a 45 year old from Mr. Halae has been sleeping ing else I can do,” he said. —Valentina Pop

World Bataclan Announces

Watch Lineup for Reopening
BY NICK KOSTOV warmth and conviviality,” the
owners said. “We would like to
PARIS—The Bataclan, the maintain the classless
BRITAIN music venue where 90 people and festive spirit that has al-
were gunned down during No- ways characterized it.”
Two Groups to Lead vember’s terror attacks here, Senegalese star Youssou
‘Brexit’ Debate will have British rock star Pete N’Dour and the Super Êtoile
The U.K.’s electoral watchdog Doherty on the bill for one of de Dakar will perform on Nov.
designated an official group to the first concerts when it re- 18, while the U.S. rock group
represent each side of the de- opens this fall. Nada Surf will play on Dec. 2.

bate over Britain’s membership The concert hall has been The French group MZ will per-
in the European Union. closed for renovation form on Dec. 3.
The Electoral Commission since Nov. 13, when Kalash- The Eagles of Death Metal
chose Vote Leave, backed by nikov-wielding terrorists were in the middle of their set
London Mayor Boris Johnson stormed past security and at the Bataclan when three
and five cabinet ministers, to massacred revelers during a French-born terror-
lead the campaign to exit the gig by the U.S. band Eagles of ists stormed in and opened
EU ahead of the June 23 vote. Death Metal. fire on the crowd of 1,500 peo-
Britain Stronger in Europe, Although the Bataclan own- ple. Most of the 130 killed dur-
which is working closely with LEVITY: Pope Francis joked with Paris firemen after Wednesday's Vatican weekly general audience. ers have yet to fix a reopening ing the string of attacks
Prime Minister David Cameron, date, they said four concerts around Paris were young rev-
will lead the campaign to re- ing steel industry, European termine whether they were tioned the boost isn’t likely to would take place this Novem- elers at the concert hall or on
main. The announcement comes Commission President Jean- dumped on the market and we be sustained given tepid global ber and December. restaurant terraces.
ahead of the start of the official Claude Juncker said. will take other measures if nec- demand. One, on Nov. 16, will be Many of businesses tar-
campaign on Friday. Speaking to EU lawmakers, essary.” He didn’t elaborate on Exports increased 11.5% in headlined by Mr. Doherty, co- geted have reopened, includ-
—Jenny Gross Mr. Juncker said that while the further measures. March year-over-year in dollar frontman of The Libertines ing the restaurant La Belle
and Nicholas Winning sector must deal with global —Laurence Norman terms, the General Administra- and Babyshambles and former Equipe, where 19 people were
overproduction, it also deserves tion of Customs reported on boyfriend of supermodel Kate killed.
EUROPEAN UNION specific help. He said the bloc CHINA Wednesday. This compared Moss. While announcing the con-
needed to act to counter unfair with February’s 25.4% decline The club’s management said cert lineup, the Bataclan man-
Juncker Urges Help trading practices and invest in
March Exports Rose, and exceeded a median 8.5% work had begun to fix the agement also paid tribute to
For Steel Industry steel industry workers. But Caution Prevails increase forecast by 14 econo- hall’s infrastructure and equip- the people killed at the venue
The European Union should “Free trade should be fair Chinese exports expanded in mists polled by The Wall ment without changing the on Nov. 13 and their families.
take additional measures if nec- trade. We are now investigating March for the first time in nine Street Journal. layout. They said more shows would
essary to support the bloc’s ail- steel products from China to de- months, but economists cau- —Mark Magnier “We will try to maintain its be announced soon.

Vote Deals Blow to South Korean Leader

BY ALASTAIR GALE cial figures. The main opposi- while youth unemployment hit The main opposition Minjoo
tion Minjoo Party was ahead a record 12.5% in February. Party has emphasized welfare
SEOUL—South Korea’s rul- in 108 seats. A further 47 Ms. Park was elected in projects, such as raising pen-
ing party appeared set to fall seats are assigned based on 2012 with a pledge to deliver sions and increasing the mini-
short of a majority in a na- proportional representation an economic transformation mum wage, while tapping into
tional parliamentary election according to shares of the similar to the industrialization voters’ anxiety about South Ko-

Wednesday, dealing a setback overall vote. Opinion polls be- South Korea experienced in rea’s wealth distribution. A
to President Park Geun-hye’s fore the vote had indicated the the 1970s and 1980s. But her study by the IMF released last
stalled economic-reform pro- Saenuri Party, which held a lit- efforts to boost the weak ser- month showed the top 10% of
gram as growth slows. tle over half the seats until vices sector and foster cre- workers account for almost
Political power and policy- some lawmakers defected ative industries such as tech- half of total income in South
making is heavily concentrated ahead of the election, would nology startups have largely Korea, the highest level in Asia.
in the presidency in South Ko- secure a majority. sputtered. The opposition’s perfor-
rea, but a strong showing for The weakening economy A spokesman for Ms. Park mance in the election will
the main opposition party may have turned voters away didn’t immediately respond to likely embolden it to challenge Kim Chong In, a chairman of the main opposition Minjoo Party,
jeopardizes Ms. Park’s efforts from Ms. Park’s party. On a request for comment. Labor Ms. Park’s economic proposals. tracked winning candidates in Wednesday’s parliamentary election.
to push economic deregulation Tuesday, the International reforms proposed by Ms. Park “There will be more policy
and labor reforms through Monetary Fund lowered its to lower youth unemployment gridlock,” said James Kim of tor in the election. Cheol-soo, made an aborted
parliament before her term growth forecast for South Ko- by loosening job protection for the Asan Institute for Policy The poll was also notewor- run for the presidency in 2012
ends in less than two years. rea for this year to 2.7%, below older workers have been mired Studies, a Seoul think tank. thy for the emergence of a and may now have some mo-
With around three-quarters the global average of 3.2% and in political bickering. A study General public support for new center-left party headed mentum for another bid.
of the votes counted just after less than half of the growth by the Korea Economic Re- Ms. Park’s tough approach to by a former software entre- The next presidential elec-
midnight local time, Ms. Park’s rates the country experienced search Institute, a think tank, North Korea, including cutting preneur who is popular among tion is at the end of 2017 and
conservative Saenuri Party during its industrialization. showed it took parliament 517 off all economic links follow- younger voters. The People’s Ms. Park’s five-year term for-
was leading in 106 of 253 Household debt, meanwhile, days on average to pass each ing Pyongyang’s nuclear-bomb Party was ahead in 26 areas, mally ends in February 2018.
seats with directly elected rep- has risen to a record $1 trillion law during the just-ended four- test earlier this year, didn’t according to the preliminary South Korean presidents by
resentatives, according to offi- as of the end of last year, year term, the slowest ever. appear to be a significant fac- count of votes. Its leader, Ahn law are only allowed one term.
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, April 14, 2016 | A5


Defections Make
Impeachment of
Rousseff Likelier
BY ROGERIO JELMAYER sent, but because the recom-
AND PAULO TREVISANI mendation will attract votes
from undecided lawmakers,
SÃO PAULO—Political allies too.”
are deserting President Dilma Leaders of the Social Demo-
Rousseff, weakening her cratic Party, or PSD, were to
chances of surviving a crucial announce later Wednesday a
impeachment vote in Congress decision to either maintain an
set for Sunday. earlier decision to support the
Ms. Rousseff’s government president or free the party’s
has been scrambling to cobble 36 members in the Chamber of
together enough support to Deputies to vote as they
stave off an impeachment vote choose.
in Brazil’s Chamber of Depu- The embattled president
ties. She needs 172 votes in did receive some encourage-
the 513-member body, includ- ment from another party, the
ing abstentions or no-shows, Democratic Labor Party, or

to kill the proceeding and PDT, which said its 20 federal

avoid a trial in the Senate. deputies will vote in her favor.
The Progressive Party, or The party is “siding with de-
PP, said late Tuesday that its mocracy and the constitution,”
46 members in the lower the PDT’s whip in the Chamber
house of Congress were leav- of Deputies, Weverton Rocha,
A couple in Campinas, São Paulo state, in March prepared food in the shipping container in which they have constructed a home. ing the coalition government said in a speech.

Brazilian Economy Tanks

with Ms. Rousseff’s leftist Ms. Rousseff faces charges
Workers’ Party, or PT, and that her government manipu-
were free to vote as they lated budget figures when she
choose on Sunday. ran for re-election in 2014 to
That followed a March 29 make the country’s financial

As Political Upheaval Looms

decision by Brazil’s largest po- condition appear better than it
litical party, the centrist Bra- was. She has denied the alle-
zilian Democratic Movement gations and has likened the
Party, or PMDB, to leave the impeachment effort against
coalition. her to an attempted coup
The PMDB’s leader in the d’état.
BY PAUL KIERNAN omy and lacks the political Christopher Garman, head of sumer spending but ultimately lower house, Leonardo Pic- The Chamber of Deputies is
skills to push badly needed country analysis at risk consul- left Brazil with a gaping bud- ciani, told allies earlier scheduled to vote Sunday af-
RIO DE JANEIRO—For the overhauls through Congress. tancy Eurasia Group. get deficit. Wednesday that he wouldn’t ternoon on whether the evi-
past two months, Brazilian fi- Brazil’s GDP shrank 3.8% last A Supreme Court judge re- Ms. Rousseff attempted to be able to deliver even 25 of dence against the president is
nancial markets have staged year—the biggest contraction cently ordered Brazil’s Con- right the fiscal ship after her his party’s 66 lower-house strong enough to merit a Sen-
wild rallies over any sign that in a quarter-century, and a gress to charge Mr. Temer with 2014 re-election by naming a members in support of the ate impeachment trial. To pass
left-leaning President Dilma stark turnaround from the 7.5% the same offenses it lodged respected banker, Joaquim president, the Agencia Estado the motion, the opposition
Rousseff might be ousted from growth notched in 2010, the against Ms. Rousseff. Several Levy, as finance minister with news agency reported. needs votes from 342 deputies
office, even as the nation’s year Ms. Rousseff was elected. high-ranking PMDB members the task of implementing an The defections “have made in the lower house.
economy spiraled further into The economy is now pro- have been implicated in a wide- austerity program. News of an impeachment trial in the A running tally published
the depths of its worst crisis jected to contract 3.8% in 2016. reaching corruption scandal. the appointment boosted Bra- Senate almost inevitable,” said online at midday Wednesday by
in generations. The bleeding will likely con- A newly energized leftist zil’s stocks and currency in a Rafael Cortez, a political ana- the newspaper Estado de S.
Now, with a crucial im- tinue regardless of who Brazil’s opposition, meanwhile, is phenomenon that local media lyst at São Paulo-based con- Paulo showed 318 deputies say-
peachment vote looming on president is because the gov- likely to oppose any austerity called the “Levy effect.” sultant Tendencias Consulto- ing they will vote for impeach-
Sunday, investors may soon get ernment has virtually ex- measures he tries to impose. But his most important ria. “Not just because of the ment, a figure that has in-
their wish for new leadership. hausted its firepower to fight “As a result, the binary measures fell flat, and he re- number of votes they repre- creased sharply in recent days.
If two-thirds of lawmakers in the crisis. Years of economic manner by which markets are signed in December.
Brazil’s lower house vote to try stagnation, combined with con- treating this weekend’s vote is Mr. Levy’s struggles may
Ms. Rousseff on charges of stitutionally mandated spend- probably somewhat mis- bode poorly for Mr. Temer’s
doctoring the government’s ing on things like health care, placed,” Mr. Garman said in a hopes of swiftly delivering his
fiscal numbers, she will have to education and pensions, have research note on Tuesday. party’s promise to overhaul
step aside, at least temporarily. left Brazil’s public sector with Many challenges ahead are the pension system, cut waste-
But while markets are a deficit of nearly 11% of GDP. enshrined in Brazil’s 1988 con- ful government spending and
cheering, the prospects for a “We talk about entitlement stitution, which makes it prac- stimulate private investment.
growth rebound remain dim, spending in the U.S., but I tically impossible for the gov- “We thought when Joaquim
even if Ms. Rousseff is suc- mean, that is what Brazil ernment to lay off civil Levy came on board…that Brazil
ceeded by a more business- does—90% of the budget is en- servants and allows workers was moving in the right direc-
friendly head of state. titlement spending. There is to start collecting social secu- tion,” said Michael Henderson,
“The economy suffers from a no discretionary spending,” rity at an average age of 54. an analyst at Maplecroft. “But
variety of original sins,” said said Edwin Gutierrez, who Such problems, along with there is a lot of inertia there; a
João Pedro Ribeiro, a Brazilian manages $11 billion in emerg- other obstacles to growth like lot of these structural problems

economist at Nomura in New ing-market debt at Aberdeen pervasive red tape and poor are hard to weed out. There are
York. He says Brazil’s “potential Asset Management. infrastructure, were masked a lot of vested interests.”
growth”—how fast gross domes- The fixes Brazil needs would from 2003 to 2011 by rising The cautious view of Mr.
tic product is capable of expand- require politically unpopular prices for Brazil’s commodity Henderson and other econo-
ing in the long term—is now decisions. Ms. Rousseff’s likeli- exports. When commodity mists contrasts with the eu-
“very, very low” in comparison est successor, Vice President prices began to falter during phoria that has overtaken Bra-
with other developing countries. Michel Temer, has signaled a Ms. Rousseff’s first term, she zil’s financial markets in recent
The president’s critics say pro-market agenda but will intervened in the economy weeks as impeachment pro-
she has mismanaged her na- likely have “a very narrow hon- with populist policies that ceedings against Ms. Rousseff
tion’s once-flourishing econ- eymoon” to implement it, said temporarily sustained con- picked up speed in Congress. Dilma Rousseff, seen on Tuesday, is scrambling for support.

Venezuela Blunts Opposition Lawmakers Ex-President

Of Argentina
BY ANATOLY KURMANAEV say the country is set to experi-

CARACAS—Four months af-

ence its sharpest contraction
since declaring independence
from Spain two centuries ago.
Defends Acts
ter the Venezuelan opposition The newly elected lawmak- BY TAOS TURNER
swept elections to control con- ers had vowed to tackle the
gress, the victory looks hollow. problems. But the Supreme BUENOS AIRES—Former
Although socialist President Court has declared most of President Cristina Kirchner
Nicolás Maduro conceded the their initiatives unconstitu- delivered an impassioned
results, he has since under- tional. This month, two-thirds speech to thousands of sup-
mined the National Assembly. of congress voted against ex- porters on Wednesday after
Since January, when the tending President Maduro’s testifying about allegations
new assembly was sworn in, emergency decree, which gives that Argentina’s central bank
Mr. Maduro has stripped it of him broad powers over the illegally traded derivatives late
economic-oversight powers budget and the distribution of in her term, costing the coun-
and his ministers have skipped food and essential goods. try billions of dollars.
hearings on corruption and Hours later, the Supreme Court Mrs. Kirchner made her
the economic melt- overruled the assembly. first public address since leav-
down. Through his allies on The court has also annulled ing office in December outside
the top court, the president a law that would have re- a federal courthouse here, af-
has blocked legislation, even quired the central bank to re- ter she met Federal Judge
uncontroversial measures like lease economic figures and Claudio Bonadio, who is over-
food subsidies for the elderly. limit printing of money, and seeing the case. Mrs. Kirchner
An initiative proposed by the took away congress’s power to didn’t answer his questions,
government would go even fur- remove Supreme Court judges. but instead issued written tes-

ther: A constitutional amend- Senior ministers have made timony saying the accusations
ment proposed last week by the clear their unwillingness to work against the central bank are
president’s legal adviser, Her- President Nicolás Maduro, left, has accused congress of conspiring to overthrow his government. with congress. This year, law- unfounded and politically mo-
mann Escarra, would amend the makers subpoenaed Eulogio del tivated.
constitution so congress could questions on whether demo- it recognizes it as a threat to its uation is very dangerous.” Pino, head of the state-owned oil “I have said this publicly
be dissolved within months. cratic change is possible. own existence,” said Eric Farns- Mr. Maduro has accused company Petróleos de Venezu- and I will say it again: I am
On Monday night, the Su- “We’ve lost faith,” said An- worth, vice president of the congress of being “murderers, ela SA, central-bank head Nel- not afraid of you,” she wrote,
preme Court, which is packed gelis Martinez, a student who Council of the Americas, which terrorists and fascists,” and of son Merentes, and industry and adding that Judge Bonadio
with Maduro loyalists, annulled in December joined spontane- promotes trade. “If the legisla- conspiring to overthrow the trade minister Miguel Pérez was conspiring with President
an amnesty law passed by the ous celebrations in the Petare ture can’t legislate and the Su- government. Government sup- Abad to testify on the financial Mauricio Macri’s government
legislative body that aimed to slum after the elections. “We preme Court is not indepen- porters clad in red scream in- woes and allegations of corrup- to put her in jail on “absurd”
liberate some 80 political pris- don’t know whom to trust any- dent, by definition that is an sults from the balcony, dis- tion. None showed up. Messrs. and “made-up” charges.
oners, including jailed opposi- more, whom to support. None assault on democracy.” rupting proceedings. Mr. del Pino, Merentes and Pérez Judge Bonadio is investigat-
tion leader Leopoldo Lopez. of it seems to matter. The gov- Some here say they worry Maduro cast the proposal to didn’t respond to messages ing allegations that the central
“When this government ernment carries on doing what about a social explosion in a dissolve congress as a mea- seeking comment. bank sold $17 billion of dollar
loses at the polls, it then takes it wants.” country where food, medicine sure to thwart a coup d’état. “They won’t go because futures contracts at artificially
away the power of the institu- The government’s moves and other basic goods are in “If I see that we are head- they want the public to see low prices, allegedly violating
tions,” said Henry Ramos Allup, have dimmed the prospect for short supply. Critics say Mr. ing toward a coup through the that they don’t have anything the bank’s charter, which says
the opposition president of con- economic change in the oil- Maduro’s administration has use of the congress,” he said to say about the country’s cri- it must sell derivatives at mar-
gress. “It happened at the mu- rich country, and emboldened declined to make changes last week, “I personally will sis,” said José Guerra, a law- ket rates, which later cost the
nicipal level, at the state level, opposition hard-liners who say needed to alleviate suffering. activate such a mechanism.” maker who has been pushing bank billions.
and now it’s happening to the a coup or street protests are “He’s been given the oppor- Government opponents say for government ministers to The court appearance and
national congress.” the only way to create change. tunity to change course, but the inaction has badly deterio- testify on economic policy. speech come amid rising ten-
For many Venezuelans, the “The government is using ev- he does nothing,” said Carlos rated Venezuela’s economy. Its —Kejal Vyas in Bogotá and sions between the Macri ad-
government’s efforts to blunt ery maneuver it can to resist Berrizbeitia, a longtime oppo- triple-digit inflation is the high- Mayela Armas in Caracas ministration and her support-
the assembly has prompted the opposition congress because sition lawmaker. “And the sit- est in the world, and economists contributed to this article. ers.
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A6 | Thursday, April 14, 2016 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


SOCIAL that used any of seven

hashtags commonly employed
by Islamic State propagan-
dists, the company found a
Continued from Page One 40% reduction in these ac-
puts the terror group within counts in March compared
reach of every smartphone, with August.
laptop and desktop computer Militant sympathizers are
in the world. Its potent use of also being shut down faster.
social media has far surpassed The median lifespan of a tar-

al Qaeda, which in past years geted account was less than
released poor-quality videos to two days, the analysis found,
Al Jazeera and other media compared with several weeks
outlets to bolster calls for last summer.
global jihad. Mr. Walid’s accounts, which
On Twitter, Islamic State a year ago lasted a week or
supporters engage in a noisy longer, now survive for at
online war of words. Working most a day and sometimes for
around the clock, militants less than an hour.
send tweets that swing be- Some Islamic State-related
tween promises of paradise content has since shifted to
for believers and brutal death other parts of the Web, includ-
to all who oppose their brand ing Telegram, a Berlin-based
of religiosity in a digital messaging service that is a
clash of civilizations waged mix of public and private
every day. channels.
On the other side are those Messages from Islamic
who seek to do more than bat- State, also known as ISIS or
tle to a draw. Twitter, which ISIL, often appear first on a
ramped up its antiterror fight private Telegram channel and
last summer, removed more are then spread on Twitter
than 26,000 suspected pro-Is- and other public platforms by
lamic State accounts in March, agents such as Mr. Walid, ter-
nearly four times the number rorism analysts said.
erased in September, accord- “There’s an almost infinite
ing to an analysis conducted Above, security consultant number of other platforms on
for The Wall Street Journal by Michael S. Smith II, who tracks which ISIS supporters can dis-
Recorded Future Inc., a threat- Twitter accounts linked to seminate their propaganda,”
intelligence firm based in Islamic State members. Left, a Mr. Winter said.
Somerville, Mass. messages between Mr. Smith Telegram didn’t respond to
Islamic State supporters and Islamic State operatives. a request to comment. In Janu-
have tried to keep pace, estab- ary, it said on Twitter it was
lishing more than 21,000 ac- who tracks Islamic State, said removing as many as 10 Islamic
counts in March, compared those operating the Walid ac- State channels a day and had
with about 7,000 in Septem- count were “spending all of banned more than 660 public
ber, the analysis found. their time trying to make sure channels since November.
Twitter said in a statement Islamic State propaganda Islamic State messages on-
on its website earlier this year gathered in the darkest cor- line generally fall into two
that it condemned “the use of ners of the Internet reaches main categories: military tri-
Twitter to promote terrorism,” Twitter.” umphs and the building of an
saying it had deleted 125,000 In dueling tweets earlier Islamic utopia.
accounts since mid-2015 for this year, Mr. Walid taunted an Earlier this year, Mr. Walid
threatening or promoting ter- Arabic-speaking anti-Islamic tweeted about a car bombing
rorist acts. As a result, the State activist who often mocks in Iraq, along with lifestyle
company said, it had seen the Walid account by posting a news of Islamic State’s meat
“this type of activity shifting version of its profile picture inspections and complaints di-
off Twitter.” with a monkey face. vision. Of late, he has posted
Islamic State operatives “There is nothing you can photos of spring flowers and
mocked the Twitter announce- State seems to know who con- eral people run the account, pire run by Islamic State, do, you dog,” Mr. Walid other idyllic scenes of daily
ment, sending their own mes- trols Mr. Walid’s Twitter ac- all conforming to a single which relies on supporters tweeted, “if the account is de- life under militant rule. Barba-
sage: A tweet of a bullet-rid- counts. His profile picture is a style. world-wide to distribute mis- leted or hacked, within three rism also continues to surface
dled version of the company’s bearded man who resembles One of Mr. Walid’s first sives in at least half a dozen minutes I’ll be back with a regularly.
bluebird logo. The group also Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the tweets, in February 2015, languages, intelligence ana- new one.” On a recent March after-
distributed a video taunting founder of al Qaeda in Iraq, a boasted of a fight against U.S.- lysts said. Islamic State supporters noon, the Walid account posted
the shutdown efforts by Twit- precursor to Islamic State. Mr. backed Kurdish forces that Messages and videos often use other forms of social me- a routine mélange of news re-
ter and Facebook. “Is that all Zarqawi was killed in a 2006 garnered valued weapons for originate at Islamic State’s dia but favor Twitter because ports and combat images—in-
you can do?” read a banner at U.S. airstrike. the militants, according to re- provincial propaganda offices of its reach and anonymity. cluding men blown up—when a
the video’s end. The profile picture, which cords kept by Kronos Advisory or the al-Hayat Media Center, Twitter has 320 million active CtrlSec activist joined the
Joining the battle are pri- has been used for more than a and Recorded Future. the group’s propaganda-pro- users world-wide, and new ac- Twitter conversation, respond-
vate intelligence firms and year, is a way for Islamic State A month later, Mr. Walid duction wing focused on non- counts can be created without ing to images of a decapitation.
such crowdsourcing organiza- followers to find each new tweeted other alleged military Arab audiences, intelligence using a real name. The activist, who goes by
tions as CtrlSec, which draws Walid Twitter account. His ac- successes. That account was experts said. Twitter Inc., which declined @kitten_spatt, alerted two of
online hunters around the count usernames vary, typi- reported to U.S. Special Opera- On a typical day, Mr. Walid to comment for this article, Twitter’s official accounts:
world to watch for suspected cally three letters followed by tions Command. “I’ll tell @US- posts dozens of tweets in a takes pride in its role as a “#ISIS psychopath.”
terrorists on social media and a three-digit number that in- SOCOM where you are if they role that is part jihadist news- global forum of diverse opin- Learning he had been spot-
other parts of the Web. creases with every iteration: ion. ted, Mr. Walid blocked @kit-
Over the past year, CtrlSec @vtr488 became @ctr489, for The company relies mostly ten_spatt from viewing more
said it has identified about example.
Some Islamic State-related content has on Twitter users, including of his messages. He also
120,000 Twitter accounts Some of Mr. Walid’s earlier shifted to other parts of the Web. CtrlSec, to report offensive switched usernames from
linked with Islamic State, in- usernames collected more content. Internal company @xgd393 to @zyd393, to
cluding hundreds featuring than 6,000 followers. Even teams review reports to decide mask the account from Twitter
Mr. Walid. At least three of his with the recent shutdowns, let me eat your liver and brain wire and part militant cheer- who to ban. investigators.
accounts were reported and the account still gathers as after they kill you,” the user leader. His most frequent Of the 500 Islamic State ac- The CtrlSec operative found
deleted on the day of the many as 2,000 or more follow- tweeted to Mr. Walid. posts are about Islamic State tivists tracked by Mr. Smith, him and reported his new
Brussels attacks that killed 32 ers, presumably sympathizers Others flagged Mr. Walid to military activities, but he also of Kronos Advisory, about 95% username: “Abu Walid Ku-
people. ripe for recruitment or dona- Twitter, which soon closed the posts photos of fighters who return after being terminated. waiti/ major #ISIS propagan-
“No terrorist organization tions. account. have been “martyred,” as well “In the name of God the dist/393rd acct.”
in history has launched as dy- Mr. Walid’s account was Mr. Walid, who posts in Ar- as images of alleged spies be- merciful may account 139 re- To ensure Twitter wouldn’t
namic and ultimately effective first spotted early last year, abic and occasionally in Eng- headed. main a thorn in the throats of miss him, @kitten_spatt also
global influence operation on- using a longer honorific that lish and other languages, often “He tweets and posts pic- the infidels and apostates…” noted the underlying user
line as Islamic State,” said Mi- suggested he was from Ku- evades Twitter’s countermea- tures that only a psychopath one supporter tweeted in Feb- identification number for the
chael S. Smith II, chief operat- wait: Abu Walid Kuwaiti. sures. When an online Islamic would tweet,” said Lara Abdal- ruary. account, which the activist re-
ing officer of Kronos Advisory. CtrlSec believes Mr. Walid’s State hunter reports his user- lat, a Jordanian-born woman Even so, Twitter’s shut- trieved with a special service.
The Charleston, S.C., security account is run by an Islamic name, he sometimes changes who works for CtrlSec, the downs are making it more dif- Twitter suspended Mr.
consulting firm collaborates State official who may be in names to keep the account group monitoring Islamic ficult for the terror group to Walid within about an hour.
with CtrlSec to monitor Is- charge of a recruiting network alive a bit longer. State on social media. operate on its service, the Shortly after, a new Walid
lamic State’s online activities. in Saudi Arabia. Mr. Smith The Walid account is part Charlie Winter, a researcher analysis by Recorded Future account surfaced, along with
No one outside Islamic said it was also possible sev- of a decentralized media em- at Georgia State University found. Looking at accounts the images of beheading.

