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The UN Global Working Group

on Big Data for official statistics

Pacific Stats Café Series – Monday August 17th 2020 – THE PROSPECT OF BIG DATA

Niels Ploug, Director of Social Statistics at Statistics Denmark, co-chair of the GWG –

 Inventory
 Conferences
 Private Sector collaboration
 Global Platform
 Data collaboratives
 Trusted Data – a trademark for official
 Working together – Learning together

Task Teams
 Access and Partnerships
 Big Data and the SDGs
 Mobile Phone data
 Satellite Imagery and Geospacial data
 Scanner data
 Social Media data
 Training, Skills, Capacity-building
• Global Platform for Data, Service and Applications -

Task Teams Activities
 Handbooks
 Training activities
 Workshops in relation to the Bogota
and Kigali Conferences
 To become an integrated part of the
future UN Global Platform

The Regional Hubs
 The next step
 Plans for regional hubs in Asia
(China), Africa (Rwanda), Middle East
(UAE) and South America (Brazil)
 The hubs in a hub and spoke model
 This is where everything comes
together – at the regional level

Conferences, seminars and side
2014 1st Global International Conference on Big Data for Official Statistics, Beijing
2015 Big Data Seminar at the 46th UN Statistical Commission
2015 2nd Global International Conference on Big Data for Official Statistics, Abu Dhabi
2016 3rd Global International Conference on Big Data for Official Statistics, Dublin
2017 4th Global International Conference on Big Data for Official Statistics, Bogota
2018 Side event, 49th UN Statistical Commission
2018 Open Day of the Global Working Group – 21st of October, Dubai
2019 Side event, 50th UN Statistical Commission
2019 5th Global International Conference on Big Data for Official Statistics in Africa,
May 2nd and 3rd, Kigali
2019 Symposium on Data Science and Official Statistics – three day event (15-17th of
August) ahead of the 62nd ISI conference (18-23rd of August)

2020 Side event(s), 51st UN Statistical Commission

2020 6th Global International Conference on Big Data for Official Statistics, on-line August
31st to September 2nd – run by KOSTAT, South Korea
2020 Side event at the 3rd World Data Forum, Bern, Switzerland October 18-20.

Get all the details and the documents at

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