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OpenTower - Mount Analysis


User Manual
Last Updated: July 18, 2020
Table of Contents
1 Getting Started ................................................................................................................................................................ 3

Services and Support Information............................................................................................................................... 3

2 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................................... 4

3 Modeling ............................................................................................................................................................................ 6

Data Grid for Input ............................................................................................................................................................. 6

Top Ribbon Control.......................................................................................................................................................... 11

Drawing Rendered interactive View ........................................................................................................................ 16

Navigation window (Left Hand Panel)..................................................................................................................... 20

Property View (Right Hand Panel) ............................................................................................................................ 21

Design Color ........................................................................................................................................................................ 22

4 Analysis and Design .................................................................................................................................................... 23

5 Results and Report ...................................................................................................................................................... 24

6 Appendix.......................................................................................................................................................................... 25

Appendix _ A – Consideration in mount analysis .............................................................................................. 25

Appendix _ B - Intermediates Files .......................................................................................................................... 25

1 Getting Started
OpenTower Mount Analysis is purpose-built for analyzing and designing mounting frames
installed on communication towers. It can design different types of mounts including Sector
Frame, T-Arm, and Platform (3 sided or 4 sided). The program is developed by practicing tower
engineers. It is designed to capture the typical workflow of a mount analysis. A state-of-the-art
technology (and graphics), the program is futuristic by design for its openness and user-
friendliness. Apart from its rich user interface, the geometry can be easily constructed from a
predefined MS-excel.

It is a physical modeling system, where geometry is defined as an assembly of different member

types, such as Horizontals, Verticals, Redundant, Pipe Mounts, and Diagonals. Loadings on the
mount are defined through OpenTower’s intuitive user-interface and placed precisely on the
mounting frame utilizing attributes like lateral offset, horizontal offset, vertical offset, and
azimuth. The program extends OpenTower’s rich visualization experience to simulate a real-life
use case. All equipment and the mounting frame is drawn to the scale.

Scalability is a key aspect of the program. Any mounting frame can be stored in a catalog
(library) to be used for change analysis and to quickly analyze the similar mounts for other
towers. The program automatically generates all types of loadings including wind load for all
specified directions along with Lv and Lm loads as defined in TIA 222-H standard. A
professional quality report is auto-generated with 3D graphics, tables, and final ratings. Reports
can be exported in various formats, including PDF, RTF, CSV, etc.

Mount analysis supports TIA (TIA-222-H) and AISC 360 design standards. The mount structural
members are checked for both Axial as well as for combined Bending and Axial interaction

Services and Support Information

Downloads and support of Bentley products are facilitated through Bentley CONNECT Services.
For more detailed information visit Bentley CONNECT services.

Technotes, FAQs, and additional Bentley product information can be found on the Bentley
Communities page. Here you can find answers to your technical questions about the program,
as well as gain insight into current and emerging best practices in the industry.

Log issues that you encounter with Bentley products using the Service Request Manager.
2 Introduction
The program is designed for a seamless, integrated workflow and works as an extension of the
existing OpenTower analysis. All loadings can be defined using OpenTower’s user interface
including the mount and all the associated appurtenances at the desired location. (Please refer
the OpenTower manual for more details on Discrete appurtenances such as mounts and antennas).

The mount analysis application can be accessed for an active scenario with TIA-222-H wind
definition. Double-clicking on a mount in the navigation window will open the interface for the
mount analysis application.

The default model of a mounting frame (Platform, Sector Frame, or T- Arm) in the mount
analysis interface is created from the physical dimensions of the mount (Height, Width, or
stand-off) as defined in the discrete user interface of OpenTower. The user can then modify the
default geometry by using various graphical interactive tools. Another useful option is to model
the geometry by importing a predefined spreadsheet.
The mount analysis interface is divided into 5 sub-regions as shown in the image below.

1) Data Grid for Input

2) Top Ribbon Control
3) Drawing Rendered interactive View
4) Navigation window (Left Hand Panel)
5) Property View

With the appurtenances data and default model generated through OpenTower, users need to
perform the following three operations to successfully complete a mount analysis:

1. Modeling
2. Analysis and Design
3. Report
3 Modeling
Data Grid for Input
Users can quickly model a mount by entering data in a spreadsheet-like data grid built
specifically for the tower engineers. There are four tabs in the panel. The grating tab is optional
and meant for grating related inputs of a platform type mounting frame.

