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1) Recognition of Potential Hazards:

1.1 Fugitive Emissions.

Fugitive emissions or leaks occur wherever there are breaks in a barrier that maintains containment. Whereas flange
and seal leaks are individually small, these can cumulatively amount to the main source of loss from a unit. Even
when these emissions are very small and cannot be detected as losses in a material balance, high local concentrations
of contaminants can result and lead to overexposure. Furthermore, some leak sources, such as valve stem leaks, tend
to gradually increase over time and can become large if not corrected. Other leaks, such as pump seal leaks, which
are usually small, can become very large in the event of total seal failure. Overall, in most well maintained plants,
pumps and valves are more important sources of leakage than flanges. For that reason, leak detection and repair
efforts usually focus on pumps and valves unless there is reason to suspect flanges. Fugitive emissions, even without
catastrophic seal failure, are the origin of a continuous background exposure for workers. Whereas this source of
exposure may not, by itself, result in overexposure, its presence reduces the margin within which other exposures
may vary and still remain under the accepted limit

1.2 Process Operations.

The operation of a modern chemical plant is typically computer controlled and does not involve any routine operator
contact with the feedstock, intermediates, or product There are, however, a few actions the operators may need to
take which can involve contact with process materials. Sampling of process streams is one such task. Exposure
during sampling can be very high if the sampling line is flushed by running a quantity of a volatile liquid out on the
pad. On the other hand, exposure can be very low where the sample is collected in a bomb from a closed loop.
Gauging is often done automatically, but there are occasions where gauging needs to be carried out using a tape
dropped through a hatch on the top of a tank. Even where automatic systems are installed, manual gauging may be
used as a check. Depending on the nature of the liquid in the tank, vapors can be released more or less actively while
the ullage hatch is open. Short of using respiratory protection, the only exposure control applicable to open-hatch
gauging is the work practice of standing upwind if the platform at the hatch permits. Vents and flares are intended to
take contaminants released from safety valves away from work areas. However, if an elevated vent is at the level of
an occupiable platform on the same or an adjacent unit, a worker may, under certain wind conditions, be subject to
the nearly undiluted effluent of a vent. Whereas such elevated platforms may rarely be occupied, a heavy exposure
from a vent could incapacitate a worker or cause a fall. Tanks that vent only when being filled are common causes
of this concern. The usual solution is to raise the vent above any occupiable platform or, at greater cost, to scrub the
vent effluent.

1.3 Material Handling.

In drumming and the filling of tank cars and trucks, where the vessel is initially empty, the amount of material being
transferred that could be released by displacement depends on how much evaporates during the filling. Rarely does
a material evaporate so quickly that the entire volume of displaced gas is saturated. More likely the initial release at
the start of filling contains only a small amount and the concentration increases toward saturation as the filling
proceeds. How quickly the concentration in the vented gas increases depends on the temperature and volatility of the
material and on the loading mode. Splash loading, where the material leaves the filling spout at the top of the tank
and free-falls to the bottom, results in much more evaporation of a volatile material than bottom loading or
submerged spout loading where the liquid level rises gently without splashing. Some very volatile liquids and gases
that are liquids under pressure are allowed to auto refrigerate by controlled evaporation during transit. Vapors vented
from liquid transfer can be collected and sent to an elevated vent or flare, returned to the discharging vessel head
space, re-liquefied

1.4 Maintenance.
Closed systems contain process materials except for leaks and fugitive emissions or when opened for maintenance.
Open system maintenance can add to exposure by disturbing and dispersing deposits of materials
in equipment. Most maintenance is done while the plant is in operation. Thus the maintenance workers are in close
proximity to operating equipment for long periods of time. Local contaminant releases and physical hazards such as
noise or thermal radiation need to be considered. In addition, the valves or other barriers blocking off the operating
parts of the plant may leak into the maintenance work area. There is also the possibility of failure of the barrier.
The piece of equipment being maintained should be cleaned as necessary to reduce exposure before it is opened and
repaired. Where highly toxic process materials are present, it may be necessary to flush using a low toxicity stream,
strip with steam, and purge with nitrogen. Where this is necessary, the equipment design should include the special
fittings needed for the flush and purge line connections. Even when cleaning prior to opening is done as completely
as possible, it may be necessary to use respirators at least for the initial opening to guard against overexposure
resulting from trapped toxic substances. Proper cleaning and opening of equipment lines and vessels where toxic
material may be present is complex and requires careful planning and attention to detail in execution.