TERROR ons, as they were hardened

criminals, but I don’t see
them capable of organizing all
of this.”
In his return to Europe,
the Islamic State magazine
said that Mr. Laachraoui was
Continued from Page One The Bakraoui brothers assisted by a more seasoned
still at large, raising questions turned to the Islamic State fighter, Mohamed Belkaid, a
over whether the account was cause while in prison in Bel- 40-year-old Algerian who
designed to protect others. gium, the magazine says. Ac- was shot dead in a police
The magazine also listed cording to Belgian prosecu- raid in Brussels a week be-
around a dozen prominent tors, 27-year-old Khalid, and fore the March 22 attacks
Muslims it called “overt cru- his brother, 29-year-old Ibra- that killed 32 people and in-
saders” as targets, naming him, were convicted carjack- jured over 340.
people in the U.S., U.K. and ers and bank robbers who had Belgian prosecutors believe
Canada. spent time in jail but failed to that raid prompted the Is-
The magazine claimed that be flagged up as radicals be- lamic State-linked terrorists
the Bakraoui brothers gath- fore the attacks. to speed up their plans to
ered weapons and explosives, In June 2015, Turkey re- strike.
rented safe houses and made turned Ibrahim el-Bakraoui On March 15, a joint Bel-
plans for the two attacks. Bel- from the Syrian border, but gian-French team of investi-
gian investigators have said because of an administrative gators were carrying out what
they also found that the blunder, Belgian authorities authorities described as a
brothers rented safe houses never got hold of him. check on an apartment in the
used by both the Paris and The magazine also identi- Brussels neighborhood of For-
Brussels attackers. fied Najim Laachraoui, the est where electricity and wa-

French investigators have other suicide bomber at the ter had been cut off because
said they suspect Salah Abde- Brussels airport, as the bomb of unpaid bills, when they
slam, who is in custody in maker for both the Paris and were fired upon.
Belgium and whose brother Brussels attacks. Belgian and During the hourslong gun-
blew himself up during the French prosecutors had found battle that ensued, Mr.
Paris attacks, was the logis- Mr. Laachraoui’s DNA on the Belkaid was killed as he was
tics chief for the Paris attacks. suicide vests used in the ter- shooting a Kalashnikov from a
Both the Abdeslam brothers rorist attacks in Paris on Nov. window, allowing two other A still image from a bystander’s video of people fleeing the Brussels airport after the March 22 blasts.
rented accommodation and 13, and believed he was in- suspects to escape, according
cars used by the assailants in volved in the assembly of the to authorities. Mr. Abdeslam and another Belgium’s capital instead. vestigators are focusing on
their own names. suitcase and backpack bombs “It was the raid in Forest suspect were captured three Meanwhile, three suspects three main areas in their
Pieter Van Ostaeyen, a Bel- used in the Brussels attacks. that precipitated the at- days later. arrested Tuesday in a raid in probes, including the Paris at-
gian expert in Islamic affairs, Mr. Laachraoui, a 24-year- tacks,” said Thierry Werts, a Prosecutors said over the the Brussels neighborhood of tacks, the Brussels attacks
said the Islamic State’s claim old Belgian of Moroccan de- spokesman for the Belgian weekend that it was the ar- Uccle in connection with the and an attack foiled last
was very likely exaggerated. scent, went to Syria in 2013 prosecutor. rest of Mr. Abdeslam that Paris attacks have been re- month in France, in which
“I doubt the Bakraoui and fought on several fronts After the raid, police found forced the cell to abandon leased without charges, Mr. suspects were arrested in
brothers had the operational for Islamic State until he was several assault rifles, ammu- plans of striking again in Werts said. France, Belgium and the Neth-
knowledge,” Mr. Van Ostaeyen injured in the leg and decided nition and Islamic State pro- France and carry out the He said that investigations erlands.
said. “They could have helped to return to Europe to mount paganda, as well as the fin- March 22 attacks at the air- were continuing into several —Inti Landauro in Paris
easily in providing the weap- attacks, according to the gerprints of Mr. Abdeslam. port and a subway station in strands and terror cells. In- contributed to this article.
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, April 14, 2016 | A7

Cruz Takes Campaign to Unlikely Places
In hunt for delegates, of the borough is Republican.
“This is all about the dele-
GOP hopeful makes gates,” said J.C. Polanco, a
pitch in New York’s Bronx political operative and
former Board of Elections
Democratic districts president who has worked
with Mr. Cruz’s campaign.
BY JOSH DAWSEY “They are light years beyond
everything we’ve seen here.”
NEW YORK—Texas Sen. Ted Beyond its size and diversity,
Cruz went to a Dominican-Chi- Mr. Cruz has other problems in
nese eatery in the Bronx last New York. He damaged himself
week and met with black and when he criticized Mr. Trump
Spanish pastors. The next day, by saying he had “New York val-
the Republican presidential ues,” a remark that angered Re-
hopeful visited a matzo-baking publicans and Democrats alike.
center in Brooklyn to talk with “I don’t think there is a
Jewish voters. whole lot Cruz can do to turn
Republicans in New York himself around in New York,”
don’t often campaign in such said Charles Joyce, one of the
Democratic strongholds. They state’s two GOP national-com-
head for Staten Island and the mittee members. Mr. Joyce
state’s western stretches. But Mr. said he hadn’t heard from the
Cruz, who is trailing his rivals in Cruz campaign and that his
state polls, has focused on Dem- message wouldn’t be well-re-


ocratic congressional districts, ceived in much of the state.
where his team hopes to pick up In addition, targeting Repub-
at least some of the state’s 95 licans in the Bronx can be diffi-
delegates in the April 19 primary. cult, “because there are so few
“There are orphan districts of us,” Mr. Polanco said. He said
in New York we feel like we can the campaign had largely fo-
target that have few Republican cused on using social media to
voters, and we can get more communicate with supporters.
people to turn out and vote,” Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz speaking at a restaurant in the Bronx borough of New York last week. When he arrived at a Bronx
said Catherine Frazier, a Cruz event, Mr. Cruz was heckled
spokeswoman. “You can expect Of New York’s 95 delegates, His grousing intensified in He doesn’t handle losing well.” tions and small state primaries— over his position on climate
our time in the state is going to 14 are awarded based on state- the wake of Saturday’s Colo- Party officials have de- very different environments change and immigration. Mr.
be targeting specific coalitions.” wide primary results. The rest rado GOP convention, which fended their processes against from New York. The latest WSJ- Cruz also met with about 50
The Cruz campaign’s micro- are allocated based on primary met in lieu of a primary and Mr. Trump’s onslaught. “The NBC poll of likely New York Re- ministers. That lunch was inter-
targeting is the latest iteration results in each of the 27 con- awarded all of the state’s avail- rules were set last year,” Re- publican primary voters released rupted by loud protesters, and
of its strategy of winning gressional districts. If a candi- able delegates to Cruz sup- publican National Committee Monday showed Mr. Trump at some of the pastors said they
enough delegates, sometimes in date wins less than 50% of the porters. Mr. Trump argued the Chairman Reince Priebus said 54%, with Ohio Gov. John Kasich weren’t committed to Mr. Cruz.
unlikely places, to block Donald vote in a district, the second- system disenfranchised mil- Monday on Twitter. “Nothing at 21% and Mr. Cruz at 18%. Mr. Cruz’s campaign said he
Trump’s ability to secure the place finisher gets one of the lions of Colorado Republicans mysterious—nothing new. The Ms. Frazier said the Cruz last week visited the Chabad
1,237 needed to clinch the nom- district’s three delegates. who had no primary to vote in. rules have not changed.” campaign is focusing its can- Neshama Center in Brighton
ination before the July conven- Mr. Trump has 743 dele- “That system is set up so the Colorado Sen. Cory Gardner vassing, calling and social-me- Beach, a heavily Jewish Brook-
tion. If there is a contested gates, while Mr. Cruz has 545. crooked politicians can make also pushed back against Mr. dia efforts in certain areas but lyn neighborhood, to speak to
convention, another candidate, Mr. Trump has often com- sure they get somebody in Trump, faulting him for not declined to say how the cam- Hasidic and Orthodox Jews, a
such as Mr. Cruz, could wind plained about losing delegates who’s not part of what we’re do- putting adequate effort into paign specifically picked them. powerful voting bloc, about his
up the party’s standard bearer. in states where he won the pop- ing,” Mr. Trump said Tuesday. the state. “Elections are won The Bronx is about 6% Repub- pro-Israel stances. In addition,
On Tuesday, House Speaker ular vote, and he recently hired Mr. Cruz, speaking to con- by those who show up,” said lican, while Brooklyn is about the campaign staged an event
Paul Ryan said he didn’t want to a campaign operative, Paul servative radio host and sup- Mr. Gardner on CNN Tuesday. 9%, according to a 2012 state in Brooklyn last week with
be considered and that the nom- Manafort, to revamp his strat- porter Glenn Beck on Tuesday, “It is not a coronation.” report of registered voters. Mr. black business leaders.
inee should be someone who egy. His campaign didn’t re- said of Mr. Trump’s attacks, Mr. Cruz’s best moments have Cruz also held an event in —Janet Hook
ran in the primary campaign. spond to requests for comment. “Donald is a very sore loser. come in caucuses, local conven- Manhattan, where about 10% contributed to this article.

Device Shows Promise for Paralyzed Patients
BY AMY DOCKSER MARCUS derbilt University and vice
president of the North Ameri-

A paralyzed man has used can Neuromodulation Society.

an implant in his brain and his Researchers are also studying
thoughts to move his own arm, the use of such devices in peo-
ECONOMY an advance in a decadeslong ple with other conditions, in-
research effort to restore cluding ALS, or amyotrophic
Fed Cites Expansion movement to people with spi- lateral sclerosis, and in those
In Most Regions nal-cord injuries. who have suffered strokes, al-
Economies have expanded in Researchers from Ohio though it isn’t clear yet
most regions of the U.S., supported State University and Battelle whether extracting brain sig-
by firming labor markets, rising Memorial Institute reported in nals from such patients might
wage pressures and modest in- Nature that they implanted a differ.
creases in consumer spending, the tiny device in Ian Burkhart’s Dr. Konrad said new tech-
Federal Reserve said Wednesday. motor cortex, the part of the nology may need innovative
The Fed found nearly all of its brain that controls movement. funding methods. The project
12 regions reported growth, ac- Mr. Burkhart, 24, has quadri- in the Nature paper was
cording to its regional survey of plegia as a result of a diving funded primarily by the uni-
economic conditions, known as the accident four years ago and versity, Battelle and private
beige book. The report paints a can’t move his arms and legs. philanthropists. It has been
brighter picture of the economy His brain still sends signals to challenging to find successful
compared with earlier in the year, move his limbs, but the signals business models to commer-
but Federal Reserve officials aren’t never arrive. cialize brain-computer tech-
expected to raise rates at their The implanted device acts Quadriplegic Ian Burkhart was able to move his arm after having a ‘neural bypass’ device implanted. nology, even when experi-
next policy meeting on April 26-27. as a “neural bypass” system, ments demonstrate the
The latest beige book covers picking up the brain signals search in Manhasset, N.Y., who board and move a robotic arm. Developing brain-computer difference restoring function
the period from late February and sending them to a com- was previously at Battelle and Ali Rezai, director of Ohio interfaces involves more than can make in people’s lives.
through April 7. Eleven out of 12 puter that decodes them. The is one of the authors of the ar- State’s Center for Neuromodu- scientific challenges. Mr. Bou- “How much does it mean
districts said growth expanded system then delivers electrical ticle. lation and one of the paper’s ton said researchers think not for Ian Burkhart to be able to
over that period, and most said stimulation to Mr. Burkhart’s The case comes at a time authors, said the system right only about how to restore move his hand?” Dr. Konrad
business contacts expect growth arm muscles through a sleeve when the field of so-called now can be used only in the movement, but also how to asked.
going forward. embedded with electrodes and brain-computer interfaces is lab. Mr. Burkhart has a trans- make it natural. Everyday ac- Mr. Burkhart lives with his
Nearly all districts reported worn around his arm. receiving an infusion of fed- mitter on his head that has to tions, such as shaking some- father and stepmother outside
strengthening labor markets, al- In the experiment, Mr. Bur- eral money and a push to cre- be plugged in to work. Brain one’s hand, is actually a com- of Columbus, Ohio, studies
though Cleveland reported a de- khart was able to perform a ate applications that aren’t signals change depending on plex process, he says. Scientists business management in col-
cline in employment. Wages rose set of routine tasks that in- just interesting research proj- everything from the tempera- are trying to find ways to give lege and helps coach the high-
across every district except Atlanta. volve very complex hand and ects but are also practical for ture in the room to what patients sensory feedback, too. school lacrosse team for which
—Anna Louie Sussman finger movements, including patients. someone is focusing on, and “Touch is so important for he used to play. He says the
and Eric Morath grasping a bottle, pouring its Last year, researchers led by the algorithm that decodes this technology,” he said. contrast between what he did
contents into a jar and picking a team at the University of those signals has to adjust in “When you shake hands, you in the lab during the three-
HEALTH up a stick and stirring the California, Los Angeles, pub- real time. The ability of the want to feel the hand and ad- times-a-week training session
contents. lished a study showing five electrodes to transmit clear just your grip.” and what he does at home is
Group Urges Change “The uniqueness is, for the men with paralysis making signals can erode over time; For now, one of the major sharp.
In Painkiller Usage first time, we link brain sig- step-like movements through Mr. Burkhart may eventually obstacles is the small market “I would like to be able to
In another sign of growing nals in a high-fidelity and re- electrical stimulation to the need the device removed. size. Spinal-cord injuries affect do things on my own instead
alarm about painkiller addiction, a producible fashion within mil- spinal cord. BrainGate, a multi- “The goal is to eventually approximately 150,000 people of asking for help or waiting
group of state health officials, doc- liseconds to an individual who institutional project develop- get this out of the lab and in the U.S., and not all of them for someone else to help me
tors and consumer advocates are can move his own hands,” said ing and testing its own neural- make it available beyond one are eligible to use such a de- with it,” he said. “The things I
calling for a stricter approach to Chad E. Bouton of the Fein- implant system, has shown or two research subjects,” Dr. vice, said Peter Konrad, pro- do in the lab, I would love to
treating pain in hospitals and clinics. stein Institute for Medical Re- patients able to control a key- Rezai said. fessor of neurosurgery at Van- have in everyday life.”
The group of 60, including se-
nior health officials from Pennsyl-
vania, Vermont, Alaska and
Rhode Island, is recommending
new guidelines for pain treat-
ment, saying current standards
Demand Rises for Worker Visas
are too aggressive and contribute BY MIRIAM JORDAN sectors such as architecture The applications are filed
to overuse of addictive painkillers. and art. in the spring so that foreign
In a letter sent Wednesday to The government said it has For the fourth consecutive workers can start their jobs in
the head of the Centers for received more than 236,000 year, the cap was reached the U.S. in the new fiscal year,
Medicare & Medicaid Services, applications from companies within five days. Oct. 1 or later.
the group urges the agency to for skilled-worker visas, Federal officials also said Companies apply for the
stop surveying patients about known as H1-Bs, exceeding Monday that they had com- H1-B visas with a specific job
how well their pain was con- last year’s record by at least pleted the computer-gener- candidate in mind.

trolled while in the hospital, a set 3,000. ated lottery selection for the “U.S. employers who paid
of questions the agency uses to A total of 85,000 of the vi- visas. That left most compa- thousands of dollars in legal
help judge hospital performance sas are available, as mandated nies that applied for the visas fees believe that our immigra-
and determine payment. The by Congress. Of that total, without the job candidates tion system has failed them,”
group argued the pain questions 20,000 are allocated to for- they wanted. said Roxanne Levine, a New
“have had the unintended conse- eign workers with advanced Demand for the visas has York immigration attorney.
quence of encouraging aggressive degrees from U.S. universities. been rising since the eco- U.S. Citizenship and Immi- U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services oversees the visa program.
opioid use” because hospitals aim U.S. companies request the nomic recovery began several gration Services, the federal
for high scores on the surveys. visas for workers typically in years ago. Last year, there agency that oversees the H1-B also pay attorneys who help from jobs that pay well. They
CMS officials didn’t respond the technology field, though were 233,000 applications; in program, said it would return prepare the petitions. say some companies seek
to a request for comment. they are also used for em- 2014 there were 172,500 H1-B government fees to the appli- Critics say the program H1-B visas as a way to import
—Jeanne Whalen ployees who work in other visa applications. cants. But most companies displaces American workers cheaper foreign talent.
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A8 | Thursday, April 14, 2016 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Why You’ll Want Amazon Microphones in Your Home

Alexa shows how gadgets Now, for the sobering reality:
Despite what you may imagine, Al-
become more useful when exa is not a digital genie.
they get ears of their own My list of quibbles with Alexa
is long enough that I only recom-
BY GEOFFREY A. FOWLER New Speakers mend these products to the adven-
From left, Amazon’s Tap, Echo Dot turous for now. Her response to
Millions of people in the last and Echo all let you talk to Alexa too many questions is, “Sorry, I
year or so bought microphones so from anywhere in your home. can’t find the answer to the ques-
that Amazon.com could listen in tion I heard.” If you have more
on them at home. I’m one. And I than one Alexa product in a small
just got more, built into new home, she might try to respond si-
speakers called the Tap and the multaneously in multiple rooms.
Echo Dot. You have to learn to speak her
Some day, Amazon could be grammar, and the more talents she
embedded in appliances, listening gets, the more awkward the lingo.
all over your house. (“Alexa, ask Mom Jokes to tell me
Why would you want that? Be- a joke.”) And unless you activate a
cause your own voice is turning special lock code, anyone who

into the best in- walks up to Alexa can order things

put device since with your Amazon account. I’ve al-
the Enter key. ready been pranked by “friends.”
And Amazon has Think of Alexa less like a per-
found the first sonal assistant such as Siri, and
genuinely killer more like an operating system for
PERSONAL use for it: playing the house. A lot of stuff in our
TECHNOLOGY music. homes—fridges, toys, coffee pots,
This idea is even toilets—have had a harder
slightly less bon- time participating in the Internet
kers than it sounded in late 2014 revolution because they aren’t key-
when Amazon debuted its Echo board or touchscreen friendly. Re-
speaker and Alexa talking tech. cently, Amazon opened Alexa to
It—or should I say she?—is an ar- devices made by other companies.
tificial intelligence, like the “bot” The first is a digital family white-
Facebook introduced for its Mes- board called the Triby.
senger this week. When you call Life with Alexa has also made it
Alexa’s name around an Echo, she clearer what sorts of tasks don’t
wakes up and responds in a perky lend themselves to operating by
voice. voice. Any interaction that re-
“Alexa, what’s the weather to- quires more than two sentences of
day,” you can ask from up to 20 how gadgets can become more without the compromises of the tle chilly? Ask Alexa to turn up the back and forth is annoying, includ-
feet away. “Right now in San Fran- useful when you just talk to them. Echo’s just-OK-sounding tube Nest thermostat. Getting dark? ing more-considered decisions like
cisco, it’s 63 degrees,” she re- Alexa’s always been able to stream speaker. One limitation, for now, is Ask her to turn on the Hue con- buying things. Alexa can’t recog-
sponds. With no taps or futzing music, but was limited in her that there’s no way to make multi- nected lights in the living room. nize individual voices, so you
with apps required, Alexa points to sources. In February, she gained ple Dots and Echos around the Need some more razors? Ask Alexa wouldn’t trust her with tasks like
a future where not all tech is the ability to play Spotify, the all- house play the same song and stay to re-order them—this is an Ama- unlocking the front door.
crammed onto a smartphone you-can-eat streaming music buf- in sync. zon product after all. The Echo and its new pal Dot
screen. fet. Spotify turned Alexa into an The $130 Tap is a battery-pow- At last count, Alexa had over are useful because they ensure Al-
It’s impressive technology, incredible DJ: Now I just name any ered portable Bluetooth speaker 500 “skills,” thanks to Amazon’s exa is always available, no digging
though Alexa herself has a long artist, song or playlist aloud, and that can also join Wi-Fi networks decision late last year to open her around for a phone. In the new
journey ahead. The $180 tube- the dance party begins. to connect to Alexa in the cloud. In to developers, who can make capa- Tap speaker, she loses much of her
shaped Echo was a dud when I re- Amazon is waging a full-on my tests, it didn’t sound as good bilities you add to her. One favor- magic, because you have to press a
viewed it in early 2015. Because I talking assault on home entertain- as similarly priced and sized mod- ite: Meat Butler tells you how to button to summon her. (Amazon
mostly just use Amazon for shop- ment. Last year, it added Alexa’s els from Beats and JBL—and about cook whatever you want. (If you says an always-listening Tap would
ping, Alexa didn’t know enough talents to its Fire TV streaming the same as the less expensive like your steak rare, Alexa recom- have had terrible battery life.)
about me—my contacts, my mes- video box, which includes a micro- Jawbone Mini Jambox. Battery life mends serving it at a USDA-flaunt- In a year of using the Echo,
sages, my travels—to even be a phone in its remote. This month’s doesn’t stand out, either. But this ing—but chef-approved—125 de- Amazon’s bot has gone from the
bumbling assistant like Apple’s new additions to the Alexa family one has a button on the front that grees “to inspire the palate.”) butt of jokes in my house to a
Siri. In my house, we primarily bring her skills to new speakers at lets you summon any song or play- Alexa is fast, too. Call her computer we talk with daily. Even
used the Echo to set kitchen tim- lower prices. list with your voice. name, even if a TV is on elsewhere though we continue to depend
ers, making Alexa a very expensive The $90 Echo Dot is a smaller Music was Alexa’s Trojan Horse in the room, and she’ll hear you dearly on our smartphones, it’s
spaghetti assistant. Alexa microphone that plugs into into my house. I’m now busy try- without the seconds of painful de- clear to me now that many of the
Since then, though, Alexa’s the line-in of an existing Hi-Fi sys- ing other talents that she’s gaining lay you get when you call “Hey breakout gadgets of the future will
been in school—and is proving tem, so you can listen to music at an impressive clip. Feeling a lit- Siri” on an iPhone or Apple Watch. have ears and a voice of their own.


Attend a VIP Screening of “Son of Saul”

WSJ+ members can reserve tickets to an exclusive private screening of “Son of Saul”
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Language Film at this year’s Oscars, a Golden Globe and the Grand Prix at Cannes 2015,
“Son of Saul” is Hungarian director László Nemes’ blistering debut feature; a courageous
and unflinching reimagining of the Holocaust drama.



“Son of Saul” will be in cinemas across the UK and on

demand from April 29th. © 2016 Curzon Artificial Eye. © 2016 Dow Jones & Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 6DJ3513
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, April 14, 2016 | A9


Thrills, Chills and Kills


SCREENWRITER Erin Cressida Wilson, the

new go-to voice for female-driven movie
thrillers, has spent the past three months
hunkered down in her New York apartment.
By day, she’s adapting “Maestra,” L.S. Hil-
ton’s new femme fatale novel, for Sony’s
Pascal Pictures. By night, she’s talking
through rewrites of the screenplay for sci-fi
thriller “Ghost in the Shell” with a Dream-
Works team in New Zealand.
Shortly before diving into “Maestra,” she
finished a draft screenplay of “The New
Winter,” based on a coming mystery by
Anna Snoekstra, for Universal. She has an-
other thriller book-to-film adaptation in the

works, but it’s still under wraps.
She wasn’t always this busy. Ms. Wilson,
52 years old, came up as a playwright in the
New York theater scene of the ’80s and ’90s
and gradually found her way into screenwrit-
ing, mostly for small, independent films. It
was business as usual when she signed on to
adapt an unpublished book by an unknown
author for DreamWorks in 2014. But days af-
ter she turned in her first draft, the book
came out and exploded. It was Paula Haw-
kins’s “The Girl on the Train.”
In Hollywood, she’s long been associated
with provocative, often
dark work. Her screen-
play for “Secretary,”
the 2002 erotic-roman-
tic film about a sadistic
lawyer and his masoch-
istic assistant, won an
Independent Spirit
award. She followed
that with screenplays
for “Fur: An Imaginary Known for provocative work like ‘Secretary,’ left, Erin Cressida Wilson, above, is the go-to screenwriter for female-driven thrillers.
Portrait of Diane Ar-
bus,” about the subver- former stripper,” says “The Girl on the Train” because it’s a psy- doesn’t judge her. “There are reasons people
sive photographer, and Ms. Wilson. But in gen- chological thriller told through the voice of are bad, and they’re so fascinating,” she
“Chloe,” about the eral, she writes from a an unreliable woman, and “Fifty Shades of says. “There are so many ways to be bad.”
twisted manipulation place of fantasy, which Grey,” because of its graphic sex. Ms. Hilton Other screenwriters considered for “The
of a married woman by she sees as the root of a bristles at the latter comparison—there’s no Girl on the Train” had suggested simplifying
a young escort. thrill. “Thrillers are a lot romance in her novel. the novel’s different perspectives and mixed
Maybe, uncon- about subtext and fan- Adapting these thrillers brings a welcome chronology. But Ms. Wilson found a way to
sciously, she’s been tasy, and rage and sex stability, Ms. Wilson says. “After years of the- synthesize those elements in her pitch.
writing thrillers all and desire,” she says. ater, working for so little, it’s actually a breath She moved the story to New York from
along, says producer All those themes of fresh air to have a paid job that’s about the London, placing protagonist Rachel on the
Michael Costigan, a combine in “Maestra,” marketplace and commerce,” she says. train line along the Hudson River between
longtime collaborator. where the protagonist In writing the script, Ms. Wilson digs Manhattan and Poughkeepsie. “I actually
“A thriller is about a approaches both sex and past Judith’s seeming heartlessness into her thought I’d get pushback on that,” she says.
character who’s at a boiling point of tension, slaughtering with determination. “I felt like history. She questions the sexism that brings The Hudson views are more picturesque
and all of her characters always are.” I was reading something quite horrific and the character to the edge—and wonders if it than those Ms. Hawkins imagined Rachel
Mr. Costigan recalled a meeting with di- quite light at the same time,” says Ms. Wil- might explain why many readers are snap- watching out the train window, but that
rector Tony Scott and Ms. Wilson where she son, who reads the story of Judith, an assis- ping up female-driven thrillers. “There’s a only heightens the tension, she says. Ms.
shared an “intimate, risqué” detail from her tant at a British auction house who un- lot of rage that’s been generated from centu- Hawkins read the script but found it diffi-
life to push an idea for a scene. “All of us at leashes her ruthless side, as a fairy tale. ries of being mistreated,” she says. “We see cult to imagine the final result. “Basically I
the table blushed. I remember Erin looking at “It’s the coming-of-age of a murderer.” Judith turn around and take power.” was happy,” she says. “The things I really
us thinking, ‘What’s the big deal?’ ” G.P. Putnam’s Sons bought “Maestra” and Some early reader reviews of “Maestra” wanted to keep—the darkness and charac-
“I know that sometimes I walk into rooms the promise of two sequels in a seven-figure dismissed its leading lady as hard to relate terization, the sense of paranoia and self-
and people expect a dominatrix to enter, or a deal. The novel has been compared with to. She is a killer, after all. But Ms. Wilson doubt—all that’s in there.”