Nodes – This is the first Tab of the Panel. The user can manage (add, edit) the nodes of the
model by entering data in this table. It has three columns as shown in the image below. The new
row can be added by using the enter key in the Z column of the last node. Also, use the refresh
button in the ribbon to update the graphics.

Node This is the Node Number and auto-


X[in] This is the X-coordinate of the node, need

to provide in inches.

Y[in] This is the Y-coordinate of the node, need to

provide in inches.

Z[in] This is the Z-coordinate of the node, need to

provide in inches.
Member – In this table, the user can define all the critical information about the structural
members of the mounting frame.

Physical Member This is the Member Number and auto-


Start Node This is the start node of the member.

End Node This is the end node of the member.

Section Double-clicking on the cell, a section

profile window will open up. Users can
select appropriate members and
associated material from several built-
in catalogs. Please see appendix for a
list of sections supported in mount

The material selected from the section
profile dialog is displayed here.

Member Type The field denotes the member classification

(or tag). The choices are Horizontal,
Vertical, Diagonal, Pipe Mount, and
Redundant. In most cases, the appropriate
value is auto-populated. Users can change
(for example changing Horizontal to
Redundant) a member type as appropriate.
Please note, this tag is very important for
the auto-generation of Lv and Lm loadings
on horizontals and pipe mount pipes as
defined in TIA 222-H.
Member Description It is similar to Member Type but denotes
the members with respect to the wind
directions and utility. Options are
• Parallel to Wind
• Perpendicular to the wind
• Tie member in case of "T –Arm" or
Sector Frame.
• For a platform, the possible options
are Face of Platform and Projected
to Face of Platform

Beta The member orientation w.r.t its local axis.

Start Release The field represents the member

connectivity at the start of the member. The
six degrees of freedom (Fx, Fy, Fz, Mx, My,
Mz) are represented by the binary numbers
in the sequential order. 0 represents fix,
and 1 represents free or release.

End Release Like the Start Release but the releases are
defined at the end of the member.

Design Parameter – The design parameters outlined in the table below will be used to define the
design parameters. The application automatically calculates the buckling lengths and other factors
based on the connection types and end conditions. However, this table provides a convenient
option to overwrite those values for specific design needs.

End Condition Based on the defined end conditions, the

effective slenderness ratio will be
calculated as per TIA-222-H Table 4-4. The
“None” option will consider a section as a
cantilever and will apply the K =2.1 as per
AISC 360 effective length factors. There are
four available options for selecting the end
1. None: consider as cantilever element
2. Eccentric Single Shear (default)
3. Eccentric Double Shear
4. Concentric

Bolt Pattern This is the bolt pattern that is used to

connect the bracing member. The options

• Zero if the connection is welded.

• One (1) for bolted connections.

For more information on the bolt patterns,

please refer to the OpenTower manual,
appendix ???

Bolt Size and Grade Bolt diameter to find the net area of cross-
section. Default - 1/2_A325(1/2 to 1)_N

Edge/Pitch/Gage/Gage Spacing Provide information of gage and edge

Note: Connection calculations are not
implemented in this version.

Connector Type This input is only applicable for double

angles with stitch spacing

Connector Spacing Spacing between connectors for double

angle sections and required for slenderness
ratio calculation

Ufactor Shear lag factor and the default is auto

LEx (ft) Buckling length in the local x-axis to
calculate the slenderness ratio. Default to
LEy (ft)
Buckling length in the local y-axis to
calculate the slenderness ratio. Default to
LEz (ft) auto

Buckling length in the local z-axis to

calculate the slenderness ratio. Default to
Kx auto

K value in the local x-axis and default auto
K value in the local y-axis and default auto

K value in the local z-axis and the default is

Passing Rating The permissible design ratio of applied load
to the section capacity. Default is set to 105
% and users can modify the rating value in
the wind definition

Note: auto – this option allows the application to calculate the values as per applicable design

Grating – This Tab consists of all the information about grating loading (area load) specifically for
the platform mount type.