Turnarounds, or significant periodic overhauls of chemical plant units, are a special case of plant maintenance.
Because units are shut down during turnarounds, some risks are avoided, but because the unit is out of production
there is also time pressure to complete the work. Contractors and other workers who may not be familiar with the
unit may be brought in so that many maintenance activities proceed simultaneously. In this environment, there is the
potential for disorganization and mishap resulting in unanticipated releases of chemicals. To conduct a safe
turnaround, it is necessary to plan the event carefully in advance. Contingencies should be anticipated to the extent
possible and plans made to deal with them. All of the workers involved should be specially instructed in their
duties and closely supervised during the entire turnaround from shutdown through startup and back to normal
operation. The materials and operations used in maintenance may present a set of hazards quite separate from the
hazards of the feed stocks, intermediates, and products of the chemical unit.

A) Welding.
Any of the metals in the rod or the alloy being welded can become airborne in the welding fume. Zinc and some
other metals can cause metal fume fever, a frequent problem for welders. Other metals such as cadmium can
produce systemic effects. Chromium, under certain conditions, can be released in the potentially carcinogenic
hexavalent form. In addition to these metal fumes, the welding process produces oxides of nitrogen, ozone, and
ultraviolet (uv) radiation. All of the emissions can be controlled by general or local ventilation or by respirators if
necessary. The welder’s face mask provides only slight respiratory protection. Welding in confined spaces is
particularly hazardous owing to the difficulty in delivering clean air to the site of the welding and in exhausting
welding fumes.

B) Painting.
Whereas leaded paints are no longer used for domestic painting, these paints are occasionally used in industry.
Frequently, surfaces being prepared for painting may have remnants of old lead or chrome coatings that
could become airborne during scraping or grinding. The solvents used in paints are not highly toxic, but can reach
excessive concentrations in poorly ventilated spaces. Low rates of paint application as from brushing produce lower
solvent release rates than intermediate rate application by roller or high rate spraying Certain modern coatings such
as polyurethanes and epoxies, present special toxic hazards

C) Sandblasting.
Whereas some modern corrosion-resistant treatments do not require the removal of all rust, sandblasting to clean
metal surfaces prior to coating is very common. In addition to the metal dust, the very fine fragments broken off
from the abrasive particles may be respirable, that is, capable of reaching the deep lung where these may cause
damage. The degree of risk depends greatly on the type of abrasive used. Steel balls and walnut shells produce
relatively nontoxic dust, as does aluminum oxide. On the other end, fine dust from sand, which is typically
composed of silicon dioxide, is very toxic and can produce a serious lung disease. The degree of dust exposure from
sandblasting depends on the degree of enclosure and the use of personal protective equipment.
Small pieces can be cleaned in fully enclosed blast cabinets having local exhaust ventilation to maintain negative
pressure. For structures and fixed piping, sandblasting is done out in the open. When blasting in either the booths or
in the open, the operator should be protected by a special sandblaster’s supplier-air hood. A common problem occurs
when the operator uses the hood for physical protection but does not connect the hood to a supply of clean air. When
a hood is used in this manner, fine dust can enter the worker’s breathing zone under the hood, and the hood does not
provide respiratory protection.

1.5 Insulation.

Modern non asbestos insulation frequently incorporates synthetic mineral fibers for strength at high temperatures.
These glass or rock wool fibers are usually silicates that are large compared to asbestos, i.e. too large to be inhaled
into the deep lung. Also, these fibers do not split the long way and thus do not produce as many fine fibers. For these
reasons, even if the synthetics are as potent as asbestos fiber for fiber, the synthetics are less hazardous because
fewer respirable fibers result.