Importing Matchmaker
Beauty Leonard Cohen
Actor Ian Kahn, 43, me down. Instead, we be-
plays George Wash- came friends and I’d wave
ington on AMC’s to her when I passed her
“Turn: Washing- restaurant.
ton’s Spies,” In 1999, I relocated
Salem, Mass. which begins its to Los Angeles and
At the Peabody Essex Mu- third season on spent three years there
seum, “Asia in Amsterdam: The April 25. He spoke before moving back to
Culture of Luxury in the with Marc Myers. New York. Some time after
Golden Age” makes a visual I returned, I went by the res-
banquet of the aesthetic and When I was a junior in high school taurant to see if Nicole still worked
cultural legacy of the Nether- in 1989, I fell for a girl in my theater there. She didn’t, but she happened
lands’ era of maritime explo- class. She was a sophomore and the to be there. We talked and began
ration and East Asian trade. first love of my life. The following dating. Like me, she loved Buckley’s
Organized by the PEM and year I broke it off. She was a deep “Hallelujah.”
the Rijksmuseum, Amster- woman and, admittedly, I was a jerk. The ballad opens with Buckley on
dam, it features over 200 ob- As a parting gift, she gave me a CD: guitar, and his voice is so haunting
jects gathered from both muse- “The Best of Leonard Cohen.” and pure: “Your faith was strong but
ums’ collections and loans from 60 I appreciated Cohen’s music, but you needed proof / You saw her
other institutions as well as the East Indian cradle of carved ebony and ivory (1650–1700) with his Bob Dylan rumblings, he bathing on the roof / Her beauty and
Dutch, English and Swedish royal wasn’t my favorite singer. The Co- the moonlight overthrew you / She
collections. These objects—includ- Wonderful still lifes and interior III, combines a pagoda-like shape hen song I liked most was “HALLE- tied you to a kitchen chair / She
ing extraordinary furniture, intri- scenes underscore the fascination with painted Baroque designs and LUJAH,” but the version I loved best broke your throne, and she cut your
cate Japanese lacquer work, Chi- Dutch artists had with the exotic armorials in blue. was by Jeff Buckley, who released it hair / And from your lips she drew
nese painted porcelain and imports. It is thrilling not only to An examination of the Dutch on his album “Grace” in 1994. the Hallelujah.”
dazzling Indian textiles—show marvel at the depiction of reflected engagement in Asia includes a That same year, I graduated from I asked Nicole why she had turned
how, at the end of the 16th century, light and translucence in Willem frank look at the burden the Dutch Skidmore College and moved to New me down years earlier. She said a
the Dutch overtook the initial in- Kalf’s “Still Life With Porcelain East India Company imposed on York. In 1996, I was just getting over friend told her I was seeing someone,
roads made by Portugal in East Bowl, Nautilus Cup and Fruit” indigenous peoples. In 1621, 44 a long college relationship when I which wasn’t the case. Nicole said, “I
Asia. In 1602 they established the (1662), but to be able to compare chieftains and 10,000 people of met a woman named Nicole at a res- didn’t trust you then anyway. You’re a
Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie the painting’s covered porcelain Banda (one of the Spice Islands, as taurant in Greenwich Village where better man now.” She was right.
(or Dutch East India Company), the bowl with one displayed nearby, its the Indonesian Moluccas were she tended bar. A friend knew her. We married in 2008 and have
world’s first multinational joint bright colors now worn away. called then) were massacred on the From the start, I thought she was been together for 14 years. Now
stock company, whose fleet sailed The decorative objects include a orders of Jan Pieterszoon Coen, the most beautiful and kindest when I hear Buckley’s “Hallelujah,” it
around Africa’s Cape of Good Hope magnificent East Indian cradle of founder of Batavia (modern Ja- woman I had ever met. But every touches me deeply and makes me
to return with immense cargoes of carved ebony and ivory; scintillat- karta, Indonesia), to gain control of time I’d ask Nicole out, she turned grateful for Nicole and our two boys.
exotic treasure, spices and tea. ing jewelry set with diamonds, Banda’s nutmeg crop. Coen’s 1625
By focusing on some of the pearls and rubies; Japanese cabi- portrait, attributed to Jacob Wa-
most beautiful objects brought nets covered with enamels and re- ben, hangs in the show. Nearby is a Jeff Buckley
back to the Netherlands, the show constituted denticles (scales) of moving documentary on the performs in New
charts the burgeoning wealth gen- ray or shark skin; and meticulously cakalele dance, still performed by York in 1991.
erated by the Dutch East India dyed and patterned textiles. the Bandanese to reassert their
Company and the burgeoning ac- Part of the allure of many spiritual unity with their slaugh-
quisitiveness that resulted. More- works here lies in their interweav- tered ancestors.
over, it vividly illustrates the influ- ing of historical, social and aes- The show’s didactics are su-
ence of these imports on Dutch thetic ideas. For instance, two perb. Wall texts and labels are en-
arts and sciences with important Rembrandt ink drawings of the hanced by film and video, interac-
paintings, drawings, maps, prints powerful Mughal ruler Shah Jahan tive elements and animation. And
and books as well as decorative (builder of the Taj Mahal) show the you proceed through the easy flow
and scientific objects. Dutch master not just copying Mu- of galleries to the unobtrusive ac-
The exhibition probes the very ghal miniatures, but interpreting companiment of 17th-century

nature of luxury at the time, as in and enlivening them—having al- chamber music recorded by the
its vivid evocation of what 17th- ready incorporated Eastern fancies Newberry Consort. This exhibition
century Europe regarded as the into his etched “Self-Portrait as an and its splendid catalog constitute
miracle of porcelain. Visitors are in- Oriental Potentate With a Weapon” unforgettable portraits of a cosmo-
vited to handle a 17th-century (1634). Similarly, a majestic pair of politan society linking two conti-
earthenware cup and a 17th-century Delft flower holders made by the nents and of the most complex
Chinese porcelain plate to compare De Grieksche A factory for Eng- commercial enterprise of its time.
the former’s coarse opacity with land’s Queen Mary II and her —Mr. Scherer writes about music
the latter’s translucent elegance. Dutch-born husband, King William and the fine arts for the Journal.
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A10 | Thursday, April 14, 2016 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

REVIEW & OUTLOOK History of a Climate Con
How’s this for an senator who has gained notoriety lately
Winded in Germany irony? As U.S. state
attorneys general gin
by urging the Justice Department to
launch a RICO investigation of climate

ermany has spent some €200 billion cleaner gas, have been closing left and right while up a fake securities- skeptics. He doesn’t urge his Rhode Is-
($228.09 billion) since 2000 transform- soaring electricity prices push industries over- fraud case against oil land constituents to adopt the lifestyle
companies over cli- sacrifices that would actually reduce
ing its energy industry into a green seas and bankrupt households. Job losses run to
mate change, starting fossil-fuel consumption. Mr. White-
dream, and now Berlin wants the tens of thousands. BUSINESS
with Exxon Mobil house’s devotion to understanding cli-
to spend more. Witness its lat- Berlin’s renewable Now the effort to suppress WORLD
Corp., the U.S. Securi- mate science at all is so microscopic
est attempt to discourage in- additional wind-power devel- By Holman W.
vestment in wind power,
energy fiasco is about opment threatens to make Jenkins, Jr.
ties and Exchange that, in his latest letter of complaint to
Commission has the Journal, the only science he cites is
which happens to be the only to get even worse. matters worse. By favoring launched a real secu- a Gallup poll.
renewable energy generation solar, Berlin would be picking rities-fraud investigation of America’s Or take Paul Krugman’s columns in
that makes even vague sense the power source that most biggest solar-power company. the New York Times insisting that if you
for Germany. exacerbates the problems with the energy SunEdison’s sin: allegedly exaggerat- don’t vote Democratic this fall, the planet
A review now under way of the 2014 renew- transformation. It’s the most expensive, requir- ing its amount of cash on hand to resist is doomed. The colossal unmentionable is
able-energy law could change the way Berlin ing the greatest subsidies—at least €116 billion an impending bankruptcy. that climate activism today exists to pro-
A little history is in order to appreci- mote the Democratic agenda, whatever it
chooses new generating capacity. The current in today’s prices over the lifetime of the solar
ate the cynical nadir of climate politics in may be this week. One thing it isn’t,
system of subsidies and feed-in tariffs (require- capacity built between 2000 and 2014. Ger- the U.S. You wouldn’t know it from media though, is advocacy of, or even mention
ments that utilities buy renewable electricity at many has a climate and geography with about coverage, but the closest the U.S. Con- of, policies that might actually alter the
above-market prices) has led to a bonanza of so- as much sunshine as Alaska, so solar is also the gress came to passing a serious (if still course of climate change.
lar- and wind-farm construction, and renew- least reliable renewable. ineffectual) cap-and-trade program was
ables now provide one-third of electricity gener- The market distortions caused by overreli- during the George W. Bush administra-
ated in Germany. ance on expensive but undependable power al- tion in early 2007. Then, within days of Al Gore had a revelation:
The renewables never seem to fall in price the ready have pushed German utilities to rely Barack Obama’s election in 2008, Al Gore Energy taxes would
way boosters promise, and with costs skyrocket- more on cheap and dirty coal-fired power announced a revelation: the “climate cri-
ing Berlin needs a cheaper way to boost renew- plants to make up the shortfall when renewable sis” no longer required such unpleasant, be a loser for Obama.
able capacity to its self-imposed goal of 45% of sources can’t meet demand. de facto energy taxes. The problem could
be solved with painless handouts to
electricity generation by 2025. There are no heros here, least of all the wind green entrepreneurs. The president’s power-plant rules,
The proposed solution is a bidding system in industry currently bemoaning its bad political Hooray! Everybody loves a handout. even if climate models are accurate,
which renewable producers would compete for luck at potentially missing the subsidy- and feed- The activist duo Michael Shellenberger would affect global temperature a cen-
the right to produce a share of the planned new in tariff boat. Even if Berlin allows wind genera- and Ted Nordhaus noted that the shift tury hence by 0.03 degrees Celsius. His
green capacity based on who can offer the lowest tors to bid for their share of new capacity, taxpay- in Mr. Gore’s thinking was “highly sig- fuel-mileage rules, though costly to De-
price. An auction process is supposed to make ers and power consumers still will be on the hook nificant.” “He knows that cap-and-trade, troit and a life-support for Tesla, would
green energy more affordable. But Berlin wants for major new expenses. One problem with wind, and most any new regulation, would have even less effect.
to exclude new wind producers from this auc- which helps explain why it’s falling out of favor, raise energy prices—a political non- The renewable subsidies that Sun-
tion, at least as long as other producers such as is that someone would need to build expensive starter during a recession.” Edison exploited so recklessly that it may
solar are available. This despite—or perhaps be- and unsightly new transmission lines from the A proposed oil tax swiftly disappeared soon be in chapter 11 are good for killing
from the Obama transition website. With birds. The nonbinding Paris agreement
cause of—the fact that wind is the cheapest form windy north of Germany to the industrial south.
control of all three branches of govern- Mr. Obama signed in December explicitly
of green power in Germany. All of this—the job losses, the unreliable ment in hand, the imminent climate stipulates that India and China, the two
It makes you wonder if there’s any form of en- power supply, the astonishing amounts of threat to humanity suddenly appeared fast-growing emitters, will keep on emit-
ergy-price signal that governments won’t ignore. spending that could top €1 trillion over the com- not so urgent after all—passing a “signa- ting as if no agreement had been signed.
Germany’s 16-year-old Energiewende, or energy ing decades, and the rising coal emissions to ture” health-care law did. We could go on—not that, under any
transformation, already has wrecked the coun- boot—amounts to one of the more monumental Democrats, it turned out, were in fa- circumstances, a serious whack at global
try’s energy market in its quest to wean the econ- blunders of modern governance. vor of climate root canal only when Re- greenhouse emissions was ever in the
omy off fossil fuels and nuclear power. Tradi- Berlin likes to think of itself as a green-energy publicans were in charge. cards.
tional power plants, including those that burn example to the rest of the world. It sure is. OK, this is old hat, but what should Last week, Oxford University scientists
be striking is how thoroughly the cli- said that, to avoid serious climate risks,
mate lobby has played along. Its main all building of gas and coal plants must
Trouble in Kim’s Kitchen function today has become stringing up
apostates as a distraction from Demo-
stop this year—which isn’t going to hap-
pen. Does this mean you should despair

cratic unwillingness to propose policies over a possible human effect on climate?
hirteen North Koreans defected to the In February South Korea urged its citizens costly enough that they would actually No. Climate models are highly uncertain
South last week from China. That may to stop patronizing North Korean restaurants influence the rate of increase of atmo- and suggest a broad range of possible
not seem significant, especially since abroad, part of a broader tightening of policy spheric greenhouse gases. outcomes; the media reports only the
they were waitresses rather after the North’s latest nu- Take the Exxon prosecution, promoted worst-case scenarios. And left out is the
than high officials. But in the North Korean defectors clear and missile tests. by the attorneys general of New York and most important variable of all, the near-
secretive and topsy-turvy California and a host of their Democratic certainty of large changes in how humans
world of the Kim regime,
raise questions about Meanwhile, the U.S. and
United Nations imposed new brethren. Though the case is never produce and distribute energy over the
this gutsy group defection the regime’s control. financial sanctions. Soon re- meant to be adjudicated in a courtroom, next 100 years thanks entirely to the in-
suggests trouble in the ports circulated that the res- suppose it were and suppose a jury dependent advance of technology.
somehow found for the plaintiffs. How In the meantime, if the attorneys gen-
workers’ paradise. taurants owed staff back would Exxon pay a securities-fraud judg- eral are looking for real disclosure viola-
The North Korean restaurant in Ningbo that wages and some shut down. ment? By selling oil and gas. tions to prosecute, the place to start is
employed the defectors is one of 130 that It’s nonetheless surprising that a group of Attacking Exxon is not climate policy the climate lobby’s support—expressed
Pyongyang runs in China and 11 other coun- workers defected together, since North Kore- making; it’s a distraction. Its purpose is in increasingly vituperative and vicious
tries to earn some $10 million annually. They ans are encouraged to report on each other to foster an atmosphere conducive to the terms—for subsidies and handouts in the
attract customers not with the food, which is for disloyalty. It’s also unusual that Chinese Gore-Obama green pork-barrel strategy. name of climate change that will have no
terrible and overpriced, but with a glimpse authorities allowed them to leave China for Or take Sheldon Whitehouse, the U.S. impact on climate change.
into the North’s totalitarian facade. Attractive a third country instead of detaining and repa-
waitresses sing and dance to kitschy ballads triating them to the North. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
praising the Kim family. It’s too early to say that Kim Jong Un’s hold
The restaurants are controlled by the Kim on the Pyongyang elite is slipping as sanctions
family’s Office 39, which coordinates the sale begin to bite. But this week South Korea dis- The Big Banks Are More Equal Than Others
of drugs and other criminal activities abroad, closed that a senior colonel from Pyongyang’s The correspondent banking system systemic risks posed by our too-big-
suggesting they are fronts for money launder- powerful Reconnaissance General Bureau de- that Jamie Dimon describes (“Large to-fail institutions.
ing. They are staffed only with hand-picked fected last year. Signs that the regime is under Banks and Small Banks Are Allies, Not CAMDEN R. FINE
regime loyalists—preferably those with family stress show that the North is not as self-suffi- Enemies,” op-ed, April 7) has existed President and CEO
members back in North Korea who will be cient as it likes to claim, and more pressure for 200 years. While the story of Independent Community Bankers of
punished if they defect. could bring it to its knees. America’s financial system is one of America
interdependence, the reliance of to- Washington
day’s largest banks on a government
Paul Ryan Bows Out guarantee against failure has destabi-
lized the banking ecosystem and
Regulations brought about by the
actions of banks like Mr. Dimon’s are

threatens institutions not deemed absolutely affecting our ability to
aul Ryan tried Tuesday to shut down the is often imaginary. They could benefit from more “too big to fail.” serve members and the communities
election speculation—or conspiracy the- optimism and less fever-swamp suspicion. Community banks are critical of in which we live and work, through no
orizing—that he is running a shadow To the extent Mr. Ryan’s noncampaign wasn’t the largest financial firms, not fault of our own. The regulatory cost
presidential campaign, and so a Trump-Cruz boogeyman, merely due to their size but because impact on the credit-union industry
much the better. The Speaker He may have to save support for the Speaker does concentrating most of the industry’s was $6.1 billion in 2014. The lost reve-
may be needed to save the Re- the GOP House from reflect dissatisfaction with the assets in a handful of banks puts the nues to credit unions from services
publican House majority from presidential field. Many Re- entire system at risk. The 2008 crisis discontinued or reduced because of
a November blowout at the a presidential blowout. publicans still want leaders showed that the largest banks are added regulation is at least an addi-
top of the ticket. who are willing to take on the powerful enough to bring down the tional $1.1 billion. This total impact of
Nothing Mr. Ryan could say financial system, prompt a multitril- $7.2 billion is equivalent to an aston-
hard problems, preferably
lion-dollar taxpayer backstop and ishing 80% of industry earnings and
would suppress the whispers that he is prepar- without the polarization that has defined the cause massive economic disruption, 6% of our credit unions’ net worth.
ing to airdrop into Cleveland in July, over- Obama era, and Mr. Ryan’s natural optimism which exacerbated banking industry It’s time for policy makers to act by
power the other candidates and emerge as the and substantive solutions fit that bill. consolidation. This isn’t a question of recognizing the need for regulatory re-
GOP nominee—though he tried for the ump- But his more important task this year may be large and small. It’s a fundamental lief for credit unions and small banks.
teenth time. “I do not want, nor will I accept, leading a political salvage operation—and per- question of concentration, risk and JIM NUSSLE
the Republican nomination,” he said. “Count haps a major rebuilding job in 2017. The GOP has moral hazard. President/CEO
me out: I simply believe that if you want to be a splendid opportunity to defeat a weak Demo- America faces many challenges. Credit Union National Association
the nominee for our party to be the President, cratic nominee this year. One of them is how to address the Washington
you should actually run for it. I chose not to do But Messrs. Trump and Cruz have employed
this, therefore I should not be considered, pe- a strategy of seizing the GOP nomination by
riod, end of story.” running against half of the conservative coali- Tocqueville and the Best America Has to Offer
We disagree that the GOP convention must tion, rather than uniting it. Both men have ap- Responding to Joseph Epstein’s The decline of U.S. politics reflects
pick someone who has run for the office this proval ratings low enough that their nomination “These Are the Best the U.S. Can Do?” the moral decline of U.S. society. Our
year. The nominee is likely to be one of the men could cost the Senate majority as well as the (op-ed, April 7): Alexis de Tocqueville founders taught that religious moral-
now running, but in our view the delegates can White House and Supreme Court. During the fall answered Mr. Epstein’s question some ity is indispensable to a free republic.
and should choose the candidate most likely to campaign, Mr. Ryan may have to focus on saving 180 years ago in “Democracy in Amer- In a country of free citizens, the citi-
win. If none of the current candidates wins a the House majority as the last line of defense ica.” “In the United States . . . the pur- zens must govern themselves, and
majority of the delegates after two or three bal- against a repeat of 2009-10 unbridled progres- suit of wealth generally diverts men of the soundest basis for self-gover-
lots, anything can happen, and the delegates sive government. great talents and strong passions from nance is religious morality. Over the
have to nominate someone. If the GOP does lose in a rout in November, the pursuit of [political] power; and it past 60 years progressives have
Yet this also isn’t the best year for the 46- someone will also have to rebuild from the ru- frequently happens that a man does steadily eaten away at the Christian
not undertake to direct the fortunes of roots of American culture, with un-
year-old Mr. Ryan to be the nominee, as the ins. Mr. Ryan is trying to rally the House GOP
the state until he has shown himself fortunate results.
paranoia about his nonexistent candidacy behind a governing agenda that could defend incompetent to conduct his own. The This moral decline is evident in
showed. This innuendo crested in recent weeks against a down-ballot crash, while pointing to vast number of very ordinary men candidates who promise freedom
as Donald Trump and Ted Cruz stoked grassy- the future. The Wisconsinite stands for the who occupy public stations is quite as without responsibility and substitute
knoll fears about a plot to overthrow the will strain of reform conservatism that puts a prior- attributable to these causes as to the personal attacks for policy
of voters. Both candidates and their camps are ity on promoting faster economic growth that bad choice of democracy. In the United arguments.
building “corrupt bargain” narratives if they creates jobs, increases incomes and expands op- States I am not sure that the people BRAD TUPI
lose, and so Mr. Ryan would be set up for likely portunity. These convictions have had a rough would choose men of superior abilities Upper St. Clair, Pa.
defeat in November. year, but reviving them is crucial to the future even if they wished to be elected; but
Yet what are Messrs. Trump and Cruz so of GOP presidential ambitions. it is certain that candidates of this de-
scription do not come forward.”
afraid of? They claim to be riding popular move- Some conspiracists still claim Mr. Ryan isn’t Letters intended for publication should
Only those elected through the be addressed to: The Editor, 1211 Avenue
ments, but they can’t be that popular if someone sincere about not wanting the nomination be- current failed system have the power of the Americas, New York, NY 10036,
who didn’t even run can abscond with the prize cause he also said he didn’t want to succeed to change it, but having come or emailed to wsj.ltrs@wsj.com. Please
so easily. One weakness in both candidacies—and John Boehner as Speaker. But the latter was a through that very system, they are include your city and state. All letters
a reason Hillary Clinton leads both in the polls— job no one wanted. The GOP convention will the least likely to do so. are subject to editing, and unpublished
is that their politics depends on nurturing a have to choose from the many people who do ALAN KELLY letters can be neither acknowledged nor
sense of grievance and disenfranchisement that want this job, badly, Mr. Ryan not included. Kansas City, Mo.
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To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or www.djreprints.com
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, April 14, 2016 | A11


Trump’s Plan to Win Conservative Support

By Fred Barnes second language he hasn’t bothered world. But unlike the president, Mr.

to master.” The candidate may have Trump thinks the country can’t af-
ewt Gingrich has been a felt he would score points with the ford the cost. The president prefers
friend of Donald Trump’s pro-life movement with his recent soft power.
for the past decade. He advocacy of punishment for women In response to Mr. Trump, last
hasn’t endorsed Mr. who have abortions. He was wrong month 117 “members of the Repub-
Trump’s presidential bid, and had to reverse his position lican national security community”
but they talk frequently. Mr. Trump publicly. issued a scathing letter opposing
is anti-left wing and anti-political Nor is Mr. Trump up to speed on his nomination. The group, which
correctness, Mr. Gingrich says, while conservative politics. Before the re- included former U.S. Homeland Se-
acknowledging this: Mr. Trump is cent Wisconsin primary, he relent- curity Secretary Michael Chertoff
not a conservative. lessly attacked Scott Walker, the and Robert Zoellick, a former dep-
Yet it is conservatives to whom state’s Republican governor, who had uty secretary of state and World
Mr. Trump must appeal as he tries endorsed Ted Cruz. Mr. Walker was Bank president, warned that if
to “pivot”—Mr. Gingrich’s term—to an early dropout from the presiden- elected Mr. Trump “would use the
a campaign style that is less chaotic tial race, and thus a “loser” in Mr. authority of his office to act in
and personality-driven. Mr. Trump Trump’s mind. But Mr. Walker is ways that make America less safe,
needs more conservative support to enormously popular in his home GETTY IMAGES and which would diminish our
lock up the Republican nomination state, and assailing him backfired on standing in the world.”
and to have a chance of winning the Mr. Trump, who lost the primary. No matter what he says, he won’t
general election against Hillary Clin- Mr. Trump’s political instincts win over this group. They are too
ton, the likely Democratic nominee. haven’t helped him with conserva- far apart on too many issues. And
tives. He decides day-to-day what to Donald Trump campaigning in Albany, N.Y., April 11. Mr. Trump made things worse when
say and frequently speaks off the he said that his chief adviser on for-
Newt Gingrich calls it a cuff. He is often rash and undisci- with few ad libs. He got several tunity to explain his opposition to eign and defense issues is himself.
‘pivot’—a series of policy plined. His conservative detractors, standing ovations. Common Core standards for math But he may at least be able to alle-
especially those in policy and media In a similar way, Mr. Trump and English and why he favors local viate some concerns.
speeches tailored to a vital circles, are appalled. wants to use the policy speeches to and state control of schools. In interviews, Mr. Trump has dis-
bloc of GOP voters. But will To bring stability to his cam- persuade conservatives, among If he follows Mr. Gingrich’s ad- missed NATO as ineffective and out-
paign, Mr. Trump now plans a series other skeptics, that he is more in vice, Mr. Trump will also speak dated, and he insisted that Amer-
Trump stick to the script? of formal speeches on policy issues, sync with their thinking than they about infrastructure—that is, large, ica’s allies don’t pay their share for
set pieces drafted by speechwriters imagine. If he fails, Republican de- expensive public projects. This is a defense. He has been advised to
and delivered from prepared texts. fectors or a third-party conserva- subject he emphasized in his best- walk back his comment about NATO.
Attracting conservatives won’t be This assumes Mr. Trump follows tive candidate would doom his al- selling 1987 book, “The Art of the He would also be wise to spell out
easy. Many are fiercely opposed to through with the speeches. Avoiding ready slim chance of winning the Deal,” with the conservative- how he would strengthen America’s
Mr. Trump, some to the point of de- distractions may result from the re- presidency. friendly theme of government in- military and how much more its
claring that they wouldn’t vote for cent hiring of a professional cam- The first speech is likely to focus competence and the efficiency of NATO partners and Asian allies
him under any circumstances. And paign manager, Paul Manafort. on naming a Supreme Court justice private enterprise. should pay for theirs.
with the GOP convention only three The model is his speech last to replace Antonin Scalia, who died The most precarious speech for The overtures to conservatives
months away, it’s awfully late to be- month in Washington to the Ameri- Feb. 13. At a meeting with a group of Mr. Trump would be on foreign pol- are crucial to the Trump campaign.
gin pursuing the GOP’s most impor- can Israel Public Affairs Committee conservative leaders last month, Mr. icy and national security. The issue His “pivot” will have to be genuine,
tant bloc of voters after having (Aipac). He used the address to cor- Trump asked for a list of potential isn’t one he can duck, since his his speeches credible. It’s all up to
largely ignored them. rect the impression he had left in a conservative nominees. The Heritage views—sounding more like Presi- the unpredictable Mr. Trump.
There are other problems. As the televised debate that he would not Foundation and the Federalist Soci- dent Obama than Ronald Reagan—
longtime conservative political an- be a strong defender of Israel. ety are putting one together. have alarmed many conservatives. Mr. Barnes, executive editor of
alyst Michael Barone has observed, Speaking to Aipac in a sports arena, Another speech would discuss ed- Like Mr. Obama, he is leery of pro- the Weekly Standard, is a Fox News
“Trump speaks conservatism as a he read the text on a Teleprompter ucation. It would give him an oppor- jecting American power around the commentator.

