Activity 3 - Writing Captions

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Task 3


What's going on here? 

Sinking in
A middle aged man was having a mental breakdown yesterday morning. He drove his car into
the dilapidated mud of the Muscoon Bay. Thankfully, the emergency team was able to rescue
him before he drowned. It was reported that his family died in the Armstring incident.

Lost and found

After a long search by the local naval servicemen, Thomas Hawthorne was spotted at the edge of
an unspecified island on the Caribbean. His discovery was greeted by a stormy applause by
family members. Hawthorne however looks grim in an interview after spending 3 months
stranded in an island nowhere, just after his disappearance in Armstring.
Are you afraid of heights? Can you write a caption for this photo?

What do you make of this photo? Write a caption for the playful policemen

Coping the cops

As a part of a rehabilitation and recreational program set up by the state after the Armstring
Incident, a bunch of PTSD-suffering police was offered to play with a toy bike around the
vicinity of Armstring Town Hall. From 3 to 6 pm last Sunday, they joyfully cross the entire city.

Can you write a caption for this sleepy photo?

Escaping the dread

It has been reported that the increase in sleepwalking incident in the city, is related to the high
coffee usage after the Armstring Incident. Last weeknd, The Health Institute expunged that due
to the increased frequency of townfolks having nightmare, results in them having more coffee.
However as time goes by, the caffeine effects stalled and resorted to a trance-like sleepwalking.

What could she be thinking?

Remember remember
As taken by a journal held by the Armstring Records, the townsfolk of Armstring has created a
new tradition of keeping the food last cooked for their loved one who died after the incident.
Since the incident, it is more evident that the smell of houses has caused a little bit ruse of
dizziness by everyone who visits

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