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If you are the social worker, how will you handle the case?

I will work with school authority to make an intervention plan for solving her problem. I may be
able to convince someone to be her friend but that will only prolong the issue. The issue at hand
is not that she has no friends but the problem is that she is not able to make friends. The first step
towards solution is diagnosis. The problem could be as simple as her background not letting her
fit in with others or it could be a deeply rooted psychological issue. We have to identify the
reason for which she is not able to socialize. To identify the reason I would simply ask her. The
school counselor in usual periodic meeting should purposefully bring up the topic of her inability
to make friends. Sometimes counselor act and speak passively and they compromise the trust
with the patient. By being direct we may be hurting her self esteem but we will gain her trust;
however, we will ask her first if she is comfortable talking about this topic only then we will
proceed with more questions. Once she starts talking we will get to know her and diagnose the

If her diagnosis suggests that her background is stopping her from mixing with people at her high
school then we can teach her skills that would make it easier for her to adjust to new
environment. Else if she has some psychological issues then the CBT might prove to be
beneficial for her. Sometimes the problem is depression and low self esteem and these take time
to resolve. We would already be making progress at this stage but in order to create an effective
change in her life we need to look at both the cause and the contributing factors that result in her
not socializing.

If one of the cause or contributing factors lies outside the campus then as a social worker I would
try to influence her life outside the campus as well. Her personal, domestic or professional life
could be causing her stress and depression and we need to identify and advice her best to get out
of her personal problems without interfering in her life.

After diagnosing the problem, taking with her in detail about the issue, teaching her social skills,
providing therapy for psychological problems and advising her in matters of her personal life if
the problem still persist then I would ask her if it would be okay if we include her parents in her
healing process. Only if she agrees I would proceed with setting a meeting with her parents if she
does not then I would find something else; however giving up on her is not an option.
What core value and principles are you going to apply?

By following the steps of intervention plan given above we would be completely in line with the
core values and principles of social work.

Human Dignity

We did not judge her for her condition whether it was self inflicted or environmentally imposed.
For us she needs help and so help will be given to her. Her beliefs may contradict with mine but
as a social worker I have to respect that. We should have empathy towards her and work in her
interest and the interest of the society. Self-determination for Shancai is the goal of this
intervention. All we need to do is increase her strength and empower her to solve her issues.


As we have been very honest with her about everything. Our approach was decisive yet polite.
We did not force her into telling us anything that she did not want to. We ought not to disclose
any sensitive information to anyone and preserved the client doctor confidentiality. We have
been ethical to the patient and the profession as well.


We providing help to Shancai is not for financial reward. As social worker we should be willing
to work even in the absence of any monetary reward. The work itself is a reward and the healing
is the incentive. To serve means to go out of the way to help individuals and society in general.


While offering help to Shancai I would ask her what does she expects from my help. If her
expectations are unrealistic I will have to make sure that she does not overestimate my abilities.
By no means one should exaggerate one’s ability and create false hope for the individual and the
organization he/she is working for. I will be honest with the high school I work for and the
individual I am counseling regarding my ability and capabilities.

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