After Hillary Beats Bernie, She’s Going to Need Him

Former U.S. Secre- Democrats will hold primaries in six survey evidence to back his claim. she cannot. She can try—within lim- inspire Democrats not already com-
tary of State Hillary states—New York, Maryland, Con- But using this argument to sway its—to placate Mr. Sanders’s back- mitted to her. She is cautious and
Clinton will be the necticut, Delaware, Pennsylvania and the superdelegates would be an ap- ers at the nominating convention. self-controlled, not a risk-taker. By
Democratic Party’s Rhode Island. Unless a late Sanders peal to their judgment, not to dem- She could decide to choose a popu- her own admission, she is not a nat-
presidential nomi- surge reverses Mrs. Clinton’s lead, ocratic legitimacy. list-tinged figure—Ohio Sen. Sher- ural politician. Contradicting Mario
nee, and there is she will win the majority—perhaps rod Brown, for example—as her Cuomo’s famous maxim, she cam-
POLITICS nothing that Sen. all—of these states, and her lead
She may be uninspiring,
running mate. If the Democrats paigns in prose.
Bernie Sanders can among delegates and in the popular emerge from their convention uni- On the other hand, few have ever
do about it. vote will expand significantly. By the but her competence could fied and energized, Mrs. Clinton’s questioned her intelligence or work
By William
The Vermont sen- end of April, she will have upward of fall prospects will rise—all the more ethic. She understands how politics
A. Galston be what 2016 voters want.
ator’s campaign is 90% of the delegates she needs to so if Mr. Sanders campaigns vigor- and policy-making really work. She
reportedly planning claim the nomination. ously on her behalf. believes that political leaders
an all-out assault on the democratic The pace of the campaign slows Because every presidential elec- should under-promise and over-
legitimacy of the party’s 712 super- significantly in May, with fewer Besides, it won’t work. Demo- tion comes down to a choice, the perform—an eminently defensible
delegates, who make up about 15% than 200 delegates at stake. Unless crats who have been around the identity of the Republican nominee thesis in this era of rock-bottom
of the total. But on what basis? As Mr. Sanders wipes her out on June track a few times understand that will make a big difference. Although public trust.
of today, Mrs. Clinton leads Mr. 7 in California and New Jersey—and while Mrs. Clinton has been sub- Donald Trump is the ultimate wild In most democracies, the head of
Sanders by 250 among delegates there is no evidence that he will— jected to unrelenting scrutiny for a card, there is no evidence that he government is separate from the
won in primaries and caucuses. She she will end the nominating contest quarter of a century, Mr. Sanders’s would prevail in a general election. head of state. In the U.S., they are
has received 2.4 million more popu- with more than enough delegates to record has been left virtually un- Texas Sen. Ted Cruz is focused, fused in a single office. America’s
lar votes than he has. claim victory, including a majority touched. The Clinton campaign has strategic and well-organized, but his presidents are called on to perform
A recent synthesis of exit polls of delegates earned in primaries and been reluctant to antagonize voters hard-edge conservatism would make both as prime ministers and as sym-
shows that of 27 demographic cat- caucuses as well as a margin of mil- whose support they will need in it difficult for him to expand his bols of the nation. Rarely are they
egories, Mr. Sanders has the edge lions in the popular vote. the general election, and Republi- support beyond his party’s base. equally skilled at both tasks.
in three. Despite his recent win- So how exactly will the Sanders cans are holding their fire in the Ohio Gov. John Kasich runs well Hillary Clinton has the qualities
ning streak, she has prevailed in forces make the case that Mrs. Clin- vain hope that they will have the ahead of Mrs. Clinton in national of a first-rate prime minister. At a
more states, and his string of vic- ton’s nomination would violate the opportunity to run against Mr. surveys, but rank-and-file Republi- time when the American people are
tories has narrowed her edge by people’s will? Sanders in the fall. cans appear in no mood to nominate yearning for an end to political dys-
only 79 delegates. Recently, Mr. Sanders has been The real question is how well someone from their party’s moder- function and a return to govern-
That’s the good news for Mr. arguing that he would make a Mrs. Clinton will do in November. ate-conservative wing. ment that works effectively on their
Sanders, and it is about to end. Be- stronger general-election candi- The answer depends on a few things Mrs. Clinton is not a visionary, behalf, what she offers will probably
tween now and the end of April, date, and he has a fair amount of she can control and many more that and her candidacy has done little to be enough to prevail in November.

Stalled Chinese Reforms, Stalled Chinese Economy

By James Zimmerman between the world’s two largest International businesses have procuring business licenses. owned enterprises, data localization

economies are growing in both fre- been patient, waiting for China to China’s restrictive stance toward and intellectual property protec-
hinese Premier Li Keqiang quency and complexity. reform and enter the global busi- investment also deserves more at- tions, that need to be addressed.
promised last month that But the American Chamber of ness community as an equal and en- tention. The Brookings Institution The “negative list” of exceptions
there would be no hard land- Commerce in China has witnessed gaged player. But AmCham China describes China’s investment envi- must also be kept to a minimum for
ing for his country’s economy. In- another trend emerging over the members are growing weary. A re- ronment as the strictest among the the treaty to be worthwhile. But the
deed, there’s no reason the current past few years. China has been cent member survey shows 37% are G-20. How can the country weather benefits in terms of improving the
economic transition must result in building walls and turning away “pessimistic” or “slightly pessimis- transparency and fairness of the
a catastrophic decline in growth. from international norms. tic” about the next two years’ regu- regulatory environment that a high-
But with headwinds increasing, This can be seen when foreign latory outlook. Beijing is placing more quality agreement could bring are
China will need all the help it can nongovernmental organizations are China has gotten this far with immense.
get. Sometimes foreign companies blindsided by draft laws that great support from the international restrictions on foreign Finally, innovation is an area of
wonder whether Beijing fully appre- threaten their ability to operate in community. Its membership in the businesses and disengaging the Chinese economy with much
ciates this. China. It can be seen in restrictions WTO, for example, has generated room for improvement. Policies
In many ways, China and the U.S. that defy the World Trade Organiza- immense dividends. Hong Kong and from the world economy. such as “Made in China 2025,”
are closer than ever before. Last tion by limiting the direct delivery mainland China now rank as the No. aimed at upgrading China from a
year, $18.3 billion in foreign invest- of cloud services by foreign-invested 2 and No. 3 recipients of foreign di- manufacturer of quantity to one of
ment flowed between the two coun- enterprises. And it can be seen in rect investment. an economic slowdown without sup- quality, put innovation at the fore-
tries, with an additional $562 bil- the medical-device and pharmaceuti- As the No. 1-ranked recipient of port from other nations? Foreign di- front. Yet many of these pilot pro-
lion in trade. Both now offer 10- cal industries, where innovative and FDI, the U.S. knows the value of en- rect investment into the U.S. ex- grams exclude the U.S. companies
year visas to each other’s citizens. life-saving products have difficulty gagement through investment. It also pands annually at a brisk pace, best suited to helping China move
And China is a topic every U.S. reaching Chinese consumers due to understands that investment is not having risen 30% in 2015, but U.S. up the value chain.
presidential hopeful must address standards that are sometimes not just about money, but also technol- investment into China has stagnated Many foreign companies struggle
on the campaign trail. Interactions based in science. ogy and innovation. In China, all of and represents just 1% of all U.S. di- to bring innovative products to
these will be important for the stable rect investments abroad. China due to domestic standards
growth Mr. Li promises. U.S. companies in China are draw- that do not conform with the inter-
We hope China’s disconnect can be ing back on their investment plans, national business community. Inde-
PUBLISHED SINCE 1889 BY DOW JONES & COMPANY corrected to help it achieve its reform and this year’s decrease is even pendent or duplicate standards
and development goals. We see three greater than in 2009, when the keep China isolated from the global
Rupert Murdoch Robert Thomson
Executive Chairman, News Corp Chief Executive Officer, News Corp areas in particular where direct and world was mired in a financial crisis. economy, and take the country a
Gerard Baker William Lewis immediate attention is needed. In the present climate, China’s own step back from the strides it made
Editor in Chief Chief Executive Officer and Publisher The most pressing is fairness roadblocks impede further invest- over the past 30 years. China
Rebecca Blumenstein, Matthew J. Murray DOW JONES MANAGEMENT:
and transparency. While the rule of ment in areas such as services, should consider U.S. companies as
Deputy Editors in Chief Ashley Huston, Chief Communications Officer; law has been a top concern for which could contribute most to eco- valuable partners for innovating in
DEPUTY MANAGING EDITORS: Paul Meller, Chief Technology Officer; American businesses and China’s nomic growth. the international arena.
Mark Musgrave, Chief People Officer;
Michael W. Miller, Senior Deputy;
Edward Roussel, Chief Innovation Officer;
own policy plenums for several Nonetheless, China remains a We, too, believe that a hard
Thorold Barker, Europe; Paul Beckett, Asia;
Christine Glancey, Operations; Jennifer J. Hicks, Anna Sedgley, Chief Financial Officer; years, this year marks the first top-three investment priority for landing can be avoided. But China
Digital; Neal Lipschutz, Standards; Alex Martin, Katie Vanneck-Smith, Chief Customer Officer time inconsistent and unclear rules most U.S. companies. And Ameri- cannot afford to disengage from
News; Ann Podd, Initiatives; Andrew Regal, Video;
OPERATING EXECUTIVES: have topped AmCham China mem- cans are willing to work on this re- the rest of the world. The benefits
Matthew Rose, Enterprise; Stephen Wisnefski,
Professional News; Jessica Yu, Visuals
Nancy McNeill, Corporate Sales; bers’ concerns. lationship, as demonstrated by ne- of international cooperation have
Steve Grycuk, Customer Service; The difficulty in obtaining busi- gotiations on a U.S.-China Bilateral been immense for China, and those
Paul A. Gigot, Editor of the Editorial Page; Jonathan Wright, International;
Daniel Henninger, Deputy Editor, Editorial Page DJ Media Group: ness licenses is also of high concern. Investment Treaty, a process that in power should appreciate that
WALL STREET JOURNAL MANAGEMENT: Almar Latour, Publisher; Kenneth Breen, Licensing should be a simple proce- began in 2008. there is still much more that can be
Trevor Fellows, Head of Global Sales; Commercial; Edwin A. Finn, Jr., Barron’s; dure, but in China it’s a major dis- The U.S.-China BIT would likely achieved by working with their
Chris Collins, Advertising; Jason P. Conti, Legal; Professional Information Business:
Suzi Watford, Marketing and Circulation; Christopher Lloyd, Head; criminatory barrier to doing busi- be China’s largest market-liberaliza- long-term partners from around
Joseph B. Vincent, Operations; Ingrid Verschuren, Deputy Head ness. Economies benefit from tion exercise since China’s accession the globe.
Larry L. Hoffman, Production competition and transparent en- to the WTO in 2001. While the basic
EDITORIAL AND CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS: forcement of regulations. China language has been agreed upon, Mr. Zimmerman is the chairman of
1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y., 10036 should embrace more open policies there are several issues unique to the American Chamber of Commerce
Telephone 1-800-DOWJONES
for receiving input on draft laws and China, such as the role of state- in the People’s Republic of China.
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A12 | Thursday, April 14, 2016 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Brides Welcome the Digital Wedding Crashers

BY ELIZABETH HOLMES What was once a voyeuristic
jaunt has become a fact-finding
Barfield’s wedding to Dwayne ding, set for this July. She now
Brown. She loved the venue checks her wedding venue’s geotag
(Brooklyn Botanic Garden), the regularly to get ideas. Wedding
groom’s tuxedo (Tom Ford) and planners and vendors also use their
was charmed by the place cards clients’ hashtags for their own pub-
(personalized bottles of Coca- licity.
Cola). Nearly 50% of couples use a
The 25-year-old Ms. Pitts did personalized wedding hashtag, ac-
not attend the festivities. She fol- cording to the 2015 Newlywed Sur-
lowed along via social media, vey from WeddingWire. With the
thanks to the couple’s wedding growing crowds, coming up with a
hashtag: #BrooklynBrowns. “It unique hashtag that is yours and
wasn’t like I stumbled upon it, I only yours can be, well, #compli-
was watching for it,” says Ms. #nellandteddy
# ll d dd Nell Diamond married Teddy cated. WeddingWire and a smat-
Pitts, who works in fashion e-com- Wasserman in a ceremony at the Hôtel du Cap Eden Roc in France. She tering of others have created
merce. Her review of the celebra- planned a three-day event with many ‘photographable activities.’ hashtag generators. Users plug in
tion from afar: “It was a dream.” the name of the bride and the
Meet the digital wedding crash- groom, along with other details
ers. In a Sunday morning ritual, like the location and date, to get a
people are poring over strangers’ dozen or more possibilities.
wedding photos on Instagram. Wedding hashtag etiquette
Brides and grooms make it easy by frowns on anything that is too
choosing a distinctive hashtag, of- long—lest you run the risk of a
ten using a combination of their typo—and rewards those that are
names, the location and the date clever. A good hashtag can help
of their nuptials. Anyone can click guests to get in the spirit, encour-
on that hashtag and see a gallery aging them to post early and of-
of photos that is much more inti- ten.
mate and detailed than a newspa- For her wedding to Zach Vella
per wedding announcement. last fall, Michelle Campbell Mason
It is the latest iteration of the used the hashtag #WeVellaInLove.
decades-old tradition of ogling “I love puns,” says the jewelry de-
over the union of others. Some #brooklynbrowns
#b kl b Kahlana Barfield Brown married signer, who thought of it herself.
wedding hashtag enthusiasts use it Dwayne Brown at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden. She asked guests to post There are 299 posts with the
as a way to fantasize about the photos of themselves. She put up her favorites of her and the groom later. hashtag on Instagram, document-
princess-perfect day, a digital tool ing the couple’s festivities in a cas-
of sorts to harvest ideas for their tle in Ireland.
own place settings or bridal bou- far acquaintance’s friend from col- wedding day, she checked Insta- great,” the 27-year-old says she Guests at the wedding of Ms.
quets. But for most, it is simply a lege to stalk,” she tweeted. But her gram and was thrilled to see a told someone once. Barfield Brown, of the #Brooklyn-
chance to be a fly on the wall at favorites are those who are “ob- group playing tennis, she says. Ms. Diamond, who recently Browns, received a gold envelope
events that are increasingly—and scurely famous,” like New York so- Ms. Diamond’s hashtag soon launched the home goods company with a small card asking them to
meticulously—staged for social cialites. caught on outside of the grounds Hill House Home, still checks the use the designated hashtag but not
media. Nell Diamond, the daughter of of the Hotel du Cap-Eden-Roc. hashtag on occasion, when she’s to post pictures of the bride and
“I don’t even know these peo- former Barclays chief Bob Dia- Scores of non-wedding guests feeling nostalgic. (A friend of her groom. Mr. Brown isn't active on
ple, I just think it’s fun,” says mond, wed Teddy Wasserman in a “liked” and commented on the husband’s thought the hashtag re- social media and Ms. Barfield
Emma Silvers, a 19-year-old stu- lavish ceremony in the Côte d’Azur photos, with some reposting them sults were a bit too polished, so, Brown considers herself a private
dent at Drexel University in Phila- of France in the fall of 2014. Using on their own accounts. “The Inter- much to her chagrin, he teased her person, so the couple had reserva-
delphia. the hashtag #nellandteddy, the net is in Love With Nell Diamond’s by posting a photo of Ms. Dia- tions about oversharing.
To start down the wedding couple and their attractive friends Gorgeous Wedding Photos,” read a mond’s hand with a piece of pizza Ms. Barfield Brown, a fashion
hashtag rabbit hole, Ms. Silvers chronicled the three-day affair, in- headline on Harper’s Bazaar’s web- and the caption, “#nellandteddy and beauty editor at large at In-
recommends clicking on the mag- cluding a cliff-side diving board site. just eating pizza.”) Style, later posted a picture of her-
nifying glass search button at the into the sea, the bride’s ceremony “It’s the biggest compliment,” Jackie Johnson, an actor who self and her groom with the
bottom of the Instagram app, gown with its 12-foot train, and says Ms. Diamond, adding that she lives in Los Angeles, checks her In- hashtag from the reception photo
which takes you to a page with the dramatic fireworks show that is a wedding hashtag watcher her- stagram feed periodically on Sat- booth, along with a professional
photos based, in part, on people capped off the evening. self. “I’m not ashamed. I won’t urday nights to follow a wedding. shot. Since her wedding last Octo-
you already follow. “All I wanted to do was see my apologize,” she laughed. Should “You want to see what people are ber, several people have ap-
Ms. Silvers looks for people she friends having fun at my wedding,” she meet someone in person wearing, what they are up to,” she proached her and said things like,
might somehow be connected to, says Ms. Diamond, adding that whose wedding she has seen on says. Ms. Johnson will click on the “I searched your wedding hashtag
like a friend of a friend. “All I need there were many “photographable Instagram, Ms. Diamond is quick geotag of the location and check and ‘Oh my god, your wedding!’”
on this beautiful Sunday is a bagel activities.” During her five-hour to compliment: “Loved your wed- for pictures from the festivities Ms. Barfield Brown says she found
and a wedding hashtag of a very hair and makeup session on her ding, your second dress was that aren’t properly hashtagged. it “so sweet” and a bit “crazy.”

Weather The WSJ Daily Crossword | Edited by Mike Shenk

Shown are today’s noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day.
-15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 69 Aid 30 Comedian with
-10 consideration a car collection
Riga -5 14 15 16
70 Storms of the 31 Provocatively
Moscow 17 18 19 1990s stylish
C p h g
Copenhagen 5
10 20 21 22 Down 32 Trendily
15 1 Kin of ketches self-referential
D bli
Dublin Berlin 23 24 25
A d
Amsterdam 20 2 Near 33 Prepare to
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 switch
London 3 Editor’s mark in
Brussels kf
Frankfurt 30 35 Tina’s “30 Rock”
Prague e
Kiev 32 33 34 35 36 37 the list “...pansy,
35 role
i h
Paris d p
Budapest 38 39 40 41 petunia...”? 36 Unveiling
Vienna Warm
42 43 44 45 46 4 Prepares pilaf exclamation
Geneva Cold
5 “Castle” carrier 39 Source of shock,
Milan h
Bucharest 47 48 49 50 at times
6 Iron, e.g.
51 52 53 54 55 56 43 Burmese
Showers 7 History exam
Rome t b
Istanbul 57 58 59 60 61 fodder
Rain 44 Capp, Pacino and
8 Hardly high-end
d id 62 63 64 others
T-storms 9 Full of
65 66 67 45 “Danses
Algiers resentment
T i
Tunis Ath
Snow Gothiques”
68 69 70 10 Like argon and composer
Flurries oxygen
b 48 2015 World
11 Its business is
Ice E-FILING | By Harold Jones picking up
Series champs
50 Satchel’s cousin
Global Forecasts City
Hi Lo W
Hi Lo W City
Hi Lo W
Hi Lo W
Across 26 House coverage 49 Enterprise 12 Pot unit
52 Praline morsel
s...sunny; pc... partly cloudy; c...cloudy; sh...showers; 1 Sounds from offerer subsidiary
Geneva 17 7 c 15 9 t Ottawa 9 -4 s 12 0 s 13 Improve
t...t’storms; r...rain; sf...snow flurries; sn...snow; i...ice Hanoi 34 24 s 35 24 s Paris 17 9 c 17 8 t pounds 28 High pitch 51 Fowl territory? 53 Drill leader
18 Stalagmite
Havana 31 19 s 31 19 pc Philadelphia 16 4 s 18 5 s 5 “Moneytalks” 32 George W. got 54 Sestina section 55 “The fox so
Today Tomorrow Hong Kong 28 23 c 27 24 t Phoenix 31 17 s 27 14 pc contributions
City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W band one in 1975 cunning and free”
Honolulu 29 22 sh 29 21 sh Pittsburgh 18 5 s 19 5 s 57 Distressed 22 Scatterbrained
Amsterdam 16 8 c 13 7 t Houston 25 13 pc 27 15 pc Port-au-Prince 33 19 pc 34 19 pc 9 Make a mess of 34 Eric of “Pulp 56 Some have codes
jeans, e.g.? sort
Anchorage 10 2 pc 11 2 pc Istanbul 23 14 s 20 13 pc Portland, Ore. 14 7 r 17 7 c 57 51-Across
Athens 27 17 pc 26 15 s Jakarta 33 25 t 31 25 t Rio de Janeiro 33 26 s 33 26 s 14 Harbor, say Fiction” 61 Certain to 24 Cook’s invitation
Atlanta 16 9 c 14 9 c Johannesburg 26 11 s 26 11 s Riyadh 28 13 s 29 14 s 37 Provide with denizens
15 Lackluster experience 27 Astronomer’s
Baghdad 24 14 pc 26 15 c Kansas City 22 10 s 23 11 pc Rome 21 9 s 21 11 s startup capital 58 Track
Baltimore 16 3 s 17 4 s Las Vegas 26 14 pc 21 14 pc Salt Lake City 12 4 sh 13 7 sh 16 It has a 45-mile 62 “A New find
Bangkok 39 28 s 38 29 s Lima 27 20 pc 26 19 pc San Diego 21 15 pc 21 14 pc border with 38 Role for Fonda, Argentina” show 59 Public swimming
29 To be turned off,
Beijing 23 6 s 24 14 pc London 16 8 r 14 5 t San Francisco 17 10 pc 20 13 s Canada Lancaster, site
Berlin 12 4 r 15 7 t Los Angeles 23 12 pc 24 15 s San Juan 29 22 sh 29 22 pc 63 Sight in the when the
17 Courted in a Russell and lighthouse is 60 Womanizing sort
Bogota 19 10 pc 19 11 r Madrid 19 8 c 20 10 pc Santiago 18 12 r 16 10 r unrated version
Boise 13 4 c 15 3 pc Manila 36 28 s 36 28 s Santo Domingo 32 19 pc 32 20 pc rom-com, Costner retired? 64 Bankroll
of “Gladiator”?
Boston 9 3 s 10 5 s Melbourne 25 14 pc 26 14 s Sao Paulo 31 21 pc 30 21 s maybe? 40 By means of
Brussels 16 9 c 15 7 t Mexico City 28 13 pc 28 11 pc Seattle 15 7 c 16 7 c 65 Player Previous Puzzle’s Solution
Buenos Aires 23 19 pc 25 19 r Miami 29 22 pc 29 22 t Seoul 20 6 pc 21 7 s 19 Fugu worry 41 Made like a rat nicknamed “the S E L
Cairo 28 17 s 31 20 s Milan 24 9 s 20 11 pc Shanghai 26 15 pc 22 17 c 42 Bleacher feature King of Clay”
Calgary 10 -1 r 13 0 pc Minneapolis 22 9 pc 22 13 s Singapore 32 28 c 33 27 c
20 Like the Islamic O P A
Caracas 30 24 pc 31 26 pc Monterrey 30 18 pc 30 19 pc Stockholm 8 0 pc 11 3 sh calendar 43 Autos with 66 Fuego S E E
Charlotte 19 7 pc 16 6 c Montreal 9 -2 s 12 0 s Sydney 23 16 pc 24 17 pc extinguisher S E E M C A I R O
21 Rosary SkyActiv J U R A S S I C P A R K
Chicago 15 4 s 18 8 s Moscow 17 8 c 12 3 c Taipei 24 21 r 26 21 c Technology
Dallas 24 13 pc 26 16 pc Mumbai 35 25 pc 34 27 pc Tehran 23 14 pc 20 12 c
recitation, to an 67 Brand with I T E M S S O A K E T O N
Denver 24 8 pc 15 1 t Nashville 21 11 c 21 9 pc Tel Aviv 23 16 s 25 16 s atheist? 46 Feigning “Did you pivot S H O T U R A L S H R E W
Detroit 13 2 s 18 5 s New Delhi 38 24 pc 42 26 pc Tokyo 21 14 r 20 12 s modesty today?” ads A C R Y L I C P A I N T
23 Hamper C L U E S D O E S
Dubai 35 26 c 33 23 pc New Orleans 25 18 r 25 18 sh Toronto 9 -1 s 12 1 s
25 Pitcher’s delivery 47 Getup 68 Works hard F L I P S I D E M A H A L O
Dublin 10 5 pc 10 1 sh New York City 14 5 s 16 6 s Vancouver 14 6 c 14 6 pc D OM E S T I C P A R T N E R
Edinburgh 9 3 pc 7 0 sh Omaha 24 9 s 25 12 pc Washington, D.C. 18 6 s 18 5 s I M P N I E C E S A N N E
Solve this puzzle online and discuss it at WSJ.com/Puzzles.