ID It is the Grating ID, an autogenerated


Bounding Nodes These are the bounding nodes completing

the closed polygon for a grating. The nodes
are comma-separated.

Weight It is the dead load of grating given in pound

per sq. Ft

Weight 1/2(psf) It is the ice load of grating for 1/2” ice

thickness given in pound per sq. Ft

Weight 1 (psf) It is the ice load of grating for 1” ice

thickness given in pound per sq. Ft
Weight 2 (psf) It is the ice load of grating for 2” ice
thickness given in pound per sq. Ft

Weight 4 (psf) It is the ice load of grating for 4” ice

thickness given in pound per sq. Ft

Note: The ice load for escalated ice thickness is linearly interpolated.

Top Ribbon Control

The Top- Ribbon Control in the application provides various tools and utilities for saving the
model, creating the model, viewing the model, and performing the analysis and design. The
menus are grouped according to their functions.

File -

Save – The menu allows the user to save the data of a mount analysis local to its parent
OpenTower file.

Exit – It closes the mount analysis application, and the control goes back to its parent
OpenTower application.

Import – It is a feature by which the user can import the model geometry from an XLS file. The
user must use a pre-formatted XLS file to enter appropriate data.

Save To Library –
The menu allows the user to save the detailed model geometry in a database (only the mount
details and not appurtenances). A mount is uniquely identified with the combination of the
Model and the Manufacturer Name. Subsequently, when this mount is invoked from the
OpenTower application, the program searches the unique mount ID in its database and open
the detailed saved model. If the unique mount ID already exists in its database, the program will
warn the user before updating the model in its database.

Split Member –

There are two distinctive tools available for creating nodes graphically.

This tool helps to create new nodes on any existing member. The user needs to select any
physical member and click the menu. It will pop up a dialog as shown below. There are tow
available options:

1. Split By Distance – The user can enter multiple distances (separated by comma) from the
start of the member in inches.
2. Split By Ratio – The user needs to enter data as a fraction separated by comma(","). The
member will split accordingly to the fraction.

This tool helps the user to create a node at the intersection point of the two members. The user
needs to select two members that are intersecting and then click the menu. A node will be
formed at the intersection point.

Nodes and Coordinates –

Like Nodes, there are two tools available for creating a physical member.

Nodes – This tool helps the user to create a member between two existing nodes. The user
clicks the menu first and then selects the first node by a rubber band and then selects the
second node in a similar fashion. A new physical member will be created and drawn
simultaneously between the two nodes.

Coordinates This tool helps the user to create a member between two points whose coordinates
are known. (X1,Y1,Z1) represent the start node and (X2, Y2, Z2) represents the end node.
Model View – To view the model there are standards tools as follows

Rotate View – There are six different menu items that help to rotate and zoom the view. Those
tools are as follows.

Model View – These are standard tools for viewing the model from different directions.
Cursor –

There are two different cursors available for selecting Nodes and Members.


This tool enables the user to convert a mount-pipe (originally modeled as a pipe-mount or a
mount-pipe in the form of appurtenance in OpenTower) to a structural member and thus the
stiffness of this pipe member will be added to the mounting frame.


It is advisable to click the refresh once the user has made any changes in the data grid to reflect
in the graphics window.

Drawing Rendered interactive View

The main graphics window shows the rendered 3D – view of the model (both the mounting
frame and the appurtenances). The window also provides a set of context menus.
Select Node Make the present cursor to “select node”.

Select Member Make the present cursor to “select


Select Analytical Member Make the present cursor to “select

analytical member”.

Select Support Make the cursor to “select support”.

Make the cursor to “select grating”

Select Grating

Reset The model view is back to the 3D rendered

Make Model Transparent This set the model to a transparent view
Show Analytical Model This menu item shows the underlying Analytical
Rotate Model This menu item enables the user to rotate the
model by a specific angle about the origin (0,0,0).

Translate Model This menu helps the user to translate the model
in X and Z direction

Show Stick Model This menu helps the user to have the Physical
model of the frame as a line diagram

Hide All Antenna This menu will hide all the antennas present in
the model. You can click Reset to bring those

Create Grating This menu allows users to create a Grating zone.