1.6 Chemical Cleaning.

Removal of deposits from inside vessels and pipes is often done using acids, caustics, or strong solvents, the
handling of which can cause a number of hazards. Transfers and mixing of small quantities is usually
done manually from drums or tank trucks. Application involves pumping materials through hoses or temporary
piping. Sometimes strong cleaners are applied as a pressure spray or jet with consequent spattering. The reaction of
the chemical with the deposit materials and the metal of the pipe or vessel can produce dangerous gaseous air
contaminants. Even when cleaning is done in situ, removal and disposal of the cleaner and flushing fluid can cause
exposure. Because these operations are infrequent, installed control equipment is rarely used. In most cases workers
rely on personal protection equipment plus detailed handling precautions.

1.7 Waste Handling.

Housekeeping procedures in general can have a significant impact on employee exposure, and certain waste
handling procedures can result in very serious exposure if proper precautions are not taken. The best
way to keep a plant clean is to not spill in the first place. Management reviews of the origins of spills and
accumulated debris not only keep the plant cleaner but prevent loss of valuable material, save cleanup labor, and
reduce fire and other safety hazards. Spilled materials in aisles and on walkways can become airborne
by re-dispersion and can be spread onto surfaces and result in skin contact. Dry powders are best cleaned up with
either installed or portable industrial vacuum cleaners. Liquid spills can be soaked up using a number of available
solvents, and scraped or shoveled into containers. Careful consideration should be given to the methods used to
clean floors. Serious worker overexposures have resulted from the use of volatile solvents on large floor areas inside
buildings. Air cleaning systems are often used to remove dust or vapors from plant or process exhaust streams. Dust
collecting systems such as filters or electrostatic precipitators that handle heavy loads of dust are usually designed to
be self cleaning, but it is still necessary to enter the air cleaner periodically for inspection or repair. Dust deposits
inside the equipment are likely to be stirred up and inhaled by unprotected workers.

2. Hazard Evaluation

The evaluation phase of industrial hygiene is the process of making measurements on some set of samples which
permits a conclusion about the risk of harm resulting from exposure to a hazardous substance. Before conducting an
evaluation, it is necessary to make a number of choices of what and where to sample, when to sample, how long to
sample, how many samples to take, what sampling and analytical methods to use, what exposure criteria to use in
the analysis of the data, and how to report the results. These choices as a whole constitute the evaluation plan. The
object is to find if one or more workers have an unacceptable probability of being exposed in excess of some
established limit. The discussion that follows deals with air sampling since inhalation is the most common route of
exposure for chemicals. However, workers may also be harmfully exposed by skin contact, injestion or even
injection by a high velocity jet. These other routes of exposure need to be considered in evaluating the risk of harm

2.1. Sampling Strategy.

A sampling strategy is a careful plan or method to collect exactly those samples which enable required decisions
regarding control to be made at the required level of confidence and minimal cost and effort. The basic choices of
sampling strategy are where, when, how long, and how many.

Who to Sample.

The objective is to find out if one or more workers may be overexposed, then if it is clear who the most exposed
workers are, only those workers need be sampled. If their exposure is acceptable, then all those who are less exposed
are also within the limits. If the high risk group is overexposed, further evaluation is necessary to find out if anyone
else is overexposed. This high risk sampling technique depends on clear knowledge of how exposure is distributed
among a group of workers. Lacking that knowledge or lacking confidence in it, it is necessary to discover the
exposure distribution among workers by sampling.

Where to Sample.

Measurements of the concentration of a contaminant in the general air or at a fixed location are often easier than
measurements in a breathing zone of a moving worker
The breathing zone measurement, which most closely approximates exposure, is most often not the same as the
general air measurement. This is because of the variability of concentration in the space through which the worker
moves and the effect of the workers own activities, e.g. welding, grinding, smoking, etc, on the concentration.
Consequently, personal or other breathing zone sampler measurements are needed for comparison to specific
exposure criteria. However, area measurements may still be useful for a number of purposes such as control system

When to Sample.

Smoothly repetitive operations are likely to be homogeneous over time so that the choice of sample period is not
likely to bias the result. Less smooth day to day variation and cyclical operations can be accommodated by random

How Long to Sample.