Frankfurt 16 7 pc 15 9 c Orlando 29 19 t 27 19 t Zurich 15 4 c 14 7 t C P A A S T E R G O D S


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Shoppers Flock to Apps U.K. Targets
Banks’ Marketing
Change in buying habits shakes up retailers TECHNOLOGY | B3 FINANCE | B5
© 2016 Dow Jones & Company. All Rights Reserved. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, April 14, 2016 | B1

Fires Back
U.S. Proposes Theranos Sanctions
BY JOHN CARREYROU Medicaid Services said it plans user-friendliness and quick re- posed, some would take effect at the same time as the lab’s li-
On Probe U.S. federal health regula-
to revoke the California lab’s
federal license and prohibit its
owners, including Ms. Holmes
The letter hasn’t been re-
leased to the public, but a copy
within eight days. Others
would take longer, including
revoking the California lab’s li-
cense revocation and would be
subject to the same appeals

Of Climate tors have proposed to ban

Theranos Inc. founder Eliza-
beth Holmes from the blood-
and Theranos’s president,
Sunny Balwani, from owning or
running any other lab for at
was reviewed by The Wall
Street Journal.
Under federal law, Theranos
cense, which could occur in 60
Theranos could appeal to an
The appeals process could
take months, and such appeals
rarely succeed. A list of appeals
Exxon Mobil Corp. went to testing business for at least least two years. That would in- had 10 days to give CMS evi- administrative law judge and decisions on the agency’s web-
court Wednesday to challenge two years after concluding that clude the company’s only other dence of why the sanctions then a departmental appeals site shows that the agency
a government investigation of the company failed to fix what lab, located in Arizona. shouldn’t be imposed. The board. If Theranos were to ap- didn’t lose a single such case
whether the company con- regulators have called major The two labs generate most company has responded, and peal, the lab would keep its li- from 2001 to the end of 2010.
spired to cover up its under- problems at its laboratory in of Theranos’s revenue and are CMS is reviewing the response, cense pending the outcome of In response to questions
standing of climate change, a California. at the core of its strategy to according to a person familiar the appeal process. The pro- from the Journal about the let-
In a letter dated March 18, revolutionize the blood-testing with the matter. posed ban on Ms. Holmes and ter, Theranos spokeswoman
By Amy Harder, the Centers for Medicare and industry with new technology, If the sanctions are im- Mr. Balwani would take effect Please see BAN page B2
Devlin Barrett

Harry Potter Conjures Parks’ Comeback

and Bradley Olson

sign the energy company is

gearing up for a drawn-out le-
gal battle with environmental-
ists and officials on the politi- Wizarding World is
cally charged issue.
The company filed court boosting attendance,
papers in Texas seeking to revenue at Universal
block a subpoena issued in
March by the attorney general Studios’ theme parks
of the U.S. Virgin Islands, one
of several government officials BY BEN FRITZ
pursuing Exxon. Wednesday’s
filing argues that the sub- LOS ANGELES—For most
poena is an unwarranted fish- of their history, Universal
ing expedition into Exxon’s in- Studios’ theme parks have
ternal records that violates its been the misunderstood
constitutional rights. “stepchildren” of a succession
“The chilling effect of this of corporate parents, accord-
inquiry, which discriminates ing to NBCUniversal Vice
based on viewpoint to target Chairman Ron Meyer. Now
one side of an ongoing policy Harry Potter is conjuring a
debate, strikes at protected magical restoration.
speech at the core of the First “It was a good business but
Amendment,” the filing says. we couldn’t get anybody to in-
Exxon also dismisses the vest in it,” said Mr. Meyer. As
notion that there is any sug- a result, Universal’s theme
gestion of a crime, saying At- parks—two in Orlando and one
torney General Claude Earl each in Los Angeles, Japan
Walker “issued the subpoena and Singapore—have long
without the reasonable suspi- struggled as a distant No. 2 to
cion required by law and Walt Disney Co.

based on an ulterior motive to That has particularly been

silence those who express true in Los Angeles, where
views on climate change with Universal Studios Hollywood
which they disagree.” has over the past two decades
attempted to grow from a
It is a sign Exxon is back-lot studio tour into a full-
fledged theme park as attrac-
gearing up for a long tive as Disneyland Resort in
battle with nearby Anaheim.
The comeback attempt cul-
environmentalists. minated last week with the
opening of the Wizarding
World of Harry Potter at Uni-
A request for comment to versal Studios Hollywood. The
the U.S. Virgin Islands’ attor- company now has themed The Wizarding World of Harry Potter that opened recently at Universal Studios Hollywood is centered on Hogwarts Castle.
ney general’s office wasn’t im- lands based on the boy wizard
mediately returned. in all but one of its five total. has invested more liberally.
In the subpoena, the U.S. parks—anchoring its business Annual revenue grew 109% The conglomerate spent $2 Alchemy Operating
cash flow
Virgin Islands told Exxon it on what some consider the between 2010 and 2015 to billion on theme-park capital Universal’s parks are not as popular
could be violating two state biggest pop culture hit of the $3.34 billion, and operating expenditures between 2013 as Disney’s, but their operating Total
laws, by purportedly obtaining century. The one exception is cash flow increased 148% to and 2015, more than double margins are nearly double.
money under false pretenses in Singapore, where Universal $1.46 billion. the prior three years. Universal Disney
By fiscal year:
and conspiring to do so. licenses its name to a local op- At Disney’s theme parks, In addition to a second Pot-
$15 billion
Both sides see this as a piv- erator. which remain a far larger ter land in Orlando and new
otal moment in a growing Like the others, the new business than Universal’s, rev- ones in Japan and Hollywood,
campaign by environmental- Wizarding World in Los Ange- enue grew 50% during the Comcast has funded new at-
ists to deploy a legal strategy les is centered on Hogwarts comparable period to $16.16 tractions based on the Trans-
used against tobacco compa- Castle and features two major billion, and operating income formers and the Walking Dead, 10
nies in the 1990s by arguing rides, a choir of magical stu- rose 130% to $3.03 billion. licensed from other compa-
that oil companies have long dents and croaking frogs, and Each Harry Potter land nies, and Universal’s own Fast
hidden what they know about shops selling butterbeer and costs a little more than $250 and Furious and Minions. With
climate change. Tobacco firms’ $47 magic wands. million to build, said people sister film studio Universal
finances and credibility were The Wizarding World, familiar with the matter. When Pictures performing at record 5
badly damaged by lawsuits ac- based on J.K. Rowling’s books the first one opened in 2010, box-office levels recently,
cusing them of hiding the and Warner Bros.’ movies then-Universal owner General more rides based on movies
truth about their products. has already cast a spell on Electric Co. had the parks are in development, said Mr.
A key meeting in the new Universal’s theme-parks busi- business fund it out of its own Williams.
push unfolded in January be- ness. Since 2009, the year be- cash flow, said Tom Williams, Comcast last year acquired
hind closed doors at a Man- fore the first one opened, an- chief executive of Universal 51% of Universal Studios 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
hattan office building. The ses- nual attendance at the Parks and Resorts. Japan, previously a licensed
Universal opened Harry Potter theme parks in 2010, 2014 and 2016.
sion brought together about a company’s parks has more Comcast Corp. which ac- park, for $1.5 billion and hopes
Please see CLIMATE page B2 than doubled to 43 million in quired NBCUniversal in 2010, Please see POTTER page B2 Source: the companies THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Changes to U.S. Tax Rules Ripple Widely Coal-Mining Giant

BY RICHARD RUBIN at how many transactions may
be affected by the rules, which
what anyone expected,” said
Jason Bazar, a partner at
considered the commercial
Files for Bankruptcy
The Treasury Department’s address the line between in- Mayer Brown LLP in New Treasury released two sets BY JOHN W. MILLER No large publicly listed U.S.
new corporate rules will reach ternal company debt and eq- York, who advises companies of rules April 4. The first put AND MATT JARZEMSKY coal miner has been spared by
far beyond the few companies uity. on cross-border transactions. into regulatory language the the forces crushing the coal in-
that moved their legal ad- “The breadth and scope of “They’ve assumed the worst in anti-inversion notices the gov- Peabody Energy Corp., the dustry, which include new envi-
dresses to low-tax countries, the regs are quite a bit beyond certain transactions and not ernment issued in 2014 and largest U.S. coal company, be- ronmental regulations, the de-
forcing many firms based in 2015 and added a crackdown came the latest to file for cline of steel production, and
the U.S. to change their inter- on “serial inverters” like Al- bankruptcy Wednesday, under- the conversion of coal-fired
nal financing strategies and lergan PLC that are the prod- scoring the fraying future of power plants to natural gas,
tax planning. uct of multiple inversions. In corporate coal mining in which has become a cheap and
Corporate tax lawyers, who an inversion, a U.S. company America. abundant source of fuel thanks
have spent the past week try- takes a foreign address, typi- The bankruptcy of the St. to the shale boom.
ing to understand one of the cally through a merger with a Louis-based company came af- Peabody’s bankruptcy sets
Obama administration’s most smaller firm. The serial-in- ter similar filings by Arch Coal the stage for a potentially bit-
far-reaching tax regulations, verter provision helped doom Inc., Alpha Natural Resources, ter fight among creditors for its

say the rules cast aside de- Pfizer Inc.’s attempt to merge Inc., Patriot Coal Corp. and assets, which include massive
cades of precedents and force with Allergan, a deal that Walter Energy, Inc., all of open-pit complexes in Wyo-
corporations to alter routine would have put the combined whom recently sought chapter ming and Australia and under-
cash-management techniques. company’s address in Ireland. 11 protection. ground mines in Illinois.
The rules would also end a The second package would Chief Executive Glenn Kellow America may never again
strategy used by companies have longer-lasting effects. It called the current coal market see a coal company as big as
such as Illinois Tool Works limits earnings stripping, the “historically challenged” and Peabody. Founded in 1883 by
Inc. to repatriate foreign prof- post-inversion technique used said the filing was “an in-court Francis Peabody with $100, a
its without paying U.S. taxes. to load up U.S. subsidiaries solution to Peabody’s substan- wagon and two mules, accord-
Tax lawyers were surprised New York-based Pfizer abandoned its bid to merge with Allergan. Please see TAX page B4 tial debt burden.” Please see COAL page B2
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.
To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or www.djreprints.com
B2 | Thursday, April 14, 2016 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


These indexes cite notable references to most parent companies and businesspeople
in today’s edition. Articles on regional page inserts aren’t cited in these indexes.

Airbus Group...............B3
Alibaba Group.............B3
Exxon Mobil................B1
Fosun Group................B5
Peabody Energy..........B1
Petroleos de
Tesco Cautious on Profit Volkswagen
Boss Accepts

Bonus Cut
Alpha Natural Philip Morris
Resources..................B1 General Electric .......... B1 International.............B4
Amazon.com...............A8 General Motors...........B4 Premier Foods.............B3 LONDON—Tesco PLC re-
Ant Financial Services Godfrey Phillips India.B4 R ported a small rise in adjusted
Group.........................B3 Goldman Sachs
Reiss Holdings............B8 profit for its fiscal year as the BY WILLIAM BOSTON
Arch Coal.....................B1 Group...................A1,B2 British supermarket giant
Goldman Sachs Group B8 S
Aurelius Capital
Sidley Austin .............. B2
logged stronger sales in the BERLIN—Volkswagen AG
Management.............B2 I U.K. but signaled that future Chairman Hans Dieter Pötsch
Smithfield Foods ........ B7
B Illinois Tool Works......B1
State Street................A1 profitability would be capped agreed to a sharp cut in his


ITC ............................... B4
Baidu ........................... B3 T by investment. 2015 bonus, paving the way for
Bank of America.........A1 J-L On Wednesday, shares fell a broader agreement among
Bank of New York Tesco......................B2,B8
J.P. Morgan 7.8% to end at 181 pence in top executives over bonus cuts
Mellon.......................A1 Theranos......................B1
Chase..............A1,B5,B7 London trading as investors in light of the company’s emis-
British American Time Warner...............B2
Tobacco ..................... B4 Los Angeles Times.....B2 U reacted to the cautious profit sions-cheating crisis.
Brooklyn Botanic outlook after Chief Executive Volkswagen said on
M Universal Studios.......B1
Garden .................... A12 V Dave Lewis indicated Tesco Wednesday that the deal
Macarthur Coal...........B2
C was unlikely to hit current would be approved at a super-
MarryU ........................ B3 VST Industries............B4
Citigroup ..................... A1 Mayer Brown .............. B1 consensus profit figures. visory board meeting on April
Comcast.......................B1 McCormick...................B3 The otherwise mostly in- CEO Dave Lewis says Tesco’s focus on investment could cap profit. 22, when the company’s direc-
Walgreens Boots
ContextLogic...............B3 Meituan.......................B3 line results signaled there were tors are also expected to re-
D-E ModCloth.....................B3
Walter Energy.............B1
some green shoots emerging of lower-priced “Farm” brands brands was “probably the view a report on the emissions
Morgan Stanley.....A1,B8 as Tesco recovers from a tu- in a bid to compete directly most significant” he has made scandal from U.S. law firm
Delphi Automotive ..... B4 Warburg Pincus .......... B8
Dewmobile .................. B3 P Warner Bros..........B1,B2 multuous period in which its with discounters Lidl and Aldi. so far, but declined to specify Jones Day.
Elliott Management ... B2 Patriot Coal.................B1 Wells Fargo.................A1 reputation was tarnished by an “It was the first year of how much had been spent. The board of directors also
accounting scandal, property transformation,” Mr. Lewis Revenue, excluding value- will review Volkswagen’s 2015

INDEX TO PEOPLE values at its biggest stores

tumbled, and the grocer ceded
market share to rivals.
told reporters. “We think we
have stabilized the business,
we were in a difficult place 16
added taxes, slipped to £54.43
billion from £56.93 billion a
year earlier.
financial results the same day.
The company’s report may in-
clude any additional charges to
B F Lewis, Dave.................B2 For the year ended Feb. 27, months ago.” Mr. Lewis has been selling fund potential fines and com-
Balwani, Sunny...........B1 Fu Yonggang ............... B3 M Tesco’s operating profit ex- However he warned that for certain noncore assets as he pensation linked to its emis-
Basse, Dan..................B7 G McDermott, Tracey.....B8 cluding one-time items—a fig- Tesco to achieve market esti- continues to focus more on the sions scandal. The full earn-
Blocher, Christoph......B8 Gelos, Gaston ............. B5 P ure closely watched by inves- mates of a trading profit of company’s key U.K. market. ings report is set for April 28.
Brodsky, Mark.............B2 H tors—came to £944 million £1.25 billion for its current fis- Tesco earlier this week said The agreement to cut man-
Pinto, Daniel...............B7
C Huang Zhen.................B3 Prestage, John............B7 ($1.35 billion), up 1.1% from a cal year would be “a substan- it had agreed to sell an 8.6% agement bonuses follows days
Cammarata, Barbara .. B2 I S year earlier. Tesco had guided tial, substantial achievement,” stake in Singapore e-com- of wrangling between the com-
Capehart, Tom.............B7 Ingle, Greg...................B2 Singer, Paul.................B2 to a trading profit of £940 signaling that the grocer is fo- merce platform Lazada Group pany’s senior management,
D L W million to £950 million. cused on investment, which SA to Alibaba Group Holding core shareholders and labor
Dearie, John................A2 Lake, Marianne...........B7 Woolard, Mr. Lewis who became would affect profitability, es- Ltd. for $129 million, and re- representatives. The state of
Dimon, James........A2,B7 Lei, Hermann .............. B8 Christopher...............B5 Tesco’s CEO in 2014, has pecially in the first half of the cently announced it was clos- Lower Saxony, which holds
moved to cut costs, shed non- year. ing its health business Nutri- 20% of Volkswagen’s voting
core assets and simplify “We are needing to invest in Centre. capital, and the IG Metall trade

POTTER and recently began construc-

tion on Star Wars lands in
Anaheim and Orlando.
Tesco’s range and store opera-
tions. A former Unilever PLC
executive whose background is
our business at a time in the
cycle when the market is par-
ticularly challenging,” he said.
On Wednesday, Mr. Lewis
declined to respond to specu-
lation that the company could
union pushed the company’s
management to accept a
sweeping cut in bonuses.
Continued from the prior page A Disney spokeswoman in building brands, Mr. Lewis Mr. Lewis said Tesco’s in- sell its gardening center or —Hendrik Varnholt
to eventually buy the rest said, “For 60 years Disney has recently unveiled a new range vestment in the new Farm coffee shop businesses. contributed to this article.
from financial firms including led the industry in creating
Goldman Sachs Group Inc., immersive theme-park experi-
said Mr. Williams. Comcast
will soon start construction on
a joint-venture theme park in
ences and we continue to raise
the bar during one of the larg-
est expansions in Disney Parks
BAN machines, including its Edison
devices, not ”the fundamental
integrity of the technologies
“This list may be used to ad-
vise the laboratory’s clients of
the nature of its non-compli-
One of those tests, a blood-
coagulation test known as pro-
thrombin time, measures how
Beijing, likely to open around history.” Continued from the prior page themselves.” ance and the nature and effec- long it takes blood to clot and
2020. Between 2009, the year be- Brooke Buchanan said the gov- The company’s most urgent tive date of any sanctions im- is often used by doctors to de-
The Beijing park will launch fore the first Wizarding World ernment hasn’t yet imposed challenge is to persuade gov- posed against the laboratory,” termine which dosage of the
with its own Harry Potter opened, and 2014, the most re- sanctions on the company’s lab ernment officials not to impose federal officials wrote in the blood thinner warfarin to give
land, said a person with cent year for which data is in Newark, Calif. the crippling penalties detailed letter. patients.
knowledge of the project available, attendance at Uni- “Due to the comprehensive in the 45-page letter. The The proposed penalties are Wrong prothrombin time re-
plans. versal’s Islands of Adventure nature of the corrective mea- agency completed an inspec- among the most severe in sults could cause doctors to
The expansion comes as park in Orlando grew 76% to sures we’ve taken over the past tion of the California lab in No- CMS’s power, said Barbara prescribe too little or too much
Disney has been investing 8.14 million, according to the several months, which has vember and found five major Cammarata, a lawyer at Sidley warfarin. Too much of the
heavily in parks itself. In addi- Themed Entertainment Associ- been affirmed by several ex- categories of infractions that Austin LLP who advises clini- drug, also known by its brand
tion to a $5.5 billion theme- ation. perts, we are hopeful that CMS violate the federal law govern- cal labs on regulatory issues. name Coumadin, can cause fa-
park opening in Shanghai this Universal Studios Holly- won’t impose sanctions,” she ing clinical labs. “They’re in a lot of trouble,” tal bleeding, while too little can
June, the company is adding a wood drew 6.82 million people added. “But if they do, we will In February, Theranos sub- she said. leave patients vulnerable to
new Frozen attraction opening in 2014 and that number is work with CMS to address all mitted a correction plan to ad- Last year, the agency re- clots and strokes, according to
at Epcot Center later this year, likely to grow significantly. of their concerns.” medical experts.
Last week, Theranos an- Prothrombin time is a hema-
nounced the recruitment of tology test. In January, CMS

COAL pected to vie for control of Pea-

body’s assets bought their debt
at steep discounts, according to
“nationally respected labora-
tory and medical experts” to
its scientific and medical advi-
told Theranos that its hematol-
ogy-testing practices placed
patients in “immediate jeop-
Continued from the prior page people familiar with the matter. sory board. The company said ardy.” In the March 18 letter,
ing to the company’s corporate The company’s bonds and loans the eight-member panel would the agency said the company’s
history, Peabody grew into a have tumbled in recent years “work alongside Theranos’ plan failed to adequately cor-
juggernaut, producing coal for along with coal prices. A $1 bil- leadership and internal teams rect those deficient practices.
customers in 25 countries and lion series of bonds Peabody in various areas, including ad- As a result, the agency pro-
employing 7,600 people. sold just last March recently vising Theranos regarding the posed to bar Theranos’s lab in
But its decline has been pre- traded for 7 cents on the dollar, full integration of its technol- California from doing any he-
cipitous in recent years. In according to MarketAxess, indi- ogy into routine clinical prac- matology testing, regardless of
2011, Peabody’s value on the cating that some investors that tice, and publication and pre- whether it appeals the sanc-
stock market briefly touched bought the debt when it was is- sentation in scientific journals tions, according to the letter.
$20 billion. It is now worth $38 sued later sold at a steep loss. and at scientific meetings.” The company has said it

million. Peabody said Wednesday it Theranos was valued at $9 doesn’t believe any patients
Peabody expects a bank- had obtained $800 million in billion in a funding round in were affected.
ruptcy-court fight between emergency financing, arranged 2014 and the majority stake of The Arizona lab wasn’t part
lenders and bondholders over by Citigroup Inc., and has Ms. Holmes at more than half of the inspection and continues
which of its mines secured enough cash to keep running that. During the past six to run a variety of tests on
lenders can lay claim to, ac- mines and delivering coal to months, though, Theranos has samples drawn from patients
cording to people familiar with customers. Citigroup didn’t re- faced questions about the pro- at 40 Theranos wellness cen-
the matter. spond to requests for comment. prietary blood-testing devices Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes faces a possible U.S. ban. ters at Walgreens Boots Alli-
Bondholders including El- Peabody last month said it had it invented, code-named Edi- ance Inc. drugstores.
liott Management Corp. and delayed interest-rate payments son, the accuracy of patient dress the problems, but federal voked the licenses of about two In addition, CMS said it
Aurelius Capital Management on two loans and warned it test results and its lab prac- officials concluded it was insuf- dozen clinical labs out of the didn’t find some of the exhibits
LP are expected to argue that may not have sufficient liquid- tices. ficient, according to the March thousands it oversees across and tables Theranos referred to
Peabody’s debt agreements sig- ity to sustain operations, warn- The Journal reported in Oc- 18 letter. CMS declined to com- the U.S. in its plan, according to the let-
nificantly reduce lenders’ ing of a possible chapter 11 fil- tober that former employees ment. Greg Ingle, chief executive ter. And Theranos widened the
claims on mines and other as- ing. had doubts about the accuracy The letter detailed six pro- of Clinical Lab Consulting variation ranges it deemed ac-
sets, leaving more value for Peabody has now lost money and reliability of the Edison posed sanctions, including re- LLC, a firm that audits labs, ceptable for certain blood tests
bondholders, the people said. in nine straight quarters and in devices. CMS inspectors found voking the California lab’s fed- said it “is incredibly rare to without giving the agency any
The firms are known for in- 2015 posted a $2 billion deficit. that some tests run on those eral license and barring it from see” the government seek to justification for the change, the
vesting in distressed debt and a The company also has been machines and traditional de- the Medicare program. License take away the license of “a letter said.
willingness to engage in legal weighed down by its ill-timed vices routinely missed Thera- revocation would result in Ms. highly capitalized, large opera- CMS officials usually release
battles to protect their invest- acquisition of Australia’s Mac- nos’s own accuracy require- Holmes and Mr. Balwani being tion” such as Theranos. Com- sanctions letters to the public
ments. arthur Coal Ltd. for $5.1 billion ments. barred from owning or operat- pany records showed that the soon after sending them to lab
Elliott and Aurelius, which in 2011. Prices have been de- Ms. Buchanan said last ing any lab for at least two California lab ran about owners. With Theranos, the
were founded respectively by clining ever since. month that Theranos “made years, according to the copy re- 890,000 tests a year. agency has held off because the
billionaire Paul Singer and for- Things are likely to get mistakes in the past in the viewed by the Journal. Officials found that Thera- company requested redactions
mer Elliott Management port- worse before they get better. Newark” lab but has “dedicated CMS also proposed to fine nos failed to adequately correct that it said are necessary to
folio manager Mark Brodsky, By 2020, demand for U.S. coal every resource to remedy those Theranos $10,000 a day and 43 of 45 deficiencies identified protect its trade secrets, ac-
are poised to make big profits is expected to fall to 20% less failures” since becoming aware said it wants the company to by inspectors last year. The cording to people familiar with
on a decade-plus legal fight than what U.S. mines produce, of the problems. submit the names and ad- failures included not providing the matter. The agency hasn’t
with Argentina over defaulted according to McKinsey. She also said that most of dresses of all doctors and pa- evidence that Theranos sent decided whether to grant the
sovereign bonds. —Alex MacDonald the deficiencies related to how tients who used the lab’s ser- corrected reports to patients redaction requests, the people
Many of the creditors ex- contributed to this article. Theranos used various testing vices since January 2014. who got flawed test results. said.


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recent climate deals.
Their hope is to encourage
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the heirs of John D. Rockefel-
ler, the founder of Exxon’s
forebear, Standard Oil.
Continued from the prior page state attorneys general and In Wednesday’s filing, The Rockefeller Family
BUSINESS FOR SALE dozen people, including Kenny the U.S. Justice Department to Exxon’s lawyers say the com- Fund has signaled it will help
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mental campaigns, and Bill suits that ultimately will than a decade that it sees the existing backing of 350.org,
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Phone 850 653 5627 include “to establish in pub- larger public understand the A key part of the activists’ least four state attorneys gen-
lic’s mind that Exxon is a cor- urgencies of finding climate strategy is to seek documents eral have launched investiga-
Businesses For Sale. rupt institution that has solutions,” said Lee Wasser- that show otherwise: that tions and a dozen others have
pushed humanity (and all cre- man, director of the Rockefel- Exxon, despite knowing the signaled they might.
Advertise in The Mart. ation) toward climate chaos ler Family Fund, which hosted dangers of climate change, has None has been as aggres-
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mentalists’ frustration at what used by a portion of the pub- set to be bankrolled partly by decades.
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * Thursday, April 14, 2016 | B3

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Millennials Are Shaking Up Tech Cultures

hortly after joining on- He says the contrast is found that they consider “I have the responsibility
line dating company sharp, even with Chinese younger employees both an- to stop Frank from having
MarryU Inc. last Sep- born in the 1980s, given how gels and monsters. unrealistic ideas about our
tember, Fu Yonggang clashed rapidly living standards im- Such workers can be a users,” says Cui Jianxiong,
with founder and Chief Exec- proved in the ’90s and access force for disruptive innova- Zapya’s 25-year-old iOS
utive Huang Zhen at a prod- to technology increased. tion, the CEOs said, but also product manager. “I com-
uct meeting. Mr. Huang sug- Someone born in 1995 en- pose big management chal- plain so much about our
gested when a user clicks on tered a Chinese economy lenges because they are re- product and user interface
the “chat” button on another more than twice its size in luctant to work over- that Frank nicknamed me
user’s profile page, the sys- 1985, for example. As for their time, place more emphasis ‘sharp tongue.’ ”


tem would send an auto- parents’ generation, “It’s an on work-life balance, and Tech executives like Mr.
mated greeting to that user. entire world apart,” he says. have difficulty sustaining en- Wang, who spent 15 years in
Mr. Fu thought Chinese companies gener- thusiasm for work. the U.S. and whose family
the function ally have had strict hierarchi- Tech companies are still lives there, say that
could make the cal structures and cultures in adapting to get the most out while they appreciate
user who initi- which bosses are rarely chal- of these employees. post-90s employees’ creativ-
ated the con- lenged and professional suc- Immediately after found- ity and openness, they find
versa- cess largely depends on exe- ing Dewmobile Inc. in Beijing some to be unreliable. They
CHINA tion look insinc Younger workers are forcing companies to change their attitudes. cuting orders. Openly in 2012, Frank Wang started switch jobs frequently, and it
CIRCUIT ere, undermin- confronting the boss the way hiring post-90s interns be- isn’t uncommon for them to
LI YUAN ing his or her ing that he recently fired a are almost all only children, Mr. Fu did would be unthink- cause his company’s primary not show up for job inter-
chance to get a new employee who turned due to China’s one-child pol- able to older Chinese workers. product, Zapya, is a private views—or for work, even af-
response. Their out to be too much of a yes- icy, and they are the first file-sharing app for users be- ter signing offer letters.

argument escalated into person. group born after the govern- UTnow some older tech tween 13 and 24 years old. But while Mr. Wang found
shouting and table pounding. Mr. Fu says he did feel ment’s bloody 1989 clamp- managers are realizing He needed their input to that these young employees
The two men have argued pressure in those arguments down on the Tiananmen that the traditional ap- make the product a success. often are reluctant to work
like that at least a dozen but he had to speak up when Square protest movement. proach doesn’t work for their Now 60% of the com- as hard as his generation,
times since 26-year-old Mr. he felt he understood an is- They’re the first to grow up younger employees, who are pany’s 110 employees are they’re more than willing to
Fu came on board, according sue better than Mr. Huang. when Internet access was eager to be heard and value post-90s people, and Mr. spend time on projects where
to both of them. Millennials—generally de- widely available. personal fulfillment more Wang, who calls himself they feel they have owner-
Mr. Huang, a 38-year-old fined as people born in the Post-90s people grew up than superiors’ praises. a post-60s, has developed ship.
serial tech entrepreneur in 1980s and 90s—are shaking much more comfortable than According to a 2014 sur- close relationships with Serena Zhang, who
Hangzhou, says he found Mr. up corporate cultures in the their parents’ generation, vey of 160 employees at 22 many of them after over- started as an intern Web
Fu too blunt and stubborn in U.S. and other countries. In which suffered poverty and tech startups in China, con- coming some shocks. writer at the company in
the beginning but had China, given its rapid societal strict social controls. They ducted by venture-capital His young employ- 2012, refused to work over-
learned to appreciate his can- changes in the past several tend to be more open- firm China’s Innovation ees aren’t afraid to tell him time until after she got her
dor and passion. He put decades, the generational di- minded, rebellious, individu- Works, post-90s employees and other older colleagues— wish to work on an interac-
the younger man in charge of vides are even wider. alistic and willing to chal- are driven much more including graduates of top tive-design project.
project management, and The cohort in China that lenge authority than previous by user satisfaction and per- universities like Tsinghua “I worked until 2 a.m. ev-
gave him several pay raises. is spurring the most change generations, says Eric Fish, sonal development than peo- and Stanford, with years of ery day on that first project,”
“I’ve stopped thinking of is called the “Post-90s” gen- author of the book “China’s ple five or 10 years older. experience working in Silicon says Ms. Zhang, now a prod-
myself as someone who gives eration, describing people Millennials: The Want Gener- A parallel survey by the Valley—that their product uct manager. “It kind of felt
order,” says Mr. Huang, add- born in or after 1990. They ation.” same firm of 30 startup CEOs ideas stink. like my baby.”