The user needs to select the nodes in a specific
order and click this menu. The weight of the
gratings for no ice and other ice thickness needs to be
defined in the grating table

Create Support This menu allows users to create any of the

three supports (Fixed, Fixed But and Pinned).
The user needs to select the node first and then
click this menu.
Navigation window (Left Panel)
The Left panel or the navigation pane shown in the mount analysis program lists all
loadings, the wind definition, and supports. When any of the leaf nodes are selected, their
properties are displayed on the right panel (Property view).
Property View (Right Panel)
The Right panel or property view shows the read-only properties of any selected object in the
property view, Data Grid, or in the main graphics.
Design Color
The members are colors coded as per the capacity ratio after a successful design
4 Analysis and Design
Analysis and Design: The tower icon in the application allow you to specify the instruction to
analyze and design the mounting frame. Elastic analysis can be performed and analysis data,
such as axial forces, bending moments are tabulated in the report.

Design: Mount analysis has an extensive implementation of steel member design capabilities
following the guidelines of TIA-222-H and AISC 360 standards. It carries axial as well as
interaction checks to calculate the critical capacity ratios. Design functionality can only be carried
out after a successful analysis run. Some key components of the design processes are as followings:

• Slenderness checks
• Section classification
• Compression capacity
• Tension capacity
• Bending capacity
• Interaction Check

When a design is performed, the report file generated based on the maximum utilization ratio
from all of the checks. The detailed results are tabulated in the report.

The flow diagram as shown below provide you the insight of what happens sequentially under
the hood when the user clicks this menu.
5 Results and Report
Mount analysis generates a customized report, containing numerical and graphical data
including geometry and loadings. Reports are created when a user clicks on the report icon
to generate a report after the successful completion of the analysis and design. This report can
be printed directly or can be exported to many formats, including PDF, WORD, etc.

The mount analysis report contains the following data for users to review.

• Images
o Mount with Antennas
o Mount model
o Mount wireframe with sectional properties
o Discrete Appurtenance Load Distribution
o Mount Design Model with color-coded to identify the capacity ratio
• Mount Summary
• Wind Load Parameters
• Site parameters
• Mount Wind Pressure
• Mount Geometry
• Mount Load Details
• Load combination
• Mount Reaction
• Member Detail Summary
• Axial Design Summary
• Interaction Summary
6 Appendix
Appendix _ A – Consideration in mount analysis
The program currently supports the following cross-sections for member design.

▪ Angle
▪ Double Angle
▪ Circular Hollow
▪ Tube
▪ Channel
▪ Flat Bar
▪ Circular bar
▪ Custom Section

o Considers wind directions at 30-degree intervals starting from 0 by default for three legged
o Ignores the azimuth of the Mount And the bearing of the corresponding tower.
o For better visualization, the Centroid of a Platform, Centre of a Sector Frame, and the start
point of a T-arm is considered as the origin (0,0,0).
o Lm and Lv loads are applied as per TIA-222-H section 16.3
o For the Panel Antennas, the load is distributed in two points on the pipe mount the antenna
is attached to.
o The load combinations are followed as per section 16 of the TIA-222-H standard.
o The Lv loading is considered on the members with tags “Horizontal”.
o The Lm Loading is considered on the members with tags “PipeMount”.
o Does not consider Seismic Load.
o Does not perform Connection Design.
o Ignores base elevation parameter.

Appendix _ B - Intermediates Files

There are many intermediate files produced when analysis and design are performed by
the application in the following path -
“C:\ProgramData\Bentley\Engineering\OpenTower\TowerData\TempData\MFA”. The
below-mentioned files can be referred for validating intermediate results.

▪ WindPressureDetails.csv (Wind Pressure calculation)

▪ DiscreteEPAOutput.csv (EPA and Forces for the Mount Frames)
▪ DiscreteNodalLoad.csv (EPA and Forces for Appurtenances)
▪ PrimaryLoads.csv (Section Forces for Primary Load Cases)
▪ LoadCombinationLoads.csv (Section Forces for Combination Load Cases)
▪ MountFrameIceLoad.csv (Ice Load for the Frame)
▪ MemberdesignResult.csv (Member Design – Axial Check)
▪ MemberInteractionDesignResult.csv (Member Design- Interaction Check)
▪ PrimaryLoadCase.txt (List of all primary load cases)

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