I Agree, Here's Some Reasons Why

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1. How does science and technology affect contemporary life and vice versa?

 Several new, more powerful technologies have made their way into households and offices as we
approach the twenty-first century.  Mobile phones and the Internet allow for faster communication.
Looking around you, you see that technology has evolved so rapidly over the years that the effects are
quite daunting.Technology and science work hand in hand to improve the quality of human life.
Science creation has made numerous discoveries and innovations that are giving us both positive and
negative effects. There are many advantages and disadvantages that science and technology can bring
to humans and their world. Science and technology simplify the way we live. Works can be carried
out easier with high-tech machines and equipment. It's giving people less hours and our jobs can be
done faster. Nowadays computer is every person's most useful and popular invention. Some might say
there's nothing they can do without a computer. Some think, it's a kind of enjoyment. Science and
technology not only show us the positive side, but also its drawbacks, which have a significant impact
on human life. If we look around the surroundings, it's so crowded, polluted and damaged that it's
mostly caused by the existence of invented technologies worldwide.Our mother earth is totally
influenced by its life and our natural environment is replaced by new large buildings and factories run
by technology-based owners.Science and technology also impact our lifestyles and our well being.
Technology-generated chemicals are dangerous to our health which is likely to result in death and

2. Do you believe that Google makes people stupid? Cite at least three examples to support
your assertion.

I agree, here’s some reasons why:

 Search engines help you find what you want to find, not conflicting perspectives
It is in the nature of search engines to give people what they want.
If you possess a particular belief and want to find evidence for your position, Google will supply
you with plenty of links to smart-sounding, seemingly credible evidence supporting your belief.

 Google doesn’t want us to slow down and it is keeping us distracted.

When we’re surfing throughout nets and we using google to find what we’re looking for it is also
keeping us online from the other sites and it is just making us distracted and out of focus on what
we’re really asigned to do, thus it only makes us more curious of what we do.
   You will and can just Google for facts and figures/something you’re searching for
but will give a multiple sites to look onto.
The richness of human intelligence is predicated on summoning our long-term memory.
Creativity requires engaging our long-term faculties, in order to create new neural
pathways and associations. By reading incessantly on the Internet, we scatter our minds,
lessen our focus, and diminish our aptitude.

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