Shoppers Are Flocking to Apps—and Retailers React

BY GREG BENSINGER growth slowed to 8.1% from user’s device to judge a cus-
12.5%. Path to Purchase tomer’s possible buying power.
Hana Pugh, a 29-year-old The retailers that are suc- Apps have the edge over mobile “Our data shows that the more
event planner and new mother, ceeding are training customers sites when it comes to how expensive device you have, the
buys most of her household to think of their smartphones shoppers select and more you might spend,” said
items and baby goods online. like an all-day impulse aisle. Tophatter CEO Ashvin Kumar.

purchase items.
But she doesn’t use her com- Apps are able to capture data “Millions of Amazon custom-
puter to shop. Instead, Ms. available on handsets and push App Mobile browser ers shop exclusively on a mo-
Pugh taps away at her iPhone. consumers to buy when they Products viewed per user bile device all year,” said an
“It’s quicker to pull out my have a spare moment, whether 22 Amazon spokeswoman.
phone and click ‘buy’ than to in line for a morning coffee, or, 5.7 Retailers may be most ex-
log on to my computer,” said as in Ms. Pugh’s case, nursing cited to cater results based on a
Ms. Pugh, of Bowie, Md., who her child. Percentage added to basket customer’s location, whether it
relies on Amazon.com Inc.’s But merchants say many 24% is knowing a user has entered
app for essentials such as dia- shoppers on phones still shy 13% their store or is vacationing in
pers and wipes. away from buying big-ticket warmer climes.
Shopping on a small screen items such as sofas, preferring Percentage of transactions “If you’re in Australia, we
used to be a pain. But as con- larger photos, expanded re- might serve you swimwear
sumers spend more of their views and product descriptions, 44% when it’s winter in the North-
days glued to smartphones, re- as well as price comparisons Note: Includes sites that have over 25% of ern Hemisphere,” said Matt Ka-
transactions on mobile, 10% of which are
tailers are getting savvier with available on a desktop com- on mobile apps. Amazon has the top-ranked app, according to Apple. Retailers are ness, CEO of San Francisco
apps that ease browsing, offer puter. Source: Criteo getting savvier with apps that are easy for customers to use. fashion retailer ModCloth,
rewards, suggest the right And retailers have to be THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. which has about 1.2 million us-
products and simplify the pur- careful not to seem invasive. higher on his company’s web- minutes a day using apps, com- ers.
chase to one click. Amazon’s shoe retailer, Zap- demand,” said Andrew Lips- site than its app. But he says pared with 51 minutes surfing EBay Inc. will highlight gen-
The so-called appification of pos.com, is testing technology man, a comScore vice presi- customers spend about 10% the mobile Web, according to erators to customers shopping
shopping promises to radically that highlights different prod- dent, who has studied mobile more on average on mobile de- eMarketer. Such devotion to in areas affected by a big
transform the retail industry by ucts based on a phone’s operat- shopping. “They can create an vices in a given six-month pe- apps isn’t lost on retailers. Tar- storm, said Hal Lawton, the
creating new shopping habits, ing system. Target Corp. impulsive buying moment at riod. get has shifted resources and company’s North America se-
reshaping sales tactics and pushes coupons to customers any point in the day because Mobile devices also drive staff away from Web develop- nior vice president.
carving out winners and losers. who have the app open in its they are with you all the time, Web sales: Nearly 40% of desk- ment to its app—which it hopes Other retailers such as Wal-
Instead of placing one big stores. Fashion retailer Mod- right in your pocket.” top transactions in the fourth to make central to all of its dig- Mart Stores Inc. and Nord-
order from a computer, people Cloth Inc. suggests some prod- Selling merchandise on quarter took place after a cus- ital design. strom Inc. have explored ways
increasingly are making smaller ucts based on a customer’s lo- smartphones still poses chal- tomer visited the retailer’s app “With smartphones we’re to tie in mobile shopping with
purchases in short bursts cation. lenges. The ease of buying sin- or mobile site, according to able to reach you all the time” stores. Customers could check
throughout the day on their Amazon’s dominance on the gle items instead of building a consulting firm Criteo. through texts or lock-screen in to a store through the app,
phones, a phenomenon retailers Web extends to mobile, and the shopping cart can drive up re- Olivia Bryant, a 19-year-old messages, known as push noti- providing salespeople with
call “snacking.” online retailer has the top- tailers’ shipping costs. And con- Starbucks barista in Bakers- fications, said Wish CEO Peter their purchase history, even en-
Mobile sales are booming, ranked app, according to Apple. sumers are more likely to win- field, Calif., said she spends up Szulczewski. crypted payment information,
especially compared with sales Among the top-ranked apps on dow shop for products but not to two hours a day shopping on The San Francisco startup for a quicker and more person-
gains from desktop computers. both Apple and Android devices necessarily buy them. her iPhone through apps such has created an experience that alized shopping experience.
Last year, U.S. sales from are two, young mobile-centric People still make most of as marketplace Etsy Inc. and mimics the mall, with a seem- But the main catch for apps
mobile devices jumped 56% to marketplaces, OfferUp Inc. and their online transactions on fashion retailer Poshmark Inc. ingly endless inventory to scroll may be the impulsive shoppers.
$49.2 billion, doubling the pre- ContextLogic Inc.’s Wish, desktop computers. “It’s much simpler to shop through and bargain-basement “On bar nights, we see drunk
vious year’s growth, according which last year were valued at Ryan McIntyre, chief mar- on my phone,” she said. “There prices. shopping, which is very inter-
to comScore. Desktop sales still $800 million and $3 billion, re- keting officer of men’s fashion aren’t a lot of distractions.” Some apps, such as those esting,” said Alan Tisch, CEO of
dwarf mobile, reaching $256.1 spectively, by investors. retailer JackThreads Inc., said The average U.S. consumer from Zappos and online auction fashion app Spring Inc. “Maybe
billion last year, but annual “Mobile devices are driving the average cart is about $5 last year spent 3 hours and 5 site Tophatter Inc., identify a there’s an opportunity there.”

Alibaba Targets Food Delivery

agreed to buy a majority stake MCCORMICK
Business in Reiss Holdings, valuing the
British fashion retailer at £230
Spice Maker Drops
BY KANE WU Meituan-Dianping, formed Watch million ($328 million).
Reiss was founded in 1971
Bid for Premier Foods
U.S. spice and herb company
by the merger of two rival by David Reiss, who will keep a McCormick and Co. Inc. has
Chinese e-commerce giant startups last year, raised $3.3 minority stake in the business walked away from making an of-
Alibaba Group Holding Ltd., billion in January, marking the and stay on as chairman and fer for British food manufacturer
together with its financial affili- largest private-fundraising chief executive, Warburg Pincus Premier Foods PLC.
ate, is placing a $1.25 billion bet round globally for a venture- AIRBUS said in a statement. The Maryland-based company
on food-delivery app Ele.me, capital-backed startup. Reiss, which operates in 160 on Wednesday said, having com-
stepping up the battle to enable In the round, which valued it
Emirates Airline locations in 15 countries, had pleted due diligence on Premier
Chinese consumers to arrange at more than $18 billion, Buys More A380s sales of £146 million in the 12 Foods, it wouldn’t be able to
services through mobile phones. Meituan-Dianping raised capital Emirates Airline on Wednes- months to Jan. 31. propose an offer that would be

The move to back the app— from investors including Ali- day said it would buy two more Warburg Pincus said it plans recommended by Premier’s
whose Chinese name means, baba’s chief rival, Tencent Hold- Airbus Group SE A380 super- to expand the company globally, board and deliver appropriate re-
“Are you hungry?”—comes af- ings Ltd. jumbos, a day after the Euro- particularly in North America, turns for McCormick sharehold-
ter Alibaba reached a deal ear- Many startups have burned pean plane maker announced Asia and Australia. ers.
lier this year to sell its stake out in the battle to attract us- the order as one from an undis- —Simon Clark —Tapan Panchal
in Meituan-Dianping, China’s An Ele.me courier in Shanghai. ers with heavy discounts and closed customer.
largest online provider of subsidies. But Alibaba and Ten- Emirates Airline, the world’s
movie ticketing, restaurant Alibaba and Ant Financial cent have deep pockets and largest international carrier by
bookings and other on-de- pledged last year to each in- supporting services such as traffic, said the additional air-
mand services. Ele.me com- vest three billion yuan ($464.2 maps, data and payments plat- craft will be delivered in the
petes with Meituan-Dianping million) in Koubei, whose name forms that could give them an fourth quarter of next year. The
and Chinese search company translates as “word-of-mouth edge over other competitors. purchase has a list-price value of
Baidu Inc.’s Nuomi platform. reputation.” Alibaba’s executives have $865.2 million, though airlines
Alibaba will invest $900 mil- Ele.me couldn’t be reached said the company’s dominance often get steep discounts.

lion in Shanghai-based Ele.me for comment on Wednesday. in e-commerce can translate to —Robert Wall
and financial affiliate Ant Fi- China’s Internet companies success in the local-services
nancial Services Group will are fighting for position in the market, pointing to the hun- REISS
add $350 million, according to fiercely competitive market dreds of millions of users of
an Ant Financial spokeswoman. for smartphone applications its shopping app, Taobao, and
Private-Equity Firm
Alibaba also signed an connecting users with brick- affiliated payments business, Buys Stake in Retailer
agreement with Ele.me under and-mortar services such as Alipay. The company also has Warburg Pincus LLC, a New
which its own online food-ser- taxi rides, food deliveries, res- a mapping arm and other as- York-based private-equity firm
vices platform, Koubei, will co- taurant bookings and movie sets that can support such a with more than $40 billion un-
operate with Ele.me. ticketing. business, they say. der management, said it has Emirates Airline will buy two Airbus A380 super jumbos.
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B4 | Thursday, April 14, 2016 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Delphi Prevails in U.S. Tax Battle TAX rule “swiftly,” is accepting

comments through July 7.
Considering the magnitude of
Continued from page B1 the issue and the likely com-
BY JEFF BENNETT new company in Gillingham, The IRS initially told Delphi in law didn’t apply to the com- with debt and push profits to plexity of the comments, a fi-
U.K., after emerging from the summer of 2015 that it pany and therefore no adjust- low-tax countries. But it is nal rule could take still longer.
Delphi Automotive PLC bankruptcy in 2009. would be classified as a U.S. ments for the tax years needed much bigger than that. Tax lawyers are preparing
won an appeal with the Inter- Shares of Delphi were company for federal tax pur- to be made. The rules are of particular to pepper the Treasury with
nal Revenue Service related ahead 5.6% at $76.42 in after- poses and would have to pay Once a sprawling conglom- interest to foreign companies their concerns, setting up a
to the agency’s 2014 claim noon trading in New York on taxes retroactive until Oct. 6, erate making a range of com- with significant U.S. opera- fight in the administration’s
that the auto-parts supplier Wednesday. 2009. ponents for automobiles, Del- tions, such as Nestlé SA, which waning months as the govern-
should be treated as a U.S. “We are satisfied that the The IRS contended that Del- phi has narrowed its focus to expressed concerns about the ment tries to finish the rules
corporation for income tax IRS appeals process worked as phi, which continues to have fewer areas and now is consid- regulations last week. Nestlé, before a new president takes
purposes even after it reincor- intended and reached the cor- its top executives based in ered among the leading sup- which said it doesn’t engage in over.
porated in the U.K. rect ruling,” the company said Troy, had acquired certain as- pliers of in autonomous-vehi- earnings stripping, said Tues- “There will be a lot of
The decision, disclosed on in a statement. Delphi also of- sets of the old Delphi during cle parts, automotive day it will monitor the regula- gnashing of the teeth by prac-
Wednesday by Delphi during a fered a bullish sales outlook bankruptcy so it should be electrification and safety gear. tions. It said it worries the titioners. This approach of
broader financial presentation, for the next two years, pro- treated like a U.S. company. It booked $15.2 billion in reve- rules could affect foreign- Treasury’s is completely
is a blow to the Obama admin- jecting a 33% increase in reve- The move came amid a push nue last year, but expects that based groups’ investments and novel,” said Steve Rosenthal, a
istration, which has looked to nue by 2018 amid growth in by the Obama administration figure to grow to $20 billion jobs in the U.S. senior fellow at the Tax Policy
slow a trend where companies Asia and increasing demand to combat corporate tax inver- by 2018. When final, the regulations Center who urged the govern-
move legal addresses to low- for automotive software. sions it considers unfair. The Nearly 50% of its new busi- will affect any debt issued on ment to curb earnings strip-
tax companies. Delphi origi- Analysts don’t expect any parts supplier immediately ness will come from Asian cus- or after April 4, so tax lawyers ping.
nally was founded in Troy, financial impact from the IRS’s contested the conclusions. tomers, and nearly another are urging clients to examine The Treasury official said
Mich., in 1999 after being spun decision, but it is viewed as a Delphi said it received word third will be from customers all existing transactions the rules are designed to avoid
off from General Motors Co. victory for a company that on April 8 that the IRS Office in the Americas, the company among subsidiaries, including “inadvertent side effects.”
But it was reestablished as a continues to look for cost cuts. of Appeals had determined the said on Wednesday. cases where current loans Treasury invited comments on
must be renewed or undergo whether special cash rules are
minor changes that could needed.

Cigarette Makers Halt Output in India cause the government to treat

them as newly issued.
The rules require documen-
tation of loans, describe trans-
The new tax rules
will be subject to
BY PREETIKA RANA In India, where tobacco-re-
lated illnesses kill nearly a mil-
actions that would be consid-
ered equity investments,
the Congressional
NEW DELHI—Tobacco com- lion people a year, the govern- establish principles for assess- Review Act.
panies in India halted cigarette ment first ordered pictorial ing debt instruments and let
production amid government warnings in 2009. The warn- the Internal Revenue Service
regulations requiring larger ings had to cover 40% of the bifurcate financial instruments “I don’t see any of these
and more graphic health warn- front of a cigarette pack. into part-debt and part-equity. April 4 regulations affecting
ings on packages. In late 2014, the Health They generally apply only day-to-day cash management,”
The decision represents a Ministry changed the rules to to debt among the legal enti- said Tom Deas, chairman of
sharp escalation in the conflict require tobacco makers to ties inside a single company, the National Association of
between the industry and In- cover 85% of their packs— not bank loans or other bor- Corporate Treasurers, and for-
dian authorities over rules front and back—with such rowing, but even that limited mer treasurer of FMC Corp. He

that require 85% of a pack to warnings. The government de- change will transform multi- said the rules underscore the
be covered with pictorial pub- layed the implementation until national tax planning. U.S. government’s desire to
lic-health messages that show April 1 of this year, pending a The rules were written un- keep loans between company
diseased lungs and other prob- parliamentary study. der the 47-year-old Section subsidiaries at arms length
lems caused by smoking. The tobacco industry took 385 of the tax code, which and not abuse the tax system.
ITC Ltd., VST Industries the government to court, filing gives Treasury wide authority The rules will be subject to
Ltd. and Godfrey Phillips In- at least half a dozen lawsuits to distinguish debt and equity. the Congressional Review Act,
dia Ltd. said they paused man- Cigarette companies have objected to new labeling requirements. challenging the rules. The in- That is often a tricky distinc- meaning the next Congress and
ufacturing on April 1 due to dustry argued that the en- tion to make, and companies a Republican president could
confusion over the new re- important source of tax reve- rette packaging in an effort to hanced warnings would de- exploit it to extract all repeal them early next year.
quirements. British American nue. It is unclear if the halt led discourage smoking. These stroy the livelihoods of people the benefits of debt, including “It’s kind of a brave new
Tobacco PLC owns roughly a to worker furloughs. range from mandating grisly connected to tobacco sales and interest deductions in the U.S. world when for decades we’ve
third of ITC and VST, while A Health Ministry spokes- images on warning labels to would encourage smuggling. and tax-free repatriation of all been used to following the
Philip Morris International woman said changes to the barring manufacturers from The Karnataka High Court, foreign profits. facts and circumstances” in
Inc. owns a quarter of Godfrey new regulations weren’t being using their own logos. where the suits were filed, said “We’re not really focused each instance, said Mitch
Phillips India. considered. The tobacco industry has this year it didn’t have the on cash management here,” a Thompson, a partner at Squire
Antismoking activists said “The rule is very clear,” said fought back fiercely. Philip power to strike down the senior Treasury official said Patton Boggs, who advises
the move was an attempt to a senior Health Ministry offi- Morris mounted a costly, health regulations or impose a Tuesday. “We’re really focused companies on mergers. “We’re
put pressure on regulators by cial, who declined to be yearslong—and ultimately un- stay. The cases are pending. on extraordinary amounts of going to be seeing more, as
raising the economic stakes. named. “If they don’t want to successful—legal battle against The production halt hasn’t debt being loaded onto com- the comments come out, more
The companies employ thou- produce, let them not pro- Australia’s so-called plain- resulted in any shortages. All panies in a short period of of the unintended conse-
sands of workers and buy to- duce.” packaging rule, which prohib- three firms say they have ade- time.” quences in various sectors.”
bacco from millions of farm- Governments world-wide its the use of brand imagery, quate stockpiles for now but The government, which —Vipal Monga
ers. Cigarette sales also are an have ordered changes to ciga- colors and logos. declined to elaborate. says it plans to issue a final contributed to this article.

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Two Convicted in Swiss Tesco Serving Up Better

Nutrition for Investors

Bank-Secrets Case

© 2016 Dow Jones & Company. All Rights Reserved. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, April 14, 2016 | B5
As of 4 p.m. ET EUR/GBP 0.7937 g 0.53% YEN/DLR ¥109.21 À 0.61% GOLD 1246.80 g 1.00% OIL 41.76 g 0.97% 3-MONTH LIBOR 0.62835% 10-YR TREAS À 6/32 yield 1.760%

U.S. Permits Argentine Debt Sale


BY JULIE WERNAU that had prevented the South of hundreds of remaining The court said the decision country would have tried to
American nation from widely bondholders who have yet to to lift the injunction is condi- sell. Moreover, Argentine leg-
A ruling on Wednesday by a borrowing because of its fail- settle with Argentina and who tional on U.S. District Judge islators have said the nation
U.S. appeals court cleared the ure to pay holdout bondhold- say the nation hasn’t given Thomas Griesa determining couldn’t settle with any hold-
way for Argentina to pay its ers after a 2001 default on them the same opportunity to that Argentina has made good ers of the defaulted bonds
debts and return to interna- more than $80 billion of debt. negotiate as it has larger on its promises to pay those without the U.S. court ruling.
tional capital markets for the The judges affirmed the hedge funds. who have settled and removed Following years of stale-
first time in more than 15 lower court’s decision from Ending the injunction, the all necessary legal obstacles. mate with bondholders who
years. the bench, without waiting to bondholders argued, would re- Without the clearance by had refused two exchange of-
A three-judge panel af- produce a written decision, move the incentive for Argen- the U.S. appeals court, inter- fers, Argentina’s recently
firmed a U.S. District Court following nearly two hours of tina to pay about $2 billion in national investors would have elected President Mauricio
decision to lift an injunction pleas from lawyers on behalf unsettled claims that remain. avoided buying any bonds the Please see RETURN page B7 President Mauricio Macri

J.P. Morgan Profit

Takes Trading Hit
BY EMILY GLAZER could eventually lead to higher
AND PETER RUDEGEAIR capital requirements or other
J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. While J.P. Morgan’s earnings
said its first-quarter profit fell provided some better news to a
6.7%, but the decline in trading beaten-down sector, bank
wasn’t as sharp as many ana- shares are still about 10% lower
lysts feared. on the year in the face of nu-
Bank stocks rose Wednes- merous headwinds, including
day after J.P. Morgan reported trading, energy-market strug-
a profit of $5.52 billion, or gles and still-low interest rates.
Flowing In $1.35 a share, that topped the Revenue fell 3.4% to $23.24
$1.26 a share expected by ana- billion. On an adjusted basis,
U.S. corn imports are surging despite bumper domestic harvests and
lysts. Shares of the bank, the revenue declined to $24.08 bil-
depressed prices, as meat producers seek cheap foreign-grown grain.
largest in the country by as- lion, exceeding analysts’ esti-
U.S. corn imports U.S. corn production Projection sets, rose 4.5% in late-after- mates of $23.4 billion.
13.6 billion noon trading. Tough market conditions in
150 million bushels 15 billion bushels bushels Investors also looked be- the first quarter pushed J.P.
yond the disclosure by regula- Morgan’s revenue from stock
tors Wednesday morning that and bond trading lower,
100 10 J.P. Morgan and four other helped shrink investment-
Projection large banks would need to re- banking fees by one-fourth as
50 million configure plans for how they companies held back from is-
bushels would go through a potential suing securities, and led to a
50 5
bankruptcy. That decision Please see BANK page B7

U.K. Targets Banks

0 0
2005- ’07- ’09- ’11- ’13- ’15- 2005- ’07- ’09- ’11- ’13- ’15-
’06 ’08 ’10 ’12 ’14 ’16 ’06 ’08 ’10 ’12 ’14 ’16

On Marketing of IPOs
Awash in Corn, U.S. Imports More BY MAX COLCHESTER bank league tables are calcu-
BY JESSE NEWMAN Wade Byrd sees the phe- the world’s largest exporter of into the region from nearby LONDON—A U.K. regulator “Our study shows that
AND JACOB BUNGE nomenon in his own backyard. corn. Still, the notable surge is ports is depressing some local proposed plans on Wednesday many investment- and corpo-
Increasingly, the trucks that a telling indicator of how the grain prices when farm in- to shake up the way invest- rate-banking clients are get-
There is something unusual rumble past his Clarkton, N.C., commodity bust and strong comes are already projected to ment banks market initial pub- ting a service they want, but
going on in the U.S. corn mar- farm to nearby hog producers dollar have distorted prevail- be at their lowest level in more lic offerings to clients as part we have also identified some
ket. are carrying corn from thou- ing patterns of commerce. than a decade. of a wider effort to clamp areas where improvements
Even as record harvests sands of miles away in South The U.S. Agriculture Depart- The rise in imports follows down on what it called anti- could be made,” said Christo-
have left the U.S. awash in America rather than U.S. oper- ment on Tuesday projected a multiyear boom in American competitive practices in the pher Woolard, director of
corn, imports of the crucial an- ations like his. that buyers would import 50 agriculture during which Mid- industry. strategy and competition at
imal feed are surging. It is “It’s put a bad taste in million bushels of the grain western farmers ramped up The Financial Conduct Au- the FCA.
happening because moves in growers’ mouths,” said Mr. this season, up 56% from last production to satisfy burgeon- thority outlined a number of For instance, smaller cus-
currencies, ocean-shipping Byrd, 72 years old, who raises season, even as U.S. bins swell ing demand from a growing potential measures that in- tomers sometimes feel the
fees and railroad rates have corn, soybeans and peanuts on with grain. U.S. buyers haven’t biofuels industry at home and clude making sure more infor- need to reward an investment
combined to produce an unex- 1,200 acres. “We’ve got grain imported that much corn since increasingly wealthy popula- mation is made available to bank by booking extra transac-
pected result: Bringing in corn running out of our ears in the 2012-2013, when a severe tions in emerging markets. IPO investors from indepen- tions through it in return for
from places like Brazil and Ar- U.S., and seeing this grain dis- drought sliced domestic pro- The rest of the world fol- dent sources, ensuring that in- broking or merger advice, the
gentina can be cheaper for place ours, to me, that’s just duction, sending futures prices lowed suit. Brazil, the second- vestment banks don’t allocate Please see RULES page B8
poultry and livestock produc- mind-boggling.” to records. largest corn exporter behind shares disproportionately to
ers in the Southeast U.S. than Imports remain a very small Farmers like Mr. Byrd say the U.S., is on track this season preferred clients and rethink-  Heard on the Street: Clearing
buying it from the Midwest. part of the market in the U.S., cheap overseas corn flowing Please see CORN page B7 ing the way that investment- up the IPO confusion............ B8

China Calm Won’t Last

It has been a calm couple is investors’ short memories year’s total of $106.9 billion.
of months in China’s finan- of the havoc China played on For a while, the biggest deal
cial markets. That is unlikely the world’s markets. The was an ill-fated attempt by a
to last, and the turmoil is idea that China is still an en- Chinese provincial car in-
more likely than ever to spill gine of growth, and that surer turned acquisition ma-
over into the world’s still- there are big profits to made chine to buy Starwood Ho-
fragile financial system. there, is dangerous for inves- tels & Resorts Worldwide
Until last summer, most of tors. Inc.
the world didn’t care much During the recent calm in There isn’t much risk to a
about China’s markets or Chinese markets, the country Chinese company buying a
banks. What mattered a lot expanded its influence on hotel chain. But Anbang In-
was how the global financial system surance Group Co. has
much its fac- via deal-making and the snapped up insurers, which
tories pro- opening of its huge domestic can cause more than a bad
duced and bond market. Investors have night’s sleep if things go
how much also grown interested again wrong.
copper or in China’s wild stock market. One stumbling block on
UNHEDGED iron ore it im- the Starwood deal was lack

$96.7 B
KEN BROWN ported. of transparency about An-
That bang’s finances, and rating
changed in firms have expressed the
August when Beijing botched Amount Chinese companies same concerns.
a currency devaluation. That have committed to spend this Anbang last week picked
was followed in January by a year on overseas acquisitions. up a Korean insurer and in
stock-market selloff that rip- November agreed to buy Fi-
pled across the globe. delity & Guaranty Life, one
“We are likely to see Meanwhile, China’s crucial of the biggest sellers of fixed
much more of that,” said economic-reform program indexed annuities in the U.S.,
Gaston Gelos, who oversaw has lagged behind, making it for $1.57 billion.
the International Monetary increasingly likely the coun- Anbang replaced Fosun
Fund’s Global Financial Sta- try will struggle with more Group as China’s overseas
bility Analysis Report, which financial upheaval, in partic- buyer of the moment. Fosun
came out last week. The IMF ular with its currency. stepped back from deal mak-
expects China’s connections On the deals front, Chi- ing this year after a $10 bil-
to the global financial sys- nese companies have already lion, two-year buying spree,
tem to grow substantially in committed to spending $96.7 in part because its chairman
the coming years. billion this year on overseas disappeared briefly for ques-
What is most worrisome acquisitions, just behind last Please see BROWN page B7
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To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or www.djreprints.com
B6 | Thursday, April 14, 2016 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Nikkei 225 Index STOXX 600 Index S&P 500 Index Data as of 4 p.m. New York time
Last Year ago
16381.22 s 452.43, or 2.84% Year-to-date t 13.94% 343.06 s 8.42, or 2.52% Year-to-date t 6.22% 2082.42 s 20.70, or 1.00% Trailing P/E ratio * 23.62 20.47
High, low, open and close for each 52-wk high/low20868.03 14952.61 High, low, open and close for each 52-wk high/low 415.18 302.59 High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate * 17.41 17.53
trading day of the past three months. All-time high 38915.87 12/29/89 trading day of the past three months. All-time high 414.06 4/15/15 trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield 2.20 1.99
All-time high: 2130.82, 05/21/15

* P/E data based on as-reported earnings from Birinyi Associates Inc.