The period of the sample should be matched to the period of the exposure criteria. Most standards are referred to as
8-h time weighted averages (TWAs). These standards are for the average exposure >8 h. Various combinations of
individual samples can be used to obtain the equivalent of what would have been measured by one sample of 8-h
duration, as shown in Figure 1. When the standard applies to a shorter period, as, e.g., a short-term exposure limit
(STEL), which is a 15-min average, samples should be taken to measure over this shorter averaging time.

How Many Samples.

A first step in deciding how many samples to collect is to divide what constitutes an overexposure by how much or
how often an exposure can go over the exposure criteria limit before it is considered important. Given this
quantification of importance it is then possible to calculate, using an assumed variability, how many samples are
required This is the minimum number of samples required for each hypothesis test, but more samples are usually

2.2 Measurement Method Selection.

A measurement method should meet sampling strategy requirements to the degree that the data can be used for
decision making. Some of the attributes to be considered in selecting a method follow.
Duration of Sample.

When measuring a substance having an 8-h averaging time, a single 8-h sample or several consecutive samples
adding up to 8 h is best (see Fig. 1). Short period grab samples are the least satisfactory. For a STEL, the method
should be able to collect enough material to provide adequate sensitivity.


The sampling and analytical method together should ideally have a limit of detection much less than the exposure
limit. Less sensitive methods are still usable, however, as long as the limit is easily within the range of the

Freedom from Interferences.

To avoid spurious results it is necessary that other substances present in the air being sampled do not bias the result
so as to make it unusable. Some error owing to interferences is acceptable if the outside limits of likely error are
known and can be taken into account in using the data.

Time to Result.
The time required to submit samples to a laboratory, have the samples analyzed, and receive the results is not
usually a critical health issue, although promptness in reporting the results of an evaluation adds credibility and
impact. On the other hand, some evaluations of acutely acting substance may require immediate results such as a
direct on the spot reading.

Workers are likely to alter their behavior, consciously or unconsciously, when they are observed. To the extent that a
worker’s exposure is related to the worker’s actions, this change can distort the representativeness of the evaluation.
Measurement methods which require the close presence of the person collecting the sample are more likely to
influence the result than samples collected with unobtrusive devices worn by the worker.

Proximity to Breathing Zone.

Whereas all exposure measurement methods attempt to sample from air that is likely to be inhaled, some methods do
so better than others. A sampler fixed some distance away from a breathing area is not usually accurate in measuring
exposure. Even using mobile samplers that move with the worker, the few centimeters in distance from the nose and
mouth to the position of the sampler, has been found to make a difference.

The more accurate the sampling method the better. Given the very large environmental variability, however,
sampling and analytical imprecision is rarely a significant contribution to overall error, or width of confidence

2.3. Information Gathering.

The planning of an evaluation should be complete before any actual measurements are made. The plan should
include the sampling strategy element, the choice of sampling and analytical method, and how the data are to be
analyzed and tested to arrive at a decision. This last is critical to the planning because weak data cannot support a
decision whereas some decisions require no data at all
However, if planning assumptions turn out to be incorrect, it may be necessary to revise the plan
Management of Employee Cooperation.

Before beginning to collect data, the cooperation of the managers involved, including the first line supervisor, and of
the workers should be secured. Management needs to be informed so that they can be confident that surveillance
activities will not upset production or lead to injuries

Sample Integrity.

In order to be able to rely on the results of measurements, it is necessary to be sure that the sample as analyzed is the
same as it was when collected, and that it is properly identified in the field, in the laboratory, and in the report.
Transit times and temperatures should be within the limits allowed for the type of sample and analysis. A series of
documents that establish a chain of custody should exist so that it is possible to be sure that
the right result goes with the right sample.

2.4. Decision Process

The evaluation and decision steps cannot be separated because the conduct of the evaluation, the strategy,
measurement method, and data collection are all a part of the decision process.

Whereas a conclusion that conditions are to some degree unsafe requires that something be done, what should be
done depends on the range and impact of the conclusion. The problem may be easy to correct, or it may no longer
exist. The data may describe past conditions that do not presently exist but may recur. It may be that the only
possible decision is to undertake significant exposure reduction efforts at great cost. The possibility of each decision
should have been anticipated when the evaluation was planned so that the data in hand support the decision that
must be made.

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