65-day moving average Session high
18800 375 2100

Session open Close

Close Open 18000 65-day moving average 360 2050


Session low
17200 345 2000

16400 330 1950

15600 315 65-day moving average 1900

14800 300 1850

Bars measure the point change from session's open

14000 285 1800
Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr.

International Stock Indexes Data as of 4 p.m. New York time Global government bonds
Latest 52-Week Range YTD Latest, month-ago and year-ago yields and spreads over or under U.S. Treasurys on benchmark two-year
Region/Country Index Close NetChg % chg Low Close High % chg and 10-year government bonds around the world. Data as of 3 p.m. ET
World The Global Dow 2357.30 40.87 1.76 2033.03 • 2643.78 0.9 Country/ Spread Over Treasurys, in basis points Yield
MSCI EAFE 1666.08 29.14 1.78 1471.88 • 1956.39 –2.9 Coupon Maturity, in years Yield Latest Previous Month Ago Year ago Previous Month ago Year ago
MSCI EM USD 844.91 14.03 1.69 691.21 • 1067.74 6.4 3.250 Australia 2 1.925 117.5 115.0 107.8 125.3 1.888 2.034 1.786
4.250 10 2.531 77.0 70.0 70.4 41.9 2.477 2.688 2.351
Americas DJ Americas 500.52 5.55 1.12 433.38 • 525.25 2.7
3.500 Belgium 2 -121.6 -117.0 -132.7 -71.7 -0.432 -0.371 -0.185
Brazil Sao Paulo Bovespa 53190.69 1188.82 2.29 37046.07 • 58574.79 22.7
0.800 10 0.381 -138.1 -136.0 -145.5 -160.0 0.416 0.529 0.332
Canada S&P/TSX Comp 13668.93 87.51 0.64 11531.22 • 15524.75 5.1
4.250 France 2 -0.454 -120.5 -118.7 -135.2 -70.7 -0.449 -0.397 -0.175
Mexico IPC All-Share 45406.73 316.06 0.70 39256.58 • 46307.61 5.7
0.500 10 0.475 -128.7 -125.9 -144.3 -149.5 0.517 0.541 0.437
Chile Santiago IPSA 3143.35 2.82 0.09 2730.24 • 3361.36 6.8
0.500 Germany 2 -0.514 -126.5 -124.9 -141.6 -80.0 -0.510 -0.461 -0.268
U.S. DJIA 17908.28 187.03 1.06 15370.33 • 18351.36 2.8
0.500 10 0.130 -163.1 -160.6 -171.4 -177.3 0.170 0.270 0.159
Nasdaq Composite 4947.42 75.33 1.55 4209.76 • 5231.94 –1.2
4.500 Italy 2 0.018 -73.2 -71.1 -99.3 -44.5 0.027 -0.037 0.088
S&P 500 2082.42 20.70 1.00 1810.10 • 2134.72 1.9
2.000 10 1.309 -45.2 -39.9 -65.2 -68.9 1.377 1.333 1.243
CBOE Volatility 13.88 –0.97 –6.53 10.88 • 53.29 –23.8
0.100 Japan 2 -0.241 -99.2 -99.2 -111.7 -52.4 -0.253 -0.162 0.009
EMEA Stoxx Europe 600 343.06 8.42 2.52 303.58 • 414.06 –6.2 0.100 10 -0.085 -184.7 -187.2 -199.5 -158.9 -0.096 -0.011 0.343
Stoxx Europe 50 2856.05 80.82 2.91 2556.96 • 3602.76 –7.9 0.500 Netherlands 2 -0.503 -125.3 -120.6 -140.5 -74.2 -0.467 -0.449 -0.210
Austria ATX 2293.92 42.75 1.90 1929.73 • 2695.57 –4.3 0.250 10 0.225 -153.6 -151.3 -160.5 -169.7 0.263 0.379 0.235
Belgium Bel-20 3437.85 67.16 1.99 3117.61 • 3903.65 –7.1 4.350 Portugal 2 0.334 -41.6 -32.2 -69.5 -52.9 0.417 0.261 0.003
France CAC 40 4490.31 144.40 3.32 3892.46 • 5283.71 –3.2 2.875 10 3.041 127.9 148.5 77.0 -25.5 3.262 2.754 1.677
Germany DAX 10026.10 264.63 2.71 8699.29 • 12326.14 –6.7 4.500 Spain 2 -0.012 -76.2 -73.7 -97.5 -46.3 0.002 -0.019 0.070
Greece ATG 548.83 –4.60 –0.83 420.82 • 857.92 –13.1 1.950 10 1.476 -28.5 -23.8 -50.2 -67.7 1.538 1.482 1.255
Hungary BUX 26412.03 384.89 1.48 20452.90 • 26650.44 10.4 4.250 Sweden 2 -0.438 -118.8 -118.3 -155.4 -84.9 -0.445 -0.599 -0.317
Israel Tel Aviv 1467.11 18.81 1.30 1383.34 • 1728.89 –4.0 1.000 10 0.800 -96.2 -98.3 -136.9 -160.1 0.794 0.615 0.331
Italy FTSE MIB 18165.59 720.79 4.13 15773.00 • 24157.39 –15.2 1.250 U.K. 2 0.434 -31.7 -28.8 -39.2 3.6 0.451 0.564 0.568
Netherlands AEX 450.09 10.59 2.41 378.53 • 510.55 1.9 2.000 10 1.425 -33.6 -33.2 -40.8 -31.5 1.444 1.577 1.617
Poland WIG 48124.56 773.34 1.63 41747.01 • 57460.44 3.6 0.875 U.S. 2 0.750 ... ... ... ... 0.739 0.955 0.532
Russia RTS Index 922.50 11.43 1.25 607.14 • 1092.52 21.9 1.625 10 1.761 ... ... ... ... 1.776 1.984 1.932
Spain IBEX 35 8820.70 274.40 3.21 7746.30 • 11815.60 –7.6
Sweden SX All Share 490.12 7.20 1.49 432.78 • 564.90 –3.0 Commodities Prices of futures contracts with the most open interest 3:30 p.m. New York time
Switzerland Swiss Market 7934.46 145.68 1.87 7425.05 • 9537.90 –10.0 EXCHANGE LEGEND: CBOT: Chicago Board of Trade; CME: Chicago Mercantile Exchange; ICE-US: ICE Futures U.S.; MDEX: Bursa Malaysia
South Africa Johannesburg All Share 52938.24 878.48 1.69 45975.78 • 55355.12 4.4 Derivatives Berhad; TCE: Tokyo Commodity Exchange; COMEX: Commodity Exchange; LME: London Metal Exchange;
NYMEX: New York Mercantile Exchange; ICE-EU: ICE Futures Europe. *Data as of 4/12/2016
Turkey BIST 100 85696.67 1976.87 2.36 68230.47 • 88651.88 19.5
One-Day Change Year Year
U.K. FTSE 100 6362.89 120.50 1.93 5499.51 • 7122.74 1.9 Commodity Exchange Last price Net Percentage high low
377.25 11.75 3.21% 383.25 351.25
Asia-Pacific DJ Asia-Pacific TSM 1371.52 22.64 1.68 1188.42 • 1621.10 –1.3 Corn (cents/bu.) CBOT
Soybeans (cents/bu.) 965.75 21.00 2.22 966.25 862.00
Australia S&P/ASX 200 5054.70 79.10 1.59 4765.30 • 5982.70 –4.6
Wheat (cents/bu.)
CBOT 468.00 9.25 2.02 499.00 449.50
China Shanghai Composite 3066.64 42.99 1.42 2655.66 • 5166.35 –13.4
Live cattle (cents/lb.) CME 121.325 -1.525 -1.24% 131.350 118.775
Hong Kong Hang Seng 21158.71 654.27 3.19 18319.58 • 28442.75 –3.4
Cocoa ($/ton) ICE-US 2,946 -17 -0.57 3,211 2,746
India S&P BSE Sensex 25626.75 481.16 1.91 22951.83 • 28799.69 –1.9
Coffee (cents/lb.) ICE-US 123.90 -2.40 -1.90 138.20 115.35
Japan Nikkei Stock Avg 16381.22 452.43 2.84 14952.61 • 20868.03 –13.9
Sugar (cents/lb.) ICE-US 14.31 -0.03 -0.21 16.63 12.68
Singapore Straits Times 2890.41 75.76 2.69 2532.70 • 3539.95 0.3
Cotton (cents/lb.) ICE-US 61.42 0.51 0.84 64.92 54.33
South Korea Kospi 1981.32 … Closed 1829.81 • 2173.41 1.0 Robusta coffee ($/ton) ICE-EU 1517.00 -42.00 -2.69 1,570.00 1,342.00
Taiwan Weighted 8652.08 120.90 1.42 7410.34 • 9973.12 3.8
Copper ($/lb.) COMEX 2.1690 0.0220 1.02 2.3235 1.9440
Source: SIX Financial Information;WSJ Market Data Group Gold ($/troy oz.) COMEX 1243.90 -17.00 -1.35 1,287.80 1,063.00
Silver ($/troy oz.) COMEX 16.245 0.023 0.14 16.345 13.760
Currencies London close on April 13 Aluminum ($/mt)* LME 1,525.50 19.00 1.26 1,588.50 1,451.50
Tin ($/mt)* LME 16,880.00 -95.00 -0.56 17,500.00 13,225.00
Yen, euro vs. dollar; dollar vs. major U.S. trading partners US$vs,
Wed YTDchg Copper ($/mt)* LME 4,700.00 59.00 1.27 5,070.50 4,320.50
10% Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%) Lead ($/mt)* LME 1,700.00 3.00 0.18 1,888.00 1,598.00
Europe Zinc ($/mt)* LME 1,805.00 47.00 2.67 1,866.00 1,467.00
6 s
Euro Bulgaria lev 0.5767 1.7341 –3.7 Nickel ($/mt)* LME 8,685.00 80.00 0.93 9,400.00 7,750.00
Croatia kuna 0.1511 6.619 –5.6 Rubber (Y.01/ton) TCE 190.10 -3.20 -1.66 192.80 175.10
Euro zone euro 1.1284 0.8862 –3.7
0 Palm oil (MYR/mt) MDEX 2658.00 20.00 0.76 2,793.00 2,419.00
Czech Rep. koruna-b 0.0417 23.957 –3.7
–2 s Denmark krone 0.1516 6.5964 –4.0 Crude oil ($/bbl.) NYMEX 42.87 -0.63 -1.45 43.69 30.79
–4 WSJ Dollar index 0.003631 275.43 –5.2
Hungary forint NY Harbor ULSD ($/gal.) NYMEX 1.2656 -0.0103 -0.81 1.2907 0.8950
–6 Iceland krona 0.008051 124.21 –4.6
–8 RBOB gasoline ($/gal.) NYMEX 1.5290 -0.0053 -0.35 1.5782 1.1488
Norway krone 0.1214 8.2363 –6.9
0.2629 3.8040 –3.0
Natural gas ($/mmBtu) NYMEX 2.117 0.034 1.63 2.5930 1.8440
2015 2016 Poland zloty
Russia ruble-d 0.01509 66.255 –7.9 Brent crude ($/bbl.) ICE-EU 44.11 -0.58 -1.30 44.94 29.31
US$vs, US$vs,
YTDchg YTDchg Sweden krona 0.1228 8.1419 –3.6 Gas oil ($/ton) ICE-EU 375.25 -0.75 -0.20 384.00 266.50
Wed Wed
Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%) Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%) Switzerland franc 1.0357 0.9655 –3.6
Turkey lira 0.3513 2.8467 –2.4 Sources: SIX Financial Information; WSJ Market Data Group
Americas Hong Kong dollar 0.1289 7.7563 0.1
Ukraine hryvnia 0.0392 25.5085 6.3
Argentina peso-a 0.0698 14.3355 10.8
India rupee
Indonesia rupiah
U.K. pound 1.4218 0.7033 3.6 Cross rates London close on Apr 13
Brazil real 0.2823 3.5418 –10.6 Middle East/Africa
Japan yen 0.009157 109.21 –9.2
Canada dollar 0.7815 1.2796 –7.5 USD GBP CHF JPY HKD EUR CDN AUD
Kazakhstan tenge 0.002973 336.38 –0.7 Bahrain dinar 2.6521 0.3771 –0.01
Chile peso 0.001495 668.70 –5.6 Australia 1.3062 1.8574 1.3532 0.0120 0.1684 1.4738 1.0209 ...
Macau pataca 0.1252 7.9862 –0.2 Egypt pound-a 0.1126 8.8784 13.4
Colombia peso 0.0003328 3005.22 –5.3 Canada 1.2796 1.8193 1.3250 0.0117 0.1650 1.4436 ... 0.9795
Malaysia ringgit-c 0.2576 3.8821 –9.8 Israel shekel 0.2648 3.7760 –3.0
Ecuador US dollar-f 1 1 unch
New Zealand dollar 0.6919 1.4453 –1.2 Kuwait dinar 3.3138 0.3018 –0.6 Euro 0.8862 1.2601 0.9179 0.0081 0.1142 ... 0.6926 0.6785
Mexico peso-a 0.0572 17.4847 1.6
Pakistan rupee 0.0096 104.700 –0.2 Oman sul rial 2.5972 0.3850 0.02 Hong Kong 7.7563 11.0278 8.0342 0.0710 ... 8.7530 6.0617 5.9366
Peru sol 0.3062 3.2660 –4.3
Philippines peso 0.0217 46.068 –1.7 Qatar rial 0.2746 3.642 –0.03 Japan 109.2080 155.2800 113.1200 ... 14.0800 123.2100 85.3544 83.6000
Uruguay peso-e 0.0322 31.060 3.8
Singapore dollar 0.7395 1.3523 –4.7 Saudi Arabia riyal 0.2667 3.7502 –0.1 0.9655 1.3728 ... 0.0088 0.1245 1.0895 0.7547 0.7390
Venezuela bolivar 0.100150 9.99 58.4 Switzerland
South Korea won 0.0008719 1146.92 –2.5 South Africa rand 0.0686 14.5683 –5.9
U.K. 0.7033 ... 0.7284 0.0064 0.0907 0.7937 0.5497 0.5384
Asia-Pacific Sri Lanka rupee 0.0068781 145.39 0.8 Close Net Chg % Chg YTD % Chg
0.7656 1.3062 –4.8 Taiwan dollar 0.03090 32.364 U.S. ... 1.4218 1.0357 0.0092 0.1289 1.1284 0.7815 0.7656
Australia dollar –1.7 WSJ Dollar Index 86.33 0.52 0.61 –4.26
China yuan 0.1544 6.4786 –0.2 Thailand baht 0.02855 35.030 –2.8 Sources: Tullett Prebon, WSJ Market Data Group Source: Tullett Prebon

Key Rates Top Stock Listings 4 p.m. New York time

Latest 52 wks ago % YTD% % YTD% % YTD%
Libor Cur Stock Sym Last Chg Chg Cur Stock Sym Last Chg Chg Cur Stock Sym Last Chg Chg Asia Titans 50
One month 0.43275% 0.18040% ¥ TakedaPharm 4502 5233.00 1.49 -13.72 £ RioTinto RIO 2245.00 7.60 13.41 Last: 129.84 s 2.92, or 2.30% YTD t 4.7%
Three month 0.62835 0.27435 Asia Titans HK$ TencentHoldings 0700 164.50 2.81 7.73 CHF RocheHldgctf ROG 245.40 0.62 -11.22
50–day 140
Six month 0.89915 0.40140 HK$ AIAGroup 1299 44.60 2.65 -4.29 ¥ TokioMarineHldg 8766 3641.00 5.08 -22.73 £ RoyDtchShell A RDSA 1801.00 2.39 18.02
One year 1.21755 0.69265 ¥ AstellasPharma 4503 1481.00 2.95 -14.47 ¥ ToyotaMtr 7203 5623.00 2.52 -24.91 € SAP SAP 69.38 1.36 -5.45
moving average 130
Euro Libor AU$ AustNZBk ANZ 23.34 2.19 -16.43 AU$ Wesfarmers WES 39.80 0.68 -4.35 € Sanofi SAN 76.00 2.36 -3.31 t
One month -0.33914% -0.04143% AU$ BHP BHP 17.92 6.04 0.34 AU$ WestpacBanking WBC 29.94 2.78 -10.79 € SchneiderElectric SU 55.92 4.15 6.39
Three month -0.26000 0.00500 HK$ BankofChina 3988 3.21 3.55 -7.23 AU$ Woolworths WOW 20.99 1.21 -14.33 € Siemens SIE 92.20 2.66 2.58 High 110
Six month -0.14857 0.06071 HK$ CKHutchison 0001 99.20 1.64 -4.98 € Telefonica TEF 9.53 1.55 -6.94 100
One year -0.02671 0.18214 HK$ CNOOC 0883 9.72 6.23 20.45 Stoxx 50 € Total FP 42.56 3.99 4.18
Low 90
Euribor ¥ Canon 7751 3227.00 1.93 -12.19 CHF ABB ABBN 19.07 1.06 6.18 CHF UBSGroup UBSG 15.36 4.63 -21.31
One month -0.34200% -0.02900% ¥ CentralJapanRwy 9022 18865 -0.24 -12.66 € AXA CS 22.05 6.47 -12.58 € Unilever UNA 40.41 1.72 0.76 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 4 11 18 25 1 8
Three month -0.24900 0.00400 HK$ ChinaConstructnBk 0939 5.05 2.23 -4.90 € AirLiquide AI 101.20 3.42 -2.36 £ Unilever ULVR 3263.50 0.74 11.52 Feb. Mar. Apr.
Six month -0.13800 0.07200 HK$ ChinaLifeInsurance 2628 19.16 4.93 -23.67 € Allianz ALV 146.70 3.24 -10.30 £ VodafoneGroup VOD 226.80 0.13 2.62
One year -0.01300 0.18000 HK$ ChinaMobile 0941 88.45 2.91 1.09 € Anheuser Busch ABI 108.50 2.17 -5.16 CHF ZurichInsurance ZURN 209.00 2.90 -19.12
Yen Libor AU$ CmwlthBkAust CBA 73.73 2.09 -13.80 £ AstraZeneca AZN 4099.50 1.05 -11.20
DJIA Stoxx 50
One month 0.22643% 0.24143% ¥ EastJapanRailway 9020 9639.00 0.77 -15.82 € BASF BAS 66.92 3.22 -5.37
18235 1.90 -13.50 62.16 2.44 -10.63 Last: 2856.05 s 80.82, or 2.91% YTD t 7.9%
Three month 0.55603 0.38946 ¥ Fanuc 6954 € BNP Paribas BNP 45.27 6.36 -13.34 $ AmericanExpress AXP
Six month 0.88446 0.54071 ¥ Hitachi 6501 503.90 3.34 -27.13 £ BT Group BT.A 444.60 0.06 -5.75 $ Apple AAPL 112.03 1.44 6.43 3150
One year 1.27731 0.84039 TW$ Hon Hai Precisn 2317 83.70 2.07 3.59 € BancoBilVizAr BBVA 5.84 6.11 -12.52 $ Boeing BA 131.14 1.29 -9.30
¥ HondaMotor 7267 3008.00 2.68 -23.07 € BancoSantander SAN 4.06 7.58 -10.97 $ Caterpillar CAT 79.13 3.98 16.44 3000
KRW HyundaiMtr 005380 148500 1.71 -0.34 £ Barclays BARC 166.80 7.16 -23.80 $ Chevron CVX 97.60 0.09 8.49 2850
HK$ Ind&Comml 1398 4.32 4.10 -7.69 € Bayer BAYN 105.40 2.78 -8.98 $ CiscoSystems CSCO 28.23 2.13 3.96
One month 0.4500% 0.3500%
Three month 0.6500 0.5500
¥ JapanTobacco 2914 4729.00 2.67 5.77 £ BP BP. 365.45 2.38 3.23 $ CocaCola KO -1.30 7.18
¥ KDDI 9433 3081.00 3.89 -2.31 £ BritishAmTob BATS 4186.50 0.46 11.02 $ Disney DIS 99.47 2.17 -5.34 2550
Six month 0.9000 0.8000
¥ Mitsubishi 8058 1920.00 4.18 -5.33 CHF FinRichemont CFR 64.60 5.99 -10.40 $ DuPont DD 64.79 0.75 -2.72 2400
One year 1.2500 1.1500
¥ MitsuUFJFin 8306 528.00 4.41 -30.26 CHF CreditSuisse CSGN 14.51 8.12 -33.10 $ ExxonMobil XOM 84.85 0.59 8.85
Latest 52 wks ago
1318.50 2.69 -8.79 $ GenElec GE 30.98 0.57 -0.53 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 4 11 18 24 1 8
¥ Mitsui 8031 € Daimler DAI 63.50 3.59 -18.15
Feb. Mar. Apr.
Prime rates ¥ Mizuho Fin 8411 166.50 2.78 -31.62 € Deutsche Bank DBK 15.37 9.91 -31.79 $ GoldmanSachs GS 159.77 3.54 -11.35
U.S. 3.50% 3.25% ¥ NTTDoCoMo 9437 2649.00 0.93 6.64 € DeutscheTelekom DTE 15.51 1.24 -7.07 $ HomeDepot HD 133.86 -0.39 1.22
Canada 2.70 2.85 AU$ NatAustBnk NAB 26.09 2.07 -13.61 £ Diageo DGE 1921.50 0.92 3.50 $ Intel INTC 32.12 0.82 -6.76
Hong Kong
¥ NipponStl&SmtmoMtl 5401 2295.50
€ ENI ENI 13.48 4.01 -2.32 $
1.05 9.86
4.25 -6.41
Dow Jones Industrial Average P/E: 18
¥ NipponTeleg 9432 £ GlaxoSmithKline GSK 1489.00 0.68 8.45
Policy rates ¥ NissanMotor 7201 1016.50 3.39 -20.55 £ HSBC Hldgs HSBA 448.10 6.67 -16.43 $ JohnsJohns JNJ 109.86 0.24 6.95 Last: 17908.28 s 187.03, or 1.06% YTD s 2.8%
ECB 0.00% 0.05% ¥ NomuraHldgs 8604 489.30 1.62 -27.95 € INGGroep INGA 10.90 5.21 -12.41 $ McDonalds MCD 126.89 -0.56 7.41
$ Merck MRK 55.98 1.16 5.98 18000
Britain 0.50 0.50 ¥ Panasonic 6752 959.00 3.31 -22.69 £ ImperialBrands IMB 3745.50 -1.15 4.43
Switzerland 0.50 0.50 HK$ PetroChina 0857 5.33 7.24 4.72 € IntesaSanpaolo ISP 2.42 8.31 -21.50
$ Microsoft MSFT 55.36 1.30 -0.22 17400
Australia 2.00 2.25 HK$ PingAnInsofChina 2318 37.55 6.07 -12.47 € LVMHMoetHennessy MC 154.55 4.21 6.66
$ NikeClB NKE 59.57 1.74 -4.69
U.S. discount 1.00 0.75 $ RelianceIndsGDR RIGD 31.70 1.12 3.59 £ LloydsBankingGroup LLOY 69.00 3.54 -5.57
$ Pfizer PFE 32.53 1.78 0.77
Fed-funds target 0.25 0.00 47.38 4.52 5.97 $ Procter&Gamble PG 82.48 -0.42 3.87 16200
AU$ RioTinto RIO € LOreal OR 157.65 2.04 1.51
Call money 2.25 2.00 KRW SamsungElectronics 005930 1275000 0.71 1.19 £ NationalGrid NG. 998.50 0.46 6.51
$ 3M MMM 168.61 0.35 11.93 15600
4670.00 2.43 -15.86 $ TravelersCos TRV 115.94 0.65 2.73
Overnight repurchase rates ¥ Seven&I Hldgs 3382 CHF Nestle NESN 71.20 1.50 -4.49 15000
5878.00 2.40 -4.25 $ UnitedTech UTX 104.63 1.50 8.91
U.S. 0.43% 0.22% ¥ SoftBankGroup 9984 CHF Novartis NOVN 72.55 1.11 -16.42
3450.00 4.58 -25.10 $ UnitedHealthGroup UNH 127.78 0.77 8.62 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 4 11 18 24 1 8
Euro zone n.a. n.a. ¥ Sumitomo Mitsui 8316 DKK NovoNordiskB NOVO-B 367.50 0.91 -8.10
96.55 1.85 2.99 $ VISAClA V 79.77 1.59 2.86 Feb. Mar. Apr.
HK$ SunHngKaiPrp 0016 £ Prudential PRU 1404.00 4.39 -8.30
Sources: WSJ Market Data Group, SIX 161.50 1.89 12.94
$ Verizon VZ 51.28 -1.28 10.96 Note: Price-to-earnings ratios are for trailing 12 months
TW$ TaiwanSemiMfg 2330 £ ReckittBenckiser RB. 6845.00 0.75 8.98
Financial Information, Tullett $ WalMart WMT 69.17 0.54 12.84 Sources: WSJ Market Data Group; Birinyi Associates
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Thursday, April 14, 2016 | B7


Banks Lead U.S. Stocks to Gains RETURN

Continued from page B5
BY SAUMYA VAISHAMPAYAN ing to data from S&P Dow Macri this year reached deals
AND RIVA GOLD Jones Indices. with about 90% of the coun-
The S&P 500 advanced 1% try’s remaining creditors to
The beleaguered banking Wednesday, and the Nasdaq settle the matter, pending the
sector surged Wednesday, Composite rose 1.6%. court’s decision.
pushing the Dow industrials to Shares of CSX were among The nation has been mar-
their highest levels this year. big gainers, rising more than keting a bond offering ex-
The blue-chip index ad- 4% in late trading after the pected next week of between
vanced 1.1% to 17908.28, put- company’s quarterly earnings $10 billion and $15 billion to
ting it within striking distance matched lowered expectations. make good on those payments.
of the 18000 level it hasn’t hit Revenues fell 14% partly on a In addition, Argentine legisla-
since July. 5% decline in volume. tors have voted to remove le-
WEDNESDAY’S That is a In commodity markets, U.S. gal obstacles launched under
MARKETS sharp turn- crude oil fell 41 cents, or 1%, prior presidents that had
around to $41.76 a barrel, a day after barred the nation from negoti-
from Feb- settling at its highest level ating with the remaining cred-
ruary, when the Dow closed at since November amid specula- itors.


a two-year low. tion about a potential agree- In February, Mr. Macri’s ad-
The Dow is now roughly 2% ment on a production freeze at ministration reached a $4.65
away from its record-high a meeting of producers in billion deal with a group of
close of 18312.39 set in May. Doha on Sunday. holdout hedge funds led by El-
European stocks extended Gold futures for April deliv- liott Management Corp. that
their win streak to four ses- ery fell $12.60, or 1%, to helped persuade the U.S.
sions, after stronger-than-ex- $1,246.80 a troy ounce. courts to remove the injunc-
pected Chinese export data in- Oil-related companies rose tion. The hedge funds have
dicated global economic in Europe. Tullow Oil climbed spent more than a decade bat-
growth may not be as weak as Shares of CSX were among big gainers, rising more than 4% in late trading. 11%, Total added 4%, and Sta- tling Argentina for payment.
feared. toil gained 3%. Under the agreement, if the
The Stoxx Europe 600 index Morgan shares jumped 4.4% in into its third month. ters of the companies in the Treasury prices rose, with hedge funds aren’t paid by
jumped 2.5% to end at 343.06. late trading, and the KBW “Expectations are lowered, S&P 500’s financial sector, ac- the 10-year yield falling to Thursday, they can walk away
Eurozone shares also got a Nasdaq Bank Index of large and then they are met. That’s cording to FactSet. Low inter- 1.760% from 1.781% on Tues- from the deal. Attorneys for
lift as the euro fell against the U.S. commercial lenders ad- a short-term game in my est rates, regulation and expo- day. those hedge funds told the
dollar, trading at $1.1285 vanced 3.8%, paring the in- mind,” said Anwiti Bahuguna, sure to the troubled energy Chinese exports expanded panel of judges on Wednesday,
Wednesday afternoon in New dex’s 2016 decline to roughly senior portfolio manager at sector have cast a shadow in March for the first time in however, that they were will-
York from $1.1388 late Tues- 9%. Columbia Threadneedle In- over bank shares this year, nine months, data from the ing to wait for the bond issue
day. The bank-fueled gains re- vestments, which oversees making the financial sector General Administration of Cus- expected next week rather
Eurozone industrial output flect one issue the broader $472 billion. For stocks to the worst performer in the toms showed, helping soothe than unwind the deal.
fell more than expected in market faces as it climbs. Pro- rally over the longer run, it S&P 500. concerns about the world’s The money would be wired
February, data from the Euro- jections for first-quarter earn- would take more-optimistic “You don’t need financials second-largest economy. directly from banks leading
pean Union’s statistics agency ings are bleak, so results that corporate guidance, including to lead a bull market, but for But global growth concerns the country’s bond deal to the
showed, but remained on track beat expectations could propel a sense of when companies ex- the market to go up a bit, they linger. The International Mon- hedge funds without reaching
to post a first-quarter gain. stocks. pect their earnings to rise, as have to be at least OK,” said etary Fund cut its outlook for Argentina, attorneys said.
In the U.S., better-than-ex- But even if earnings clear a well as better economic data, John Manley, chief equity the world economy on Tues- Argentine officials have
pected earnings from J.P. lowered bar, the results are she said. strategist at Wells Fargo day. been meeting with investors in
Morgan Chase, the largest expected to be far from rosy, Heading into earnings sea- Funds Management. The fi- Japan’s Nikkei Stock Aver- New York, London, Washing-
U.S. bank by assets, ignited which could create headwinds son, analysts cut their expec- nancial sector is the second- age ended 2.8% higher as the ton and Los Angeles this week
gains in financial shares. J.P. for a rally that is stretching tations for almost three-quar- largest in the S&P 500, accord- dollar rose against the yen. to market the bonds.

CORN doubled in the first two

months of this year versus
year-ago levels. Argentine
grain imports rose 122% dur-
Continued from page B5 ing that time, after the coun-
to harvest its second-largest try’s newly elected govern-
corn crop on record, as is Ar- ment lifted currency controls
gentina. in December—sparking a de-
Exporters in Argentina were cline in the peso—and elimi-
offering corn at a roughly 6% nated export taxes on agricul-
discount to U.S. supplies ear- tural commodities including
lier this year, and Brazilian corn.
corn was cheaper than its U.S. “It’s crazy that we’re able to
counterpart for much of last bring in corn from South
year. America a lot of times cheaper DAVE KETTERING/ASSOCIATED PRESS

A divergence in shipping than U.S. corn, but it’s only be-

costs has further amplified the cause rail rates are so ridicu-
appeal of overseas grain. lously high,” said John Pre-
Weak demand coupled with stage, senior vice president at
a growing number of new sea- Prestage Farms, a hog and tur-
faring vessels has pushed key producer in Clinton, N.C.
down ocean freight rates, ac- Tom Capehart, an agricul-
cording to grain traders. But tural economist at the USDA,
rates for U.S. railroads, the said corn imports may slow.
main mode of cross-country U.S. growers have been hoard- Midwestern U.S. farmers have grown more corn to satisfy demand from abroad and from the biofuels industry at home.
transport for U.S. grain, have ing corn in storage bins across
remained stubbornly high, the Farm Belt, reluctant to corn traded in Chicago. also helped prompt an in- raises and sells about 16 mil- relative cost of ocean freight
they say. market their crops at low But Brazilian corn is grow- crease in U.S. exports. lion hogs annually, in 2002 and domestic rail freight.” But
In April, it could cost about prices, but many will soon ing less competitive now as But U.S. grain likely will opened an import terminal in Smithfield prefers to buy U.S.
80 cents to $1.50 a bushel to have to increase sales to make shrinking supplies and a re- struggle to remain competitive Wilmington, N.C., that enables grain “whenever possible,” she
ship corn from west to east in way for this year’s harvest, bound in that country’s cur- on the global market, accord- the company and other live- added.
the U.S. by rail, while per- which could cause imports to rency have boosted prices for ing to analysts. Farmers in stock producers to ship in for- Of the growing competition
bushel costs to ship corn from subside. the grain. Brazil and Argentina often can eign-grown grain. to U.S. corn, Dan Basse, presi-
South America to the U.S. re- Global trends also can shift. Recently, the economics ha- produce corn more cheaply A spokeswoman said Smith- dent of Chicago commodities
cently have ranged from about Last year, abundant supplies ven’t favored importing grain. than domestic growers. field’s grain imports “have in- firm AgResource Co., said, “It’s
35 cents to 50 cents. and a tumbling real sent corn U.S. corn prices fell to a nearly Smithfield, Va.-based creased over the past year, due a structural problem, and it’s
Corn imports more than prices in Brazil 10% below U.S. three-year low in March, which Smithfield Foods Inc., which to currency valuations and the not going away anytime soon.”

BANK BROWN when given the chance.

There will likely be plenty
more to buy: The Chinese
bond market has grown 22%
Even without the markets,
the global financial system is
heavily exposed to China via
the banks. Bank lending into
Continued from page B5 Continued from page B5 a year for the past five China grew five times from
5% decline in assets the bank tioning by Chinese authori- years, according to the IMF. 2010 to 2015 to $1 trillion,
manages for clients. ties. The opening of the bond according to the IMF.
As oil prices traded below His disappearance market comes after China With that much exposure,
$40 a barrel, the struggles knocked down the prices of has allowed foreigners to turmoil in the Chinese econ-
faced by clients in energy and Fosun’s bonds and stock, and buy its stocks and trade its omy could cause big losses
other commodity-intensive in- Fosun terminated two for- currency, though always on at the world’s banks. Big

dustries compounded the chal- eign deals soon after. Beijing’s terms. banks have a unique talent
lenges in capital-markets busi- It isn’t hard to imagine in- Both of those markets for spreading contagion.
nesses. vestors losing confidence in were opened as part of Then there’s the yuan.
The bank set aside $1.82 a financial firm whose execu- China’s efforts to liberalize When the Chinese currency
billion in the first quarter to tives have disappeared into its capital markets. China is was appreciating, investors
cover loans that could poten- government custody. opening its bond market for piled into yuan-denominated
tially turn bad, nearly twice For years, China’s domes- a different reason: to get for- bonds and businesses in-
what it set aside a year earlier. tic stock, bond and currency eigners to help deal with its creasingly used the yuan for
That increase was primarily CEO James Dimon said U.S. consumer-credit trends are favorable. markets have been largely huge debt load. trade. That ended when the
driven by downgrades to loans closed to foreign investors, That is the problem with yuan tumbled.
in the bank’s oil, gas, metals a profit of $587 million, up agree with them. providing a global firewall China getting more deeply China knows it needs to
and mining portfolios. from $502 million. “It’s in everyone’s best in- that protected the rest of the involved in the global finan- keep its economy growing,
Profit at J.P. Morgan’s cor- The bank recorded no mate- terest to end the debate on world from China’s ups and cial system. but so far the only way that
porate and investment bank rial legal costs for the first too-big-to-fail,” she said. downs. In China, stability and po- has worked is by borrowing
was $1.98 billion, a 22% drop quarter, which hadn’t hap- The New York bank’s profit- That too is eroding. China litical goals have long over- more. That poses risks to the
from $2.54 billion a year ear- pened in two years. J.P. Mor- ability has suffered of late is opening its $6.7 trillion shadowed financial realities. bond market, to companies
lier. gan has paid out billions of largely because of tougher bond market—the world’s China wants to spread the that have invested abroad
The company’s commercial dollars in settlements in re- capital requirements. J.P. Mor- third-largest—as it tries to risk of its markets to the and to banks that have lent
bank earned $496 million, a cent years, but Chief Executive gan has responded by cutting spread the risk from its world. in China.
17% fall from $598 million. James Dimon recently wrote in costs and assets in an effort to credit binge. But its markets aren’t One solution to boost
Trading revenue fell 11% to his annual shareholder letter reduce a regulatory burden While credit ratings and truly markets as we under- growth would be to devalue
$5.17 billion from $5.81 billion. that many legal and regulatory that increases as a bank grows bankruptcy protection are stand them—they are but an- the yuan. If Beijing decides
Daniel Pinto, head of the issues that J.P. Morgan and the larger. not to be relied on in China, other political tool to be another devaluation is
corporate and investment banking industry have faced Return on equity, a measure many yield-seeking Western used by the central govern- China’s best hope, expect a
bank, said in mid-February are beginning to dissipate. of profitability, was 9% in the investors say they will buy ment. rerun of last summer.
that trading was already down Still, the announcement first quarter, compared with
20% in the quarter because of that the Federal Reserve and 11% a year earlier. J.P. Morgan
debt and equity capital-mar-
kets activity.
Federal Deposit Insurance
Corp. had taken issue with J.P.
has faced more-forceful ques-
tions from analysts, investors
Investment-banking fees Morgan’s so-called living will and shareholders over the past
fell 25% to $1.32 billion as suggested that regulatory is- year about whether it might [ Search by company, category or country at europe.WSJ.com/funds ]
double-digit declines in debt sues haven’t entirely gone be better for shareholders if
and equity underwriting reve- away. the global bank broke itself up NAV —%RETURN—
nue outweighed a small in- Chief Financial Officer Mar- into smaller, more-manageable
n Chartered Asset Management Pte Ltd - Tel No: 65-6835-8866
crease in deal-making fees. ianne Lake said the bank was units. Fax No: 65-6835 8865, Website: www.cam.com.sg, Email: cam@cam.com.sg
In the consumer bank, “obviously disappointed” in its Costs decreased 7% to CAM-GTF Limited OT OT MUS 04/07 USD 288380.82 3.0 -12.0 -7.5
profit rose to $2.49 billion living-will results but would $13.84 billion, from $14.88 bil-
from $2.22 billion in the year- work with regulators to under- lion a year earlier, an effort Data as shown is for information purposes only. No offer is being made by
Morningstar, Ltd. or this publication. Funds shown aren’t registered with the
For information about listing your funds,
earlier quarter. The bank’s as- stand the feedback in more de- the bank continues to drill U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and aren’t available for sale to United
States citizens and/or residents except as noted. Prices are in local currencies.
please contact: Freda Fung tel: +852 2831
set-management unit reported tail rather than agree or dis- down on. All performance figures are calculated using the most recent prices available. 2504; email: freda.fung@wsj.com
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B8 | Thursday, April 14, 2016 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Email: heard@wsj.com

Tesco Could Be a Hidden Bargain OVERHEARD Stocks and

Bonds See
Tesco’s full-year results ress as like-for-like growth U.S. companies’ overseas
Margin Call
were the financial equivalent
of oatmeal—dull but whole-
Tesco’s forward price/earnings
has returned. But now man-
agement is asking for time.
The core problem for
operations probably won’t
face as challenging an envi-
ronment this year as last. But
Wider Gap
Investors hoping for a Tesco is the ultracompetitive that isn’t saying much. The relationship between
more sugary confection to 25 times U.K. grocery market. This The International Mone- bonds and stocks in a world
break years of fast sent the has fragmented over the tary Fund on Tuesday again distorted by central-bank
shares down sharply Wed- 20 past half-decade as consum- cut growth forecasts, saying policy is a complicated one.
nesday. But this could mean ers have started using a it now expects global gross Nevertheless, the perfor-
a buying opportunity for 15 greater variety of shops, domestic product to gain mance of the two asset
those with patience. most notably the German 3.2%. That is just over last classes this year is beginning
The market’s appetite discounters Aldi and Lidl, year’s 3.1%, the worst since to raise some questions.
started building—and the but also upmarket grocers, 2009, when global GDP For the first six weeks of
share price started rising—in online companies and conve- slipped 0.05%. But the IMF the year, stocks fell and
January, when Britain’s larg- nience stores of all kinds. figures are adjusted for infla- bonds rallied as risk aversion
est grocer reported 1.3% like- Tesco, the ultimate one- tion and the purchasing mounted. By Feb. 11, the S&P
for-like sales growth in its 2013 ’14 ’15 ’16 stop shop, is winning back power of countries’ curren- 500 was down 10.5%, while
home market for the all-im- Sources: FactSet; Reuters (photo) A Tesco Extra in Woolwich, some customers with lower cies. At a time of low infla- U.S. Treasurys were up 3.7%;
portant Christmas period. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. southeast London prices and better service, but tion and dollar strength, that long-dated U.S. bonds matur-
This may not sound like its position remains fragile. makes a big difference. Put ing in 25 years or more were
much, but it was the best fig- der one roof and used the prove on a straight-line path. There is no doubting the GDP figures into U.S. dollars, up a whopping 10.75%, ac-
ure for five years. At 0.9%, cost savings to cut prices. This is crucial because stormy trading conditions in and don’t adjust for inflation cording to Barclays indexes.
like-for-like growth in the Some key numbers did fall Tesco’s shares trade on a re- the U.K. grocery market. Yet and the IMF expects global But that marked the low
whole fourth quarter through short of expectations: Pretax covery multiple of about 21 Tesco is almost twice as GDP to grow just 1.1% this for stocks. The S&P 500 has
February suggests the posi- profits were hit by noncash times forward earnings, ac- large as any other U.K. su- year after falling 6% in 2015— gained 13.9% since then, and
tive trend continues—albeit interest charges, for exam- cording to FactSet, a big pre- permarket chain, and the worst year on record. is back in positive territory
at a less festive pace. ple, and banking profits suf- mium to other retailers. This should—eventually—be able Much of last year’s weak- for the year. Yet bonds still
Growth in the interna- fered from regulation. But is justifiable, even cheap, if to use that scale to make a ness came outside the U.S. are close to their highs:
tional business, which ac- what really disappointed the you believe the company’s market-leading margin. The Excluding the U.S., nominal Treasurys as a whole are up
counts for about one-third of market was the outlook operating margin can bounce company’s new management global GDP fell 8.7%. This 3.3% while long-dated bonds
profits, also is accelerating. statement. This referred to a back within your investment team is finally showing it year, the IMF expects 0.4% are still up 9.1%. Ten-year
Like-for-like sales rose 4.1% “challenging, deflationary time frame. Last year’s pat- can win back shoppers while growth. But investors should Treasury yields are 0.5 per-
in Eastern Europe, where the and uncertain” market and tern—a U.K. margin of 0.8% improving margins. Winning remember IMF estimates are centage point lower than at
company has restructured its hinted that the profit margin in the first half, 1.6% in the back investors is then but a often too high. the start of the year. The
four national operations un- wouldn’t continue to im- second—suggests rapid prog- small step.—Stephen Wilmot disconnect is clear.
True, there has been a
further wave of central-bank

Getting the Right Information to Clear Up IPO Confusion action, most notably from
the European Central Bank.
Eurozone bond yields are
U.K. company officers the FCA’s views on initial trading in a newly listed problem arises if favorable close to their lows, poten-
have pronounced themselves Top Sellers public offerings and particu- company begins, the stock allocations beget financial tially acting as an anchor for
generally happy with invest- Bank revenue from initial public larly on the dissemination of enters a well-informed mar- advantage either through too U.S. bond yields. And the
ment-banking services. offerings in the U.K. information about companies ket where early investors much control of stock—cor- Federal Reserve appears in
These are grown-up profes- looking to list. aren’t able to unduly benefit nering a market—or through no hurry to raise rates.
sionals who shouldn’t be in $800 million Cozy arrangements mean from a quick flip. knowing more than the The balance between
their jobs if they aren’t capa- 600 only analysts from banks in- That also plays to an- smaller guy who hasn’t been stocks and bonds is discon-
ble of looking after the inter- 400 volved in IPOs get to meet other point: the regula- part of the process but still certing—although it is hard
ests of their firms and inves- 200 management and publish re- tor wants to examine IPO al- wants to own the stock or to tell who is right and who
tors. search. Also, final prospec- locations to ensure that bond. is wrong. Bond yields look
The hundreds of pages of tuses aren’t made public un- favored clients don’t get too Sponsors of stock or bond remarkably low, but betting
analysis on competition in 2006 ’08 ’10 ’12 ’14 ’16 til the last minute. Both much special treatment deals have a duty to ensure against them staying low has
investment banking from the Source: Dealogic things hand float sponsors when it comes to deciding that their work leads to a burned investors several
U.K.’s Financial Conduct Au- THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. too much control in the mar- who gets shares. This is an functional market and that times now; risk appetite re-
thority can thus be safely keting process. issue that also has been insiders or early investors mains fragile. On the other
trashed. business will surprise no There may be cases in raised elsewhere about bond don’t get to exploit any ad- hand, inflation isn’t quite as
The shock disclosures that one. The regulator hardly which companies decide ulti- allocations. vantage in a sale. Informa- quiescent as investors might
league tables are marketing needs to ride to the rescue mately not to list and thus The problem here is tion as the FCA recognizes is be hoping, a particular con-
tools with limited value or of Goldman Sachs or Mor- would want their financial surely not that regular trans- the answer. cern for long-dated bonds.
that balance-sheet banks use gan Stanley on the latter details to remain private. But actional relationships beget Beyond that, all’s fair in Markets sometimes make
cheap lending to try to point. this seems a small price to more transactions—that is a love and listings. everyone happy. But it does-
win investment-banking A more interesting area is pay to ensure that when fact of all business life. The —Paul J. Davies n’t last. —Richard Barley


Two Convicted in Bank-Secrets Case RULES

BY JOHN REVILL should do with it,” said Viktor
Continued from page B5
FCA said. One idea to counter
Györffy, an attorney for the this: lower barriers of entry
ZURICH—A Swiss politician former bank employee. “He for nonuniversal banks into
and a former bank IT em- was seeking legal advice and the market. This could be done
ployee were convicted of didn’t do it for personal gain,” by banning the use of con-
breaching Switzerland’s strict he said, citing the lightness of tracts that restrict clients’
banking secrecy rules by hand- the sentence imposed by the choice of investment banks on
ing over information that trig- court. A spokeswoman for future transactions.
gered the resignation of the Sarasin declined to comment. Listing new companies is a
country’s most senior central “I do not agree with the particular area of focus. In-
banker four years ago. court’s decision and will prob- vestment banks that work on
The bank worker was fined ably appeal against it,” Mr. Lei new listings often have a near
1,350 Swiss francs ($1,413), said. monopoly on information. The
with that fine suspended for Mr. Hildebrand, who was problems include a typical 14-

two years. The politician, Her- cleared of any wrongdoing fol- day lag between when banks
mann Lei of the Swiss People’s lowing three separate investi- supporting an IPO publish re-
Party, or SVP, was fined 40,800 gations, has since become a search on the company and
francs, also suspended for two London-based vice chairman of when the approved prospectus
years. Prosecutors had sought BlackRock Inc. He declined to comes out, the FCA said. It
a one-year jail sentence for the comment through a BlackRock suggested the prospectus
bank worker and a fine of spokesman. should come out first.
19,800 francs for the politician. Mr. Hildebrand, 52 years
The decision on Wednesday old, had spent more than nine
by judges at Zurich district A leak of records triggered the resignation of Swiss central-bank chief Philipp Hildebrand in 2012. years at the Swiss National
The FCA questioned
court brings toward conclusion Bank before stepping down, the use of
a 4½-year saga that rocked to weaken the franc in the The former IT specialist at vestigating the affair. the last two as chairman.
Switzerland and reverberated summer of 2011. Bank Sarasin was accused of Mr. Blocher, who is credited In that role, he stirred the
through global central banks Less than one month later, giving the details of the cur- with transforming the SVP antipathy of some Swiss politi- league tables.
more broadly. the SNB set a ceiling on how rency transactions to Mr. Lei, a into the strongest force in cians, including Mr. Blocher,
Philipp Hildebrand resigned high the franc could trade politician in the right-wing Swiss politics, hasn’t been ac- who thought the central
as chairman of the Swiss Na- against the euro. Swiss People’s Party, who al- cused of any wrongdoing. banker was too high profile, One solution the FCA pro-
tional Bank in January 2012 The controversy not only legedly discussed the informa- “Both men came to me to ask while the interventions to posed is that analysts at banks
after his personal bank records triggered the resignation of tion with a senior politician for advice,” Mr. Blocher said in weaken the currency put the that aren’t working on the IPO
were leaked to the Swiss me- Mr. Hildebrand—who had before it reached the media. an interview last week. “The bank at risk of racking up should also have access to top
dia. overseen the SNB’s strategy Among those politicians im- motives of the two men need large losses. management at the business
The records showed a cur- during the financial crisis and plicated was Christoph to be looked at. I believe they He was succeeded by that is being floated. Banks
rency trade valued at more was a rising star in global pol- Blocher, vice president of the acted with the most honorable Thomas Jordan, who remains should also be able to show
than $500,000 by his then- icy-making circles—but also SVP and a former member of intentions.” SNB chairman. In January they aren’t just allocating
wife on Aug. 15, 2011, days be- involved politicians who were Switzerland’s cabinet. His “My client found this infor- 2015, the SNB abandoned the shares to their top clients, it
fore the Swiss central bank in- accused of violating Switzer- home and office were searched mation and went to Mr. Lei to ceiling it had set on the franc’s said.
tervened in currency markets land’s banking secrecy laws. by Zurich state prosecutors in- get his advice on what he value against the euro. The FCA questioned the use
of investment-banking league
tables that are often used by
David Reiss, who will keep a mi- when its new permanent head IMF whose profits don’t cover their banks to market their abilities
Finance nority stake in the business and
stay on as chairman and chief
starts on July 1.
Ms. McDermott, a former di-
A Warning on Debt interest payments, a problem
that could trigger bank losses
to clients. Often these tables
are misleading because they
Watch executive, Warburg Pincus said.
Reiss operates in 160 locations
rector of enforcement and finan-
cial crime for the FCA, held the
In Emerging World
Debt burdens of big compa-
equal to 7% of gross domestic
product if the issue isn’t ad-
include money-losing deals the
banks undertake to boost their
in 15 countries and had sales of role of acting head of the mar- nies in China and other emerg- dressed, the IMF said. rankings. The FCA wants the
£146 million in the 12 months to kets regulator following the de- ing markets could spread trouble “Despite progress on eco- tables to be more reliable. One
Jan. 31. parture of Martin Wheatley in across borders and weigh on the nomic rebalancing, corporate idea is to make banks declare
Warburg Pincus said it plans September 2015. She had been global financial system, the In- health in China is declining due which deals lost money.
WARBURG PINCUS to expand the company globally, considered a strong candidate ternational Monetary Fund to slowing growth and lower The regulator said it may
particularly in North America, for the permanent position. warned. profitability,” said José Viñals, investigate “reciprocity” be-
Firm Takes a Stake Asia and Australia. It was announced in January The ballooning debt of giant the IMF’s top financial counselor. tween banks. This is when a
In British Retailer —Simon Clark that she had withdrawn her can- firms in fast-growing economies Meanwhile, in Brazil and Rus- bank hands another a mandate
Warburg Pincus LLC, a New didacy but would remain as act- is of particular concern because sia, national champions have based on how much business
York-based private-equity firm FCA ing head until a new CEO was in of companies’ close ties to been hit by falling commodity the other bank will push its
with more than $40 billion un- the post. banks in those countries, as well prices and economic contrac- way.
der management, said it has
Acting CEO Will A spokeswoman for the FCA as the national governments tions. “The sharp fall in com- The review has sparked
agreed to buy a majority stake Leave U.K. Regulator said it was Ms. McDermott’s that are likely to be on the hook modity prices has exacerbated much hand-wringing in Lon-
in Reiss Holdings, valuing the Tracey McDermott, acting personal decision to leave and to bail them out. both corporate and sovereign don among banks that claim
British fashion retailer at £230 chief executive of the U.K.’s Fi- that she didn’t have any imme- In China, $1.3 trillion of corpo- vulnerabilities, keeping economic the market is already highly
million ($328 million). nancial Conduct Authority, is set diate plans. rate loans, or one-seventh of the and financial risks elevated,” Mr. competitive. A final report is
Reiss was founded in 1971 by to depart from the regulator —Darren Lazarus total, are owed by companies Viñals said. —William Mauldin expected this summer.

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